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EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELP- HIA, TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1915. rt 'OUNG AHEARN AFTER HEAVYWEIGHTS-GO- LF TODAY AT PHILMONT-OTH- ER 8PORTR WOKUm FAMOUS ATHLETES LOST YOU CAN QUARREL ON ANY SUBJECT IN GREATEST OF WARS IN EUROPE RKWALATODER-DUETOSTAGEMO- W I TV, J A fiu- - THT3 I llti I 1 m?M67 7UiMTV owe nj ( LOOMIT U.At SOM8 VJKTC.H .r r Hul" joe V w,ttw Tb, (pT) Kfcawt of the Athletic Talent of England, France. Germanu nrf. j0, Other Countries Has Been Sacrificed All Branches of DUEL fflPHMJB FRAY Sport Hard Hit Chicago's Spitballer, Either thleUs haTe not been behind their Wilding, a gallant soldier and a true ers In lne diviiuuca iiiuy nave jam gentleman. He perished In Darda- . - nt ,1,tv. nml Ihn tho Very Good or Very Bad, ..tin, vimniv nelles after having distinguished himself - 1....1 ttmvlntfalir t1latlnillahn,1 rot-- some of Hie qualities of courage ft ' i. ...( .. ..HMntl. i.m nnd Is Westerners' Hope to determination that had marked his tennis Ha who havo laid down their lives career. Stop u Phils. Now Rushing 1 the Bliar ui mu "i-s- umno u Another great athtete wan Lieutenant "oud company. Hulswell, aiTOIympIc hero, and tho holder Pennantward. t most cosily Bacrinco wai...nan neon on the day he died of middle distance rec- upon tlio rtltar has boon that of tho ords. Ilouln, the greatest distance run- v ner Igh IS1CS. men wnu jcur ur .vvu Franco ever produced, was reported Kppa nixey will pilch for the: Phillies could Interest the world In their Kllcd some tlmo ago. Ho died with Urlt-Is- h against the Cuba this afternoon, while) performances havo per and French records unassalled. Ho will bo Manager Dresnahan will depend', upon 1 and it may bo that only after tho remembered not only an a victim of the war, Jimmy Lavender. spit- In over tho general public will realize but as tho man who covered Lavender Is k moro ground In ono t has been lost. hour than any other baller and Is, therefore, either very Rood" will recall that Geoff Taylor runner nho ever heard tho pistol crack. or very bad. nfldlatis Germany, too, In his last start against Art Mulr tiro among thoso forever haa lost tho two great- tho Phillies est athletes Ima- i " ' " he held Moran's men to four frnm their midst! that Allan David sho over possessed, but It is watch i wiiat'?i (fps b1 ( HM Vbi ol i " s " t to bo admitted M0 Tuv M CMnNlfiHt- - hits and scored a victory over Rlxey, one of tho greatest hockoy players that Germany was never I UifEMT.) N0 OFFa very A I.X.aos 1oRI t 754T . GoWot'ieMRI(SHt UP fM rt, ( - J ever played that name, was re-- J strong In athletes. In Itau, tho M j l'uiT6M YoJ- J I'M OFP who was also pitching grand ball. on day honored and tho noxt day sprinter and record holder, nnd Braun, tho nixey la pitching better bail with eretr tig, and that a dozen othorn almost mlddlo distance runner, sho mourns tho start and Is anxious to turn" thai tables on Mil known havo disappeared, nnd death of tho only two Germans who 6vcr Lavender today The Phllly players were !ftt will enter somewhat Into tho feel- - attained International promlnenco against very much disappointed at not being able fin, of tho Drltlsh sportsmen who mourn tho beat that the would could produce. to finish or play five Innings of tho second As a matter of fact, Germany has not game yesterday, m they figured that two Bam of tho raco has vanished in Flan- - been as prominent In athletics as might defeats In one nrternoon would do much 3 and tho Dardanelles. havo been expected of such a great coun- toward putting the Cuba on the toboggan. explain why try. The Cubs do not look nearly so strong la not necessary to as they on In tho world Nevertheless, she has lost temporarily did their first appearance in 8u nf the nrcatcst athletes this city, and the gsnernl opinion is Ifi'vo offered themselves as volunteers In Froltzhelm nnd Krnutzo tho tennis play-er- a that - uresnahan's team is hot likely to stay bR- Mf -- vppv. -- - pnlrlt Hint mnriri who represented In In- nvs 'rim.. - - - her tho last up In the pennant fight Three out of VT ntr. .... nv Ihn flnlrl nt atnft Itllllln competition. of four at!" giUUfc U" ""'" " ,v..v ternational Both them for tho Phillies would do much toward tho fields Flanders. aro prisoners of war; might men- Tfim eminent on of nnd one sending the Cubs down a peg or two In 'Hundreds of uthlctcs are In tho ranks of tion half the distinguished members of ..,.