LANTEGLOS-BY- PARISH COUNCIL NOTICE AND AGENDA OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD IN THE POLRUAN WI HALL MONDAY, 26th SEPTEMBER 2016 @ 7pm Members of the public and press are invited to attend this meeting of the Council. It should be noted that meetings could be filmed or recorded by broadcasters, the media or members of the public.

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – members of the public may address the Council, prior to the commencement of the meeting. Members to receive reports from outside authorities as follows: a. Police – PCSO David Evans. b. County Councillor – Cllr. Hannaford, to include:

i. Trading Regulations – Cllr. Hannaford to provide additional information, as promised in her July report.

ii. PA13/04961, Meadow Walk (Bones Meadow) Development – Minute 88e/2016 refers. Members to receive an update i.r.o.:

• Whether the gabion baskets are to be faced.

• Outcome of the meeting with Members, the developers and Ms Sharon Bundy, Highways officer dealing with highway adoptions.

97/2016 Members’ Declarations – a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – Members must declare an interest, which has been declared on their Register of Financial Interests form, relevant to the agenda. b. Non-registerable Interests – Members must declare non-pecuniary interests at the start of the meeting or whenever the interest becomes apparent. c. Declaration of Gifts – Members are reminded they must declare any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. Dispensations – Members to consider any written requests for dispensations.

98/2016 Casual Vacancy – Mrs Teresa Libby and Mrs Valerie Libby to sign their Acceptance of Office forms and complete their Register of Interests forms. An election had been called i.r.o. Mr Bernie Wilde’s resignation. The deadline rd for nominations is 23 September 2016. Members to formally agree to the use Members of poll cards for any election at a cost of £500.

99/2016 1Apologies for Absence –

100/2016 6Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 25th July 2016. b. Extraordinary Meeting – 1st August 2016. c. Extraordinary Meeting – 30th August 2016. d. NDP Steering Group – 27th July 2016, for information only e. NDP Steering Group – 13th September, to follow, for information only f. & CNA Panel – Members to receive a report, following the Cllr. Adams meeting scheduled for 22nd September @ 6.30 pm, St Keyne Village hall

1 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2016-09-27.doc 101/2016 Plannin g Matters – a. Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) – Members to receive an Cllr. Moore update. b. Planning Applications – including any applications that are received after

the agenda had been published. i. xxx – c. Planning Applications Approved by CC – information only: i. PA16/04629, Fox Valley Cottages, Lanlawren Farm, Trenewan, Looe – proposed additional facilities for holiday complex including residential accommodation for manager. Members voted in support. ii. PA16/06411, 9 Fore Street, Polruan – construction of summerhouse within rear garden. Members voted in support. d. Planning Applications Refused by CC – information only: i. PA16/03148, Reading Room, West Street, Polruan – listed building consent: replacement of two timber sash windows and one timber panelled door in ‘heritage’ style items in PVC. e. Enforcement Matters – i. PA15/11192, Pieds Dans L'eau, New Road, Bodinnick – timber framed building which is being erected on the site, which is not mentioned on the plans. New case. ii. PA15/08404,Trebarfoote – allegation the roof had been raised more than the 1.1 metres permitted. New case.

102/2016 Environmental / Amenity Matters – a. Defibrillator – Minute 55b/2016 refers. Members to receive an update

i.r.o. the provision of a defibrillator at Bodinnick. b. Signage – Members to consider a suggestion from Cllr. Hannaford to erect a sign warning drivers not to follow their SatNavs. Sign to be placed at the entrance to the village, on private land. c. Dumping of Dredged Spoil – Minute 87d/2016 refers. Letters had been Information sent to the Marine Management Organisation; Polperro, Mevagissey and Fowey PC/TC; Fowey Harbour Commissioners; and Ms Sheryll Murray, MP requesting the PC is kept informed of the intentions for the depositing of waste material from the Rivers Tamar and Plym. NOTE – Ms Sheryll Murray, MP had written to say it is envisaged a public consultation will begin in October, but she understands this site is not in the locality of Lantic Bay. d. Whitecross Grass Cutting – Mr Sanchez had agreed to take on this task e. The Quay WCs – Members to consider a request from Polruan Regatta and Children’s Sports’ Committee to extend the opening hours of The Quay public conveniences in the summer months, particularly when there are locally organised events on the Coal Wharf.

