Pispalan Ars Poetica: Lauri Viidan Runojen Metalyyrisyydestä
Suomalais-ugrilainen ja pohjoismainen osasto Humanistinen tiedekunta Helsingin yliopisto Pispalan ars poetica Lauri Viidan runojen metalyyrisyydestä Erika Laamanen Akateeminen väitöskirja Esitetään Helsingin yliopiston Humanistisen tiedekunnan suostumuksella julkisesti tarkastettavaksi yliopiston päärakennuksen auditoriumissa XIV perjantaina 14. joulukuuta 2018 klo 12. ISBN 978-951-51-4687-8 (nid.) ISBN 978-951-51-4688-5 (PDF) Unigrafia Helsinki 2018 Abstract This dissertation explores poetics in the work of Lauri Viita (1916−1965), as it appears in his four books of poetry: Betonimylläri (“The Concrete Mixer,” 1947); Kukunor (1949); Käppyräinen (1954), and Suutarikin, suuri viisas (“And the Cobbler, Great Wise Man,” 1961). Poetry that deals with its own essence is called metalyricism, self-reflexive poetry, or metapoetry. By employing Eva Müller-Zettelmann’s theory of metalyricism and the analysis model of literary themes by Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, this study addresses the following questions: How does Viita bring forth his poetics in his poems? Which poetic themes does Viita highlight and why? These questions explore the problems and challenges of Viita’s poetics in 1950s’ modernism. This study examines five central categories of poetics: the literary tradition, the poet, the creative process, the work of art, and the reception of poetry in five analysis chapters respectively. In Chapter 2, poems in which Viita discusses his relationship to the previous literary epoch and his contemporaries are analyzed. Chapter 3 examines how Viita depicts poets in his works, and how he understands the role of the poet in society. Chapter 4 focuses on the creative process, and Chapter 5 considers poems that have the notion of a work of art, the poem, as their theme.
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