State and Society in Europe 25Th - 27Th of October 2017

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State and Society in Europe 25Th - 27Th of October 2017 Programme of the 10th International Conference State and Society in Europe 25th - 27th of October 2017 25th of October 2017 Speech and Rhetoric in Contemporary Society The opening of the section Speech and Rhetoric in Contemporary Society 09.00 - 09.30 Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova His Eminence Irineu, Ph.D., Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia – Word of blessing; Lucian Dindirică, Ph.D., Manager – “Alexandru & Aristia Aman” Dolj County Library, Romania – Dialog, vision and convergence interdisciplinary: Faculty of Theology of Craiova and Aman Library. Speech and Rhetoric in the Contemporary Society 09.30 - 10.45 Chair: Fr. Lect. Ioniță Apostolache, Ph.D. Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova Prof. Mihai Coman, Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass-Media of Bucharest, Romania - Media, the religious discourse and the public sphere; Judge Nicolae Iliescu, Ph.D., Vice president of the General Court of Dolj, Romania - Reserved Title; Fr. Eugen Tănăsescu, Ph.D., PR of the Archdiocese of Tomis, Romania - The disinformation and the manipulation from the public area. Case Study: the initiative of the Coalition for family for the constitutional change; Fr. Prof. Ion Popescu, Ph.D., “St. Filofteia” Faculty of Theology of Piteşti, Romania - The Rationality of Theological Discourse; Fr. Assoc. Prof. Nicuşor Beldiman, Ph.D., “Iustinian Patriarhul” Faculty of Theology of Bucharest, Romania - Logos Parainetikos. Parenetic Principles in the Homiletic Works of Metropolitan Firmilian Marin; 10.45 - 11.00 Debates. 11.00 - 11.15 Open Discussions; Coffee break. Speech and Rhetoric in Contemporary Society (II) 11.15 - Chair: Fr. Assoc. Prof. Adrian Ivan, Ph.D. 12.30 Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova Prof. Maria-Magdalena Jianu, Ph.D., General Director in the Ministry of Education, Romania - Education and transdisciplinarity. From the loneliness today to the singularity of tomorrow; 1 Prof. Habil. Gabriela Rusu-Păsărin, Ph.D., Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania - The Ritualization of Communication and the Ritual Consumption of Mass Media; Assoc. Prof. Cecilia-Mihaela Popescu, Ph.D., Faculty of Letters, University of Craiova, Romania - The Multi-functionality of “atunci” or on the Polysemy of Discursive Markers in Contemporary Romanian Language; Fr. Assist. Prof. Vasile Creţu, Ph.D., “Iustinian Patriarhul” Faculty of Theology of Bucharest, Romania - Reserved title; Fr. Assoc. Prof. Adrian Boldişor, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - The Clash of Civilization – a Mistification of Truth? 12.30 - Debates. 12.45 Book Launch 12.45 - Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova 13.30 Fr. Ioniţă Apostolache, Words of soul, people and places from the history of the Orthodox Church from Oltenia. Examples of Christian confession from the pages of Lumina Newspaper, Trinitas Publishing House, Bucharest: 2017. Presents: Daniela Şontică, Editor in Chief of Lumina Newspaper, Tudor Nedelcea, Toma Rădulescu & Prof. Silvia Cârţu, “Părinţi pentru copii – Oltenia” Association. 14.00 Lunch Speech and Rhetoric in Contemporary Society (III) 15.00 - Chair: Fr. Assoc. Prof. Adrian Boldișor, Ph.D. 16.30 Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova Fr. Assoc. Prof. Adrian Ivan, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - And the Word became flesh … and we have seen His glory … The mystagogical character of the preaching work in the Church; Fr. Assoc. Prof. Ioan Picu Ocoleanu, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania -Reserved title; Fr. Assoc. Prof. Constantin Băjău, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania -The beauty and actuality of patristic gospel; Lect. Mihai Iulian Constantinescu, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - Public Discourse Issues Regarding the Constitutional Redefinition of Marriage in Romania; Fr. Lect. Ioniţă Apostolache, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - The Apology of the Speech vs. the Apologetic of Rhetoric; Assist. Prof. Mihai Ciurea, Ph.D., Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - Rhetorical Analysis of Biblical Texts and Its Importance for the Synchronic Exegesis of the New Testament. 16.30 - Debates. 