Elements of Graphical Models

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Elements of Graphical Models Steffen L. Lauritzen Elements of Graphical Models Lectures from the XXXVIth International Probability Summer School in Saint-Flour, France, 2006 September 4, 2011 Springer Your dedication goes here Preface Here come the golden words place(s), First name Surname month year First name Surname vii Contents 1 Introduction ................................................... 1 2 Markov Properties ............................................. 5 2.1 Conditional Independence . .5 2.1.1 Basic properties . .5 2.1.2 General conditional independence . .6 2.2 Markov Properties for Undirected Graphs . .9 2.3 Markov Properties for Directed Acyclic Graphs . 15 2.4 Summary . 22 3 Graph Decompositions and Algorithms ........................... 25 3.1 Graph Decompositions and Markov Properties . 25 3.2 Chordal Graphs and Junction Trees . 27 3.3 Probability Propagation and Junction Tree Algorithms. 32 3.4 Local Computation . 32 3.5 Summary . 39 4 Specific Graphical Models ...................................... 41 4.1 Log-linear Models . 41 4.1.1 Interactions and factorization . 41 4.1.2 Dependence graphs and factor graphs . 42 4.1.3 Data and likelihood function . 44 4.2 Gaussian Graphical Models . 50 4.2.1 The multivariate Gaussian distribution . 50 4.2.2 The Wishart distribution . 52 4.2.3 Gaussian graphical models . 53 4.3 Summary . 58 5 Further Statistical Theory....................................... 61 5.1 Hyper Markov Laws . 61 5.2 Meta Markov Models . 66 ix x Contents 5.2.1 Bayesian inference . 71 5.2.2 Hyper inverse Wishart and Dirichlet laws . 72 5.3 Summary . 73 6 Estimation of Structure ......................................... 77 6.1 Estimation of Structure and Bayes Factors . 77 6.2 Estimating Trees and Forests . 81 6.3 Learning Bayesian networks . 85 6.3.1 Model search methods . 85 6.3.2 Constraint-based search . 87 6.4 Summary . 88 References ......................................................... 93 Chapter 1 Introduction Conditional independence The notion of conditional independence is fundamental for graphical models. For three random variables X, Y and Z we denote this as X ??Y jZ and graphi- cally as XZYu u u If the random variables have density w.r.t. a product measure m, the conditional independence is reflected in the relation f (x;y;z) f (z) = f (x;z) f (y;z); where f is a generic symbol for the densities involved. Graphical models 2 4 @ @ 1 u 5 u 7 @@ @@ @ @ u u u @@ @@ 3u 6 u For several variables, complex systems of conditional independence can be de- scribed by undirected graphs. Then a set of variables A is conditionally independent of set B, given the values of a set of variables C if C separates A from B. 1 2 1 Introduction Has tuberculosis Has Positive X-ray? Positive Visit to Asia?to Visit Tuberculosis or canceror Tuberculosis Has lung cancer lung Has Dyspnoea? Smoker? Has bronchitis Has Fig. 1.1 An example of a directed graphical model describing the relationship between risk fac- tors, lung diseases and symptoms. This model was used by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter (1988) to illustrate important concepts in probabilistic expert systems. A pedigree Graphical model for a pedigree from study of Werner’s syndrome. Each node is itself a graphical model. 1 Introduction 3 A highly complex pedigree p87p99 p98 p88 p89 p90 p100p68p59 p91 p177 p60 p92 p93 p104p182p36 p37 p105p17p153p154p181p78 p18 p77 p49p56 p42 p40 p39 p79 p80 p151p48 p152p85 p174 p183p179p44 p199p28 p27 p51 p84 p70 p15p19 p16 p186p41 p8 p20 p6 p82 p5 p52p61 p62 p75 p2 p178 p185p47 p83 p33 p66 p101p29p65 p102p21 p30 p97 p14 p63 p64 p13 p175 p43p280p314p86 p281 p72p103p288p50p317p295p292 p318p294p31p291 p293p282p25p297p296p343p10p287p73p46p341p193p247p81p358p106 p365p354p355p304 p340p357 p356p148p1 p245p337p306p278p299p171p336p125p279p368 p342p284p11p69p198p170p275p321p12 p26p9 p313p176p259p262p330p235p257p260p244p242p53p329p243p274p34p327p3 p241p248p249p95p271p230p273p228p226p4 p236p348 p234p94p270p7 p22p346p23p298p272p233p326p227p338p307p285p240p325p38p74p303p309 p302p76p239p344p322p323p324p238p195p180 p415p187p311p550p551p310p277 p55p334p96p485p335p45 p67p143 p552p488p487p560p434p305p567 p486p483p578p566p565p481 p568p312p478 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