Centinela Union Valley High School District Minutes Regular Board Meeting August 08, 2017, 5:00 PM 14901 S. Inglewood Avenue, Lawndale, CA

Closed Session at 5:00pm; Open Session follows at approximately 5:45pm

Attendance Taken at 5:11 PM:

Present: Mrs. Rocio Pizano Ms. Gloria Ramos Mr. Hugo Rojas Ms. Marisela Ruiz Mr. Daniel Urrutia


Minutes: Board president Gloria Ramos called the meeting to order at 5:11pm.


Minutes: President Ramos led the flag salute.


Minutes: All board members were present at this meeting.


Minutes: The agenda for the meeting was approved on a motion by Mr. Urrutia, seconded by Ms. Ruiz; a vote of 5-0.

Motion Passed: Passed with a motion by Mr. Daniel Urrutia and a second by Ms. Marisela Ruiz. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia


Rationale: Opportunity for the public to address items listed on the Closed Session agenda.

Minutes: The public did not have any comments.

President Ramos acknowledged the presence of a community member who she invited to the meeting.

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Rationale: CLOSED SESSION in accordance with Government Code Section 54957 regarding:

Minutes: The board recessed to Closed Session at 5:12pm.


6.A.1. EXPULSION Hearing - Education Code Section 48918(c)

6.A.1.1. Recommendation for Expulsion, Student #37902

6.A.1.2. Recommendation for Expulsion, Student #40835

6.B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Pursuant to Government Code Section 3549.1

6.C. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION - Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(e)(1): One (1) Matter

6.D. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) and 54956.9(e)(3): Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. BC584920 Belco vs. CVUHSD, Swinerton


Minutes: The Board reconvened to Open Session at 6:32pm. The board has made a recommendation for expulsion for 40835. Ms. Ramos stated that they have an alternate expulsion and recommended that after the meeting, the terms will be disclosed. The vote was 5-0.

Before Adjournment, the Board returned to Closed Session to discuss Student #37902. Ms. Ramos moved from the Board to accept recommendation for student re-admit for Student #37902, seconded by Ms. Pizano. Ms. Ramos reiterated and moved to put the item on the agenda from the floor, seconded by Ms. Pizano, by a vote of 5-0. The Board then went back to closed session at 7:13pm to clear this item.

The Board reconvened at 7:15pm. President Ramos reported that the Board unanimously voted to NOT accept Student #37902 and to deny the reinstatement and extend the terms of the expulsion for another semester, in order for the student to fully comply with the rehabilitation plan. The student may then again request to be reinstated in December of 2017.


8.A. Introduction of Two New Associate Principals: Dr. Alma Castro, Hawthorne High School; Angelica Mejia, Lawndale High School

Minutes: Superintendent Dr. Gregory O'Brien introduced the two new associate principals to share a few words so the public can have some idea of who they are and their vision as they are working at the school sites.

Dr. Alma Castro shared her background, experience and motivation for teaching and learning and encouraging opportunities for students. She has a supportive family and a former English language learner and one of the children of an immigrant family. She looks forward to bringing to the district her experiences and her connections with families; she is passionate in creating parent opportunities, not only to come and visit the schools and to take leadership positions in the school. She is also eager to begin work with the English Language learner population of which statistically, data shows that it is one of the most vulnerable groups of students who are failing in high numbers. Education Trust West published some data that indicated that only 9% of our English language learners are making it to graduation in meeting the A-G requirements. She looks forward to continuing this work and collaborating with teachers to be able to support teachers in the classroom as instructional leaders and providing opportunities for students who are oftentimes, those opportunities are not given in the homes or their communities. August 8, 2017 Board Minutes Page 3

