Egypt and Egyptology Catalogue 105 Michael Graves-Johnston Michael Graves-Johnston 54, Stockwell Park Road, LONDON SW9 0DA Tel: 020 - 7274 – 2069 Website: Email:
[email protected] Catalogue 105: Egypt and Egyptology. All books are First Editions, in good condition, and in the publishers’ original cloth binding, unless specifically stated otherwise. Any book may be returned if unsatisfactory, provided we are advised in advance. All goods legally remain the property of the seller until paid for in full. Your attention is drawn to your rights as a consumer under the 2014 EU Directive on Consumer Rights. All descriptions in this catalogue were correct at the time of cataloguing. All prices are net and forwarding is extra. Any book may be reserved by any of the usual methods of communication and we are happy to accept any of the standard systems of payment. The cover illustration of Anubis is from number 103, Theodore M. Gavis' The Tomb of Siphtah. Published by Michael Graves-Johnston, London: 2017. VAT Reg.No. GB 238 2333 72 1. ABOUDI, Mohamed. Aboudi's guide book to the antiquities of Egypt historically treated with many illustrations map of the Nile and plans of the principal temples of Upper Egypt. Cairo: Printed by Dar Nafeh, 1976 Cr.8vo. 289pp. numerous illustrations. A very nice copy in the publisher's wrappers. £ 12.00 2. ADRIANI, Achille. Annuario del Museo Greco-Romano Volume I (1923-33). Alessandria: Municipalite d'Alexandrie, 1934 Wrpps, Roy.4to. 96pp. 31 plates, (some folding), 24 text-illustrations, coloured folding map of Alexandria in pocket.