AA Welcomed the Cyclists As They Arrived at Their Destination
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In This Isue: In This Isue: The Anti-Apattiiid Movement's targets for 1983 - page 3 The Masens massacre Eye-witness accounts and pictures from the South African army rid on the Lesotho capital page 5 BARBARA KbNIG reports en South Africa's reign~ of terror 1in Namilbia, while VELA PLLAY looks at the wd mplicatos of destabilisation - page 4 Apaetheid-free zones. PlAns fora big conference for local authorities in Sheffield on 25 March - pages 6/7 Gold -the good lie for rome? THOZAMILEMAKHIETA explains what it's like to work do an apartheid gold mine page 8 Interview with KHOSI and ALEX MBATHA who worked on eommunitydevelopment programnmes in Souit Africa's bantustans page 10 we removing From the beginning of February 1983 . the address of the Anti-Apartheid Movement will be 13 SELOUS STREET LONDON NWI Telephone No 01 -387 7966 T A colleced 375 signatures for tIh Free Nelson Mandela petition and £17 in donations outside Kings Cross statia on' 18 December. The action formed part of an all-London drive .. major railway stations, organised by the AAM's London Committee. Since the conclusion of the nonstop picket outside South Africa House in support of the Kitson family, City AA has been picketing the embassy bn Friday nights between 5.30 and 7.30pm, A full programme of events is planned for the New Year, including a film show in Holbom Library on 2 February at 7.30pm and further action for the Free Mandela and political prisoners campaign Contact: 22 Brownlow Mews, London WCIN 2LA, Tel 405 4498, Harlow HARLOW AA suppsrtes, saisud at least £200 for the Free Nelson Mandela Campaign through a sponsored Cycle for Mandela from Harlow to Cambridge on Boxing Day. The ride was supported by former national cycling champion Dave Marsh and seen off by Chairman of Harlow Council Phil Gibson. Brian Williams of Cambridgewww.nuance.com AA welcomed the cyclists as they arrived at their destination. Harlow District Council has joined the campaign to establish apartheidfree zones in Britain by pledging itself to end all links between Matlow and the Piceto riseim THE Chief Reiresentative of the African National Congress, Ruth Mompati, addressed the General CommitteePDF of Southampton Create! Labour Party on I December. During a5 twoday tourTrial to mark the 70th anniversary 'ear of the ANC's foundation, Ruth also spoke at the Southampton Women's Education Centre and the University Students Union, held discussions with local trade union officials and was interviewed on the BBC Radio Solent phone-in prograsme. Members of Southampton AA distributed leaflets in the shopping precinct condemning the South African massacre in Lesotho and Southampton S't 3CGT, Tel 29363. South, London,, SOUTH LONDON AA covers the boroughs of Wadsworth, Southwark and Lambeth, and welcomes new members to meat regulaly and to help with specific campagns. Wos a successful collesction for the ANC creche itn Tanzansa. Future activities include cotlectins signatures for Mandlela's relemase, on 29 January us Wandsworth, and a public meeting. Contact Hilasy (675 1173) or Carole (672 9944 Ext 260)spotlight on Nigerian links THE Nigerian National Committee Against Apartheid organised a workshop on sanctions on 10-11 December in the city of Jos. Those taking part sent a special message of solidarity to the government and people of Lesotho in the wake of the South African attack on Maseru, as well as adopting a series of proposals for future nationwide campaigns. The Nigerian Vim President, Dr Alex Ekwueme, opened the workshop. The Chairman of the UN Special Committee against Apartheid, Ambassador Alhaji Maitama-Sale, made a comprehensive statement, while AAM F'resident Archbishop Trevor Huddlestun was represented by the Movefnt's Hon Secretary Abdul S Minty. The President of SWAPO, Sam Nujoma, told workshop participants of the current ,stage in the Namibian straggle, while the African National Congress and Pan-Afficanist Congress were represented by Professor *Magubane and the PAC Chairman John Pokel respectively. The final declaration of the workshop called for intensified national and international campaigns for sanctions, the monitoring of alt ecolsomic collaboration with South Africa and increased support to the liberation movements. Abdul Minty was afterwards able to visit Lagos for discussions on anti-apartheid action -with federal government officials. IS YOUR TOWN HERE? 