CLIMATE SOLUTIONS LIVING LAB ALASKA TEAM II May 2018 Michelle Chang, Misbath Daouda, Ava Liu,Hannah Nesser, Nerali Patel 1 This Report and Implementation Plan are student work product completed to fulfill requirements of the Climate Solutions Living Lab, a 12-week course offered at Harvard Law School. This report and plan were researched and written under tight time constraints to answer specific questions posed to the students in their course assignment. Any opinions expressed in the report are those of the students and not of Harvard University or Harvard Law School. If you would like to learn more about Harvard Law School’s Climate Solutions Living Lab, please contact Professor Wendy Jacobs at
[email protected]. CONTENTS I. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 7 II. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 8 III. FEASIBILITY STUDY 56 IV. SCREENING EXERCISE 90 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Professor Wendy Jacobs and logistics of our busy course. Lastly we thank the other teaching fellow Debra Stump for their help and guid- teaching fellows—Drew, Seung, Julio, and Taylor— ance during the 2018 edition of the Climate Change and many other extremely dedicated students in our Solutions Lab. class for their helpful comments and feedback. We are indebted to the patience and knowledge of This has been a fantastic learning experience and we staff at the Rural Alaska Community Action Program, remain so grateful to each other for the experience we in particular Carla Burkhead and Shelby Clem, who we had together. met with in Anchorage in February 2018. In addition, we would also like to thank the many other dedicat- ed actors we connected with in Anchorage, such as Cady Lister and Rebecca Garrett at the Alaska Energy Authority, and Tom Marsik, Dustin Madden, and Bruno Grunau at the Cold Climate Housing Research Center.