The Puppet Master Part 1

Welcome to the program. Tonight I ask you to watch this program with an open mind. I ask you to put your partisan differences aside and watch this program with an open mind. I ask you to put your partisan differences aside and really listen, and then do your own homework. Don’t take my word for it. Research yourself, this is far too important. The topic tonight, and tomorrow night, George Soros.

There are things that are happening in the country that don’t make any sense. (a Marxist that Obama hired to be a Green Jobs Czar) said something that bothered me over the summer, I mean, he said a lot of things over the years that had bothered me, but one comment in particular, over the summer, stuck with me, and it was this, ”You handle the top down, but it’s also bottom up, and inside out – top down, bottom up, and inside out. So now your challenge as you leave here, our challenge, is to take care of that bottom up part, and that inside out part, the hard part. That’s not.. That bothered me because I know who this guy is. He’s a communist revolutionary, a guy who pined for the days of Stalin (when) the Iron Curtain went down. Something’s wrong there. Well, it didn’t really bother me until recently when I started looking into all of the George Soros connections and the size and the scope of his reach. And, let me tell you something. Here, read up on George Soros. There’s plenty of ways to read about him. These are all books about George Soros, many of them written by him. So, there’s no shortage of information, and read them. Read them. The comment doesn’t bother me anymore. I understand what it means, and that’s why that comment now frightens me, and I will put it into perspective tonight and tomorrow, pull back the curtain and reveal what that actually means and it will terrify you. There’s a couple of other things you’ll understand: First of all in 2003, Soros and a partner funded the new 5 million dollar liberal group

Well,, what exactly is that? Well, you remember it, it is the group that originally called General Petraeus General Betray-Us. It’s despicable. Well, who have they tapped for the Executive Director for This guy, Zach Exley. I’ve never heard of him before. Do you know who he is? Well, he previously had trained activists for the anarchist group, the Ruckus Society (ruckus). These are the riots in Seattle, help orchestrated by this guy. More on that in just a minute. Oh, by the way, he’s also a blogger for the Huffington Post, which is interesting because the Huffington Post gets money from George Soros. Oh, and he’s also a fellow with the George Soros Open Society Institute. Violent radicals, oh, and by the way, it’s just not that phrase that came... George Soros has been following him when he originally funded the Ella Baker Society, or the Center for Human Rights (Van Jones is the communist Glenn put the sign next to), and then of course, he was on the Apollo Alliance, and then when he got fired from the White House, he went to the Center for American Progress, which was also funded by George Soros.

Radicals, radicals. Oh, The Open Society Institute, in case you don’t know what this is, don’t worry, you will in the next couple of days. The Open Society Institute is George Soros’ most important group. It is really spectacular. It is his philanthropist arm. This is where he looks for , to give out his precious money, and boy did he find Mother Teresa. Well, not exactly! He found to head this organization the founder of the violent activist group SDS, Students for a Democratic Society. You don’t know what they did in the ’60s? You will. One string, 425 million dollars every single year. The strings that are being pulled by the Puppet Master.

Hello, America, there are a few working parts to a puppet show. There is the Puppet Master, there’s the stage, there is the audience, there are the strings to each puppet, and then, there’s the story. There’s also why. Why is the story? Why is the show happening? What is the Puppet Master? What is his motivation? Is it for the money? Is it for entertainment? Is it personal gain? What is it? Make no mistake, we are watching a show. The stage is the world. It’s television, it’s newspaper, it’s speaches, it’s the political elections, it’s what’s happening in Washington. You are the audience, and like any good show, they do have one goal in mind. They want you to feel something. But most shows don’t have a hidden meaning behind it, they just want you to laugh, they just want you to be entertained. This one, not so much. At the end of the show, you have a choice to make. They want you to get up from your seats. Of course they have in mind of what they are planning on you choosing, and they are just using this stage to try to make the case and convince you of it.

It’s really propaganda. Where’s the propaganda book? Here it is. This is actually from one of Wilson’s— nasty, nasty guys. This is the book that I’ve told you before on propaganda that Hitler used— Goebbels. I just want to show you propaganda, this is a Dean. This is what’s taught in schools.

D: Democracy is adminstered by the intelligent minority who know how to regiment and guide the masses. That’s great, this is Edward Bernay’s. Let me give you the whole quote here. He says, ”The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the massess is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government (an invisible government, maybe almost a shadow government— remember that) which is the true ruling power of our country.”

Do we have a shadow government? Answer it now. Remember how you answer it, and then, answer it again after today’s show and tomorrow’s show. The question is, “Do we have a shadow government?” And, if we do, who are those intelligent minority that is guiding us through? And where are they guiding us to? If you skip passed all of the puppets and the strings, if you stop looking at the puppets themselves, you have to see who’s behind the puppets. Who is choosing the puppets and the players? Who’s the Puppet Master?

George Soros. Now, I am sure that this will be called a conspiracy theory, and quite honestly, a year ago, two years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it myself, but it is right out in the open. I encourage you. Do not take my word for this. Do your own research, and don’t go to conspiracy websites, or anything else. Go to his own books. Go to the Biographies written about him. Go to things that are well documented, like “60 Minutes”. Things that are well known for their accuracy.

We have all of the materials that put this show together at and in my free email newsletter. I want you to see the foot notes on this program. Do not take anything I say as Gospel tonight. I want you to decide for yourself, I want you to question with boldness. Is George Soros a man who says, “Yes, you will be perfect, and you will be perfect, and you will be perfect”. Is he really a Puppet Master? And, if he is, how does he control? How does he control? Welp, let’s start with this. Let’s just take a couple of examples here, and watch watch George Soros has said, and see if there’s any connection to anything.

Soros spoke at Columbia University. He talked about an urgent need for campaign finance reform. I want you to remember questioning our elections is important to George Soros. You’ll understand it in about 20 minutes. Well, he wanted to have campaign finance reform. He thought it was important. He spoke at Columbia University about it. Well, Open Society, his little group, Open Society, started by the guy with SDS. It was one of only a handful of groups that 123 million dollars to push finance reform. Soros said, ”Do something about the distortion of our electorial process by the excessive use of tv. advertising, so he wanted to make sure that lies couldn’t distort things. Well, it wasn’t long after that speech at Columbia University that, lo and behold Senator Russ Feingold, a progressive, and a few months later, with John McCain, a Republican progressive, came with a proposal in hand for what would eventually become the McCain-Feingold Act. The irony, if it is, is that the McCain-Feingold ultimately led the explosion of 501C-3 groups, which can advertise at will. 501C-3 groups. Oh, 501C-3 groups, you mean like Sourgourners, or Color for Change, or the TIDES Foundation, or Media Matters, or People for the American Way, or, Center for American Progress, the Apollo Alliance, ...for Human Rights – you mean those things? You see, we had the McCain-Feingold Act, and then mysteriously, almost unbeknownst to everyone, those groups became very powerful, much more powerful. And guess who controls most of the most powerful – George Soros. George Soros in the aftermath of 9/11 talked about police action as an alternative to war.

Now, did anyone ever pick up on that? This is what he said, "War is a false and misleading metaphor in the context of combating terrorism...crimes require police work, not military action... .” (George Soros). Here he is the Democratic candidate for president adopting "crimes require police work, not military action positions: (John Kerry talks war in Iraq) „What we’ve learned is that the war on terror is much more of an intelligence operation and a law enforcement operation.” The war on terror is far less of a military operation, and far more of an intelligence gathering law enforcement operation ". And that’s what we have.

Now, in our office (it) starts with George Soros. Days after president Obama was elected, George Soros again set the agenda. He said, "I think we need a large stimulus package which will provide funds for state and local government to maintain their budgets – because they are not allowed by the constitution to run a deficit, for such programs to be successful. The federal government would need to provide hundreds of billions of dollars. In addition, another infrastructure program is necessary. In total, the cost would be in the 300 to 600 billion dollar range.”

Well what was on ..the first thing on Obama’s agenda? The 787 billion dollar stimulus bill. Gee, I remember this, and I remember saying at the time, who wrote this? It was too complex, it was too early in his..oh yea, that’s right, the Apollo Alliance. Where does the Apollo Alliance come from? The Tides Foundation. And where does the Tides Foundation get a lot of their funding? George Soros.

Soros also heavily promotes green jobs, and cap and trade. Also, days after Obama was elected, he called for a new energy bill. "I think this is a great opportunity to finally deal with global warming and energy dependence. The U.S. needs a cap and trade system with auctioning of licenses for emissions rights. I would use the revenues from these auctions to launch a new, environmentally friendly energy policy. That would be yet another federal program that could help us to overcome the current stagnation. Well, congress introduced..

But, you stood up. You said, "I don’t think so.” The audience started to revolt. Cap and Trade failed. Now, through (the) Freedom and Information Act, we find out that the Department of Energy and EPA (Environment Protection Agency) actually coordinated their response to damning reports about green jobs from Spain with the help of George Soros, and his Center for American Progress, which gets their funding from here, George Soros. Here it is December 9th, 2004. Also there is aaa...this piece of information. This guy, where is Eli. Eli, a prizer. There he is. He headed the Soros group, the front group "MoveOn.pac. Now, he wasn’t upset that Kerry lost. Why? He explained this in an email. This is important that you understand, "In the last year, grassroots contributors like us gave more than 300 million dollars to the Kerry Campaign and the DNC, and proved that the party doesn’t need corporate cash to be competitive...Now it’s our party; we bought it. We own it, and we’re going to take it back. "

Do you understand what just happened, George Soros got rid of all of the corporate money through "McCain-Feingold” (an Act that restricted corporate finance for campaigns—most corporate campaign finance money went to the Republican Party because they have more sound economic, and business- friendly policies.), which then allowed all of the 501C3s to come in...this one might help, and this one might help, and this one might help. And all the 501C3s now make their party lift their hands. The money is the string. They control everything.