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, , : , , () , FacultyF cuJty Votes F AtIthoriztion . For Strike ' . Authorization . . - k , : ' . , , # . . ' rS ; . . . . . I " . ' . ' - ' ' , I, BY TOM KNAPP - ; " " - , . ThevoteThe. vote tieJl: said, is . "indicative 4i Thursday , Madonna wrote, damage the worth of . : News Editor It j long ; how.sfrongly. ¬ , the education provided each . ' of how strongly the faculty sup has become painfully evident at . " .Dr.. G.. Terry Madonna ; ¬ ' . . presi ports negotiations . The number that the SSHE has access to theth university. _ ¬ ' dent of the Association . - - , of Penn of the faculty. . . will obviously necessary resources to negotiate In other action , APSCUF filed ' ' - sylvania College and UniversityUi versity: " : - ., : a state-wide policy grievance strengthen . our positionp sition . a competitive and fair salary iiklin; ( , Faculties APSCUF ) , announced -- b crease for the faculty , but re, against the SSHE on September - , - ' - w He added that the turnout al - "' last weekek that facultyfac ty at the. 14 at -- 20 , alleging " fuses to do so because of pre x that the SSHE has ¬ though not totally unexpected -: . . state campuses have voted over ' ' policy decisions.. failed to appropriately compen- - vious ,' leadership, whelmingly in favor of strke . by the APSCUF was who assigned . sate faculty were " ." . ' authorization. . "a pleasant surprise . " examination of , ' "An the STRI ' to teach courses in independent ' ; There was resources demonstrates ¬ was a. 92 percent voter In a reaction letter , Dr.. James SSHE's study and individualized in - - turnout from APSCUF ¬ that for the 1985-86 fiscal year :; mem- . McCormick , . Chancellor . These are H. , the struction. payments ' ' . bers.. Of , . university system ' EONS total 94.5 percent . the has had that . of State System of Higher 'V calculated according to ' the : the -;. voted in favor of the requested , . ( ) : one of the best state appropria- - , . called EducationEd cation SSHE the " ' average full-time semester " ; authorization. . tion yields in half a decade , he'e' , Numerically , outcome regret"regretableable , but not salary of the bargaining unit.. : . " 3,232, voted for, 187 against the ." " ¬ continued "Unknown to most of , surprising. Hee added , "I cer' ' At three seperate instances . the university community aree' ¬ threatened teacher walkout. tainly hope that this vote will APSCUF charges , SSHE releas- - MadonnaMado , alsoa so -, resources which have become na . a history propr . ed the figures for average not divert the attention and' the . ' ' available fessor at MU , commented , energies of thethe'unionunion negotiators to the SSHE and its - salary as $ , . , - " ' ¬- 28337.80 "These results clearly show universitites by virtue of the crecre- full. ' that from the important issue at the - $30,518.00$ , and $30,984.00.$ , . . The ation State System. . Since the professors of the SSHE are bargaining table.. '. . I cannotcann t of the union has requested that SSHE vitally concerned about the believe the fine faculty of '1983, , almost. $12$ million hash s " " readjust the independent study that to condemn the faculty for its He concluded , "If the worst oc-¬ quality of education provided by been earned and consumed " oc- this system will jeopardize their ' - , ' and individualized instruction ' ¬ and to suggest curs , and a faculty strike - the SSHE.. It is a resoundingresoun g ' - quietly by the SSHE's univer- re students' best interests. by self- payments to reflect the accurate ' that faculty salary proposals sults , ': sities.. expected more self APSCUF has made it vote of confidence and show of It is that - interest when they understand ' ¬ salary figures , that SSHE pro ' I - will lead to higher student tuitui-- clear that it is committed to the unity.. ." than $5$ million in interest - the offer before their union. in . vide APSCUF with accurate fig " ' tions. No objective analysis of development of campus plans to "Quality will be seriously come will be available to the for average full-time- ¬ " the SSHE's' allocation system insure no student will lose ures semes- damaged if salaries are ¬ He concluded the release with SSHE universities this year.. that not up " ' ter salaries for each semester " a warning.: "The current faculty and the universities' internal academic credit or standing by graded to a competitive level , ' - back to the fall of 1974 , that the ¬ Questioning the SSHE's prior priorities should lead to con- an of he added.. demand could mean a $$300 tui the virture of interruption the , ities , , " ¬ - SSHE readjust independent increase , an which Madonna said "It is apap-- clusion that a substantial in educational process.. Any such APSCUF chief negotiator Dr.. tion increase study payments ¬ parent that the revenues exist crease in tuition is inevitable.. As play , however , whould have accordingly James W.. White and Millersville the Board of Governors has rere-- ' to " . everyone , beginning with the fall of 1974 , - sisted.. but that the SSHE refuses to everyone knows tuition in the be authorized by the manage- Educational Foundations pro . - that the SSHE readjust inin-- " " mandate the internal realloca-- SSHE is among the highest of ment of the SSHE system.. . . fessor said he was "pleased" with In an open letter to the univer-¬ It - tion of university dollars.. . . The ' is far dividualized instruction pay- " ." the nations's publicaly owned better to have a temporary "such overwhelming support. , sity community released last ' " Chancellor's response has been universities. . inconvenience now than to See STRIKE p.5p.. 5 . Senate Reviews Strike and Snapper Landes Gets a Computer Lab. BY HARRY SHENK urge the negotiators to do every- dents.. The main topic of dis-¬ Staff Writer thing possible to come to a cussion in that meeting was the ' BY DORISSA BOLINSKI chased with funds from Landes' by the math department in such satisfactory settlement.. , Staff Writer Resident Life , will - - possible strike and the budget and tasks as unjammingunj amming computers , Questionable editorial prac Students should write to ' ' student's role in that.. be open only to residents of the changing ribbons and cleaning tices at the SNAPPER and the APSCUF, urging them to take ribbons. A mini-computer- lab at the . . . , dorm. screens.. possibility of a student walkout the initiative in a settlement.. , ¬ cost of $10,000$ has been opened ¬ ' was decided that the Ellen F. Barber , DeanD an of Resi The labl b will be open 20 hours a were main topics of discussion APSCUF's only offer to date is It stu- in Landes Hall to be used - by ' ' should side Life , has been involved week - dents not either with ' dent in on week's Senate used Thursdays through at last Student. the first one they made in Febru . < ' ' " ' . ; - - = " . computercomp ;. . , ? ' . . - - - " ' " , ter .rnath/.majpr.s. aj . ' :majorsJiv. - -. - should d..mathand / , : ' - 8: ' = . ' " - ' APSCUF or SSHE but : - ' , . * , liv" . , LandesVebmputer ; . ' aa'X'andes mputer , . . , Tge.r. for . Sundays; . . ' ' ' from 7 12 . Meeting' eeting . , planning ? 7-.until- p.m. . , \ ScharnbergerScharnb said ' '" ' ": ' Sundays : ' . f- that ing in thatth f dorm.. " . ' until presence known and . , make their Jab . rs . . - , . severalsever l . - and ' labrorfor severalyearsyears She stated Barber.B rber said eventually The regular meetingmee ing of the the union seems to be taking a ¬- ' that p" The costc st includess twotw termin " . " felt. Campbell the Wwillil lp" improve more ¬ " " said that that it helph dorm more computers may be pur- Senate was held in the Ganser "wait and see" position. . " als complete with software , . "trichotomy of atmosphereat osphere focusing ¬ - , ¬ state system is a ' by on aca- chased and the lab will be open Auditorium Thursday Sep- hardware'andhardware special furniture.. , , and demics.. Computer and - . administration faculty and the ' math ma ed to other students than just tember 26. Students should also write the LandesLandes'HallHall was chosen as the students.. We need to tell the jors have been invloved in the those living in Landes.. The major topics covered at , -¬ SSHE Board of Governors who ' site of a new computer lab be " others , 'We are part of this - planning for about a year and a She concluded by stating, "It's' the meeting were an update on have been citing their mandate in cause of the concentration of :. " stitution , too.. Without us , you half up to the students to make the current state of the faculty , low . , -¬ it to provide "high quality ' ' " computer and math majors re ( " wouldn't have your job:. Students will be in charge of the computer lab) a success.. I contract negotiations by cost education" , that the high siding there.. ' " monitoring the lab during open hope they'll make good use of it.. APSCUF chapter president , Dr.. quality is just as important to TheTh computer lab was pur-¬ In order to draw attention to . . hours. Monitors will be trained Charles Scharnberger ; a report as low , and V them the cost V that ' V ¬ VV -,, the students' position , the possi- of the meeting of the Associ-¬ would be willing to pay a they bility of a student walkout was , Government _1 . ' ation of Student modest tuition increase to insure . . . . discussed. A committee was z ' Presidents ; the formation of a ' 1' the quality of education within M1 f ' w Y, .JbCpaT , " . . ' ' formed to study the possibility --l . + eu4".w )S4i ' committee to examine editorial V ' the State System if that is what - ¬ A ,- § . : _ " keep V -'V a walkout and to Zi * " of - - - * -Tr . , stu > * ' **- i'V&v& - > -1 ', . . ' ? " ; i ii"t- ' t v * _ * ' and " * of 'SSfVfcy sS - . SNAPPER . f" ' - practices the BB * ? ' " - * * J' . is needed. ' fc ' ' "i -.t ¬ determinedeterfi ne what recourse the dents informed on strike devel- Senate has in dealing with any opments. . - , Regarding the question of abuses discovered ; and the pur¬ - what would happen to the stu-¬ " , chase of an answering machine Concerns were expressed ¬ dents in the case of a strike , rere-- for the Student Senate office. . garding editorial practices at the ' Scharnberger said he did not Dr.. Scharnberger's report SNAPPER . It was mentioned know, that nobody really knew came first so he could several had - that and that there was no really that students sub return to another obligation. . mitted material to the SNAP¬ - . good way to predict. . : ' . L ¬ S Scharnberger said that his pur- PER which never got into print , . , , :, . pose in coming to the meeting and that some campus activities

- - is sponsoring a : . was not to whip up support APSCUF were not being adequately . ¬ . . : among , Quality Education Day on OcOc-- covered.. The ¬ - ' the students but rather opinion was exex-- .. = 2 . 5 . . 0 to answer two questions : What tober 2. From noon to p.m. pressed the :! that SNAPPER can students do to prevent a faculty will be in the SMC All- should not be spending " student ' Purpose' strike , and what will happen to Purp se Room to answer any money on syndicated news stor-¬ '" " ' "' the'studentsthe students in.. the event of a questions the., students have ies , columns and comics , but strike? . about the strike.. He said any of should keep the publication a ¬ - ¬ - o The most effective way stustu-- the administration is also wel student paper.. : dents mostcan work to prevent a come to come.. J ¬ SenatorSenat Kerry Schwoyer strike , according to Scharn- r said g; - , . Senate President Paul Camp that the Senate has the right to berger. is to write letters. To . examine any ¬ : . Earl F.. GoldsboroughGold borough Jr.. tries out a' compcomputerter terminalermin in ' . . , . . . ' ou. Landesdes Hall's new lab.

" ' . , . , " . "I _GIGloriaria Touches Entire East Coast . ". ( . Inside The BY TOM KNAPP county.. Millersville Road , SNAPPER ' reported very little heavy News EditorEdit ' one ofthe main accesses to damage, while Ocean City, 'Glo'Gloria college , ' Hurricane a passed the was closed for MdshalfMd.'s:. :half mile long board- p.2. The SNAPPER'S' over Millersville with ¬ much of day.. ' rela- the walk . .collapsed under the tively , ¬ , ¬ . ' Viewpoint little damage caus- Still. several local muni ' . . - storms onslaught Local ing only minor building c ;, cipalities including motels. reported a rush of ' p.3. " Register leaks and scattering, ring fewfe Denver Borough ' ' Your scatt a and'Eastand East V coastal , seeking ' . residents tree branches, according to Cocalico Township , hope refuge from - ' , the more vio Vote . Don . , . will : Stollenwerk; Director the storm replenish , lent storming in those -- ..in the . ": - of Physical Plant. _ serious water shortages . . . areas. , p.4 Nightclub . ' ¬ . Millersville'received only from surface. , and under about five inches , . of rain ground water supplies. . ' . ' ' p.5 Migrant , , ' . Education " ' _ . " V ' were compared to morein re'thanthan sixix The;, hurricane dealt a Four deaths linked . . , . , : inches of to the storm which moved .V . precipitation in glancingglanci 1g blow to the entire ' N; ' ' . :. " . . ' p.6 Retention :>. . QU , . ¬ north after smashing Plan Lancaster and Quarryville1rr ville east coast on Friday;, ripp _ into " ' ¬ " , and less thant an fourfo , inches in ing upup.ower. ower lines and North Carolina. before " buck . . : ' p.7 Citamard ' : ¬ . : ,, . the areas of . , .-, dawn FridFridayy with 130 mph . Joy : . . lingboardwalksling ' Mountourit ;boardwalks but caus ' ' . . . : . ¬ . - ' , 'and'Middleand Middle . ' wind Two people were , , . ' Denver Creek. , ing less damage than ex re . . " ' : ' : . : . ' . ' Comics . : - _ . . . . L <; . area. ported killed in Connec p8 ManyMan Lancasterer' . . . . pected . . beforefore rapidly . ' arearea ; b it _ . . ' . , . . "'; V ' . . : ' , . ' ¬= . , ' . . schools . "businesses1b sin 'sses' weakened New Eng ticut traffic accidents . and over ' : andbusinesses' . ' ' ' " . ' _ ; : ' ' ' - : . , , i'' were 1 - , was p.10 Cab Calloway < ' . were closedclos ono.n' : . people while one deathdeath.each. each , was : . : . . accounta ( land A million pe.op. e . on'account. t 0of half . " : . . . - _ ' . . . . - .. . - . . . ' . - . , . . . in Jersey ' heavy . & reported New . : . . and . down one . { : . the downpours fled once . . . : . , " urs" had what was : :; and . ) .. ; " half - ' ; . . ; . :. ' - ' ' ' :. ; ' ' . ', ' . ' " - . , ' " ' . ' / : > .t" ' :. : . : . . . : , . . . . ' ' . ; ; . . . .r/.L ' h ; -d" > . Rhode . . TeTl . ' " v . Rhode'Isl . ' hi ' , . Island Men'ss . ; g , . highvelacitywiridehand. nd . ' el, . .f ,: , . 'dangerous Tennis r-j . Ian d r , , - \'YJ , the p.llp.l " of most ' l ' ' . . . . = ' . : : : , ' . . . : . . . road'flooding \ : , : ., . . , . . : < fl . . : .ro. " g ' road ledl1P"trans." Atl8 on record. . ; " - : : Atlantic storms > . ' < tic . . . . . " : . " . ' j . , " ' : - - : : ' ' " : ' ; : : ' ' . : : . ' : > > ' : ' : . f : : : , . . . ; ' . . ' > . - ; /. > ' - ) <. n ' ' . . - . . : : . ' portatiou 'hOuti5'tl . , > tmoul ; . . ' ; , 'rtati throughout e , ; : p.12 Field . -i' shore ' : : Hockey ) . : , % , resorts . ''Jt' the . : NeJerseyNew . . . , : ; 't i ' ; ""o : oieresorts \ ' Jersey . .lr' : , . . ' . . ; . . .. { . ' " ; ' . , ' - . . ' --li : rl; . \ ' " ' / ' '; ' ' . . . . . "" " , . ' . " . , < . ;: . . ' . ' ,.1" ; . I..e . : " : ' , ' . ' : V ; ; . .' " . . : , ! : " . . ,, . Wj V !/V : , , " 'S.l. : / ? ? - > . : - ' 1 : : . . : :: : : J--,, : ,t - , " . . . ' ' (" :i ; . ! ;' ' V ' -t " ; : ' . j " . ' . : , . v" ' ? " . . , . ' { -V* ; : ' ' " , * 1 . ' g. { : , ) . 1 ': : tff . " { Q , . . . , " V . , : " J . ' , , ." < h " ' , . : . .. ' r ;+, , . . , " " ; ; VVV . ' . . , ; ' : ; ' : u ' , . ' - : - . . : ; , . , . i " . . . . : \ 'f.J". " . . . ! r. . . \f . , . , . 1r t. . . . , '> . . . " . ' ; . ' . . . iI . . . ; ' < ' . . .J" ii. ' .d'r..t'8i1. ' ;d 1" k - - . - . > - > ' ...... ; . ,...... L' . , _ ' . _ i * L..oJllt.L..u.c.at 1 a. --0-- ''.ti-

