Unifying Cluster-Tree Decompositions for Reasoning in Graphical Models∗
Unifying Cluster-Tree Decompositions for Reasoning in Graphical models¤ Kalev Kask¤, Rina Dechter¤, Javier Larrosa¤¤ and Avi Dechter¤¤¤ ¤Bren School of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697-3425, USA ¤¤ Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain ¤¤¤ Business school, California State University, Northridge, CA, USA April 7, 2005 Abstract The paper provides a unifying perspective of tree-decomposition algorithms appearing in various automated reasoning areas such as join-tree clustering for constraint-satisfaction and the clique-tree al- gorithm for probabilistic reasoning. Within this framework, we in- troduce a new algorithm, called bucket-tree elimination (BT E), that extends Bucket Elimination (BE) to trees, and show that it can pro- vide a speed-up of n over BE for various reasoning tasks. Time-space tradeo®s of tree-decomposition processing are analyzed. 1 Introduction This paper provides a unifying perspective of tree-decomposition algorithms that appear in a variety of automated reasoning areas. Its main contribution ¤This work was supported in part by NSF grant IIS-0086529 and by MURI ONR award N0014-00-1-0617 1 is bringing together, within a single coherent framework, seemingly di®erent approaches that have been developed over the years within a number of di®erent communities 1. The idea of embedding a database that consists of a collection of functions or relations in a tree structure and, subsequently, processing it e®ectively by a tree-processing algorithm, has been discovered and rediscovered in dif- ferent contexts. Database researchers observed, almost three decades ago, that relational database schemes that constitute join-trees enable e±cient query processing [22].
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