Present: Peter Eveson (Chair) Parish Councillor David Price (Deputy Chair) Parish Councillor Bill Brown Parish Councillor Gill Cox Parish Councillor Michael Eld Parish Councillor Robert Eld Parish Councillor Jean Wetton Parish Councillor

In attendance: Ray Sutherland Borough Councillor Mark Winnington County Councillor : John Charleton Clerk + 4 members of the public

Apologies: Alison Vaughan Parish Councillor Steven Leighton Stafford Borough Councillor Frank Chapman Staffordshire County Councillor

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed those present

Minute Actions 17/01/01: INTERESTS DECLARED OR DISPENSATION REQUIRED Cllr M Eld declared an interest in agenda item 6 in relation to planning issues affecting Seighford Settled Estate.

Cllr Sutherland declared an interest in respect of any issue relating to planning permission under consideration or approved by Stafford Borough Council.

No dispensations were requested by any councillor or others in attendance in relation to any item on the agenda.

17/01/02: MATTERS RAISED BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC Mr Peter Longstaff, a local resident, updated the Council on progress with the replacement of the bus shelter at Great Bridgeford. A new wooden bus shelter had been installed with the previous plastic temporary shelter in storage ready for re-location to the Great Bridgeford football field.

Mr Longstaff expected the plastic shelter to be anchored to the ground on the football field using concrete although slabs could be used as an alternative.

Cllr M Eld noted that while relocating the plastic shelter on the football field Cllr may be classed as permitted development, planning permission may be Sutherland required if concrete is used for the floor of the shelter. to confirm planning The Chair confirmed that on completion, both the new wooden bus shelter and permission the relocated shelter will be covered by the Parish’s building insurance. requirement


Minute Actions Following a proposed by Cllr R Eld which was seconded by Cllr Cox:

IT WAS RESOLVED: a letter be sent to Mr Longstaff to record the thanks of Clerk to the Parish Council for his valuable work with the other members of Great send a Bridgeford Gardens to establish a new bus shelter in Great Bridgeford. letter

17/01/03: MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON 21 NOVEMBER 2016 Councillors considered the draft minutes of this meeting which had been previously circulated. The following amendments to the minutes were requested and agreed: • Minute 05: Development on the Green, Seighford . Cllr R Eld requested that his disassociation with comments made by Cllr Price about Cllr Leighton be noted. • Minute 12: Roads, Highways and Planning Matters Cllr Price requested a correction to confirm that ‘Speedwatch’ is not yet up and running in Great Bridgeford.

Following a proposal by Cllr Cox which was seconded by Cllr Price:

IT WAS RESOLVED: that, subject to the agreed amendments, the minutes of the meeting be accepted as a true record and signed by the Chair.

17/01/ 04: MATTERS ARISING • Minute 07: Matters Arising from the Meeting on 19 September 2016 Cllr Wetton noted that there were still issues with flooding on the Greenway in the section from and Haughton which had been reported to Staffordshire County Council.

Cllr M Eld withdrew from the meeting at this point .

17/01/05: THE GREEN, SEIGHFORD The Chair reported on the latest position in respect of the Green at Seighford in relation to planning permission and Section 106 requirements.

Councillors considered a draft motion, previously circulated, to confirm the position of the Parish Council in response to a letter from the Borough Council.

Following a proposal by Cllr Price which was seconded by Cllr Cox:

IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: the statement below be approved and sent to Stafford Borough Council.

‘That Seighford Parish Council is not prepared to agree to modify the Section Clerk to 106 Agreement dated 14th December 2012 relating to land at the Green arrange Seighford and fully supports the Local Planning Authority in carrying out enforcement action to recover the land encroached upon and to ensure that the land is properly landscaped strictly in accordance with the approved landscaping plan numbered 5720028/040/101/SK6 scheme to the complete satisfaction of the Parish Council before the legal transfer to the Parish Council takes place.

Cllr M Eld rejoined the meeting at this point


Minute Actions 17/01/ 06: UPDATES FROM COUNTY AND BOROUGH COUNCILLORS • Cllr Sutherland thanked the Parish Council for clarifying its position in relation to the Green at Seighford. He expressed the hope that the matter be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of all interested parties.

The following queries were raised by Parish Councillors: • A complaint had been made by a local resident with the local MP regarding the state of the pavement in Great Bridgeford. The resident Cllr had been advised of the costs of the County repair plan rather than the Sutherland costs to repair a section of the pavement. Cllr Winnington expressed to raise with the view that this section of the footpath needed to be replaced; Streetscene • Concern was raised with regard to the number of potholes on Clanford Lane adjoining Seighford airfield and on the junction of the Newport Councillors Road with Derrington Lane which had been reported to SCC Highways; to advise Cllr • A councillor expressed the view that the lunch breaks of Amey staff Sutherland employed to repair potholes were over-long. Cllr Winnington noted that ref potholes Amey managers monitor the performance of its staff against targets

• Cllr Winnington confirmed that he had raised the issue of the broken

signpost on Clanford Lane with Highways and expected the matter to

be resolved in the near future;

• Concerns raised by local residents about noise from the Driver Experience Centre at Seighford Airfield were highlighted. • A number of residents in Derrington had complained that the Cllr polytunnels at Billington Farm had been covered in January in breach of Sutherland a condition of planning permission for this development. to check • The Chair noted that fly-tipping which had taken place on Jasmine Lane planning in Great Bridgeford had been reported to the County Council. conditions re Following a proposal by Cllr M Eld which was seconded by Cllr Price: polytunnels

