The American Sentinel. and Addressed Two Meetings Held in His People Are the Only Means of Reforming PUBLISHED WEEKLY, by the Honor

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The American Sentinel. and Addressed Two Meetings Held in His People Are the Only Means of Reforming PUBLISHED WEEKLY, by the Honor u1.1111111 s'i!"!!',1111. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state or persuasion, religious or political.—Thomas yefferson. VOLUME 6. NEW YORK, MAY 28, 1891. NUMBER 22. eral delegations from surrounding towns, the people, whereas the fact is, that the The American Sentinel. and addressed two meetings held in his people are the only means of reforming PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THE honor. On both occasions his remarks the government. The National Reform- were mildly religious, appropriate to the ers and all other religio-political organ- PACIFIC PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY, day as it is generally regarded. At 6 izations, seem to think that if a reforma- No. 43 BOND ST., NEW YORK. o'clock P. M., the train, in harmony with tory law can by any means be lobbied into Entered at the New York Post Office as Second Class Matter. orders from the President, left Glenwood the statute book, that reform is already Springs, and the party spent the night in far on its way toward completion, whereas EDITOR, - - - ALONZO T. JONES. their car on a side track twenty-four miles I shall show that any attempt of govern- ASSOCIATE EDITORS, from the scene of Mr. Harrison's wrecked ment to reform the people or advance C. P. BOLLMAN, W. H. Mc KEE. resolution to observe Sunday according to them morally, religiously or intellectually, the most approved Presbyterian fashion. must inevitably tend diametrically oppo- THE only purpose for which power Our opinion, however, is that it is none of site to the desired result. call be rightfully exercised over any mem- the Christian Statesman's business how In any form of government, unless it be ber of a civilized community, against his the President spent Sunday. an absolute despotism, a law to be en- will, is to prevent harm to others. His forced -4* * must have a strong public opinion own: good, either physical or moral, is not back of it. This opinion must represent, a sufficient warrant.—John Stuart Mill. The Abuse of Civil Government. at least, the major influence if not the majority in numbers, otherwise the law IN our article on the " Use of Civil IT is said that at an educational con- Government " we saw that its only legit- is a dead letter. Our statute books are ference, held in Germany not long since, imate use was to protect the people in the crowded with laws which are never en- the Emperor declared that he would make exercise of their inherent rights, never to forced simply because the majority of it his sacred duty, as the head of the dictate to or direct them in the exercise of the people have outgrown them. They nation, to promote the inculcation of a said rights. On this point, Mr. Buckle, ought to be repealed, for the open viola- moral and Christian spirit in the public in his " History of Civilization," says :— tion of such dead laws, especially if they schools. However indefinite the expres- be newly enacted statutes, tends to create To maintain order, to prevent the strong from a disregard for all law and a contempt sion which the Emperor may have used, oppressing the weak, and to adopt certain precau- it is yet quite sufficient for those who tions respecting the public health, are the only for all government. But it is evident desire to see governmental authority as- services which any government can render to the that no such public opinion can ever orig- sert itself for the promulgation of relig- interests of civilization. inate simultaneously on any theme of ad- ious doctrine and the enforcement of ob- He also adds vanced thought. The history of the world servances accepted by the majority as But the accusation which the historian is bound has demonstrated that every advanced Christian, to find in this imperial voice to bring against every government which has hith- thought in science, in art, in literature, much food for gratulation as to the rapid erto existed is, that it has overstepped its proper or in religion, has always come to some functions, and, at each step, has done incalculable and widespread advance of their crusade one man first. First there was one, then harm. two, then three who believed it, and the for the establishment of a world wide po- In this article on the abuse of civil gov- litical religion. conflict was long and perilous before the ernment, I do not propose to speak of majority or the multitude accepted it. those open and flagrant abuses of power, Now, as law without public opinion THE Christian Statesman finds fault which, lying on the surface of history, is worse than