75¢ DECEMBER 5, 2013 THURSDAY ThE BakER COUNty PREss 84th Year, Vol. 32 | Winner of 11 state awards for journalism including General Excellence in 2012 Thanksgiving Bradford and essay winners Paxon best the announced 4-3 Lady Cats See page 11 See page 15 Shooting by felon said an accident Biker is The youth was taken to UF ing badly, Deputy McCullough’s how the incident happened and hiding killed in Health Jacksonville and was re- report states. The suspect and the firearm in standing water under the Half-brother covering in stable condition early Tiffany Theophile picked up the residence, Investigator Mike Hauge’s re- this week. brother in a Chevy Cobalt and port indicates. interstate Originally Mr. MacQuarrie at- delivered him to the hospital, “[Mr. MacQuarrie] stated he was recovering tempted to cover up his involve- Mr. MacQuerrie contended. scared and did not want to go to prison, ment in the incident. But upon further questioning, so he lied about the incident,” the inves- accident When police arrived at the the suspect began revising his tigator wrote. JOEL ADDINGTON JOEL ADDINGTON NEWS EDITOR Fraser Hospital emergency story, which led police to inspect Witnesses at the home, including two NEWS EDITOR
[email protected] room, Deputy Trey McCollough the mobile home on Tom Wilk- juveniles, corroborated Mr. MacQuar- overheard the victim telling ER erson Road. There they found rie’s recorded confession. The two juve-
[email protected] An 18-year-old man was jailed after staff he’d been shot at the county what looked like blood at the en- niles told police they cleaned up blood at A Macclenny motorcyclist shooting his younger half-brother in the fairgrounds, which is near the trance to the residence.