
1. Request of Mr. President, C-in-C for the confirmation of the nominations of MR. KABIRU TANIMU TURAKI (Kebbi State) and PROFESSOR CHINEDU NEBO (Enugu State) as Ministers of the Government of Federal Republic of Nigeria in accordance with Section 147(2) of the 1999 Constitution of Federal Republic of Nigeria (AsAmended) , Sen. Victor Ndoma-Egba, CON, SAN, (Senate Leader)

2. Motion: Development of Solid Minerals Sector as a Panacea to the Bankruptcy of States -ofthe Federation and Creation of Jobs in Nigeria: Senator Abu Ibrahim (Katsina South) and Others

3. Motion: Urgent Funding of the Activities of Nigeria's extended continental Shelf Project Sen. Emmanuel G. Bwacha (Taraba South)

4. Report of the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions on the Discrimination against the Female Gender in the Recruitment Exercise into the Federal Service (Nigerian Customs Service) (Consideration) . Sen. Ayo Akinyelure (Ondo Central)

5. Report of the Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions, in respect of a Petition on the Wrongful Dismissal of Mr. Michael Odunuyi by the Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Company (NSPMC) (Consideration) Sen. Ayo Akinyelure (Ondo Central)

6. Report of the Joint Committee on Education and Employment, Labour and Productivity on the Casualization of Teachers in Federal Government Colleges (Consideration) Sen. (Abia North)

7. A Em for an Act to Provide Measures to Give Effective Application to the Equality of-Rights of Women and Men to Opportunities and Benefits in Public Life; the Protection of Women and Men of all Diversities, against Discrimination, Indignity and Domestic Abuse, having Regards to Regional and International Human Rights Conventions and the National Gender Policy, to vest Regulatory Authority for the Administration of the Act in the National Human Rights Commission:; and for Other Matters Connected Therewith 2013 (SB.150)- Second Reading Sen. Helen U. Esuene (Akwa Ibom South)

8. A Bill for an Act to Establish the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport of Nigeria Charged with the responsibility for Among Other things Determining the Standard of Knowledge, Skill and Qualification of Persons seeking to become Chartered Logisticians and Transporters in Nigeria and fro Related Matters 2013(SB.153) - Second Reading Sen. George T. Sekibo (Rivers East)

9. A Bill for an Act to Amend the Border Communities Development Agency (Establishment etc) and for Other Related Matters 2013(SB.143)- Second Reading Sen. Olufemi Lanlehin (Oyo South) 96 l/U Tuesday, 22nd January 2013

NOTES that a case in point is the recent deportation of 27 Nigerians from S~ain, 14 of.,:hom were found I not to be culpable for the offences for whic~ they were depor~ed by t~e Spanish authorities after thorough ~ investigation by the combined team of officers from the Pollee, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency , (NDLEA) the State Security Service (SSS) and the Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS):

NOTES also that it is not enough that the 14 deportees were found innocent and released to their families, it is necessary for the relevant Nigerian authorities to demand for redress and restitution on their behalf;

NOTES that there is a need for the Nigerian Government to use diplomatic channels to register our disapproval as a nation of these alleged maltreatment and wrongful deportations whether from Spain (in this instant case) or any country for that matter; CONCERNED that there are many other Nigerians in foreign lands suffering one form of unjust treatment or the other in their host countries; The case of a Nigerian student in Ukraine who was said to have defended himself with a broken bottle against 6 Ukrainian youths who allegedly attacked him at the entrance to his apartment in November 2011readily comes to mind. Right now he risks life imprisonment if convicted. His situation is made worse by the refusal of the Ukrainian Police to take his case to court on the excuse that they have not been able to get an interpreter for him;

WOUllED that this harsh and unfair treatment is also being targeted at Nigerian business concerns in some African countries through unfriendly government policies; Accordingly Resolves to: i. URGE the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Nigerian Embassies across the world to be more proactive on matters affecting Nigerians in such countries whenever they are in distressJ

ii. URGE relevant Nigerian authorities to press for redress and restitution on behalf of the 14 deportees that were found not culpable out of the 27 deported from Spain recently. \•./ --I. ••• '_ Ill. URGE the Federal Government to use diplomatic channels to register our disapproval as a nation t -...... ~ of these maltreatment and wrongful deportation from Spain (in the instant case) or any country.

iv URGE relevant Government agencies to step up enlightenment to educate our citizens who must travel to do so properly and to also conduct themselves orderly in such countries~ ./

~v. INVITE the Han. Minister o.fForeign Affairs to brief the Senate on the Spanish Deportation Saga and the case of the Nigerian student in Ukraine with a view to finding out what transpired and what steps to be taken or that is being taken 'to come to the aid of the Nigerian student.

vi. URGE the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to strengthen our Consular Services in our Missions abroad with a view to increasing their capacity to protect our citizens in distress and ensuring prompt legal advice is provided for them where necessary. V-


1. Report of the Joint Committee on Police Affairs and Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters: Police Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2013 (SB. 41): Sen. Paulinus N. Igwe (Ebonyi Central) "That the Senate do consider the Report of the Joint Committee on Police Affairs and Judiciary, Human Rights and Legal Matters on the Police Act (Repeal and Re-enactment) Bill 2013 (SB. 41)".


1. A Bill for an Act to Make Provision for the State of the Nation Address by the President and for Other Matters Connected Therewith 2013 (SB.224)- Second Reading Sen. (Enugu West)

2. A Bill for an Act to Regulate the Business of Equipment Leasing in Nigeria and for Connected Purposes Therewith 2013 (SB. 118) - Second Reading Sen. (Akwa Ibom North East)