, ...... I ' ' , I.. The SnappersSna per's' Viewpoint T . It has some to the Snapper's' attention ¬ ARY' , COMMENTARY Irene Campbell head of the Senate Alloca- that the Student Senate has formed an ad tion Committee, told the Snapper on Friday c hoc committee to investigate the Snapper.. one of with a complaint against ' that those At last Thursday's Student Senate meet- the Snapper is also a member of the commit- ing , questions were raised concerning tee, specifically . Senator Kerry Schwoyer. ' several of the Snapper's' alleged practices : Snapper' TOM KNAPP , News Editor The is concerned that placing a Editor - . SHARON BEAVERS , Associate News whether the Snapper is following its con complainant Snapper on a - - against the com " 7jTh-1): : ' ¬ ) . . LEO MAISEY , Commentary Editor stitution's aims of "unbiased" and unpre- ¬ Jip...... Snapper . mittee to investigate the may imim-- . ' W! . napttua r " , Ir SUSAN BERG , Features Editor judiced" reporting whether it is devoting pair objectivity of . r. the the committee. . , Features Editor. enough coverage to campus events , whether - ' Founded: in 1926 HELEN DERHAM Associate In addition;, the Snapper feels it has a rightrigl t . it should run syndicated , - Editor news commen to see a list of specific charges, andnd if any , CINDY SMITH , Assistant Features , , taries and comics and whether the Snapper , who brought , DAN CHRIST , Sports Editor exist has those charges , is " . " - ' p becoming clique. Although , Photographytography Editor "a the Snap specific instances justify those , , , JOHN HENDERSON to charges lfclTKirn CW4 . - , per . JOSEPHJOSE H LINTNER ,. , does not see the justification for these and the committee's' proposed course of ac--¬ ANNE RICKERT, Advertising Manager ac Chief!. , - RAYMOND JANIFER , Faculty Advisor | , vague charges nor the need for such a com tion in its investigation. . ' KELLI_ STEPHENS , Copy Editor , it mittee or investigation recognizes the The Snapper wishes to echo Senate -¬ PAUL CORRADO , Copy Editor ' Presi Senate's right to raise such questions and to dent Paul Campbell's' admonition at Thurs-¬ . - - - form such a committee.. To date, however, day night's' meeting that the commit- - . no formal charges, questions, or other com- tee and we would add , the Senate not - Senate- . munications have reached the Snapper con- teemove into "the" gray area of censorship.. " ! cerning this matter.. Lights ! Camera

. . .


. . : ? . ! Right : The e:3: Decision AActionction BY TOM KNAPP ' ' : he the UAB chose , and -;: "! ' performer and notjustnot just in the of a Beach BoysBoy ' : News Editor KEITH S.. MILLER than a ratedB- , cheap rendition I ' concert itself ? don't want to offend any Chaka . As ' type of music , you know , sand , surf and sun. if' ' ' ' , Khan , ' In last week's Snapper , Marvin Donner director of fans out there but there simply aren't that ' never changed , bad enough , the song . For those of you reading this that weren't . ; activities at Millersville , announced that many of you out there , at least not on this campus. . student one chord , and the customers never seemed to commentary who are obsessed not ' there will be no big-name- concert this semester , and Donner must have expected that choosing an artist ' , I of senseless sound with M.T.V.. . . music videos , well mind this eendlessdless dribble . will come. . few MUM U like would have -, possibly be none for some time to that students probably an . * have some news for you.. eminating from a dummy I good Donner cited two reasons for this decision : 1)) the adverse effect on ticket sales.. know the vast major- Very soon , all across the country , " " I with difficulty in getting a "realistic" contract agreement ity of people talked were disappointed with ' " ' you will be able to see your Melville of Macy's calls fashion videos "moving between the University and the performers and 2)) a the Board's choice.. Perhaps the UAB could try a little ' . " she is favorite fashion videos , too.. That's mannequins that mesmerize customers. But . lack of student interest.. campus polling to find out who students are really right folks , modern technology is only partially correct.. The customers are mesmer- I wholeheartedly with the first reason. . interested in , and who they are willing to pay to see.. sympathize ' once show how ized , how else would the clothing store be able to I ' again going to you It is very hard these days to get a headlining artist hope Donner isn't expecting there to be mass in-in - " " ' ° all - never lasts - to live an "acceptable" life by I sell that over-priced garbage that without signing away your firstborn male child and terest in the lesser-known group he wants to hire.. wearing all the best from Daniel through more than half a dozen washings ? throwing in the finest available natural cheese to Lesser-known- groups are great for a nightclub or Hechter , Norma Kamali , Henry Grethel and other However , if is not the fashion videos that are mov-¬ I I . Still , I believe , and those students have dance , but doubt many students will pay even a boot. - top-notch clothing manufacturers. . In fact , states Kal ing mannequins , but rather the customers talked to agree , that a headlining concert is a big couple dollars for a concert featuring an unknown. . " ' : Ruttenstein of Bloomingdales , "Fashion videos are themselves. . That's right folks The average event each semester , and was well worth the effort So , at least for this semester , there will be no going to become a major part of selling.. " And American clothing customer is a walking , talking Donner and the University Activities Board put into Homecoming (or thereabouts ) concert. . On top of " ¬ - - - - "More and maore designers will be making concep- dummy with a pile of need-to-be-used credit cards.. it.. We appreciate all the hard work.. But now sud-- that , there will be no Homecoming Parade and no ' tual videos to build their image . . . " says Terry We are a society of plastic people with plastic dently it's too much trouble to go through.. Homecoming Float competition . What are we going ' Melville of Macy's.. . ' I ! money. Donner's second reason , however , cannot find to have ? Homecoming Bed Races ' any sympathy for.. Has he never considered that Sorry , all you MU alumni . There won't be much to For those of you who wish to shop for clothing but in home . perhaps our lack of interest last semester was the come to this year. But what does all of this mean for the average ' don't want to leave religion behind don't' despair.. I American on ? Well , first of all , the street have some The Cable News Network has already used a six bad news for all those leering "fashion-conscious"" - " ;$ Col000ege... "Press' ." S.NService. minute Hechter video in connection with their men who possess an overactive libido.. Those nice , coverage of Pope John Paul II's' visit to Kenya.. I (BIEJ-( - , supple-skinned- ' young beauties who sashay down guess this means that those big-time- fashion the runway at fashion shows will soon become a dydy--¬ ' Ule1 ) designers approve of the Pontiff's choice of <, , ing breed. . But take heart men because the underly-¬ z'' xual - clothing. . It would really be ghastly to think of the ing reason for these new videos is entertainment , so " " yolVfton ' Pope as not being "in.. ' perhaps all is not lost.. So the next time you go to the movies or sit down to watch the news , you will be able to see what you A national sales director for Anne Klein II states should be wearing and- in what exotic location you . . ,. . , where fashion videos continuouslysly shown and . .mit ' that are continuo should . bee wearing it in. . ' . . : . . , . by a business there has been. a .tr. tremendous rise in'"- . ' ' ' sales.. Well , this Park a I ' past summer at City there was As for myself , can't help but wonder about'whataboUt'V hat . store which had a section devoted to women's' swim _ ever happened to the time when the clothing sold [ sweat a fashion , I weat that featured video maybe you itself. . mean , when you could just walk into a know the store I mean.. The whole video gimmick clothing store unmolested by sales people and looked like something that Rod Serling would have advertisements and merely try on the clothing and , i Exit shown us " . " 1 from the "Twilight Zone. The store had know that that was good looking and made well.. - these pasty-skinned mannequins with video But I suppose like everything else that the - monitors for heads that played music continuously. . consumer's' intelligence has fallen so low that now Furthermore' , the music that was played from the the fashion designers must show what clothing 1 you the , as it , mannequins head were was nothing more looks like on a living dummy and then you aah say , ' ah , that's me..

' .000000004. % Of The Worlds Opinion The BatBatColumnWhoColumn : Who is the Gaped Crusader- ? BY DON KENNEDY & JON LOOSE And to speak of escaped prisoners. . The graft and corruption on the This was supposedly the reason Bruce Wayne. devoted his life to the City bureaucracy is evident when Television is an incredible an incompetent stumbling fighting of crime.. But our sources divulge his real motives.. You see , " ' idiot such as Warden Crighton can keep his job.. medium. . It can send messages Just how many escapes Bruce Wayne wanted be park in front of City Hall - to able to .of without getge , . . v can this man allow.. At least once a across the world at the instant week an arch enemy of ting a parking ticket.. That was one of the few things that the Gotham CI-Ci - ' finds his way past which they occur.. At the flick of a the overpaid and obviously underworked prison ty Police force was capable of doing.. ' switch we can turn the picture on guards. . Sgt.. O'Hara heads the Gotham City police , which are an up- ' ' . - r We've established Bruce Wayne's reason for joining the "Bathood"" " dated version of the Keystone Cops. . He comes complete with Irish ¬ or off... At the turn of a dial , we can an acac-- but why did he choose the bat as his logo ? cent and a big belly.. His see thirteen different channels. . At pot Intelligence Quotient could probably best - be stated in the negative side of the number line.. Spiderman was legitimate because, in'rea.lityin reality- , spiders catch their the touch of a button , we can ad . ,

enemies in the webs they . was . ., just the color , tint , horizontal and spin Superman acceptable because he , , well - , - was truly super and Wonder Woman , she was something ' vertical tuning , and brightness of , to behold , or hold , your preference. . , the picture. . If you think about it , depending upon However television is one of the most incredible feats of modern civilization.. has no solidity to it.. Why would anyone name a superhero after an , ' . . With such a technically advanced system , one might think that televi-¬ animal afraid of daylight and whose only amusement is flying close to lights ? What is ' sion would be truly worthwhile item.. But , in fact , television seems to be radiating street the correlation of a bat and a robin ' ? , a colossal waste of the viewers' time.. Its content is , if nothing else , less anyway . f than worthwhile. . We venture to say that it insults the intelligence of our look what this wears in . " " Just at guy public. The "In" .fashion for our , society.. A classic example would be the ridiculous and mid-boggling- caped crusader , no doubt , leads us to wonder about Bruce Wayne's' sex- known as Batman. . phenomena . is ' ual preference. . No wonder he one of the worlds . most eligible The people of Gotham City must be idiots.. I find it hard to believe that ' ' bachelors . We can only hope that develops a mind of his anyone can't take one look at Robin and know that he is Dick Grayson , own.. faithful ward of Bruce Wayne. . The only facial covering is a small black . " strip of cloth which covers an approximate one inch strip of skin surface.. . The thing we would like : next to bring across is , more or less , the core Aunt Harriet is an unquestionable candidate for the Huppidale Home that we base our hatred of Batman on. When we were little we were for Mentally .. How could anyone live in the gullible the Incompetent. same house enough to swallow mostmost.of. of the show and we were blind ' to the with know it ? Doesn't this truth.. two superheroes and not misguided woman Every night for 3 weeks we.would. go outside witwith a big flashlight . ' . " , get upset at the fact that she can't go into the study but the butler can.. and a paper cut-out- of a bat and attempt to put up the . : trie . . bat signal. It . ' I ' ' Doesn't she ever get tired of canceling her plans so that Dick and Bruce never. , and stress . wo ' " the word never, , . ,1 d' never " . t , can dress up in tights and slide down a greased pole into a cave.. How worked. At most we probably confused a couple of small aircraft pilots. . , . many times are Dick and Bruce going to blow Aunt Harriet off and take . Batman is a for not candidate the Nobel . " Peach Prize either.. Instead of . . advantage of her senility. trying to avoid violence , this crackpot . I ( would investigate it. How many,