103/2016 8Financial Matters – a. Accounts for Payment – schedule 2016/17-05. Clerks and Councils Direct – Members to consider providing the Chairman with the Clerk’s free copy of the magazine. NOTE – the bank reconciliation was available for inspection. b. Budget Monitor – a copy to be made available at the meeting. c. Additional Benches – Members to consider the provision of two additional Cllr. Adams benches, including fitting at The Hills.

2 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2016-09-27.doc d. Waste Bin – Members to consider the provision of a bin at Bodinnick. NOTE – Cory charge £175 p.a. to collect. e. Electricity Charges – British Gas had written to say electricity prices will change from 30th August 2016. NOTE – details sent to the Chairman and Vice Chairman. f. Highway Signage – Minute PL09/2016 refers. Mr Neil Grigg, Cormac had advised he is waiting for the budget codes to be finalised so that he can raise an order for the required signs.

g. WC Repairs – Members to consider: i. The Quay and St Saviours WCs – Mrs Fisher to provide details. Cllr. Fisher ii. Frogmore WCs – Refurbishment of the toilet block. Cllr. Adams NOTE – Cllr. Adams and the Clerk had authorised a plumber to repair a leaking pipe/s in ceiling plus repair a cistern in the Ladies Toilet. iii. Realignment of the budget expenditure for 2016/17. Budget provision of £1,000, already spent £3,000 (expenditure on the Quay Toilets refundable from CC upon application). Proposal from Cllr. Adams that invitations are issued to price this work to be completed by March 17.

104/2016 8Administrative Matters – a. NALC Devolution Survey – the aim of the survey is to find out how devolution will affect local councils but especially smaller councils. Closing date 30th September 2016: b. Adoption of Policies and Strategies – Information i. Social Media – legal advice had been sought and a revised policy would be issued shortly. ii. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme – a draft publication scheme had been written by the Clerk. However, the exercise had highlighted some other areas which require attention. When all these had been completed the publication scheme would be put to Members to consider and adopt.

105/2016 Correspondence / Documents – not covered elsewhere on the agenda: a. Energy Advice – free sessions offered by CRCC to all local groups. Details previously circulated via email. b. Learning & Development Newsletter – produced by CC, specifically for the Town and Parish Councils. Details previously circulated via email. c. AONB Management Plan 2016-2021 – copy held by the Clerk. d. Flyering Consultation – CC are carrying out a full public consultation in relation to the free distribution of printed matter (referred to as ‘flyering’). Deadline 24th November 2016. e. Grant Applications – the following requests had been received: i. Cornwall Air Ambulance. ii. Tanya’s Courage Trust. f. Final Report of the Governance Review External Group (GREG) – can be viewed on CC’s website

106/2016 Diary Dates – a. Full Council Meeting – 31st October 2016 at WI Hall, Polruan. b. NDP Meeting – 19th October 2016 at Whitecross Village Hall. c. Cornwall Community Flood Forum’s AGM and Conference – Thursday, 6th October 2016, Town Hall, 9.30-4pm. Attendance is FOC.

3 /LBF/CouncilMeetings/Agenda/2016-09-27.doc 107/2016 Closed Session – in view of the special/confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.

108/2016 Legal Service Level Agreement – Members to consider the agreement with .

109/2016 Permanent Clerk – Minute 81/2016 refers. Members to receive an update. NOTE – closing date for applications was 16th August 2016.

110/2016 Meeting Closed –

Signature: ……………………………………………… (Mrs Gillian Thompson) Parish Clerk

Date: 19th September 2016

Contact: 12 Bonython Drive, Grampound, Truro, Cornwall, TR2 4RL. Tel: 01726-882145 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

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