IT WAS RESOLVED: a letter be sent to the Planning Authority to confirm the Council’s view regarding an apparent breach of a condition of planning Clerk to permission in respect of the polytunnels at Billington Farm. advise the Borough Cllrs Winnington and Sutherland and 4 members of the public left the meeting Council


(a) Invoices for Payment The Clerk presented a summary update of the Parish’s current financial position and requested approval for payment of the following invoices: :

• JRB Enterprise Ltd (Dog gloves) £282.60 • Stafford Borough Council (Grass mowing: Derrington) £1,189.44 • E H Hodgkins (Hedge cutting at Seighford/ Derrington) £72.00 • Seighford Settled Estate (football field and kick-about patch) £600.00

• Autela Payroll Services (parish council payroll) £28.91

• Stafford Borough Council (Civic Amenity visits) £164.00 • Staffs Parish Councils Association (membership subscription) £118.00

Councillors noted that the payment of SPCA membership for the remainder


Minute Actions of the year will include the subscription charge and the affiliation fee payable to NALC. The rate payable in the full year 2017/18 will be £354.

Following a proposal by Cllr Price which was seconded by Cllr Cox:

IT WAS RESOLVED: payment of the above invoices be approved.

(b) Precept 2017/18 Councillors discussed the level of the parish precept for 2017/18 noting the guidance received from Stafford Borough Council.

Councillors observed that as Staffordshire County Council faced ongoing reductions in government funding, the demands on the parish council to maintain standards for local residents were likely to increase in 2017/18 and subsequent years. Cllr M Eld highlighted the Parish Council’s commitment not to increase its charge to local tax-payers.

Councillors noted that the Borough Council intended to maintain the level of concurrent functions allowance at £1,496 in line with the current year. In its calculation of the Parish’s Tax Base the Borough Council had indicated a small increase of 2.4% in the Band D equivalent position for the Parish.

A proposal by Cllr Price which was seconded by Cllr M Eld was subject to a

vote by show of hands:

IT WAS RESOLVED by four votes to three: Clerk to • The amount to be charged to local taxpayers per Band D property notify the remain the same as in the current financial year; Borough • The Parish Council will require a 2.4% increase in the precept for Council 2017/18 to £12,032 to maintain the current position for local taxpayers; • The full concurrent allowance of £1,496 will be required.

17/01/08: CLERK’S REPORT The Clerk reported on the following correspondence received by letter/ email. • Staffordshire County Council: Staffs CC is terminating its agreement with the Parish Council in respect of the ‘lengthsman’ scheme for minor highway maintenance not included in a programme of highway work. • Stafford Borough Council: The Inspectors’ report on the Plan for the Borough had been published and was available for reference on-line; • Staffs Parish Council Association: details were circulated of forthcoming Training opportunities for parish councillors; • Staffordshire County Council: weekly updates from Highways had been circulated to report on progress in repairing potholes.

IT WAS RESOLVED: • Cllr Price, Cllr Cox and Cllr R Eld to attend the SPCA Local Councillor Clerk to training session at Staffordshire Place on 21 February 2017; reserve • Cllr R Eld and Cllr Wetton to attend the SPCA Development Control places training session on 8 February 2017: • SCC’s termination of the lengthsman scheme from 31 March be noted.


Minute Actions 17/01/09: PLANNING MATTERS , A planning application for Ellanslea, Road, Great Bridgeford had been supported by the Parish Council with the Planning Officer advised.

17/01/10: HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATH AND PLAYING FIELDS MATTERS • An update was provided on the latest position with regard to tree- cutting in Derrington. Following advice from Street scene, Simon Griffiths was arranging for the trees near to the road to be cut-back; • The Clerk had confirmed the receipt of a quote from Streetscene to complete the remaining work at a cost of £400 + VAT; • Councillors agreed that it would not be necessary to arrange for the

cleaning of road signs in 2017 by Trent Ground Maintenance.

Following a proposal by Cllr Cox which was seconded by Cllr Brown: Clerk to IT WAS RESOLVED: Streetscene be requested to complete the outstanding advise tree-surgery at Derrington at the quoted price of £400 + VAT Streetscene

17/01/11: ANY OTHER BUSINESS • The surrounds to the gullies on the side of A5013 in Great Bridgeford had sunken leading to blockages which could cause flooding. The matter had been reported to SCC Highways. Councillors agreed that if

not addressed urgently the Parish Council may need to arrange for a private contractor to repair the gullies; Cllr Price to • Cllr Price noted that despite reminders the police had not yet taken follow up action to set up Speedwatch in Great Bridgeford; with Cllr • Staffs Safer Roads Partnership had supplied stickers for wheelie bins to Chapman help raise awareness of speed limits; • Cllr Cox summarised the issues considered by the Stafford West Collaboration Group in relation to the devolvement of powers. The County Council had arranged a training event for councillors on 23 February to clarify its devolution agenda; • The next meeting of the Collaboration Group was on 27 April with the venue to be confirmed.

Following a proposal by Cllr M Eld which was seconded by Cllr Price: Clerk to send letter IT WAS RESOLVED: a letter be sent to SCC Highways to highlight the defects to SCC on the A5013 and remind the authority of its responsibility and liability.

17/01/12: NEXT MEETING Monday 20 March 2017 at Great Bridgeford Village Hall at 7.30pm

As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm