Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz Berichte/Reports 24. Jahrgang, Sonderheft 1, 2012 Vol. 24, Special Issue 1, 2012 Taraxacum officinale International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation (IYF) An account of the involvement of young people in conservation from 1950 to 2010 NNA Ber. 24. Jg. Sonderh.1 130 S. Schneverdingen 2012 ISSN: 0935 - 1450 International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation – An account of the involvement of young people in conservation from 1950 to 2010 Zitiervorschlag: Withrington, David (Hrsg. 2012): International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation – an account of the involvement of young people in conservation from 1950 to 2010 – NNA-Berichte 24. Jg., Sonderh. 1, Schneverdingen,130 S. Editor and Distributor: Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz (NNA) Hof Möhr, D-29640 Schneverdingen, Telefon (05199) 989-0, Telefax (05199) 989-46 E-Mail:
[email protected] Internet: Responsibility for the content of each contribution is that of the respective author. Chief Editor: David Withrington, Peterborough, UK Front cover: Taraxacum is the scientific name for a widespread family of plants, whose seed is the emblem of the International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation. It symbolises the message of conservation being carried on the wind across the world. © IYF ISSN 0935-1450 Printed on recycled paper (100% waste paper) photo: David Withrington Planning meeting for the book in September 2009. Clockwise round the table: Jan Čeřovský, Fred van der Vegte, Hein van Bohemen, Henry Makowski, Pieter Ketner, Wim van Muiswinkel, Anne Bogaerts, Gerhard Walter, Lutz Katschner, Franco Pedrotti. Acknowledgements In September 2009, a meeting of people involved in the foundation in 1956 and subsequent development of the International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation (IYF) took place at Reinsehlen, in the Lüneburger Heide, Germany.