480 bus time schedule & line map

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The 480 bus line (Tadworth - Epsom) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Epsom: 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM (2) Tadworth: 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 480 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 480 bus arriving.

Direction: Epsom 480 bus Time Schedule 20 stops Epsom Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:54 AM - 6:55 PM

Monday 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM Headley Drive, Tadworth Norman Close, Tuesday 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM

Tulyar Close, Tadworth Wednesday 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM Parthia Close, England Thursday 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM Medical Centre, Tadworth Friday 8:34 AM - 11:00 PM

Michelham Gardens, Tadworth Saturday 8:43 AM - 11:00 PM

Homeeld Gardens,

Longeld Crescent, Burgh Heath 480 bus Info Hatch Gardens, Burgh Heath Direction: Epsom Cuddington Close, England Stops: 20 Trip Duration: 20 min Mereeld Gardens, Burgh Heath Line Summary: Headley Drive, Tadworth, Tulyar Close, Tadworth, Medical Centre, Tadworth, Chetwode Road, Burgh Heath Michelham Gardens, Tadworth, Homeeld Gardens, Burgh Heath, Longeld Crescent, Burgh Heath, Headley Drive, Tadworth Hatch Gardens, Burgh Heath, Mereeld Gardens, Burgh Heath, Chetwode Road, Burgh Heath, Headley Drive, Tadworth, Great Tattenhams, Tattenham Great Tattenhams, Tattenham Corner Corner, Tattenham Corner Railway Station, Tattenham Corner, Tattenham Corner, Epsom Race Tattenham Corner Railway Station, Tattenham Course, Epsom, Ashley Road Cemetery, Epsom, Corner Treadwell Road, Epsom, Ashley Road, Epsom, St Martins School, Epsom, Heathcote Road, Epsom, Tattenham Corner Clock Tower (C) Tattenham Corner Road, England

Epsom Race Course, Epsom

Ashley Road Cemetery, Epsom

Treadwell Road, Epsom

Ashley Road, Epsom St Martins School, Epsom

Heathcote Road, Epsom

Clock Tower (C) 145 High Street, England Direction: Tadworth 480 bus Time Schedule 13 stops Tadworth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:45 AM - 6:45 PM

Monday 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM Clock Tower (C) 145 High Street, England Tuesday 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM

Methodist Church (M) Wednesday 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM Ashley Road, England Thursday 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM Heathcote Road, Epsom Friday 8:23 AM - 10:51 PM Ashley Road, England Saturday 8:33 AM - 10:50 PM St Martins School, Epsom

Ashley Road, Epsom

Treadwell Road, Epsom 480 bus Info Direction: Tadworth Ashley Road Cemetery, Epsom Stops: 13 Trip Duration: 11 min Epsom Race Course, Epsom Line Summary: Clock Tower (C), Methodist Church (M), Heathcote Road, Epsom, St Martins School, Tattenham Corner Epsom, Ashley Road, Epsom, Treadwell Road, Tattenham Corner Road, England Epsom, Ashley Road Cemetery, Epsom, Epsom Race Course, Epsom, Tattenham Corner, Tattenham Tattenham Corner Railway Station, Tattenham Corner Railway Station, Tattenham Corner, Corner Tattenham Crescent, Tattenham Corner, Great Tattenhams, Tattenham Corner, Headley Drive, Tattenham Crescent, Tattenham Corner Tadworth

Great Tattenhams, Tattenham Corner

Headley Drive, Tadworth Norman Close, England 480 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved