PURITY the Sootless Coal Ture Dealers’ Association

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PURITY the Sootless Coal Ture Dealers’ Association [ Kyle was characterized by the fam- that the word is derived from the State Retailers Jack Holt Leads Cast FILM LIFE NOT i “New Picture I AT THE ous foreign actress as “the most French, the dictionary let it so at Toys” | versatile actor she had ever met." He that. Arnette Creighton billed as COUGH No “cure”—but helps to re- is appearing at the Orpheuni this Miss Sottbrelte in "Let’s Go" at the in Herd” SO PLEASANT at Rialto th i:ati:r5 duce peroxysms of coughing. “Thundering Saturday week in “The House at the Cross- Gayety theater, has her own defini- Elect — WHOOPING Officers Oh, for the life of a film star, a life in roads," a one act playlet by Paul tion. she saya that a aoubrette of ease and luxury! Howard who has been on the Kyle, Gerard Smith. burlesque is nothing more or less Here s an example of the "easy and since lie was a is stage youth, stooped than sort of a first-lieutenant to the VICKS▼ V A RO RU B Point Man Named Head luxurious" life Warner Owr 17 .Millinn Jarm Ummd enjoyed by in the of all that is best __ Ymarly traditions "Soubrette" is a word of which few featured principal; that her duties of Baxter, Billy Dove, Douglas Fail- in the theater. He belongs to that Dry Goods Associ- men and women not of the stage onsj-t chiefly In leading the com banks, jr., and other players engaged actors who reach tHe class of high have a complete understanding. The panv in lioth vocal and dance num- ation. In the making of "The Air Mail," pro- of steady climbing, places by years average person merely knows that it bers when the captain isn’t around. duced for Paramount by Irvin Willat, than sudden and eccentric lather by refers to "some kind of an actress" Which seems to he a good enough the man who "North Kiod ITannegan. a grocer at directed of 36.” He 12 seasons Thirty- leaps. spent playing or other, hut flirthei than that they definition, to which might he added fifth and They were on locution in Nevada. Beavenworth atreeta, was in Shakespearean and other classic the fact this cannot go. And even dictionary the that, when speaking of Quick Relief! A pleasant elected Mountain snow shoes were needed. effective syrup. I imanlmnuily president of the repertoire, and augmented bis acting doesn’t Help much. A '‘soubrette" Is particular ihe is 35c and 60c sixea : The souhrette, dictionary ^ Xebroaka Ctrocera and Meat company arose early enough In outside And externally, uae PISO’S Dealers experience by Intensive study defined as “an actress in light Hie emphatically right about "pelt” Throat and Chest ii-sodatIon at the eonventlon In the the morning to catch the 2:30 logging After be had served the theater. originally a pert. Intriguing and "intriguing" parts of the defini- lintel Fontenelle train for Sardine Valley. Sixteen of jcomedy, yesterday afternoon. what he refers to as his "apprentice- maid." And besides adding tion. Fred them crowded *.ito the caboose which lady’s Knight of Blncoln was elected ship.” he joined the company of the had a of six. It —- sec re I :i ry. passenger capacity famous Mme. Modjeska and remained ^ was bitterly cold. Tho association, after hearing sev- with her for three seasons. Mr. the train a 26 miP eral addresses, adopted resolutions Heaving after the transferred to protesting against hills now before jaunt, company automobiles and continued 11 miles We Recommend K the state legislature to place a tnx over roads that make a camel’s back on oleomargarine and to prohibit PYRAMID resemble a billiard table. state Institutions from using it. Such PILE SUPPOSITORIES # / I laws, the grocers said, would increase the price of butter and also reduce prices of livestock. POLA NEGRI WILL i I The state Dry Goods and Ready-to- Richard Bnrthelmess and his wife, Wear SAIL FOR EUROPE association elected K. M. Bau- Mary Hay, went to the Sam H. Harris mann of first time her West Point president and O. For the since arrival theater in New York one evening to J. Miller of in Ihis two and one-half Rurwell secretary. country years witness the stage success, "New <\ In M. Wilhelm of Omaha was re- ago. Pola Negri will return March Toys.” elected president of the State Furni- to her native land. Miss Negri has Before the performance was con- PURITY The Sootless Coal ture Dealers’ association. (\ J. Geis- completed her plans and obtained her cluded Hick had started negotiations Arkansas Semi-Anthracite. Smokeless, '«& ler of Deshlor was re-elected secre- passports for a. flying trip to Kurope for the purchase of the screen rights to see her mother and visit the scenes tary. to the play and