Facilities Engineering Seminar

Rancho Bernardo Inn · San Diego, CA November 7-9, 2007 (business casual attire is suggested for this seminar) Wednesday, November 7 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast (Aragon Pre-Function Area) 8:30 - 8:45 a.m. Welcome and Opening Remarks (Aragon I & II) Kurt Nagle Antonio (Tony) Gioiello President & CEO Chief Harbor American Association of Port Authorities Port of Los Angeles Alexandria, VA Bruce B. Hollingsworth President and CEO Port of San Diego 8:45 – 10:15 a.m. Panel I: Logistics Part I (Aragon I & II) Congestion is already a major cause for concern on our highways. Our seaborne trade is growing and will continue to grow at rates forecast to be in the region of 6 – 10% per annum through 2020, putting an even greater strain on our road networks. Driver shortages, changes in driver operating hours, increasing gas prices, and stricter environmental controls are all additional factors which can limit the potential volume of road traffic. Railroads, Waterways and Short Sea Shipping can provide viable and much needed alternative capacity in future years. This session will explore the effectiveness of these alternatives; discuss their inter-relationship and the potential effects which each can have on traffic flows in and out of the ports, and around our coast. Moderator: Vancouver, BC Transportation Geoff Stokoe Logistics Study Executive Consultant Philip Davies Strategy, LLC Vice President Halcrow Consulting Inc. Barnaby, BC 10:15 – 10:30 a.m. Break (Aragon Pre-Function Area) • Sponsored by BERGER/ABAM Inc., Federal Way, WA

10:30 a.m. – 12 noon Panel II: Logistics Part II (Aragon I & II) Three significant developments will be reviewed to determine how they will impact our ports, and change how international and domestic cargoes are carried to their destination. The inter-relationship with road and with all other modes of freight transport will also be considered. Philip Davies Panama Canal Future Projects Vice President Reece Shaw Halcrow Consulting Inc. Senior Program Mgr. Barnaby, BC CH2MHILL San Francisco, CA

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Wednesday, November 7 (continued)

12 noon – 1:30 p.m. Lunch (Aragon Lawn) • Sponsored by the Port of Los Angeles

2:00 - 3:15 p.m. Panel III: AAPA Facility Engineering Recognition (Aragon I & II) The 5th Annual Facilities Engineering Awards were part of the recently completed 96th Annual Convention in Norfolk, VA. These are presentations from the top submitting ports. Erato Street Cruise Terminal Direct Coal Loading at Santa Marta Deborah D. Keller Marine Terminal Director of Port Development Domenico José Gallo Zawady Port of New Orleans Sociedad Portuaria de Santa Marta S.A. COLOMBIA 3:15 – 3:30 p.m. Break (Aragon Pre-Function Area)

3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Panel IV: Security Issues Bay Area Emergency Response Plan (Aragon I & II) Bay Area Port Security Addressed on a Regional Basis The Tier 1 ports in the San Francisco Bay Area (SF, Oakland, Richmond, Stockton) are joining together to prioritize security projects on a regional basis. This presentation will describe the strategy employed in grant application and prioritization and the development of a joint powers agreement between the agencies to expedite implementation.

• Command & Control • Technology Moderator: Speakers: Mr. Gioiello Tom Baldwin Senior Port of Long Beach 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Reception: • USS Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum, San Diego

The buses will depart at 5:30 p.m. sharp from the Rancho Bernardo Inn and return at 9:30 p.m.

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Thursday, November 8

7:30 - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (served in the Exhibit Hall) (Aragon III) • Sponsored by CH2M Hill, Oakland, CA

8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Panel V: Financing Public Private Partnerships for Ports and (Aragon I & II) Marine Terminals This session will provide insight into the use of Public Private Partnerships (PPP) as a financial vehicle. The session will be broken into three presentations. The first presentation will serve as a PPP introduction, explain how they are structured, and how they can be utilized in the development of ports, marine terminals, and transport corridors. Key elements that govern successful implementation of a PPP and how the market will likely evolve will be discussed. The private investor's perspective will serve as the focal point for the second presentation. Issues such as: what does the private investor consider and analyze when valuing opportunities; what key characteristics make an asset "desirable"; and Brownfield versus Greenfield development will be discussed. Private sector risks and the mitigation of same will also be covered. The third presentation will look at PPPs from the public sectors perspective. How should the public sector analyze and successfully package opportunities? Potential hurdles dealing with the private sector, risk allocation, and transference mechanisms will be discussed as well as lessons learned.

Moderator: An Introduction to Public Private Tom Lundeen Partnerships Director of Engineering and Maintenance Manju Chandrasekhar Port of Palm Beach District VP, Economics and Business Solutions Halcrow, Inc. Asset Management New York, NY Forbes Johnston

Mott MacDonald Public Perspective Stoneham Park Diana Vargas Stoneham Lane, Southampton Comprehensive Development Agreement Hampshire Program Manager UNITED KINGDOM Texas State Department of Transportation

Austin, TX

10:00 - 10:30 a.m. Break (served in the Exhibit Hall) (Aragon III)

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Thursday, November 8 (continued) 10:30 – 12 noon Panel VI: Port Automation (Aragon I & II) Port automation has been the developing trend in Europe and Asia for over 20 years, but has generally been relegated to automated gate operations in the Americas. The recent opening of the APM Terminal in Portsmouth, Virginia is a clear signal that all of that is about to change. This session will discuss: the advantages of port automation; planning and analysis requirements; required port simulation, terminal operating system analysis and integration; and equipment requirements. Moderator: Jeffrey A. Florin, P.E. Yvo A. Saanen MSC Chief Engineer TBA Nederland Virginia Port Authority NETHERLANDS

Speakers: Michael Richter Hans Cederqvist Moffatt & Nichol ABB Automation Technologies Long Beach, CA SWEDEN

