I. Call to Order and Roll Call – Mrs. Anita Parker, Chair, and Ms. Carol Dehoux, Clerk – Action

II. Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance – Mrs. Parker & Ms. Christine Hicks, SAC Representative

III. Additions/Changes/Adoption of Agenda – Dr. Walter Clemons and Mrs. Parker – Action

IV. Approval of Items Contained in the Consent Agenda – Mrs. Parker – Action (By Poll Vote)

A. Approval of Policy Manual Updates (1st/2nd Readings) 1. IHB-R Class Size B. Informational Central Food Service Financial Report as of August 31, 2018 C. Informational Membership Report as of September 30, 2018 D. Informational Discipline Report for September 2018 E. Informational Visiting Teachers Report for September 2018 F. Approval of Average Route Mileage for Mileage Supplement G. Approval of Fundraisers for Quarter ending September 2018 H. Approval of Study Trips for 2018-19 I. Approval of Advisory Council Members J. Approval of Intent to Pursue Social Studies Textbook Adoption K. Informational Organizational Chart

V. Citizens’ Comment Period – (Speakers are asked to state their name, the district in which they reside and limit their remarks to 3 - 5 minutes, to be determined by the Chairperson) – Mrs. Parker

VI. Student/Staff Presentations/Recognitions – Mrs. Parker – Information A. Presentation by WHRO – Bert Schmidt, WHRO President & Brian Callahan, WHRO Chief Education Officer B. Cool School Tech Tools – Technology Resource Classes – Jessica Lawson, Abingdon and Sharon Carino, Botetourt C. Disability History and Awareness Month – Kristy Holland, GHS

VII. School Board Members’ Items A. VSBA Annual Convention – November 14-16, 2018 in Williamsburg, VA. Cost $305 each. (Mrs. Parker, Mr. Lee, Ms. Nelson, Ms. Mack and Dr. Clemons are registered.) B. VSBA Student Dress Codes and the First Amendment Webinar, October 30, 2018 (12:00 – 1:00) in Conf. Rm. A111 at TCWEC (Ms. Rice, Mr. Hartley and Ms. Ciemniecki

have indicated they will attend.) – Mrs. Parker – Information C. October is “VSBA Bullying Prevention Month” – Mrs. Parker – Information D. November is “VSBA Take your Legislator to School Month” – Mrs. Parker – Information E. Other Matters as brought up by Board Members

VIII. Student Advisory Committee (SAC) Items – Ms. Hicks

IX. Superintendent’s Items – Dr. Clemons A. Update on Membership as of September 30, 2018 – Information B. 2018-24 Comprehensive Plan – Action

X. Instructional Items – Dr. Chuck Wagner A. Monthly Departmental Report – Information B. 6th Grade Chromebook Distribution – Information

XI. Administrative Items – Mr. John Hutchinson A. Monthly Departmental Report – Information

XII. Budget and Finance Items – Ms. Heather Lucas A. Monthly Departmental Report – Information B. Acceptance of Donations – Action C. Financial Report for August 2018 – Information D. FY’20 Budget Calendar – Action

XIII. Human Resources Items – Ms. Gwyn Ciemniecki A. Monthly Departmental Report – Information

XIV. Public Announcements – Mrs. Parker – Information A. Thursday, October 18, 2018 – Early Dismissal for Elementary @ 1:30 p.m. B. Friday, November 2, 2018 – Last Day of 1st Quarter C. Monday, November 5, 2018 – Professional Day / Diversity Day / No School for Students D. Tuesday, November 6, 2018 – Professional Day / Election Day / No School for Students E. Wednesday, November 7, 2018 – 1st Day of 2nd Quarter F. Tuesday, November 13, 2018 - Next Monthly School Board Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. – Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center (Auditorium)

XV. Call for Closed Meeting – Mrs. Parker – Action - Pursuant to Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 2.2-3711, (A), Subsection 1, for the discussion of personnel matters (monthly appointments, resignations, etc.).

XVI. Return to Open Meeting/Certification of Closed Meeting – Mrs. Parker and Mr. Hutchinson – Action - Board to reconvene into open session and certify that the Gloucester County School Board, while in closed session, discussed only public matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements provided in subsection A of Section 2.2-3711; and that only public business matters that were identified in the motion convening the closed session were heard, discussed or considered. Note: Acting clerk to conduct poll vote on certification.

XVII. Personnel Items – Mrs. Parker – Action A. Approval of Monthly Personnel Appointments, Resignations, Etc.

XVIII. Call for Adjournment – Mrs. Parker – Action

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road  Gloucester, Virginia 23061 SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA ITEM

MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Policy Manual Update

ATTACHMENTS: Policy Review Notes – October 2018 School Board Meeting – Consent Agenda Items

Regulation Revision IHB-R Class Size




The above regulation in section “I” Instruction was reviewed with the appropriate staff members, and are being recommen ded for revision in an effort to update our

Policy Manual and/or to conform to model VSBA policy and/or the Code of Virginia.


That the Board receive, for informational purposes :

Regulation Revisions: IHB-R


Name: John E. Hutchinson Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services

Phone: (804) 693-5304 E-mail: [email protected]



Policy Code Revision

IHB-R Class Size

This language of this regulation has been revised in order to reflect an exception for English class student-to-teacher ratios from 22:1 to 24:1, and to conform to model VSBA policy.

Gloucester County Public Schools | Administrative Services | The Thomas Calhoun Education Center | 6099 T.C. Walker Road | Gloucester, VA 23061 File No. IHB-R


The Gloucester County School Board is committed to having class sizes that create academic environments which are safe and orderly and help all students reach their fullest potential. As a result, Gloucester County Public Schools shall strive to have class sizes (student/teacher ratios) as small as possible in the effort to maximize the teaching and learning process. Listed below are the preferred class sizes that Gloucester County Public Schools shall strive to attain:

18 to 1 in grades K-3 20 to 1 in grades 4-5 22 to 1 in grades 6-8, and 21:1 in grades 6-12 (exception 24:1 for English classes) 25 to 1 in grades 9-12

ADOPTED: December 8, 2015

REVISED: October 9, 2018

Gloucester County School Board

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


GLOUCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE OF STUDENT SERVICES BRYAN L. HARTLEY MEMBERSHIP REPORT 2018-2019 DATE: September 28, 2018 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 5267 Total No. No. of Total No. No. of Total No. Total No. Abingdon Students Classes Botetourt Students Classes Page Students Peasley Students Kindergarten 93 4 Kindergarten 92 5 Grade 6 193 Grade 6 203 Grade 1 87 4 Grade 1 107 5 Grade 7 170 Grade 7 202 Grade 2 85 4 Grade 2 96 5 Grade 8 191 TOTAL 187 Grade 3 85 4 Grade 3 107 5 TOTAL 554 TOTAL 592 Grade 4 112 5 Grade 4 106 5 RASP* 2 RASP* 2 Grade 5 98 5 Grade 5 94 5 TOTAL 560 26 TOTAL 602 30

Total No. No. of Total No. No. of Total No. Achilles Students Classes Petsworth Students Classes GHS Students Kindergarten 67 3 Kindergarten 41 2 Grade 9 481 Grade 1 70 4 Grade 1 45 3 Grade 10 463 MEMBERSHIP BY GRADE Grade 2 61 3 Grade 2 48 3 Grade 11 441 Grade 3 66 3 Grade 3 67 3 Grade 12 390 Grade 4 63 3 Grade 4 53 3 TOTAL 1775 K 354 Grade 5 91 4 Grade 5 44 2 GED* 12 1 389 TOTAL 418 20 TOTAL 298 16 RASP* 12 2 369 Regional 6 2 3 403 4 411 Total No. No. of Bethel Students Classes 5 420 Kindergarten 61 3 New Horizons Students 6 396 Grade 1 80 4 Grade 3 2 7 372 Grade 2 79 4 Grade 5 1 8 378 Grade 3 78 4 Grade 6 1 9 481 Grade 4 77 4 Grade 7 1 10 463 Grade 5 93 4 Grade 8 4 11 441 TOTAL 468 23 Grade 12 3 12 390 TOTAL 12 TOTAL 5267

*RASP students are included in their respective schools **New Horizon students are included in respective schools Monthly ABG ACH BET BOT PETS PAGE PEA GHS Total YTD Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out In EXTREMELY SERIOUS* DRUGS - bringing, possessing, use (DR1) 1 2 3 0 3 0 DRUGS - poss. of over-the-counter (D5G) 1 1 0 1 0 THREATENING - agasint student (TI2) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Serious Offenses DISRESPECT - minor (D1C) 2 0 2 0 2 DEFIANCE - minor (D2C) 1 2 1 2 1 2 SUSPENSIONMONTHLY REPORT** DISRUPTIVE DEMONSTRATION (D3C) 1 2 1 1 1 4 2 4 2 CLASS DISRUPTION (D5C) 2 1 2 1 2 1 OBSCENE LANGUAGE/GESTURES (D6C) 1 1 1 1 1 1 INSUBORDINATION - minor (D8C) 1 0 1 0 1


VERBAL/PHYSCIAL CONFRONTATION no injury 2018-2019 (F1T) 2 4 5 1 9 3 9 3 FIGHTING - minor or no injury (FA2) 2 0 2 0 2 TOBACCO - use/possession/sale (TB1) 11 11 0 11 0 TOBACCO - paraphernalia (T4B) 2 2 0 2 0 CHEATING/LYING/FORGERY (S2V) 1 0 1 0 1 OTHER VIOLATIONS NOT LISTED (S3V) 1 2 0 3 0 3 TOTAL SUSPENSIONS--EXTREMELYSERIOUS 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 3 7 2 18 10 30 18 30 18 SERIOUS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 5 1 5 1 Total Suspensions ALL CATEGORIES 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 1 4 7 2 21 10 35 19 35 19 TOTAL YEAR TO DATE ALL CATEGORIES 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 1 4 7 2 21 10 35 19 35 19 TOTAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LONG TERM 1 TOTAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXPULSION 2 Number of Students w/multiple out-of-school suspensions: 3 offenses 4 offenses 5 or more offenses

**Only offenses that have been violated are being reported Gloucester County Public Schools Office of Student Services 6099 T. C. Walker Road Gloucester, VA 23061 804-693-7856


September-18 Individual YTD Totals YTD Total Carleton Sorrell Williams Carleton Sorrell Williams ALL

Initial Evaluations Received N/A 5 5 N/A 5 5 10

Triennial Evaluations Received N/A 9 8 N/A 9 8 17

Parent Conferences/Interviews 6 19 6 19 25

Agency Referrals 0

Conferences/School Personnel 2 5 26 2 5 26 33

Homebound Meetings 9 7 9 7 16

Professional Development/Faculty Meetings 1 2 6 1 2 6 9

Attendance Referrals 3 3 3 Dropouts/Withdrawals 2 2 2 Letters 0 School-based intervention meetings 3 3 3 Court Services Referrals/Interventions 0 Home visits 4 4 4 4 8

Truancy Court Initial Hearing 0

Truancy Court Review 0

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Average Route Mileage for Mileage Supplement




The average route mileage for the 2018-2019 school year is provided below:

2018-2019 Average Daily Mileage Plus 10 School Board Approved Mileage Supplement

Single Routes 69 10 79

Double Routes 85 10 95

REQUESTED ACTION: That the School Board approve the mileage supplement for the 2018-2019 school year.


Name: Vickram Rajpaul

Phone: (804)693-1471 E-mail: [email protected]

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018


ATTACHMENTS: Fundraisers for Quarter Ending September 30, 2018




Fundraiser requests are approved at the school level by the building principal and submitted to the office of Budget and Finance for review. Approved activities are reported to the School Board on a quarterly basis in accordance with Policy JL.

REQUESTED ACTION: No action requested; this report is submitted to the School Board for informational purposes only.


Name: Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: 693-7811 E-mail: [email protected] Gloucester County Public Schools FY 2018-2019 Fundraiser Approvals Issued July - September

Botetourt Sponsor Fundraiser Art Fundraiser Ellen Walter Framed Artwork

Page Sponsor Fundraiser Courthouse Restaurant Fundraiser Page Drama Program Spaghetti Dinner Krispy Kreme Fundraiser Page Choir/ Drama Booster Club Krispy Kreme Donut sales World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Page Choir/ Drama Booster Club Candy Bar sales Scoot's BBQ Fundraiser Page Choir/ Drama Booster Club BBQ Dinner Sales

GHS Sponsor Fundraiser Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night for Yearbook Frank Crowley Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night for Yearbook Car Wash Jennifer Doss Car Wash at O'Reilly's in Hayes Car Wash/ Bake Sale Renee Hypes Car Wash and Bake Sale at Tractor Supply NHS Katie Johnson Spirit Beads during HOCO week and at sporting events "Paint Your Space" Fundraiser Carlos Morales Painting Student parking spaces Cookie Dough Fundraiser Carlos Morales Cookie Dough Sales for catalog for Senior Class Boys & Girls Cross Country Lindsay Newell Spaghetti dinner at Wild Horse Café GHS Girls Basketball Amy O'Neil Spaghetti Dinner at Ann's Diner GHS Girls Basketball Amy O'Neil Car Wash at JW's Car Wash and Detailing GHS Girls Basketball Amy O'Neil Paint Night Held at The Office Bar and Grill Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser J. Outten Chick-Fil-A biscuits to benefit the Police Unity Tour BETA Club Chick-Fil-A Night Jacqui Riva Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night for BETA Club Selling Bracelets for CBI Trips Multiple Disability Classroom Bracelets to support CBI trips for MD Classroom Cosmetology Christa Welton Hair Cut -A-Thon for the American Cancer Society

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061






BACKGROUND / SUMMARY: The Instructional Monthly Report contains information of the schools and/or the Instructional Services Department’s daily operations, special events, projects, and recognitions.

REQUESTED ACTION: No action requested.


Name: Charles A. Wagner, Ed.D.

Phone: (804) 693-7889 E-mail: [email protected]

Study Trips for 2018-19

School: Bethel Elementary School

Charter Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Buses of # and Miles Students # Adults # Student to Cost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment


School Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Buses of # and Miles Students # Adults # Student to Cost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment

16-Oct-18 South/K Holly Fork Farm 165 miles $6/student63 17 + transportation9:00-2:00 fees pm Bethel/K Sci K.1, K.4, K.6, K.8, K.9, K.10 3 buses

Spring 2019 South/K Gloucester Village 26 miles 63 17 ~$1.70 9:00 am- 2:00 pm Bethel/K SS K.6 & K.7 3 buses

16-Oct Field/Gr. 1 Holly Fork Farm 165 miles 80 14 $6 + transportation9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 1 Sci 1.1, 1.4, 1.5,1.7, 1.8 3 buses Spring 2019 Field/Gr. 1 American Revolution Museum 3 buses 80 14 $7.75 + transportation9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 1 SS 1.4 114 miles

Spring 2019 West/Gr. 2 CAPE, Gazette-Journal, Gloucester Landfill 45 miles 79 12 ~$4 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 2 SS: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4c & d, 2.5b, 2.6-12 3 buses

11/9/2018 Hardaway/Gr. 3 Richmond Metro Zoo 340 miles 78 13 $7.50 + transportation7:30 am-2:00 costs pm Bethel/Gr. 3 Science 3.4, 3.5 2 buses

Richmond Coliseum (Flying Squirrels Education late April 2019 Hardaway/Gr. 3 Day) 233.2 miles 78 13 $7 + transportation8:00 am - fees2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 3 Math 3.Sci 3.2 & 3.9 2 buses

11/20/2018 Kennedy/4 Jamestown 144 miles 77 13 $7.75 + transportation9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 4 SS: VS.1, VS.3, VS. 4 2 buses

10/18/2018 Kennedy/Gr. 4 Beaverdam Park (MWEE) 35 miles 77 13 N/A 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM GCPS sponsored trip Sci. 4.9 2

Spring 2017 Spivey/5 Science Museum of Virginia 241.6 miles 93 12 $14 + transportation8:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 5 Science Sci: 5-5 2 buses

Spring 2018 Gibson/5 Ferguson Center for the Arts 120 miles 93 13 $5 + transportation9:00 am - 2:00 pm Bethel/Gr. 5 SS – USI.1b. US.1d; Sci 5.2; Music 5.7, 5.11, 5.17 2 buses Study Trips for 2018‐2019

School: Botetourt

School Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Miles and # of Buses # Students # Adults Cost to Student Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment 10/18/2018 4th MWEE at Beaverdam 5 RT/3 107 5 9:00/12:45 Central Office 11/16/2018 4th Jamestown Settlement (VS 3) 68 RT/3 107 5 9:15/2:00 Botetourt 3rd 2/12/2018 5th Virginia Living Museum (5.7, 5.1, 5.4, 4.2) 54 RT/3 95 5 9:15/2:00 Botetourt March‐ if grant is approved 4th Colonial Williamsburg (VA Studies) 60 RT/3 107 5 9:15/2:00 CW/Ferguson Enterprises American Revolution Museum at Yorktown (SS 30 RT/2 & 4/9 ‐4/10/18 K K.2) 1 95 5 9:15/2:00 Botetourt 5/16/2018 2nd Beaverdam (S 2.8b, 2.1, 2.5b, SS 2.6) 5 RT/3 96 5 9:15/2:00 Botetourt

5/23‐5/24/18 1st Historic Christchurch (SS 1.1, 1.2) 60 RT/ 2&1 103 5 9:15/2:00 Botetourt

* Botetourt walking trips will be approved as needed at the building level

Walking to Main Street Fire Station (classes 10/9/2018 K will be staggered through the day) December 3rd Walking to Main Street for caroling Study Trips for 2018-2019

School: Petsworth Elementary School

Charter Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Buses ofMiles # and Students # Adults # to StudentCost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment 3/26/2019 Williams/5 Virginia Aquarium 142/1 44 11 35 9:15- 4:30 Students & Chaperones

School Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Buses ofMiles # and Students # Adults # to StudentCost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment Gloucester Community Helpers- During SOL testing Gilliam/K SS.K.4,K.5,K.6,K.7, K.8 32/2 45 2 1.75 9:15-2:00 Students and Chaperones

11/16/2018 Slater/1 Jamestown Settlement/1.1a,1.2a,1.1e,1.3a-c 156/2 51 23 10 8:30-2:00 Students and Chaperones

3/8/2019 Thomas/2 Virginia Living Museum- Science 2.4/2.7/2/5 128/2 60 9 13 9:00 - 2:00 Students and Chaperones

TBD Los/3 Historic Christ Church-.1 (e), (f), (g)/3.7/3.6 60/2 67 12 2 9:00-2:00 Students and Chaperones

10/24/2018 Worrell/4 Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience 16/1 53 12 0 8:30-2:00 GCPS

3/8/2019 Worrell/4 American Revoution Museum at Yorktown/VS.5 75/2 53 12 10 9:00-2:00 Students and Chaperones

11/16/2018 Worrell/4 Jamestown/VS.3 156/2 53 12 10 9:00 - 2:00 TBD Worrell/4 Colonial Williamsburg /VS.5 100/2 53 12 0 8:00 - 2:00 Ferguson Enterprises Grant (there is no word on this being renewed) Historic Christ Church- US1.1a,b,d,&h TBD Williams/5 US1.3a,US1.4a,b 60/2 44 12 2 9:00-2:00 Students and Chaperones 10/30/2018 Stutz/SPED Dreamcatchers Therpeutic Riding 9:30 - 2:00 Regional Special Ed Students 5/14/2019 Stutz/SPED Dreamcatchers Therpeutic Rider 9:30 - 2:00 Regional Special Ed Students Jan-19 Thomas Peasley Middle School 12/1 16 6 0 3:50 - 5:30 Full Service School 6/1/2019 Thomas Bowling- Village Lanes 12/1 8 3 0 3:50- 5:30 Full Service School 11/20/2018 Haislip/Thomas Salem United Methodist Church Food Bank 12/1 10 6 0 12:00 - 1:30 Petsworth School (PBIS) 12/15/2018 Haislip/Thomas Yorktown National Cemetery 40/1 10 15 0 8:00 -12:00 Petsworth School (PBIS) 2/14/2019 Haislip/Thomas Gloucester Mathew Humane Society 12/1 10 6 0 4:00-5:00 Petsworth School (PBIS) Study Trips for 2018-2019

School: Page Middle School

Charter Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification andMiles # of Buses Students# Adults # Cost to Student Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment

$30-35 per Day Trip to Washington DC to The Natural Student History Museum & the American History Free Museum, a Picnic Lunch at the National Mall, Progra Lincoln Memorial/Vietnam Memorial area. m Dinner stop in Port Royal, VA SOL: This is Costs, cross-curricular and will need the effort of the Newton entire team of 7th grade teachers to create buses Page, 7th Grade/Families are the list of SOLs covered. Science SOLs will be $1725 responsible for cost, those who do covered at the Natural History Museum and per bus not wish to pay or fundraise will not History SOLs will be covered at the American at 55ppl be able to attend. Two fundraisers, All Saturday History Museum. Non-fiction ELA standards per bus, money would be split between each Options, will be covered at both museums. The 163 Dinner student attending who helps at 190 3/16, 3/23 students will create a presentation upon miles/ entir stop $8- fundraising events. Possible or return, which will cover crosswalk ELA Newto e 20? $10 per fundraising ideas: carwash, yard sale, 4/13/2019 King & Glaser/ 7 standards in media use and presentation skills. n Buses grade TBD student 7AM/7PM popcorn bag sale. School Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification andMiles of# Buses Students# Adults # Cost to Student Times: Depart/Re turn Responsible for Payment Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE)-CBNERR VA at VIMS (Gloucester Point, VA) SOL: LS 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip supports year $0.00 long classroom lessons, highlighting Progra biodiversity, water quality, and adaptations of m Cost/ marsh organisms. Activities in the classroom, 8.4 $3.00 Friday, Gwartney-Green & during and following support most of the 7th miles/1 Bus 10/5/2018 Rollins/ 7 grade Life Science SOL's. bus 25 2 Cost 9AM/2PM Page, 7th Grade Science $7.00 Total per student Mon $5.00 10/15/2018 Progra or Fri Main Street Blacksmith Tour, Gloucester, VA m Cost/ 1/11/2019 SOL: 7.11, 7.13, 7.15, 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 5.1 $2.00 or Fri Emde/ 7 & 8 Adv Art 7.20, 8.12, 8.14, 8.15, 8.17, 8.18, 8.19, 8.21 & miles/ Bus 2/15/2019 EIB 8.22. 1 bus 22 3 Cost 9AM/12PM Page, 7 & 8 Adv. Art EIB Class Mon Progra 10/15/2018 m Cost or Tue Peninsula Fine Arts Center, Newport News, TBD/ 3/12/2019 VA (Possible Outreach Instead) SOL: 7.11, 7.13, 24 $2.50 or Fri 7.15, 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20, 8.12, 8.14, miles/1 Bus 9:30AM/ 4/19/2019 Emde/ 7 & 8 EIB only 8.15, 8.17, 8.18, 8.19, 8.21 & 8.22. bus 22 2 Cost 12:30PM Page, EIB Art class Beaverdam-Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE), Gloucester VA SOL: LS 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip $0.00 supports year long classroom lessons, Progra highlighting biodiversity, water quality, and m Cost/ adaptations of organisms. Activities in the 7.3 $2.50 Tuesday, Gwartney-Green & classroom, during and following support most miles/ Bus 10/16/2018 Rollins/ 7 of the 7th grade Life Science SOL's. 1 bus 30 5 Cost 9AM/2PM Page, 7th Grade Science

Thursday 10/25/2018 Rappahannock Community College 18 $2.00 & Friday McMahon & 8th Gr Presentation & Tour, Glenns Campus, Saluda, miles/ Bus 10/26/2018 Teachers/ 8 VA SOL: TBD 3 buses 90 8 Cost 9AM/12PM Page, 8th Grade

