Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations Preprint, compiled August 20, 2020

Yuhsiang Mike Tsai Terry Cojean Hartwig Anzt Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany Germany Germany [email protected] [email protected] University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA [email protected]

Abstract GPU accelerators have become an important backbone for scientific high performance computing, and the performance advances obtained from adopting new GPU hardware are significant. In this paper we take a first look at NVIDIA’s newest server line GPU, the A100 architecture part of the Ampere generation. Specifically, we assess its performance for sparse linear algebra operations that form the backbone of many scientific applications and assess the performance improvements over its predecessor. Keywords Sparse Linear Algebra · Sparse Vector Product · NVIDIA A100 GPU

1I ntroduction we refer to the whitepaper [20], and encourage the reader to digest the performance results we present side-by-side with Over the last decade, Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) have these technical details. seen an increasing adoption in high performance computing platforms, and in the June 2020 TOP500 list, more than half of the fastest 10 systems feature GPU accelerators [1]. At the same 2M emory Bandwidth Assessment time, the June 2020 edition of the TOP500 is the first edition The performance of sparse linear algebra operations on modern listing a system equipped with NVIDIA’s new A100 GPU, the hardware architectures is usually limited by the data access HPC line GPU of the Ampere generation. As the scientific high rather than compute power. In consequence, for sparse linear performance computing community anticipates this GPU to be algebra, the performance-critical hardware characteristics are the the new flagship architecture in NVIDIA’s hardware portfolio, memory bandwidth and the access latency. For main memory we take a look at the performance we achieve on the A100 for access, both metrics are typically somewhat intertwined, in sparse linear algebra operations. particular on processors operating in streaming mode like GPUs. Specifically, we first benchmark in Section2 the bandwidth of In this section, we assess the memory access performance by the A100 GPU for memory-bound vector operations and com- means of the Babel-STREAM benchmark [10]. pare against NVIDIA’s A100 predecessor, the V100 GPU. In We show the Babel-STREAM benchmark results for both an Section3, we review the vector product ( SpMV), NVIDIA V100 GPU Figure 1a and an NVIDIA A100 GPU Fig- a central kernel for sparse linear algebra, and outline the pro- ure 1b. The figures reflect a significant bandwidth improvement cessing strategy used in some popular kernel realizations. In for all operations on the A100 compared to the V100. For an Section4, we evaluate the performance of SpMV kernels on the array of size 8.2 GB, the V100 reaches for all operations a per- A100 GPU for more than 2,800 matrices available in the Suite formance between 800 and 840 GB/s whereas the A100 reaches Sparse Matrix Collection [22]. The SpMV kernels we consider a bandwidth between 1.33 and 1.4 TB/s.

arXiv:2008.08478v1 [cs.MS] 19 Aug 2020 in this performance evaluation are taken from NVIDIA’s latest release of the cuSPARSE library and the Ginkgo linear alge- In Figure2, we present the data as a ratio between the A100 and bra library [2]. In Section5, we compare the performance of V100 bandwidth performance for all operations. In Figure 2a, the A100 against its predecessor for complete Krylov solver we show the performance ratio for increasing array sizes and iterations that are popular methods for iterative sparse linear observe the A100 providing a lower bandwidth than the V100 system solves. In Section6, we summarize the performance GPU for arrays of small size. For large array sizes, the A100 has assessment results and draw some preliminary conclusions on a significantly higher bandwidth, converging towards a speedup what performance we may achieve for sparse linear algebra on factor of 1.7 for most memory access benchmarks, see Figure 2b. the A100 GPU. We emphasize that with this paper, we do not intend to provide another technical specification of NVIDIA’s A100 GPU, but 3S parse Matrix Vector Product instead focus on the reporting of performance we observe on this architecture for sparse linear algebra operations. Still, for The sparse matrix-vector product (SpMV) is a heavily-used op- convenience, we append a table from NVIDIA’s whitepaper on eration in many scientific applications. The spectrum ranges the NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPU Architecture [20] that lists from the power iteration [8], an iterative algorithm for finding some key characteristics and compares against the predecessor eigenpairs in Google’s Page Rank algorithm [16], to iterative GPU architectures. For further information on the A100 GPU, linear system solvers like Krylov solvers that form the backbone Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 2