Angelica Mejia, Lawndale HS associate principal, has worked for many years at Hawthorne HS and, most recently, as intervention specialist, and now chosen as associate principal at Lawndale HS. Ms. Mejia is very excited to transition to her new role at Lawndale HS. She said it would give her an opportunity to grow as a professional. She has been at the same school for 13 years, and now that she is in the new site, she has a fresh start, fresh perspective, bringing some of the things that really worked at Hawthorne. One thing she loved working in the district is the opportunity given to grow as an individual, because the district provides some professional learning opportunities and there's a large support and mentorships that she was really able to grow and embrace this community and learned to love it. She has achieved a great passion for working here, it comes out when she's around students and they know she's there to support them. She is glad to make sure that they have a well-rounded high school experience and when they walk away from CV schools, that there is somebody there they can count on and that we did the best to give them the best education.

Mr. Urrutia congratulated the new associate principals, stating that he is an alumnus of Lawndale HS and he is fairly new to the Board, this year being his second year. It is nice to see faces and hearing their background. He is excited to hear an update in a couple of months and see how things are going. Ms. Ruiz welcomed the new associate principals and was excited to have them on the team and wished them a very successful school year. (Ms. Ramos remarked that board member Ruiz is not only a local realtor from Lawndale but also an alumni from Hawthorne HS, and also part of the Rotary.)

Ms. Pizano welcomed Dr. Castro and Ms. Mejia, and said that she has been with the Board for ten years, the longest member, and an alumnus from Hawthorne. She loved to hear their background and she's glad that they have that opportunity and that they care about the students and glad that they are now part of the family.

Mr. Rojas congratulated Dr. Alma Castro and Angelica Mejia. He said that he can relate with Dr. Castro's vision and appreciates her work and leadership. He looks forward to continuing to see her work and visit her in the future. He said he is a product of Leuzinger HS and has been engaged working for youth and giving back at a number of levels in the past, and presently here. Mr. Rojas has known Ms. Mejia for quite some years beginning with the Criminal Justice Academy, and followed with the Sheriff's Academy and reached out to her and they were able to raise money for the Key Club. He appreciated her leadership and kids admire and respect her, which is the key to what we do. He thanked both of them for the things that they do.

Ms. Ramos congratulated and welcomed both of them. She shared her background being in the district for 18 years as classified employee and proud to be a CSEA member and her last position was as a librarian. She commented that her grandfather was also a school board member until his death in 1965; she has a special passion for each one of the schools, her mother, uncle and grandmother were graduates from Leuzinger, and her grandmother was in the first graduating class. Ms. Ramos is a Hawthorne alumni and she was glad that she had to leave the district and that she has to stay in the district in a different capacity. She commented that we're all about family and our diversity is great and wide, and since they are already in the district, they already know all the different cultures, so that would be a wonderful addition, but also the people the district employs have deep backgrounds and specialties. She thanked them for introducing themselves and welcomed them to the Centinela Valley, the CV way!


Minutes: CSEA president Jose Lemos is happy to be back and remarked that he looks forward for the new school year and asked if their department can do anything for the students, the school board, to make the place better. With the negotiations, they will bring up a little issue that they are concerned about, told them to have faith in him and will try to work things out in the department.


Minutes: Dr. Temisha Brame was not in attendance at this meeting.


Minutes: Board members Daniel Urrutia, board member Marisela Ruiz, and board clerk Rocio Pizano did not make any comments.

Board vice president Hugo Rojas welcomed Brina Valenzuela, a community member, to the board meeting. He asked her to invite others to the meeting. August 8, 2017 Board Minutes Page 4

Board president Gloria Ramos commented: "Thank you Mr. Lemos, I did meet with the classified union about ten days ago, and it was refreshing. I appreciate it and appreciate your humbleness and I know that we will work together and I just want to say that it was refreshing and thank you very much. And I think that everybody has a commitment. Piece by piece, thank you very much. I wanted to welcome everybody back because the next board meeting we will have a full board. I'd like to go a little bit more, not completely dark, but I'd like to let people enjoy their families during the summer time. And I know that we have some exciting trainings. I know that we lost the APs here but one of the things that I'm very proud of this board is that I don't think that there's, I mean, maybe in the administrative level, but at the board level, once it gets to us, we don't say no to any training. Training is one of the things that we fully support, so I highly recommend also meeting with our superintendent so we can also have that, you know, continuation of training for the classified. I just want to extend that and close my comments for the evening on this topic."