off ? Did " When does Alfred get a day The man works 24 hours a day.. " ' ' . . times did you hear this character say , et's gett'um , " !> : ' ' Lets old chum.. Then , , 'Hey Alfred , . . , J you ever hear Batman say you've been working awfully the dynamic duo would take on five of theirth ir - ' ! . henchmen ' , ' kick , - ' hard lately why don't you back a few days grab a couple of . The fi ' six fightht waswas.unique. unique, in.thatin that. t at illiterate viewersarchcould part ' : not take p rt. ' " . . , . packs and get loaded ? No , certainly not. It's more like, "Hey Alfred , Every , . ' , ' . ' Everytime . was hit a time someone, word would flash on the screen. Of, . . . . - " ' ' . .. prepare the for a high-speed chase.. We think Alfred should , these . ( ; ' course. words'madewords made no sense. ZONK , ZOWIE , BONK , .B " ) ' ' BONKBAM. BAMM.. . it :: ' . ' ' . " a bat pipe wrench and wrap around his merciless employers. , grab Robin isquiteis quite an interestirigcharacterinterestingint festir g , h r . His costume It's a good thing that there was a chandelier in : . . ' charactercter costume resembles a few every fight scenescene'or. orr , , ' skullssku lis. ' ' Robin would be a by , . that I've seen by the regular crowdthatcrowd , that stands in of Woolworth'sWool vegetable now He alwalwaysys gets in - , front worth's { . trouble andand.Bat-. Bat . ; Commissioner Gordon is another example of a man without a full man has his ' Department Stores nationwide. . HeHe.is. is to in ,; to swing to his'rrescue..If. . they ever fight in . ' supposed be tenth.gradeitenth grade but . an . . . , . unfurnished . . . . ! ' unfurnishedr . public officials who need help with a crime problem in their, ' ' ' ' . " deck Most b.. - ; room , it's news.. That is, -.if. looks. moremo e to.be'to . 'aa thirty-five year . . The kids schools hool bad of course"ifcourse , , Batman ' . ' . .ifBatman . be'a old; dwarf at began , doesn't have aa.. : : ; ' ' " i' . would call in the State , Federal Authorities.. . ' : city The. commissioner in his ' '. or . . : making . Robin (alias Dick ) chandelier utility . , beltChances . ' funof Grayson due'toduedu to the brush burns onqn hisis : are that he does.. ' -': . . . - - ' I ' ' calls pseudo-superhero , who wears tightstig ts, satin boots , I j middle-aged . a f . guess it hash s bec me rath r we ' , ' inner thighs fromqm sliding down thebatpoleth atpole , (whichich neverr ver understoodLind r od become rather evident that we areareaa little ' . ' ' . t more con than " a . plastic black head garment with eyeeyebrows'drawneyebrowsrows'drawndrawn ' ' - ; ' and cape and ahardhard pro . siol } . , why : - on thistelevisionthisjs televisione.lev. show Then , - ' ' name'placques'werewere , t Th.enagainagain wee are . : : : needed . differentiate the polespoles.of.of the iden . . only .000000004 ' ' ' . .000000004t-oof s' '' / ' . . ' . - . , ,T (, ' . * , anything.gent/anything . The . ' ' ' ' ' ' - v ...... " . right on it: Commissioner Gordon never says . gently man : the'wothe worldsld ' opinion . . - . . , : , :. , . " : : ; . . ! ' tities off these'ridiculousthese). superheroes ) . tatakingit:1g': sho s9pinion.-.r_ : ; : ' .1.1 ridiculous He ,stopped taking'showersshowersers at : . ' ' \ ' ' . of.. , in - . I : '' . ; ..:; has a strong voice , which he is no doubtprouddoubt . proud He might despera ' - guess bottom'lineline is . if : ' ' .c - . the bottom is.thatis.t weweare. schol and lost a lot of socialsocfal'lifelife , giving him more thatat we.ar.e. are in the need . ' ' - life'thusthus time. to fight ' inthe , ofofth'ethe law nf - , . enforcerce ' . . . time , , . . : v ' . " . : in stern aggressivedecisivedeci ive , " . ' , pick phone and blurt a aggress ve, , tion up the bat out . crimeime in Gotham . . . . ment assistance , .we'. weree going to call Dirty b : City . . Harry? beforefore ' . . . call tWo men , we . . " . > , two ' " men ' ' ' ' . . . . ' ' ; "' I . - . . .Ii. , city is in chaos. 'The'policeThe police force ' . ' " ( ; ' andcommandingvoiceand commanding ; voice Batman the < w. ..Iin tights . : . ! ts andn glovesg : , Sup ; ves " . : Batman rhero' originate? This . tg _ : Superhero , kn d' . hohow "h . " ' Just did the we Bruce . : . . know . . . . ' ? . : . ' . ' . ; : ; ruce' . ' . . " . . . ' . , . ; . . , . ' . . . . . \ I , , is - ' . ' " is useless , ballet lesson in a half hour , myfavoritemy favorite color pink , ' .: : -:' . . : Finally! : . . a ' . . . ! . In have.aI.havea' . . Wayne'sparentsarents werewe e brutallyr t.aly .u d i in theirhei ry h : , . IY,: wed 'like to leave youyou.wwith.th a mindm Ind " Waynes parents mansimansion by ruthelss , ) boggling . murdered. rnlld.909ghng'qggling'questiorrthaf ' ' ; ls . question " : , > , , . . , . e ' that , , " ' . r nby i . . ' mansion. . ti9nJhatWwe ' J , ' - ' . " - . i'i ' " . ' . . . ' . . . . . ' ' . ' 13'I " . " ' " ' ' ( . ' . ' . . " ' - . . h s'esc . . I. , . . A -v - \ ; . ' ; has . . , : " ' . . . : . : escapedped . . ? . 'II . have : : andnd , , . . er . . . . . , ' . WHERE , . ' the ' : \ GO the.JoJoker VI yet to IS GOTHAM . : _ villains . . . . ' solves9Iv JUST GOTHAMCITYCITY ? : . : '; : " . * : . /: solve : : ' - . \ . : . . : .J . ; . ' ' : M.ClTY * : :' , ' i " > . , . . , . . " \: " . alns ' \ . < . . . , ' ' ' " ' - . . have . . I ": \ . . . ' " ; ' - . ' ' . " ' ' : ' . ' - . ' " ' : ' : " , ; . " : : ' ' . . " ' : " . : . ' . ' : / : ' . : ': . ' : . \ ; . . , ' : : :. ; . ; : : . I . . . : : . : . , ' , : : . : : . > . , : : : . , , , < . : : c /, ' . , . . : : > . " " : . : \ . : . : . ; . , ' : : . . . . ' . ;; . . ; / . I , i ' . ' ' ' , : ' : : - . " : .' . : , ; , " ' : i . t. : ;: . . . ; ' . . ' . . . . , _ . : " . . : ' " ; ? , , H , . . ' " . ." , ' . * - > : " i . ; " \ . : , > ' , ; . ;' . "X" ; ? . , . ' , . ' ' \ . ' ' " ' , ' ° . /\/J 3 , : ; / Page . tt. ? . . . . . : . . . : : , , ; ;: 'i . : . , 'O . . , 1985 , 'Octobeia:2r4x985i " . .THE.SNAPPER :2.: SNAPPER , / THE . Octobertobe . ) . " . : ; . . . , " , ' ' . '. ' . -- - _ ---'C'- . ' . . ' . , , ...... calepe' . ' . . Press Service . ' ' ' . " ' " ' ,' ' ' . . Ramblings . . : Lunatic., . , . ' . a . . # . ' . . * * of ; . : . ' . . . . ofa/1 \ . , : / . . 'ti : , .