● ● ● ●

1000 ● ● ● 1000 ●

● ● 100 Function 100 Function ● Add ● Add Copy Copy ●

GB/s Dot GB/s ● Dot Mul Mul 10 Triad 10 Triad

1 1 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 Array Size (MB) Array Size (MB) (a) V100 (b) A100 Figure 1: Performance of the Babel-STREAM benchmark on both V100 and A100 NVIDIA GPUs.

● 2.0 1.5

● ● ● Function Function 1.5 ● Add 1.0 Add Copy Copy Dot Dot Mul Mul Triad Triad 0.5 1.0

● ● Bandwidth Ratio (A100/V100) Bandwidth Ratio (A100/V100) 0.0 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 Add Copy Dot Mul Triad Array Size (MB) Function (a) Evolution of the A100/V100 ratio for different array sizes. (b) A100/V100 ratio for an array of size 8.2 GB. Figure 2: Ratio of the performance improvement of A100 compared to V100 NVIDIA GPUs for the Babel-STREAM benchmark. of many finite element simulations. Given this importance, we right-hand side in Figure3. However, as this can result in sev- put particular focus on the performance of the SpMV operation eral processing elements contributing partial sums to the same on NVIDIA’s A100 GPU. However, the performance not only vector output entry, sophisticated techniques for lightweight depends on the hardware and the characteristics of the sparse synchronization are needed to avoid write conflicts [11]. matrix but also the specific SpMV format and processing strategy. Starting from the COO format, further reduction of the stor- Generally, all SpMV kernels aim at reducing the memory access age cost is possible if the elements are sorted row-wise, and cost (and computational cost) by storing only the nonzero matrix with increasing column-order in every row. (The latter assump- values [6]. Some formats additionally store a moderate amount tion is technically not required, but it usually results in better of zero elements to enable faster processing when computing performance.) Then, this Compressed Sparse Row (CSR [6]) matrix-vector products [7]. But independent of the specific strat- format can replace the array containing the row indexes with egy, since SpMV kernels store only a subset of the elements, they a pointer to the beginning of the distinct rows, see the second share the need to accompany these values with information that row in Figure3. While this generally reduces the data volume, allows to deduce their location in the original matrix [3]. We the CSR format requires extra processing to determine the row here recall in Figure3 some widespread sparse matrix storage location of a certain element. For a standard parallelization over formats and kernel parallelization techniques. the matrix rows, the row location is implicitly given, and no A straightforward idea is to accompany the nonzero elements additional information is needed. However, similar to the COO with the respective row and column indexes. This storage format, format, better load balancing is available if parallelizing across known as coordinate (COO [6]) format, allows determining the nonzero elements. This requires the matrix row information and original position of any element in the matrix without processing sophisticated atomic writes to the output vector [12]. other entries, see first row in Figure3. A standard parallelization A strategy that reduces the row indexing information even fur- of this approach assigns the matrix rows to the distinct process- ther is to pad all rows to the same number of nonzero elements ing elements (cores). However, if few rows contain a significant and accompany the values only with the column indexes. In portion of the overall nonzeros, this can result in a significant this ELL format [7] (third row in Figure3), the row index of an imbalance of the kernel and poor performance. A workaround is element can be deduced from its location in the array storing the to distribute the nonzeros across the parallel resources, see the Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 3

