Tucumcari News Times, 09-30-1915 the Uct Umcari Print
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-30-1915 Tucumcari News Times, 09-30-1915 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 09-30-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/198 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ni. ' - T 'V, ' ' ' 4 ? fe rn. 5 X Q"7 Couatjr i.i.14 Adrertisera Knew Where to ! Largest ClrenlaUen ef Any J Place Their Ad ffueumeati Jiews Paper in Quay Cenatjr ; AND TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. XIV. TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. THURSDAY, SKIT. 30, 1915 NO. 1 1 :& I I I ! A It - DECLARE OF TU- - , COUNTY PROMISES TO SPANISH WEDDING SATUH- RAVAGES TUCUMCARI WILL ENTERTAIN TALK BY WIRELESS ACROSS DISTRICT COURT WILL CON- ! BERCULOSIS NEAR AN END A HE REST EVER HELD HERE DAY ATTENDED RV HUNDREDS REAL BIG CIRCUS OCT 21 CONTINENT FIRST TIME VENE NEXT MONDAY, OCT 4 I I Philadelphia, Sept. 2B.-Phy- slcian Tlu prngrum for the county fair in One of the grnndoot weddings over General contrnctlng agent Murray By courtesy of the Mountain States District court will conveno next complete ouch 1h held Satur- tuberculosis declared today thu , A. Pennock of the Al. G. not hut committee in this city happened last at Barnes Wild Telephone nnd Telegraph Co., Tucum-car- i, or week and Judge Lieb nnd his assist- luhnrliig hard to have something do- day morning and was followed by an closing session the seventh muiuul Animal Circus, was here last Monday we urc allowed to publish the ants will arrive Sunday. all-da- y i meeting of thu American Association nrinnging ing all tho time. program which it is thought for the nppearnnce of thu following article: This term promises to be lively one of Clinical Research Barnes Show The sheds are being constructed aim about five hundred persons participat- at the Ilahnemnu in Tucumcarl, on Thurs- New Y'ork City, Sept. 20, 1015 from start to finish as tho grand jury It medical college the cure evolved day, is expected that the products will ed in. that Oct. 21. This afternoon the human voice trav- will havo under consideration several Sat- by Dr. D. Gibson of Denvci "Wherein does commence arriving us early as Tho wedding was held in the morn- JcTcrson tho wild unirnnl cir- eled across the continent from tho At- cases. There will be two threo llw. old-tim- or mur urday. Sec'y Carter hts worked un- ing 7:00 o'clock, after which a spe- Pnln.. nriiatitmif nt ntiuii. cus differ from tho e regula- at 1.. ' lantic to tho Pnclllc, without tho aid of der cases tried this term, ono of which tiringly on to cially prepared !..lf is one 1L... in years 1.. tion circus wus nsked 7" the proportion make feast w:ih prepared ciniion mat leu ougni wircH, by means of a wireless tele- will bo brought here from Raton, Col- the having Hide-track- to place tuberculosis among tho rel- "The Barnes circus is fair a hucccah, and served nt the opera house. Every different phone apparatus developed by the en- fax county on n change of venue. atively non-fat- al diseases. the his regular duties. He will iond thu thing imaginable was served during entire entertainment offer- gineers of tho Bell system. Tho bur docket will contain fifty immediately closes tho morning liquors, beer, nnd Dr. Gibson mentioned the cure in ed is given by trained animals large- car after the fair such as President Thco N. Vnil of tho Amer- criminul enscs nnd ninety-fiv- e civil his address opening the meeting on ly wild animals," replied Mr. and ship the host to Albuquerque to champagne, coffee and all kinds of Pennocli ican Telephone und Telegruph Com-pun- y cases. show the Btatc. will bo Thursday and described it in detail in "Al. G. Humes, tho wild against It the soft drinks. animnl sitting in tho office of tho com-pnn- y There nro threo perjury cases in win ho-cau- A a paper at today's sussion. It pro- training wizard and farmers fault if he docs not sumptuous dinnor wns served at proprietor of the nt 15 Day St., Now York City, connection with tho First State Bank they vides a cure by adding s, ozone Barnes shows, was the have the stuff this year the Mapes residence in the west pari originator of spoko into a Bell telenhnno rnnnnpfnil which failed ubout two years 13 and static electricity to the climatic tho Wild animal circus, launching ugo. and it will ho the bent advertisement of town and the guests returned to the tho by wires of