Minutes: Superintendent Gregory O'Brien looks forward to meeting with the CSEA leadership team and the cabinet tomorrow. He reported that there are 1,400 students who were able to take advantage of summer school and earn credits that they needed so that they would be on track to graduate. At that time, 26 seniors were able to walk the line as the class of 2017 two Fridays ago, 7/28/17. Incredible things are happening at all sites and just waiting to the end of September where we can see all of them being brought to fruition. Dr. O'Brien is also super excited about the fact that there are about 1,800 Chromebooks that are now being sent to the sites getting ready to be distributed to students starting next Monday. All incoming freshmen will receive Chromebooks to not only use it at school, but to take home to do their work on, but they don't get them until they have gone to a quick orientation introduction where they learn how to care for it, what are the safety concerns, "how do I use this thing to accelerate my learning." All of these will be happening next week from 8:am to 8:30pm every night. A huge number of individuals will do the training--Molly Nellman, Dr. Santos, teachers. It will be bilingual Spanish, English. The Kick-off Rally is on Friday, 8/18/17; 7:30am is Continental Breakfast in the CVCA. Monday, August 21st, is the first day of school and looks forward to an incredible school year. Just like last year, district will continue to have PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions & Support) taking place at all of our sites. Every student will be trained with special lessons, with videos to make it interesting and special speakers are coming in. He said that we are off to a very good year and looks forward to the 21st.


13.A. Financial Update

Minutes: Ron Hacker, Business Services assistant superintendent, reported that they are in the middle of closing the books for 2016- 2017, but there are no big surprises. One of the big changes since the last report is the lack of developer fees use, developer fees funds, and redevelopment agency funds flowing in, and had to take some expenditures that were paid from those funds such as Ken Crane building and modular units at the site, and it has reached general fund expenditures of about $400,000 a year, so this is a significant development. Fund 25, which is the developer fee revenue and redevelopment funds, is almost empty and had to take from Fund 25 to general fund. The other significant change is the incremental decrease in revenue from estimated actuals to unaudited actuals.


13.B.1. Conference Session: Staff Development Information

Conference/Workshop Attendance Approval in Accordance with Board Policies 4131, 4231, and 4331

13.B.2. Williams Settlement, Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter- 2016-2017 Fiscal Year

Rationale: Education Code (EC) Section 35186 created a procedure for the filing of complaints concerning deficiencies related to instructional materials, conditions of facilities that are not maintained in a clean or safe manner or in good repair, and teacher vacancy or misassignment. Education Code (EC) section 52075 declares that the Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP) shall be used to address any complaint alleging that the district has not complied with the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The complaint and response are public documents as provided by statute. Complaints may be filed anonymously.

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As part of the agreement in the Williams settlement, each school district must submit a quarterly report of any complaints received. The attached table summarizes the information reported to LACOE for the Fourth Quarter of the 2016-2017 school year, April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017.


Minutes: There were no comments from the public.


15.A. Selection of CVUHSD Board Representative to the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA) for 2017-2018

Rationale: The Centinela Valley Union High School District (CVUHSD) Board of Education shall designate a representative to the Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA) for 2017-2018. (Board vice president Gloria Ramos was the District's board representative to LACSTA in 2016-2017.) The role of the representative is to: Vote on all Association matters; Communicate between the Executive Board, the Association, and the local board.

The LACSTA representative is a separate position from that of the voting delegate for the annual Los Angeles Committee on School District Organization (County Committee) election, unless the board chooses to name the same person to handle both responsibilities.

