
What makes makes amazing? so What breast 9 Dekaban AS. Ann Neurol. 1978;4:345-356. Neurol. Ann AS. 9 Dekaban 2015;14:2143-2157. Res. JProteome al. et KL 8 Beck 1999;82:391-399. JNutr. Br al. Cet 7 Kunz 2017;44:193-207. Perinatol. Clin al. Set 6 Moukarzel 2001;107:E88. . al. et JA 5 Mennella 2012;30:2164-2174. Cells. Stem al. Fet 9194 Hassiotou 1995. p. Press; Academic Diego: San composition. milk of Handbook editor. RG, 3 Jensen 2012;11:1696-1714. Res. JProteome al. et CE 2 Molinari 2013;26:29-48. Anat. Clin al. Fet 1 Hassiotou References meal all-in-one milk:Breast The ultimate brain. components for optimal development of the essential contains milk Breast size. adult of 80% 2 approximately reaches it of age years 6 first the in at and months doubles almost mass Brain body! the in organ fattest the is brain The brain development supports milk Breast illness. and disease fight to help immunisation baby’s first your is milk breast born, is baby your When defence natural most milkBreast is the child. your of development and needs growing the meet to changes that substance aliving is milk Breast milkBreast is aliving fluid milk. breast transporting and making in a role each parts different gland, mammary Within milk. breast produce they and glands mammary called be also can Your too! organ, an is breast The Surprise! ‘signal’ later food preferences of your baby baby of your preferences food later ‘signal’ may This milk. the flavour during eat you those fluid, amniotic the flavour pregnancy during eat you foods the as Just profile: aflavour has milk Breast flavoured byyou what eat Your milk breast is 9

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