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Academies, Dissenting, 193 Canterbury Cathedral, Huguenot Admonition, appended to Royal In- congregation in crypt, 115 junctions (1559), 13 Carleton, Bishop, his protest at Aggression, the Papal, 213 Dort, 116 Alexandrines, Dr Bigg on, 76 Casaubon, Isaac, 29, 30 Allegiance, Oath of, 90 Cathedrals, their use by the dis- Anglo-Catholics, 178 established Church, 52 Anne, Queen, 127, 128, 129, 193 Cavell, Nurse, 256 Anson, Sir William, on Establish- Celibacy of the Clergy, 153 ment,47 Charity schools, 189, 191, 193 Apostolic Epistles, disallow Roman Charles I, 29, 104, 117, 121, 232 cult of St Mary, 73 Charles II, 117, 232 Appeal to All Christian People Chatham, Lord, his description of issued by Lambeth Conference the Church of England, '94, 105 (1920), 251 Chichester, Dr Bell, Bishop of, 130 Appropriation of Benefices, 165 Children, Anglican and Dissenting Arian Controversy, 106 view of, 194 Armada, Spanish; 17, 27 Chillingworth, his view of subscrip• Articles, Thirty-nine, 94 f., 110, 243 tion, 31, 98 Assembly, Church, 44, 175, 177, on tradition, 72, 82 208, 215, 224, 227 on religion of Protestants, 197 Assent, Declaration of, 94 Christianity, Eastern, 240 f. Athanasian Creed, 73 Church of England, its doctrinal Augsburg, Diet at, 97 incoherence, 108 f. Confession of, 113, 138 its isolation, 111 Avignon, Papacy at, 6 its supremacy among Protestant churches, 128 Babylonian Captivity, 6 its dependence on the Monarchy, Basel, Council of, 14 128 Baxter, Richard, 118, 246 its educational tradition, 193 Bede, the Venerable, his merit as a Clerical Subscription Act (1865), 90, historian, 4 98 Belgium, Counter-Reformation in, Colenso, Bishop of Natal, 216 31 Comprehension, not the conse- Benson, Archbishop, 221 quence of Toleration, 118 Beveridge, Doctor, 110 Conciliar Movement, 22 Bible, English, practically unknown Constance, Council of, 14 to the people before the Refor• Constantine, 124, 229 mation, 15 Constantinople, 229, 230 its influence on the Royal Conversion of the English, in what Supremacy, 15 sense exceptional, 5 Bigg, Professor, his Bampton Lee- Convocation, 10 f., 21, 24, 46, 121, ture,75 213 f., 223 Bohemia, influence of Wycliffe in, 23 Cornish, Mr Warre, 213 Bramhall, Archbishop, 32 Corybantic Christianity, 238, 250 Brewer, 10 n., 158 Cosin, Bishop, 32 British and Foreign School Society, Coulton, Dr, on medieval educa• 189 tion, 185 Broadcasting, harmful to preacher's Cowper-Temple clause, 197, 198, influence, 239 200 Burke, Edmund, 30, 175, 246 Cranmer, Archbishop, 18 f., 59, 63, Burnet, Bishop, 128, 135, 137, 138 95, 102, 114, 117, 138, 187 Butler, Bishop, 78, 190 f., 248 Creighton, Bishop, 57, 59, 85, 214 Cripps, 140 Calvin, 16, 23, 25, 114 Crown's ecclesiastical patronage, Canonical Obedience, Oath of, 90 129

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-61951-7 - The Church of England Herbert Hensley Henson Index More information