. Thoughts On A - - - A GentleGendeBreeze-JKind-Of-: K rid, -: Day , It ' ' seems I'm a little behind on a couple things. . very - : ing you reasonable? compensation for a veryvery'im-im- Hmm , let me run ' ' ;" XE a few them of through my portant job.. So , you'lI'goyou'll' go on strike.. Wow , . ' what mind here right now.. - aa' great idea . . . don't' perform the job any , If we pay college athletes , should be morelmore ! Now, see how things run without you ? eliminate minimum grade point averages ? Why ' ' . Right , things run you.. . don't without. Think the i. .B , not ? Does any other - ' job on campus require stu state will gutg! t the point? Probably. . But , wait , dent 00 employees to have minimum grades ? If we let's' walk in lines and gather outside of campus pay athletes , though , we'd' have to limit them to buildings and hold signs.. Why ? Whose atten-¬ ; twenty hours a week , right ? is . That a rule for all tion are you. trying to get ? The state's' ? . You other campus workers. . And , of ; course , they already got that when you didn't' show up for . would have to get minimum wage.. ' ' That's what . The ? . . work students' You got that when you - everyone ' ' " , else gets.. So , you'd have athletes pushed back graduation and fouled up vacation QT"cT6- working for . $ a week , before taxes.. plans.. The parents''? You got that when ' 6700 Johnny Hmm , they'd also have to give up scholarships , and showed up at home when the dorms Jane . . - I wouldn't' ? Or ' they else , scholarships should be closed.. The public's? Well , if they aren't' awarded to , say. . . food service workers , eh ? students or parents , chances are you're' about as ' - - Wait , you say.. It wouldn't be like that.. We important to them as hurricane Gloria was to a could / pass special rules that allow athletes to picnic.. Picketing just doesn't' make sense.. It . work unlimited hours , for a higher salary than seems that the absolutely most effective state- Tr1IL other students , andnd not have to worry about ment you could possibly make would be to I ' grades.. Hmm . . . maybe I'mm wrong , but ' . don't disappear altogether. That would really be " ' ' we already do that? Isn't( ' it called professional \ \ ' MAK\UGiv eery.. Your total absence would serve to make 1 \\$1. $ "'W1'R1'P c\ R? PRQG SS IRQ.R2. ! DOO yoU e. NYY' LIL'tiI't' ' s S . I 81.ACKSBSA. Cl sports ? I ' " just about the strongest statement possible. . , ' ' M ' AA't M K or 'ti4B1\1\ , BUS We're facing the possibility of a faculty strike.. have personally dealt with too many faculty BACK Burr! It seems that the faculty and the state aren't' see- members whose sense of adventure has gotten . I ' ' / ing eye to eye on a number of issues.. So , we're confused with their sense of justice. . I'll never looking a . ' at great big confrontation. I'm kind of understand picketing. . Nobody likes a strike.. let . . . Doesn't' anyone read my articles ? I - down Nobody likes an eye-sore. . On the other hand , Cloak o Conspiracy I thought was on to something two weeks ago . of everyone loves a parade . . with my message about arguments and A word about Three Mile Island . . . how BY ERIC BIERKER disagreements.. But then , maybe there really are about badnastycraziness ! ? In 1979 I didn't' times when you do get taken advantage of and evacuate , even though I could literally see the Here in Millersville there are specialized buildings books on fascinatingly irrelevant subjects which is its somebody denies you something that you steam clouds released , from my high school.. fulfill . - designed to certain functions. Behind these of main function , also affords a - deserve and expect.. Could it be that these Yeah , I live close.. I ' comfortable at damn But didn't panic and ficial facades , though , there are hidden purposes mosphere for budding conversationalists , under the educators really do have a point? It seems to me run away. ! stayed in school and maintained my - - concealed from Millersville and at-small.. guise of studying. . The occasioinal serious student rere--¬ that educators throughout time have always normal schedule and lifestyle.. Now I find out all ' ' For your discretion , I submit these.. mains hopelessly when it comes small had the same point.. Isn't it about time someone these terrible things that may have happened to at inadequate to The dorms here in Millersville , besides ? ' I cramming talk , and despite his good grades , will never get a listened my body. . That's not brave.. wasn't' being calm students into concrete boxes like Chicken McNug-- ' I - job because he simply fails at frivolous conversation , On the other hand , let's not be silly.. Okay , and level-headed.- . was being a gg-----n----- n Lunatic.. , Millersville ' - gets and demoralizing noted humans of which is needed for coffee breaks , Christmas parties , there's a definite problem.. Somebody is deny ' the 1800's by naming brick edifices after them , also etc.. , teaches , or more appropriately-enforces -survival Gordinier's' main objective is to sustain life in skills. \ students by providing no nonsense nutrition at an Adapting to bone-freezing- and gizzard-chilling- is aequate price.. This only one legitimate purpose , it showers on the coldest days of winter, not succumb- also teaches advanced techniques in the field of line - ing to the lethal mustard gas socks of your room waiting , the skill of eating without tasting , and final- Strike News Withheld mate , and accepting the musical tastes of the next ly motivate the lazy student to move off campus and , who - door neighbor happens to groove to Chip learn to cook himself to escape all of the hassles. ' all munks' Rap music , empower the individual to Dryers in the dorms ; no longer economically afaf--¬ life . BY TOM KNAPP laugh at the harsher realities of , or go insane. fordable to most students , though well-to-do- - The Infirmary , besides operating as an ambulance News Editor their bargaining abilities.. One official involved in negotiations students still use them. . For the rest of us , the dryers ' recently requested that I not use press releases sent out during without wheels , (although the name is reversed for provide a convenient place to keep one's wet wash ' ) Probably one of the biggest topics on most students' minds is the week prior to the embargo.. He explained that they are trying passing motorists , also serves as a depot for Ganser until a clothesline becomes open for usage.. . It is ' the threat of a faculty strike.. Will it disrupt the semester ? Will we to put a lid on any "inflammatory"" " statements that might upset library. where seriously outdated issues of Good Biemesderfer Stadium's main purpose is to host kept until lose money over this ? Will we have to pay a higher tuition to one side and slow down the negotiating process. Housekeeping and Readers Digest are football skirmishes , but it also honors an ancient law I they qualify for archive status and then are sent back cover the pay raise ? Fine.. can understand their reasoning , that calling each other of Millersville University which states there must be fourth floor of for . This ' So far this semester , the two parties involved, namely the names might hurt their ability to discuss the problem rationally. . to the Ganser eternity. helps one solid acre of grassland on Millersville's campus Association of Pennsylvania State College and University But isn't' it possible that they could simply refrain from saying the space-conscious- library make more room for the that does not have a bald spot or a meandering path following . ' Faculties and the State System of Higher Education , have been anything nasty about the other for one week , and still release purposes. contained within its' parameters.. - very helpful in providing information to student and community reports as to the current standings ? I think that students should The Helen Ganser library , besides stock-piling , newspapers , so that interested persons could keep well informed without question be informed of all proceedings, since it is we on the . As one on the negotiations for the who will situation. the reporting most likely foot the bill, according to a previous SSHE I I Snapper . I have been very grateful for their cooperation. . statement , and it is we who will have our semester disrupted ! ' Now , however , the two sides have reached a decision. . No. it should no settlement be reached. . Why won't they tell us what is wasn't' a decision to settle their disagreements and resume nor- going on ? Register lawsuit to be filed against the SSHE ? and the student senate is already in- mal life for the rest of the school year.. Rather , they have jointly Most of us certainly hope that no strike situation occurs, but ( Remember , there are 82,500, of us and volved. . At this time a proposal for a stu-¬ decided to lock out the press from any information regarding the should that be a result , regardless of our preferences , we would not very many of them ! ) Whoa ! Says he.. dent walk- is being studied by a sub- issue.. According to a statement released by APSCUF President Dr.. prefer to have a little more forewarning , than suddenly having an ( Not really but you get the point.. ) You committee of our student senate. . The G . . ' Your G.. Terry Madonna and SSHE Chancellor Dr. James H. McCormick , official emerge from under a blanket of silence and say , " ' "That's cant sue the SSHE and not the proposed walk out would be neutral. . Let ¬ ! will to reach a it , Classes ! this press embargo be one way contract settle everybody are cancelled " members of APSCUF at the same time ! me emphasize neutral here.. I am not ment.. We would appreciate if the parties involved would continue to ( Moral for today , M.U.sketeers. . : Good neutral about this issue. I would like to " ! " ' Vote - ! ) ? ? I My question at this point is an indignant HOW be cooperative with the press.. After all , our ultimate goal is to intentions mean diddley-squat think see the students of this campus stand ' I ( ' ) . I - To put it more clearly (and calmly ) , wonder how keeping report the news , not pass along one-sided- mudslinging for either BY JOHN AMANULLAH and most students I've spoken to think behind our faculty. don't want to be in students from knowing the up-to-date- - status will detract from party. . that the members of APSCUF should be volved in a group action suit that would paid more.. A hell of a lot more. . Why hurt our faculty and take eons to settle. . Last week , I read the Snapper for two ' ( - aren't they getting what they want and But I and every graduating senior) hours , pouring over the six or seven ar need to keep up the quality of education have a lot to lose if the strike occurs.. All ticles dealing with the strike. . As I read in our state schools ? of our younger siblings also have a lot to - on, my emotions soared past concern on . : ' 1 lose quality education. . And I don't I I 1 to , j t- I flIt ! J 1 ' to worry , past worry and on up fear tiIJ think one student in 82500. of us in all , . 11 , and finally outright anger.. frustration ( .t How can , the of Millers- " we students would like to see his or her money paid - Said I myself , "Who in the hell do - - ' - - to ) , ? To , ' ville make a difference start with out to the SSHE for a , to quote Mr.. - trust in this area for anything G.P.U.. . . ' they think they are ? They can't just we can show some support for APSCUF " " my Maisey , "null and void semester. . No TMI says or does.. A few facts the authors InIn'Response cancel classes and then keep by letting our professors know " " " that failed to mention as to why : money ! ( See The Student Viewpoint , ' ' To the Editor : : : were on their side.. Some of you don't To the Editor ' ) A.. Operators of Unit 2 have been last week's Snapper.. And then fear set ! Many thanks for your courageous ' know this, but, most of your professors Wake up students When will you In response to Joseph Lintner's andanc " ! " convicted of cheating on com- in.. "Maybe they can do that ! ? And Mile . ,: love realize we , yes we , stand against Three Island. As a Leonard Ragouzeos'' columns in last ' are here for two reasons they to that the students petency exams before the acci-¬ followed. . "I" can't do - - - member of frustration ( , is ) . comprise the largest, by far and away , six-and-a-half year veteran week's' Snapper, I wish to clarify the con- " teach you that and they love dent.. anything about it.. Then, and only then, ' the SVSVAA , I appreciate your support.. text in whichwl ch Miss MeyerMey r and I wrote Millersville. . They are not here , whether party of interest. . Don't you have B.. Footdragging and allegationsofof did I get angry. As I nodded agreement , ! anything to say ? , That menace sitting in the middle of the our article on G.P.U.. . . Nuclear the you know it or not for the money If about this Or are you in ' . ¬ dangerous having with Mr.. Maisey's we the " be covered in shortcuts assertion that all they as Mr.. Maisey so kindly puts it : OJ oe and Susquehanna should ce September 18 edition of the Snapper.. money was they were after Joe , I " been taken in the cleanup of students , are only pawns in this game ! ! " ment and made a monument to the "fol- Our commentary was written strictly could simply quit and work at almost Jane Pawn ? ! You can get involved or 2.. One supervisor who blew thinking about the ly"" of scientific community and the unit also started any neighboring school and get it ! you can let the cruel hand of fate , in my the from our stand as students , not as ' " ' state the whistle on such practices student's rights. . Don't we have any ? - government itself.. Come join us at SVASV A Unfortunately , some of the newer breed book Chancellor James McCormick , employees of G.P.U.. . . Nuclear.. As such , ' ' I was fired for his honesty.. His Isn't this America ? Didn't already pay ' ¬ meetings when you can - Core Meeting of top notch doctorates will decide ( and direct you and your professors' desti- the experiences we have had and the ! can job was later reinstated by for a service , a , an education ? . . Meeting product ) nies.. To make it easier for you to get - 7 Friends " Monday at p.m. at studies we have done in the field of " have already decided that their talents in federal courts. Why did they wait so long to strike ? House - regular meetings the third nuclear power have brought us to the are worth more than the SSHE will offer volved , the Snapper is providing the C.. Federal fines and penalties year In seeking answers to these questions. ThursdayHouseof the month at 7:30: pm. . objective conclusions that were printed them next year.. And the result ? The petition ballots.. All you have to do is fill after year for illegal discharges about all over campus.. Would we I ran , . in yourself , Brenda Witmer in the Snapper.. quality of your education declines.. But it out If you have any pride into environment of - have to file a group - action the radio the right , in , or simply in U.S.. . We , as a society , were afraid of ¬ says the Chancellor , not the cost no Millersville even the activity and falsifying or -¬ elec- - ? Marvin dede-- -lawsuit against the SSHE . , will , never the cost.. of A. you use your constitutional Nuclear Reaction tricity itself when it was introduced as ¬ stroying data.. Just recently Donner , MU. . Student Activities Direc- right to petition for resolution of the : we were the automobile . Understanding the To the Editor . . . , would. . TMI was fined for falsifying tor seemed to think that we . these developments has aided us greatly , How many of you think that your contract dispute. If you are as apathetic BHaving experienced the accident at coolant pump water leak rates.. Would we get a full tuition refund if the ' ? 1 . as the chancellor's office seems to think , 1979 as will nuclear power. Madame Curie education is worth the price do. How Three Mile Island of March 29,197929 and Until these issues can be re- strike caused the cancellation of this ' : " ' you are, why don't you just go crawl the controversy that rages to this day in will said it best "ItIt is not to be feared. . . it many of you think it's worth the little solved people of this area " semessemesterer? What would they do with the under a rock ? , I respond to your is to be understood. . more ? I do.. How many of you are willing its aftermath must never trust GPUGP. . U.. 82,500, students in the 14 state schools? In response to the antinuclear pro- to get involved ? I am already involved commentary of September 18 entitled He didn't' know , but he referred me to " ' "An" Inside View of G.P.U.. . . Nuclear.. clamations in last week's Snapper, I Finally I would like to respond to the the vice'president of the M.M.U.. U.. chapter of Since I never had the privilege was would like to quote a bit of an article that ' comparison between APSCUF , Dr. John Lavelle.. While he ' author's ridiculous from the New of bestowed upon the of viewing Lancaster Era . . . . . authors gave me a most informative interivew , ...... ,...... -...... , ...... _ _ ...... They " . . .0.0-.0..0..0.." .,.,."" . ,.,. . .,. ,. u. nuclear power and restaurants. September 6 entitled , "The Last Stand >> ' >> >> ' ' ""u. ' ", : ' the inside workings of G.P.U.. . . I will ' . " "= "' " ' "'''''' ' ''' ' "' "' '''''''''' * '' ' ''' only between " he didn't have all the answers either. ' ' " " " ' '' '' ' '' ' claim the difference the - : - ' of the speak from'afrom a resident's viewpoint.. What could we do about it? At a I. two is that nuclear power has never "Six" Antiyears ago people ( - ' First I will agree with the authors those the anti meeting of the student senate last caused the deaths of humanss to this ) 1 nukes provprovidedded a service by asking ;: thatth t the undamaged Unit reactor is as Thursday , Dr.. Charles Scharnberger. : : : . an argument too long ' r M.U.. . Ballot point. That is to pointed questions. Since that time , Student Petition Form safe as the operators and engineers MUM.. U.. APSCUF president , suggested an -'I debate here.. However, let us put this :::: |: :: those questions been in : make it.. With the media watching have answered- individual writing campaign to Return To SMC Front Desk ?: anal . a salmonella letter :::: : - analogygy into perspective. If some cases , over and over. Yes No ::: G.P.U.. . . and their every move on the in ' the interested parties. To APSCUF Nog at Joe's Diner in Middletown , j 1 - outbreak Six years is a long time. In six years " ' ; ; evitable restart of Unit , they have lit ' president , . , , can't you 1.. Do - occur, dozens of people may Dr Madonna "Hey you support a student walk-out in the event . PA'should some people have grown up opposing tle choice but to strive for perfection. and :;: . die.. guys lower your demands a little that the contract dispute is not settled by Friday, :;:; become ill and a few may If Three ¬ However , two paramount TMI.. Some people have grown old opop-- " there remain work a compromise ? To SSHE : : : out : : Oct.. 18181? (POSSIBLY . ) |: : ' Mile Island near Middletown has a last day of classes. :jj:: before posing TMI.. Six years is enough time.. " 0 0 issues that must be settled Chancellor McCormick , "Personally , I : mmeltdownItdown ( as very nearly did in 1979)) : 2.2 . Do you : :: residents of south-central- Pennsylvania it Today , after the Nuclear Regulatory demand to see ALL the financial records j: am willing to pay a little more tuition in : would kill thousthousandsnds and cause the t::: co ( : : . . . it Commission has compiled more than " concerningcerning the SSHE made public ? Especially : : can trust nuclear power from G.P.U. the interests of higher education. How evauation of thousands more.. : : : : ¬ 100,000, pages of official record on : : the rather : : 1.. The damdamagedged Unit 2 reactor rere-- this many of you would write these letters? unflattering records concerning the $ One Mr.. Smith and Miss - :::: : ' . last fact that particular , ' ) :j::: mains a crumpled heap of deadly topic the have How many of you would write them in Chancellor's OfficeOffice. 0 0 :| Myer safe and : never considered in their nowhere . anti ti:; :;: to go The plant is going to 3 . Do you , : radioactive waste and contaminated time to prevent the strike? Unsatisfied 3. in principle agree . * Utopia : If some : sheltered nuclear open ; the opposition , now without : : water six years after the accident.. ¬ : : A.. :jj: . the with this proposal , I asked Dr.. Scharn- That APSCUF demands be met? D 0 ; unknown hero had not restarted . reason , simply delaying . : : : . . .; claims the cleanup has dragged is that result. : : B. - ji-:- GPU pumps the berger if a student petition might not be . That you are willing and able to pay more tui- : ; - coolant pumps and restored reactor At this point , with NRC , on for all these years because of insuffi the the state " ' ¬ : : : during those more effective.. That might;, be very efef-- tion next year to meet these demands? ( How : water level to a safe point health department and ¬ . Yet . . . spends nmillionsllionsofof the vast major " " :::: - cient funds GPU fective.. "May I propose three questions much more ?) :'::: horrible days of March 1979 a meltdown ¬ dollars each year on advertising cam¬ ity of responsible scientists in this coun- - " " 0 0 would surely have occurred within to be in a student petition ballot ? "Of : : 4.. Are you willing to get involved beyond signing :: ( try in agreement that TMI caused no " paigns and media propaganda like the ; course.. And I did.. :::: ' ( : . .- authors nor 1 ' ' this ballot? If so, please write phone number j:: ' ) hours; And neither the damage and that TMIs 'present " commentary trying . fix author's to its . Unfortunately , my plan to prevent the ; ¬ . : : ) :! damaged reputation'.' of would be attending Millersville Univer- operators can run the plant without under your signature.. :A prudent point strike died with the first: proposal : In 0 0 | sity and having this dialogue . danger in , - mess before the future why do the anti ¬ view is to clean up their last . . . the event of a strike, would you , in prin ; Weidinger " ' - ; Sign Here : . , Patrick nukes continue to protest ? they create another . Phone : . . ciple, support the members of APSCUF - . M - l Dean Smith :: ; :::: : : ::: :: : : : : | lack : : : : : : : : : : : ck of : : : :: : :: : : : : : : : = 2.. is a , : : : : : ::: :::: : : :!: :: : : ::: : ::: :: :: : : ::: : ::: : :: ::: : : : : : : : : : : : := : : : = : ? There. well by participating: in a group action in the 8 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : ' October 2 , 1985 . Page 4 2,1985 , THE SNAPPER , ------: : - : : : :: :::: :: ::::::: : ::::::::::: : : ::::::::: :::::::: :::::: : ::::::: : : :: : - ; : : : : ::::: : ::: ::: ::::: : ::::: : : - : : : : : : : :::-: : ::: :::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: : :::: ::: :: ::: : : ::::: : : ::: : : ::::: : ::: : ::: : ::::: : :::::::: : : : : : : ::: : : : : : - : *XX* :W : : tf** \1 Committee Plans Nightclub I ' I Schools Launch. ; Frat Offensive$ , BY MARK : ; , ; ; ; ; ; PETERS ...... :- . . . ..- , , , , ,., ,.,. .,.,. .%. .:.-.T.?* .N...... :.:.:.:. .:. -:. :.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;:: ::: ::: :;:::; ::: ;:: ::; ; ::; :: :;:: :: ; :: : ...... , . . , . . . , ...... " : : :.v.-. : :>: : : :- -: : . . : : : : : :: : : : . : . : . : . : . . . : . :.:. - . : ...... ,...... ,...... -.-. . .-.-.-.-...-.-. . .-...... , ...... - ...... -. ------.. - -. - -. - -. - - -. .. Staff Writer '...... ' . : ' : ' : : ...... " ¬ WATERVILLEW , ME.. ( CPS ) + Dartmouth , Hamilton , Col- organizations are A committee of administra- Greek Last-- year , the commission apap--¬ gate , Brown and Sanford& "refuges"" " that reinforce' male tion and staff members met -- " by Colby Col-¬ -- schools - are ¬ Tuesday afternoon to discuss pointed trustees of -among other stereotypes of women as "ob- abolish -- . - lege to review problems with the under pressure either to jects of conquest - worthy,, but plans for a non-alcoholic - ' - " . school's 11 fraternities and, all fraternities or implement re-- decidedly inferior , contends nightclub to be held October 26, ¬ . sororities adopted a recommen- . University of New Hampshire homecoming weekend.. forms : - anticipated fraternity leaders . - Among those present at the : t.---dation no one had National journalism Prof. Andrew Mer-- - . all - . - . withdraw recognition for complain they want to solve the ton in the September issue of meeting were Marvin Donner ) . -- - . . , ' lend - - organizations. . problems but don't want to . magazine.. greek Ms. ( Director of ) , .u. Student Affairs - - And this fall , the college has credence to what they say is an Merton cites statistics Kathy Breneman (Director of d . in - m opened for the first time without unfair emphasis on problems not dicating there have been 50 Alumni ) , Chris ' Jachimowiz _ ¬ greeks on campus.. unique to the greek system.. gang rapes at college frater- ( of Union , Ma t President Activities "We" creating new " leadership of ) ( - \ had tried "The national : Board , Ralph Anttonen WIXQ . nities during. the past three : two years organizations is sickened ' , standards for them many . , ¬ Advisor ) and representatives . " years and 29 deaths from haz- : earlier ," says administrator, Earl by some of what's' happening in from the Resident Life Office.. " " ing incidents during the past z Smith.. "They had an impact on local chapters , says Robert ' . . - _ six.. The assembly was led by Dr. _ Ed _ some cases , but they didn'tdidn'Uiave' have Marchesani Jr.. of the National , ¬ ) The crimes and carnage , how- ward Thomson the Homecom- " " " Staff and administration are planning a "Quarter Deck Lounge" for October 26 , much of overall.. Conference.. an. impact Interfraternity ing Chairperson. . ever , haven't' dampdampenedned student to be held in Lyle Dining Hall.. Amherst College in Massachu-¬ "But" they have had their con- The idea of the lounge is to interest.. > setts soon followed Colby's' lead.. sciousness raised , and they are provide an accurate facsimile of ' Greek members1membership, p this fall is But even schoolssC .ools. that didn't go leading a rededication to the . - a city nightclub , sans the booze. will the atmosphere. . ¬ at an all-time high of about complete jockeyed music will be broad as far are spending this fall giv-¬ standards and ideals we was decided Lyle Dining - 250,000, students , up from It that The theme for the night is cast throughout the room , sup ¬ " " ing greek organizations unun-- uphold.. ' Hall will be the site for the "Body" and Soul"" - the theme of plied by 100,000, in 1972.. \ either a WIXQ DJ or precedented nationwide Syas the ATO's' MullinixMulliI X : nightclub. . . Waiting ¬ Perhaps more significantly, homecoming. on stu- possibly an alumnist. . " ¬ ' scrutiny. . "There is an increasing realiza- \ - Live band music , provided by dents will be the Greeks dressed The nightclub's name will be there are as many schools in " " There is nothing new about tion in the greek community "The Four Notes , will help set black and white.. of " " viting greek organizationsorgani ati9ns to in Instead the "Quarter Deck Lounge.. It disciplinary sanctions against that we cannot sustain the level the mood.. A portablep rtable dance floor alcohol , will be served ' their campus for the first time as students will be open to all students from individual greek chapters, but of legitimate criticism we're get- ¬ ' will be set up for the students , so soda or a choice of three non 9 pp.m.. m.. to 1 a.m.. . , Friday , October " there are schools withdrawing " even national greek leaders ting.. . - recognition. . that the may "move to the alcoholic drinks. In-between sets 26. The cost of the drinks will be acknowledge the heat is on as " " - . "But there are some people music.. Nightclub-style lighting of music from the band, disc-- minimal.. Maryville College in St.. Louis , never before.. morem<;Jre interested in villifying us for one, has opened its campus Already this fall , officials at by harping on one problem or - " to greekss for the first time this was reared in Hollidaysburg and through the personal experience Florida , Duke , Lehigh and Dart another. . - " fall.. Book CoAuthored . - - have investigated and ' educated in the South he reciev-- of forty-four women in finance in mouth fil "They're not focusing on the Marchesani says membership ' ¬ ed a bachelor's degree in chemi- New York and San Francisco.. ed charges against some of their broader picture, that includes the ¬ - at some Amherst fraternities is A book on the nuclear power in stry from Athens College and McBroom has data on sexual fraternities.. In addition , Loyola-- fact that fraternities and dustry has been coauthored by ' increasing even though the both a master's and doctorate in behavior , attitudes toward re-- New Orleans administrators say sororities accomplish many '

