April 26, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 8739 Labor and Human Resources JUNE 7 JUNE 21 Health and Scientific Research Subcom­ 10:00 a .m . 10:00 a .m. mittee Commerce, Science, and Transportation Energy and Natural Resources To continue oversight hearings on the Surface Transportation Subcommittee To resume oversight hearings on the ac­ implementation of mental health To continue hearings on S. 796, proposed tivities of programs administered by pollcy programs. Railroad Deregulation Act. the Surface Mining Control and Rec­ 4232 Dirksen Building 235 Russell Building lamation Act of 1977. MAY 25 JUNE 12 3110 _Dirksen Building 10 :00 a .m. 9:00a.m. JULY 12 Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs • veterans' Affairs 9:30a.m. To continue hearings on S. 35, to amend To hold hearings on S. 689, proposed • veterans' Affairs Veterans' Disability Compensation and To hold oversight hearings on the efforts the Credit Control Act. made by t he Veterans' Administration 5302 Dirksen Building Survivor Benefits Act. 6226 Dirksen Building to provide information on benefits due JUNE 6 incarcerated -veterans. 9:30a.m. JUNE 19 10:00 a .m. 6226 Dirksen Building Veterans' Affairs Energy and Natural Resources CANCELLATIONS To hold hearings on S. 870, proposed To hold oversight hearings on the activi­ APRU. 27 GI Bill Amendments Act, S. 830, to ties of programs administered by the 10:00 a.m. ellminate the State's required payment Surface Milling Control and Reclama­ Appropriations in the educational assistance allow­ tion Act of 1977. Transportation Subcommittee ance program provided for veterans, 3110 Dirksen Building To continue hearings on proposed budg­ and S. 881, to provide for the protec­ JUNE 20 et estimates for fiscal year 1980 for tion of certain officers and employees 9:00 a.m. the Department of Transportation. of the VA assigned to perform inves­ • veterans' Affairs 1224 Dirksen Building tigative or law enforcement functions. To hold hearings on S. 759, to provide for MAY 1 6226 Dirksen Building right of the to recover 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. the costs of hospital, nursing home or Labor and Human Resources Commerce, Science, and Transportation outpatient medical care furnished by Child and Human Development Subcom­ the Veterans' Administration to vet­ Surface Transportation Subcommittee mittee erans for non-service-connected dis­ To hold oversight hearings on the im­ To resume hearings on S. 796, proposed abilities to the extent that they have plementation of the Older American Railroad Deregulation Act. health insurance or similar contracts. Volunteer Program Act (P .L. 93-113) . 235 Russell Building 6226 Dirksen Building 4232 Dirksen Building

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, April 26, 1979 The House met at 11 a.m. REV. ROBERT M. BOCK Mr. DANIELSON. I am happy to yield Rev. Robert M. Bock, senior pastor,

D This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, ·e.g., D 1407 is 2:07p.m. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 8740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April 26, 1979 UNITED STATES-JAPANESE TRADE (Mr. JoNES) pointed out, Japan, with tors, att orneys, clerical and other assistants, DEFICIT its enormous world trade surpluses and and for the procurement of services or incll­ vidual consultants or organizations thereof

H.R. 160: Mr. SHUMWAY, Mr. HIGHTOWER, Mr. NOWAK, Mr. HOLLAND, Mr. GREEN, Mr. Mr. MARTIN, Mr. STUMP, Mr. WAMPLER , Mr. Mr. RoSE, Mr. DORNAN, Mr. LoTT, Mr. STEN• IRELAND, Mr. TRAXLER, Mr. LUKEN, Mr. DRINAN, Mr. MARKEY, Mr. BOB WILSON, Mr. HOLM, and Mr. GRAMM. GRASSLEY, Mr. SAWYER, :Mr. VANDER JAGT, Mr. DASCHLE, Mr. KEMP, Mr. GUDGER, Mr. PHILIP H.R. 476: Mr. LEDERER, Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. McCLORY, Mr. KEMP, Mr. SHUMWAY, Mr. M. CRANE , Mr. KELLY, Mr. STANGELAND, and OrTINGER, Mr. DIGGS, Mr. McCoRMACK, Mr. HUBBARD, Mr. DOUGHERTY, Mr. MINETA, Mrs. Ms. FERRARO. WEISS, Mr. CORRADA, Mr. STEWART, Mr. ED­ BouQUARD, and Mr. OrriNGER. H .R . 2727: Mr. STEED, Mr. SIMoN, and Mr. WARDS of California, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. PA­ H.R. 1825: Mr. ULLMAN. HIGHTOWER. NETTA, Mr. CoNYERS, Mr. EvANs of Georgia, H .R . 2542: Mr. DORNAN, Mr. KINDNESS, Mr. H.R. 2662: Mr. WEAVER, Mr. GOODLING, Mr. Mr. ROSENTHAL, Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. GUARINI, WHITEHURST, Mr. BINGHAM, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. JEFFRIES, and Mr. LIVINGSTON. Mr. BARNES, Mr. SEIBERLING, Mr. SCHEUER, ST GERMAIN, Mr. NowAK, Mr. HYDE, Mr. H .J. Res. 213: Mr. ENGLISH. Mr. MINETA, Mr. LONG Of Maryland, Mr. FROST, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. ED­ H . Res. 115: Mr. SYNAR. BRODHEAD, Mr. WoLFE, Mr. DowNEY, Mr. LA­ WARDS Of California, Mr. LEVITAS, Mr. KILDEE, H. Res. 191: Mr. NOLAN, and Mr. LEACH of FALCE, Mr. RANGEL, Mr. SIMON, Mr. RoE, Mr. Mr. LENT, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Louisiana. MAGUIRE, Mr. CoRMAN, Mr. BONIOR of Michi­ Mr. VENTO, Mr. HUGHES, Mr. BURGENER, Mr. gan, Mr. WOLPE, Mr. SOLARZ, Mr. STARK, and BOLAND, Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. LAFALCE, Mr. Ms. MIKULSKI. RANGEL, Mr. 0BERSTAR Mr. GOODLING, Mr. PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 837: Mr. EVANS of the Virgin Islands WINN, Mr. FITHIAN, Mr'. BARNES, Mr. AKAKA, and Mrs. FENWICK. Mr. BUCHANAN, Mr. EVANS of the Virgin Is­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII. H .R. 1603: Mr. BOB WILSON, Mr. PICKLE, lands, Mr. HORTON, Mr. McHUGH, Mr. GRAY, 112. The SPEAKER presented a petition of Mr. COURTER, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. GRAMM, Mr. Mr. EDGAR, Mr. ROBINSON, Mr. GLICKMAN, Mr. the mayor and city commission, Sault Ste. WATKINS, and Mr. EVANS of Delaware. GOLDWATER, Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee, Mr. Marie, Mich., relative to year-around naviga­ H.R. 1744: Mr. GILMAN. PRITCHARD, Mr. MARLENEE, Mr. LoTT, Mr. tion and shipping in the Saint Mary's River H.R. 1785: Mr. CORCORAN, Mr. CONTE, Mr. FORSYTHE, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. LEDERER, Mr. system, which was referred to the Committee SHANNON, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. DoRNAN, SOLOMON, Mr. YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. TREEN, on Public Works and Transportation.

SENATE-Thursday, April 26, 1979

• This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor.