Functional Aspect of Colostrum and Whey Proteins in Human Milk
Central Journal of Human Nutrition & Food Science Bringing Excellence in Open Access Research Article *Corresponding author Carlos Conte Junior, Department Biquímica, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Technology Center, Trompowisk s / n, Institute Building, Block A, lab.545, Functional Aspect of Colostrum Island, Precipice, 21949-900, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, Tel: 21-2562-7362; Fax: 21-2562-7266; Email: and Whey Proteins in Human Submitted: 12 December 2013 Accepted: 07 May 2014 Milk Published: 14 May 2014 Luciana Pacheco Golinelli1, Eduardo Mere Del Aguila1, Vânia ISSN: 2333-6706 Copyright Margaret Flosi Paschoalin1, Joab Trajano Silva1 and Carlos Adam © 2014 Conte-Junior et al. Conte-Junior1,2* OPEN ACCESS 1Department Biquímica, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2Department of Food Technology, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil Keywords • Human milk Abstract • Human colostrums • Whey proteins The colostrum serum in the human milk has a variety of proteins that characterize • Functional and physiological properties and contribute exclusively to the quality of nutrition. In addition to being an important source of special amino acids required for rapid growth of the baby, many of these proteins have specific functions; such as assisting in the absorption of the fluids, defending against viral and bacterial infections, and stimulating the development of the intestinal mucosa by increasing the immunocompetence of the neonate. Some proteins such as the bile, a salt-stimulated lipase, the α-amylase and α1-antitrypsin,
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