professor I " university doesn't recognize Millersville . University marketing from the Univeristy , they will soon bring criminal worthwhile things.. porduction concepts of , ¬ Dr.. William A.. and the - them thus denying them privil- Pearman of Alabama.. womanhood , family - charges against two former frat Both critics and supporters at - back eges official student groups executive director of the South . Brady returned to the region ground , and behavoiral changes members. tribute the increased scrutiny to Clinic " ' " have , such as access to campus eastern Lancaster Health in 1966 when he accepted em- on the job.. These have been plac¬ "We're under attack , says several factors: - facilities. Philip Starr.. ployment with Armstrong ed within the framework of Mark Mullinix of Alpha Tau + Greek students tend to be - Even some published , the 160-page ' . banned chapters Just WorldWorId Industries as a research - studies in gender , Omega's national organization. more conservative than other " cross " resurface. . handbook is entitled "The . - "There an increasing public , chemist. He remained in that including our own Euro- is students and consequently - American Nuclear Power ¬ At Loyola-New Orleans , for In position until 1969.. Prior to American gender cultures.. This outcry fueled by dramatic slower to adapt to new social at- "' , ¬ dns ry . example officials have had dif- dustry.: coming to MU this past August , owrk is the culmination of a stories of misconduct , much of it titudes , particularly toward dif Designed to provide an - ficulty permanently banning Pi over he was a professor of sales , decade of study in the an- relating to the way women are women.. view " Kappa Theta. . of the American nuclear management and marketing , , treatede .t d by , + Stiffer drinking laws and at thropology biology and . fraternities ¬ , ¬ PKT leaders apparently re-- power industry the book ex ¬ . re Birmingham Southern College. psychology of gender dif- Mummx says. court rulings making colleges amines the scope of the industry ' ¬ organized themselves as Pi Beta Dr.. Brady's research interests ferences.. Her interest in this Apart from the ongoing disci- more responsible for their , held and focuses ¬ ¬ ' Kappa a rush party last on issues relevant to include determinants of expor- topic began with research onor) I plinary measures on many dif- students' safety are forcing month , and promptly drew the it and of concern to the general , - ferent campuses , some ting success I unusual disciplinary international mar physical and behavioral sexual schools to tighten - public. The book is an - : same kind of misconduct com out keting strategy , pricing pro- differences in non-human- punishments are being imposed rules for all students.. growth of ' earlier ' - plaints that prompted univer-¬ the authors' ¬ blems and policies , new product primates and on brain hemis- + Amherst and Colby's boot + National greek leaders, research publication on the sity officials to disband Pi Kap¬ and policy , and small business mar- phere differences between ing of their greek organizations themselves worried about the - incident at Three Mile Island.. pa Theta in the first place.. keting policy. . His primary human males and females.. marks the first time since the misbehaviors and bad publicity, There are three sections in the In response , student affairs teaching responsibilities at MU McBroom is a Ph.D.. . candidate 1960s that any institution has are increasing their own scru¬- publication : an overview of the director Vincent Knipfing are in the area of marketing in anthropology at the University taken such action.. tiny of chapters , and in some Americna nuclear power ¬ threatened to suspend any -¬ indus- management , of Pennsylvania , from which she + ATOATO oficials last year cases closing chapters down on stu international - try , an examination of the - ¬ dent who in any way lends sup marketing and sales manage holds a.a . masters degree in - disbanded three of its approx- their own.. In May , for example , an port to new Pi nuclear power plant licensing ment.. ( ) imately 150 , a level - the Beta Kappa thropology (1979) . She has . a chapters Sigma Phi Epsilon alumni clos . has " " venture. . f0: process and issues that face the frqm Mullinix calls "dramatic. . ed Worcester Polytechnic r' masters in journalsim " their " , ¬ - ' The fraternity leaders the nuclear industry and selec- ( ) + Pi Phi's "think Team UCLA (1962) ans has worked for Kappa national Institute chapters after several ' ted case studies that illustrate Learning director urged by changing their name they're some fifteen years as a science last year chapter instancesinstan es of misconduct. . " issues discussed in the previous to a going to beat the system , Knip-¬ ¬ writer in Washington , D.C.. . and leaders adopt strong stand But the increased scrutiny, Approximately 100 elemen- in fing says.. section.. against sexual abuse , warning tary and high school teachers Philadelphia. Her numerous greek leaders say, causes some " ' An update on the nuclear ¬ "They're not going to play - publications include Behavioral that abusive behavior at frater- school officials to react to ¬ from the southcentral Penn disdis-- name switch every power industry as of January ( ) nities had become epidemic. with me week sylvania area are expected to at- Genetics (1980) , published by torted perceptions , or punish 1984 also is included , with a " + Dozens of schools have - and think the game starts over.. tend one of two training sessions NIMH , "All in the Primate houses that are well-behaved ' " discussion of implications for " " It doesn't.. on "Student" Team Learning"" at Family , "Are You in Your Right adopted tougher disciplinary while they discipline problem , ¬ the future as well as an appen- , ¬ Millersville University during Mind ? Or Your Left? It Can regulations. . Florida for one , rere-- chapters. . dix a " that contins listing of the " ' cently decided to require all ¬ October and November.. Matter , and "Why Can't a Others charge discipline prob- Federal Government library re-¬ re- ' - - - Woman Think More Like a Man fraternities to hire security lems are endemic to greek in Part of MUs scholar-in-resi-- sources on nuclear power in ( ) ?" guards for parties.. dence program , the sessions will and Vice Versa organizations. . general and for specific nuclear I be conducted by Barbara A.. power plants.. Bennett , training coordinator Peraman and Starr have coco--¬ for The Johns Hopkins Universi-¬ C/5CI} authored a number of other pub- Campus Club 100 Mile Club / ty Center for Social ¬ lications.. They include "Three" Organiza- - ¬ . tion of Schools . The pro . , Mile Island : Annotations of the two ..... Q "' " grams are scheduled for October 4J ¬ Promotes Fitness ) Disaster:, "The Physically Han Bonnie L. Jolly , 14 Fresh 4 " " 1-2- and November 1112.- . --c OJ CI) dicapped , and "Cleft Lip and Meadow Drive , Lancaster , has ' Student Team Learnng is a - Palate : A Developmental been named the 27th president BY , ¬ SHARON BEAVERS o " . new instructional approach bas- Aproach. of the Millersville University Assoc. News Editor ¬ ,1 a ed on years of research on Dr.. Pearman , dean of the stu- Campus Club.. learning School of Humanities and Social dent in cooperative The intramural and Recrea- teams , according to Dr.. Robert Sciences at MU , received a bach- A member of the Club since tion Office is promoting fitness cf a.1. tit s ' J.. Labriola , acting dean of grad- - :: elor's degree at LaSalle College , 1970 , Jolly has served the organ through walking , running , bikbik--¬ r : ' uate studies and special pro¬ a master's degree at Fordham ization as secretary and on a ing or swimming , or any com- ' ' grams at MU.. COC/) COC/ variety of . is ) University and a doctorate at " committees. She the bination of these activities. . \J\ "The basic idea beind the ¬ the University of Pittsburgh.. stu- wife of James A.. Jolly , associate / / dent team learing techniques is He is vice president of the North professor of history at the This informal program is dede--¬ : when learn in < Central Sociological Associa¬ that students University. . signed to encourage faculty , - - small , carefully structured learn ¬ tion.. staff and students to get involv- ing teams and are rewarded for Starr was awarded a Bonnie also is involved in a ed.. According to Eugene Fritz , working toward a common goal , ¬ bachelor's' degree from Brooklyn number of civic and religious acac-- director of Intramurals and Rec-¬ I ' they help one another learn , gain ; ¬ College and a master's degree tivities she is a member of the reation, about 100 people partic- self-esteem- and feelings of - - from Case Western University.. in Pilot Club of Lancaster, an or ipate each sememster. . dividual responsibility for their ganization in which she served Walking and running are He is a member of the Lancaster " " - - learning , he said.. "They also - equated on a one-for-one ratio , School Board.. in as director , secretary, president - - T-shirts are given to indi swimming on a one-to-four- - crease their respect and liking and vice president , and is active ratio viduals hwo accumulate 100 and - - for their classmates , including in the First United Methodist biking on a ratio.. Marketing Paper clasmates miles with their activity. male four of other races and Church of Millersville , where she " and female faculty/staff/ mem-¬ Participants chart their - minority groups. . served on the administrative pro Millersville University pro- bers and students who accom-¬ gress by filling out a weekly board and council of ministries. . fessor Dr.. Donald L.. Brady has plish the highest mileage during card and turning itit.in. in at Pucillo In addition , she was president of been invited to present a paper the semester are awarded with a Gym.. Gender Roles the United Methodist Women.. on product modification for in- plaque.. ternational markets during the - At the end of the semester , the On Monday evening , October Other persons selected as of 1985 Atlantic Marketing , mileage is calculated. . 7 , Patricia McBroom will deliver ficers include Joan Blake , first Association conference in New " vice ; a lecture titled , "Gender Roles : president Gail Thomson , The 100 Mile Club started in Millersville Orleans , Oct.. 3-5.- . " is hosting its ? : second vice president ; Maeve - - ' " Are We Going Forward at 7:00 the Spring of 1974 when the In first-ever CROP Walk for Entitled "Product Modifica-¬ Ketner , recording secretary ; ': p.m.. . in room 101 , McComsey tramural Office wanted to pro- the hungry on Sunday tion for International Markets:. Mary , ¬ ' Hall.. All are welcome . Beth Reinking correspon- . . " to attend. mote fitness. afternoon October 20.. The An Economic Theory , the paper ding secretary ; , ¬ McBroom is an anthropologist Pat Foley trea- walk is an uses economic concets ¬ ; ¬ ¬ opportunity for to dede-- by academic , a surer Frances Keller , parlia- The club began with 34 stu- training writer . , students and townspeople velop a rationale for how the - mentarian ; and Traci Downey , dents and eight professors.. by profession , a former jour to take positive - decision to modify a product for historian. . steps to nalist , and a specialist on gender ward a foreign market should be solving the world behavior.. For her The - In Spring 1981 , . forthcoming MU . Campus Club pro the of Dr Ted hunger . made. further examines how MU crisis. It . book , The Third Sex: The New vides a variety of services to the Rupp , then a member of the For¬ CROP ' much modification on informa¬ walkers obtain - Professional Woman ;, to be University. . Scholarship eign Language Department and sponsors - monies and. who pledge monemone-- tion cost and availability, per ¬ published by the Wiliam Mor are raised through an avid believer in physical , . - - dues and tary support for the miles ceived risk , level of personal in ' row Publishing Company in other projects , and recently , an fitness, endowed the Intramural (5,10(5( , '10 or more ) , benefitsb walked.. The come nefits of . and future April 1986 , McBroom studied endowed scholarship fund was and Registration Office with money ' riased goes to - modification baed on the time ' pro waysw ys in which professional ' ¬ . monmoneyy too' provide a plaque the established to provide a'a-perma-a perma- \ : to vide food, , - ¬ ' seeds . ' ' ' and value of money. Also assimi- . tech women are adopting masculine nent source those who put in the mostm miles , of income for st ' nology in - ' countries troubl lated into the economic report is - , . " styles behavior . during a semesterest r.. . , . , . , . . : . . of and scholarships. semester. :, ' . com 1 ed by hhungeriid -: : ; influence of behavioral factors . r.. . . ' munication to succeed in their , StudentsSt d nts , . ' . . ¬ Programs and ' : faculty , such as . social - . activities for ' and cultural and dif professions , ' . ' : and what impact ' " , , 1 student ! ¬ ' the remainder . - 'ReRegistrationstrati n and additional groups are encounencour ferences... The paper will( be . off the year . on family in ' ' ' ' - ' this change has life . ' ' ; aged. : to . ' . detailsd tails'forfor thethelOOMile100Mile100 Mile Club are to'joiri'.injoin in this com - on coin . published in the Association's clude a workshop interior '' . " ' and gender identity. The book is ' , . ' mU 1it ' munity . , ¬ . . effort.. . ' available Pucillo Gym. , and . . ' Students > decorating a variety of " in ' . - " ' conference proceedings. holi , - . ; : , : " : , " Pu&' an ethnogr phy of prtprofessinalfessinal . , ' : ethnography of' , . . ' can " re ' - . " , &' registerster . ; ' ' : : by calling day fund-raising . , . ' ; ' : , . , . ' events . : . , . . . : . , , . : . L . . - Lancasteraster native Brady ' - . ' ;. ' . A : . ' ' > . . ' ,; . . . . . : ' and feminie roles ; .' . . x3350 , . . .; traced _ x3350orx3355or x3355 : '. ;;: : 'V, . " . , , " , . I . . ' " ' ... : . . '. ' " . , . ' .: . ' ' ') ! , . , ' . : ' . .: \ : . . . - . . . , . . : ' ' . \ , " . . . , K ' ,,3 ! . . f . . : . , ' / . , - . f ...... , I . ,1 " ' ' ' - , - i. ' ,' : : , ' . . . . . ' ' - :, : . . .: . " 4 " . '' . . , ; . , ' . ; . . : . . : i : , . : : , \ ;. ; : : ; ; : . _ : : , : . ' ; ' . : ' . r ; : : : , . . ' . . : . : . : i. . : . , ( ' > < f. ?;, . . , * " ' ' * _ . - . > * I' /. . * * f , ' i . ' . , - . ' , , " ' . . i' \ - flrfTTTH A i ' , . ;, . ; , * OftT W ' * ) . page, " - ' , : . , . i ; . 5 <" ' --A- ' - ' '"* * r ' ' , . . . , , . ber.,2. ; ', ' . tUft - . Octobi ' . ' % : " . " ' . . . r.2r .19851985 , . , ; . : THE'SNAPPER| 0iLiixUrX JuXv . " " : & ' , . -.Oct ' S.IAPRD . . ' ' " : Jjd' , . : . " ; ' SHE . , " " . ' ,: , , , . , ; , ' ! ; ; ' " : . . . . , . ' , :, . . . . ' . . " . . r; : ' ' ' ' ' ' ; ; i: ; '' : : ' ' . ' ' '' '' . " ' ' ' '' . . . . , . ' I'. .1 " . .. " : ' . . : ' : ' . : . " ' ' ; ' chapter pres . ,,7 :' ' . : ! , presidentn ' . . ed this ' . : : scscheduleded forf r ppast Monday - ' ' ' < : i .X ? f : ;: ' > : , { : * . " . . / " ; - " . p- " ; . g , ' , . ' " . " , . ScharnbergerScharnb r Recentlytecently. ' . , ' " " were cancelled ' ' ' whenwh n the two ap , : . . . ,." , " . , . "h' . . ' : ' " ' . ' ' .' ' . , , ' ' , ' ' ' . ' - . ; < , - ; , S-. . , ; ' " : , , . . ; ; . ' ; . pe t- tc .aj Se . . d , . ' , peared , organizationsorg ato ; imp e-: at ajStudentStt n :Senate . . " ' , ; .d' t agreed.toimple. ? . ' " . ' ' . . ! . _ . . . Senate . ' e"n- ' , . . : . ' . ' . ; . . ' " " ' . . . : ' , " . . . : . . . . > , . . ment . : ;. . ' eila m nt a press embargom arg , barring Meeting to uigaurget studeptsstudents tto 'a' . : Strike ' . . . e" " f ' " . ' R ' ' " : . ' :; : ' ' ' ' : " ' ¬ .. . ' ; p. . - . . cont , from . 1 : write.letterwrite letters to.bothto . both sidessides.of the . ; . ' ; cont. from p.. 1 . . the press from _ p. current informa of contDt n'p'l'1. . p.1 .- . : : .- ' e, . , . . . . bargaining askingthe.ne " . . . . tion regarding negotiations.. tabtable asking thene-; , ' . ' '' : : , . . ' . " : . . . i . ' ' -. : . . . : . . . . ments - - gotiators .; accordingly In to arriveaifiye" at 'aa . settle f' ' beginning " " a joint APSCUF-SSHE t ' , ; . an ' ' , . . a - ; :. , . " . : ' ' , , . . . ing up goals . to . . the they . . . .: . . that . " with the fall of 1980 and , two - ment. . . . ' that the nouncement the group lea ' " , - . ; have set for themselves in their SSHE pay the faculty legal ders explained their decision. On the student..sidestudent. . side of the : ' in ' - " - ' ownown constitutions.. He said that terest from the date each pay "The State System of Higher issue, the Commonwealth Associ- ' . , ' " ', . ;( ) ' ' the SNAPPER constitutionc OJl . . ments were due until the date Education and the Association atatiori off Students , CAS has ' .' . - - .. payment was received.. of Pennsylvania State College taken a stand ..oPPopposingg .thehepro-: pro; " -¬ ' says that it will provide "unpre- ' , $ The - . $ fQr',82,00.O, :. faculty unionhas received and University Faculties mutal- ; posed increase for , . " " ' - ; 300 82000' judiced and unbiased" . jour ¬ .; ; ' a positive decision from the ly have agreed to enter into SSHE studentsst dents. Jeff DiehLDiehl . CAS exex-- . , nalism , and he advocated the Commonwealth Court in their tensive and prolonged discus- formation of a committee to ¬ -¬ for . suit certain SSHE records rere-- sion in an effort. to reach.settle-reach settle pass jjudgement on - , . the SNAP garding ¬ salaries andd benefitss for ment on the contract negotia- PER , seeing if they are up- . , ' ' . tions. . . . ' : . : ' . . holding that commitment and to " ' v- - "Both parties believe that the see what course of action the - ability to reach such accord may ' ' : . ' : , Senate could and should take. , 'p'X ; . : - ...... an . be with , . better . LII __ served em , " ' bargo on all information regar-¬ Schwoyer said , "We're shovel- ding negotiations during this ing $35,000$ , to what might be- period.. Toward that end, such come a clique.." ' an embago will be in effect from . ,, Friday , September 27 , through A committee to investigate midnight Friday , October 4.. the. the SNAPPER was formed.. " "According to APSCUF Presi-¬ Campbell cautioned the coJ1lIIlcommitt-- dent Dr.. G.. Terry Madonna and tee to be careful of crossing into

I " " Chancellor Dr.. H.. the "gray area of censorship , SSHE James I " , and to "work with the - McCormick just settlement of I SNAP " the contract has been the desire I PER staff , not against them..

