The CRIMSON HISTORICAL REVIEW An Undergraduate Journal of History at the University of Alabama Volume II, No. I Fall 2019 C O N T E N T S Staff Information ii Contributors Page iii Letter from the Chief Editor Jodi Vadinsky iv A R T I C L E S “Ladies’ Delight?”: Women in London’s Emily Anne Adams 01 18th Century Gin Craze Conceptualizing Communist Collusion: Meilin Scanish 15 A Case Study of Anti-Communist Fears in the 1948 Presidential Campaign in Muncie, Indiana “Fully & Freely”: Secret Andrew Smith 23 Communications and the Chilling Effect in the Colonial through Early Constitutional United States To Conquer or Die: The Economic and Thomas A. McLamb 36 Cultural Impact of the Hijaz Railway i S T A F F Executive Board Review Board Associates Faculty Editor Lindsey Glick Mariella Giordano Dr. Margaret Peacock Griffin Specker Chandler Piper James Gibbs Cecilia Barnard Chief Editor Kristen Straub John Pace Jodi Vadinsky Courtney Lowery Declan Smith Production Editor Troy Watley Thomas Emily Amin Smitherman Jackson C. Foster Amelia Volpe Hunter Whann Design Editor Noah Dasinger Philip Marini Charlie Wright Katie Kroft Ashley Coffman Lily Mears Aaron Eitson Review Board Executive Lara Cuomo Copy Editors Luke Geiser Corinne Baroni Charlie Wright Copyedit Executive Ryan Czaja Emily Vandy Claire Sullivan John Pace Lily Mears The Crimson Historical Review is composed of undergraduate students at the University of Alabama who are passionate about history, academic writing, and publishing. Interested in becoming a staff member? Undergraduate students at the University of Alabama are invited to contact
[email protected].