Robyn Maynard CV R o b y n M a y n a r d
[email protected] November 2019 PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Books 2018. NoirEs sous surveillance. Esclavage, répression et violence d’État au Canada. Translated by Catherine Ego. Montreal: Mémoire d’encrier. Winner of the 2019 Prix des libraires, category ‘Essais’, Association des libraires du Québec ($3000) Reviewed in Le Devoir, La Presse, TV5 Monde, Magazine Spirale, Artichault Magazine, Touki Montréal, L’actualité Honours: “13 livres pour déconstruire le colonialism,” Radio-Canada, “Essais: des livres pour réfléchir,” La Presse 2017. Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present. Halifax: Fernwood. Winner of the 2017 Errol Sharpe Annual Book Prize, 2017, Society for Socialist Studies ($500) Finalist for the Best Atlantic Published Book, Atlantic Book Awards Finalist for the Mavis Gallant Prize for Non-Fiction, Quebec Writers’ Federation Literary Awards Finalist for the Concordia University First Book Prize, Quebec Writers’ Federation Literary Awards Reviewed in Histoire sociale/Social history, Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, Studies in Social Justice, Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice, Affilia, Rutgers Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Books, Black Agenda Report, The Toronto Star, Maclean’s, Black Perspectives, (African American Intellectual History Society), Now Toronto, CBC Books, Montreal Review of Books, ArtsFile, Winnipeg Free Press, Afropunk, The Globe and Mail,