Dr.. G.. Terry MadonnaMad nna 1 of both the outset.. This will be - vice-president- , said , "We" feel The issue of the answering one more I means toward reach ' " . ing closure as soon as possible.. very strongly that the students , machine didn't take much time.. who already pay the second ! Although there was some con- . . The 14 APSCUF chapters will " . " - - I cern expressed an Dr;. Charles K.. ScharnbergerSch rnberger sponsor: "Quality Education highest tuition rate in the coun that having ' " - for - , answering machine might ¬ the ChancellorChancell r and other SSHE Days" on various SSHE cam ,try state-owned schools en : - courage laxness in ! ¬ puses today through Friday , should not be used as a bargain the senators executives :' APSCUF had rere- , - - being present office quested the records be released Madonna announced , to include ing chip in the negotiations bet during their - ween APSCUF and SSHE.." hours , it was decided that the to their Director of Adminis-¬ rallies , teach-ins and symposia CAS ¬ executive committee would buy tration Russell Harris.. for faculty, students , parents , has taken no official posi- According to last Friday's' administrators and the general tion on contract negotiations, an answering machine for the - , ¬ " -¬ public.. will but plans have been made to Student Senate office so stustu-- APSCUF hotline , "APSCUF rere-- Speakers lecture and an ¬ an official dents could call and leave a ceived word that the [Com- discuss topics relevant to aca- nounce positon on the ¬ message even during monwealth Court judge] issued demic excellence at the univer- issues on Monday at the fall times ¬ when no one is on . an order in favor of citizen sity.. meeting of the full CAS legisla- duty. Information on the schedules tive body.. Russell Harris. . . SSHE must "' provide citizen Harris with all can be obtained from chapter We want to make sure that The meeting was adjourned at his requested recordsrec rds by next presidents.. At Millersville , Dr.. students, whose tuition has 7:30: so that anyone who had 109 percent 1975 , week.. Charles K.. Scharnberger, an risen since do tickets to Cab Calloway could " ' A SSHE press conference and associate professor of Earth not get hurt anymore , said get there.. ; - Science , as Diehl.. * an APSCUF briefing , both served APSCUF * . . I M iiey . , .

. . ,'

. , , . ' . : . . , . . - . . ' . ' , ' , . , - " .. : , : '( ' , ' > ; d ' . . : . . t ' . . . ' ' , : '

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. , , . . , ' . . . " " " . . ' ! - i Page 6 ' ' G, , LoIUUJ, - ! VJCtODCl THfc. SNAPPERS

AlA ' ' " AlA'Monitors'Monitors Liberal Profs MU Tries StudentRetention ' , ( ) " ' " BOSTON MA CPS - "All I An offshoot of Reed Irvine's "The Thought Police fromfrom'.1984.1984. , ' know is that they have me on Accuracy In Media (AIM ) - a are here.. They're just a year BY RANDY LEAMAN in higher education at " " " develop an kkeepep them at their list , says Boston Universi-¬ group which monitors the media late.. "We have got to Staff Writer " - any university. . political - early warning system , he ex ty science professor for leftist biases and then con An example of a retention pro- '"' - " " " identify when the Howard Zinn.. Whether they ducts publicity and letter- "As far as their effect on me , . Millersville ,University is in plained , "to ' gram already at work in Millers- have agents my classroom Zinn says , "I" don't care.. I is thinking of leaving ' in is a writing campaigns against have the process of starting a new student ville is the women's athletic pro- ' ¬ develop - good question. . That's the most liberal offenders AIA was tenure.. But for untenured facul- program for student . school. . Then we have to " - retention. Marjorie Trout , director insidious part of this whole formed to attack what Irvine ty it is a real threat , and creates Because the number of high a way by which we can get that gram.. and help of women's' athletics , started a thing : everything is kept secret.. and others feel is the other great an atmospheree of fear in the school students. preparing for student to come in ' " " ." program designed to help her You just don't know. bastion of liberal thought : the classroom:. college is diminishing, a number them find out their problem. suggested that athletes deal with their personal college campus.. of services are being designed to Anttonen also ' He may not know who is " really " - . "And what concerns me retain the' students already in a student might want to stop problems. watching him , but he does know " ; could " . is "The response and need for is the impact this have on . for a period of time. This is ' why.. school. This program is designed out Trout's assistant Sandy . With people this service have been over- the students. to curb the high drop-out- rate of where the student discontinues is responsible for{or dealing " " say re-- Peters Zinn , - ¬ whelming , Csorba . monitoring what I and what , - for a season in order to a self-described "Marx- says university , students by pro school each of these athletes per-- , could with , ist , socialist , and independent the students say it have a viding various services to help evaluate his/her/ goals.. He claims - .'. " very chilling effect in the . ----- , is on deal with . I radical a list of several "This" organization really has " them their problems. - classroom. - thousand social science pro-¬ exploded with letters and phone Dr.. Ralph Anttonen , Millers fessors with leftist leanings. . ville Retention officer , is respon-¬ calls - hundreds of them - But "we" want to expand - sible for researching and from students on campuses in balance , And so it is going across " academic not restrict developing > a the terested in helping us , he adds.. " ' " various retention it , counters AIA's Csorba.. "The country this fall as a new " 100 - programs. . He is also working on " " "We now have almost col classroom is an open forum , and "watchdog" group - Accuracy, - a tracking system which would leges where students are in con have a right to In Academia ( AIA ) - enlists students speak follow students through their tact with us about what their * ¬ " out and question their pro- four years at Millersville looking conservative students to professors are saying in class. ' ' " " " . all we're . "monitor" their professors for fessors. That's doing at QPQPAA , campus activities and " " "liberal" " ¬ family background develop a slants and "misinforma- The group targeted the " ( ' ) to " has "If AIA's critics are really for ' tion.. profile of the types of students social sciences , he reports , and free speech and academic " " that graduate.. This helps the ' specifically professors with freedom , he asks , "then why are AIA has garnered so many " University in recruiting stu-¬ liberal beliefs "because they they against us? These people __ student r' _ volunteers nationwide dents by giving them a set of have been most guilty of are the ones engaged in their- that it has dropped its original ( ) variables to act as a guideline violating objective teaching own form of thought-policing.- . plan to use senior citizens " . to guidelines.. for incoming students. We like to think of ourselves as a " monitor classrooms for liberal " Anttonen said , "One of the public service for students.. sentiments.. " things keeps a But "any professor - right or that student at y - school is necessarily his left - will be reported and ex But the United States -¬ the not Stu ' ' " ' , ( major or what he's studying ; it's Dr.. Ralph " Rock" Anttonen serves as MU's retention officer researching Now students , most with posed if they are distorting the dent Association USSA ), the Doc " the extra-curricular- activities ; and developing various retention programs.. grades and credits on the line , facts.. largest student organization in it's' the contacts he has with the will do the monitoring, reports the country, says the group is " ; ' sonally.. She has met with each ' Among other things , Csorba more like a "public menace.. " professor it's what I call a sense that this is also retention in that Les Csorb , AIA's executive " will says , will complain of belonging to the . some time to of the freshmen athletes and director. . AIA to institution. it gives students " so.. She keeps an, school administrators , depart- "USSA has very strong con- He went on to say the decide consider their reasons for continue to do that " - " - ment chairs , and'. the local com cerns about the purpose behind student that is involved in any being in school.. Since this gives "open-door" policy for those with While many students volun-¬ " munity, as well as "printing" up a campaign of this type , says form of campus activity has a them time away from studies it problems.. She is prepared to teered independently , many of ' complaints - spokeswoman Kathy Ozer.. "We" they will deal with any athlete's social them are also members of cam- student in our na better chance of surviving is hoped that return tional newsletter"" when it finds would not encourage any of our school than the student that and be better able to cope with and emotional concerns and is pus conservative groups such as - - professors who mention facts members to get involved with it , only attends class.. Everybody their problems.. available round-the-clock. . the College Republicans and " ' with which AIA disagrees. . especially on the grounds that is at Millersville is responsible for Retention is not only for high-- Trout said , "We're trying to Young Americans for Freedom.. " - is promoting or encouraging stu-¬ student retention, he said , by risk students but also honor help that student grow , em " For many academicians , ' dent rights.. taking the time to or be well.. Some honor phasizing that academic prob-¬ that's listen- to students as AIA , in fact , has begun direct - - a nightmare come true. a friend to those who need one , students drop-out because they lems would be referred to their ¬ ¬ mail campaigns to solicit cam Critics also question how obob-- ' ' especially freshmen.. Students are not challenged , so it would academic flvisersa . But she also pus conservatives for money "We" - jectively students , with pre-¬ " are growing very concern need to feel wanted and involved be the goal of the retention pro- added , "if student' is having a and support. . formed ed about the group and its opinions and grades at gram to provide these students social or e tional problem they - - and sometimes just listening or " stake, will review their pro , " allegations , says Iris Molotsky , giving advice is enough to help with an honors program and can not d veil. academically. . All of which conjures ¬ . up imim-- spokeswoman for the American fessors. r - " " " them decide between staying or training abroad.. Trout d Peters are attempt ages of "witch , "Red ¬ hunts Association of University Pro ¬ i , " " " - "In" most cases leaving.. In essence , retention pro- ing to cement their program , there is a grade Scares "McCarthyism" and fessors ( AAAAUPUP ) . " " " " is trying develop grams are designed to keep for ret., aion.L. ionon by providing a "Thought Police" for critics in on the line, Csorba admits , "and Anttonen to " - " , en-- " an "early-warning system" to students , at all academic levels , much seeded source of the academic community , who at some universities the ' "The presence in classrooms of - - : spspott those students who are con in some form of higher educa courag nent. and counseling for charge the monitoring practice monitors will inhibit academic students may be associated with " " campus groups.. But we really sidering dropping out.. He said tion.. Anttonen said that ideally , their t fetesetes. This in turn helps could have a "chilling effect" on freedom.. Students will hesitate ' ' ' when a student comes in goal would be to keep the f dents' adjustment to college . don't care if a student has an that intoto the classrooms. before pesenting controversial ' issue over grades , or whatever. . sign the papers , it is already too students at Millersville but a camp life go much smoother. . ideas and professors may , . . . , " " . is goal of retentiop , It . the We just to know late, " . ' . ' more realistic goal would be to ie want , , They withhold unpopular opinions.. what theth ' ' cite how the fear of being ' programs to provide $services ' professor is saying, not settle " - We believe claim , branded a communist - and los the group's - " ., similar to this at allalllev"levelsls of the alone can decide what personal grievances. . ing jobs and grades - during that they . ' University. ; - " " " the fifties stifled thought on is correct or incorrect informa "Of course , says Zinn , "why campuses and , according to tion' - is both arrogant and worry about that when the ' " ; : x ] " some observers , so retarded hollow, she says.. group is way out in right field Officers Elected " American scientific thought ' anyway ? \ BU's Zinn more point.. took huge federal - is to the - that it spend " " " ' The 1985-86 officers of the "This whole thing has a strong "In fact , he adds , "they're way ing to restore U.S.. . primacy in " " Psychology Club are Chris Eelement of fascism , he charges.. beyond the foul line.. the sixties. . Shoemaker , President ; Aaron Wilbanks , Vice-President- ; Dara I Blank , Secretary ; Cheryl . and r : - - . : Gatch , Treasurer.. //1 'R'' ' e, ; State Universities Rank With Ivy Schools ' f ' Other Steering Committee members of the organizatoin are Linda Collins , MaryBeth Elen-- sky, Sheri Good , Mary Grace , " ' I , and Bowdoin College , says he "We're not trying to make Karen Grow Kim Haas , SANTA CRUZ , CA ( CPS ) any - Michele Keffer , Sue Meneely , - wrote his book after noticing statement about which of those , Students can get Ivy League- ' , " Olga Riccardo , Eric Tate , quality - there was no guide to rate public is the best Moll cautions, ' educations for one-third Elizabeth Towner and Debi a institutions in relation to noting that all of the public Snapper photo by Randy Leaman the tuition costs at number of A . - private , Ivy League schools.. program designed to help women athletes deal with personal problems is - Tshudy. Dr.. Susan Luek-Keen - public universities , be Moll universities he selected are as ing implemented by Athletic Director Marjorie Trout.. will again serve as club's' ratedaccording to a newly-published- visited public campuses the nationwide , he says , good as or better than private , Faculty Adviser.. book by a college admissions ¬ ranking exex-- Ivy League schools.. . pert. nElilliii1lIB1JSHIBIISSIIS1i1l&1liii1liii1n& fsnm' r=n' r=-n'1rr=i ® ® ® © ® ® ® ®I uou ® UBJ 1l1l1r-! ! " l oaaaoa - ® usi® m m® IBI ® HI® ®UUIBIIBJIBJIBJ® ® ® ®: ooo: l""l" | "Many" students are looking at He also compiled a "best" of the how their costs , ¬ o oaaaa student popula- " 0 public colleges , where the tui--¬ rest" of schools which , tui tions , academic , list , environments tion hasn't' gone sky high, as as good as o[ financial , although not those on iJ o - resources and school ' alternatives to costly private , Quality DaDayY in compare the first list are still comparable [ ] Education "' histories to Ivy League o ;!! stitutions , says Richard Moll , League colleges.. j aLI! : colleges.. to Ivy U.. Cal-Santa- Barbara admis-¬ 0 " sions director and author of "The ' " m " Moll's "best of the rest"" - Public Ivys.Ivys. - in His picks for IvyIvy League- clude ¬ I TODAY I the University of Col- [ ] : Li i f quality public schools include orado , Georgia Tech , the Univer¬ j ' The annual cost of attending - the universities of Vermont , sity of Illinois , New College of a B Harvard and Yale , for instance , Michigan , Virginia , the College the University of South Florida , 0 is more than $15,000$ , , according and , of William Mary the Penn State , the University of \ to a recent College Board report.. - 1= 1 14-campus University of Texas Pittsburgh , the State Universi-¬ Come By The SMAC o system , Miami of Ohio , North ty of New York-Binghamton- , ® LJ[ ] Carolina-Chapel- Hill , and the j the University of Washington ' At many public universities , - " eight-campus university of and the University of Wiscon¬ on the other hand , "both quality - - " California system . sin.. I A// Room and prestige are on the rise , ! Purpose i . Moll says , while annual costs are . ,. | B . 151 less than $10,000.$ , . THEATRE o RAFRAFTERSERS . . " \ / ThursFriSatThurs . Fri , Sat. i! Anytime " /jJ 1 Between . 17, 18 , 19 " Oct 17,18,19] 18,19 " "Noon" / MILLERSVILLE UNIVERSITY I /jJ Moll , who has also worked in f Oct.. 24 , 25. 26 ® ' admissions at Harvard , Yale, : pm 8:008 00 pm Curtain " 6 " o ® And " . . " For 1= i 5pm Informal , o 11/ , Jackie's' Haircuts i Conversation With Faculty , * ' i] $6.50$ . The Classic i8 B ' " i ] ' . - Czechoslovakian S 1 J w/Blow-dry/ ® ' _ Fantasy The ' ' " About Contract . . Crisis ; $11.00$ By I I | - , Iil ' ' " Josef Karel Capek ® , , Ask about our and . ' Perm Specials \ , , M Male and Female . ' ] . . ii ! Students Welcome ' fiI ® ' , . . ADMISSIONS $4$ (MU $2)$Z) the door ] Refreshments, . 511 . Students at Ii ' . Leaman Ave. - . . HALF-PRICE when Reserved In Advance , IIiiI . ' I ' ,. " , ! ! < " 1J! ' ' .Ii\ Iii Millersville " " Center ' CITAHARD , . , ! , , , " i , ! } " , " , CALL : - . li- , lJ . FOR RESERVATIONS ® , ' , , . ' 872.2241 . , : " . ( 872 - ' " iJ- ' " "i " 1iiI' " ' : I . , . IiiiiI " ' I _ " ( ] I J IIJ III III III III III II! IIflHIl 11I(1)( ) III IIflll _ , , I , r. , ,. ' III ' . " . . . I ' , : . . , ' , '\ .f : . , iii' " , II . ' . III . . ' . . ' ' : . ' : ' ' : Y. ' : : ! Page ? , . ; ' : : SN Ji :: . . . . ' : . THE SNAPPER . . . . . ' . ; . . . . , ...... oberZ'1965i; , . . ' " . m ; . ': . l0: " " ; , , ' { \ ! . .n1 EE'\j Citamard'13Citamard BuzzeszzesWithzzes With "lnseInsect.tCComedydy . - , , - . . .' . . " . ' . , . , . . , , - , . . ' , . , " , " '"" The Insect Comedy a : r-- ¬ ' servant machines forf ;, which ticism in the epilogue. in the Ephrata PlayhousePlayho se pro- who is granted the ability to Czechoslovakian fantasy which '' Capek . ¬ ' created the :now. familiar Traditionally costumed in exex-- ductiori of Working.. variovariouss' insectins ct became an ¬ witness and international sensa- . was term robot. Josef Capek was a pensively fantastic costumes for Diane Stone of 20 Hedgewood dramas , has the responsibility of tion in the 1920s , , . early will be . . , . successful artist in several a cast of nearly 50 insect roles AvenueAvenue , Ronks, is featured.in.in pulling the various styles and . revived by the Citamard ' ' ( PlayersPlay rs media . " " - \ includinginclud stage design ' Comedy, as two as Mrs.. Beetle . ) . lg The Insect "as produc major roles scenes together. . . of Millersville " ' University for Also , , a ththeoristorist" and critic he ed by the Citamard Players and as the Ant Dictator.. Miss in the cast areare'RobertoRoberto r . their opening performance Others . of the helpedh lped stimulate European - as ; ' ' . in combines different styles of Stone appeared last season Barbosa, New York City'SueCity Sue directed by Dr.. Paul R.. Talley of fall season.. ' - terest; in primitive arts and in clothing to suggest Mayor's Millers ; , ' Written by human the Wife in Bobb , Carlisle Jessica Earl MU's speech/drama/ department.. Josef and KarKarell ' ' ' the psychology of children's art.. various insects.. Flowered ville University's All CaICampus1pus Philadelphia ; Brian Gehman , Serving as assistant directors Capek , the play reveals parallels , Both interests in primitive arts (ACMO ) ; , Kimonos from the Loeb Musical Organization Lancaster Stefanie Kaufman are Francis - Brookes, Dawn between insect and human be- and in the psychology of Costume Collection will be used production of Music Man.. Shartlesville ; Steve Keefer,/ Wentzel and Beth McCarron. . havior in a progression of dif¬- ' dif children's art.. Both interests to depict the butterflies and Michael Louella of Bensalem , Elizabethtown ; David Kelleher , James Henke , also of MU ferent theatrical styles.. will the It were later condemned by the futuristic jump from the Music of the same pro- ; McClean , be performed suits the Man Landenberg Nancy speech/drama/ department , is Thursdays Nazis and Josef died at Belsen Manor School ¬ , as Felix, the ; , Penn High pro duction appears Mountaintop Craig McGinley designing . set which will through Saturdays , October - the concentration camp.. of "1984"" are being , one of Sir John ; , - - duction poet butterfly Ridley Park John Miller feature projected scenery.. Nick 17-19 and 24-26 at 8 p.m.. . " ' " ' "The Insect Comedy! consists adapted for the ants.. Gielgud's earliest London roles.. Ambler; Sheri Moyer , Liverpool ; Pagliante of Lancaster is design- A journalist by trade , Karel of three short acts plus prologue Francis DeSales Brookes , a Louella alsoso plays the Inventor Ron Noll , Hershey ; Anne ing the lighting.. Capek wrote another interna¬- and epilogue , each division of senior communication/theatre/ Ant who carries the plans of a Rickert , Lebanon ; Joel Satter-- Tickets to the production are . . tional stage success , RURR. U.R.. . the play reflecting a different major from Philadelphia , heads new war machine in his head. field , Hanover; Frank Spence , $4$ , $2$ with a MU ( ' ) . identification Ransome's Universal Robots of Comedy of , - - style theatre from the cast of 22 MU students Beth McCarron of War- Mt.. Joy ; James Tinsman , Top- card.. Phone reservation made One of the few science fiction ( - - Manners in Act I The Butter- whom two Warr- ; , ; most of play or three , minster and Gina Virga of - ton Patricia Ward Woodlyn prior to the day of thethe; perfor¬ dramas to work on the stage , ) - fies through Farce in Act II roles scenes.. sexual , social . , - ¬ in the various This ington are cast as and Dawn R. Wentzel Fleet- mance will be half price.. Reser- . .. . RURR. UR previews a future when (The ) , Surrealism . Marauders in summer Brookes won critical rivals in the butterfly. sequence. wood.. vations may be made by calling control of the world isi seized ( ) - .by Act The to Roman " III Ants kudos for his role as the Fireman Brookes , in the role of a vagrant "The" Insect Comedy , is 872-3129- beginning October 10.. ' ' ' ' Search For . Learned. From The Failures OfO/Youth.Youth. .

