Ingham County News November 4, 1954 Page 2 Bcrs, E::;Pecially Newly-Elected Home in Bradenton, Florida
Hayworth's Flint· Vot~ . ··· 1· ·H·:·_· ... I Is Too Much 'for Clardy ·Th e ng am Count.y , CongrcHsmnn KIL Clardy, who/ ,::nlnod nnllondl lwndllnes In hiH Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 44 Mason,;Mich!oan, Thursday, November 4, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages c·nwnde nr.:nhJHI Communlnl In, fllll'llllon, lolil nul In 'l'unnrlny'n vollnr.:. Don JiaywoJ'Ih'n GonoH!W llllll'gin wun too r.:rc•HI lo lw offncl Bingo. Backers Governor Talres llis Own Team to hy Jnglwm nnrl Livingston. l~ormor Congressman Wllllrun capitol I Republicans Regain \V, lllw•kncy lost GeJwnoo on oe· Fear Defeat of ~uslon lnil was navcrl hy Ingham ond Llvlnt~slun. Clill'dy dlrln't hnve enough voleH to swl11g it. Unofflclnl lotnls on sixth dis· Propos~I,N:o. 4~- Lrlcl congressman nrc: SuJ•prlslnj:: to !loth proponcul~ Jlaywm·lh nnd opponents Is tho apparent ·:lc· All ,(ounty Offices lnghnm ., ................ 27,B•Ul feat of Proposal No. 1. It. was l.lvlng~tlon ............ a,r; II considered n Jorcgono conclusion Gencl'il~e ......... ~ ...... ·1H,II71i lhnl HrH~flllerl ehltrltflhlo JottorinH would he lcgnllzcd liy hnvlng the HII,:J£H 7£i,GO:I constitutional bun rescinded. ' ' I ! Two yPars ugo Clunly defcnlecl With precincts missing, the With less Margins aoo Huyworlh In• to,7:i:l. 'I'IJIS ..lime uiiofflclui r.ount on Pmposal No. Jlnywort h by :1,71) I. IV~lll ·i Thursday noon Hloorl nl 826,· Inghnm Repul.Jlicuns ran scared 'l'ue~day and remained J'Iayworlh got lnhot· lnu•llin1: [)92 No ,agulnsl.
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