Minutes: Vice president Rojas presided over nominations from the Board; Mr. Rojas nominated Ms. Ramos to represent the district to LACSTA, seconded by Mr. Urrutia; Ms. Ramos accepted the nomination and the vote was 5-0 for Gloria Ramos to be the district board representative to LACSTA for 2017-2018.

Ms. Ramos invited the Board to the next LACSTA meeting in October where one of the topics will be the bond. Mr. Rojas added that we are partners with Eugene Krank from Lawndale Elementary School District who is the LACSTA vice president and former president, as well as John Vargas who is the LACSTA director.

Motion Passed: Approve the selection of the CVUHSD board representative to LACSTA for 2017-2018. Passed with a motion by Mr. Hugo Rojas and a second by Mr. Daniel Urrutia. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia


15.B.1. Approval of Resolution No. 17-18/003 Certification of Signatures

Rationale: Education Code requires a district board to certify the signatures for board members and administrators. The attached certification of signatures form and delineation of authorized signatures will provide board members and administrators with authorization to sign board approved documents.

Motion Passed: Ratify the Certification of Signatures as submitted, Resolution No. 17-18/003. Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mrs. Rocio Pizano. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia

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15.B.2. Approval of Agreement between TELACU Construction Management and Centinela Valley Union High School District for Construction Management Services

Rationale: Approval of agreement is requested between TELACU Construction Management and Centinela Valley Union High School District for construction management services relating to the Hawthorne High School Woodshop Building.

Minutes: Ms. Ramos thanked Telacu for the continued efforts for the beautiful schools, under budget, and before the time limit for all of the projects. He called on Mr. Clem, president of Telacu Management, to give an update.

Mr. Clem reported that for the summer projects, the marquees are under construction with a little bit of hiccup in terms of location, but they are going in now, the bleachers at Leuzinger are going in now, and there is one more item at Hawthorne cafeteria to get fixed in order to be certified by DSA. They have been working diligently trying to get that building certified. The contract that was awarded tonight was for the construction of woodshop at Hawthorne and the project should get stamped at DSA this week and start construction after the October board meeting and moving into that building next summer. Phase 2 construction at Hawthorne is the biggest construction project which is the 62-classroom addition. Mr. Clem also informed the Board that the last two buildings #3 and #4 at Lawndale are gone. They are getting rid of the last of the hazardous materials which should be gone this week. Ms. Ramos remarked that they were able to knock everything down and not interrupt students' classes and that was amazing. He indicated that there will be some interruptions at Lawndale in the next 2-1/2 years. He also noted that there is an additional $1.5M dollars refund coming from the State that was from the Leuzinger project. The state owes us $33M dollars of which $28M dollars will come out of the first issuance of the Prop 51 bonds. Both of those will go into construction projects that are ongoing currently or construction projects that are planned.

Regarding the Rice Auditorium, the seats are being refurbished offsite, the flooring was asbestos tile so a contractor was hired to get rid of that. Underneath the tile floor, they found some asbestos insulation and other hazardous materials so they are in the process of removing all the hazardous materials. Everything in the theater will no longer have hazardous material. Ms. Ramos remarked that due to all the reasons, not that we are being lazy or cheaper, this is also in compliance with the Friends of Leuzinger and keeping the school historical so not only are we getting them refurbished but also keeping our historical building.

In the last project, before we run out of money, will be the Administration building with any money that is left over, if the State gives us all the money they are supposed to give us, and we manage all the other budgets carefully, we'll have enough money to do that modernization.

Ms. Ramos made a personal and emotional plea to find her grandmother's Memorabilia; she donated it in the Memorabilia Room and it was said that it was still there but nobody can find it so, maybe Matt Carver or somebody can find the Memorabilia that was in Leuzinger. She may end up re-donating it back but she just doesn't want it dispersed. Mr. Clem' understanding was (but maybe wrong) that all the stuff went to the chairman of the Memorabilia Committee. When disputed, Ms. Ramos was informed that all of her grandmother's things were left there in the attic unattended, and Ms. Ramos doesn't have access and due to asbestos, nobody was really going in there at the time. She just wanted to make this plea to find her grandmother's Memorabilia.