BY EDWARD WHITELOCK " , ' / ' . Staff Writer , .. :;

. Excellence of work by An exhibition is Millersville graduate John a, Nine Millersville University Penn ManorManor"secondary, ' secondary educa¬- Markowitz and fellow artist " students fromfr m Lancaster County / ; Frederick C. ' Haag entitled 2 ! history " r were among 10 MU freshmen Dressler , daughter Young Painters" is presently -Michele r . " , " - . , Clark in Sykes Gallery presented $500$ "Search for Ex of Mr. Albert Becker 925 being held rf . . " ¬ . 18.. . cellence"cell nce" scholarships at a recep- St.. , Lancaster , McCaskey , through Oct. ; ' tion in MU's Biemesderfer ExEx--¬ secondary / - Where the eight paintings . i . education ' , ecutive Center Wednesday matics ; representing Haag's work are , ( September 18.. ) --Theresa Hartman , daughter separate from each other, the r \ . , The scholarships are provided of Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Hart¬ mine works of Markowitz are in by the Millersville Alumni man , Box , 178-L- , Manheim , fact a series of paintings that Association through donations Manheim Central , biology// together weave a journey of to the Annual Fund to acknowl-¬ nuclear medical technology ; growth of maturity.. Markowitz L L t " edge academic achievements by --Kathy Settle , 101 W.. Main explained that , "the paintings , R: - . high school students and attract St.. , Strasburg , Lampeter-- are a personal journey of lessons those persons to MU.. Each rere--¬ Strasburg , secondary educa-¬ llearned from the failures of " cipient also received personal tion/mathematics/ ; youth to maturity.. congratulations from University James- Stroup , son of Mr.. The images in each of the - President Joseph A.. Caputo and and Mrs.. Morris Stroup , 321 paintings change from a pod-like MU Alumni Association Presi-¬ Primrose Lane , Mountville , structure to a wing and finally - dent Elizabeth Kauffman and Hempfield , business administra to a tree Markowitz commented , " was presented a hand-lettered- tion; "One image symbolizes flight , " " " "Certificate of Excellence.. Most -Beverly Tyson , daughter of the other growth. . , . " " 2 of the scholarship recipients and Mr. and Mrs.. James Tyson , 129 "Sway, the third painting in - - their parents were in attend Mayfield Drive , Lititz , War the series , exemplifies how a : " " This painting by John Markowitz is part of the current exhibit in Sykes Gallery& entitled 2 Young Painters.. ance.. wick , elementary education; mistake of accident can turn out All of the award winners had - Wenger , daughter of better than the original concept.. Sharon ' " - attattendednded the "Fifth Annual Mr. and Mrs.. Ronald Wenger , In the painting , the white pod is pod rather than destroy it , examining it closer.. Markowitz explained his " " "''° " Search for Excellence" Program 2508 Miller Road , East swaying as ifpushed by wind.. In almost giving it an illusion of In "Wingfall'uMarkowitz"WingfaH , " Markowitz por-¬ working habits.. "Usually two or " in the spring of their junior Petersburg , Hempfield , the course of reworking the motion.. Markowitz explained trays the fall of Icarus.. "The three paintings are going to ' years.. The program had in- business administration ; painting , the brittle white paint that he was unhappy with the painting displays the myth of once , but I don't look to ' : ' troduced Millersville's academic Robin- Wheatley , son of Mrs.. cracked in the pod.. However , the painting at first and almost fix- legend of failed youth , but the finishing them.. I don't look that " " offerings to top caliber high Danny Wheatley , 509 General cracks enhance the image of the ed it, but changed his mind after importance of effort.. far ahead in terms of my work.. " ' school students from Lancaster , Sutter Ave.. , Lititz, Warwick , \ Of technique he stated , "I'm not ' Lebanon and York Counties. . Be- elementary education/early/ \ I an analytical painter ; painting is

_ , ginning in January 1986, all in- childhood ; and ' a journey and technique has , . vtI 1 . coming freshmen , regardless of -Dawn Wilson , daughter of I ' nothing to do with my work. The geographic location , will be able Mr.. and Mrs.. Thomas C. Wilson , relationship between myself , my " ¬ - apply for a "Search for - Lane , Lancaster , hands , the paint , brush , and can to ExEx-- , Judie .I. " - cellence" scholarship. . McCaskey , business administra - vas is more important.. Forms C . County students tion/tion/accounting./accounting. A- take shape. Technique is only a Lancaster I-. : , " J' " receiving the awards , along with Also awarded a "Search for ' tool , things must be learned and ' ' " " .r - ' high and college scholarship was unlearned . their schools Excellence" ? ' 4 ,: ' majors, are as follows : Scott Bankert , son of Mr.. and \; i' l A 1978 Millersville graduate , . .f. -Elizabeth Deaner , daughter Mrs.. William Bankert , Box , n Markowitz spent three years of Mr.. and Mrs.. John Deaner , 1538 , Spring Grove , Spring working before attattendingnding Pratt . 420 N.. Prince St.. , Millersville , Grove High School , chemistry.. University in New York , where he received his masters degree in 1983.. He has had work exhibited , - . ' in several group shows in \ _ cluding an exhibition of young Let . Your Philadelphia artists.. This is his first two-man-- show. . The next exhibition in Sykes Gallery will be a display of work A.. 1! by faculty member Robert .g. LoveLoveShowShow , , 5 Nelson whose haunting _ 8 "Hawklady" and Monkey"" paint- ' I 'Words cannot express the lege , KEY WEST , FLORIDA C.. ::: ings were included in the recent we feel toward ( , gratitude that Rho Epsilon Chapter Phi Theta L a...... 0. faculty exhibit. The opening is ( otherwise ) ; ) i " you for making what Kappa (3) Southeastern ' set for Oct.. 21.. been a dull , would have Massachusetts University $ a a most joyous , LI , v Christmas into NORTH DARTMOUTH Markowitz , a graduate of Millersville University , described the exhibit series as a "personal" journey of lessons learned from . . ' ( Christmas for all to remember. MASSACHUSETTS Newman theth failures of youth to maturity.." Your thoughtfulness reflects Club ) ; (4)( ) Western Illinois great credit upon Americans Universitry, MACOMB , IL- and what America stands for.. LINOIS ( Sigma Lambda Continue to support U.S.. . service Sigma ) ; (5)( ) Oklahoma State members. . . and. may God be Universitry, STILLSTILLWATERWATER , " Tutors Assess Tutorial Program " - ( - . - with you.Theseyou. ,These heart-warming OKLAHOMA Scott-Parker-- ) " words were received from a Wentz Single Student Housing . Also , , a - " - BY CINDY SMITH says Sattazahn tutor center at the appointed time on do.. She would also favor an lieutenant colonel in the U.S.. . Sincere thanks go to those Asst.!. Features Editor must keep in touch with the pro- ly to tell her he had no work to honor system where tutoring bundle as well all Army in response to the mentioned above as to fessors teaching the courses for do.. sessions can take place other of Christmas mail his unit the other wonderful folks who Three tutors recently gave which he tutors.. A tutor must ' than in the. Adams House received last year.. Adds a col- had a part in making last year's their assessments of the tutorial also special sessions , " attend facilities.. . . Marine Corps , . . Christmas Mail Call the most program at Adams House.. onel in the U.S. although this time does not Olga RiccardoRicc Ido , a junior , ' '. . please accept my 'thank you' successful ever.. . " " count as working time. tutored for one semester , but Mail Call.. . .made. the holidays Mail Call is an exciting project Randall "Spence" Sattazahn , a , left the program last year when . . . keep , , history tutor, feels that better Sattazahn recommends for my command. Please for groups organizations " she - "higher wages , reimbursement got another job guarantee good work.." , individuals , and organization would solve the up the families " ing her more . She tutoriQ shortage.. "The present for appointments that were hours. felt one , . thoughtful especially schools - Concerned from made where the does not ' Americans have for the past kindergarten throughschoolscollege.. system dicourages the best tutee of the system's strong points tutors from using their- skills show up , and more pay when was that "you" don't' have to be decdecadede been making Christmas In short , for just about at " ' " group are . members of the feverybody ! For complete.infor-complete ,. infor-- Adams House, said Sattazahn.. sessions tutored. failing to get the grade you more joyous for ; " . . how you , your family , " want.. Armed Forces of the US mation on "For what we put into the job, She said that some tutees sign According to Sattazahn , a " through Christmas Mail Call.. and your group can have a part we are really , he . However , some students take tutor only earns minimum wage ; underpaid said up for tutors in every course at across the this unique , patriotic program , ¬ Mail received from in whether the session involves an the beginning of the semester their tutors for granted she exex-- 150 or - , Heidi Suhr , a senior nation is sorted into some please send a self individual or and never make an appointment plained.. Some tutees will go for . a group session , . ( - graduating in December , feels and sent tot stamped envelope " weeks ¬ more bundles ' selfbusiness the tutor only works a few hours with some of them.. "The without making an ap-ap- whole is useful across the U.S.. . and possible ) to : MILITARY that the system destinations if a week.. " ' students only use tutors as a pointment and then want their ¬ ' If an appointment is "in'that"in who otherwise around the world for distribu- MAIL CALL'BOXCALL , BOX 6390 , FORT that a student tutor or give them a lot of help made by a tutee and that person could get a crutch , making that potential of our Armed BLISS , TEXAS 79906.. Thank not afford to tutor , tion to members- help the week before a test when - does not . show up , source of unavailable to ! not the tutor has the opportunity to get one . yyouu Forces. " genuinely need tutors themselves may have must waitt 15 minutes and does ¬ students who five col--¬ \ free.. The library science educa- " Nationally , the top col ' ' ' help.. tests and assignments.. not receive payment.. That can , , 1984 Mail Tops in Pennsylvania was tion major also feels however leges in the Christmas be a problem , " ' Millersville University, Linda particularly for an is often abused.. Suhr said she would like to see "Tutors . perform : (1)( ) Boise State that the system cant Call were - off-campus- , " . ' Thompson & the Women of student who must She sspoke}>Qke of one tutee who "some sort of penalty for miracles. If a student doesn't go University , BOISE , IDAHO Hun , - spend time going to and from ' to class, there is only so much ) ( ) and Lyle Halls MILLERS . . would set an with students who don't show up and il ; (2) ' ' " , appointment ( - CounCouncil ' - , InterfraternityII1-t - , " _ . " , ( ) . . ¬ VILLE #6 in the nation . Adams House , compensation for tutors who you can do to help them. Florida Keys Community Col- her: but then he came into the