within a month had Gives More Heat, Requires Less Attention and Holds Fire 36 Hours The State Shoe Dealers’ associa- of her early continental triumphs. Pas- launched Into the filming of the pic- has been booked on the I.evla- tion left election of officers to the sage ture, "New Toys.” The film will be than from New York March Jmard of directors which will reap- Jack Holt lias the lending masculine sailing shown st the Kialto theater for a point the present officers, Harry T. role the 21. week In LUMP. ■ in "The Thundering Herd,” starting Saturday, conjunc- $13.50 the three weeks Miss Iheck of Omaha, president, and Fred photo|»la\ presentation at the Strand During Negri tion with the Rialto llerzberg style will he in more lhau half of K. Anderson of AVahoo, secretary. theater for a week Starling Saturday. Kurope. show. the will he in Poland with The Federated Merchants Mutual The folin tolls a vital story in a bold period spent her mother, whom she had first Rudolph Valentino's beard caused Insurance company reelected AV. way, am) 1m mm id to be a worthy suc- and planned to bring back with her. Ac- as much editorial comment as the FJliott of Mason Olty president cessor to "The Covered Wagon" and Fuel now Co. to recent of Nations. The beard is Nebraska advices from league I C. A\'. AVatson of IJncoln secretary. “North of 36." cording physi- All cians, her mother's health off. ns Valentino Is nppearlng In these are organizations within Much of the story was filmed on lo- however, Omaha’s Oldest Coal Co. will not the of climate. "Cobra,” a. modern story. Federation of Nebraska Retailers cations personally selected by Jane permit change *00^^hlch Is holding its 10th annual con- C.rey, its author. vention in Omaha. Many of the scenes were taken in Yellowstone park. Besides its pic- Bayard Church to Hold turesque beauty, the production boasts Greater-Far Greater-Than “The R of an unusual cast which includes, be- Dedication on Sunday sides Holt, Hois 'Wilson, Noah Beery, n k Bayard, Feb. 25.—Dedicatory serv- of36” Raymond Hatton. Charles Ogle, Ul* Covered Wagon”or“North I V Ires will be March 1 at the I held lian Heighten and Stephen Carr. Church of God In Bayard, when the 25-foot to the old United addition Hor *os Prires. Brethren which was Bring High church, pur- Beatrice. Feb; 2f».—At the Martha chased leas than a this year ago by Reiff estate farm sale, horses found congregation, witl he formally opened. t a good market at prices, ranging Uhurch of God congregation has from $70 to $137 a head, an 8 year-old grown faster than any other denom- mare selling at top price. Mules like- ination in Morrill since Bev. county wise found ready buyers, s 3-year-old Irl AValker look charge, a ago, year bringing $140 and an 8 year-old $148. and has more than doubled in mem- Harm machinery brought high prices. bership. Cuba Masons Celebrate. E. A. Cady Dies of Cancer. Culm, Kan.. Keb. 25.—The local Guide Rock, Neb., Feb. 23.—E. A. .Masonic lodge celebrated ita 35th an- Cady, 52, merchant of this place for niversary with a bis: meeting; In the the past 2(1 years, died Tuesday of lodge rooms, followed by a banquet lancer at a Falrbury hospital. His and special program. Tuesday night. son, Raleigh, will continue to operate I>odye members and their families the store. A widow, a younger son were Invited from all neighboring and two daughters aisa live here. towns and covers were laid for 350. Luncheon Is An Event I j 1 IWsf When You Eat at Cl | [> m^sa^s tv. mo. J | N RESTAURANT] f; I 1 - - - surpassing all in quality of in of food, variety ap- 0 h petizing delicacies and I g in the excellence of ! I service. Luncheon ’til 2:30 Dinner ’til 9:00 —WITH— Theater Supper ’til 12:30 Jack Holt Lois Wilson Compare Arkansas 5emi Anthracite YOU WILL ESPECIALLY ENJOY THE Noah Hatton SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY, Beery Raymond And a ca«t of 1,000 * ! 2JOOO Fear-Maddened Buffalo. I Stampeding Across the Plains. Adaline W Indians a Caravan. PURITY Wykoff-Howorth JV| 1,000 Attacking A Company of 1,000 Actors. Singing—My Arcadia With Any Semi - Anthracite at Any Price In the Garden of Tomorrow IF YOU ARE A TRUE AMERICAN All Alone THIS PICTURE IS FOR YOU! There is but one sensible to coal and that is | way buy by Seventeen the facts about PURITY Semi- | On the Stage—Randall** Royal Orchestra comparison. Study Anthracite listed here. Compare PURITY with any | Starting at as hun- Hear the Brandeiis semi-anthracite any price and you will find, dreds of other Omahans, that PURITY Semi-Anthra- Pamelas Dance Orchestra SATURDAY cite is the CLEANEST, HOTTEST and most ECO- » F NOMICAL semi-anthracite on the market.
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