15 Saturday District Chorus Auditions at Grafton Middle miles/2 10/27/2018 Scalf, 7 & 8 Chorus School, Yorktown, VA SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 buses TBD 1 Allotment TBD Page, 7 & 8 Chorus CBF Environmental Boat $13.00 Program - Meaningful Watershed Educational Total Experience (MWEE) at CBF Brock per Environmental Center, VA Beach, VA. SOL: LS Student 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip supports year ($220 long classroom lessons, highlighting Progra commercial fisheries and biodiversity on boat m trip with CBF. Activities in the classroom, 51 Cost/$5 Saturday, Gwartney-Green & during and following support most of the 7th miles/ .00 Bus 7:30AM/4P 10/27/2018 Rollins/ 7 grade Life Science SOL's. 1 bus 28 2 Cost) M Page, 7th Grade Science Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE)-CBNERR VA at VIMS (Gloucester Point, VA) SOL: LS 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip supports year $0.00 long classroom lessons, highlighting Progra biodiversity, water quality, and adaptations of m Cost/ marsh organisms. Activities in the classroom, 8.4 $3.00 Wednesday, Gwartney-Green & during and following support most of the 7th miles/1 Bus 10/31/2018 Rollins/ 7 grade Life Science SOL's. bus 25 2 Cost 9AM/2PM Page, 7th Grade Science Christmas Parade Rehearsal at Peasley Middle School. SOL: 11.16 The student will deomstrate icreased learning through a variety of music acitivities. 3. Participate in concerts, perfomances, cross disciplinary activities, and 8.7 Wednesday, Hunter/ 7 & 8 Int./Adv. co-curricular activities. 4. Demonstrate miles/2 2:40PM/Pare 11/14/2018 Band only concert etiquette as a performer and listener. buses 40 2 nt Pick Up Page Band Friday Progra 11/16/2018 m Cost or Tue Arts on Main, Gloucester, VA (Possible TBD/ 3/12/2019 Outreach Instead) SOL: 7.11, 7.13, 7.15, 7.16, 5.2 $1.50 or Fri 7.17, 7.18, 7.19, 7.20, 8.12, 8.14, 8.15, 8.17, miles/ Bus 4/19/2019 Emde/ 7 & 8 EIB only 8.18, 8.19, 8.21 & 8.22. 1 bus 22 2 Cost 10AM/ 12PM Page, EIB Art class

A Day & B Day $17.50 Options: Tue per 95 11/27 & each Student Wed 11/28 day, $14.50 or Wed 190 Progra 11/28 & Thu total m Cost (entir 11/29 or Tue Virginia Living Museum, Weather Lab VLM 23 e / $3.00 12/4 & Wed (Newport News, VA) SOL: 6.1 Scientific miles/ grade Bus 12/5/2018 Goldstein & Moore/ 6 Investigation Weather 3 buses ) 8 Cost 8:30AM/2PM Page, 6th Grade Science

62 TBD/Pai TBD 12/14- Scalf, Emde, Hunter/ 6- Nutcracker Ballet, Dominion Energy Center, miles/ d by 12/23/2018 8 chorus, art & band Richmond, VA SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 TBD TBD 6 Student TBD Page Chorus, Band & Art

2.8 Tuesday, miles/3 2:40PM/Paren 12/4/2018 Scalf/ 6-8 Chorus Choir Rehearsal at GHS SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 buses 125 1 t Pick up Page, 6-8 Chorus Exhibits: Ancient Egypt & China, Art History 101, Sketch It! & The VMFA Experience at Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA, lunch at museum cafe. SOL: Fine Arts 7.10, 7.11, 7.14, 7.15, 7.19, 7.20, 8.12, 8.13, 8.14, 8.15, 8.17, 8.20, 8.21, 8.22. Language Arts 6, 6.4f, 6.5a, 6.5e, 6.5l, 6.5f, 6.7g, 6.9a-e. Advanced LA, block 4 will be reading The Red Free Pyramid by Rick Riordan. Viewing the Progra Egyptian display will increase the meaning of m Cost/ Fri12/7 or Fri Emde & Bantel/6,7 & 8 this book. Students will be divided by 66 $5.00 12/14 or Tue Advanced class/grade in museum and visiting separate miles/ Bus 8:30AM/ 12/18 LA/Advanced Art Class exhibits. 2 buses 45 10 Cost 2:30PM Page,6, 7 & 8 Advanced Art & LA Friday Scalf & Hunter/ 7&8 Recruiting Concerts at Abindon and Achilles TBD/ 2 1/18/2019 chorus and band SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 buses 55 2 8AM/2:15PM Page Chorus & Band Sat 2/9 & 28 Sun Districts Chorus at Hampton High School, miles/ 2/10/2019 Scalf/7 & 8 Chorus Hampton, VA SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 1 bus TBD 1 TBD Page Chorus

$0.00 Progra Jefferson Labs "Physics Fest", Newport News, m Cost/ 196, VA. SOL: ps.1, ps.2, ps.3, ps.4, ps.5, ps.6, ps.7 25 entir $2.00 Wednesday, Merritt & Armstrong/ & ps.11. Review of chemistry concepts and miles/5 e Bus 2/13/2019 8 intro into physics. buses grade 13 Cost 9AM/1PM Page, 8th Grade Science $0.00 Progra m Cost/ Bus Cost African American Heritage Trails Tour, several TBD locations througout Gloucester County, VA. with Students will be divided into different tour Transpo groups to visit 7 or 8 out of the 10 locations in rtation Gloucester for approximately 20 minutes with Miles All Friday each. Lunch will be at TC Walker School. several TBD by 193, Options: Anderson(McCabe), SOL: History 1.2, 1.10a, 1.12b and c, 2.12b, tour entir stops & 2/22 or 2/15 Bantel, Chestmutt & 3.12, VS.8b, VS 9c, US 2.4c, US 2.9a. LA 6.6a-l, route/5 e multiple or 2/8/2019 Carter/ 6 6.7a-j, 6.8 a-h. buses grade 18 buses. 8AM/2PM Page, 6th Grade History/LA

8.7 Thursday Mock Assessment at Peasley Middle School miles/2 8:30AM/ 2/28/2019 Scalf/ 6-8 Chorus SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 buses TBD 1 11:45AM Page, chorus

District Concert Assessment, location TBD SOL: 11.16 The student will deomstrate icreased learning through a variety of music Wed. 3/13 acitivities. 3. Participate in concerts, or Thu 3/14 perfomances, cross disciplinary activities, and or Fri Hunter/ 7 & 8 Int./Adv. co-curricular activities. 4. Demonstrate TBD/ 2 3/15/2019 Band only concert etiquette as a performer and listener. buses 35 2 TBD Page Band Thu 3/14 or Fri 3/15 Assessment, location TBD SOL: MCAD.3, TBD/TB 2019 Scalf/ 6-8 Chorus MCAD.4 D TBD 1 TBD Page, chorus Chesapeake Bay Governor's School, Glenns, No bus VA SOL: LS 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 A select group needed of students will tour the Chesapeake Bay . Riding Governor's School as prospective students. w/GHS students Students will also participate in an exciting on bus 7AM from Thursday, Marine Science Labe led by current CBGS already $0.00 GHS/11:30A 3/21/2019 Gwartney-Green/ 7 students. assigned 20 1 Total M to Page Page, 7th Grade Science 2.8 Thursday Music In Our Schools Month Rehearsal at miles/T 3/28/2019 Scalf/ 6-8 Chorus GHS SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 BD TBD 1 TBD Page, chorus Strata Solar Farm, Route 14, Gloucester, VA 8.7 Moore & Rollins/ 6-8 SOL: 6.2b, 6.2d, 6.2e, 6.3a, 6.3b, 6.9a, 6.9c, miles/1 4/11/2019 Green Team 6.9d bus 30 6 3PM/4:30PM Page, Green Team Fri 4/12 & 25 Sat Area Chorus at West Point High School, West miles/1 4/13/2019 Scalf/ 6-8 Chorus Point, VA SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 bu 24 1 TBD Page, chorus CBF Hampton Roads Environmental Boat $13.00 Program - Meaningful Watershed Educational Total Experience (MWEE) at CBF Brock per Environmental Center, VA Beach, VA. SOL: LS Student 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip supports year ($220 long classroom lessons, highlighting Progra commercial fisheries and biodiversity on boat m trip with CBF. Activities in the classroom, 51 Cost/$5 Saturday, Gwartney-Green & during and following support most of the 7th miles/ .00 Bus 7:30AM/4P 4/13/2019 Rollins/ 7 grade Life Science SOL's. 1 bus 28 2 Cost) M Page, 7th Grade Science Beaverdam-Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE), Gloucester VA SOL: LS 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 This trip $0.00 supports year long classroom lessons, Progra highlighting biodiversity, water quality, and m Cost/ adaptations of organisms. Activities in the 7.3 $2.50 Thursday, Gwartney-Green & classroom, during and following support most miles/ Bus 4/18/2019 Rollins/ 7 of the 7th grade Life Science SOL's. 1 bus 30 5 Cost 9AM/2PM Page, 7th Grade Science $12.00 per Student ? $TBD Progra m Cost/ 45 $TBD Wednesday Scalf & Hunter/ 6-8 International Tattoo, Norfolk Scope Arena, miles/ Bus 7:45AM/ 4/24/2019 chorus and band Norfolk, VA SOL: MCAD.3, MCAD.4 TBD TBD 8 Cost 2:40PM Page Chorus & Band

Total per Student TBD $2,400 Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Fox Island at Progra Smith Point Marina, Reedville, VA SOL: m Cost/ Overnight Almost all LS SOL's are touched on. This Bus Cost Friday, 4/26 program is a three day and two night 52 TBD by to Sunday Gwartney-Green, immersion program into the culture, history miles/ Transpor 4/28, 2019 Rollins, Woller/ 7 and ecology of the Chesapeake Bay. 1 bus 17 3 tation 9AM/3PM Page, 7th Grade Science

$40-$50 Kings Dominion Festival of Music at Kings per Dominion in Doswell, VA SOL: MCAD.3, Student MCAD.4, 11.16 The student will deomstrate ? $TBD icreased learning through a variety of music Progra acitivities. 3. Participate in concerts, m Cost/ Scalf & Hunter/ 6-8 perfomances, cross disciplinary activities, and 79 $TBD Saturday chorus and Int/adv co-curricular activities. 4. Demonstrate miles/T Bus 8:45AM/ 4/27/2019 band only concert etiquette as a performer and listener. BD TBD 11 Cost 9PM Page Chorus & Band 2.8mile Thursday Rehearsal for Spring Concert at GHS SOL: s/3 7:45AM/ 5/30/2019 Scalf/6-8 chorus MCAD.3, MCAD.4 buses 125 1 11:15AM Page Chorus Study Trips for 2018-2019

School: Peasley Middle School Charter Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification or Competency Justification


Date Teacher/Grade Buses of # and Miles Students # Adults # Student to Cost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment 4/24/2019 Talbot/6 - 8 band Virginia International Tattoo, Norfolk 120 130 15 $14.00 8:00 - 4:00 PEA Band will fundraise in hopes of raising 4/26/2019 Otto /6-8 chorus Area Chorus Kings Dominion 60/2 40 5 fundraise tbd enough to charter a bus

School Bus Trips

Destination and SOL Justification School/Dept

Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification Buses of # and Miles Students # Adults # Student to Cost Times: Depart/Return Responsible for Payment 10/27/2018 Otto/6-8 chorus District chorus auditions Grafton Middle 45 tbd 1 $0.00 tbd PEA Chorus Middle Pen State Park &Rosewell. US History USI.5c-Col Life , USI.3; Sci 6.5; Math 6.1, LA6.7 10/26/2018 Oh, Hemphill/6th 5 / 6buses 215 12 $0.00 8:45 - 2:30 Peasley 6th Grade 10/30/2018 Sowers,Jeffrey/7th VIMS - SOLS: LS.1 7,9,10 28/1 30 2 $0.00 8:45/1:00 Peasley 7th Gr science Green Hands Farm (pumpkin patch), Student Oct Kline and Brown/6-8 Goals & ASOLs 12/1 6 4 TBD 9 - 2:00 SPED Nov Kline and Brown/6-8 Dollar Tree, Student Goals & ASOLs 10/CARS 6 2 $3.00 9:00 - 1:00 SPED 11/13/2018 Talbot/ 7 & 8 Page MS 10 /3 80 2 $0.00 2:00 drop off only PEAsley Band 11/19/2018 Rigau/8th Chamber Theatre Richmond 8.5,8.2,8.6 120/7 185 15 $19.00 8:45 - 2;3- PEA 8th 12/7/2018 Talbot/6 - 8 A Christmas Carol/Wells Theater 120 /4 110 15 $10.00 8:00/ 2:30 PEA Band The Nutcracker W&M; EL 6.5&meets Chapman, VanVranken, requirements for VDOE profile of a VA 12/11/2018 Beshel/6 Graduaduate; the 5C's 58 /6 200 15 $20.00 9:00 - 2:30 PEA 6th Grade Dec 12,18 Bellino, Johns/ 8 Richmond Capitol CE 7, a- D; 8A-B 120/ 7 185 10 $3.00 8:45/2:30 PEA 8th Virginia Living Museum (1/2 grade each day) Dec 13 &14 Sowers,Jeffrey/7th SOLs: LS:1,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11, 13 60/7 200 11 $3.00 8:45 /2:30 PEA 7th Gr Chorus to perform at Botetourt and Petsworth Dec 17 or 18 Otto -8th 15/1 25 1 $0.00 8:00 - 1:30 PEA Chorus Jefferson Labs Physics Fest PS.11a-d, PS.7a,b, 1/16/2019 Bogue, Bond / 8th PS.2a-f, PS.3b,PS.9b,d,e 60/6 185 12 $3.00 8:45 - 2:30 PEA 8th Science Museum of VA SOLs: LS 1/25/2018 Sowers, Jeffrey/7 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 120/1 40 2 $14.50 8:15 - 3:15 PEA 7th Gr Jan 31 - Feb2 Talbot/ 7-8 Band District Band Kecoughtan HS travel in Cars tbd tbd 1 $0.00 tbd PEA Band 2/8/2018 Otto -8th District Chorus Comp Hampton High 25/1 50 1 $0.00 tbd PEA Chorus 2/22 - 2/24/2019 Bellino/ 8 William and Mary MUN 60/1 16 1 tbd 2:30 - 4:30 PEA Bellino Fri - Sun 1 bus each day Richmond VA Holocaust Museum USII 7a & 7B Feb 28 and March 1 Ferrie, Dodier/ 7th 120/7 203 12 $3.00 8:45 - 2:30 PEA 7th Gr Dream Catchers, Toano, VA, Student Goals & March Kline and Brown / 6-8 ASOLs 60 /1 1-6 4 TBD 9:00 - 2:30 SPED March or April Johns/8th Colonial Williamsburg/ CE.14a,b,c,d,e,f 60/7 185 15 tbd 8:30 - 2:00 PEA 8th Science Museum of VA, Richmond: March or April Driver, 6th 6.2,6.6,6.8,6.9 120/6 200 20 $17.00 9:00 - 2:15 PEA 6th Grade March 27/2019 Talbot/ 7 & 8 Elementary School Tour 20/3 75 2 $0.00 8:00 - 2:00 PEA Band MUN - NY 6:30.mFri - 2:30 3/30 - 4/12019 Bellino/ 8 private travel 5 1 fundraise Sunday PEA 8th 3/14 and 3/15 Otto -8th District Chorus Assesment TBD 25 1 $0.00 tbd PEA Chorus 4/12/2018 and 4/13/18 Otto -8th Area Chorus Competition TBD TBD $0.00 tbd PEA Chorus

Chapman, Vanvranken, 120+ 11a.m Fri - Return 4/12 - 4/13/2018 overnight Bogue/ 6-8 FPS State Competition 6- 8.1 - .9 overnight tbd tbd fundraise Saturday 6:00pm PEA Future Problem Solvers 4/24/2019 Sowers,Jeffrey/7th VIMS - SOLS: LS.1 7,9,10 28/1 30 2 $0.00 8:45/1:00 Peasley 7th Gr science RCC Bay School LS:1,8,9,10,11; Phy Sc 1; share bus PEA April/May Sowers/ 6 -8 6.1,6.9,6.7 w/HS 25 2 $0.00 tbd 5/10/2019 Talbot/ 6 - 8 Busch Gardens 59/4 130 20 0 or $20 9:00 - 8:00pm PEA Band Launch into Physics, Busch Gardens, Wmbg. 5/31/2019 Bogue, Bond / 8th PS.10a-d PS 6a-b 59 /6 185 30 0 or $35 9:00a - 4:00p PEA 8th Chapman, Vanvranken, FPS International Competition Amherst, Mass. 6/5/2019 Bogue / 6-8 tbd tbd tbd fundraise several days PEA Future Problem Solvers TBD Talbot/ 7-8 Band Gloucester High School 13/1 30 1 $0.00 8am-8pm Band-Honor Band Study Trips for 2018-2019 School: Gloucester High School

Charter Bus Trips

School/Dept Destination and SOL Justification Miles and Cost to Times: Responsible for Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification # of Buses # Students # Adults Student Depart/Return Payment 10/20/18 Grant/Whitt Naval Academy Football Game, NPH.k-12.5 Responsible Behavior 360, 1 50 2 $10 8:00am/9:00pm GHS - NJROTC 11/04/2018 -11/08/2018 Grant/Whitt Mini Boot Camp, Parris Island SC, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 500, 1 60 6 $125 3:00pm/11:00am GHS - NJROTC 02/22/19 Grant/Whitt Smithsonian/Navy Museum, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 360, 1 50 2 $10 7:00am/9:00pm GHS - NJROTC 02/02/19 Grant/Whitt Army/Navy Basketball Game, NPH.k-12.5 Responsible Behavior 360, 1 50 2 $10 8:00am/9:00pm GHS - NJROTC

Cher Gingues LIFE Depart 9:00 AM 12/5/2018 SKILLS Patrick Henry Mall/ Community Based Instruction 30/1 bus 9 3 return 2:00 PM Life Skills Class

June Outten/9-12 Possible National FBLA Competition - San Antonio, TX Airline 5 1 TBD TBD CTE OCT Alexander Doswell, VA, Scare School Th.3/4 70/1 35 2 45 all day GHS- Theatre/ Summer Break Alexander NYC, New York- Theatre students TBA TBA 4 TBA TBD GHS- Theatre Spring 2019 Venable/Band SOL HG.8 Competition 720 and 2 100 10 Undetermined Spring 2019 GHS Band Boosters National Gallery / Smithsonian/ Torpedo Factory Washington DC: AI.13 Analyze art movements AI.15 TBA - April 10-12/ Bergh Critique Art Work 163 Miles / 1bus 45 10 approx. $40 7am-8pm GHS / Fine Arts 1st quarter (date 10 miles to be Trueblood/MD (Bay detemined) class movies (practice life skills learned in the community Transit) 5 4 $6 9:00-12:30 GHS/SPED Regional Trueblood/MD 3 quarter (date to be determind)class movies (practice life skills in the community 10 miles (Bay Transit) 5 4 $6 9:30-12:30 GHS/SPED Regional Trueblood/MD 3th quarter (date to be determind)class library(practice life skills learned in the community5 miles (Bay Transit) 5 4 $0 9:30-11:30 GHS/SPED Regional

3th quarter (date to3th be quarter determind) (date to be determind)Walmart (practice life skills learned in the community5 Miles (Bay Transit) 5 4 $0 9:30-11:30 GHS/SPED Regional

4th quarter (date to be determinedTrueblood/MD class library (practice life skills learned in the community)5 miles (Bay Transit) 5 4 $0 9:30-11:30 GHS/SPED Regional

4th quarter (date to be determinedTrueblood/MD class movies practice life skills learned in the community8 miles (Bay Transit 5 4 $6 10:00-1:30 GHS/SPED Regional April Spring Break Johnson, Katie College Visits 60/1 bus TBD 2 TBD TBD NHS School Bus Trips School/Dept Destination and SOL Justification Miles and Cost to Times: Responsible for Date Teacher/Grade or Competency Justification # of Buses # Students # Adults Student Depart/Return Payment 09/21/18 Grant/Whitt NAS Oceana Air Show, NPH.k-12.5 Responsible Behavior 150, 2 80 2 $0 9:30am/6:00pm GHS - NJROTC 10/10/2018 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 10/13/2018 Grant/Whitt Fall Orienteering Competition, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 100, 1 30 2 $0 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 10/18/2018 Grant/Whitt Homecoming Parade, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 5, 1 60 2 $0 3:00pm/5:00pm GHS - NJROTC 10/30/2018 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 11/1/2018 Grant/Whitt Beaver Dam Picnic, NPH.k-12.5 Responsible Behavior 5, 1 100 2 $0 3:00pm/5:00pm GHS - NJROTC 11/3/2018 Grant/Whitt Fall Drill Competition, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 100, 1 35 2 $0 7:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 11/21/2018 Grant/Whitt USS Wisconsin Visit, NSS-c.9-12.5 Role of the Citizen 100, 1 40 2 $10 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 11/28/2018 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 12/18/2018 Grant/Whitt Christmas Caroling (Nursing Homes), NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 40, 1 30 1 $0 9:00am/2:00pm GHS - NJROTC 1/4/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 1/28/2019 Grant/Whitt Rock Gym Richmond, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 100, 1 30 2 $20 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 1/29/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 2/6/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 2/9/2019 Grant/Whitt Spring Drill Competition, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 100, 1 30 2 $0 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 2/20/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 2/25/2019 Grant/Whitt Middle School Recruiting, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 10, 1 15 1 $0 9:00am/12:00pm GHS - NJROTC 2/28/2019 Grant/Whitt Middle School Recruiting, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 10, 1 15 1 $0 9:00am/12:00pm GHS - NJROTC 3/26/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 3/28/2019 Grant/Whitt Beaver Dam Picnic, NPH.k-12.5 Responsible Behavior 5, 1 100 2 $0 3:00pm/5:00pm GHS - NJROTC 4/20/2019 Grant/Whitt Ship/Squadron Visit Norfolk, NSS-c.9-12.5 Role of the Citizen 100, 1 30 2 $0 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 5/8/2019 Grant/Whitt Elementary School Visit, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 15, 1 25 2 $0 11:00am/12:30pm GHS - NJROTC 5/11/2019 Grant/Whitt Spring Orienteering Competition, NPH.k-12.4 Physical Fitness 100, 1 30 2 $0 8:00am/3:00pm GHS - NJROTC 6/8/2019 Grant/Whitt Graduation Ushering, NSS-c.9-12.1 Civic Life 50, 1 10 2 $0 7:00am/1:00pm GHS - NJROTC

31 miles each way each day = National Beta Club Convention and leadership training in 124 miles Depart ~ 10 am GHS Beta Club will 11/1/2018 Riva Williamsburg, VA total 5 1 $0 Return ~10 pm pay all costs School division car/SUV/va National Beta Club Convention and leadership training in n would Depart ~ 8 am GHS Beta Club will 11/2/2018 Riva Williamsburg, VA suffice 5 1 $0 Return ~ 2 pm pay all costs Sandifer(11 & 12 TBD (spring (with R. Riverside School of Health Careers & Riverside Reginal ~ 25 miles/ 2019) Mathews) Hospital (NN); expose students to medical careers 1 bus 30 2 $5.00 8 am/2:15 pm GHS Anatomy Sandifer(11 & 12 (with R. MedicaL College of VA (campus tour); expose students TBD(??) Mathews) wo medical careers ~60 miles/ " " " " " " 1 bus TBD(??) Parr 11/12 VIMS - Ocean literacy #5, 6 20/1 20 2 $15 8:30-2:00 Oceanography Fall TBD(??) Parr 11/12 VLM - Ocean literacy #5, 6 50/1 20 2 $20 8:30-2:00 Oceanography Spring TBD(??) Parr 11/12 VLM - Ocean literacy #5, 6 50/1 20 2 $20 8:30-2:00 Oceanography 10/5/2018 C Johnson 9-12 State Fair HOSA Day 64/1 5 1 $10.00 8 am/4 pm Students TBA C Johnson 9-12 Proton Therapy Center 45/1 30 2 $5.00 8am/2 pm HOSA Sept welton Skills USA State Fair Comp Doswell,VA 120/1 40 $6.00 8am/6pm Cosmetology Sept-Jun welton Gloucester House Nursing Home 120/1 40 $2.00 8am/12.noon Cosmetology Oct welton District Election Hampton, VA 120/1 40 $15.00 8am/4pm Cosmetology Nov welton Leadership Workshop Newport News, VA 120/1 40 $25.00 8am/4pm Cosmetology Feb welton Leadership Competition Hampton, VA 120/1 40 $15.00 8am/5pm Cosmetology Feb welton Skills Hair/Nails Comp NewportNews, VA 120/1 40 $15 8am/4pm Cosmetology Apr welton State Leadership Comp Virginia Beach, VA 120/1 40 $10.00 8am/9pm Cosmetology Childress/Callowa 10/1/2018 y State Fair Competition 70 4 1 0 7:00AM CTE - Car Requested Childress/Callowa TBA (January) y Skills/USA Competion Va. Beach 50 4 2 0 7:00AM CTE - Car Requested

TBA(May) Childress/Calloway Skills/USA Competion Va. Beach 50 1 1 $0 3:00 CTE - Car Requested Childress/Callowa Oct., 2018 y Chesapeake TCC Open House 55 40 4 0 7:00 AM CTE Oct/November Outten/9-12 Regional FBLA Conference 50 mi/1 bus 20 4 0 TBD CTE November Outten/9-12 Chick Fil A 5 mi/1 bus 24 1 $3 9:30 am/10:45 am Business December Outten/9-12 Chick Fil A 5 mi/1 bus 24 1 $3 1:15 - 2:30 pm Business