Parallelize over rows Parallelize over nonzero elements

access to access to access to access to input vector x output vector y input vector x output vector y 5.41.10 0 0 0 5.41.10 0 0 0 T1 2.28.303.71.33.8 2.28.303.71.33.8 0 1 T2 004.20 0 0 0 004.20 0 01 A = * = A = * = T3 B 5.40 09.20 0C B 5.40 09.20 0C B C B C T4 B 00001.10C B 00001.10C B C B C T5 CSR format : B 000008.1 C B 000008.1 C B C B C T6 @ A @ A value = [] Value value = [] Value colidx=[0 1 0 1 3 4 5 2 0 3 4 5] colidx=[0 1 0 1 3 4 5 2 0 3 4 5] Column-index Column-index

rowptr = [ 0 2 7 8 10 11 12 ] Points to the first element in each row rowptr = [ 0 2 7 8 10 11 12 ] Points to the first element in each row

access to access to access to access to input vector x output vector y input vector x output vector y 5.41.10 0 0 0 5.41.10 0 0 0 T1 2.28.303.71.33.8 2.28.303.71.33.8 T2 0 004.20 0 01 0 004.20 0 01 A = * = A = * = T3 B 5.40 09.20 0C B 5.40 09.20 0C B C B C T4 B 00001.10C B 00001.10C B C B C T5 B 000008.1 C B 000008.1 C COO format : B C B C T6 @ A @ A value = [] Value value = [] Value colidx=[0 1 0 1 3 4 5 2 0 3 4 5] colidx=[0 1 0 1 3 4 5 2 0 3 4 5] Column-index Column-index rowidx = [ 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 ] Row-index rowidx = [ 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 ] Row-index

access to access to input vector x output vector y T1 5.41.10 0 0 0 T1 T2 2.28.303.71.33.8 T2 T3 0 004.20 0 01 A = * = T3 T4 B 5.40 09.20 0C B C T4 T5 B 00001.10C B C T5 T6 B 000008.1 C B C T6 ELL format : @ A Values and column-index padded for uniform “row-length” value = []

AAACA3icbZDLSgMxFIbP1Futt1F3ugkWwdUwI4JdFty4rGAv0A4lk2ba0CQzJBmhDAU3voobF4q49SXc+Tam7Sy09UDCx/+fQ3L+KOVMG9//dkpr6xubW+Xtys7u3v6Be3jU0kmmCG2ShCeqE2FNOZO0aZjhtJMqikXEaTsa38z89gNVmiXy3kxSGgo8lCxmBBsr9d2Tmhf0kO/5K1fYd6sW5oVWISigCkU1+u5Xb5CQTFBpCMdadwM/NWGOlWGE02mll2maYjLGQ9q1KLGgOsznO0zRuVUGKE6UPdKgufp7IsdC64mIbKfAZqSXvZn4n9fNTFwLcybTzFBJFg/FGUcmQbNA0IApSgyfWMBEMftXREZYYWJsbBUbQrC88iq0Lr3A94K7q2rdL+IowymcwQUEcA11uIUGNIHAIzzDK7w5T86L8+58LFpLTjFzDH/K+fwB/8yTNQ== colidx = [ 0 1 013450 03 4 5 ] AAACAXicbVDLSgMxFL1TX7W+Rt0IboJFcNMyUxRdFty4rGAf0BlKJs20oZnMkGSEMtSNv+LGhSJu/Qt3/o1pO4i2Hkg4Oedebu4JEs6Udpwvq7Cyura+UdwsbW3v7O7Z+wctFaeS0CaJeSw7AVaUM0GbmmlOO4mkOAo4bQej66nfvqdSsVjc6XFC/QgPBAsZwdpIPfvowkMequRX5efh9+yyU3VmQMvEzUkZcjR69qfXj0kaUaEJx0p1XSfRfoalZoTTSclLFU0wGeEB7RoqcESVn802mKBTo/RRGEtzhEYz9XdHhiOlxlFgKiOsh2rRm4r/ed1Uh1d+xkSSairIfFCYcqRjNI0D9ZmkRPOxIZhIZv6KyBBLTLQJrWRCcBdXXiatWtV1qu7tebnu5HEU4RhO4AxcuIQ63EADmkDgAZ7gBV6tR+vZerPe56UFK+85hD+wPr4BwHaTKw==

access to access to input vector x output vector y T1 5.41.10 0 0 0 Block0 T1 T2 2.28.303.71.33.8 T2 T3 0 004.20 0 01 A = Block1* = T3 T4 B 5.40 09.20 0C B C T4 T5 B 00001.10C B C Block2 T5 T6 B 000008.1 C B C T6 sliced-ELL format : @ A Values and column-index padded for uniform “row-length” in each row-block value = [] colidx = [ 0colidx 1 = [ 0 1 0134500134502 0345]03 4 4

rowptr = [ 0 11 15 17 ] Points to the first element in each row-block Figure 3: Overview over sparse matrix formats and SpMV kernel design. Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 4

