CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies International Competition Law and Compliance

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CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies International Competition Law and Compliance CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies International Competition Law and Compliance From Coastly Error to Safe Harbor. Crossing Borders. Partner Concept An increase in prosecutions for antitrust violations PARTICIPANTS committed by public authorities and private enter- The CAS is aimed primarily at managers of companies of prises has led the courts to impose higher fines any size and any industry who wish to acquire solid tech- and, with growing frequency, even prison senten- nical, procedural, and practical knowledge in the field of ces. For any responsible entrepreneur, the rules of antitrust compliance. This includes, in particular: international competition law must therefore be a – Legal counsels constant companion in everyday life. – Lawyers and attorneys – Consultants The most effective measures of protection against the – Legal, compliance, and risk management specialists consequences of an antitrust violation are prevention and control. An intelligently structured and efficiently managed ADMISSION compliance program is essential for an international com- The CAS is aimed at university graduates. Qualified candi- pany in today’s economic environment. dates without a university degree, but with relevant wor- king experience or equivalent qualifications, may also ap- GOALS ply. Candidates’ full applications will be processed upon After completing this CAS program, participants will: receipt. – Be familiar with the sources of law, legal principles, and operating procedures of national and international DEGREE competition law Participants who have attended at least 80% of the pro- – Have acquired extensive knowledge of Swiss, gram and have met the program requirements will receive European, and U.S. antitrust law an official certificate (Certificate of Advanced Studies) from – Be able to apply this knowledge in a real-world the ZHAW School of Management and Law to the value of context an integrate it into their corporate strategy 12 ECTS credits. – Be able to play a meaningful role in formulating risk management policies, and independently develop VENUES and implement antitrust-compliance programs The first session of the course takes place in Geneva and – Be able to employ effective behavioral and procedural on the campus of the ZHAW School of Management and strategies in court and before competition authorities Law in Winterthur. The second session takes place on the and campus of the ZHAW School of Management and Law in – Improve their litigation management and litigation PR. Winterthur. Structure THE CAS CONSISTS OF TWO CONSTITUENT MODULE II: ANTITRUST-COMPLIANCE MODULES AND LITIGATION The training program is designed to be richly diverse and 1. Antitrust Compliance includes various activities, such as: The second module is more practical, as participants will – Lectures and discussions with renowned experts apply the knowledge acquired in ways that are tailored to from industry, government, and the academic world their individual needs: – Practical exercises and case studies – Understanding antitrust compliance – Individual and group work – Analysis of risk and process management – Interrogation training ( mock depositions ) and house – Creation and implementation of compliance programs searches ( mock dawn raids ) – Design and implementation of corporate compliance strategy MODULE I: NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION LAW 2. Litigation Management and Litigation PR 1. Swiss Competition Law This module focuses on the areas of litigation PR and liti- The first part of the module provides participants with a gation management. The conditions and the do’s and detailed introduction to Swiss competition law: don’ts are illustrated using case studies. The program – Overview of antitrust principles, developments, and also includes: trends in Switzerland – Case handling – Competitive agreements and distribution systems – Achieving convergence of resources – Development and use of market positions – Principles and practices of claims – Cooperations and company mergers – Harvard negotiation and communication strategies – Litigation before competition authorities and with agencies and parties in the courts – Record management 2. International Competition Law CCC – CENTER FOR COMPETITION In the second part of the module, antitrust rules of the Eu- AND COMMERCIAL LAW ropean Union, including Germany, and the United States The Center for Competition and Commercial Law are covered in depth on the basis of case law and case ( CCC ) of the ZHAW School of Management and Law studies. The following points are discussed: is responsible for managing this certificate program. Its – International competition law and policy key areas of expertise are competition law, arbitration – Global standards & best practice law, and commercial law. (OECD, UNCTAD, ICN) The CCC builds partnerships and networks with top – Per-se prohibitions and rule of reason universities and corporations, both nationally and inter- – Damages und class actions nationally. – Criminal and public enforcement Instructors Our experienced instructors are competition law Jay L. Himes, attorney-at-law specialists who combine high academic qualifica- Labaton Sucharow LLP ( Partner ) – previously: tions with a background of professional practice. New York State Attorney General’s Office They apply modern teaching methods that focus on theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills. Scott Hammond, attorney-at-law Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP ( Partner ) – previously: U.S. Marc Barennes, attorney-at-law Department of Justice ( Deputy Assistant Attorney General ) General Court of the European Union (référendaire), Luxembourg Prof. Frédéric Jenny OECD Competition Law and Policy Committee Amadou Dieng ( Chairman ) – previously: Commission de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Competition Authority ( Vice President ) ( Directeur ), Ouest Africaine ( UEMOA ) Susan Jones, attorney-at-law Prof. Blaise Carron, LL.M., attorney-at-law Novartis ( Head of Corporate Legal Antitrust ) University of Neuchâtel, AGON Partners (Counsel) Dr. Boris Kasten, LL.M., attorney-at-law Prof. Simon Evenett Schindler Management AG ( Head of Competition Law ) University of St. Gallen – previously: University of Oxford, UK Competition Commission Prof. William E. Kovacic George Washington University – previously: Kinga Frater Federal Trade Commission ( Chairman ) Autoneum Holding AG (Head Legal & Compliance) Dr. Daniel Kraus, LL.-M., attorney-at-law António Ferreira Gomes University of Neuchâtel, Swiss Patent Court OECD (Head Competition Division) – previously: Portuguese Competition Authority (President) Prof. Patrick Krauskopf, LL.M., attorney-at-law, ZHAW School of Management and Law, Dominique Guex, LL.M., attorney-at-law AGON Partners (Chairman) – previously: Bourgeois Avocats SA – previously: Antitrust Consultant, Swiss Competition Commission ( Deputy Director ) Washington DC Prof. Jens Lehne, attorney-at-law Dominique Speekenbrink ZHAW School of Management and Law ABB Group (Head Antitrust Practice Group) Prof. Vincent Martenet, LL.M., attorney-at-law Prof. Walter Stoffel, LL.M., attorney-at-law Swiss Competition Commission ( President ) University of Fribourg – previously: Swiss Competition Commission ( President ) Gwenael Muguet-Poullennec General Court of the European Union ( référendaire ), Johannes Stampfer, attorney-at-law Luxembourg Competition Law & Commercial Legal Director Prof. Peter Münch, attorney-at-law Sarah Subrémon, French Competition Authority (Deputy ZHAW School of Management and Law, Head of Legal Service) Gros & Waltenspühl Attorneys ( Counsel ) Yuriy Terentyev Eduardo Prieto Kessler Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (Chariman) Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (Director) Dr. Theodor Thanner Austrian Federal Competition Authority ( General Director ) Mascha Santschi Kallay – previously: Federal Ministry of the Interior Santschi & Felber JustizKommunikation Andrey Tsyganov Katrin Schallenberg, attorney-at-law Federal Antimonopoly Service Russia (Deputy Head) Clifford Chance, Paris Dr. Herbert Wohlmann, attorney-at-law Dr. Olivier Schaller, LL.M. Baker & McKenzie ( Consultant ), Zurich – previously: Swiss Competition Commission ( Deputy Director ) Clariant ( General Counsel ) Dr. Claudia Seitz, M.A., attorney-at-law Susanne Zühlke, LL-M., attorney-at-law University of Basel, Seitz & Riemer Attorneys ( Partner ) – Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP (Partner) previously: Syngenta ( Counsel ) Organization HEAD OF PROGRAM FEE Prof. Patrick Krauskopf, LL.M., attorney-at-law The program fee of CHF 6 900.– includes course materials Head of the Center for Competition and Commercial Law and exam fees. Participants are charged separately for at the ZHAW School of Management and Law ( SML ), at- resit examinations. torney-at-law ( Zurich / New York ), and chairman of the law firm AGON Partners. REGISTRATION Applications are accepted up to one month before the PROGRAM MANAGER start of the program and will be processed in the order in Dr. Fabio Babey which they are received. Apply here. Phone +41 58 934 76 56 [email protected] PAYMENT TERMS AND CANCELLATION Participation in this program is subject to the school’s ge- DURATION neral terms of admission and participation for courses of 15 days of instruction in two separate instruction blocks continuing education, which also regulates the payment in July and October 2017. terms and cancellation policy. TIMETABLE 2017 PARTNERS 3rd – 14th July (Geneva & Winterthur) NYSBA 19th – 21th and 28th – 29th October (Winterthur) New York State Bar Association LANGUAGE The instructors teach in German, English and French. UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development LOCATION In July the classes are held in Geneva and on the campus of the ZHAW School of Management and Law in Winterthur. In October the classes are held on the campus of the ZHAW School of Management and Law in Winterthur. Zurich University of Applied Sciences School of Management and Law St.-Georgen-Platz 2 P.O. Box 8401 Winterthur Switzerland November 2016.
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