Conflict and Peace in Casamance
MAR CH 2 0 2 0 LASPAD WORKING PAPER N°1 MAME - PENDA BA & RACHID ID YASSINE CONFLICT AND PEACE IN CASAMANCE Voices of Senegalese, Gambian and Bissau-Guinean citizens www.casamance - 0 www.casamance - LASPAD, Saint-Louis, March 2020 This document was written by Mame-Penda Ba and Rachid Id Yassine. This document is part of a series of texts intended to contribute to reflections and actions in favor of the resolution of the conflict in Casamance and more broadly of all those which take place on the African continent. This report is part of the research activities of the collaborative working group entitled "From" No War, No Peace "to Peacebuilding in Casamance? ", From the African Peacebuilding Network funded by the Social Science Research Council (United States). It also received support from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Germany). Let these partners be thanked for making scientific work possible through their support. The authors thank all the team members, the researchers, investigators and assistants who participated in the research, as well as all the experts who contributed to the activities of the program: Abdu Ndukur Ndao, Aïda Diop, Bocar Guiro, Bodian Diatta, Bruno Sonko, Cheikh Ahmed Tidiane Mbow, Diouma Dia, El Hadj Malick Ndiaye, El Hadj Malick Sané, El Hadj Malick Sy Gaye, Ensa Kujabi, Eugène Tavares, Fatimatou Dia, Fortune Mendy Diatta, Françoise MCP Rodrigues, Jean-Alain Goudiaby, Joao Paulo Pinto Co, Karamba Jallox, Khadidiatou Dia, Khalifa Diop, Laia Cassama, Landing Goudiaby, Mamady Diémé, Mamoudou Sy, Moïse Diédhiou, Monica Labonia, Mouhamed Lamine Manga, Moustapha Guéye, Ndeye Khady Anne, Nyimasata Camaraé, Pape Chérif Diédhiou, Saït Matty Jaw, Valentina Ramos Sambe.
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