12 noon - 2:00 p.m. Lunch (coffee & dessert will be served in the Exhibit Hall, Aragon III) (Aragon Lawn) 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Panel VII: Port Sustainability In A Changing Climate (Aragon I & II) Climate change presents significant challenges for port business, management and development, requiring both mitigation and climate change adaptation strategies be developed. Mitigation opportunities include support for renewable energy industries, reducing greenhouse emissions from shipping, encouraging rail freight transfer, and sustainable buildings. Adaptation requires ports to become resilient to higher sea levels and increased storminess, and manage the implications of increased erosion of adjacent inter-tidal areas which may increase the exposure of port facilities. The presentation will outline the key climate change challenges for ports, as well as the imperatives and opportunities these present. It will include reference case studies of how European ports are innovating and adapting to climate change. Speakers: Andrew M. Pedrick, AIA, NCARB, Doug Warneke Principal Environmental/Safety Coordinator DMJM Design Toyota Logistics Services, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Portland, OR Adam Hosking Matt Goldman, P.E. Principal Coastal Scientist Weston Solutions Inc. Halcrow HPA Waverly, MA Tampa, FL

3:00 - 3:15 p.m. Break (served in the Exhibit Hall) (Aragon III)

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Thursday, November 8 (continued) 3:15 - 4:45 p.m. Panel VIII: Innovative Technology (Aragon I & II) Twin 40 Dockside Container Cranes and the Associated Terminal Operations & Vacuum Mooring System for Container Ships Modern technology is being implemented within the maritime environment, and the shape and texture of the traditional container terminal is responding accordingly. As container vessels have gotten larger, the need for faster operations with increased storage density has grown and is starting to be addressed by more efficient container handling equipment and new terminal operating paradigms. One of those new paradigms has been prompted by the use of twin 40 quayside container cranes. The unsolved problem now is how to properly integrate this improvement in quayside operations with parallel improvements in the container yard operations.

Our presentation will include an overview of twin 40 projects in Asian terminals representing over 80 cranes. We will discuss different twin 40 crane concepts and a new head block/spreader interface that should become the new standard for major crane suppliers.

The authors will also present the current and proposed future twin 40 yard operations. The “pros” and “cons” of the various required systems will be discussed along with suggestions for alternative systems.

Many operators and manufacturers believe that twin 40 cranes will be the future standard crane at high-volume terminals. Vacuum Mooring Systems:

Vacuum mooring systems have been used at many berths, but recently they are now being used for container berths. This poses unique challenges for dock space and operational considerations. This presentation will show how a vacuum system can be used during phased wharf reconstruction to eliminate the need for temporary mooring dolphins and other facilities when the dock length is less than desirable. Permanent use of these systems will also be described along with the benefits. Moderator: Al Moro, P.E. Robert S. Johansen, P.E. Chief Harbor Engnieer Planning Manager Port of Long Beach JWD Group, a division of DMJM Harris Oakland, CA Speakers: Arun K. Bhimani, S.E. Dan Allen, P.E. President Director, Ports Liftech Consultants, Inc. Moffatt & Nichol Oakland, CA Long Beach, CA 4:45 - 6:15 p.m. Reception in Exhibit Hall (Aragon III)

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Friday, November 9 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast (Aragon Pre-Function Area) Sponsored by: Weston Solutions, Inc.

8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Panel IX: Designing for Disaster Standards for 2007 (Aragon I & II) Natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes add unusual wind, wave and ground forces to port facilities. Engineers transfer lessons learned from these events into design criteria for new or replacement facilities. This session will discuss new criteria emerging.

Seismic Retrofitting Historically, seismic forces have not been a concern for earlier container cranes which were lighter, more flexible, and less stable than today’s larger cranes. During an earthquake, the earlier cranes would lift from the rails before significant inertia forces could develop in the crane structure.

Current large cranes with 100-foot rail gages are much heavier which results in significantly larger seismic forces in the crane structure. Liftech has performed extensive time-history analyses of A-frame and low profile jumbo cranes. Our studies indicate that many jumbo cranes will be extensively damaged in moderate earthquakes, and many jumbo cranes will be severely damaged, or collapse, in the contingency level design earthquake. (continued on next page) Our presentation will suggest some approaches to evaluate what seismic risk is tolerable to existing cranes. We will provide some guidelines on what structural characteristics increase or decrease the seismic risk, and suggest practical retrofit options including strengthening, stiffening, and adding a base isolation mechanism that can limit the seismic forces. Moderator: Seismic Retrofit of Existing Cranes Randy B. Murray, P.E. Erik Soderberg, S.E. Sr. Project Manager, Engineering Principal Jacksonville Port Authority Liftech Consultants, Inc. Oakland, CA Seismic Design for Piers and Wharves Gayle S. Johnson PE New Orleans Pumping Project Manager, Bay Area Office John D. Pauling, PE, DEE Halcrow HPA Vice President, Director of Seaport and Oakland, CA Airport Programs Weston Solutions Inc. West Chester, PA 10:00 - 10:15 a.m. Break (Aragon Pre-Function Area)

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Friday, November 9 (continued) 10:15 – 11:30 a.m. Panel X: Cost Containment in Design and (Aragon I & II) Port owners worldwide have experienced significant increases in design and construction of all types of terminals. Cost increases have been related to equipment and labor availability, materials and demand. Other, less obvious factors such as surety costs will also be addressed. The session will explore the range and magnitude of these cost increases along with the underlying causes. The panel will include both users and providers in a discussion of the major issues facing both groups and a look into the future. Moderator Risk Management Ed Schmeltz Lee Warnock DMJM+Harris Hatch Mott MacDonald New York City San Diego, CA 11:30 a.m. Seminar Is Adjourned