March Outten/9-12 Regional FBLA Conference/Competition,Hampton, VA 50 mi/1 bus 15 4 0 TBD CTE April Outten/9-12 State FBLA Competition, Reston, VA 360/1 bus 15 4 0 TBD CTE Depart at beginning of 90 miles/1 school, return by 3/20/2019 R Hypes/9-12 Area rally at J Sargeant Reynolds CC in Goochland bus 15 2 ~$20 5pm GHS/Agriculture

160 miles/1 October 3rd R Hypes/12 State Fair FFA competition car 2 1 Depart$0 at beginning of school, returnGHS/Agriculture by 5pm Depart at beginning of State Fair student FFA competitions and general 160 miles/1 school, return by October 4th R Hypes/9-12 knowledge of agriculture in Virginia bus 20 1 $10 5pm GHS/Agriculture

Depart 6am Virginia State FFA Convention FFA competitions for 554 miles/ Monday, return June 17-20 2019 R Hypes/9-12 members 1 bus 15 3 $0 2pm Thursday GHS/Agriculture

FFA Chapter officer leadership training/ Eastern View 150 miles/1 October 10th R Hypes/9-12 High School bus 7 1 $10Leave at 1pm and return by 9pmGHS/Agriculture Hampton Roads AREC joint trip with STEM to learn 100 Leave at 7:45, Spring, TBD R Hypes/9-12 about riparian buffers and wetlands conservation miles/bus 20 2 $0 return at 3pm GHS/Agriculture Beaverdam Native Plant Trail for landscaping students to 10 Leave at 11am Spring, TBD R Hypes/9-12 observe natural fauna miles/bus 15 1 $0 return at 1pm GHS/Agriculture

Fall and Spring Virginia Zoo for vet science classes (one each semester) 100 Leave at 8am, TBD R Hypes/9-12 to observe animal exhibits/care and conservation miles/bus 15 1 $10.00 return at 3pm GHS/Agriculture 26-Oct Alexander Beaverdam Park, Haunted Trail setup -10.1 35 6 20 11am/dropoff onlyGHS- Theatre TBA Clint Alexander VCU SOL IV 40/1 50 3 15 8:30AM/2pm Fine Arts Spring TBA Clint Alexander Busch Gardens Backstage Wkshop 20/? 12 2 pass/45.00 TBD ITS Spring TBA Clint Alexander elementary performances, various days 20/1 35 2 20 TBA Theatre-GHS Longwood University (workshop/PD)Farmville, VA - November 8th workshop with various schools and professionals- Depart at 6am 2018 Alexander collaboration with Art/Music dept. 125/1 10 1 TBA return at 5pm Fine Arts Photography Tour Gloucester, Va AII.3 The student will demonstrate proficiency and craftsmanship (artisanship) in the use of a variety of art media. AII.5 The student will use contemporary media, tools, and Depart processes to create works of art Less than beginning of 1st February Lauren AII.8 The student will employ elements of art, principles 10 miles block and return (Photography Schoenthal/Phot of design, and a variety of media to express meaning in each way by end of 2nd 3rd Quarter) ography 9-12 works of art and design. and 1 bus 25 1 0 block Fine Arts Photography Tour Gloucester, Va AII.3 The student will demonstrate proficiency and craftsmanship (artisanship) in the use of a variety of art media. AII.5 The student will use contemporary media, tools, and Depart processes to create works of art Less than beginning of 1st Lauren AII.8 The student will employ elements of art, principles 10 miles block and return Schoenthal/Phot of design, and a variety of media to express meaning in each way by end of 2nd April (Photography 4th Quarter)ography 9-12 works of art and design. and 1 bus 25 1 0 block Fine Arts Photography Tour Maymont - Richmond, Va AII.3 The student will demonstrate proficiency and craftsmanship (artisanship) in the use of a variety of art media. AII.5 The student will use contemporary media, tools, and processes to create works of art AII.8 The student will employ elements of art, principles of design, and a variety of media to express meaning in Lauren works of art and design. About 65 Schoenthal/Phot AII.13 The student will examine and discuss social, miles each ography and political, economic, and cultural factors that influence way and 1 March Printmaking 9-12 works of art and design or 2 buses 50 2 0 TBD Fine Arts

Arts Day Student Workshops at Longwood University - Farmville, Va AII.3 The student will demonstrate proficiency and craftsmanship (artisanship) in the use of a variety of art media. AII.4 The student will use traditional and nontraditional media and concepts as inspiration to create works of art. AII.5 The student will use contemporary media, tools, and processes to create works of art. AII.8 The student will employ elements of art, principles of design, and a variety of media to express meaning in works of art and design. Lauren AII.12 The student will identify historical and 125 miles Depart school at November 8 Schoenthal/Grap contemporary works of art and artistic developments. each way 6am and return 2018 hic Design 9-12 and 1 bus 4 1 0 around 5 Fine Arts Drums Along the Boulevard Competition @ Princess 9/22/2018 Venable/Band Anne HS VA Beach 120 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band Guinea Jubilee Parade/ Hermitage Competition 9/29/2018 Venable/Band Richmond, VA 190 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band

10/6/2018 Venable/Band Warhill Competition @ Wanner Stadium Williamsburg, 80 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band

10/18/2018 Venable/Band State Marching Assessment & Home Coming Parade 80 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band 10/27/2018 Venable/Band Tallwood Invitational 120 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band

11/3/2018 Venable/Band Kecoughtan Warrior Classic Competition Hampton, VA 60 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band 12/1/2018 Venable/Band Christmas Parade 10 and 4 120 12 N/A N/A GCPS/Band Not Yet Determine d by January 2019 Venable/Band District Band 60 and 1 N/A 3 District N/A GCPS/Band Not Yet Determine d by Spring 2019 Venable/Band Assessment 80 and 4 100 1 District N/A GCPS/Band Not Yet Determine d by Spring 2019 Venable/Band All-VA Band N/A N/A 1 District N/A GCPS/Band Chrysler Museum of Art / Norfolk: AI.13 Analyze art TBA - Feb / Mar 10-12/ Bergh movements AI.15 Critique Art Work 46 Miles / 1bus 30 3 Aprox. $8 9am- 2pm GHS / Fine Arts Virginia Museum of Fine Arts , Richmond AI.13 Analyze TBA - Feb / Mar 10-12/ Bergh art movements AI.15 Critique Art Work 65 Miles / 1 bus 30 3 Aprox. $8 9am - 2pm GHS / Fine Arts States for ONE ACT VHSL Competition - Charlottesville, Winter- Feb. Alexander VA tba 40 5 125 per stu overnight GHS/GCPS District Chorus Auditions @ Tabb HS (sight reading, 11/2 or 11/3 Watkins/9-12 demonstrating vocal techniques) 44 miles; 1 bus 40 3 ApproxTBD (Friday $10 after school OR Saturday)GHS Chorus All-State Chorus Auditions @ Woodside HS (sight TBD Watkins/9-12 reading, demonstrating vocal techniques) 36.4 miles; 1 bus TBD 2 TBD TBD; evening GHS Chorus

District Chorus Event @ Hampton HS (Demonstrating 2/8-2/9 Watkins/9-12 choral techniques, demonstrating musicianship)93 miles (don't need bus back Satuday);TBD 1 bus 1 0 TBD GHS Chorus Mock Assessment @ Peasley MS (Demonstrating choral techniques, demonstrating musicianship,analysis, TBD Watkins/9-12 evaluation, & critique) 12.6 miles; 2 buses 90 2 0 9-11am GHS Chorus Choral Assessment (Demonstrating choral techniques, demonstrating musicianship, analysis, evaluation, & 3/14 or 3/15 Watkins/9-12 critique) Location TBD; 2 buses 90 4 0 TBD GHS Chorus All-Virginia Chorus Event (Demonstrating choral 4/4-4/6 Watkins/9-12 techniques, demonstrating musicianship) County Car TBD TBD TBD TBD (during spring break)GHS Chorus

Area Chorus Event @ West Point HS (Demonstrating 4/12-4/13 Watkins/9-12 choral techniques, demonstrating musicianship)69 miles (don't need bus backAppox Saturday) 30 1 20 TBD GHS Chorus Music Festival @ Kings Dominion (Demonstrating choral techniques, demonstrating musicianship, analysis, TBD Watkins/9-12 evaluation, & critique) 134, 1 bus 20 3 43 TBD (whole day) GHS Chorus

Jacob Williams- 9- Flamenco Ballet, Richmond, VA. SOLs ask for students to 170 miles. Depart 7:50AM 11/29/2018 12 be exposed to cultural elements. SIV.6 1-2 and SIV.10 2. 2 Buses 75 4 ~$40.00 Return 3:00PM Foreign Language Friday Sept. 28 Cecere / 11 American Revolution Museum at Yorktown 35 miles 60 6 $10 8:30 / 2:15 Yorktown Battlefield NPS Round Trip 2 Busses VUS 4d "Students will demonstrate knowledge of events and issues of the Revolutionary Period by analyzing reasons for colonial victory in the Revolutionary War Friday April 19 Cecere/ 11 Colonial Williamsburg 52 miles 60 6 $17 8:15 / 2:15

Round Trip 2 Busses 1 bus, 28 TBD Eccleston Mariners Museum miles 35 3 $15 (?) 8:00/2:30 WWII club 1 trip each each semester Eccleston USS Monitor Center each way semester SOL US 11-4, 11-5, 11-6 a - j Gov't, US Hist, WHI, & WHII 364; at TBD - Spring classes Washington D.C. - varies by content area least 4 est. 200 est. 20 TBD 6am/11pm Social Studies TBD - Fall Sturtz/10th VA Holocaust Museum SOL WHII.11d 122.4/2 70 7 $10 8:00am/2:40pm Social Studies TBD - Spring Sturtz/10th VA Holocaust Museum SOL WHII.11d 122.4/2 70 7 $10 8:00am/2:40pm Social Studies il IJti

6LOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOT BOARO The Thomas Calhoun walker tducatio'l Center 60991,C. Walker Road 6l6u.ester, Vitginia 23061


MEETING DATE: Oqtober 9,2018

AGENDA ITEM: Recommended 2018-19 appointments to the Gifted Education Advisory Committee and Career & Technical Education Advisory Committee



I MINUTES OR CONSENT INFORMATION ONLY PRESENTATIONS & REPORTS DISCUSSION ONLY ! REGULAR E DrscussroN AND/oR DEcrsroN BACKG OUN$ / SUMMARY: Appointments to division advisory committees in accordance with School Board Policy 8CF


Recommended for Approval


Name: Chuck Wagner

Phone: 804.693.6240 E-mail: [email protected] Gifted Advisorv Committee 2018-19

Rachel Blankenship Abingdon Open Achilles Katrina Ramagllno Bethel Rose Spangler Botetourt lenn Worrell Petsworth Brenda Johnson-Asnicar Page Lori Mayer Peasley Stefen Forrest Gloucester High School Amanda Symonds Community Thomas Steele Student Dr. Chuck Wagner lnstructional Services Gaye Murphy lnstructional Services Kati Smith lnstructional Services Robin Rice GCPS School Board

Career & Technical Education Advisory Council 2018-19

Troy Andersen GCSP School Board Gary Artybridge HII-NNS Carol Belvin Gloucester High School Shauntel Foster HHI-NNS Ja rrett Lee GCPS School Board Marilyn Morris Community Craig Reed Gloucester High School Bruce Shaffer New Horizons Regional Technical Educational Center Taffi Simone Riverside Jodie Simpson Gloucester High School Amanda Symonds Chesapeake Marine lnstitute Chuck Wagner lnstructional Services Hutt Williams RCC Open Student

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA ITEM: Intent to Pursue Social Studies Textbook Adoption


Information Documents GCPS School Board Policy - File No. IIAA-R Textbook Selection, Adoption, and Purchase




Social Studies textbooks were last adopted circa 2002-2003. The textbooks were not updated in 2009-2010 based on the 2008 revised SOLs due to budgetary constraints at the time. Instructional Services staff and social studies teachers intend to pursue textbook adoption for the 2019-2020 School year in accordance with GCPS policy and VDOE guidelines. Staff are seeking School Board approval to pursue the adoption process. There is no cost to the Division to review potential textbook products. At the conclusion of this review process, members of the Social Studies Textbook Review Committee will present recommendations for potential purchase to the Superintendent and the School Board in spring 2019 for final approval, should funds permit.


Recommended for Approval


Name: Dr. Bess Worley, II Phone: 804.693.6240 E-mail: [email protected] Background: The GCPS Social Studies textbooks were last adopted circa 2002-2003. The textbooks were not updated in 2009-2010 based on the 2008 revised SOLs due to budgetary constraints at the time.

Instructional Services staff and social studies teachers intend to pursue textbook adoption for the 2019-2020 School year in accordance with GCPS policy and VDOE guidelines. Staff are seeking School Board approval to pursue the adoption process. There is no cost to the Division to review potential textbook products. At the conclusion of this review process, members of the Social Studies Textbook Review Committee will present recommendations for potential purchase to the Superintendent and the School Board in spring 2019 for final approval, should funds permit.

Social Studies Textbook Review Committee:

Role Name School/Division/Assignment Asst. Superintendent, Chuck Wagner Division Instruction Coordinator for Social Studies Bess Worley Division Grade K-2 Teacher No volunteers received Grade 3-5 Teacher Angela Foster Grade 4, Achilles Grade 3-5 Teacher Natalie Seltzer Grade 4, Bethel Grade 6-8 Teacher Meredith Fradenburgh Grade 6, Peasley Grade 6-8 Teacher Sabrina Bellino Grade 8, Peasley GHS Teacher David Mathews Social Studies Dept. Chair, GHS GHS Teacher Jennifer Rowe World History I, GHS GHS Teacher David Allgeier US History & World History II, GHS Building Administrator Katina Keener Principals, Achilles

Adoption Criteria will include: 1. Alignment with 2015 History/Social Studies Standards of Learning 2. Evidence of application of Standard 1 (History Skills standards) a. Using information sources (primary and secondary sources) b. Applying geographic skills c. Organizing information (e.g., sequencing, graphs, diagrams, characteristics of peoples and places) d. Questioning and using critical thinking skills to ask and answer questions, view historical perspectives, make generalizations, evaluate sources for accuracy, and use evidence from multiple sources e. Compare and contrast, people, places, or events; ideas and perspectives; historical, cultural, and political perspectives f. Determine cause-and-effect relationships, direct and indirect g. Make connections between past and present, across time and place h. Make economic decisions using a decision-making model to identify costs and benefits, incentives and consequences i. Exercise civic responsibility to practice good citizenship skills in the classroom, demonstrate respect for rules and laws, responsibilities of citizenship, and ethical use of material or intellectual property j. Demonstrate comprehension to develop fluency in content vocabulary, comprehension of multiple sources, including online resources; defend positions using content vocabulary, and to investigate and research to develop products orally and in writing 3. Incorporates opportunities for multiple types of assessments, to include task and performance assessments, as part of the GCPS and VDOE Balanced Assessment plan 4. Includes digital and online resources to supplement classroom set of textbooks

Timeline: • November/December 2018: Committee will review state textbook adoption list to recommend 2-4 series for local review • December 2018/January 2019: Receive sample textbooks • February or March 2019: Public review and comment of sample series • April – June 2019: Finalize recommendations for the School Board

State Social Studies Textbook list Proposed Recommended History and Social Science Textbooks for Approval March 22, 2018 Satisfactory Completion of Grade/ Publisher Title Publisher’s Certifications Course and Agreements Kindergarten Five Ponds Press Our World: Our Community ✓ McGraw-Hill Virginia Social Studies: Living, Learning and Working Together ✓ Grade 1 Five Ponds Press Our World: Our State ✓ Grade 2 Five Ponds Press Our World: Our United States ✓ Grade 3 Five Ponds Press Our World: Ancient World Cultures ✓ McGraw-Hill Grade 3 Social Studies: Exploring People Places and Cultures ✓ Virginia Studies Five Ponds Press Our Virginia: Past and Present ✓ McGraw-Hill SS Virginia Studies ✓ United States History to 1865 Cengage/National Geographic US History: American Stories, Beginnings to 1877 ✓ Five Ponds Press Our America to 1865 ✓ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt United States History Beginnings to 1877 ✓ McGraw-Hill Discovering Our Past: A History of The United States- Early Years ✓ Pearson United States History Beginnings to 1865 ✓ United States History: 1865 to the Present Five Ponds Press Our America: 1865 to the Present ✓ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt United States History: Civil War to the Present ✓ McGraw-Hill A History of the United States ✓ Pearson United States History: 1865 to the Present ✓

Proposed Recommended History and Social Science Textbooks for Approval March 22, 2018 Grade/ Satisfactory Completion of Publisher Title Publisher’s Certifications and Course Agreements Civics and Economics Five Ponds Press Our State & Nation: Civics and Economics ✓ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Civics ✓ McGraw-Hill Building Citizenship ✓ World Geography Cengage/National Geographic National Geographic Learning- World Cultures and Geography Survey ✓ McGraw-Hill Geography: The Human and Physical World ✓ World History and Geography to 1500 A.D. (C.E.) Cengage/National Geographic National Geographic World History: Great Civilizations ✓ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Modern World History ✓ McGraw-Hill World History and Geography Early Ages ✓ Pearson World History and Geography Beginnings to 1500 ✓ World History and Geography: 1500 A.D. (C.E.) to the Present Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Modern World History Survey ✓ McGraw-Hill World History and Geography, Modern Times ✓ Pearson World History and Geography From 1500 ✓ Virginia and United States History Houghton Mifflin Harcourt American History ✓ McGraw-Hill United States History & Geography ✓ Pearson Virginia and United States History ✓ Virginia and United States Government Cengage/National Geographic Govt9: Principles of American Government ✓ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Government ✓ McGraw-Hill United States Government: Our Democracy ✓ Pearson Magruder’s American Government ✓

File No. IIAA-R


Selection of Textbooks

The Gloucester County School Board may adopt textbooks, including print or electronic media for student use that serves as the primary curriculum basis for a grade-level subject or course from the list of textbooks approved by the Board of Education. The School Board may also adopt books which are not on the state-adopted list in accordance with the Board of Education regulations.

In approving textbooks, the School Board:

appoints evaluation committees to review and evaluate textbooks, gives notice to parents that textbooks under consideration will be listed on the division’s website and made available at designated locations for review by any interested citizens, creates opportunities for persons reviewing such textbooks to present their comments and observations to the School Board, creates procedures to ensure appropriate consideration of citizen comments and observations and establishes and makes known selection criteria.

Textbooks Approved by the Board of Education

The Gloucester County School Board may either enter into written term contracts or issue purchase orders with publishers of textbooks approved by the Board of Education. Such written contracts or purchase orders are exempt from the Virginia Public Procurement Act (Va. Code 2.2-4300 et seq.). The contract price shall not exceed the lowest wholesale price at which the book or books involved in the contract are currently bid under contract anywhere in the United States. If, subsequent to the date of any contract entered into by the School Board, the prices of books named in the contract are reduced or the terms of the contract are made more favorable to the purchase anywhere in the United States or a special or other edition of any book named in the contract is sold outside of Virginia at a lower price than contracted in Virginia, the publisher shall grant the same reduction or terms to the School Board and give the School Board the option of using such special or other edition adapted for use in Virginia and at the lowest price at which such special edition is sold elsewhere and the contract shall so state.

Contracts and purchase orders with publishers of textbooks approved by the Board of Education shall require the publisher to furnish an electronic file of the textbook in the National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standards (NIMAS) format that will then be deposited in the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) from which accessible versions of the particular textbook may be produced for students with print disabilities, as defined in 20 U.S.C. 1474. Publishers shall deliver the NIMAS file of the textbook on or before the date of delivery of the regular text version.

Contracts and purchase orders with publishers of textbooks approved by the Board of Education for use in grades 6-12 shall allow for the purchase of printed textbooks, printed textbooks with electronic files, or electronic textbooks separate and apart from printed versions of the same textbook. The School Board may purchase an assortment of textbooks in any of the three forms listed above.

The Gloucester County School Board shall order directly from the respective publishers the books needed to supply the public schools in the school division. The publishers shall ship the books to the school board. The purchase price of such books shall be paid directly to the publisher by the school board.

Locally-Approved Textbooks

In approving textbooks that have not been approved by the Board of Education, the School Board will also include a correlation of the content to the Virginia Standards of Learning in the content area and Page 2 File No. IIAA-R an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the textbook in terms of instructional planning and support when the textbooks pertain to Virginia Standards of Learning subjects.

The publishers of such textbooks shall

provide the School Board with certification that the content of the textbook is accurate and sign an agreement with the School Board to correct all factual and editing errors found at its own expense.

The purchase of textbooks other than those approved by the Board of Education is not exempt from the Virginia Public Procurement Act.

ADOPTED: July 1, 1991

REVISED: July 1, 1998 March 10, 2009 September 4, 2014 April 12, 2016

LEGAL REFERENCES: Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, §§ 22.1-238, 22.1-241.

8 VAC 20-720-170.

CROSS REFERENCES: DJF Purchasing Procedures IIA Instructional Materials KQ Commercial, Promotional, and Corporate Sponsorships and Partnerships

2/2016 VSBA Gloucester County School Board

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road • Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Organizational Chart

ATTACHMENTS: CCA-R Organizational Chart



The Organizational Chart has been updated.


That the School Board accepts this item as information.


Name: John Hutchinson, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services

Phone: (804) 693-5304

E-mail: [email protected]

Gloucester County Public Schools Organizational Chart File No. CCA-R

Gloucester County School Board 693-1425 Executive Associate School Board Clerk Carol Dehoux 693-1425 Division Superintendent Dr. Walter R. Clemons 693-1425

Assistant Superintendent Chief Financial Officer Executive Director Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services Executive Associate Administrative Associates Instructional Services Budget and Finance Human Resources & Compliance Chuck Wagner 693-4795 Heather Lucas 693-7825 Gwyn Ciemniecki 693-7902 John Hutchinson 693-5304

Director Manager Coordinator ELL Instructors Assessment & Evaluation Manager Construction & Procurement Human Resources Bess Worley 693-4795 Accounting Scott Shorland 693-6961 Administrative Associate Craig Smith 693-7927 Tee Ann Floyd 693-7825 Manager Energy Specialist Specialist Facilities Technicians Gifted Education Administrative Associates Administrative Associates Dave Miller 693-1207 Painters Gaye Murphy 71107 (Internal Only)

Managers Director Career & Technical Teachers Assistant Managers Supervisors Food Services Cafeteria Workers Career/Technical Ed. Steve Patton 693-3585 Carol Belvin & Jodie Simpson Warehouseman 693-4795 Administrative Associates

Manager/Foreman Specialist Grounds Asst. Grounds Foreman Instructional Literacy Jimmy Viars 693-1206 Groundskeepers Jennifer McSweeney 693-3844 Lead School Nurses Specialist Elementary School Secondary School Nurse School Nurse Assistant Elementary Math Principals Principals Robin Zophy 693-0468 Melanie Jenkins 693-0351 Abingdon Page Middle Parts Specialist Anna Harwood 642-9885 Patricia McMahon 693-2540 Warehouse Worker Manager Secondary Math Coach Achilles Peasley Middle Safety & Warehouse Custodians (6-12) Katina Keener 642-9140 Katie Litton 693-1499 Del Dautrich 693-6438 Stefan Mygas 693-1132 Bethel Gloucester High Visiting Teachers Eileen Kersmarki 693-2360 School Counselors Craig Reed 693-2526 Director Botetourt Student Services Truancy Officer Learning Coach ISAEP Coordinator Special Education Felicia (Tish) Hudgins 693-2151 Bryan Hartley 693-7856 Coordinators RASP Diagnosticians Mary Runnells 693-1439 Petsworth Administrative Associate School Psychologists Cathy Balderson 693-6161 Director OTs and PTs Administrative Associate Director Technology Coordinators/Managers Office Associate Special Education Jim Brogan 693-1707 Technicians Fran Goforth 693-7880 Assistant Principals, Academic Administrative Support Specialist, Classroom Teachers, School Counselors, SLPs, Media Specialists, Paraprofessionals, Technology Assistants, Administrative Associates, Office Associates, Custodians, School Safety, and other GCPS employees as assigned. Director Shop Manager/Foreman Coordinators /Managers Director Transportation Asst. Shop Manager/Foreman Technicians Technology Vickram Rajpaul 693-2127 Technicians ITRTs Jim Brogan 693-1707 Pupil Transportation Spec. Community Engagement Coordinators - Gloucester County provides school-based Automotive Parts Spec. Community Engagement Coordinators through a partnership between Gloucester County Helper and GCPS. The CECs are based in all five elementary schools and both middle schools, Bus Drivers and serve a variety of functions that support family, school, and community services. Bus Assistants Administrative Associate Christi Lewis – Director, Community Engagement, 693-5730

ADOPTED: July 1, 1991 REVISED: March 9, 1993; July 1, 1995; July 11, 1995; February 9, 1999; July 18, 2001; November 13, 2001; November 12, 2002; May 13, 2003; October 12, 2004; September 11, 2007; September 9, 2008; October 11, 2011; August 14, 2012; August 13, 2013; September 9, 2014; December 8, 2015; March 8, 2016; September 13, 2016; October 10, 2017; October 9, 2018

Wednesday, November 14

Thursday, November 15

   

Friday, November 16

Wednesday, November 14


Exhibitors interested in supporting this important program should contact Jessica Blythe at [email protected] In addition to the headquarters hotel, blocks of rooms have been secured at special rates at nearby hotels. All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. The rooms at the main convention headquarters hotel, The Williamsburg Lodge, are

reserved for those school divisions now eligible in the rotation list. Please do not call the hotel for reservations, they will not accept reservations if you are not on the rotation list. Divisions on the list have been notified.