'he AntiApartheid Movement has local groups in the following centres:, Aberdeen Banstead Barnet B.ath BiSmingham Borders Braintree Reent Brighton Bristol Cambridge Camden Canterbuey Cardiff city Croydon Dundee EdinbUrgh Enfleld Epson, Exeter Glasgow Hackney Ha eingey Highgate gfudderfield Leeds Leicester Manchester Merseyside Mid-Sussex Norwich Nottingham Oxford Peterborough Plymouth Regate Riebittond Scarborough Sheffield Skelmersdale Somerset Southampton South London South West Hars Tyneside Walsl West London "York The ScotilshCommitteeof the Anti-Apartheid Movement can be contacted through John Nelson, Secretary, 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton, Lanarks, Tel Hamilton 426781 The Welsh AAM can be contacted through the Secretary, 33 Romilly Road, Canton; Cardiff, or through Cardiff 499769' The AAM London Committee can be contacted through its Secretary, Christabel Gurney, 211 Ladbroke Grove, London W1OiJel 01-969 0915 EEC OFFICIALS are tryi out confusion over a d agreemnent between the C and South Africa The agreement mention the sale of single bae ri calibre exceeding K .22 an arms including gun stocks. The draft agreement w to the attention of the Anti Movement in early Dieveusl quently, AAM wrote t Thorn, President of the EE, sion, and.to Margaret Tha letters demanded clariflcal documents and reminded ents of the UN mandato ams sales to South Africa. Previously, the AAM assured that there are no agreements with South Af :athedral The Cs www.nuance.com tarian assistances t political prisoners and their families in Southern Africa. The Fund's work has always been regardedPDF by the liberationmove Create!ments 5 Trial d p ns- crucial form of support for their aideII strugges. Canon Collis tank the cause ot freedom in Southern Africa to heart, always seeing it as inseparable from the drive for world peace to which, " as first chira of the Campaign for BenefitConcert NuclearDisarmament,hedevoted 8pmSaturday29January ssilarenergy. Universityof London Union, Malet Street, London WC I 'A full tribute to Canon Collins will appear in the next issue of AA Organised by the Anti-Apartheid Movement London Committee New& Tickets: £2.50 (in advance), £0 (L2 sanWaged) at door Apartheid takeover threatens Scottish jobs MEMBERS of +the, Anti-Apartheid 'not be allowed to proceed. The interest' to allow the deal to proceed Movement in Scotland are joining Scottish AAM +immediately con- A strong campaign against te trade unionists, Scottish MPs, local deaned the government's action, takeover hasbeen in progress in Scot authorities and a wide spectrum of which opens the way for even closer land for some time. The fight againt public opinion in fighting plans by links betweet Scotland and apartheid the deal will be one of the items or South African multinational Charter South Africa. The Committee warned the agenda at a conference Scot4ra Cossolidated to take over Scotland's in a statement that the takeover goes and Apartheid Tiue to Act, baihs fourth largest employer in the man-u against the general trend to step up organised by Scottish AAM on 26 fabturing sector, Anderson Strath- trade with independent Africa and MarchinGlasgow(fordetailsseclyde. thethirdworld. CampaignDiaryonthe back page oj Just before Christmas, the British The Monopolies Commission itself thir issue). .vyriment took an unprecedented recognised that the merger of Ander- Scottish AAM can be contacted decision to overturn a ruling by the son ant Chrter would have adverse through the Secretary, John Nelson Monopolies Commission that effectson employtent and industrial 3 Rosevale Crescent, Hamilton. Charter's proposed £64 million take- reltions'm Scotland. They therefore Lanarks, Tel Hamilton 426781 over of Anderson Strathclyde should decided that it was 'not in the public lins Hughes MP, er membees] ed the Antithe funeral in St Paul's I And-Apartheid N~ews JanumeylFebrrrsry 1983 Page 3 198- to smash apartheid A NATIONWIDE CAMPAG .will be länched in March:1983 on the theme Southern Africa - 7he Time to Act. The main alm of the campaign, agrec bythe Anti-Apartheid Movement's National Committee at its Dlecember meeting, will be tto uuvince the British people that now is the time to act i solidarity with the Southern African freedom struggle. Now is the time ,to avert an all-out war in the sub-continent. Two ii portant eventS wIich will almost certain that the next Britisli echo the nessage of the canpaign are General Election will take place scheduled for March. On 25 March durig the 12 sonths fotowing the the Sheffield City Council is hostisg launcing of the caropaig.. a conference for repr-esenttives of The A.AM National Coanittec 1e1 autbont, ie throoghoct Britain sidered detarted proposals for to discuss th prm f'pathei action to ispleme t the 20 eos-. -frer-zonaes'. tionsadoptedaltheAGM. The fö1lowint day, Gtasgow is the aResolutinns I and fl, on Namibia, venue for san al-Scotland aonfrrencc largely raffirned esting AA9 initiated by the Scottisi AAM policy. It a, agreed, in paetiesalar, t. S_ TnctoIt.preare for an effeetive Bitish conScotandatdApartheid Time co Act. pr pare for an effecseBits o Souiera Afca - The Time cowww.nuance.com tribntion to the UN Weels of S.rdaAct will p-ovide a framnework for the rity with Naaibis, torammencing on many campaigninginitiativesadopted 27 October 1983. at tle 1982 Ainual General Meeting * Resnlutions !It and IV. on the -tant aid theAAM arms embargo to'be subaitted to the dirett contact with British goveenmment; discassionsPDF with ican Deylopmeant Create! relevant trade unons on enforcing 5 sference Trial (SMDCC) Ilie emibargo. ~ork ran br o.tu- M en sport (Res IX) -ampaign t, * F-tlh6 actities revoke "o visa agreement'.