Carbon capture and storage: Setting the New Zealand scene Brad Field GNS Science Lower Hutt
[email protected] GNS Science The mitigation wedges required to meet 2050 emission target (if only 2o in 2100) 60 CCS 50 40 2 O 30 Gt C 20 10 0 2009 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 CCS 14% (17%) Power generation efficiency and fuel switching 3% (1%) Renewables 21% (23%) End-use fuel switching 12% (12%) Nuclear 8% (8%) End-use energy efficiency 42% (39%) Percentages represent share of cumulative emissions reductions to 2050. Percentages in brackets represent share of emissions reductions in the year 2050. IEA 2012, GCCSI 2012 GNS Science Deep purple… GNS Science The carbon capture, transport and storage process Below ~800 m = liquid CO2CRC GNS Science Geological storage of CO2 claystone seal rock sandstone reservoir rock seal reservoir CO2CRC injected CO2 seal CO2 storage sites: natural gas reservoir • Several kilometres below surface • Similar locations to oil and natural gas GNS Science Typical depth ranges for subsurface resources Interactions could include leakage/migration, and pressure effects IEAGHG Technical Report 2013-08 GNS Science Global scene • 16 large CCS projects currently operating or in construction, with a total capture ~ 36 Mtpa of CO2 • 59 large projects being planned: >110 Mtpa Government support for CCS: • UKP 1,000 M government funding • USD 3,400 M government funding • AUD 1,680 M Flagship Project