260 INDEX Crusades, 229 Endowments, their connexion with Curtis, Professor, 104 Establishment, 52 Cyprian, St, 165 Erasmus, 23, 186 Erastianism, a link between Angli• D'Arcy, Archbishop, 80 canism and Eastern Christi• Darwin's Origin of Species, 79 anity,242 Davenport, Christopher (Franciscus Essays and Reviews, 79, 112 a Sancta Clara), 104 Established Church Act (1836), 210 Davidson, Archbishop, his influence Establishment, definitions of, 46 f. on the administration of the English and Scottish compared, Crown Patronage, 130 f. 49 f. Declaration of Faith by E.C.U., 106, as now existing, 43 f., 51 243 Eugenius IV, Pope, 230 Defender of the Faith, 11 Evangelical Party, 121, 123 Delitzsch on Isaiah, 78 Exchange of Benefices, its doubtful Denomination divisions, fluctuating legality, 182 and unreal, 198 Denominationalism, 257 Fascist State, its alliance with Development fatal to the older Papacy, 234 Anglican apologetic, 67 Fatal Opulence ofBishops, 144 Disestablishment, xi r, 55 f. Fawkes, Guy, 232 Dissent, 109, 118, 121 Feudalism, 160 Dissenters, their educational tradi• Florence, Council of, 230 tion, 193 Form-critics;82 excluded from the English Uni• Foxcroft, H. C., 65 n. versities but largely educated France, Elizabeth supports Hugue• abroad, 193 nots in the religious wars, 26 handicapped by weakness of Counter-Reformation triumphs in, systems, 238 31 Dixon, on the Articles, 24, 102, 188 Free Churches, 181, 250, 251 Dollinger, von, 158 Freehold of the Benefice, 172 f. Domesday Book of the Church. 210 French Embassy in Westminster Dort, of, 60, 116 Abbey, 115 Driver, Professor, 77, 79 French Revolution, its adverse affect Dual system, moribund, 199, 203 on popular education in Eng• blocks the way to settlement, 200, land, 189 207 Fuller, on the Articles, 101 why still defended, 204 Fundamentalists, 73 its maintenance no longer de• sirable, 205 Gallicans, reunion with sought by Durham, Bishop of, always sits in Anglicans, 236 House of Lords, 137 Gardiner's History ofCivil War, 120 income of See, 144 General Councils, their fallibility Durham, Diocese of, electoral roll declared in the XXXIXArticles, in, 226 107 George I and II, exercise of ecclesi• Ecclesiastical Commission, 209 f. astical prerogative transferred Ecclesiastical Committee of Privy to Ministers, 126 f. Council, 224 George III, 127 f. Ecclesiastical Courts, xiv Germany, source of the Reforma• Education, difference of method tion in, 22 between Anglicans and Dis- Gildas,4 senters, 195 Gladstone, W. E., his Relations 0/ responsibility for assumed by Church and State (1838), 46 State, 195 his letter to a Greek Archbishop Edward VI, 12, 16, 59, 154, 187 (1875), 105 Elizabeth, Queen, 12, 29, 118, 154 Gore, Bishop, his Essay in Lux Elizabethan Settlement, defended by Mundi, 75, 76 Hooker, 40 his view of the XXXIX Articles, now only an imposing facade, 40 106 Enabling Act, 44, 48, 55, 169, 175, his letter on Church schools 179 f., 215 (1906), 203

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INDEX 261 Gore, Bishop (cont.) Jewish schools, genuinely denomina- his objection to the baptismal tional, 200 franchise, 225 Jews, 21 Gorham, the Judgment, 213 Justinian, 16 Gorst, Sir John, 199 GrCl:Y, Bishop of Cape Town, 216 Knox, appointed to the Episcopate Grotius, doctrine of, 65 although a party leader, 132 Gunpowder Plot, 27, 232 Lake, Professor Kirsopp, 83 Hacket, his Life of Archbishop Lambeth Conference, 216 f. Williams, 115 Report of in 1920, xiii Halifax, Lord, his The Character of Report of Committee in 1930, 79 a Trimmer, 64 Encyclical Letter (1930), 237 Hall, Bishop, 61 Lateran Council (1215), 165 Hammond, 32 Lathbury, D. C., 106 Hampton Court Conference, 117 Laud, Archbishop, 19, 65, 104, 117, Harford, , 62 120, 121, 139 Harmony of Confessions, 104, 115 Leo X, Pope, 11, 106 Hartridge, History of Vicarages, 165 Lewis of Bavaria, 22 Hassall, Arthur, 5 n. Liddon, Canon, 77 Hawkins, Provost of Oriel, 69 Life and Liberty agitation, 180 Headlam, Bishop of Gloucester, 54, Lightfoot, Bishop, 165 88, 214 Lindsay, Principal, his History of Headmaster, his claim to control the Reformation, 12 n. religious teaching, 199 Lollardism, 23 Henrietta Maria, 32 London, Bishop of, his seat in the Henry VII, 10 House of Lords, 137 Henry VIII, 10, 29, 58, 137, 154, his income, 144 176 Longley, Archbishop, his view of Homage, Oath of, taken by Bishops, the functions of a Lambeth 137 Conference, 217 f. Hooker, Richard, 16, 39, 40, 59, 68, Louis XIV, 123,233 175, 246 Loyola, 16, 25 House of Lords, Bishops in, 146 Luther, 9, 11, 15, 23 Huguenot refugees in England, 115, Lux Mundi, 75, 79 233 Lyndewoode, Provinciale, 140 Hundred Years' War, its effect on English Monasticism, 6 Maitland, on the effect of Civil Law Hussite Movement, largely the pro• on the Royal Supremacy, 16 duct of Wycliffe's teaching, 23 Makower, his Constitutional History of the Church of England, Infallibility ofthe Church, Salmon's quoted, 166 n. Lectures on, 69 f. Malines, Conversations at, 237, 238 Injunctions (1559), conditions of Manning, his view of the Ecclesi• clerical marriage imposed, 154 astical Commission, 210 Innocent III, Pope, 165 his secession to Rome, 235 Interregnum, effect of misgovern• Marriage of the Clergy, 153 f. ment during, 121 Marriages, mixed, a proselytizing Introduction to Literature of Old instrument of the Roman Testament, by Professor Driver, Church, 236 alarm caused by, 77 Marsilius of Padua, a hostile critic Ireland, Church of, its incoherence of the Papacy, 22 and confusion, avoided by Martineau, Dr, his view of the Synod of Whitby, 5 Anglican layman, 65 Irish Papists, problems created by Mary, Queen, 12, 28, 154, 231 their immigration, 235 Mary II, Queen, 127, 128, 129 Mathieson, Dr, 210 James 1,29,61,118,155,232 Maurice, Frederic Denison, 216 James II, 20, 27, 32, 43, 127, 233 Medieval Christianity, a Christian- Jerusalem, Council of, 35 ized Judaism, 36 Jesuits, 17, 30, 103, 187 Methodist Movement, 121, 193,209, Jewel, his Apology, 59, 67 250