Courtyard Marriott 470 McLaws Circle 800-321-2211 or 757-221-0700 Group Code: Virginia School Boards Association Room Rate: $139 • Deadline to Reserve: October 15, 2018 Reminder: Kingsmill Nametags must be visible to be admitted to ALL VSBA meetings 1010 Kingsmill Road and conferences. 800-832-5665 or 757-253-1703 Group Code: Virginia School Boards Association Room Rates: $189 • Deadline to Reserve: October 22, 2018 Register online today: C=ifON&EID=GJGI

2018 VSBA ANNUAL CONVENTION Registration fees received after November 1 will be $355 per person. Purchase orders and registration via telephone Name ______do not constitute payment of registration fees and will result in a $50 late fee if paid after the deadline date. No refunds Division ______will be made after November 1 except in the case of personal illness. All requests for refunds must be made to School Board Member the VSBA president in writing signed by the board chair certifying a personal illness. Superintendent

Other ______Please return this form with your payment to: Costs: VSBA Registration: $305 200 Hansen Road, Suite 2 Charlottesville, VA 22911 Late Registration: $355 (after November 1) Early Bird Session Registration: $115 Carol Dehoux

From: Alicia Trice Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2018 2:00 PM To: Carol Dehoux Subject: WEBINAR: Student Dress Codes and the First Amendment

WEBINAR: Student Dress Codes and the First Amendment October 30, 2018

The application of the First Amendment to student speech in public schools is one of the most challenging areas of the law for school board members and administrators to navigate. Students often use their attire as a means of expressing their opinion or support for a particular cause. This webinar will explore the First Amendment implications of implementing and enforcing a student dress code that attempts to place limitations on the messages that may be displayed on student attire. Reserve your webinar seat now by clicking here:

Cost: $145 per connection (unlimited number of participants per connection) REGISTRATION FOR THE WEBINAR IS FINAL. If you are unable to attend the live webinar, the webinar recording will be available for purchase. Date and Time: October 30, 2018; 12-1:00PM Presenter: Stacy Haney, Reed Smith LLP.


Alicia S. Trice, Coordinator of Special Projects Virginia School Boards Association 200 Hansen Road, Suite 2 Charlottesville, VA 22911 800-446-8722 or 434-295-8722 Office 434-295-8785 Fax [email protected],


Gloucester County Public Schools Comprehensive Plan 2018-2024

Adopted by the Gloucester County School Board

October 9, 2018


School Board Members and Comprehensive Plan Committee Members 2-3

Letter from the Superintendent 4

Introduction 5

Standards of Quality Requirements 5-6

Mission Statement/Vision Statement/Overarching Goals/Core Values 7

Enrollment Forecast 8

Additional Information 9-11

District Goals

● Goal 1: Instruction and Academic Achievement

● Goal 2: School, Family & Community Relationships

● Goal 3:Operations

● Goal 4: Safety

● Goal 5: Emotional/Health & Mental Wellness

Advisory Boards and Committees

Educational Acronyms/Terminology


2018 School Board Members

Mrs. Anita Parker, Board Chair Petsworth District

Mr. Jarret Lee, Vice-Chair At-Large Community

Ms. Brenda Mack, Member At-Large Community

Mr. Troy Andersen, Member Gloucester Point District

Mr. Randy Burak, Member Abingdon District

Mrs. Robin Rice, Member Ware District

Mrs. Elisa Nelson, Member York District

Mission/Overarching Goals/Core Values/Beliefs Committee

Jim Brogan Ashley Chriscoe Stefan Forrest Mary Runnells Craig Smith Amanda Wallace

Instructional Committee Members ​

Jessica Brown Dr. Patricia McMahon Dr. Mary Runnells Kelli Belvin Dr. Jennifer Tingley Dr. Chuck Wagner David Weller Elaine Norman Jennifer Worrell


Schools, Families & Community Relationships Committee

Chris Hutson Clint Alexander Melanie Glenn Cindy Thomas Craig Reed Kevin Smith Brenda Mack David Weller John Hutchinson

Operations Committee

David Miller Jimmy Viars Heather Lucas Darren Post Jim Brogan Fran Goforth Gwyn Ciemniecki Steve Patton Brenda Mack

Safety Committee

Dr. Walter Clemons David Weller Bryan Hartley Del Dautrich Katie Litton Anita Parker Katina Keener Tish Hudgins Cathy Balderson Anne Lanan

Emotional/Social/Mental Health & Wellness Committee

Deborah Bone Eileen Kersmarki Amber Wilburn Anna Harwood Melanie Jenkins Dr. Bess Worley


Letter from the Superintendent

October 9, 2018

Dear Gloucester County Public Schools Community:

It gives me great pleasure to present to the community the Gloucester County Public Schools District Comprehensive Plan. This plan is developed in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders including School Board members, school district personnel, parents and the entire community at large. Gloucester County is truly fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals who work tirelessly in the pursuit of educational excellence for Gloucester County Public Schools.

The Comprehensive Plan will be ongoing and continuous and guides our work and direction over the next six years (2018-2024) in the areas of Instruction and Academic Achievement, Schools, Families & Community Relationships, Operations, Safety and Emotional/Mental Health & Wellness. The goals and objectives (to include a new Mission and Vision statement) for the district Comprehensive Plan are based on current analysis of data regarding where we stand today and where we would like to be in the future. I encourage all stakeholders to review and comment on the Comprehensive Plan as it is the goal of Gloucester County Public Schools to make this a transparent process that fosters community feedback. Please know that your input is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

In closing, I encourage the entire community to become involved in our school district in some capacity. Only then will we truly be able to connect, engage and inspire all students to reach their fullest potential.


Walter R. Clemons, Ph.D. District Superintendent

Gloucester County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mr. Bryan Hartley, Director of Student Services, 804-693-7856.



The Code of Virginia through the Standards of Quality (SOQ) establishes the requirement that “each local school board adopt a district-wide comprehensive, unified, long-range plan based on data collection, an analysis of the data, and how the data will be utilized to improve classroom instruction and student achievement.” This document represents Gloucester County Public Schools’ compliance with this requirement.

The Gloucester County Public Schools’ Comprehensive Plan for 2018-2024 outlines a six-year plan of work for our district. This plan presents goals and objectives needed to move our district and schools to educational excellence for all students, and was developed with community and staff involvement. In addition, this plan shall be reviewed annually.

Standards of Quality Requirements Standard 6. – Planning and Public Involvement

§ 22.1-253.13:6.

B. Each local school board shall adopt a district-wide comprehensive, unified, long-range plan based on data collection, an analysis of the data, and how the data will be utilized to improve classroom instruction and student achievement. The plan shall be developed with staff and community involvement and shall include, or be consistent with, all other district-wide plans required by state and federal laws and regulations. Each local school board shall review the plan biennially and adopt any necessary revisions. Prior to the adoption of any district-wide comprehensive plan or revisions thereto, each local school board shall post such plan or revisions on the district's Internet website if practicable, and, in any case, shall make a hard copy of the plan or revisions available for public inspection and copying and shall conduct at least one public hearing to solicit public comment on the district-wide plan or revisions.

The district-wide comprehensive plan shall include, but shall not be limited to:

(i) the objectives of the school district, including strategies for first improving student achievement, particularly the achievement of educationally at-risk students, then maintaining high levels of student achievement;

(ii) an assessment of the extent to which these objectives are being achieved; (iii) a forecast of enrollment changes;

(iv) a plan for projecting and managing enrollment changes including consideration of the consolidation schools to provide for a more comprehensive and effective delivery of instructional services to students and economies in school operations;

(v) an evaluation of the appropriateness of establishing regional programs and services in cooperation with neighboring school districts;

(vi) a plan for implementing such regional programs and services when appropriate; (vii) a technology plan designed to integrate educational technology into the instructional programs of the school district, including the school district's career and technical education programs, consistent with, or as a part of, the comprehensive technology plan for Virginia adopted by the Board of Education;

(viii) an assessment of the needs of the school district and evidence of community participation, including parental participation, in the development of the plan;


(ix) any corrective action plan required pursuant to § 22.1-253.13:3; and

(x) a plan for parent and family involvement to include building successful school and parent partnerships that shall be developed with staff and community involvement, including participation by parents.

Consistent With The Standards Of Accreditation, Programs And Strategies Should Address:

1. School safety and security. 2. Facilities maintenance and expansion. 3. High expectations for student achievement and personnel performance. 4. Development and implementation of K-12 curriculum consistent with the Standards of Learning. 5. Integration of technology in all curricular areas and administrative processes. 6. Diverse needs of all learners, including at-risk, average, disabled, gifted and minority populations. 7. Opportunities for students to serve the community.


Mission Statement

As a strong community of learners, Gloucester County Public Schools is dedicated to creating and sustaining an environment that emphasizes education, embraces diversity, and empowers its stakeholders (students, families, staff, and community) to accomplish individual, as well as collective goals.

Vision Statement

To provide an environment that focuses on meeting and exceeding the expectations of its stakeholders in each facet of the educational process, which includes, but is not limited to: instruction and academic achievement, school, family and community relationships, operations, safety, and emotional/mental health & wellness. ● To provide a safe, clean and appropriate educational environment for learning and working. ● To maintain a partnership and facilitate meaningful communication between the schools, families, staff and the community in order to deliver an appropriate educational program for each student. ● To develop students’ critical-thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and technological skills. ● To prepare students to assume responsibility for stewardship of the natural environment. ● To prepare students for employment of further academic and technical education upon graduation. ● To increase community involvement. ● To maintain inclusive environments. ● To develop high quality curriculum, instruction, and assessments. ● To establish collaborative school culture and climate.

Core Values

Dedicated to the profession of teaching and learning, employees in Gloucester County Public Schools are driven by a clear set of core values that define who we are, what we do for children and how we do it. These core values will guide and direct all activities undertaken in our schools. We believe:

● Each child is important and entitled to the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. ● Learning occurs best when instruction is tailored to individual needs. ● Learning is the heart and soul of what we do. ● All students can and must learn at high levels of achievement but not necessarily at the same rate and in the same way. ● High expectations promote high achievement. ● A well-rounded education enables students to lead fulfilling and culturally rich lives. ● Effective teachers are essential to student success. ● Adults and children thrive in a vibrant, safe, enriching and respectful environment. ● There is strength in diversity and we should all work together to positively impact the quality of life for our students. ● Parents, as well as the larger community, are partners with us in educating all students. ● Collaborative problem-solving, teamwork, creativity, innovation and a sense of humor are traits we embrace in our students, teachers, and staff.


Enrollment Forecast

Primary factors attributing to the declining student enrollment in eleven (11) of the past twelve (12) years include lower birth rates and the increase of households that do not have school- aged children. Employment opportunities within Gloucester County can also be a factor. Included in this document are specific goals and objectives designed to meet the needs of the district as a whole and facilitate academic excellence for all students.

Average Daily Membership (ADM) is calculated as the number of days that students in grades K-12 are in attendance at school, divided by the number of days in the school year, and is used to distribute state funding on a per-pupil basis. As is shown in the graph below, the ADM for

Gloucester County Schools continues to trend downward:

Fiscal ADM # Change % Change Year on 3/31 from Prior Year from Prior Year 2007 5,949 -51 -0.85% 2008 5,910 -39 -0.66% 2009 5,871 -39 -0.66% 2010 5,919 48 0.82% 2011 5,850 -69 -1.17% 2012 5,645 -205 -3.50% 2013 5,469 -176 -3.12% 2014 5,447 -22 -0.40% 2015 5,354 -93 -1.71% 2016 5,383 29 0.54% 2017 5,319 -64 -1.19% 2018 5,270 -49 -.92% 2019* 5,200 -70 -1.33% 2020* 5,189 -11 -.21% 2021* 5,099 -90 -1.73%

*ADM is projected for years 2019-2021.


Additional Information

Regional Programs

Gloucester County Public Schools partners with several local school divisions to provide the following programs and services to meet diverse needs of the students within our respective counties:

● Governor’s Schools - Gloucester County Public Schools participates in several Governor’s Schools supported by the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Opportunities for high school students include the Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School, the Governor’s School for Science and Technology, and the Summer Residential Governor’s Schools. The Middle Peninsula Summer Regional Governor’s School is for students currently in grades 4-7 identified for gifted education services in GCPS.

➢ Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School (CBGS) provides an educational option for highly motivated and talented students interested in or with an aptitude for math, science, and technology. Sophomores, juniors and seniors from thirteen participating school divisions in the Middle Peninsula and Northern Neck regions in Virginia attend the Governor’s School during the morning at one of three sites: Rappahannock Community College Glenns Campus, Rappahannock Community College Warsaw Campus, or Bowling Green High School in Caroline County.

➢ Governor’s School for Science and Technology (GSST at New Horizons Regional Education Center) is operated collectively by Gloucester, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg-James City County, and York County Schools. GSST provides a cohesive, innovative, and rigorous science and mathematics program that embraces quality programming standards for gifted students recommended by the VDOE and the National Association for Gifted Children.

➢ Summer Residential Governor’s Schools provide gifted high school juniors and seniors from across the region and state with intensive educational experiences in language, agriculture, visual and performing arts, humanities, mathematics, science, and technology, life science and medicine, and through unique mentorships in marine science or engineering.

➢ Middle Peninsula Summer Regional Governor’s School (MPSRGS) is for identified gifted students currently in grades 4-7. The program is sponsored and funded by the VDOE with contributions from the nine participating school divisions of Charles City County, Essex County, Gloucester County, King and Queen County, King William County, Mathews County, Middlesex County, New Kent County, and the town of West Point. This school provides problem-based classes for approximately 105 identified gifted students in participating school divisions.

● Governor’s Health Science Academy (GHSA) - Gloucester County Public Schools, in partnership with Mathews County Public Schools, Riverside School of Heath Careers, Rappahannock Community College, and New Horizons Regional Education Centers, initiated a Governor’s Health Science Academy at Mathews High School and Gloucester High School in 2013-14. Students from both school divisions can pursue coursework in several career pathways, currently including Therapeutic Services and Support Services. Additional career pathways are scheduled for development in the coming years.


● Greater Peninsula Governor’s STEM Academy (GPGSA) - Gloucester County Public Schools, in partnership with the participating school divisions in the New Horizons Regional Education Consortium, offers courses of study in two career pathways in Engineering Technology and Information Technology for qualified students at Gloucester High School. Students continue taking courses required to earn the Governor’s Career and Technical Academy seal. Advanced academic and technical coursework prepares students to take an industry recognized credentialing exam. Courses also may be taken for dual enrollment credit where available.

● Regional Special Education Programs - Gloucester County Public Schools participates in several regional programs that serve identified students requiring specialized education services in order to achieve school success.

➢ New Horizons Regional Education Center (NHREC) provides two programs for students with disabilities from Gloucester, Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg-James City County and York County. Both programs serve identified and eligible children ages 5 through 21 years:

▪ Center for Autism (CFA) - a highly structured program serving the unique needs of students with autism. Their program addresses communication skills, functional skills, positive behavior management and social skills as determined by an IEP (Individualized Education Program) team.

▪ Newport Academy – a highly structured and supportive educational environment to meet the unique needs of students with an emotional disability. The classes serve students with a wide range of cognitive ability ranging from students who participate in the VAAP (Virginia Alternate Assessment program) to students who are highly successful on SOL (Standards of Learning) tests.

➢ Middle Peninsula Regional Special Education Program (MPRSEP) also provides two programs for students with disabilities from Gloucester, Middlesex, Mathews and the Town of West Point:

▪ One is a highly structured program for students with autism with significant cognitive delays and behavioral needs.

▪ The other is for students with multiple disabilities who exhibit significant cognitive delays along with significant medical issues. Both programs are designed for students who participate in the VAAP assessment.

▪ The Regional Board of Control is the governing body for the MPRSEP and they meet on a quarterly basis. At present, Gloucester County is the fiscal agent for the program.

● Dual Enrollment Courses - Gloucester County Public Schools also partners with Rappahannock Community College to provide a host of dual-enrollment courses for qualified students at Gloucester High School.

● New Horizons Regional Career & Technical Education Center (NHREC) - Gloucester County Public Schools, in partnership with Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, Williamsburg-James City County, and York County Schools, offers an array of career and technical education courses at the New Horizons centers in Hampton and Newport News. Students spend a portion of each school day at NHREC during their junior and senior years. Some course options may include dual enrollment and may include credentialing and/or certification exams.


● Middle Peninsula Regional Alternative School Program (MPRASP) - The MPRASP program was established to provide an alternative learning environment for middle and high school students who have been suspended or who are having difficulty within the traditional academic environment. The program currently serves over 200 expelled or long-term suspended students with chronic behavior problems in grades 6-12. An after school program, operating four days per week, has been established at two sites: Gloucester High School and King William High School. Program components include small-group instruction with individualized assistance. Strong emphasis is placed on reading, writing, and behavior modification. An extensive partnership between the school divisions, local businesses, and community-based organizations has been established. Partner school divisions include Gloucester, King William, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Essex, and King and Queen Counties; and the Town of West Point.

● Project Graduation - This state-funded grant program provides resources to support remedial instruction for students who have not earned standard or verified credits in English: Reading and/or Writing, Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry, as well as Term Graduates seeking verified credits in Science and/or Social Studies. Project Graduation is comprised of a school year component (December through May) as well as a summer academy component (July through August). Gloucester County Public Schools participates in Region III with divisions including Colonial Beach, Essex, Fredericksburg, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond County, Spotsylvania, Stafford and Westmoreland. For the 2013-14 school year, Gloucester was alone in Academy 5 because nearby divisions opted not to participate.

● Middle Peninsula Regional Adult Continuing Education (MPRACE) - provides instruction to adults to improve basic academic skills (reading, writing, and math), ABE/GED (Adult Basic Education/General Adult Education) Preparation (for high school equivalency) and ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages). Qualified teachers work with individuals and small classes at local sites throughout the Middle Peninsula of Virginia. Areas of service include Essex, King & Queen, King William, Mathews, Middlesex, and Gloucester counties and the Town of West Point. Middle Peninsula RACE (Regional Adult Continuing Education) also serves as a GED Test Center for area adults. GED test is scheduled quarterly for the community. Adult participants in local ABE/GED programs will have access to more frequent testing opportunities.

Technology Plan

The Technology Plan for Gloucester County Public Schools is a comprehensive document with goals and objectives that have been embedded within this comprehensive plan. The Technology Plan is not included in its entirety in this report but can be found on the district’s website and a paper copy made available upon request.

Needs Assessment

Gloucester County Public Schools has used a variety of documents to assess its current needs. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is used to assess the needs of the district, as well as the division-wide and school report cards that are used to gauge the instructional needs for teaching and learning. The annual budget process is utilized to determine the needs of the individual schools.


Division Goals

GOAL 1 Instruction & Academic Achievement To meet or exceed all annual state and federal performance benchmarks as a foundation for grade-level readiness, college and career preparation, and excellence in citizenship and academic achievement.

GOAL 2 School, Family, & Community Relationships To create positive connections that foster community relationships for all county citizens.

To increase the efficiency of operations in the areas of: Buildings & Operations/Fiscal GOAL 3 Operations Responsibility/Transportation/Human Resources.

GOAL 4 Safety To increase safety measures at all schools to include transporting students to and from schools.

GOAL 5 Emotional/Mental Health & Wellness To provide avenues to increase emotional/mental health and wellness to students, staff, and families.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

GOAL 1: Instruction & Academic Achievement - To meet or exceed all annual state and federal performance benchmarks as a ​ foundation for grade-level readiness, college and career preparation, and excellence in citizenship and academic achievement.

1-A. To provide rich, Middle school ELA (English Language Monitor and assess K-8 ELA curriculum COMPLETED comprehensive, and aligned Arts) curriculum resources revised in materials, maps, pacing guides, and K-12 Math curriculum curricula and instructional 2014-15 Textbooks under consideration assessment maps/tools and align/revise (Summer 2016) resources K-12 to meet for 2015-16 for secondary SOL courses as needed with appropriate teacher student needs. participation. K-8 ELA (Summer 2016)

K-12 Math curriculum resources revised Monitor and assess K-12 Mathematics COMPLETED Elementary math textbooks in 2013-14 curriculum materials, maps, pacing Math textbooks purchased being considered for FY20 guides, and assessment maps/tools and summer 2015 for SOL Math align/revise as needed with appropriate courses, Gr 6-12 teacher participation. ($90K) Spanish textbooks purchased Summer 2018 for Gr 6-12 ($65K)

Monitor and assess K-12 Science and Social Studies (2015) Social Studies curriculum materials, curricula scheduled to be maps, pacing guides, and assessment implemented FY19. Science maps/tools and align/revise as needed (2018) scheduled to be with appropriate teacher participation. implemented FY22.

Continue to develop comprehensive, Division-wide expectations aligned lesson planning documents K-12 for lesson planning in all content areas that emphasize components and appropriate intended learning outcomes, instructional supervision success criteria, and instructional communicated to all school strategies designed to achieve learning leaders. targets.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

1-B. To provide Continue to emphasize and monitor COMPLETED Continue regular school high-quality instruction to high-yield instructional strategies (HYS) Division-wide expectations visits and review of all students incorporating and other related best instructional for lesson planning Effective School Plans process standards and 21st practices to ensure that all students can components and instructional ​ Century skills and access required content. (Ongoing) supervision communicated to competencies. all school leaders. Monthly schedule for instructional observations and walk-throughs are ongoing. Develop Master Plan Study for COMPLETED Teachers to incorporate 21st Gloucester High School to collect input (Spring 2018) Century skills in lesson on new instructional objectives for GHS plans. and provide a contemporary learning Continue to promote facility to improve access to 21st community support for a Century skills and learning. revitalized GHS.

Provide training and support for the most COMPLETED Ongoing training in effective co-teaching and case Ongoing training in co-teaching models and management models to increase co-teaching models and support provided by SPED instructional support for Students with support provided by SPED Learning Coach FY19 Disabilities (SWD). (Summer 2015) Learning Coach FY17 and FY18 Recruit and retain a K-8 Literacy Coach COMPLETED Will look to add Literacy to lead and support VTSS (Virginia FY16 Coach for grades 6-12. Tiered System of Supports), literacy FY20 ($60K/year) instruction/intervention, and supervision of K-12 ELA curriculum. Pending available resources

K-5 and secondary Mathematics Specialist Recruit and retain a K-8 Learning COMPLETED provide curriculum and instructional Specialist to support special education FY17 ($60K/yr) support to teachers instructional collaboration and intervention to meet learning needs of SWD.

Summer 2014: Project-based learning Provide PBL (Project Based Learning) COMPLETED Begin Cohort 5 of PBL in th (PBL) initiative was introduced to middle training to a second cohort of middle 4 ​ cohort of teachers in Summer 2019 (focus on ​ school cohort school teachers (and select elementary Summer 2017 ($12K/yr) GHS and upper elementary)

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

and high teachers) to begin distribution of these skills and strategies across K-12.

Provide appropriate number of Continue to examine instructional and support personnel enrollment and (including administrative support) to instructional/administrative maximize instructional delivery and needs across schools (e.g. support for student learning. F/T Career Coach at GHS; Gifted Resource Teachers; Behavior Specialist; etc.)

Increase the number of school counselors COMPLETED and assistant principals to achieve Added sixth school counselor optimal ratios (1:250) and increase at GHS in FY17 ($60K/yr) grade-level and student support services. Added Admin/Gifted Support position in FY18 split between ABG and BOT

FY19 support position will be split between ABG and ACH

Planning time for teachers meets Increase and ensure unencumbered daily COMPLETED minimum SOQ requirements; however, planning time for all classroom teachers. Increased planning time at daily planning for high school teachers GHS with revised 4x4 has not been achieved schedule in FY17. Establish and expand robust Pre-K and COMPLETED Add 1 to 2 Pre-K classes Kindergarten programs in every with locations to be elementary school. Partnered with Head Start to determined in FY19 or add Early Head Start FY20. classroom to TCWEC in FY19 Approx. $30K in local match required for VPI classroom.

