Mémoire En Science Politique[BR]

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Mémoire En Science Politique[BR] http://lib.uliege.be https://matheo.uliege.be Mémoire en science politique[BR]- Travail écrit : "L'influence de l'imaginaire collectif sur le politique : le cas du nationalisme écossais"[BR]- Séminaire d'accompagnement à l'écriture Auteur : Colette, Anne-Catherine Promoteur(s) : Claisse, Frederic Faculté : Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie Diplôme : Master en sciences politiques, orientation générale, à finalité spécialisée en relations internationales Année académique : 2018-2019 URI/URL : http://hdl.handle.net/2268.2/8302 Avertissement à l'attention des usagers : Tous les documents placés en accès ouvert sur le site le site MatheO sont protégés par le droit d'auteur. Conformément aux principes énoncés par la "Budapest Open Access Initiative"(BOAI, 2002), l'utilisateur du site peut lire, télécharger, copier, transmettre, imprimer, chercher ou faire un lien vers le texte intégral de ces documents, les disséquer pour les indexer, s'en servir de données pour un logiciel, ou s'en servir à toute autre fin légale (ou prévue par la réglementation relative au droit d'auteur). Toute utilisation du document à des fins commerciales est strictement interdite. Par ailleurs, l'utilisateur s'engage à respecter les droits moraux de l'auteur, principalement le droit à l'intégrité de l'oeuvre et le droit de paternité et ce dans toute utilisation que l'utilisateur entreprend. Ainsi, à titre d'exemple, lorsqu'il reproduira un document par extrait ou dans son intégralité, l'utilisateur citera de manière complète les sources telles que mentionnées ci-dessus. Toute utilisation non explicitement autorisée ci-avant (telle que par exemple, la modification du document ou son résumé) nécessite l'autorisation préalable et expresse des auteurs ou de leurs ayants droit. Annexe N. B. : Dans un souci de cohérence, les discours compilés dans cette annexe sont structurés tels qu’ils sont présentés sur le site internet du gouvernement écossais, à la seule différence que pour faciliter leur lisibilité nous avons souligné les titres, comprenant généralement les contextes et émetteurs de chaque discours. Lorsque la date, ou une partie de celle-ci, manquait dans le titre du discours nous avons rajouté en français, en police italique et entre parenthèses la date de mise en ligne du discours. Tous les discours ici présentés sont disponibles en ligne à l’adresse suivante : https://news.gov.scot/speeches-and-briefings/. Sommaire Annexe I : Discours officiels de Nicola Sturgeon, Première ministre d’Écosse émis entre le 29 mars 2017 et le 29 mars 2019 .......................................................................................................................... 2 Annexe II : Discours officiels de Fiona Hyslop, secrétaire du Cabinet écossais pour la Culture, le Tourisme et les Affaires extérieures, émis entre le 29 mars 2017 et le 29 mars 2019 ....................... 252 Annexe III : Discours officiels de Michael Russell, ministre écossais des Affaires gouvernementales et des Relations constitutionnelles, également Ministre pour les Négociations du Royaume-Unis sur la Place de l’Écosse en Europe émis entre le 29 mars 2017 et le 29 mars 2019. .................................... 280 1 Annexe I : Discours officiels de Nicola Sturgeon, Première ministre d’Écosse émis entre le 29 mars 2017 et le 29 mars 2019 Scotland's Place in the World (mis en ligne le 04/04/2017, disponible à https://news.gov.scot/speeches-and-briefings/scotlands-place-in-the-world-1) First Minister's speech to Stanford University Thank you very much indeed, Michael (McFaul, Director and Senior Fellow at Freeman Sprogli Centre). One of the many interesting things I found out about Michael this morning is that he was born in Glasgow. But Glasgow, Montana, rather than Glasgow, Scotland. But nevertheless I’m going to claim that as a Scottish connection. It’s a fantastic pleasure and privilege to be here at this beautiful university. Undoubtedly one of, if not the most beautiful, university campuses anywhere in the world. I’m here in the USA this week as part of what we call Scotland Week. It was President Bush back in I think 2008 who proclaimed the 6th of April every year as Tartan Day – the key event in Scotland Week, so Thursday of this week is Tartan Day. Scotland Week and Tartan Day are really intended to celebrate firstly the contribution of Scottish people to the US down the generations but also the very many links and relationships between Scotland and the US. And, most importantly, to look at how we strengthen those links in the future. And one thing that always strikes me as I think about Scotland Week every year is this quite incredible fact: from time to time various surveys that