Photo: Oerlikon Metco AG, Wohlen/Switzerland Final Program: Conference & Exposition ational Thermal S ern pra Int y Co n nf itio erence & Expos Thermal Spray: Fostering a sustainable world for a better life! May 10 – 12, 2016 Shanghai / P.R. China Supporting Societies Organizers Media Sponsors ational Thermal S ern pra Sponsoring Int y Co n nf itio erence & Expos DVS – The German Welding Society and TSS – Thermal Spray Society, ASM International, are pleased to announce the following sponsors of ITSC 2016: Oerlikon Metco, Switzerland Green Belting Industries Limited, USA TECNAR Automation Ltd., Canada H.C. Starck GmbH, Germany 02 | ITSC 2016 Final Program CONTENTS SPONSORING General Information 04 Conference Committees and Endorsing Sponsors 06 CONFERENCE Time Schedule 08 Technical Program of Oral Presentations 10 POSTER SESSION / General Information 20 INDUSTRIAL FORUM Poster Presentations 21 Presenting Authors, Poster Presenters 28 ACTING EXPERTS and Session Chairs ITSC 2016 Exhibitor List 37 EXPOSITION Exhibitor Company Profiles 38 Exhibitor Product Categories 42 Organization Specialist Information DVS – German Welding Society DVS – German Welding Society Simone Mahlstedt / Brigitte Brommer Jens Jerzembeck Aachener Str. 172 Aachener Str. 172 40223 Düsseldorf / Germany 40223 Düsseldorf / Germany P +49. (0)211. 1591-302/-303 P +49. (0)211. 1591-173 F +49. (0)211. 1591-300 F +49. (0)211. 1591-200
[email protected] [email protected] ITSC 2016 Venue Shanghai International Convention Center & Oriental Riverside Hotel No. 2727, Riverside Avenue Pudong Shanghai, 200120, P.R. China Auditorium, Yellow River Hall, Room 3C + 3D, Room 3E, Room 3G, Room 3H + 3I +3J, 3rd Floor Mandarin Hall, Century Hall, 1st Floor ITSC 2016 Final Program | 03 ational Thermal S ern pra Int y Co n nf itio erence & Expos CONFERENCE ITSC 2016 The ITSC 2016 conference is an opportunity for the global thermal spray community to meet, exchange information and conduct business.