Zimbabwean Government Gazette
ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Publishedby Authority Vol. LXVI,No. 11 : 26th FEBRUARY, 1988 . Price 40¢, General Notice 115of 1988. a ‘{c) depart Sagambe- Saturday 5 am., atrive Mutare - ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER262] . 9,20. 2.02.5 . 7 (d) depart. Sagambe Sunday 10 am., arrive Harare Applications in Connexion 715 pm So o with Road ServicePermits (e) depart Harare Monday,Wednesday: and Friday 6 a.m., . arrive Sagambe 3.15 p.m.; Po . IN terms of ‘subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor | (f) depart Mutare Thursday and Saturday 10.50 a.m., arrive Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is-hereby. giventhat .Sagambe 3.15 p.m. Ss . the applications. detailed in the ‘Schédule, for the issue or The _. amendment of road service .permits, have been received for the service to operate as follows— | ~ “eonsideration of the Controller ‘of. Road.Motor ‘Transportation. (a). depart Sagambe Tuesday andThursday 4 am, atrive — Harare 12,30 p.m.; Any personwishing to object to:any ‘such: application must lodge with the Controller of {b) depart Sagambe Saturday 5 am., arrive Mutare Road Motor’ Transportation, 8.45 a.m; P.O. Box 8332, Causeway-— oe . ‘(c) depart Sagambe Sunday 7.a.m., arrive Harare 3.30 p.m; {a) a notice, in writing, of hie intention to object, soas to (d) depart Harare Monday andWednesday 6 a.m., arrive ~ yeach the Controller’s office not later than the 18th Sagambe3.15 ip.m.; . March, :.1988; @ depart Harare Friday 4 p.m., arrive Sagambe ‘Saturday (b) his’ objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T.
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