tho Bell system to the wire cuses for larceny of cattle nnd horses; hoUfC onr-ticlput- und dietetic treatment now common in innovation nine years ago. thu could secure. There will bo numor oporu wheru n dance wns That the less tower ut Arlington, Vu nnd his 10 embezzlement cases. go through on tuberculosis hospitals. By this meth- now amusement idea ous train Albuquerque in by those who caicd to and met with appro- words were transmitted hv wirnlnoa Tho grand jury will go into session dnys and thu even- od, ho claims, tho presence of the dis- val from the public Is by the tho fair is held thore the floor was crowded most all attested the telephony to Mares Islnnd, near San Monday and is known num- will ease can lie detected in healthy, ro- fuel his circus now ranks it that a Snnta Fo railroad stop them for ing until a Into hour when nil retired as the larg- I'rnncisco, Unllr. ber of complaints will be heard by pasBcn-ge- r bust persons even before the well de- est animal show in threo hours, allowing everey to their several homes but not until the world." This lutest und most rcmurknblo tri- this body and several indictments ar fined symptoms begin to form, nnd thirty-fiv- e years, to go nut to tho grounds and boo they had wished the bride and groom "For Mr. Barnes umph of tho telenhono nrt U'iiM nnilnr expected. cures cun be affected in advanced canes hus been a wild an much as possible. a long and prosperous mnrried life. trainer of nnlmuls, the direct supervision of John J. Curty Several expect- in remnrkubly time. early in outside lawyers aro Tho stock show promises to be fur Many of Tucumcari'H High Society short nnd his career decided that chief engineer of tho American tele- ed to be in In his paper today Dr. Gibson said: the public would welcome attendance at the district better than that held lust year, the were present and enjoyed the festiv- un exclusive phone nnd telegruph company, who court especially during tho hearing of pros- might seem that I have allowed clean wholesome best from the plains and other ities of the day and pronounce it one "It entertainment given hns been in Sun Francisco for several tho case from Colfax county. perous settlements will be shown un- of the grcntct affairs ever pulled oil' my enthusiasm to run away with me by educated animals and to that pur- weeks. Ho received Mr. Vnll's first in studying this cure, but I think pose he bent his less thu wenther forbids. in Tucumcarl. a efforts. Every one message ut Mures Islund und replied AMUSEMENTS A SPECIALTY will be feeling of gratification, nt least, is of tho 000 acting animals now Tho amusements entirely with to tnem nnti repented them back to Albuquerque, N. M., Sept. 28. Th justified when I sny I free this year. Tho ball team bus not SCHOOLS DOING NICELY that out of 767 this great show has icon truined un- Arlington vire-i- u iiv w n. Thn iinm. big cuses thus treated, there hnve been der his personal supervision umuscmcnt features of the next yet been selected and if Tucumcarl Stint. Puck reports the schools of tho onstmtion was held by permission of state fair will surpass in magnitudo cannot get nn opponent then it is sug- tho county doing nicely nnd expects only 0) deaths. I wish to state now greatest number assembled in one col- me naval authorities nt tho Radio X-R- Sta nnd excellence anything that has over 1 gested that teams from different parts the largest attendance ever known in with emphasis thnt the will fin lection." tion und tho experiment wns witncHR. been known in this section --of the county will bo upon to in- ally bring about the emancipation of "Big thrilling, sensational wild an- of the called thecounty. The enumeration has ed nnd vnrilied by them. Following country. While tho fair is based pri- piny tho human race from this dreadful imal features predominate on the pro- for a purse. creased 200 over that of last vcar. rresiuent Vnll's message, Union M. marily on tho re- ' scourge. In a few years when the gramHons, tigers, leopards, development of tho Every former that has unything This year the whole number of pupils jaguars uoihel, senior president nnd John R. sources of every county in tho growing method is better developed, it will be pumas nnd hears being shown in great state, that looks good to him is in the county of school ngc is 3848, Wutcrhury u director of the Amnrlpnn the management has not lost sight of requested to bring in and compurc only 3500.