Establish Virginia Preschool Initiative COMPLETED (VPI) classrooms pursuant to eligibility Added 3rd VPI classroom at and available funding. PETS in FY17

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Added 4th VPI classroom at ABG in FY19. Explore consolidation of early childhood Consolidated 2016-2017 education programs, including Head Continue to Reference the Start, VPI, and ECSE (Early Childhood School Readiness Special Education). Committee work

Summer programs occur as needed; Establish and maintain robust summer COMPLETED however, many children who need and/or other flexible rebound or Currently offer 4-week remediation the most are unable (or remediation opportunities for all K-2 summer program (total annual choose not) to attend students performing below grade-level cost - $110k) expectations.

Maintain current VTSS model for tiered COMPLETED intervention (including PBIS) in grades Incorporated new assessment K-8 to establish and reinforce the most tools (STAR Reading/Math) positive and effective learning ($70K/yr) environments.

Gloucester High School has begun to Explore and pursue VTSS/PBIS model IN PROCESS All schools to participate in explore PBIS (Positive Behavioral for Grade 9, as well as an effective GCPS accepted into VDOE Cohort 5 strategic summer Intervention Support) initiative middle/high school transition program Cohort 5 for VTSS/PBIS trainings beginning in that establishes the highest expectations training, coaching, and Summer 2018. Received for student performance and citizenship. support. Attended initial state grant for $20K to trainings in Summer 2018 support training. Provide adequate instructional COMPLETED th technology tools and ensure that 4 ​ year of e-Backpack at GHS ​ technology tools and resources are in FY18; redistribution of distributed equitably throughout schools devices throughout other and are available to every student and schools; teacher. Chromebook purchases for each school – FY18.

Purchased additional chromebooks for all 6th ​ graders in FY19.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Incorporate digital literacy and COMPLETED Add additional Technology citizenship skills into every content area, Implemented new virtual teachers to ACH, BETH, grade level, and classroom. Increase software (PLATO, Gr 6-12) to and PETS in FY20 (pending teachers and student use of virtual support credit recovery in available resources) curriculum to support distance learning FY17 ($45K) and enrichment. Provide a full-time Explore a “digital literacy” ​ ​ ITRT (Instructional Technology Added F/T Technology curriculum (FY21) Resource Teacher) in every school to Teachers to ABG and BOT in support technology integration. FY19, with curriculum addressing Technology Standards in K-5

1-C. To ensure that 100% of CTE standards reflect state standards but Expand and enhance CTE offerings and IN PROCESS Ongoing – exploring GCPS graduates transition are not necessarily aligned to areas of experiences in middle and high school to Offering 1st Cybersecurity expansion of computer to post-secondary college, anticipated career growth incorporate the most current industry course at GHS in FY19 science offerings to support career, training, or standards for computer HS redesign (findings of the employment within six science/programming, engineering, GHS design committee in months of high school robotics, and STEM opportunities. FY18) graduation. Adding enhanced technology offerings during EIB in middle schools Part-time CTE (Career Technical Recruit and employ a full-time K-12 Pending available resources Education) Supervisor for GCPS in Supervisor for STEM and CTE to guide 2014-15 (1 day per week) curriculum development and provide enhanced instructional support for teachers.

Part-time Career Coach at GHS provided Provide full-time career coach and Currently support 0.5 FTE in partnership with RCC (20 hours per college counseling support at Gloucester Career Coach w/ RCC; week) High School. propose expansion of this position to F/T in FY20

Fully utilize Academic and Career Plans COMPLETED Implement middle school (ACPs) through Naviance to increase FY16 ($18K/yr) career explorations in FY19 ​ ​ and enhance student/parent involvement in annual course mapping and college/career preparation.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Integrate college and career exploration Ongoing – looking to opportunities (including mentorships) expand mentorships and into current middle and high school new course pathways in curricula. FY19 to support HS redesign (committee meetings in process now)

Continue to develop GCEP (Gloucester internship/externship opportunities for Cooperative Education students to gain authentic workplace Partnership) began Spring experience. 2018

CTE Advisory Committee in place, but Enhance and expand the role of the CTE Ongoing ​ needs additional staff support and Advisory Council to provide outreach for greater effectiveness recommendations for CTE development. ​ Provide Part-time ‘Graduation Coach’ Provide support for students that are COMPLETED Expand position to F/T in Student Services Support Position at-risk of not graduating from Gloucester Added P/T position in spring FY20 High School. Review annually the 2018 on-time graduation rate and dropout rate and develop strategies to enhance recovery options and improve attendance.

Ensure that all GCPS curriculum materials and instructional framework incorporate skills in the Five C’s (communication, collaboration, creative/critical thinking and citizenship)

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

1-D. To meet or exceed state Some advanced level student performances Increase the number of students and/or national averages for fall below State and national averages, achieving Pass Advanced scores on advanced-level student especially at the secondary level. Standards of Learning assessments; performance. participating in Advanced Placement Spring 2013 and Spring 2014 SOL (AP) and dual enrollment courses; and Testing: achieving scores of 3 or higher on AP exams. Advanced-proficiency SOL performance in Reading and Math exceed state averages in Increase the number of students earning grades 3-5. advanced level diplomas (June 2018 Cohort baseline): Advanced-proficiency SOL performance in

all content areas except Math 6 in Grades

6-8, as well as all End-of-Course Total 401 100%

assessments, fall below state averages. Advanced 174 43.4% SAT Performance: Standard 206 51.4% GCPS Mean SAT performance falls below state and national averages. Applied 21 5.2%

SAT 2015 2016 GC VA US GC VA US Read 503 518 495 511 520 494 Math 490 516 511 497 517 508 Writing 480 499 484 475 498 482

*Awaiting 2017 and 2018 scores

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

th Advanced Placement Assessments: Provide funding for all 10 ​ grade Piloted in Fall 2017 - $2200 in FY18 – budget $7,500 based ​ GHS currently does not fund annual AP students and AP students to participate in PSAT fees paid by division. on 466 students) and assessments and therefore does not have a annual PSAT and AP testing. $18,600 for AP based on representative population of test 200 students for FY19. participants each year. The % of students scoring 3+ on AP exams exceeds state and Explore funding for all AP national averages; however, the sample assessments in FY20 size for most assessments is too small for this performance indicator to be generalizable to the population. Exceed state and national AP performance measures in all content areas, including % of students who score 3+.

Achieve annual indicators for recognition by The College Board’s AP ​ Honor Roll. ​ Establish and support robust enrichment Added one Gifted Resource Continue adding teachers in opportunities for high-ability and teacher in FY18 ($60K) subsequent budget requests high-interest students. through FY23 ($60K per school) Provide targeted world language Budget item for FY20 opportunities (i.e. Beginning Spanish/French) to all elementary and middle school students.

Support development of secondary Budget item for FY20 Band/Orchestra by expanding instrumental music opportunities to fifth grade students.

Increase student participation in Provide tuition support for advanced-level courses in middle and teachers to increase DE high school, including AP and/or Dual certification as needed; one Enrollment, to increase advanced GHS English teacher FY19 diploma options for students.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Recruit and retain a full-time Gifted Added one Gifted Resource Resource teacher for each school to teacher in FY18 and will support enriched curriculum delivery and look to continue adding support to teachers and students. teachers in subsequent budget requests through FY23. Recruit and retain full-time Coding Technology teachers added to Budget item annually ​ Technology teachers for all elementary ABG and BOT in FY19 commencing in FY20 schools. through FY23.

Provide annual training for teachers to Provide summer AP training support AP instruction and curriculum for select AP teachers (has development to increase student occurred each summer participation and achievement in AP FY15-FY18 courses.

1-E. To close achievement Use Spring data annually to identify areas Effective school plans will incorporate FY19 VTSS Cohort 5 Effective school plans will gaps for SWD and of discrepancy/deficiencies strategies that address school specific application has incorporated be updated annually to African-American students subgroup deficits. (e.g. differentiated this as a division goal address performance gaps as compared to the majority instruction, lesson plans, Universal student population. Design for Learning, specially-designed instruction, etc.)

1-F. To establish ongoing VTSS model currently exists in Ensure all teachers establish professional IN PROCESS All schools to participate in and effective assessment elementary and middle schools, although performance goals based on student Cohort 5 strategic summer programs to provide fidelity of implementation and academic performance. GCPS accepted into VDOE trainings beginning in feedback on effectiveness of school-level support has not been fully Cohort 5 for VTSS/PBIS Summer 2018. classroom instruction, achieved training, coaching, and intervention, and support. Attended initial enrichment for all students. trainings in Summer 2018

K-8 assessment map includes quarterly Provide annual performance assessments Piloted in Fall 2017 - $2200 in FY18 – budget $7,500 based assessments and/or unit/benchmark to all students at no cost (i.e. PSAT fees paid by division. on 466 students) and assessments in K-5 grammar, Writing, and PSAT-Preliminary SAT, etc.) to identify $18,600 for AP based on Mathematics in Kindergarten through areas for further curriculum support, AP 200 students for FY19. Algebra II readiness, and enrichment opportunities. *This is repeated earlier*

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

1-G. To provide a 180 day A 176 day instructional year is currently To add 2 instructional days annually to PARTIALLY COMPLETE $62.5K to add back 2 days instructional year for in place the calendar until the objective is met. in FY20 and $62.5 to add 176-day student calendar for students and staff. back final 2 days in FY21 2016-17 school year ($187,415) 1-H. To have all schools Six of eight schools are meeting the Provide ongoing support to teachers COMPLETED Preliminary VDOE data meet or exceed annual state benchmarks to include all elementary regarding indicate that all schools All schools fully accredited and federal accreditation schools and Peasley Middle School unpacking standards, lesson planning earned full state FY18 and FY19 Benchmarks. and appropriate classroom feedback. accreditation for 2018-19

Develop annual benchmark goals for Ongoing in Effective School student academic performance and Plans attendance. 1-I. To have PBIS (Positive PBIS is implemented at all schools Implement at GHS starting with the 9th IN PROCESS All schools to participate in ​ Behavior Intervention except Gloucester High School grade cohort. These students have Cohort 5 strategic summer System) in all schools. experienced PBIS buy-in. GCPS accepted into VDOE trainings beginning in Cohort 5 for VTSS/PBIS Summer 2018. support

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Goal 2: Schools, Families & Community Relationships - To create positive connections that foster community relationships for ​ all county citizens.

2-A To create and maintain Committee Members nominated by Advertise through PTA’s/PTO’s, Spring 2015 Fall 2018 diversified advisory administrators based on experience Community Engagement, websites, etc. committees to collaborate to encourage participation. and discuss educational Develop an appropriate process to topics in our community. ensure diversified representation across the county (demographically and 2 year commitment) Add PTA/PTO at GHS Variety of advisory committees: student, Selection of a variety of advisory COMPLETED parent and Superintendents committees to include teachers, Advisory committees were students, parents, etc. established in 2015-16 for teachers, parents and the Gloucester Retired Educators Association. Meetings were conducted monthly or quarterly with specific agendas and will be ongoing with new committee members as deemed appropriate. 2-B To develop reciprocal Resource Guide provided to schools in the Utilization of the Gloucester Resource COMPLETED partnerships and Spring of 2014 Guide maintained by the Community Provided annually (will include relationships between Engagement Department. a hyperlink) GCPS and the Gloucester Community. *Indicates new initiatives To add full-time Community IN PROCESS Will revisit in 2019-2020. Engagement Coordinators for both Currently, full time middle schools and the high school. Community Engagement (currently exists in Comp Plan) Coordinators (CEC’s) are at all ​ ​ elementary schools, and one part-time CEC is at Page and Peasley MS.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Elementary and Middle CECs promote and Continuation of CECs promoting and Fall 2015 coordinate volunteers coordinating volunteerism to increase participation. School Board: Include and invite SB members, COMPLETED Re-emphasize this Maintain Student Advisory Committee Supervisors, County Administrators Each member of the SB and relationship in FY19 with student representation on the School into the schools for all educational and BOS is aligned to a school Board extracurricular events. within his/her corresponding district. (Adopt a school Special Education and Gifted Parent program – FY17) Advisory Committees Board of Supervisors: Appoint liaison between School Board COMPLETED Will develop a new meeting School Board and County Supervisors and County Administration. Joint meetings between the schedule in FY19 Joint Meetings chairs/vice-chairs, County Administrator and Superintendent occur as deemed necessary FY16 Civic Organizations: Encourage student and school CTE in the HS - Scholarships provided by representation to major local civic local civic organizations and local organizations (ongoing). businesses Community Business: School Board will partner with COMPLETED Scholarships provided by local civic Chamber of Commerce to develop Spring 2015 - Ongoing organizations and local businesses. internships and mentorships. Open GCPS to reciprocal benefits to IN PROCESS active community partners allowing GCEP Program piloted in local businesses building use. Spring 2018 and continuing Fall 2018 Community Outreach: To create student experiences within COMPLETED Outreach programs come into the school to the community by providing additional Fall 2015 - Ongoing select groups of students/grade levels field trip opportunities and outreach programs. Higher Education: To continuously promote opportunities COMPLETED Student teachers present in GCPS from to partner with post-secondary Fall 2015 - Ongoing various local colleges institutions. Dual enrollment at RCC for HS students.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Gloucester County has a significant Provide better communication about COMPLETED number of households who do not have volunteer and support opportunities in 2015-16 - Ongoing school-aged children in the public school the GCPS through county and school system newsletters, social media, public libraries and the Chamber of Commerce. Military: Connect with local military bases COMPLETED Military recruitment at the JROTC (Junior (MWR) for reciprocal opportunities for Ongoing Reserve Officer in Training Corps) at the our students. HS Veterans are invited into the building Local Faith-Based Organizations: Provide better communication about COMPLETED Weekend Food Program provided by local volunteer and support opportunities in Spring 2015 - Ongoing faith-based organizations the GCPS to local faith based organizations through our county and school newsletters. Volunteers/Mentors To provide formalized training for Will revisit in FY19 volunteers/mentors that increases their level of support for students at the elementary grades with specific emphasis placed at the lowest grades (K-2) and below level learners. 2-C To communicate Cable Channel 47 To develop additional and more COMPLETED effectively and efficiently reliable programming. Fall 2015 with all stakeholders (parents, students, teachers, business owners, administrators, and central office personnel) using a variety of media. Newsletters, GCPS/school websites, Continue current practices. COMPLETED Will research and look to Beehive, report card distribution, school Ongoing update Petsworth marquee in marquee, WXGM 99.1 radio station FY19 Gazette Journal newspaper To provide pre-determined school COMPLETED highlight sections each month by Fall 2015 - ongoing school and division level staff.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Social Media: Instagram, Facebook pages To provide training for appropriate COMPLETED usage and management in schools as Fall 2015- ongoing well as determine responsibilities. PowerSchool Gradebook is available for all To provide training on options COMPLETED grade levels available. Fall 2015 - ongoing Open Forums To establish pre-determined dates to Will revisit in FY19 meet with school superintendent and other essential staff at times other than School Board meetings that include pre-determined topics. To hire a part-time Public Information Position added in FY18 Application review planned Officer for early Fall 2018 2-D To promote student, Development of a district comprehensive To continuously establish dates and COMPLETED parent and staff involvement plan is underway that includes input from a times to meet clearly outlining Comprehensive Plan was in comprehensive decision- variety of community stakeholders to expected outcomes. completed and adopted in making and strategic include students, parents and staff March 2015 and will be planning. re-adopted by the GCPS School Board in Fall 2018. 2-E To continuously increase Opportunities are provided throughout the To develop parent brochures that Will be explored as part of the level of parental school year at all schools for parents to articulate activities; how to get PBIS initiative beginning Fall involvement throughout the attend school and district events, meet with involved; and guidelines for assisting in 2018 school division. staff, participate in school activities, and the education of their children. serve on various committees

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Goal 3: Operations - To increase efficiency of operations in the areas of Buildings & Operations, Fiscal Responsibility, ​ Transportation, Human Resources

3-A To conduct a The last formal salary study was conducted Conduct a regional analysis that will IN PROCESS HR & Finance will develop classification and during FY 2002-03 with phased examine and study neighboring and In FY19 teachers received salary scales for all compensation study to create implementation beginning in FY 2003-04. comparable school divisions. salary increases ranging from positions. Contingent upon a competitive employment This study included a step scale for 5.25% to 13.34%. All other available funding, address package addressing both instructional staff and a Min-Mid-Max employees received a 4% following groups in FY20: compensation and benefits. range for administrative and support staff. increase. teachers, clerical, facilities, The Min-Mid-Max range was removed grounds, custodial, food from the pay plan in FY 2009-10 services, transportation, assistant principals and principals. FY21: Central Office supervisory personnel, paraprofessionals, and technology ( i.e. Directors, Managers, Coordinators, Specialists, etc.) Consider re-establishment of the Will revisit in FY20 attendance bonus.

3-B Review accounting Current program was installed in Partner with the county to issue an COMPLETED processes for efficiencies. 1999 and is outdated RFP (Request for Proposal) for County updated their current replacement accounting software accounting software. with an automated timekeeping Implementation efforts and component (this is a CIP budget training are ongoing for school item). division.

Manual functions centralized to date Continue to centralize manual COMPLETED are Facilities, Grounds and Custodial accounting functions within the All purchasing requests are Services processed by Budget and school division. approved by Finance (effective Finance Technology is processed by 7/1/2016). Instruction Current software is a desktop Upgrade the activity fund software COMPLETED application to a web-based platform. 7/2015 ($10,000)

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Balances are requested annually Secure an agreement with the Board Revisit for FY 2019 of Supervisors regarding year-end fund balance. Provide opportunities for citizens to Fall 18 Superintendent and learn more about school funding and CFO will provide public provide ideas for consideration as workshop on school funding. deemed appropriate. 3-C Explore shared services Current shared services include: Establish a committee of school and Revisit for FY 2020 with the county. Central Accounting county staff to explore sharing of garage, Central Purchasing grounds, repairs and maintenance Equipment sharing with grounds services. Jointly procured contracted services for audit, actuarial reporting, insurance consulting and Section 125 cafeteria plan Recruit and retain a grant writer to be Revisit for FY 2019 shared between the county and schools for ($75,000 on a cost-sharing the purpose of pursuing additional basis) funding opportunities. Currently pursuing agreement between Ongoing - revisit in FY19 School Board and the Board of Supervisors on a Combined Transportation Facility.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Goal 4: Safety - To increase safety measures at all schools, including transporting students to and from schools. ​ 4-A To have an SRO Currently have Four SRO positions: Place one SRO per year for the next five IN PROCESS Explore adding three SRO (School Resource GHS - 2 years in elementary schools until all 2 PT Resource Officers for the positions (elementary) for Officer) in all schools Peasley - 1 elementary and middle schools are staffed elementary schools were FY20 ($165,000) and additional security Page - 1 with a minimum of one SRO and the high approved for the FY19 school staff as deemed (Lieutenant at GHS is the lead SRO for the school is staffed with a minimum of two year. appropriate. division) SROs. 4-B To have radios and Currently no buses have radios. Drivers Install radios on all of the 107 existing IN PROCESS Fund radios for all buses and cameras on all school buses. are required to have cell phones with them school buses. An additional 12 radios will support positions ($335,000) on the buses. Buses are to be stopped be required for dispatch, monitoring, and All buses with regular routes – FY20-24 when receiving or making phone calls support positions. The radios will have cameras and will continue interact with the county/regional radio to update to digital cameras as Currently 33 buses are equipped with system and can be reinstalled as buses are funding is available. cameras replaced. Place cameras on the remaining 25 buses assigned permanent routes and 9 buses used regularly as spares for 90 total. Complete installation in five years. 4-C To improve radio Current FCC (Federal Communications Explore replacing current radios with IN PROCESS FY 2020 Fund 20 radios for reception at all schools. Commission) regulations require the types (800 MHz) radios that will integrate with the high school ($4,000) and transmission frequencies at schools to the county/regional communications Purchased 11 radios in FY17 be individualized by sites. Current radios system at all schools starting with the ($23,000) for usage at all are sometimes limited by distance, building high school. Approximately 20 radios will schools and central office. structure, and electronic interference be needed for the high school. Exchange current intra-school radios from VHF to UHF models. Page Middle School had a bidirectional Place additional bidirectional amplifiers IN PROCESS Unassigned fund balance amplifier system installed when the school at each school where needed to improve (August 2018) was opened to improve radio communication radio communication for County reappropriated into FY19 to for County Emergency Management, Emergency Management, Fire/Rescue, purchase bidirectional Fire/Rescue, and Sheriff’s Dept. in the and Sheriff’s Dept. in the event of an amplifier system for ​ ​ ​ ​ event of an emergency emergency Achilles, Bethel and Peasley ($138,997)

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

4-D To improve/build Current relationships with the County Sheriff Warren and Safety Manager and IN PROCESS relationships with County Emergency Management, Fire/Rescue, and Assistant Superintendent for Emergency Management, Sheriff’s Dept. are strongly interactive and Administrative Services will check with Ongoing participation by Fire/Rescue, and Sheriff’s supportive. Concerns and support are other stakeholders concerning cost, GCPS Safety Manager in Dept. through more shared. GCPS maintains a three-part process and interest levels. LEPC and emergency services interactive drills. support of county services: Communicate, activities Educate and Provide Support as requested. Safety Manager is a regular participant in LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) and emergency services meetings 4-E To have additional Currently there are 53 cameras Explore placing a camera at the IN PROCESS security cameras at GHS for placed on the inside and outside of entry of each restroom and at some Received $30,297 in School increased visibility. GHS. Cameras are monitored additional outside locations. As Security Grant funding for through a centralized camera room technology improves, evaluate FY18 to be split between, monitoring through computer Abingdon, Petsworth and accessed IP (Internet Provider) Gloucester High School. addresses. Currently Abingdon, Bethel, Add security entrances at Achilles, IN PROCESS Petsworth, and Page have security Botetourt and Peasley. Continue to Botetourt completed in FY18, entrance vestibules that direct visitors add and upgrade (digital) cameras Peasley will be completed by into the main office area after they as needed. September 2018. Achilles will enter the buildings. also be addressed in FY19. 4-F To have a school security Neither middle school had a SSO in FY15 Explore adding a full or part- time COMPLETED Will explore SSO at Peasley officer (SSO) at each middle security person at each middle school. Page MS - FY 2016 ($22,600) in FY20 school. 4-G To ensure that rules and Code of Conduct is currently Review school climate data to ensure IN PROCESS expectations for student provided to all students. consistent application. conduct and citizenship are Ongoing applied equitably, consistently and fairly. Provide opportunities for IN PROCESS administrators and teachers to Summer 2015 - ongoing collaborate to promote classroom management routines that are fair and objective.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Provide clear and explicit expectations IN PROCESS for students and parents at all grade Ongoing levels at the beginning of each school year and throughout the year.

Objective Initial Status (Original Plan Developed Strategies for Completion of Accomplishments/ Next Steps & in FY15) Objectives Updated Status Financial Impact 08/01/18

Goal 5: Emotional/Mental Health & Wellness - To provide avenues to increase emotional/mental health and wellness to students, ​ staff, and families

5-A To promote Wide ranges of resources are available Create an Awareness Campaign: “Did Revisit strategies for FY 2019 community resources. within the county, but access requires you know?” awareness Gloucester County Resource Booklet is Improve distribution of resource IN PROCESS available booklets. ● Conduct GCPS Spirit Nights at Individual school brochures local businesses. were produced and distributed ● Presence on Social Media. in FY 2016; will be revisited in ● Contact local churches to distribute. FY 2019 ($600) ● Include in backpacks for snack program. Twitter and Facebook accounts ● PTA added FY 2016 ● Duke 47- local TV ● Beehive Updates ongoing ● School Messenger FSS (Full Service School) is currently at Establish FSS (which includes IN PROCESS Will request funding for Bethel and Petsworth and Peasley has therapeutic day treatment) in all Page and GHS in FY20. counseling services schools county-wide. Added to Abingdon in FY 2018. Achilles and Botetourt additions have been approved in FY19 budget. 5-B To promote Health and PE classes for students Expand current Health and Wellness COMPLETED physical and mental Team to include school/ personnel and Expanded services available health and wellness Athletic Programs at Middle and High focus on student and staff physical with CIGNA effective among students and Schools health and wellness. 10/1/2016 staff. Provide before and/or afterschool Will review in FY20 fitness opportunities/challenges for staff on each school campus.

Advisory boards and committees will need to be updated and added as necessary.

The following advisory boards and committees are currently operating in Gloucester County Public Schools:

Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee

Gifted Advisory Committee

School Health Advisory Board

Safety Advisory Committee

Special Education Advisory Committee

Superintendent’s Parent Advisory Board

Superintendent’s Student Advisory Board (Members TBD)

Superintendent’s Teacher Advisory Board

Others (TBD)


ABE Adult Basic Education PBA Performance-Based Assessment

ACP Academic & Career Plans PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions & Support

ADM Average Daily Membership PBL Project-Based Learning

AP Advanced Placement Program PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test

CEC Community Engagement Coordinator PTA Parent-Teacher Association

CIP Capital Improvement Plan PTO Parent-Teacher Organization

CTE Career & Technical Education RFP Request For Proposals

DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education RTI Response to Intervention

ECSE Early Childhood Special Education SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test

ELA English/Language Arts SOA Standards of Accreditation

EL English Learner SOL Standards of Learning

ESEA Elementary & Secondary School Act SOQ Standards of Quality

ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act SRO School Resource Officer

FCC Federal Communications Commission STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math

FSS Full-Service School SWD Students With Disabilities

FTE Full-Time Equivalent USDOE United States Department of Education

GED General Education Diploma VAAP Virginia Alternative Assessment Program

HYS High-Yield Instructional Strategies VDOE Virginia Department of Education

IDEA Individuals With Disabilities Education VPI Virginia Preschool Initiative Act

ISP Internet Service Provider VPT Virginia Placement Test

IEP Individualized Education Plan VRS Virginia Retirement System

LEA Local Education Agency VTSS Virginia Tiered System of Supports

LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee YRE Year-Round Education

LGBTQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer

NJROTC Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps


Academic Intervention - Services required of the school district to provide extra help to students who are not ​ yet meeting the learning standards.

Accountability - Requiring school districts and states to ensure that schools meet their goals/standards. ​

Achievement Test - A test that measures the extent to which a student has acquired and can demonstrate certain ​ skills and proficiencies which are usually a result of instruction.

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) - The [former] measure each state established to determine the progress of ​ all students and students in certain specified accountability groups in each public school and school district within the state toward attaining proficiency in state assessments.

Alternative Assessment - Any testing instrument other than standardized, multiple-choice questions, such as ​ short-answer response and extended response, observation, individual or group performance assessment, and portfolios.

Assessment - Measuring or judging the learning and performance of students or teachers. ​

Average Daily Membership (ADM) - The number of days that students in grades K-12 are in attendance at ​ school, divided by the number of days in the school year.

Benchmark - A detailed description of a specific level of performance expected of students at particular ages, ​ grades or developmental levels, typically used to monitor progress toward meeting performance goals within and across grade levels.

Demographic Data - Information describing the students and citizens of a school district; usually includes ​ characteristics such as race, age, gender, income, educational level, birth rate and profession.

Gifted and Talented - Also known as Talented and Gifted (TAG) Programs that offer supplemental, ​ differentiated, challenging curriculum and instruction for student identified as being intellectually gifted or talented.

Head Start - A federal preschool child development program of the Office of Economic Opportunity which ​ provides a comprehensive program of education, medical care, social services, and nutritional help for preschool children from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Inclusion - Educating students with disabilities as appropriate in a regular classroom setting along with students ​ without disabilities.

Individualized Education Program (IEP) - A written statement outlining the plan for providing an ​ educational program for a disabled student based on the unique needs of that student.

Needs Assessment - An evaluation to determine whether the present curriculum is achieving the intended ​ results.

Standardized Test - A test in which the scores are based on a representative sample of test-takers. Standardized ​ tests typically rely on multiple-choice questions and uniform testing conditions.

Virtual Program - An institution or program that teaches courses entirely or primarily through online methods. ​

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061






BACKGROUND / SUMMARY: The Instructional Monthly Report contains information of the schools and/or the Instructional Services Department’s daily operations, special events, projects, and recognitions.

REQUESTED ACTION: No action requested.


Name: Charles A. Wagner, Ed.D.

Phone: (804) 693-7889 E-mail: [email protected]

Abingdon Elementary School September 2018

 Thank you to Michelle Bell, Kathy Autrey, Nan Nichols, Michelle Davis, and Susan Walton for working with our Nature Club. Abingdon Elementary has been recognized as a Virginia Naturally School for the second year in a row.  Shout out to Abingdon PTA for supporting a FANTASTIC Back to School Night!  Abingdon has celebrated 5 classes who have earned AT TEN DANCE- mini dance party for 10 days

Recognitions of perfect attendance.  Thank you to Elizabeth Galbreath for completing our Safety Audit.  Thank you to Kati Smith and our teachers for referring more students for gifted services! We

and Staff and Staff

have doubled our numbers in one school year!  We appreciate Lisa Sheesley, Math Interventionist, for observing and modeling Math Laps/Math Talk in our K-2 classes.

Student  THANK YOU to Juans, Annas, YRC Cinema, and Village Lanes for making donations to our Family Fun Pack raffles.  Collaborative Team Planning Meetings every Wednesday! Grade level teams meet to discuss student concerns and academic plans for the next week.  September 25 Abingdon hosted a Back to School Night from 5:00-7:00. Families came to visit classrooms and students were able to share some of the great things they have done. Creekside Food Truck was in the front parking lot serving dinner. PTA purchased dinner for all of the teachers. We raffled off 4 Family

Happenings & Happenings Fun packs: 2 dinners at Anna’s with bowling passes and 2 dinners to Juans with movie passes.

Projects nt nt  We have recognized 8 students for earning Positive Office Referrals  Grades 1-2 have completed PALs testing and grades 2-5 have completed STAR Universal Screening. th Curre  We hosted a “Back to School” morning meeting breakfast for our Abingdon bus drivers on Sept 26 .  October 1-12 is K and 1 Math Universal Screening  Kindergarten will be giving PALs assessments October 22-26.  October 5 All Pro Dad Breakfast  October 11 the firetruck and ambulance will visit our PreK, Kindergarten and First Grade classes  October 12 All K classes will visit Holly Farm for a study trip  October 12 PTA is sponsoring a Family Movie Night  October 17 Abingdon will be on WXGM

Coming Soon  October 19 2nd grade will visit Abingdon Church and Rosewell  October 22 our 4th grade will visit Beaverdam for the MWEE Division Field Trip  October 30 our 4th and 5th grade Gifted students will go on a field trip to Woodville Rosenwald School

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Communications Sept./Oct. Newsletter (650) Created, distributed to all students/families Facebook Posts: (7) Back To School Night Spirit Night Open House Thank You Dismissal Procedures Va Naturally E Bulletin Facebook Followers: 419 E Bulletin / Sept ,(sent to 350 recipients) Marquee (Welcome Back, Spirit Night, Back to School Night)

Scheduled FSS sessions, completed and sent billing, assisted with transition of Butler as FSS counselor. Full Service School Attended/coordinated initial assessment meeting. Began process of setting up services for 3 additional families.

Coordinated with Abingdon Church, teachers, students and families for Panther Pack Deliveries.


Volunteer Management

Began placing/processing volunteers for 18-19 school year. (11)

County.School Committee Attended PTA meeting to assist with coordination and details for upcoming Glow Run

Connect. Engage. Inspire.




Copy Regular adult 3 40

Mentor Regular adult 1 8

Special event Regular adult 4 Placed

Classroom Asst. Regular youth 3 6

Facility Management

Oversee 6 groups/organizations- 300 + participants, 100+ spectators weekly

Study Trips/Speakers/Outreaches

Woodville Study Trip School/Fairfield Continued organizing a trip for GT students

Study Trip VIMS Began organizing a trip for 3rd grade to visit

Speaker. Outreach WHRO Continued scheduling visit from STEM bus

Study Trip Brent and Becky's Bulbs scheduled trip for 5th grade

Abingdon Church/Rosewell Began scheduling trip for 2nd grade

Jamestown Settlement Scheduled trip for 2nd grade

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Watermen's Museum Scheduled trip for K

Holly Fork Farm Scheduled trip for K

Wendy's Scheduled trip for K

Yorktown Victory Center Scheduled trip for 1st

Colonial Williamsburg Began scheduling trip for 4th

Speaker. Jamestown- Virginia Outreach Then Scheduled outreach for 1st

Fire Truck/Ambulance Scheduled Outreach for Prek-1st

Bayport Scheduled outreach for 1st

Brent and Becky's Bulbs Scheduled outreach for 1st

Jamestown- Powhatan Indian World Scheduled outreach for 2nd

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Achilles Elementary School Instructional Report August 2018

 Warrior Club students were chosen in each class that represented the trait of Respectful this month. Students enjoyed doughnuts and juice

with the administrators and school counselor. Congratulations to Piper Codekas, Jeremiah Walker, Christopher Amos, Chase Mitchell, Rachelle Quillan, Brianna Smart, Landyn Sharpe, Conner Lee, Hannah Drexler, Mason Niblett, Sabella Leicht, Kayla Hall, Cameron O’Connell, Sarah Ford, Natalie Devolld, Connor Latour, Josiah Thompson, Jaden Wilson, Logan Jenkins, and Trey Ramos.

Student Recognitions

 Donna Phillips was selected as one of 127,000 teachers to receive $500 and 500 Bonus Points from the James Patterson and Scholastic Book Clubs Giveaway.  Rhonda Taylor recently earned funding at for a classroom project called “Send us to the JLab!” Fifth grade students will take a study trip to Jefferson Lab in Newport News in November.  Katina Keener was chosen to serve on the Leadership Team for the William and Mary Principal’s Academy through SURN.

Staff RecognitionsStaff

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Achilles Elementary School Instructional Report August 2018

 Students at Achilles Elementary were given summer reading/math packets to complete over the summer. The packets included fun reading and math activities, such as reading books in different voices, reading books from different genres, weighing food at the grocery store or using measuring skills to cook with someone at home. Students who completed the packets and returned to school received a free ice cream from the cafeteria, a free ice cream from Sweet Frogs, a book and a special prize. We had 80 students complete their packets over the summer. Thank you to our PTO for sponsoring the ice cream from the cafeteria and Sweet Frogs for donating free ice cream gift cards.  Achilles Warriors were excited to get back on the First Day of School. Staff and teachers welcomed about 410 students to the 2018 – 2019 school year.  The Achilles PTO provided a staff treat of trail mix to welcome everyone back to the new school year.  Achilles celebrated the beginning of fall with a Family Fall Breakfast. There were 326 in attendance at our breakfast. CEC, Deborah Bone, decorated for the event and helped our PTO offer family pictures. A special thanks goes to Melissa Torres and her cafeteria staff for preparing a delicious meal for attendees.  PTO Chick Fil A Spirit Night was a huge success with $250 being raised from the game. It was great to see families enjoying time together.

Current Happenings

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Achilles Elementary School Instructional Report August 2018

 SCA Elections  Literacy Night

 BB&T Leadership Institute  Bayport Assemblies  Coffee with Counselor  Picture Day  Red Ribbon Week

Coming SoonComing  PTO Trick or Treat  Warrior Club

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

September Bethel Instructional Report

▪ Bethel’s Running Club held their first running day on September 26. The turnout was amazing! The students ran 495 laps which equaled 99 miles. The club is tracking their miles on a map of the US. Thanks to faculty members Ms. Tara Lord and Mrs. Christina Deyoung for sponsoring this club. ▪ Bethel students who completed their Paws to Read challenge over the summer were treated to an

ice cream social and given a free new book. 124 students completed the summer challenge. Recognitions ▪ 121 students completed their Take 8 summer math facts challenge and were treated to a popcorn and board game party.

▪ Mrs. Sharon West received a Donor’s Choose grant to fund her Building Our Way to Reading and Staff and Staff initiative. ▪ Fifth grade teacher, Ms. Kelly Davidson is working with Peasley Middle School’s Sandy Hook Promise team to establish one at Bethel. Students will work throughout the school year to encourage acts of Student kindness in the school setting. In September, we “Started with Hello”. • Resource Officers and First Responders greeted our students at the bus loop on the first day of school with signs of encouragement. The signs were hung up around the school.

• The American Legion Auxiliary donated 52 school bookbags filled with school supplies to Bethel students. • Lighthouse Worship Center donated $250.00 to Bethel’s Emergency Fund. • We experienced a shortened month due to the threat of Hurricane Floyd; however, Bethel staff did not miss a beat. We returned to school and completed our required Universal Screening in grades 2 – 5 and PALS testing for our 1st and 2nd graders. • All Bethel students participated in a PBIS School Assembly. Our school’s positive incentives were reviewed and our student groups were recognized. • Our PTA has already been hard at work. They have sponsored a Family Movie Night and a Chic Fil A Spirit

Happenings & Projects & Happenings Night. All PTA activities are free to our students and their families. • Bethel staff and students kicked off our One School, One Book initiative the last week in September. Everyone at Bethel, to include our students, faculty, staff, cafeteria staff, office staff, custodians and bus

Current drivers are going to read Charlotte’s Web in the month of October. The last week in September, a clue to the book’s title was given each day. The big title reveal will be October 1.

▪ SCA elections ▪ Safety Patrol ▪ 5th grade Chorus

Coming Soon

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Botetourt Elementary 2018 Instructional Report September 2018

 The school year has been off to a great start! We currently have 625 students enrolled at Botetourt Elementary in grades pre-k through fifth grade.

 We are continuing with our positive office referrals this year and already have 15 students who have received a positive office referral so far during the month of September! Students who

receive a positive referral get a positive phone call home, a treat from Mrs. Hudgins or Mrs. Mygas in the office, and get their pictures taken for the bulletin board that is in our main hallway

Student Recognitions

 Ms. Carino was selected from teachers across the nation to become a Teacher Ambassador, using their hard work and expertise to help new teachers access funding and

resources on our site. From thousands of applications, Ms. Carino stood out and will be representing not only Botetourt, but GCPS!

 This year we have begun a “Staff Shout Out” bulletin board. This board is a place for parents, teachers, and other staff members to leave a message, or a “shout out” to the staff at Botetourt.

Staff Recognitions At the end of every month, the administrators will do a drawing of the names that are mentioned on the board for a Teachers Pay Teachers gift card!

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Botetourt Elementary 2018 Instructional Report September 2018

 Four of our Botetourt staff members are presenting at the William and Mary Math Day on September 28, 2018: Mrs. Cheresnowsky, Mrs. Crowder, Mrs. Georgiou, and Ms. Carino.

 Ms. Ellen Walter and Ms. Sharon Carino are forming and sponsoring Botetourt’s new Odyssey of the Mind team for the 2018-19 school year.

 Kindergarten has been hard at work learning all the many school rules and procedures. The students have started learning letters and beginning sounds and they are having fun learning

about shapes! Mrs. Sadler’s class read Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes to explore


Happenings recognizing and describing shapes.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Botetourt Elementary 2018 Instructional Report September 2018

 First graders have also been hard at work learning procedures. They are starting reading groups and have been working on the math strategies adding one and adding zero. They have learned citizenship and how to move about the school appropriately. They have also been learning about Citizenship in Social Studies. In Science, they learned about and practiced the Scientific Method, studied apples and pumpkins, and did an experiment to observe how the stems of celery carry water and nutrients to the top of the plant.

 Second grade students have started Math Center rotations. The teachers are incorporating many games to aid in math instruction. They are also learning about citizenship in Social Studies. In Science, the students had a magic show and began a unit about magnets. They are having a blast discovering how magnets work and doing experiments with them.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Botetourt Elementary 2018 Instructional Report September 2018

 Our guidance counselor, Ms. Downs, has taught Kelso’s Choices to all students in guidance this month. Kelso’s Choices is our conflict resolution program for our school. It teaches students the difference between Big Problems and Small Problems and how to handle each.

The following activities are Community Education sponsored and/or organized:

Community Engagement: September Instructional Report Items

Communications: - Created and distributed Botetourt Bugler Newsletter (634 hard copies/400 e-copies) - Created and distributed Botetourt Barkings E-Bulletin (400 e-copies) - 6 Facebook posts (387 followers)

Volunteers: - Got Helping Hands group up and running (will be here twice a month to assist teachers with various needs) - Placed 5 regular volunteers in classrooms to assist weekly

Involvement: - Began Full Service School (setting up intake meetings for 3 families)

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Botetourt Elementary 2018 Instructional Report September 2018

 Therapy Dogs will begin visiting our 2nd grade students every Tuesday beginning in October st nd  1 Grade Math Screening (Oct. 2 )  Chick Fil-A Night 5-8pm (Oct. 2nd)  K Math Screening (Oct. 3rd) rd ; October  Pre-K Fire Safety Outreach (Oct. 3 )  Maker Space Mondays (beginning Oct. 15th)  Fall Picture Day (Oct. 17th) ng Soon ng  Earthquake Drill (October 18th) ng  Early Dismissal Elementary Only (October 18th) nd th)

Comi  Kindness Week (October 22 -October 26  PTA Treat Night 6-8 om (Oct. 26th)

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Petsworth Elementary School Instructional Report September 2018  Front page excitement of the first day of school in the Gazette Journal.  Our Ambassadors started a community service project to help flood victims in North Carolina. This project can be seen on our webpage, facebook page and one of the Ambassadors actually provided her soothing voice to send out the all call message to families! We are soliciting towels, washcloths, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, etc. to assist the families who were impacted. The Ambassadors will then package the items in large Ziploc bags to be shipped to NC.

 Students actively participated in Station Rotations to review the expectations in the classroom, hallways, bathrooms, playgrounds, café and on our buses.  Students completed STAR Reading, STAR Math and PALS testing in September.  September’s Citizens of the Month!

Student Recognitions Student

 Mrs. Stacey Smith will serve as the Facilitator on Petsworth’s VTSS team. She will attend the division VTSS meetings each month with Ms. Balderson and facilitate Petsworth’s monthly meetings.  Mrs. Courtney Cook has agreed to serve on Petsworth’s PBIS team representing the upper, elementary grade levels.

 Our CEC, Mrs. Cindy Thomas processed five new volunteer background check applications.  Mrs. Thomas hosted 3 Full Service School meetings.  Mrs. Thomas hosted our first visit by the Therapy Dog, Crystal.  Mrs. Thomas helped to compile the study trip list for this school year.  4th grade is consistently using Class DoJo and providing parents with immediate, daily feedback.  Our Reading and Math interventionists worked closely with all teachers on their first set of Coaching Days. Coaching Days will occur twice per month – where the interventionist have time to plan and discuss how students are responding to lessons and the curriculum.  Cathy and Tiffany met informally with staff who wanted to visit for Coffee with Cathy and Tea with Tiffany last Friday morning. There is not an agenda, just an opportunity to meet and greet and build relationships between and amongst our staff. Staff Staff Recognitions  Our first faculty meeting was held on September 25th with a flipped classroom approach where staff are sharing information gained from conferences or professional development attended. Mrs. Wells and Mr. Oakley presented some reading strategies, Mr. Sikes-Nova, Mrs. Busch, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Haislip presented on SPED, IEP Accommodations and Mrs. Busch shared the new paperless referral system to come.

th  Nikki Dee Ray, Meteorologist from Channel 6 News met with our students in grades 3-5 on Thursday, Sept. 27 and shared how she reads the many reports about weather in our area before providing information to the community. She also demonstrated and allowed others to practice being a meteorologist when live, on the air!  Grandparent’s Breakfast, over 100 grandparents and students participated!  IMom breakfast hosted with Mrs. Kristy Askew as the guest speaker – 89 in attendance! Current Current  PTA fundraiser and membership drive are in full force! Happenings  First staff breakfast hosted by the office. These will occur monthly by a different grade level/group.  Picture Day will be October 5th.  Mrs. Watkins has coordinated some Open Gym nights in October to promote Family Wellness.  Red Ribbon Week will be the week of October 22nd.  Math Screening for grades K-1 will be in October.  PALS testing for grades PreK-K will be in October.

Coming Soon

Page Middle School/Patricia McMahon – Page 2018

Student and ▪ Thank you to Lighthouse Worship Center for their generous $250 donation to Page Staff Middle School Emergency Fund. Our students and staff are grateful. Recognitions ▪ We are grateful and appreciative for Debra Falkenberg, our wonderful Community Engagement Coordinator. She is invaluable as a coordinator. She finds grants, supports the training of volunteers, schedules for us. Thank you, Debra. ▪ Congratulations to Page Middle School for its first recognition by Virginia Naturally. We are grateful to Sherry Rollins and Judy Green for submitting the proposal and for all Page teachers for their efforts to integrate the environment into the full curriculum. ▪ Many thanks to Shannon Kerr, KC Woller, Jim Brogan and Chuck Wagner for assisting in the facilitation of the Chromebook rollout for sixth grade students. ▪ Congratulations to Terri Penick for being accepted as a presenter for the VATE Conference in Roanoke in October. We are looking forward to having Terri share her article findings with us at Page. ▪ Congratulations to all students participating in this year’s Drama production, Once on this Island with Mrs. Karen Scalf. Over 70 students auditioned for parts and 31 (12 of them sixth graders) will become part of the play. Rehearsals begin in October. ▪ Thank you to Walmart for donating $100 for Mr. Brian Teucke’s lunch initiative. During student lunches, Mr. Teucke will meet with students from his classes to discuss current events and the media. The funds will provide drinks for students. Current ▪ We’ve made a smooth transition from Summer to Fall, and we are in full swing! Happenings You Belong Here & Projects ▪ October is VSDB Bullying Prevention Month. Page began activities at the end of September with Start with Hello Week. Students made the effort to give each other compliments, wrote positive messages on the concrete with side walk chalk, ensured that no student sits alone in the cafeteria and practiced being “lifesavers” for others. Students have practiced random acts of kindness and have been challenged to do more for their peers. ▪ Page’s first Parent Night for students identified for Gifted Services is scheduled for the evening of October 2. Many student-led activities are planned for the event. ▪ Page’s first PTA Activity Night has been re-scheduled for Friday, October 5 from 5-7. Students AND parents are invited to participate in this event!

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Coming Soon ▪ Page PTA fundraiser runs October 22 – November 7. We are working with Cherrydale for this Fall fundraiser and will be selling cookie dough and holiday gifts. ▪ Page 8th graders will participate in a tour and presentation at Rappahannock Community College on October 25th and 26th. Community Debra Falkenberg, Page’s Community Engagement Coordinator shared: Engagement Communications:  10 FB posts/shares and 9 Tweets were made including the “You Belong Here” video, Once On This Island Jr. Auditions, Important date change for PTA Family Night, Volunteer Snapshot, September e-bulletin, Page Staff wore red, shared VA Naturally School post from GCPS Facebook page, Start with Hello Week, Positive Sidewalk Chalk Messages and Approved Make-up days.  Currently 1,056 followers on FB and 15 followers on Twitter.  Distributed 632 e-copies and 600 hard copies of the September/October 2018 Page Post Newsletter.  Distributed 632 e-copies of the September e-bulletin.

Study Trips/Guest Speakers/Outreach:  Acquired all study trip request forms from Page Staff, entered all information onto the GCPS Study Trip Spreadsheet and calculated preliminary bus costs for each trip where applicable.  Submitted Spreadsheet to Dr. McMahon for her approval.  Distributing forms to teachers for their study trips (permission slip, bus request, checklist)

Involvement:  Recruiting & processing volunteers for activity nights throughout the school year.  Gathering volunteer needs from Page Staff to start recruiting and processing.  Participating on Page Safety Committee.

Enrichment:  Working to coordinate and find funds for potential enrichment opportunities for Page Students for 2018-19 school year.

Volunteers:  3 volunteers gave 4 hours of their time to Page in September, Thank you!

Facility Management:  Coordinate and supervise community building use to 10 groups with 87 participants and 37 spectators.  Entering several requests into SchoolDude for Page-in house.

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Peasley Middle School Home of the Pride #WeArePeasley

. A huge thanks to our custodial staff and our community education coordinator for assisting with coordination of tables for community members for our two Open Houses. A special thanks to those organizations who joined us: PTA, CERT, Boy Scouts, Bayport, Gloucester Rowing Association, and Gloucester Co. Public Library, in addition to school tables for Band, Chorus, Transportation, Cafeteria and Future Problem Solvers. . A HUGE shout out to all that were involved with the construction of the new safety vestibule. Many companies were involved, but also Scott Shorland, John Hutchinson, Dave Miller, Jim Maloney, and Jimmy Major were involved daily to ensure that the project would be complete before the opening of school.


and Staff and Staff

Student . The 2017-18 Peasley Peacemakers will be presented with a national award from the Sandy Hook Hope Foundation on October 15, 2018. The award is in recognition of their kindness efforts at Peasley and across the division during the 2017-18 school year. Peasley was one of two schools recognized nationally for this award. We were very excited to have two of the founders and parents of the Sandy Hook Hope Foundation at Peasley Middle School.

. For July, Community Engagement posted 5 Facebook posts to the community about school happenings. . Our Community Education Coordinator posted 4 Facebook announcements to the community about school happenings in August and distributed the Peasley Press Newsletter hardcopies to approximately 650 students and staff.