Motion Passed: Approve agreement between TELACU Construction Management and Centinela Valley Union High School District for construction management services relating to the Hawthorne High School Woodshop Building. Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mrs. Rocio Pizano. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia


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15.C.1. Approval of Student and Employee Responsible Use Policies for Users of CV's Digital Services, Programs, and Devices

Rationale: CVUHSD is proud to provide employees and students with fast, reliable, and safe access to the internet, digital devices, and digital programs and services. The Student and Employee Responsible Use Policies (RUP) set forth the district's expectations for users of our digital services, programs, and devices, and they help to ensure that users behave appropriately and safely when using the District Network.

Motion Passed: Approve the Student and Employee Responsible Use Policies. Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mr. Daniel Urrutia. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia

15.C.2. Approval of Appointment of Ben Wardrop, Lloyde/AES/CVISS Principal, as the CVUHSD Adult Education Representative to the South Bay Adult Education Consortium

Rationale: Authorization is requested to appoint Ben Wardrop, Principal of Lloyde, CVISS, AES, to serve as the District's representative to the South Bay Adult Education Consortium.

The governing plan for adult education is found in AB 104. As part of the Budget Act Trailer Bill, the law requires in Section 84905 (c) "A member of the Consortium shall be represented only by an official designated by the governing board of the member." The role of the representative is to participate in meetings, planning, decision- making activities, including approval of an adult education plan and approval of the distribution schedule, as it relates to services provided by the members of the consortium.

Motion Passed: Approve the appointment of Ben Wardrop, Principal of Lloyde/CVISS/AES, to serve as the District's representative to the South Bay Adult Education Consortium. Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mr. Daniel Urrutia. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia


15.D.1. Approval of Revision to the Certificated Job Description - School Psychologist

Rationale: Due to the growing educational needs of the district, it is necessary to revise the job description for the School Psychologist position. The District is aligning the job description qualifications and functions with current California Education Code and Title 5 California Code of Regulation education standards.

Motion Passed: Approve the revision to the certificated job description for the School Psychologist position. Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mr. Hugo Rojas. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia

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Minutes: President Ramos moved to accept the Consent Calendar with the exception of 16.C.4 (Approval of Agreement 220026658.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Restroom for Family First Charter School) as she would like to have a discussion on that. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rojas, and was approved by a vote of 5-0.

Motion Passed: Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mr. Hugo Rojas. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia

16.A. Approval of Board Membership Renewal to Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA) for 2017-2018

Rationale: Los Angeles County School Trustees Association (LACSTA) provides a forum for networking among school board members of all districts within Los Angeles County. The educational programs offered throughout the year also provide opportunities for school board members to renew old, and make new, friendships and discuss school issues. The program topics are chosen to provide up-to-date information on school concerns.


16.B.1. Approval of the June 13, 2017 CVUHSD Governing Board Minutes

16.B.2. Approval of the June 27, 2017 CVUHSD Governing Board Minutes


16.C.1. Approval of Commercial "B" Warrants - June 2017

Rationale: The attached list of commercial warrants register represents payment to vendors as per Board Approval. Total amount of $3,787,301.24 is for June 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017.

16.C.2. Approval to Declare Items as Surplus

Rationale: Authorization is requested to declare 300 student desks as surplus. These desks have been deemed unusable, irreparable and outdated. The district has no educational or functional use for these items. The district is also requesting approval to dispose of these items as necessary.

16.C.3. Approval of Agreement with Kone, Inc. for Maintenance and Repairs of All Elevators and Wheelchair Lifts at All School Sites

Rationale: Request to approve agreement with Kone, Inc. for all elevators and wheelchair lifts at all school sites.