16.45 2 An International Panel on Shifting World Orders 15.30 - Venue: „Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library, “Dinu C. Giurescu” Hall 17.30 Introduction and Q&A by: Lect. Florin Păsătoiu, Ph.D., Center for Foreign Policy and Security Studies, University of Craiova, Romania. Keynote Address Prof. Em. Barry Buzan, Ph.D., Department of International Relations, London School of Economics, United Kingdom - Rising Powers in the Emerging World Order; Panel Discussion Lect. Igor Istomin, Ph.D., Moscow State Institute of International Relations - MGIMO, Russian Federation - Perspective on Emerging World Order from the Restoring Power; Lect. Cristian Nițoiu, Ph.D., Research Fellow, London School of Economics, United Kingdom - Hard vs civilizational geopolitics in Eurasia: The path towards hegemony; Prof. Ioan Horga, Ph.D., Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences of University of Oradea, Romania. Lect. Florin Păsătoiu, Ph.D., Center for Foreign Policy and Security Studies, University of Craiova, Romania. Speech and Rhetoric in Contemporary Society (IV) 17.00 - Chair: Lect. Mihai Iulian Popescu, Ph.D. 18.40 Venue: The Restoration Center of the Faculty of Theology of Craiova Fr. Assoc. Prof. Nicolae Răzvan Stan, Ph.D., Dean - Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - Discourse and Rhetoric at the Hesychasts Fathers; Deac. Assist. Prof. Nicolae Preda, Ph.D., “Iustinian Patriarhul” Faculty of Theology of Bucharest, Romania - Formulas of Blessing within the Funeral Ordinances - brief theological and liturgical analysis; Prof. Ileana Boldişor, Ph.D.c., “Al. Piru” Doctoral School, Faculty of Letters of Craiova, Romania - Landmarks from the Religious Media from Romania; Fr. Florin Iliescu, Ph.D.c., “Sf. Nicodim” Doctoral School, Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - Some aspects regarding the preaching style of the priest; Radu Andrei Emanuel, Ph.D.c., “Isidor Todoran” Doctoral School, Faculty of Theology of Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Current valences in the homiletic work of Bishop Iosif Gafton; Fr. Constantin Mladin, Ph.D.c., “Sf. Nicodim” Doctoral School, Faculty of Theology of Craiova, Romania - The profane discourse on Byzantine emperors. Night Owl Roundtable 18.00 - 20.00 Venue: “Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library, “Marin Sorescu” Hall Prof. Vihren Bouzov, Ph.D., Faculty of Philosophy, St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria - A complementarity principle as a basis for building of a New World Order; Prof. Adrian Pop, Ph.D., Faculty of Political Science, National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Romania - Testing Modelski’s Long Cycles Model: A Reappraisal of “the American Century” and the Sino-American Relations; 3 Lect. Ionel Sava, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, University of Bucharest, Romania - How to make the Europe a global actor: The Reconstruction of the EU and the role of the new member states in East Central Europe; Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Mikhaylenko, Ph.D., Department of International Relations, Ural Federal University, Russian Federation - Multi-level challenges to the nuclear non- proliferation regime: the role of great, emerging, middle and other powers; Flavius Caba-Maria, Chairman, Middle East Political and Economic Institute, Romania - Challenges in the Middle East- reshaping international relations’ paradigm; Mészáros Edina Lilla, Ph.D., Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences of University of Oradea, Romania - The Hegemonic Stability Theory under Scrutiny: a Fragmented World Order in the Making?!; Lect. Dorin Dolghi, Ph.D., Faculty of History, International Relations, Political Science and Communication Sciences of University of Oradea, Romania - The Use and Abuse of Identity Variable in the West-East Relations. 20.00 Dinner 26th of October 2017 Registration 09.00 „Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library, Main Hall, Aman Building Conference Official Opening Welcoming speeches 9.30 - Venue: “Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library, “Dinu C. Giurescu” Hall 09.45 Lucian Dindirică, Ph.D., Manager - “Alexandru & Aristia Aman” Dolj County Library, Romania. Prof. Ioan Scurtu, Ph.D., Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania; Prof. Corneliu Mihail Lungu, Ph.D., Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania. Plennary Session Keynote Speakers 09.45 - Chair: Prof. Corneliu Mihail Lungu, Ph.D. & Prof. Ioan Scurtu, Ph.D. 11.55 Venue: „Alexandru and Aristia Aman” County Library, “Dinu C. Giurescu” Hall Prof. Corneliu Mihail Lungu, Ph.D., Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania – Documentary testimonies regarding the salvation of the National Being in 1917; Prof. Ioan Scurtu, Ph.D., Academy of Romanian Scientists, Romania – June 1917: See you in Alba-Iulia; Prof. Gheorghe Onișoru, Ph.D., “Ștefan cel Mare” University, Romania - Romania and Russia in 1917: from alliance to confrontation; Res. Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan, Ph.D., “George Barițiu” Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania - Small Wallachia under the Rule of the Habsburgs (1716-1739); Prof. Radu Carp, Ph.D., Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, Romania - The fragmented evolution of populist parties in Romania: from nationalism to 2.0 political movements;
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