. In September, Mrs. Buswell, our Community Ed Coordinator sent out 3 emails regarding the school/PTA fundraiser and made 9 Facebook posts with county and school information for our families. . Community Engagement received a $1000 donation to begin the Jean Pugh Memorial “Jean’s Store” here at Peasley from Ms. Mary Gleason. This money will be used to purchase specific items and clothing for students in need at Peasley. . Our Community Education Coordinator organized and set up the donated and lost and found clothing to be available for students. . We have coordinated dates to offer a Student Book Club in partnership with Gloucester County Public Library twice a month starting September 26th and the Student Food Challenge Class in partnership with VEC this fall. Additionally, buses for a 7th grade science trip to VIMS and for Community Education Highlights upcoming athletic games have been coordinated. We had eleven students attend the first Student Book Club. . Our Community Education Coordinator has also confirmed a parent volunteer to chaperone our student run Theatre Group starting in fall. . The September Peasley Press newsletter was sent to approximately 600 families, both electronically and in paper form. Connect. Engage. Inspire. Peasley Middle School Home of the Pride #WeArePeasley

Science . Mrs. Bogue’s and Mrs. Bond’s students were challenged to work as a team to stack the cups WITHOUT TOUCHING THEM!!! The goal of the activity was to see who stuck out as leaders and out of the box thinkers, as well as allowing students to build their teamwork skills.

. Mrs. Bogue’s and Mrs. Bond’s students have been reviewing the scientific method process. They are asking their own questions about gum and designing and conducting experiments to answer their hypothesis. The lab is student led. The below pictures include the questions: Does chewing gum change its mass? How long does the flavor last? Can you dissolve gum in boiling water? How big of a bubble can I blow?

Happenings & Projects & Happenings


. Mrs. Driver’s students used problem solving strategies to solve several problems. One of these was how to transport a moving object (ball) across a distance without stopping or carrying the ball.

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Peasley Middle School Home of the Pride #WeArePeasley

. Mrs. Driver’s and Mr. Banach’s classes have been working on Experimental Design by performing an experiment where they determine how many pennies it takes to break a spaghetti noodle by changing the distance between the books. Students are identifying Independent Variable, Levels of Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Constants, Hypothesis, Conclusion, recording data in Data Tables, and graphing their results.

. Mr. Jeffrey’s and Mrs. Sower’s classes have been learning about classification of living things. They are doing a research project to further their understanding on how to become adept at using technology to produce a product. Students have learned how to use a Dichotomous key to identify organisms.

Math . Mrs. Brown’s Class has been working on addition with money. They had a classroom store open up and they were each allowed to purchase 2 items. In order to check-out, they were required to add the amounts on the price tags on a whiteboard and make sure they had all of the required parts (dollar sign and decimal). The students really enjoyed the activity and she plans to continue to do it and change the checkout method to match what they are working on in class.

. Mr. Nelson’s 8th Grade Honors Geometry class has been working in a “flipped classroom” structure. When students are being introduced to new concepts, they are presented with the essential questions and vocabulary words for that concept. The students then are placed into groups with the assigned roles of leader, researcher, secretary, and timekeeper/presentation organizer. Once in these groups, students are given access to both written materials and the internet to research these questions/vocabulary. Students are generally given 20 to 30 minutes depending on the brevity of the topic and then are asked to present their findings. My only requirements in their research are that

Connect. Engage. Inspire. Peasley Middle School Home of the Pride #WeArePeasley

their peers walk away from their presentation understanding WHAT the material is and more importantly the PURPOSE of having this knowledge as it applies to the real world.

Social Studies . Ms. Bellino’s Civics classes have completed the unit on citizenship and the importance of the 14th amendment. The next unit is on the political process.

Exploratory . Mrs. Adam’s Computer Solutions class has been creating T-Shirt designs in MS Word. The students are expected to brainstorm how they are going to promote “Start with Hello” and create a design for a shirt they will create in class. They will create a print transfer on a color printer and iron on the transfer with an iron. These shirts will be worn on October 15, when Sandy Hook comes to visit Peasley. . Mrs. Talbot’s beginner’s classes have spent hours trying out instruments to find their best match. Intermediate, 8th grade Brass and Percussion, and Woodwinds classes have started to review and chose marching songs. . All levels of Mrs. Layton’s art classes have been working on color theory. Each grade level’s instruction is differentiated according to their artistic experience and ability. The eighth graders are applying their color theory knowledge to their choice of a creative color wheel or a mandala.

Extended Instructional Block . Ms. Bellino’s EIB has established a Model United Nations. Students have chosen countries and are beginning research on their countries. They have begun looking for a solution for the famine in Yemen. . Intervention blocks are wrapping up Universal Screenings for Math and Reading and will be arranging intervention classes accordingly.

. “Start with Hello” is this week, September 24-28, 2018. Students are participating in several

activities to combat social isolation. This week is promoted by our Peasley Peacemakers. . Fall pictures will be October 17.


Coming . Science 7 will go on a field trip to VIMS on October 30 to learn more about the organisms they have been studying and their habitats.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Gloucester High School

Student and ▪ School RN, Bev Sabourin, provided medical telephone coverage for two days during the Staff week of watches, warnings, and evacuations as a result of Hurricane Florence – for Three Recognitions Rivers Volunteer Corp.

Current ▪ Freshman were invited to attend a revamped orientation in August. With record Happenings attendance, students were able to gather necessary information, attend informative & Projects sessions, sign their commitment banner to graduate in 2022, and enjoyed pizza for lunch. ▪ GHS is off to a great start. Students participated in class assemblies the first week of school by grade. The cell phone policy and attendance policy has been consistently communicated to students, parents and staff. Overall, the results have been positive with increased verbal communication. ▪ Mr. Reed initiated and joined students on a college visit to Norfolk State University on Tuesday, September 25, 2018. Thirty-six students signed up to attend. They were exposed but the beautiful buildings on campus, the choir and band programs, a pep rally and were able to see the new nursing lab at NSU. One student commented to an administrator that he had been inspired by the trip. ▪ Civil War musket demonstration - Mr. Eccleston began studies of military tactics and evolution of weaponry on Friday, Sept. 21 and Monday, Sept. 24. This will culminate with th the firing demonstration Tuesday, September 25 .​ The demonstration took place during ​ both second and fourth blocks, about half way through each class period. Mr. Eccleston fired 3 or 4 shots during each demonstration. They were, of course, blank cartridges – no bullets – but the black powder cartridges created a gratifying amount of smoke, flame, and noise. As we know through years’ worth of experience, this demonstration is informative, educational, and memorable, and enhances the students understanding of Civil War tactics and weaponry.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Coming Soon ▪ Homecoming week is scheduled at GHS to begin the week of October 15, 2018. There will be spirit days, the parade on Thursday, October 18 on Main Street at 5:15 pm, the homecoming football game on Friday, October 19th at 7pm against Phoebus, and will conclude with the homecoming dance on Saturday, October 20th at 7pm.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Elementary Mathematics September 28, 2018

 We have approximately 6 teachers from the district who have applied for the Math Specialist Graduate program at Longwood University. The program will start in the spring of 2019. I’m counting on all of them being accepted!  GCPS has 30 educators attending William and Mary’s 22nd Annual Math Day. Six of those

and Staff and Staff teachers are presenting sessions.



 We are currently in the process of Universal Screening all K-5 students. Data will be assessed and intervention programs will be underway.

Happenings & Happenings



 GCPS will be offering a five day professional development opportunity for K-2 general and special education teachers. Dr. Lois Williams and Dr. Margie Mason will teach Math for Struggling Learners to 30 of our teachers. “This hands-on number sense workshop focuses on identifying the stages of development for addition and subtraction and how to move K-2 struggling learners through these stages.”

Coming Soon

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

English Language Arts/Jennifer McSweeney September, 2018

. Teachers in grades K-12 attended PD and presented curriculum guides and resources for the new

school year during K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 August PD. Writing is a focus this school year. . 12 teachers from elementary and middle school attended the William & Mary Summer Literacy

and Staff and Staff Institute to learn about reading comprehension instruction.

. Michelle Hudgins from GHS attended the Virginia Writing Project from August 6-9. . Linda Clements was accepted into VDOE Orton-Gillingham training and attended sessions this


Student summer.

. Areas of focus for literacy for the 2018-2019 school year in grades K-5 include: continuing to implement a new writer’s workshop framework in grades K-8, improving small group instruction, improving nonfiction instruction . Areas of focus for grades 6-8 include implementing writer’s workshop following the K-5 model

Happenings Happenings . Areas of focus for grades 9-12 include developing an assessment system and improving writing

& Projects . Local Alternative Assessments using performance-based assessments for 5th grade writing and other subject areas.

Current . One Book, One School will be implemented at all elementary schools this year to motivate students

and families to read . National Day of Writing for all schools is tentatively set for November 20, 2018. . PD opportunities this year include book studies, Webinars, and attending 2 conferences.

Coming Soon

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road • Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Administrative Team Report

ATTACHMENTS: Administrative Team Report



The Administrative Team Report is being presented as information.


No action requested; this report is being submitted to the School Board for informational purposes only.


Name: John Hutchinson, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services

Phone: (804) 693-5304

E-mail: [email protected]

Administrative Team Report September 2018

************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Administrative Services – John Hutchinson Included at the End of Report  Spreadsheet reflecting use of school facilities  Chart reflecting GHS athletic activities from the GHS Activities Director ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Construction – Scott Shorland ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Facilities – Dave Miller ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Food Service – Steve Patton ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Grounds – Jimmy Viars ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Nursing Services – Robin Zophy ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Policy – Craig Smith

************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Safety – Del Dautrich ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Student Services – Bryan Hartley ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Technology – Jim Brogan  Copier availability is an ongoing priority. Jim Maloney is typically responding to copier issues within 4 hours of notification.  The Middle School Grade 6 - One to One Initiative to provide each rising 6th grader a Chromebook is on track. The Chromebooks have been delivered to the two middle schools. We are working with the middle school principals to facilitate the issuing of the Chromebooks this fall.  For Fall 2018, as an enhancement to PowerSchool Teacher Gradebook Pro, we are adding PowerSchool Learning/Unified Classroom, which integrates our existing Student Information System, Gradebook, and Parent and Student Portals, as well as builds on the use of Google Classroom to enhance instruction as a Learning Management System. The PowerSchool Learning/Unified Classroom was activated on August 27th. Initial training was held on August 7th. All schools had representation at the training. Follow-up training will be scheduled this fall. The ITRTs are working in their assigned schools to assist teachers with the new program. As with anything new, there are growing pains, which are resulting in the staff learning new steps and procedures.  With the departure of Bill Diehl, Matt Bychowski has assumed Bill’s responsibilities. We are awaiting a replacement to handle the responsibilities of managing the phone system and security systems, as well as many of the other tasks that Matt handled.  The Technology Department, as of 9/27/18, has completed 715 tickets since July 1, 2018. We currently have 290 open tickets. These tickets are being addressed on a daily basis. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Transportation – Vickram Rajpaul ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6A 11.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6B 11.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7A 11.00 9/1 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7B 11.00 9/1 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/1 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/1 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/1 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/1 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/1 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/2 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/2 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/2 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/2 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/2 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/2 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/2 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/2 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/2 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/3 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/3 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/3 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/3 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/3 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/3 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/3 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/3 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/3 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/3 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/3 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/3 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/3 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/4 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Cafeteria (Auditorium2.00 Must be Requested Separately) 9/4 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Auditorium 2.00(Cafeteria Must be Requested Separately) 9/4 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/4 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Namaste Yoga @ BOT BT38 2.00 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/4 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/4 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/4 GHS - In-House - Staff Events Gloucester High GHS Leadership Team Meeting@GHSLibrary 2.00 9/4 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/4 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/4 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/4 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/4 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/4 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/4 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/4 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/4 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/4 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/4 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/4 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/4 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K1 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start)10.00 9/4 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K2 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/4 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K3 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/4 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K4 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/4 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Chorus On Stage Auditorium 7.00 9/4 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/4 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/4 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/5 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/5 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/5 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/5 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/5 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/5 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/5 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/5 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/5 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/5 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/5 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/5 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/5 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/5 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/5 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/5 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Courthouse Community Orchestra@PageA106 Band3.25 Room 9/5 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Zumba@Page Choir Rm. A103A103 1.75 9/5 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K1 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start)10.00 9/5 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K2 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/5 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K3 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/5 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K4 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/5 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle 8th grade assembly@PEA Auditorium 1.75 9/5 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Chorus On Stage Auditorium 7.00 9/5 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/5 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/5 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/6 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/6 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/6 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/6 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationInstructional Center Team Meeting @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf4.50 Room) 9/6 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/6 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationVTSS CenterMeeting@ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf3.50 Room) 9/6 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - A 1 FYI Postings2.00 9/6 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Golf - Away 1 FYI Postings8.00 9/6 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/6 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/6 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/6 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/6 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/6 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/6 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/6 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/6 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/6 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/6 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/6 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/6 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/6 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K1 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start)10.00 9/6 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K2 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/6 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K3 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/6 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K4 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/6 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle 7th Grade assembly@PEA Auditorium 1.75 9/6 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/6 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/6 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/7 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Child Find @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf2.50 Room) 9/7 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/7 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - football pregame Auditorium/Stage1.00 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/7 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Football team meal Cafeteria - 1.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/7 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Var. Football - H Field - Stadium3.00 (Football Field/Track/Restrooms/Concession Stand - Requires Authorization) 9/7 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Var. Football - H 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/7 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High GHS Class Assemblies MeetingsAuditorium/Stage7.50 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/7 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High GHS Class Assemblies MeetingsAuditorium 7.50Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/7 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/7 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/7 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/7 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/7 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/7 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/7 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/7 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/7 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K1 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start)10.00 9/7 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K2 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/7 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K3 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/7 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K4 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/7 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationPCDC Center Bridges Head Start OrientationAuditorium @ TCW-Aud1.75 9/7 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle 6th Grade assembly Auditorium 1.50 9/7 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Practice @PEA Auditorium 2.00 9/7 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/7 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/8 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/8 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/8 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/8 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Football - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Auditorium/Stage7.75 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Auditorium 7.75Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Cafeteria 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Cafeteria - 7.75Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Gymnasium7.75 - Main 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Gymnasium7.75 - Auxiliary 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Parking Lot7.75 - Student 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Parking Lot7.75 in Front of School 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Parking Lot7.75 on Side of School (Main Entrance) 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Field - Stadium7.75 (Football Field/Track/Restrooms/Concession Stand - Requires Authorization) 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Field Hockey/Girls7.75 Soccer Field 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Commons 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS Library 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D36 & Atrium7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 100 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 109 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 119 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 124 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 132 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D01 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D03 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D05 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D04 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D06 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS D12 7.75 9/8 GHS - In-House - Testing (Students) Gloucester High ACT Testing@GHS A 140 7.75 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6A 11.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6B 11.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7A 11.00 9/8 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7B 11.00 9/8 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/8 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/8 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/8 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/8 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/8 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/9 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/9 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/9 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/9 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/9 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/9 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/9 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/9 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/9 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/9 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/9 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/9 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/10 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryBelow the Rim Basketball @ ABGGymnasium2.25 9/10 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafe Stage3.50 Area 9/10 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafeteria 3.50 9/10 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/10 Bethel Elementary School - PTA Bethel ElementaryPTA Executive Board Meeting @Library BET 1.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/10 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationDivision Center Leadership Team Mtg. Cafeteria@ TCWEC-Cafe2.50 9/10 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationPrincipals Center Mtg. @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf8.50 Room) 9/10 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Observation Training @ TCWEC-A130A130 (Breakroom/Conf2.50 Room-Please Try to Use Alternate Space if Available) 9/10 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/10 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - coaches concussion trainingLibrary 1.50 9/10 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Golf - Away 1 FYI Postings8.00 9/10 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/10 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/10 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/10 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/10 Gloucester County PRT T.C. Walker EducationPRT Gymnastics Center Classes @ TCW-GymGymnasium4.00 9/10 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/10 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/10 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/10 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/10 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/10 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/10 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/10 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/10 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/10 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/10 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Old & Slow Basketball League@PageGymnasium-G101 Gym4.00 9/10 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Dance@Page Schola Schola/Stage-A1074.75 9/10 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Advisory Block 6th Gr@Page ScholaSchola/Stage-A1071.00 9/10 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/10 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K1 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start)10.00 9/10 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K2 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/10 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K3 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/10 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Teacher Days @ TCW-K4 (Head K1/K2/K3/K4 Start10.00 Classroom) 9/10 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Practice @PEA Auditorium 2.00 9/10 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/10 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/10 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/11 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/11 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/11 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/11 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/11 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/11 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/11 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/11 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/11 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/11 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/11 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Hold for Sandy Hook presentation@PEAAuditorium 5.00 9/11 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Hold for Sandy Hook [email protected] 9/11 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/11 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/11 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/12 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/12 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/12 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/12 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/12 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/12 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/12 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/12 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/12 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/12 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/12 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/12 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/12 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/13 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/13 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/13 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/13 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/13 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/13 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/13 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/13 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/13 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/13 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/13 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/13 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/13 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/13 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/14 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/14 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/14 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/14 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/14 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #1 Fields - Softball/Baseball3.50 (front) 9/14 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #2 Fields - Football3.50 9/14 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldField Page #3 Fields - Soccer/Field3.50 Hockey (back) 9/14 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking FALL Assoc.PRACTICE Lots @ OldParking Page Fields Lots3.50 9/14 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/14 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/15 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/15 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/15 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6A 11.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6B 11.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7A 11.00 9/15 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7B 11.00 9/15 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/15 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/15 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/15 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/15 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/15 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/16 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/16 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/16 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/16 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/16 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/16 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/16 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/16 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/16 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/16 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/16 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/16 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/17 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryBelow the Rim Basketball @ ABGGymnasium2.25 9/17 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafe Stage3.50 Area SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/17 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafeteria 3.50 9/17 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/17 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/17 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationAssistant Center Principals Mtg. @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf5.00 Room) 9/17 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/17 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationTran. DriverCenter Training @ TCWEC-C5C5 (Training4.50 Rm - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/17 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS Field Hockey Meeting Cafeteria - 2.75Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/17 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High GHS Beta Club General MeetingCafeteria - 2.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/17 GHS - In-House - Staff Events Gloucester High SWSS Training@GHS D35 - Computer5.00 Lab (Personnel Required) 9/17 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/17 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/17 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/17 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/17 Gloucester County PRT T.C. Walker EducationPRT Gymnastics Center Classes @ TCW-GymGymnasium4.00 9/17 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/17 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/17 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/17 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/17 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/17 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/17 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Community Train.:Revive! OpiodD101 [email protected] D101 9/17 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Old & Slow Basketball League@PageGymnasium-G101 Gym4.00 9/17 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Dance@Page Schola Schola/Stage-A1074.75 9/17 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Advisory Block 7th Gr.@Page ScholaSchola/Stage-A1071.00 9/17 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/17 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start)8.00 9/17 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K2 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/17 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K3 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/17 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K4 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/17 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/17 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/17 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/18 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC16 ACH 1.50 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC17 ACH 1.50 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC18 ACH 1.50 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC19 ACH 1.50 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC20 ACH 1.50 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Cafeteria (Auditorium2.00 Must be Requested Separately) 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Auditorium 2.00(Cafeteria Must be Requested Separately) 9/18 Achilles Elementary School - In-House Achilles ElementaryArts on Main/4th Grade @ ACHAC33 1.75 9/18 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/18 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Gymnastics Classes @ BOTGymnasium4.00 9/18 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Namaste Yoga @ BOT BT38 2.00 9/18 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Social Dance @ BOT Cafetorium2.75 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationGED TESTINGCenter @ TCWEC-C3/C4C3 (Small Conf6.00 Rm & GED Office - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationGED TESTINGCenter @ TCWEC-C3/C4C4 (Conf/Training6.00 Rm & GED - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSB/BOS Center Joint Work Session @ AuditoriumTCWEC-Aud8.50 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSEAC Center Meeting @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf1.00 Room) 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/18 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationTran. DriverCenter Training @ TCWEC-C5C5 (Training4.50 Rm - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/18 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/18 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Golf - Away 1 FYI Postings8.00 9/18 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/18 GHS - In-House - Staff Events Gloucester High GHS Faculty Meeting@GHS Cafeteria - 1.75Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/18 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/18 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/18 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/18 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/18 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/18 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/18 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/18 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/18 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/18 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/18 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/18 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/18 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/18 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/18 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/18 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/18 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/18 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/19 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryCalvary Group @ABG A157 - Music1.75 Room 9/19 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryPRT Dance Classes @ ABG Cafe Stage4.25 Area 9/19 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryPRT Dance Classes @ ABG Cafeteria 4.25 9/19 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/19 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryLibrary Meeting @ ABG Library 2.00 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/19 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/19 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSafety Center Committee Meeting @ TCW-A111A111 (Conf2.75 Room) 9/19 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/19 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSTUDENT Center SERVICES @ TCWECCafeteria - Cafeteria3.00 9/19 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationTran. DriverCenter Training @ TCWEC-C5C5 (Training4.50 Rm - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/19 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Crew Meeting Cafeteria - 2.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/19 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Cross Country - a 1 FYI Postings2.00 9/19 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Field hockey - a 1 FYI Postings2.00 9/19 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Football - A 1 FYI Postings2.00 9/19 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High National Honor Society MeetingCafeteria @ GHS - 0.75Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/19 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/19 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/19 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/19 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/19 Gloucester County PRT T.C. Walker EducationPRT Gymnastics Center Classes @ TCW-GymGymnasium5.00 9/19 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/19 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/19 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/19 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/19 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/19 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/19 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Courthouse Community Orchestra@PageA106 Band3.25 Room 9/19 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Karate@Page Gym Gymnasium-G1013.50 9/19 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Zumba@Page Choir Rm. A103A103 1.75 9/19 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/19 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/19 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/19 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/19 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/19 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle Fundraiser presentations@PEAAuditorium 5.50 9/19 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/19 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/19 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/20 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/20 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryGirl Scouts 1055 @ ACH AC02 2.25 9/20 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Cafeteria (Auditorium2.00 Must be Requested Separately) 9/20 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Auditorium 2.00(Cafeteria Must be Requested Separately) 9/20 Achilles Elementary School - In-House Achilles ElementaryArts on Main/5th Grade @ ACHAC33 1.75 9/20 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/20 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryBelow the Rim Basketball @ BOTGymnasium2.25 9/20 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Dance Classes @ BOT Cafetorium4.25 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/20 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/20 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationGED TESTINGCenter @ TCWEC-C3/C4C3 (Small Conf6.00 Rm & GED Office - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/20 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationGED TESTINGCenter @ TCWEC-C3/C4C4 (Conf/Training6.00 Rm & GED - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/20 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/20 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationTran. DriverCenter Training @ TCWEC-C5C5 (Training4.50 Rm - was Virtual Learning & GED) 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Football team meal Cafeteria - 1.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Golf - Away 1 FYI Postings8.00 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Var. Football - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Gymnasium5.00 - Main 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Commons 5.00 9/20 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H 1 FYI Postings5.00 9/20 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Grade 11 Ring Assembly@GHSAuditorium/Stage2.25 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/20 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Grade 11 Ring Assembly@GHSAuditorium 2.25Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/20 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Grade 12 Cap Gown Assembly@GHSAuditorium/Stage1.75 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/20 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Grade 12 Cap Gown Assembly@GHSAuditorium 1.75Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/20 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/20 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/20 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/20 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/20 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/20 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/20 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/20 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/20 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/20 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/20 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/20 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/20 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/20 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/20 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/20 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/21 Bethel Elementary School - PTA Bethel ElementaryFamily Movie Night @ BET Gymnasium/Auditorium2.00 9/21 Bethel Elementary School - PTA Bethel ElementaryFamily Movie Night @ BET Cafeteria 2.00 9/21 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/21 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Cheer competition practiceGymnasium4.00 - Auxiliary 9/21 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Cheer competition practice1 FYI Postings4.00 9/21 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H Field Hockey/Girls2.00 Soccer Field 9/21 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H 1 FYI Postings2.00 9/21 Gloucester County PRT Botetourt ElementaryPR&T STAR Basketball @ BOTGymnasium3.00 9/21 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/21 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/21 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/21 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/21 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/21 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/21 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/21 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/21 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/21 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/21 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/22 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/22 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/22 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/22 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Cheer competition practiceGymnasium4.00 - Auxiliary 9/22 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Cheer competition practice1 FYI Postings4.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6A 11.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6B 11.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7A 11.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7B 11.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9A 10.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9B 10.00 9/22 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9C 10.00 9/22 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/22 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/22 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/22 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/22 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Once on This Island Jr. Auditions@PageA103 Choir8.50 Room 9/22 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/22 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/23 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/23 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/23 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/23 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9A 10.00 9/23 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9B 10.00 9/23 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryOutlaws Football Games @ BETField #9C 10.00 9/23 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/23 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/23 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/23 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/23 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/23 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/24 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryBelow the Rim Basketball @ ABGGymnasium2.25 9/24 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafe Stage3.50 Area 9/24 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryP&R Karate @ABG Cafeteria 3.50 9/24 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/24 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationIS CPR Center Training @ TCWEC-CafeteriaCafeteria 1.50 9/24 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/24 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationTeacher Center Adv/GEA Mtg. @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf2.50 Room) 9/24 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/24 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Football - H Field - Stadium2.50 (Football Field/Track/Restrooms/Concession Stand - Requires Authorization) 9/24 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Football - H 1 FYI Postings2.50 9/24 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Taking Ring Cap GownAuditorium/Stage [email protected] - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/24 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Taking Ring Cap GownAuditorium Orders@GHS 2.50Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Adult Basketball @ BET Gymnasium/Auditorium3.00 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR &T Adult basketball@PEA Gymnasium3.00 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/24 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/24 Gloucester County PRT T.C. Walker EducationPRT Gymnastics Center Classes @ TCW-GymGymnasium4.00 9/24 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/24 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/24 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/24 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/24 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/24 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/24 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Community Train.,REVIVE!OpioidAwareness@PageD101 3.00 D101 9/24 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Old & Slow Basketball League@PageGymnasium-G101 Gym4.00 9/24 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Dance@Page Schola Schola/Stage-A1073.00 9/24 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Advisory Block 8th Gr@Page ScholaSchola/Stage-A1071.00 9/24 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/24 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start)8.00 9/24 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K2 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/24 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K3 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/24 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K4 (HeadK1/K2/K3/K4 Start8.00 Classroom) 9/24 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle PEA Basketball practice@PEA Gymnasium2.00 9/24 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/24 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/24 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/25 Abingdon Elementary School - In-House Abingdon ElementaryArts on Main @ ABG B160 2.25 9/25 Abingdon Elementary School - PTA Abingdon ElementaryBack to School Night @ ABG Administration3.50 Area 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC16 ACH 1.50 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC17 ACH 1.50 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC18 ACH 1.50 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC19 ACH 1.50 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryCub Scout Pack 133 Den Mtg @AC20 ACH 1.50 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Cafeteria (Auditorium2.00 Must be Requested Separately) 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Auditorium 2.00(Cafeteria Must be Requested Separately) SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/25 Achilles Elementary School - In-House Achilles ElementaryArts on Main/4th Grade @ ACHAC33 1.75 9/25 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/25 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryCommunity HU @ BOT BT38 1.50 9/25 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Gymnastics Classes @ BOTGymnasium4.00 9/25 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Namaste Yoga @ BOT BT38 2.00 9/25 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Social Dance @ BOT Cafetorium2.75 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/25 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationMonthly Center School Board Meeting @Auditorium TCWEC-Aud.8.50 9/25 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H Field Hockey/Girls3.00 Soccer Field 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Golf - Away 1 FYI Postings8.00 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Gymnasium5.00 - Main 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Commons 5.00 9/25 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H 1 FYI Postings5.00 9/25 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Taking Ring Cap GownAuditorium/Stage [email protected] - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/25 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Jostens Taking Ring Cap GownAuditorium Orders@GHS 2.50Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Adult Basketball @ BET Gymnasium/Auditorium3.00 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR &T Adult basketball@PEA Gymnasium3.00 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/25 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/25 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/25 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/25 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/25 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/25 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/25 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/25 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/25 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/25 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/25 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/25 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/25 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/25 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/25 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/26 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryCalvary Group @ABG A157 - Music1.75 Room 9/26 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryPRT Dance Classes @ ABG Cafe Stage4.25 Area 9/26 Abingdon Elementary School - Community UseAbingdon ElementaryPRT Dance Classes @ ABG Cafeteria 4.25 9/26 Bethel Elementary School - PTA Bethel ElementaryBethel PTA Spirit Night @ Chick-fil-A1 FYI Postings3.00 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/26 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/26 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeGloucester High CTEAC Meeting @GHS-Duke RockCafeteria Cafe - 2.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/26 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSped AudioCenter Conference @ TCWEC-A111A111 (Conf1.50 Room) 9/26 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/26 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/26 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High GHS - Game & Anime Club MeetingCafeteria - 1.75Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/26 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Grades 9-11 Class Portraits@GHSAuditorium/Stage8.00 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/26 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Grades 9-11 Class Portraits@GHSAuditorium 8.00Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/26 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High NJROTC Freshman Parents NightAuditorium/Stage3.50 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Adult Basketball @ BET Gymnasium/Auditorium3.00 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR &T Adult basketball@PEA Gymnasium3.00 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/26 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/26 Gloucester County PRT T.C. Walker EducationPRT Gymnastics Center Classes @ TCW-GymGymnasium5.00 9/26 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/26 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/26 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/26 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/26 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC146 @GHS 3.50 9/26 Middle Peninsula R.A.C.E. Gloucester High MP Race Intake/ABE/GED/ESOLC167 @GHS 3.50 9/26 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle Courthouse Community Orchestra@PageA106 Band3.25 Room 9/26 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Karate@Page Gym Gymnasium-G1013.50 9/26 Page Middle School - Community Use Page Middle PRT Zumba@Page Choir Rm. A103A103 1.75 9/26 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/26 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/26 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/26 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/26 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/26 Peasley Middle School - In-House Peasley Middle PEA Basketball practice@PEA Gymnasium2.00 9/26 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/26 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/26 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/27 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryGirl Scouts 1055 @ ACH AC02 2.25 9/27 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Cafeteria (Auditorium2.00 Must be Requested Separately) 9/27 Achilles Elementary School - Community UseAchilles ElementaryP&R Zumba @ ACH Auditorium 2.00(Cafeteria Must be Requested Separately) 9/27 Achilles Elementary School - In-House Achilles ElementaryArts on Main/5th Grade @ ACHAC33 1.75 9/27 Achilles Elementary School - In-House Achilles ElementaryFamily Reading @ ACH Library 1.75 9/27 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 2.00 9/27 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryBelow the Rim Basketball @ BOTGymnasium2.25 9/27 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryCourthouse Square HomeownersLibrary Meeting 2.00@ BOT 9/27 Botetourt Elementary School - Community UseBotetourt ElementaryPR&T Dance Classes @ BOT Cafetorium4.25 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 100 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 101 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 102 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 103 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 104 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 106 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 109 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 111 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 112 4.50 9/27 GCPS - In-House - RASP Gloucester High RASP @ GHS A Hall classroomsA 115 - Computer4.50 Lab 9/27 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationEducational Center Foundation MeetingA111 @ TCWEC-A111 (Conf3.00 Room) 9/27 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSped NewCenter Teacher Training @ A111TCWEC-A111 (Conf1.75 Room) 9/27 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/27 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H Field Hockey/Girls3.00 Soccer Field 9/27 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Field Hockey - H 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/27 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Gymnasium5.00 - Main SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/27 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H Commons 5.00 9/27 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Volleyball - H 1 FYI Postings5.00 9/27 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Grades 9-11 Class Portraits@GHSAuditorium/Stage8.00 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/27 GHS - In-House - Clubs Gloucester High Grades 9-11 Class Portraits@GHSAuditorium 8.00Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Adult Basketball @ BET Gymnasium/Auditorium3.00 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5A 2.50 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Bethel ElementaryPRT Soccer Practice @ BET Field #5B 2.50 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR &T Adult basketball@PEA Gymnasium3.00 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Field #10 2.50 9/27 Gloucester County PRT Peasley Middle PR&T Soccer@PEA Fields (open2.50 space behind Peasley) 9/27 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/27 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/27 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/27 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/27 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/27 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/27 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/27 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/27 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/27 Rappahannock Community College Transportation FieldsRCC & CDL Parking Truck Lots Driver TrainingParking @Old Page Lots8.00 ParkingLot 9/27 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/27 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/28 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationSPED Center Pre-K Class @ TCWEC-C9C9 (SPED 28.00 Yr Classroom - was Storage Room) 9/28 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - football pregame Auditorium/Stage1.00 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/28 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Football team meal Cafeteria - 1.00Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/28 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Var. Football - H Field - Stadium3.00 (Football Field/Track/Restrooms/Concession Stand - Requires Authorization) 9/28 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - Var. Football - H 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/28 Gloucester County PRT Botetourt ElementaryPR&T STAR Basketball @ BOTGymnasium3.00 9/28 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6A 4.00 9/28 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #6B 4.00 9/28 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7A 4.00 9/28 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Practice @ FieldBET #7B 4.00 9/28 Page Middle School - In-House Page Middle Page School Teams@Page GymGymnasium-G1012.25 9/28 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K1 (Head Start)8.00 9/28 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K2 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/28 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K3 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/28 Parent Child Development Corporation - HeadT.C. Start Walker EducationHead StartCenter Student Days @ TCW-K1/K2/K3/K4K4 (Head Start8.00 Classroom) 9/28 Peasley Middle School - PTA Peasley Middle PTA Bingo@PEA Cafeteria 3.25 9/28 Petsworth Elementary School - In-House Petsworth ElementaryMoms Breakfast@PET/Cafe Cafeteria 0.75 9/28 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball3.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/28 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball2.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/29 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/29 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/29 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/29 GCPS - In-House - Requested by Central OfficeT.C. Walker EducationIS CPR Center Training @ TCWEC-CafeteriaCafeteria 2.00 9/29 GHS - In-House - Athletics Gloucester High GHS - JV Football - A 1 FYI Postings3.00 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Auditorium/Stage5.50 - Must Request Wings/Lecture Areas Separately (NO food/drink allowed) 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Auditorium 5.50Wings/Lecture Areas (NO food/drink allowed) 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Cafeteria 5.50 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Cafeteria - 5.50Senior (Duke Rock Cafe) 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Choral Room5.50 - Only as Dressing Room for Special Events (NO food/drink allowed) 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Commons 5.50 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band D36 & Atrium5.50 9/29 GHS - In-House - Band Gloucester High GHS Rehearsal Band Band Room5.50 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6A 11.00 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #6B 11.00 SDFD Facilities Use Report for September of 2018 Date Organization Location Event Title Room Hours 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7A 11.00 9/29 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryGloucester Outlaws Games @ BETField #7B 11.00 9/29 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/29 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/29 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/29 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/29 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/29 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) 9/30 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #1 9.00 9/30 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #3 9.00 9/30 Bay Stars / Virginia Youth Soccer Assoc. Bethel ElementaryBaystars Soccer @ BET Field #4 9.00 9/30 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9A 9.00 9/30 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9B 9.00 9/30 Gloucester Outlaws Bethel ElementaryFootball Games @ BET Field #9C 9.00 9/30 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #1 - Softball/Baseball12.00 (front) 9/30 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #2 - Football12.00 9/30 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsField #3 - Soccer/Field12.00 Hockey (back) 9/30 Gloucester Youth Football & Cheerleading League/PeninsulaTransportation FieldsYouthGYFCL &Football Parking GAMES Assoc. Lots @ Old Page FieldsParking Lots12.00 9/30 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Baseball Practice Field@ BET - Baseball10.00 (behind Bethel closest to #9C) 9/30 VA Rebellion Softball Bethel ElementaryVA Rebellion Softball Practice @Field BET - Softball11.00 (behind Bethel closest to #4) GHS Athletic Activities – September 2018 Team Field/Gym Dates/Approx. Times Football Weight Room/Track/Practice Monday – Friday 3:00pm – 6:30pm Football Field/D-Hall Classrooms Unless games Field Hockey Track/Field Hockey Field Monday – Friday 3:00pm – 5:15pm Unless games Boys Volleyball Main Gym Monday – Friday 3:00pm – 5:00pm Unless games Girls Volleyball Main Gym Monday – Friday – 4:00pm – 6:00pm Girls Basketball Main or Aux Gym Monday, Tuesday & Thursday – 6:00pm – 8:00pm Boys Basketball Main or Aux Gym/Weight Room Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 7:00pm – 9:00pm Cross Country Stadium Area Monday – Friday 3:00pm – 5:15pm Unless off campus or unless races Cheerleading Aux Gym or Commons Monday & Wednesday 3:00pm – 6:00pm Unless games

