Estetisk-filosofiska fakulteten Simon Lindh Online computer game English A study on the language found in World of Warcraft Engelska C-uppsats Termin: Vårterminen 2009 Handledare: Moira Linnarud Karlstads universitet 651 88 Karlstad Tfn 054-700 10 00 Fax 054-700 14 60
[email protected] Abstract Titel: Online computer game English - A study on the language found in World of Warcraft Författare: Simon Lindh Engelska C, 2009 Antal sidor: 27 Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the language from a small sample of texts from the chat channels of World of Warcraft and analyze the differences found between World of Warcraft English and Standard English. In addition, the study will compare the language found in World of Warcraft with language found on other parts of the Internet, especially chatgroups. Based on 1045 recorded chat messages, this study examines the use of abbreviations, emoticons, vocabulary, capitalization, spelling, multiple letter use and the use of rare characters. The results of the investigation show that the language of World of Warcraft differs from Standard English on several aspects, primarily in the use of abbreviations. This is supported by secondary sources. The results also show that the use of language is probably not based on the desire to deliver a message quickly, but rather to reach out to people. In addition, the results show that the language found in World of Warcraft is more advanced than a simple effort to try to imitate speech, thereby performing more than written speech. Nyckelord: computer game, World of Warcraft, Internet language, Netspeak, abbreviation, emoticons Table of contents 1.