suggest that almost 30 million people in the United States claim Scots or Scots Irish ancestry. However, the official census figure show there are only around 10 million who actually have Scots or Scots Irish ancestry. What that means is this: there are twenty million people in the USA who aren’t actually Scottish, but who want to be Scottish! I think that’s absolutely fantastic. It’s a great compliment but it’s also an opportunity, and let me tell you it is an opportunity we are determined to take full advantage of. As far as I’m concerned, if you want to be Scottish, nobody, least of all me, is going to stop you. There’s a more serious point here. Scotland’s modern identity, much like that of the US, is an inclusive one. We basically take the approach that if you do want to be Scottish, you can be – and that’s very relevant to some of the points I will make later on in this speech. Many of the ties between Scotland and the US are evident here in Palo Alto and the surrounding area. There’s a hill called Ben Lomond twenty miles south of here – close to a town called Bonny Doon, which was named by a Scottish settler. John Maclaren, who was a Scottish emigrant from Bannockburn, everyone here will have heard of the famous Battle of Bannockburn. He worked on Leland Stanford’s estate here in Palo Alto, and was instrumental in establishing San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. So the ties between our two countries are longstanding. But it’s been very clear to me during the two days I’ve spent here that the connections between Scotland and California – ties based on culture and history, trade and commerce, family and friendship – continue to flourish. That’s something that means a lot to Scotland and it means a lot to Californians as well. Those international ties are part of what I want to talk about today. I’m going to talk about the desire we have in Scotland – not just to create a fairer and a more prosperous country – but also 2 as a relatively small country to play a big part and make a positive contribution to the world we live in. But I should maybe start by looking back at some of the events of the last year and indeed the last week. I think it’s fair to say - and I’m reasonably confident that I cannot be accused of overstatement or of exaggeration - that 2016 was a tumultuous year in politics, certainly at home in Scotland, across the UK and of course here in the US. The decisions taken last year will have ramifications for many years to come. We’ve seen of evidence of that in the couple of weeks. 10 days ago for example, 27 of the 28 governments across the European Union came together to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome – the Treaty of Rome of course is the foundation treaty of the European Economic Community. Scotland has been a member of the EEC which is now of course the European Union for more than 40 years. That membership has brought us significant economic, environmental and social benefits. However, in addition to that, the fundamental principle underpinning the EU – that independent nations work together on equal terms for a common good, to tackle some of the problems and seize some of the opportunities that few countries can do alone, that principle appeals to me and to many people across Scotland. As a result, EU membership has become a very important part of Scotland’s identity. It speaks to our sense of who we are. That’s why in 2014, when Scotland had a referendum on whether or not to become an independent country, our membership of the European Union was an important issue. Nobody really argued or debated about whether Scotland should be part of the EU – the only debate then was about whether we would be if we were independent. In particular, many of those who opposed Scotland becoming independent – including the UK Government – argued that leaving the United Kingdom was a risk, that it would threaten Scotland’s place in the European Union. So it’s somewhat ironic that the opposite has turned out to be true. When the UK held the referendum on EU membership last year, a large majority of people in Scotland who voted- 62% in fact- chose to stay part of the EU. However we were outvoted by the rest of the UK. As a result of that referendum the UK was the only member state that was not represented at the 60th anniversary celebrations for the Treaty of Rome. Instead, the UK Government last week notified the European Commission of its intention to leave the EU. And Scotland, despite the arguments that were made in 2014 and how we voted in 2016, faces being forced to leave the EU against our will. What’s even worse perhaps is that the UK is not just leaving the EU; there is a real danger developing that it will leave the EU in the most damaging way possible.
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