-.- tho standing and the, Phils win fight hard . h.1 .lint, 1,,1..- .1, 11 f III". ll.Oi. SIICI1IU--rrtn1rM -- ..U ......llata tho German tennis clubs nnd nil among IM AinCiJ vague, for tho next two games. (I thoso killed or wounded aro them men who havo been killed, wounded So far In the series Phillies been recorded, but It the have llinf names hnvo or aro prisoners of tho Allies. played better all-rou- bolt than (procaine mere are oincra iubi wiioau Tho fact that famous athlete, have not the Cubs. Dresnahan has shown little mes won't be known until after tho been figuring prominently on tho casualty Inside stuff, the main object of each man. I, and wno win men no rccoracu lists as havo tho nthlctes of the other na- being to see how army missing. for he can hit the baU, ions tho Rrcnt of tho tions Is to be cxplnlncd solely by tho fact Many attempts at stealing bases hare oarmcn, tennis players, iootumi men, that German athletes havo not been too I been made, but for the moit part they we. athletes, aviators, golfers, auto-gotil- lo pnst wero made with numerous In tho decade. Germany I little thought of the drivers, pugilists, all havo been had considered athletics to bo child's play. score, the batter or any other condition 'jijt Every branch of sport has ed Tho great gamo hns been the war game. PRICES FOR CAVALRY VIC SAIER, which might make It poor baaebtdl td be to tho cause of battle. Such Golf has made her sacrifices, the most OF CHICAGO CUBS, COLLEGE GOLF EVENT taking the chance. On the other hand, fjjies as theso havo already figured tho Phillies have had great success Witts m notable being Lord Annealcy, formerly JjCtn alspaicnes: wnuing, me ivuniru-- amateur champion of Ireland. Hutchin- HAS PLACE IN HALL OF FAME tho play and have shown tennis champion', Nornhelm, a noted MOUNTS ARE RAISED SET FOR SEPTEMBER 7 marked ability to take advantage of thefr Bousquet, son, another noted nmatcur, Is reported a Berrnan tennis player; Chelll, prisoner, and Henderson and Atkinson opponents' errors of commission anil ttcnrglSi arid Do Joanls, French tennis aro nmong these who gnve tholr lives for By GRANTLAND RICE Judgment. Lord y, isrers of note. Golf has lost England's cause Tho nthletcs hnve como Advocates Tho Baseball Iteportor dropped in at aco as well as brains and ability. Ho not A. Mnrtln-folt- h Major General Scott Annual Championship Will e W. Henderson, Julian forward nobly, and thore Is no casualty Bill's .plneo with general Idea put- only 1915, died tho of pounded his way back In but and Miss Nelll Fraaer, who list that does not contain tho name of Such a Move Sees Need of ting nwny a couplo of lull, dark ones ho cam- Decided on Green- CROWELL TO PITCH mo has been ono of tho stnrs of tho Links of tSIU acting aa a iraineu nurou lur some joung man whose chief Interest Ills Bystcm had Just absorbed n July paign ono of tho most valuable portions Horses Army. double-head- C. C. JUtS. before the war began was sport In some for and he carried n thirst or McOraw'a struggling machine. Ills wich rinrlcans will recall that Jimmy Duffy, of Its branches Out of 27 blues In Ox- which batted .BIS. In addition to which, batting cyo hns range'd between .320 nnd FOR LOWLY MACPIEN Mnr-- 111 gono Just that moment, ho didn't mind M of tho most famous of Canadian ford, have to tho war. rietcher Sportsmen generally are high nt .3.10 all year ho has been a timely hitter runners, naa and McCraggen, two noted Oxford men, in their talking bnseball nny more thnn a soldier OolleKo golfers have at last settled on ijloa lauen. whuio Major Hugh I- - and his play around first iins been both tour- upon of 133 praise of General Scott's nflcr completing 21 hours In tho llrst-lln- e plans for their annual championship iru of this continent commented have laid down their lives, nnd of consistent and brilliant. In place of being litt Wilding, tho Australian, Cambridge men who havo attained proml- recent remarks nnent tho exporting trenches minds tho same nament. Tho scene will bo the links of Erratic Hurling Blocks Ath- fact thnt mares of army his last and worst 1015 so far has been the Club a'nd time jKjto.was the greatest tennis play- - nenco as sculls, only 10 have remained at brood and tho failure the after n rest. Greenwich Country the ono.of to recognlzo the proper value of thorough- his greatest year.