useless, tending directly to- with the manner in which President Har- are recognized by all; but rather of those ward disrespect for, and disobedience of, all rison and party spent the last Sunday of more subtle abuses of authority into which law; and as public opinion is always nec- their recent return trip from the Pacific the possessor of power is often led even essarily far behind the advanced opinion Coast. The train bearing the party did not by the desire to benefit humanity. These of the minority on all subjects of progres- reach Glenwood Springs, Colorado, until 4 are the abuses which are in danger of sive thought, it follows that government o'clock Sunday morning. At 8 o'clock a being repeated, and on these rests the must always represent the conservative committee escorted the President to break- whole religio-political movement of to-day, party and never the really progressive fast at a hotel. At 11 o'clock the Presi- against which THE SENTINEL sharpens its party, or party of reform. Therefore, dent and some of his party attended serv- shafts of logic and sarcasm. The idea whenever goverement goes beyond its ice at the Presbyterian Church. During seems to everywhere exist, that the gov- legitimate sphere of simply protecting the afternoon Mr. Harrison received sev- ernment is the proper means of reforming people in the exercise of their rights, and 170 THE AMERICAN SENTINEL. seeks to dictate in the exercise of rights, its influence were used to flatter the king, if circumstances are favorable, the pres- and to direct the activities of the mind in and blind his eyes to the pressing needs of sure from without becomes so strong that any department of human thought, it the people, thus encouraging him to con- the government is obliged to give way; must always tend toward deform instead tinue that unjust and arbitrary system of and the reform being accomplished, the of reform; for real advance, and therefore legislation which resulted in the terrible people are expected to admire the wisdom all real reform, must come from the peo- French Revolution. Says Buckle :— of their rulers, by whom all this has been ple, and if the government legislates on Three times in the history of the world has this done." these things at all, by the very law of experiment been tried. In the ages of Augustus, of From the very laws of human progress, human progress, it must oppose them, and Leo X., and of Louis XIV., the same method was which are as unchangeable as the law of adopted, and the same result ensued. In each of hinder them. This is proven not only by these ages there was much apparent splendor, im- gravitation, this must ever be so. The the laws of human progress, but by an mediately succeeded by sudden ruin. In each in- conclusion is evident, and unavoidable; appeal to the historical facts of civiliza- stance the brilliancy survived the independence; civil government should recognize its tion as well. and in each instance the national spirit sank under proper limit of authority, which is the Every new truth has had its apostle,— the pernicious alliance of government and litera- mere protecting of individuals in the ex- its Jesus, its Luther, its Bruno or its ture. ercise of their rights, and should ever and Gallileo, persecuted or put to death for Such is the inevitable result of govern- always leave all moral, intellectual, and its sake, and all this because governments ment exceeding its just authority, and religious progress and reform to the peo- have not recognized the proper limits of seeking to encourage literature. As much ple. their power. might be said of the attempt of govern- If the National Reformers, the Prohibi- Whenever the government has sought ments to encourage trade and commerce. tion party, the Woman's Christian Tem - to hasten the advance of any department Says Buckle:— °ranee Union, and the American Sabbath of human effort or thought, it has really It is no exaggeration to say that the commercial Union, would for one moment grasp in legislation of Europe presents every possible con- retarded it. Louis XIV. of France sought, trivance for hampering the energies of commerce. their beclouded minds this one evident honestly enough, it may be, to stimulate and unchangeable law of progress, their All this, mark, was done by the pater- religio-political schemes would at once and literary activity in France, and to immor- nal care of government, seeking with best talize himself by sending his name down forever vanish into thin air. of intention, no doubt, to direct the citi- to posterity as the imperial patron of let- G. E. FIFIELD, zens in the exercise of their rights. It ters. For this purpose he made laws con- was done to build up commerce, but so • ferring great honors and vast sums of thoroughly did it break it down, that a money upon the successful literary man.
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