(a) SpMV performance profile on A100.SpMV (b) Performance profile on A100. Figure 4: Left: SpMV kernel performance on the A100 GPU considering 2,800 test matrices from the Suite Sparse Matrix Collection. Right: Corresponding Performance profile for all SpMV kernels considered. values in consecutive order and the information of how many el- libraries that are well-known to belong to the most efficient ements are stored in each row. While this format is attractive for implementations available. vector processors as it allows to execute in SIMD fashion with coalesced memory access, its efficiency heavily depends on the matrix characteristics: for well-balanced matrices, it optimizes 4S pMV Performance Assessment memory access cost and operation count; but if one or a few rows contain much more nonzero elements than the others, ELL For the SpMV kernel performance assessment, we consider more introduces a significant padding overhead and quickly becomes than 2,800 matrices from the Suite Sparse Matrix collection [22]. inefficient [3]. Specifically, we consider all real matrices except for Figure 4b where we require the matrix to contain more than 1e5 nonzero An attractive strategy to reduce the padding overhead the ELL elements. On the A100 GPU, we run the SpMV kernels from format introduces for unbalanced matrices is to decompose the NVIDIA’s cuSPARSE library in version 11.0 (Release Candi- original matrix into blocks containing multiple rows, and to date) and the Ginkgo open source library version 1.2 [2]. On the store the distinct blocks in ELL format. Rows of the same block older V100 GPU, we run the same version of the Ginkgo library contain the same number of nonzero elements, rows in distinct but use the cuSPARSE version 10.11. blocks can differ in the number of nonzero elements. In this Sliced ELL format (SELL [15], see the fourth row in Figure3), On the left-hand side of Figure4, we initially show the perfor- the row pointer can not completely be omitted like in the ELL mance of all considered SpMV kernels on the A100 GPU for all case, but a row pointer to the beginning of every block is needed. test matrices: each dot represents the performance one of the In this sense, the SELL format is a trade-off between the ELL SpMV kernels achieves for one test matrix. While it is impossible format on the one side and the CSR format on the other side. to draw strong conclusions, we can observe some CSR-based Indeed, choosing a block size of 1 results in the CSR format, SpMV kernels exceed 200 GFLOP/s. This is consistent with the choosing a block size of the matrix size results in the ELL format. roofline model [23]: if we assume every entry of a CSR ma- In practice, the block size is adjusted to the matrix properties and trix needs 12 bytes (8 bytes for the fp64 values, 4 bytes for the the characteristics of the parallel hardware, i.e. SIMD-with [5]. column index, and ignoring the row pointer), assume all vector entries are cached (ignoring access to the input and output vec- Another strategy to balance between the effectiveness of the tors), and a peak memory bandwidth of 1.4TB/s, we end up with ELL SpMV kernel and the more general CSR/COO SpMV kernels 2nnz · 1,400GB/s ≈ 230GFLOP/s. is to combine the formats in a “hybrid” SpMV kernel [3]. The 12B/nnz concept behind is to store the balanced part of the matrix in ELL On the right-hand side of Figure4, we show a performance format and the unbalanced part in CSR or COO format. The profile [13] considering all SpMV kernels available in either cuS- SpMV operation then invokes two kernels, one for the balanced PARSE or Ginkgo for real matrices containing more than 1e5 part and one for the unbalanced part. nonzero elements. As we can see, the cusparse_gcsr2 kernel has the largest share in terms of being the fastest kernel for a For all these kernel strategies, there has been significant SpMV problem. However, cusparse_gcsr2 does not generalize well: research efforts to optimize their performance on GPU architec- cusparse_gcsr2 is more than 1.5× slower than the fastest ker- tures, see, e.g., [3, 9, 18, 17, 14, 21] and references therein. We here focus on the SpMV kernels of the cuSPARSE and Ginkgo 1cusparse_csr and cusparse_coo are part of CUDA version 11.0, CUDA 10.1 contains the conventional CSR SpMV routine Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 5