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA ITEM: Budget and Finance Report

ATTACHMENTS: Budget and Finance Monthly Report





No action requested; this report is submitted to the School Board for informational purposes only.


Name: Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: (804) 693-7811 E-mail: [email protected]

GLOUCESTER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 6099 T. C. Walker Rd. Gloucester, Virginia 23061 Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer Telephone: 804-693-7811 Budget and Finance Department Fax: 804-693-4526


In addition to the routine daily tasks, Budget and Finance Staff have completed or are working on the following projects: PROJECTS COMPLETED

Payroll 1. Updated benefit information on school division website. 2. Participated in a conference call with AFLAC to review new billing procedures – September 19. 3. Participated in an event planning call with Cigna and Interactive Health to discuss the Biometric Screening that will take place in November – September 14. 4. Additions, terminations and changes processed through VRS, Cigna, EyeMed, and Legal Resources. 5. Provided orientation for new hires (ongoing).

Budget 1. Prepared and submitted the Financial Annual School Report for FY18 to VDOE. 2. Assisted auditors with the final school division audit fieldwork for FY18 – September 24-28

FUTURE PROJECTS Payroll 1. Hosting “Hybrid Bootcamp” sponsored by The Standard – October 9 2. HIPPA Training – send out to applicable employees – October 3. Biometric Screening Event at TCWEC – November 6 4. Continue to monitor Time and Attendance during FY19 and make any adjustments that are needed 5. IRS reporting for ACA - ongoing

Budget 1. VASBO Fall Meeting held in Wintergreen – October 11 2. Conduct first school site visits - October 3. Prepare budget packets for dissemination 4. Driver’s Education Report due in October 5. Medicaid Annual Cost Report due in November 6. Meet with School Bookkeepers – TBD

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: September Donations

ATTACHMENTS: Donation List



Donations are presented to the Board monthly in accordance with Policy DI.

REQUESTED ACTION: That the School Board accepts the donations with grateful appreciation.


Name: Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: (804) 693-7811 E-mail: [email protected]

Donations and Grants/Scholarships Received by Gloucester County Public Schools For Approval by the School Board in Accordance with School Board Policy File No. DI October 9, 2018

DONATIONS: Contributed to Contributed by Donation Purpose Botetourt Elementary School Lighthouse Worship Center $250.00 Emergency fund for student and teacher needs Page Middle School Lighthouse Worship Center $250.00 Emergency fund for student and teacher needs Gloucester High School Lighthouse Worship Center $250.00 Emergency fund for student and teacher needs Petsworth Elementary School Bayport Credit Union $200.00 Not Specified Petsworth Elementary School Lighthouse Worship Center $250.00 Emergency fund for student and teacher needs Petsworth Elementary School Sabrina Fee $2.50 Not Specified Petsworth Elementary School Kimberly and Brian Casone Supplies Klennex, crayons, glue and highlighters School System Circleup Middle Peninsula Supplies Index cards, glue sticks, tissues, pens, pencils Bethel Elementary School Bethel Elementary School PTA $1,000.00 Teacher Conferences Bethel Elementary School Lighthouse Worship Center $250.00 Emergency fund for student and teacher needs

Donations Total $1,952.50

GRANTS/SCHOLARSHIPS: Contributed to Contributed by Donation Arena Stone Scholarship David Parrish $250.00 In Honor of Dr. Kearfott M. Stone Arena Stone Scholarship Jan Hunter Meckelvaney $50.00 In Honor of Dr. Kearfott M. Stone Arena Stone Scholarship Sharon McGlohn $300.00 In Honor of Dr. Kearfott M. Stone Arena Stone Scholarship Carol McHargue $75.00 In Honor of Dr. Kearfott M. Stone Arena Stone Scholarship Pamela Moore $25.00 In Honor of Dr. Kearfott M. Stone

Grants/Scholarships Total $400.00

GRAND TOTAL $2,352.50

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Financial Reports

ATTACHMENTS: August 2018 Financial Report




The August 31, 2018 Financial Report is attached for your information.

REQUESTED ACTION: No action requested is requested; these reports are submitted to the School Board for informational purposes only.


Name: Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: (804) 693-7811 E-mail: [email protected] REVENUE REPORT

ACTUAL REVENUES August 31, 2018


COUNTY CONTRIBUTION 26,252,338 1,080,337 25,172,001

MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL 117,500 21,820 95,680

STATE FUNDS 30,703,339 3,655,145 27,048,194

FEDERAL FUNDS 2,931,122 (156,196) 3,087,318

TOTAL $ 60,004,299 $ 4,601,105 $ 55,403,194




INSTRUCTION 43,985,544 2,155,602 70,753 - 41,759,189

ADMIN/ATTEND/HEALTH 2,432,435 338,241 - - 2,094,194

TRANSPORTATION 4,080,472 250,126 84,939 - 3,745,407

OPERATION/MAINT 6,770,821 971,556 442,394 - 5,356,870

DEBT SERVICE - - - - -

TECHNOLOGY 2,735,027 885,580 235,477 - 1,613,970

TOTAL $ 60,004,299 $ 4,601,105 $ 833,563 $ - $ 54,569,631

CENTRAL FOOD SERVICE $ 2,613,473 $ 78,064 $ 4,928 $ - $ 2,530,481

CIP FUND $ 1,606,385 $ 996,194 $ 131,240 $ - $ 478,951

DEBT SERVICE $ 3,750,948 $ 2,574,746 $ - $ - $ 1,176,202

Connect. Engage. Inspire.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road Gloucester, Virginia 23061


MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: FY 2020 Proposed Budget Calendar

ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Budget Calendar – FY20




The proposed calendar for the FY 2020 budget process has been prepared based on timelines established by the school system, the county government and state code.

REQUESTED ACTION: That the School Board approve the Budget Calendar for FY 2020.


Name: Heather R. Lucas, Chief Financial Officer

Phone: (804) 693-7811 E-mail: [email protected]


August 31 5 Year CIP Requests due to County

September 18 Joint Meeting with Board of Supervisors 7:00 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 25 Monthly School Board Meeting 7:00 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium

October 1 Begin Budget Discussions with Superintendent 4 Present School CIP Request to County Administrator and Team 10:30 AM Building 1 Conf. Rm. 9 Monthly School Board Meeting 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium

November 1 Budget Packets Distributed to Budget Holders 1 Present School Division's 5 Year CIP Request to Planning Commission 7:00 PM Colonial Courthouse 13 Monthly School Board Meeting 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 29 Budget Packets Due Back to Budget & Finance

December 1 Budget Packets Due Back to Budget & Finance 3-7 Meetings Between Budget Holders and Management Team Various TCWEC Rm. A111 11 Monthly School Board Meeting 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium TBD Release of Governor's Budget

January 9 Update School Board on Revenue Forecast of Governor's Proposed Budget at 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium Monthly School Board Meeting 9 General Assembly Session Convenes 15 County Administrator Presents Proposed 5 Year CIP Budget to Board of 6:00 PM Colonial Courthouse Supervisors 23 Superintendent & CFO Q & A on Budget Process 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Cafeteria 24 Budget Work Session with Public Input 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium

February 5 Board of Supervisors' Regular Meeting and Public Hearing on Proposed 5 Year CIP 6:00 PM Colonial Courthouse Budget 7 Approximate Date of Adjournment of General Assembly 12 Monthly School Board Meeting 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 21 Budget Work Session - Updates from General Assembly Final Action and 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium Presentation of Superintendent's Budget 26 Notify Paper of Public Hearing on School Board's Recommended Budget - March 12 26 Joint Retreat with Board of Supervisors TBD

March 4 County Administrator Presents Budget to Board of Supervisors 6:00 PM Colonial Courthouse 12 Monthly School Board Meeting - Public Hearing on School Board's Recommended 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium Budget 18 Budget Work Session without Public Input for the Approval of the School Board's 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium Recommended Budget 19 Joint Meeting with Board of Supervisors 6:00 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 27 Public Hearing on the Proposed County Budget 6:00 PM Colonial Courthouse

April 9 Monthly School Board Meeting 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 15 Budget Adoption of the County's FY 2020 Budget 6:00 PM Colonial Courthouse

May 14 Monthly School Board Meeting - School Board's Adopted Budget 5:30 PM T. C. Walker Auditorium 10/1/2018

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road  Gloucester, Virginia 23061 SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA ITEM

MEETING DATE: October 9, 2018

AGENDA SUBJECT: Office of Human Resources Monthly Report

ATTACHMENTS: Office of Human Resources Monthly Report  Family and Medical Leave Summary  Workers’ Compensation Summary  Absence Management Summary




The Office of Human Resources monthly report contains information of the department’s recruitment and selection, certification and licensure, training and

development, and special project activities.

The report also provides summaries of family and medical leave, workers’ compensation, and absence management.


No action is requested. This report is submitted to the School Board for informational purposes only.


Name: Gwyn Ciemniecki Executive Director of Human Resources and Compliance

Phone: (804) 693-5300 E-mail: [email protected]

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road  Gloucester, Virginia 23061 SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA ITEM

Office of Human Resources Monthly Report October 9, 2018

Family and Medical Leave

Family and Medical Leave 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 Future Events 1 0 4 8 Current Events 10 8 9 5 Closed Events 27 141 94 87 Did Not Qualify Events 2 3 4 10 Total 41 152 111 110 Figures through 9/30/18

Workers’ Comp

Workplace Injuries 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017 2015-2016 Report Only 7 50 26 56 Actual Claims 3 13 22 19 Denied 1 7 8 8 Total 11 70 66 83 Figures through 9/30/18

Absence Management (formerly AESOP)

Figures through Teacher Paraprofessional Paraprofessional (SPED) 9/30/18

Absence Vacancy Total Absence Vacancy Total Absence Vacancy Total 15 Instructional Sub 206 55 261 32 12 44 12 0 12 Days Required No Sub 168 0 168 4 1 5 9 0 9 Required Total 374 55 429 36 13 49 21 0 21 Absences Filled 172 51 223 24 12 36 9 0 9

Unfilled 34 4 38 8 1 9 3 0 3

Figures through 9/30/18 Fill Rate 83.50% 92.73% 85.44% 75.00% 100.00% 81.82% 75.00% NA 75.00% (%)

ALL SIX (6) School Nurse Clerical Custodian CATEGORIES Absence Vacancy Total Absence Vacancy Total Absence Vacancy Total Total Sub 0 0 0 53 8 61 91 63 154 533 Required No Sub 6 0 6 166 0 166 212 0 212 566 Required Total 6 0 6 219 8 227 303 63 366 1,099 Absences Filled 0 0 0 33 8 41 32 56 88 397

Unfilled 0 0 0 20 0 20 59 7 66 136

Fill NA NA NA 62.26% 100.00% 63.63% 35.16% 88.89% 57.14% 74.48% Rate(%)

GLOUCESTER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD The Thomas Calhoun Walker Education Center 6099 T.C. Walker Road  Gloucester, Virginia 23061 SCHOOL BOARD AGENDA ITEM

Office of Human Resources Monthly Report October 9, 2018 – Page 2

Licensure Report

Libby Hugate (division licensure specialist) will be conducting site visits from October through December to meet with professional staff whose license will expire in June 2019. Schedules will be set for those who are provisionally licensed in order to provide assistance and ensure that progress is being made to complete requirements set forth by the Department of Education.

Eight-five (85) renewals for contracted personnel are due for processing in 2019.

Tuition Assistance

We currently have many employees working towards degrees/endorsements, utilizing the tuition assistance program:  Bachelor’s (4)  Master’s Degree (3)  Ed.S. (2)  Educational Leadership Cohort (2)  Doctorate (3)

Student Teacher Placements

Twelve (12) student teachers from various universities and colleges have been placed in our schools to meet requirements (observation hours/student teaching) of their respective degree programs. These institutions include: ODU, Longwood, William & Mary, Western Governors University, Mary Baldwin College, Bradley University and RCC.

Master Schedule Collection - EOY

Craig Smith, Libby Hugate, and Penny McGuire collaborated with school division registrars (Julie Edwards, Natalie Barefoot, Heather Whitson, Marcia Hall, Laurie Nichols, Lisa Rilee, Trish Woller, Matt Lord) to successfully submit the end-of-year (EOY) Master Schedule Collection for the 2017-18 school year. This was the first year the VDOE utilized an electronic verification process.

“HR by the Numbers” (September 2018)

Applications Processed Job Postings Employment Substitute Hires Started Submitted Total New Relisted Total Contract Separations Supplement Appointments Long-Term ….……. 2 Changes Appointments Pro Support Home Subs Bound Teacher ………..….. 5

3 12 57 18 Bus Driver …….…. 3 6 55 71 8 2 10 13 10 70 Custodian ……..…. 3 Cafeteria ……….... 5