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262 INDEX Millenary Petition, 155 Party Trusts, 169, 170 Mirfield, Community of, 244 Patronage, 180 f. Monasticism, its predominance in Pattison, Mark, 29, 158 the Conversion ofthe English, 5 Paul, St, 62 its dependence on the Papacy, 6 Phillpotts, Bishop, 210 the odium of its foreign con- Phipps, on relation of Church and nexion,6 Monarchy, 128 Montanists, 73 Pius V, Pope, 231 Moody, American evangelist, 240 Platonists, the Cambridge, 33 Popish Plot, 65, 233 Nantes, revocation of Edict of, 233 Powicke, Professor, 185 Napoleon, long conflict with, its Praemunire, 124 effect on English religion, 123 Prayer Book Dictionary, 62 National Schools, not really de• Preaching, decline of importance in nominational, 201, 202 modern society, 239 buildings inferior and obsolete, Presbyterian Churches, their union 202 in Scotland, how far effected by National Society, 189, 192, 196 Church of Scotland Act (1921), Newman, Cardinal, his Via Media, 61 50 f. his sophistry, 67 Press, a product ofthe Reformation, his secession, 235 152 Nicene Creed, 71 Protestantism, replaced the Mon• Nonconformist conscience, no longer archy as the symbol of national politically important, 110 independence, 27 Nonconformists, 21, 27, 40, 118 mainly political in England, 27 Nonconformity, replaced by Dissent, Pulpits, interchange, 198 17 Pusey, Dr, 77, 219 Nonjurors, 32, 122, 139 Northbourne, Lord, 221 Quick, Canon, his Doctrines of the Creed, 89 Oath of Homage, 136 Quo Tendimus?, Bishop Henson's Occasional conformity, 248 primary charge (1924) to the Ontario, Bishop of, urges assembling clergy of Durham, 226 of Anglican Bishops, 217 Ordinal, Preface to, 104, 138, 139 Rebellion, the Great, tended to Ordination candidates, examina• modify antipapal feeling of tion of, 140, 149 Royalists, 119 effect of Ordaining humbly born Reform Act (1832), 130, 195, 208, men, 161 209 education, 162 Religion ofProtestants, 72, 83, 98 social influence, 163 Report ofArchbishops' Commission vocation, 181 on Doctrine, 74, 78, 87 Origin of Species, see Darwin Report of Lambeth Conference Oxford Dictionary definition of Committee on Authoritative State, 42 Standards, 103 Oxford Movement, 61, 104, 111, Representative Church Council, 130, 253 225 Revolution Settlement, 20, 121 Paley, on the Establishment, 175, Rich, Sir Richard, rebuked by 176, 246 Cranmer, 187, 188 Papacy, the, 5 f., 14, 27, 248 Robinson, Bishop, the last ecclesi• Parents, their educational prefer• astical diplomat, 152 ences mainly fictional, 198 Roman Catholic schools, genuinely Paris, Treaty of (1815), 105 denominational, 200 Second Peace of, 209 Roman Empire, its downfall a cause Parker, Archbishop, 59, 63, 102, 154 of the cessation of theological Parliament, progressive seculariza• thinking, 87 tion of, 21 Rome, sack of (1527), 9 its control of the Established Roth, Cecil, 36 n. Church, 176 Rousseau, 189 Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Royal Commission (1835), 210 Measure, 179 Royal Injunctions, 13