16.C.4. Approval of Agreement 220026658.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Restroom for Family First Charter School

Rationale: Request to approve Agreement No. 220026658.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the rental of a restroom for Family First Charter School.

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Minutes: Ms. Ramos moved to accept Item 16.C.4, seconded by Ms. Ruiz. For discussion, Ms. Ramos stated that because the Board has not made a decision on family First Charter, and she doesn't want it to be with them, she requested to change this item to be at the Lawndale site or just to say different. She doesn't want anybody thinking that we're going to have a permanent Family First because we haven't made that decision yet, and she doesn't know how long that this contract is for. Dr. O'Brien responded that it will be through the end of the school year. Ms. Ramos then asked for the vote; vote was taken, 5-0.

16.C.5. Approval of Agreement 220026669.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Rental of Four Classrooms at Hawthorne High School

Rationale: Request to approve Agreement No. 220026669.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the rental of four classrooms at Hawthorne High School.

16.C.6. Approval of Agreement 220026664.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for Rental of Four Classrooms at Hawthorne High School for 2017-2018

Rationale: Request to approve Agreement No. 220026664.1 with Mobile Modular Management Corporation for the rental of four classrooms at Hawthorne High School.

16.C.7. Approval of Proposal with MB Painting for the Painting of the Exterior Basketball Gymnasium at Leuzinger High School

Rationale: Request to approve proposal with MB Painting for the painting of the exterior of the basket all gym at Leuzinger High School.

16.C.8. Approval of Agreement with Rayco Security Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. for the Repair and Maintenance of Alarm Systems at Lawndale and Hawthorne High School

Rationale: Request to approve the agreement with Rayco Security Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. for the repair and maintenance of Lawndale and Hawthorne High School alarm systems.

16.C.9. Approval of Agreement with Rayco Security Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. for the Monitoring of Alarm Systems at All Sites

Rationale: Approval of agreements with Rayco Security Loss Prevention Systems, Inc. for the monitoring of alarm systems at all sites.

16.C.10. Ratification of Quote with Kubota for Purchase of Mower

Rationale: Request to ratify quote with Kubota for purchase of mower.

16.C.11. Ratification of Proposal with AGM Construction to Construct Three New Offices at Lawndale High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with AGM Construction to construct 3 new offices at Lawndale High School.

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16.C.12. Ratification of Proposal with AGM Construction for Restroom and Ramp Remodel at Leuzinger High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with AGM Construction on the restroom and ramp remodel at Leuzinger High School.

16.C.13. Ratification of Proposal with BSI Sport Turf Management on Aerating Football, Baseball, and Softball Fields at Hawthorne High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with BSI Sports Turf Management on aerating football, baseball, and softball fields at Hawthorne High School.

16.C.14. Ratification of Proposal with MB Painting on the Painting of Leuzinger High School Building A Interior

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with MB Painting on the painting of the interior of Building A at Leuzinger High School.

16.C.15. Ratification of Proposal with South Bay Landscaping for a Complete Nursery Upgrade at Leuzinger High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with South Bay Landscaping on the complete nursery upgrade at Leuzinger High School.

16.C.16. Ratification of Proposal with Specialty Doors + Automation for New Doors at Leuzinger High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with Specialty Doors + Automation for 24 new doors and door frames at Leuzinger High School.

16.C.17. Ratification of Proposal with State Electric for Portable Bathroom at Leuzinger High School

Rationale: Request to ratify proposal with State Electric for the electrical connection of portable restroom.

