Larouche Exposes Cheney Plot for Nuclear War, Dictatorship
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The New Citizen Extra August 2005 Page 1 THE NEW CITIZEN® Official Publication of the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia Web: Email: [email protected] EXTRA August 2005 50c (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 LaRouche Exposes Cheney Plot for Nuclear War, Dictatorship August 1—On July 27, United Kingdom’s number their international “glo- Within days, on July 7 American statesman and one, and largest commer- balist” monetary system. four bombs exploded in economist Lyndon H. La- cial radio station, as his As we detailed in our June, London, killing 56 people Rouche, Jr. issued a dra- movement began the ur- 2005, New Citizen Extra, and injuring hundreds matic warning that U.S. gent distribution of “’Mother of All Bubbles’ more. Under cover of “fi- Vice President Dick 250,000 flyers titled Exploding, Political Earth- nancial market instability” Cheney intended to launch “Cheney’s ‘Guns of Au- quakes Under Way”, a allegedly due to the bomb- an unprovoked nuclear war gust’ Threaten the World” near-term explosion of that ings, the world’s central against Iran during the in key centres across the financial system is inevita- banks, led by the Bank of month of August, under U.S. Such an insane action ble, and, in fact, it has al- England and the U.S. Fed- cover of a staged “new by Cheney, LaRouche ready begun. In June, the eral Reserve, pumped tens 911” against the U.S. With- charged, would quickly highly-leveraged, com- of billions of dollars into in 24 hours, the LaRouche lead to a planetwide nucle- pletely unregulated hedge the system as an emerg- Youth Movement (LYM) ar war. As this New Citizen funds, who command as- ency stopgap to cover the had saturated Washington Extra went to print, La- sets of somewhere between hedge fund losses. Within D.C. and the U.S. Congress Rouche’s exposure had set US$1-3 trillion dollars days, London-style bomb- with the warning. Within the plot back, but it is still (with an annual turnover in ings were unleashed in 48 hours, a correspondent very much alive. the quadrillions), lost tens Cairo, in Egypt’s Red Sea for LaRouche’s Executive of billions of dollars— resort of Sharm El Sheikh, Intelligence Review maga- The Context enough to blow the entire and in Turkey, ushering in zine had asked White Cheney is the real power system apart. Far fewer a new worldwide terror House press spokesman in the administration of losses by the LTCM hedge wave, while four addition- Scott McClellan about President George W. Bush, fund in 1998 came within al unexploded bombs were Cheney’s plans against since Bush suffers severe a hair of crashing the world allegedly found on Lon- Iran. The exchange, in mental impairment, as is monetary system, as later don buses by British au- which McClellan essential- well known in Washington admitted by U.S. Federal thorities. The London The new pamphlet the LaRouche movement is mass dis- ly confirmed LaRouche’s and other world capitals. Reserve chief Alan Green- bombings were orchestrat- tributing in the U.S. warns that the London/New York finan- charge, was immediately— However the sociopath span. Given the present ed by the City of London cial oligarchy is plotting a “new 911”, a nuclear strike on Iran and repeatedly—broadcast Cheney is himself merely scale of losses, LaRouche circles who own Tony Blair, and fascist dictatorships. worldwide on CNN’s the hired thug of powerful, warned, “Now, what will and were to serve as the U.S., the U.K. and else- The Plot Revealed Headline News. New York and London- happen, very soon, will prelude for the “new 911” where, undoubtedly includ- LaRouche issued his Meanwhile, LaRouche centred financial forces stagger your imagination. in the U.S., which in turn ing in Bush/Blair ally John “Guns of August” alert himself appeared on three (“the Synarchy”, pron. The world as you thought would be the trigger for Howard’s Australia, in order based on a series of factors radio shows to amplify his “Sin-ar-kee”, see box p.3), you knew it, the day before Cheney’s Iran strike, and to control the population in reported to him in the 48 warnings, including a half- yesterday, is no longer the the immediate establish- the worst financial crash in who are driven to despera- Continued Page 2 hour on talkSPORT, the tion by the disintegration of same world today.” ment of dictatorships in the history. LaRouche Leads Drive to Impeach Cheney, Bush he prospect of im- the United States, the op- powerful Bush a “lame As the Democratic Par- Abu Ghraib; its attempt to Tpeaching Cheney and position Democratic Party duck” within months. In ty began to fight, moder- ram through the nomina- Bush in order to stop their virtually collapsed. Many addition to calling for the ate “traditionalist” and pa- tion of neoconservative synarchist controllers’ Democrats had expected House and Senate to chal- triotic Republican Sena- John Bolton as U.S. Am- drive for fascism and nu- their candidate, Senator lenge the election (as they tors were inspired to resist bassador to the U.N. (Bush clear war has become a live John Kerry, to win, as in- soon did, for the first time the Cheney/Bush neocon- ultimately appointed him issue in the U.S., thanks deed he probably did ex- in over a century), the next servative tyranny as well. without Congressional ap- largely to the efforts of cept for massive vote fraud move, LaRouche empha- This LaRouche-catalysed proval, while the Congress Lyndon LaRouche. This is and vote suppression by sised, was to defeat Bush’s bipartisan coalition has was in recess); its attempt of the utmost importance to the Bush forces. LaRouche plan to steal trillions of dol- since dealt a series of to privatise (i.e. destroy) any citizen anywhere, be- had played a key role in lars in federal government- stinging defeats to the the remaining U.S. nation- cause as the U.S. goes, so guiding the Kerry cam- guaranteed superannuation Cheney/Bush regime, in- al rail grid, Amtrak; and paign to its near-victory, (Social Security), by priva- goes the world, given the U.S. statesman Lyndon H. La- cluding: defeat of its at- several other strategic is- U.S.’s financial and mili- and, in a Webcast several tising Social Security and Rouche, Jr. is rallying the forc- tempted Social Security pri- sues, culminating in the tary weight. days after the election, he funneling the money into es to impeach the sociopath vatisation; its attempt to historic bipartisan May 23 On November 2, 2004, rallied the Democratic Par- the stock market, to bail out Cheney and the psychopath slash veterans’ funding; its defeat of an attempted when George W. Bush was ty by outlining a strategy the oligarchy’s collapsing fi- Bush. attempt to continue torture Bush/Cheney coup against re-elected as President of to make the seemingly all- nancial system. at Guantanamo Bay and Continued Page 2 Web: Email: [email protected] Page 2 The New Citizen Extra August 2005 LaRouche Exposes Cheney Plot for Nuclear War, Dictatorship Continued from Page 1 (emphasis added) tanamo prisons. Moreover, York and Washington, hours before his warning of The report made sense, a federal investigation into could only have happened July 27, beginning with a because it came in the con- Cheney and Libby for ma- with complicity of sections qualified report from a text of the developing glo- liciously blowing the cov- of the U.S. military/intelli- former U.S. intelligence bal financial crash, and also er of CIA agent Valerie gence apparatus, as La- official, published in the because, as EIR reported on Plame Wilson in the lead- Rouche has documented— Aug. 1 issue of American May 27, the Bush Admin- up to the Iraq war (see ac- whether or not a few “Is- Conservative magazine. istration had just enacted a companying article) could lamic faces” were conven- There, retired CIA officer new doctrine known as well result in Cheney’s iently found at the scene of Philip Giraldi wrote: CONPLAN 8022 (“Global near-term impeachment. the crime. In fact, in an in- “The Pentagon, acting Strike”), embracing pre- Upon cross-checking the ternational Webcast in Jan- under instructions from emptive nuclear war, with American Conservative re- uary 2001, LaRouche had Vice President Dick “mini-nukes’’ under the port with leading figures in forecast precisely such a Cheney’s office, has tasked control of theatre military the intelligence communi- “Reichstag Fire” as 911, sev- the United States Strategic commanders. The new ty and the U.S. Congress, en months before 911, since Command (STRATCOM) doctrine was originally LaRouche’s associates the world’s financial system with drawing up a contin- conceived in the early found widespread knowl- was unravelling even then. gency plan to be employed 1990s by Dick Cheney, edge of the plan among in- The purpose of this new Re- in response to another 9/11- Paul Wolfowitz (until re- siders. Only LaRouche, ichstag Fire was to consoli- type terrorist attack on the cently #2 at the Pentagon however, had the guts to date a dictatorship, just as United States. The plan in- to US Secretary of Defense act forcefully, and public- the original one was set by cludes a large-scale air as- Rumsfeld, and now World ly, as he did in his warning Hermann Göring on Feb. 27, sault on Iran employing Bank head), and Lewis Lib- on July 27.