(a) cuSPARSE CSR SpMV (b) Ginkgo CSR SpMV

(c) cuSPARSE COO SpMV (d) Ginkgo COO SpMV

(e) Ginkgo ELL SpMV (f) Ginkgo hybrid SpMV Figure 5: Performance improvement assessment of the A100 GPU over the V100 GPU for SpMV kernels from NVIDIA’s cuSPARSE library and Ginkgo. nel for 20% of the problems, and more than 3× slower than Ginkgo CSR generalizes better, and virtually never more than the fastest kernel for 10% of the problems. Although Ginkgo 2.5× slower than the fastest kernels among all matrices. The CSR SpMV kernel is not the fastest choice for as many prob- kernels providing the best performance portability across all lems as the cusparse_csr and the cusparse_gcsr2 kernels, matrix problems are the COO SpMV kernels from Ginkgo and Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 6

(a) Ginkgo Ell SpMV (b) Ginkgo Classical Csr SpMV Figure 6: Performance improvement of the A100 GPU over the V100 GPU for Ell and Classical Csr from Ginkgo with coefficient of variance of nonzero-per-row. cuSPARSE: only for 10% of the problems are they more than of the nonzero-per-row metric – that is the ratio between the 1.4× slower than the fastest kernel. As expected, the SELLP variance of the nonzero-per-row metric and the mean of the SpMV kernel does not generalize well, but it is the fastest kernel nonzero-per-row metric. Given the strategy Ginkgo’s ELL ker- for 20% of the problems. nel balances the work, larger coefficient of variance tend to introduce small data reads that perform poorly on the A100 We then evaluate the performance improvements when compar- GPU. Even more visible is this effect for the CSR_C SpMV ker- ing the SpMV kernels on the newer NVIDIA A100 GPU and the nel, the classical row-parallelized CSR SpMV kernel, see the older NVIDIA V100 GPU. In Figure5, we visualize the speedup right-hand side in Figure6: Irregular sparsity patterns result- factors for NVIDIA’s cuSPARSE library (left-hand side) and the ing in frequent loads of small data arrays and reflected in large Ginkgo library (right-hand side). In the first row of Figure5 coefficient of variance result in poor performance of the A100 we focus on the CSR performance. As expected, the CSR SpMV GPU. Remarkably, the V100 can better deal with the frequent achieves higher performance on the newer A100 GPU. For both access to small data arrays. Ginkgo’s CSR SpMV automatically libraries, cuSPARSE and Ginkgo, the CSR kernels achieve for chooses between the classical CSR_C kernel providing good most matrices a 1.7× speedup on the A100 GPU – which re- performance for regular sparsity patterns and the load-balancing flects the bandwidth increase. However, for many matrices, the CSR_I kernel [12] providing good performance for unbalanced speedup exceeds 1.7×. For Ginkgo, the acceleration of up to 8× sparsity patterns. might me related to larger caches on the A100 GPU allowing for more efficient caching of the input vector entries. The even larger speedups of up to 40× for the cuSPARSE CSR kernel are likely only in part coming from the newer hardware: cuSPARSE 5K rylov Solver Performance Assessment 11.0 introduces new sparse linear algebra kernels (generic API) that are different in design and interface compared to cuSPARSE Krylov methods are among the most efficient algorithms for 910.2˜ traditional kernels [19]. The analysis of the performance solving large and sparse linear systems. When applied to a improvement for the COO kernels is presented in the second linear system Ax = b (with the sparse coefficient matrix A, row of Figure5. For matrices with less than 500,000 nonzeros, right-hand side b, and unknown x) Krylov solvers started with the performance improvements are about 1.3× for the Ginkgo an initial guess x produce a sequence of vectors x , x , x ,... library and 2.1× for the cuSPARSE library. For matrices with 0 1 2 3 that, in general, progressively reduce the norm of the residuals more than 500,000 nonzero elements, we observe a sudden in- r = b − Ax , eventually yielding an acceptable approximation crease of the speedup to > 5× for the cuSPARSE COO kernel, k k to the solution of the system [4]. which is likely linked to a algorithm improvement. In the third row of Figure5, we visualize the performance improvements for Algorithmically, every iteration of a Krylov solver is composed Ginkgo’s ELL and hybrid formats that do not have a direct coun- of a (sparse) matrix vector product to generate the new search terpart in cuSPARSE 11.0. Again, we see that the A100 provides direction, an orthogonalization procedure, and the update of the for most matrices about 1.4× higher performance, however, es- approximate solution and the residual vector. In practice, Krylov pecially for the ELL SpMV kernel, there are several matrices methods are often enhanced with to improve where the V100 achieved higher performance. robustness and convergence [4]. Ignoring the , ev- ery iteration can be composed of level-1 BLAS routines (vector To investigate these singularities further, we correlate the perfor- operations) and a level-2 BLAS in the form of a sparse matrix mance improvement in Figure6 to the coe fficient of variance vector product (SpMV). All these components – and in virtually Preprint –Evaluating the Performance of NVIDIA’s A100 Ampere GPU for Sparse Linear Algebra Computations 7 6C onclusion In this paper, we assessed the performance NVIDIA’s new A100 GPU achieves for sparse linear algebra operations. As most of these algorithms are memory bound, we initially present results for the STREAM bandwidth benchmark, then provide a very detailed assessment of the sparse matrix vector prod- uct performance for both NVIDIA’s cuSPARSE library and the Ginkgo open source library, and ultimately run complete Krylov solvers combining vector operations with sparse matrix vec- tor products and orthogonalization routines. Compared to the predecessor, the A100 GPU provides a 1.7× higher memory bandwidth, achieving almost 1.4 TB/s for large input sizes. The larger caches on the A100 allow for even higher performance improvements in complex applications like the sparse matrix vector product. Ginkgo’s Krylov iterative solver run in most cases more than 1.8× faster on the A100 GPU than on the V100 GPU. Figure 7: Krylov solver acceleration when upgrading from the V100 GPU to the A100 GPU. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the “Impuls und Vernetzungsfond” of the Helmholtz Association under grant VH-NG-1241 and by all cases also the preconditioner application – are memory bound the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative operations. effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the When upgrading from the V100 to the A100 GPU, for the vector National Nuclear Security Administration. The authors would updates and reduction operations, we can expect performance like to thank the Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC) of the improvements corresponding to the bandwidth improvements Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for providing access to an observed in Section2. For the basis-generating SpMV kernel, the NVIDIA A100 GPU. improvements are problem-dependent and may even exceed the 1.7× bandwidth improvement, see Section4. 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Features V100 A100 GPU Architecture NVIDIA Volta NVIDIA A100 SMs 80 108 TPcs 40 54 FP32 Cores/SM 64 64 FP64 Cores/SM 32 32 INT32 Cores/SM 64 64 GPU Boost Clock 1530 MHz 1410 MHz Peak FP16 TFLOPS 31.4 78 Peak FP32 TFLOPS 15.7 19.5 Peak FP64 TFLOPS 7.8 9.7 Texture Units 320 432 Memory Interface 4096-bit HBM2 5120-bit HBM2 Memory Data Rate 877.5 MHz DDR 1215 MHz DDR Memory Bandwidth 900 GB/sec 1555 GB/sec L2 Cache 6144 KB 40960 KB Shared Memory Size/SM 96 KB 164 KB Register File Size 256 KB 256 KB Transistors 21.1 billion 54.2 billion Table 1: Technical characteristics of NVIDIA’s V100 and A100 GPU architecture in comparison to its predecessors [20].