16.C.18. Ratification of Agreement between Centinela Valley Union High School District and Concept Consultant, Inc. for the New Free Standing Marquees Project, Bid #17-007

Rationale: Request to ratify the agreement between Centinela Valley Union High School District and Concept Consultant, Inc. for the removal of existing marquees at all 4 school sites for the New Free Standing Marquees Project, Bid #17-007

16.C.19. Approval of Agreement No. 4-01-56-0006A between Centinela Valley Union High District and The Garland Company, Inc. for the Supply of Roofing Materials for Lawndale High School Phase 3 Academic Building C

Rationale: Request to approve agreement No. 4-01-56-0006A between Centinela Valley Union High District and The Garland Company, Inc. for the supply of roofing materials for Lawndale High School Phase 3 Academic Building C.

16.C.20. Approval of Proposals #17-1153, 17-1154, 17-1155 & 17-1156 from Geo-Advantec Inc. for the New Free-Standing Marquees Project at Hawthorne, Lawndale, Leuzinger and Lloyde High School- Bid Number 17-007

Rationale: Request to approve the proposals from Geo-Advantec Inc. to provide geotechnical testing and inspection services for the New Free-Standing Marquee project - Bid Number 17-007.

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16.C.21. Approval of Proposal from KG Axis, Inc. for the Hawthorne High School Exterior Soffit Project

Rationale: Request to approve the proposal from KG Axis, Inc. to provide labor and materials to cover the exterior open soffit and wiring the hot channels per required inspections for the Hawthorne High School Exterior Soffit project.

16.C.22. Approval of Project Addendum Thirty-One to the Existing Agreement between Centinela Valley Union High School District and WLC Architects, Inc.

Rationale: Request to approve project addendum 31 to the existing WLC Architects, Inc. agreement for the architectural services for the Hawthorne High School Phase 2 Woodshop Addition project. At the request of the District WLC Architects created a stand-alone project for the Wood Shop at Hawthorne High School that will be completed prior to the Phase II project. This required additional design and DSA costs which resulted in the following:

Amendment No. 30 Phase II at Hawthorne High School: $2,765,932 (Board approved on November 15, 2016)

Amendment No. 31 Wood Shop at Hawthorne High School: $187,477 (Scheduled for Board Approval on August 8, 2017)

Total cost impact for Amendment No. 30 & 31: $2,953,409

16.C.23. Approval to Amend Knowland Construction Services Agreement to Reflect Updated Hourly Rates for the Inspector of Record during Construction of Phase 3 Academic Building at Lawndale High School

Rationale: Request to amend agreement between Centinela Valley Union High School District and Knowland Construction Services, previously approved at the School Board meeting on 11/15/2016, to perform inspection services during the construction of the new Phase 3 Academic Building at Lawndale High School to reflect updated hourly rates for the Inspector of Record. The value of the agreement remains the same as $337,920.

16.C.24. Ratification of Agreement with 1st California Construction, Inc. for the Leuzinger High School Auditorium Flooring Replacement, Bid #17-011

Rationale: Request to ratify the agreement with 1st California Construction, Inc. for the floor replacement professional services for the Leuzinger High School Auditorium Flooring Replacement, Bid #17-011.

16.C.25. Ratification of Proposal from Crisp Imaging to Provide Reprographics and Printing Services for the Lawndale High School Phase 3 Academic Building C Project Rationale: Request to ratify proposal from Crisp Imaging to Centinela Valley Union High School District to provide reprographics and printing services for the Lawndale High School Phase 3 Academic Building C project at Lawndale High School.

16.C.26. Ratification of Purchase of Restroom Building with Mobile Modular for Lawndale High School, Reference Number 120042805.1

Rationale: Request to ratify purchase of restroom with Mobile Modular for Lawndale High School.


16.D.1. Approval of Donations from Various Donors

Rationale: CVUHSD would like to accept donations from various donors to support CVUHSD students and educational programs. A thank-you letter will be sent to the donors.