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INDEX 263 Royal Supremacy, the distinctive Theodore, Archbishop, 164 feature ofthe English Reforma• ThirlwalI, Bishop, 66 tion, 7 Thirty-nine Articles, the platform of the natural outcome of history, the Church of England, 97 10 meaning of subscription con• affirmed crudely by Supremacy sidered, 98 f. Act (1534), 11 originally more political than Rule ofFaith, Anglican and Roman, theological, 100 72 Thompson, Professor Hamilton, 4 Thorndike, 32 Sacheverell, trial of, 128 Tillotson, Archbishop, 65, 110, Salmon, Provost, his Lectures on 135 the Infallibility of the Church, Toleration Act, 25, 27, 102, 247 69,70 Toleration caused by the failure of Sanday, Canon, 79 Comprehension, 17 Sanderson, Bishop, his Preface to Tract XC, 104 the Prayer Book, 60 Tractarians, 66, 67, 122, 123, 139, Sandys, Sir Edwyn, his Europae 178, 210, 235 Speculum, 30, 187 Tradition, 72 Sankey, Lord, on Church schools, Trent, Council of, 97, 104, 111, 122, 196 178 Sankey, the American revivalist, 240 Tudors, the centre of national Savoy Conference, the, 123 feeling, 11 Scotland, Church of, Act, 50 f. Tyndale, William, 15 Scottish Presbyterians, specially odious to Royalist Anglicans, Undenominational Christianity popu• 119 lar in England, 197, 199, 202 Selborne, Lord, Defence of Esta- Uniformity, Act of, 192, 193 blishment, 46, 125, 126, 159 Uniformity, Amendment Act, 168 Selden, 12 its practical importance, 177 Settlement, Act of, ,,28 reason of its failure, 178 Seven Bishops, their resistance to Union with Scotland, its effect on James 11,27 Parliament, 21 Sibbes and Simeon, an essay on Unitarians, why excluded from the Party Trusts, 170 n. Christian Church, 85 Simeon, Calvinism of, 66 a highly specialized minority, 202 Socialism, affecting Church and Ussher, Archbishop, his view of the Dissent, 194 XXXIX Articles, 98 Solemn League and Covenant, 119 his theory of episcopacy, 113 South, 128 Utrecht, Treaty of, 105 Stamp, Lord, xi Standish, Dr, his appeal to Vatican Council, 70 Henry VIII, 11 Vatican, diplomatic relations with Stanley, Dean, 39 England restored, 234 State, definition of, 42 hostile attitude to Malines Con• Streeter, Canon, 79 versations, 238 Stubbs, Bishop, 4, 5, 41, 42, 49, 137, Victoria, Queen, interest in epis• 185, 214 copal appointments, 130 Sunday, decline of observance, Archbishop Davidson's advice to, 239 131 Sunday Schools, at first regarded Virgin Birth, not properly described with suspicion, 189 as historical, 80, 83 Supremacy Act, 11 f. Sweden, Church of, 236, 246 Warburton, Bishop, on Establish- Sykes, his Edmund Gibson, 194 n. ment, 175, 246 Waterloo, victory of, 209 Tait, Archbishop, xii, 135, 219 Watson, Professor E. W., 4, 164 Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop, 32 Wesley, John, 240, 249 Temperament, English, 62 Westcott, Bishop, 107 Temple, , Westminster Confession, 50, 97 135, 168 Westminster, distinctively a national Tertullian, 19 church, 39, 53, 115

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264 INDEX Whateley, Archbishop, 66 Woodward, Bishop of Rochester, Whichcote, Benjamin, 34, 93 143 Whitby, Synod of, 5 Wordsworth,41 Whitgift, Archbishop, 65, 149 Wycliffe, John, 23 William III, 27, 28, 118, 126, 127 York and Lancaster, union greatly Williams, Archbishop, 115 increased the power of the Winchester, Bishop of, seat in House Crown, 10 of Lords, 137 Wolsey, Cardinal, 11 Zuinglius, 23

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