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16.D.2. Approval of Non-Public Non Sectarian School Master Contract and individual Service Agreements with Personal Coaching Systems, Gardena, California for the 2017-2018 School Year

Rationale: Students who reside in Centinela Valley Union High School District may be recommended to attend Personal Coaching Systems, State Certified Non-Public School in Gardena, California for the 2017-2018 school year. The Master Contract and Individual Service Agreements will allow Centinela Valley students ID #21504, ID #21107, ID #21304, ID #21612, ID #21615, and ID #21602 to attend Personal Coaching Systems, subject to the approval of the Governing Board.

16.D.3. Approval of Educational Consultant Agreement with New Mediscan II, LLC DBA as Mediscan Staffing Services, Woodland Hills, California for the 2017-2018 School Year

Rationale: In order to meet mandates of federal and state laws for individual speech and language assessment, all language rehabilitation, therapy, nursing and other related services for individuals with special needs, the District contracts with a consultant to provide these services. This consultant is qualified, experienced, and licensed to provide these services, effective July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. The consultant will provide services as identified in the students' IEPs.

16.D.4. Approval of Educational Services Agreements/Contracts for 2017-2018 School Year

Rationale: Approval of agreements/contracts from the following vendors is requested: Solution Tree, Zarantonello Consulting, Inc., California State University Dominguez Hills Foundation Talent Search Project, and Regents of the University of California, UCLA Campus.

16.D.5. Approval of Special Education Department Agreements/Contracts for 2017-2018 School Year

Rationale: Approval of agreements/contracts from the following vendors is requested: American Logistics Company, Siva and Associates Inc., Speech and Language Development Center, and Southwest SELPA with Redondo Beach USD, Southwest SELPA Success Learning Center (SLC), Slauson Learning Center, and Carousel School.


16.E.1. Approval of Services Agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the Sheriff's Department to Provide Supplemental Law Enforcement Services for Special Events

Rationale: District requests to approve the agreement with the County of Los Angeles for the Sheriff's Department Deputy Generalist to provide supplemental law enforcement services for special events such as High School sporting events, dances and graduations. The effective dates of this agreement is July 1, 2017 through June 30, 1922.

16.E.2. Classified Personnel

16.E.2.1. Approval of Classified Personnel Items

Rationale: Below are recommended personnel actions presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

16.E.2.2. Approval of Classified Personnel - LOA/FMLA

Rationale: Below are recommended personnel actions presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

16.E.3. Certificated Personnel

August 8, 2017 Board Minutes Page 13

16.E.3.1. Approval of Certificated Personnel Items

Rationale: Below are recommended personnel actions presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

16.E.3.2. Approval of Certificated Personnel Items - LOA/FMLA

Rationale: Below are recommended personnel actions presented to the Board of Trustees for consideration


Minutes: The public did not have any comments.


Minutes: President Ramos stated: "We have presentation of CSBA Agenda Online and BoardDocs. I request that we have it in September, please, because we have been messing around with this and have a couple of glitches with being able to get our items off our current online service, so if you could please bring it in September.

Board self-evaluation, I will see if we can talk about it a little bit in closed session and we'll try to get a consensus on when we'll bring that in; we're going to have to work on this in the next month. I also would like to propose that we have a discussion so that we can agendize that all of our board agendas and items that are on the agenda pertain to one of our CV way or, perhaps, something to do with our LCAP, and it should not go on the agenda if it is not adhering to one of our things. I would like that agendized for discussion, I think we are ready now to start aligning all board meetings with student achievement or what we're doing for our students so that everybody knows in the public that we are here for our students."


Minutes: There being no further business to come before the Board, Ms. Ramos moved, seconded by Mr. Urrutia to adjourn the meeting at 7:16pm. Vote was 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Gregory O'Brien, Ph.D. Superintendent/Secretary to the Board

Motion Passed: Passed with a motion by Ms. Gloria Ramos and a second by Mr. Daniel Urrutia. Yes Mrs. Rocio Pizano Yes Ms. Gloria Ramos Yes Mr. Hugo Rojas Yes Ms. Marisela Ruiz Yes Mr. Daniel Urrutia