, I .

. uctooer A" . iuoaoo THE SNAPPER Page 8 ..' . . I . - .

- &- by Charles M.. Schulz - r-r&- r5 . Peanuts fr--- - ; iT - 17 1 . ' 6-10- ' . I I ' ' IM MAD ND - . : I'M ANDAN WHEN - . , (I PONTDON'T' CARE\ BUT IT SHOULDN'T - ' ' ' Lj I'MI M MAD IVEI YE I HAVE , GOTTA . WWMAT) AT IT IS/IS / ) BEEN A BEANBAG. . . . 23 : ! ' 121. ' 22. . - - j KICK SOMETHING- t J Z _ ____ , 29 ( r , l JT 32 r 37 r 42 - - - .------.. - -- - ! - - - - ©m19351915UnltedFeatureSyndlcate.lnc.19S5 United Feature Syndicate . Inc . ______ui __43 44 - I 52 - - ,- GARFIELD® by Jim Davis 55 63 - - - - - < J) 1884 United Featureperr; . Syndicate.

36 Shore bird DOWN 38 Fiber plant ACROSS 34 Weaken. 1 Moccasin 40 Piece of 35 Symbol for 2 Be ill dinnerware 1 Soft food 3 Syllabus nickel poet 4 Exhausted 41 Italian 36 Hindu queen 4 Stalk 45 Falsehoods 9 Pair 37 At that place 5 An Apostle 12 Ventilate 46 Ocean 39 Left 6 Abstract being 474 Deface 13 Singing voice 42 Pertaining to 7 Negative 48 Pose for portrait 14 Possessed 8 Cistercian monk an era 49g Cloth measure 15 Small rooms 9 The ones here . 43 Similar 50 Period oltlmeof time 17 Repeal 10 Pale 53 Note of scale 19 Contest 44 Egyptian 11 Unusual 20 Health resorts dancing girl 16 rock Pulverized IAI i s si Ii1vIa 21 Farm building 18 - - IIvI 46 Little Charts IJ.J. ? 1i-'I3 iYM V'AV' . r-o.- . 23 Return to 20 Hindu garment iI-iIIiIvLJ- . ' . % 9.2 .. 1985 United SyndlcatelncSyndicate , Inc the 48 Cut , ©s Feature d i d j N i p -i I 1 I VI vI SI scene 51 DineDI e 21 Gentle - - 27 Conducts Chn 22 Eagles' nest iI-i 52 Choiceo I ce partt ( 29 Goddess of 24 Weird [ a(3IiIuIvIdI3jJ 54 ' high I discord 54GuidoshlghGuides 25Macaw25 Macaw I311J131H1J.'IIIa' . IINIVII INI [ 30 Note of scale note 26 Repulse I . * 31 Limb 5555ExIstExist 28Glistened'28 Glistened I3IiUsIiIHIsIalvI3I1I 32 European 56 Tropical fruit : pi. 33 Poker stake I8IvIdIvIhia NJHJYIBI capital 57Crafty57 Crafty 34Mexicanshawis34 Mexican shawls s v dIsaIvgIvI9 IaINI v vs1iIlsIoIIj] lalvit--, j [ SHOE L0IMJI I N IdIsdIvId1 bybyJeffMacNellyJeff MacNelly/ o X Y M H T Y T S E PAN A R - ' ', " epi9X1e.. ,." 3UTITWINKBUT mINK TonTonightht's ' Wm' ' Ci'J ?. I N P R' 0 S 1'1f'\1t " 0 \ : ' RUNNING " ' STY LAS NOR rAT TWEVKEE't' E TheThe. Wild lAJbrHof / , " LOW. ON SUBJECT '" C 0 A I E A T Z 0 X T Y TreeMbssTree, s.. PAP WTT6R.N'A' ,ER. . . i - - : M E F R G H MEA T I FED A eon -lc- <" 0 3 ) R M ! E E P j1 = i S 0 T 0 F-F" 0 - , " - g . Y " r Z A B P M A / : 'I' 0 0 0 I z / RON '

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P A E R Y R E T N F U L by Barry Bertolet Lance Johnson A N A L F I L X 0 H SHY E E

L Z L X 0 E T Y 0 P S E

. : ( : ( . I . i Wi ( You ! ; , vH o TtflNK fEE T.Lkr1a kt ! - A A X E T M Y S T Y P M - rce (-OW-( CAN You o i M-M Elfti- ) THE ic cJ.IM. ' M 0 T I L E POD H C 0 DoM 0 SET ' -- G I S 0 S H 'E A C V i 0 c TOM LAM l_ - Can you find the hidden literary terms ? ijWII! 3 1 ] Hj\O/S( \ / 0 1 I ° d 3 I I 5 ALLITERATION OXYMORON \ H ; A ' I S A W V ANAPEST . PARABLE k\:A 3 0 V S I 1 Z ANTITHESIS PARADOX I \. 3 < H X 1 V N V COMEDY PARODY EPITHET PLOT - t C 3 I 3 i V W 3/I/V d H 0 EPODE POETRY / / V 0 3 0 0 ' I H 0 N 0 HYPERBOLE PSEUDONYM , : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :;:;: : ;: : ; : ;: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :;: : : :; 1 1 ; 1 1 ; 1 ;1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ; ; ; ; ; :;:;:;:;: : :;:;: :;:;: :;:;: ::1:1:1:1:1: : :; : :;: :1:1:1:1:1:1: :;:;: :;:;: :;: : :;: :;: m1 ; 1 1 ; ; 1 1 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;m1 1 ; 1 ; ; 1 1 ; ; ; ; ; ; mm; mm 1 ; 1 ; 1 ; ; ; ; ;jjjjjj:1:1jj1jj:1: :;: : : : : : : : : : : : : :; : : : : fi 1:1:1:1tf 1j IRONY RHYTHM \ LITOTES SIMILE LAMPOON SPOONERISM V 3 H H S V 3 W MALAPROPISM STANZA I I A a V a v 3 I V 1XO 0 m w METAPHOR SYNECDOCHE m MOTIF TRAGEDY ID 3 ( SLA_ I : I m . M - ' FRE ; @m@ ; . ; 1m1 ! TM I1 Campus Trial PakPDa-IkTM - Im I . KRATZERBROTHERSKRATZER BROTHERS ' : : PRODUCTSCTS, i* CONTAINS VALUABLE PRO OFFERS AND COUPONS r j MOBILE HOMES I ,

. I; - / ® I ; Plus Cold Medicine Presents Seltzer j11111 ; 1111111 - I" Del Monte® Fruit Mix v", ® m 1 U 1 Del Monte Yogurt Raisins - ; Del. " "" : Monte@YogurtRaisinsA"ailableA\/S U : tls * f / = 1= :1 : AAVCIIICH/lv hl 1 1:1: : : : Finesse! Shampoo \'V\ / At r\ m - - , :::::::: ' ::::::: Finesse Conditioner ' . Party . OutOf , . unds j . i U j Finesse! Luminescent Mousse A A . - . . v ; : V ;:;: : : . . :::::: Finesse Hairspray SMAC : : . ' ;1 1 1j ® 111111 ' Listerine Antiseptic > _ . . > Every . to P.M.. . Friday From . 3 : . : / = ;f.: : / = : ::: : : ® : . . 6 :::::: 1 /f : /r . Lubriderm Lotion I . \ m O . " ' . : = 5 ::11:111; :1:1: 1j: ' 0 : ® /8 ' 0o.b.. b . Tampons /3J Out: / / on : : : : ;:;::::: : : : : ® ' a Oh Henry' : [ ; ' ;Uj; © Disposable Razors U 1 " Schick ' . : = : :::::::: ®@> ::1=j=j . ' Trident Soft Bubble Gum . WIXQ.91.7WIXQ 9L7. m . . . . \ ' 7'. . ' ...... 1 : . : " . _ , . : . . _ _ , . I . : . , " : . : . ; " , , I' . . " 1 . , Per student* While quantities last . Must show student ID card (j.oin.Pet.Nom'iPete Norm Virgg) . . . , . JoinJoinPete . ' ' - . . last : " = : - : " ' - ::: : ::::::: : ' ' " " : : : ' ' ' ' " - " ' ' :' : ' " : : ' . : " , , . ' :; ; 'j'; : : : . ' ( . " : : : " . : < -.1.- ; ...... : : : : ' ' ; ' . : ' \ ! : : : :::: ...... ;.;. . . .;.;. .;. . .;.;. .;.;. .;.; :.; ; ;.;.;.;.;.; .;. .:.;...... ,; . ' , : , , . ' > : :' : ; . . . . . ; ; ; ; ; . : :: ...... : . , . . , . . : . . . " / ' : . ' . > . . . : : : : : , . . . ' , . . . :... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:":::.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :': . : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: :.: ::: ::::::::: : ' ' -. . .: ... . :. . . . .:. . . :. . :. . . . .:...... ':' '. ' .' .' .' . '. . .' '. .' '. .' '. .' . .' '. .' '. : '. .' : .' .' : .' .' '. . .' . . .' . '. . .' .' '...... 11'' . . ...' , ,...... , ...... '. . . .'. .'...... '...... '. .'.'. .'...... , ...... - . . ' . ' - . ' . d . ; " . . " ' . - " . . , ' ' ' - " . . " " " _ ' ' - : : : : ' : . " , ' , ' ' 'J : . , . . ; . : : ; . . ' \ ' ' : " ' '. ' ' . ' ., , . . : : . : . . : . J. . . : . : . ., ' : > It , . ' . .i - . , , . fl . : j' - . : 4 , . : . , /'f ; . , ;, . I " : - - ' . , , . , . . - , .II:0 . I / . t . , ' , , ...1 . ' : . . ' - ' . . ,; . . : : ' : . . . " . '' : < ;:: Ii : . : . : , . ; , :; ; , !r . . . ' . . . ; : ; ; . . , . . : . ; : , , , : , : ; . . . \ ( . , . . " . . , . . . 'ft , " , . . , , ;...... _ ( - " ) ...... / - - _ ' ' : ' ...... , . . . , . t"" - ' : < . . . . . " . ---f! - ' ' . . . : . ; - < : - ' :' . . . . . ' .. , ' . - ' ' P- , . : . : '' 9 . . . ' . .. .r- f985/-- ' Pageage ; . . ., " ' . , . . ' . . . . ; 1'- . " . , . . .. ; , . , : , ; .O.d--.t' : 1 . . SNAPPER. . . , ' ; . . .J . , , , lsHf_ THE. , : October\' /,2'" ; ' ' , " _ , _ ; , . - , . . . . , _ . . . - . ' . . " . . , t"_ )I.. . J ' ., , . " . ' \'Vut/ , ' ' . . " ' . ", ,1, " ...... " ' ' . , . " ' . . ' : : : : ' . . . " ' % : : : : : : : : ...... ; ...... ' - IV ; < :: : : : ::: : : : :::::::::::::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : = . . . . .> . . r . : - ' ' * : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : ::: : :::::::::::: ::::: ::::::::::: : : ::::: : ::: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ' ::: :; . :.:. .:. .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...... :...... ' " . : ; : paWSttW : : : : : . : * : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : :: . : : ' ' - ;i\ t' .a " " : : ;: : \ < < . : " , . . / . . , " . . . 'r . ) . . , ' . " -i.. . : ' . . : . . . . . " ...... ' : , . . . " . : , ' . . . - : . "j"I j.. . . : :: . ; 'I' . . . >

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. . : . ' . WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS J , Concerts 5:00: p.m.. . . Chapel service . , at the First United MethodistMeth st - FRIENDS OF GANSER LIBRARY SPONSOR LECTURE ' Church on campus fq owe < < : * followed! by. supper withth Tickets went on sale Saturday , September , . , : . . , 28th for these shshowsws 1 On Thursday October 3 at8:00at 8:00 pm in the Ganser Auditoriumm . , ? j ' : studentss cooking. All universityu ver Ity students are - ' : . SS ? ! inin- at the Tower Theater'THETheater THE CURE on Saturday , October . theFriends. of Ganser Library present a lecture and demonstration 26th and . . ' ' ' . vited . : , . . . " * ( ) " SIMPLE MINDS on Friday November 1st.. : by Tony Haverstick* Lancaster County bookbinder on "The 6:006 00 p.m.. . . . The Outing Club meets illin Roddy Science Center, XJEgrS' ??n * HOOTERMANIA Part II..comingII.. . coming. soon to a Tower Theater ' Binders Craftran' . room 254.. All are welcome and'invitedand invited to attend.. near you ! ! ! The HOOTERS concerts on October 16th and 18th 6:30: p.m.. . Touchstone - : ' meeting in room 29-30 orthofthe SMC for sold out in just a few short hours , so we've added two more dates.. . anyone interested in writing for the yearbook. . Saturday , October and , ' 19th Sunday October 20th at the Tower . Bring some friends and come to the meetingm eting:. HISTORY CLUB HOLDS PICNIC Theater.. But Hooters have proven to be the hottest ticket in 7:00: p.m.. . College Republican Organization ' ? meets in'roomin room The History Club will be having its semesterly softball game/ - town.. . .the. two additional shows are sold out also.. PleasePl ase note that 129 of the SMC.. ' nic with the History Dept.. faculty on Friday , October 4, on Tanger Sunday's show is at 7 p.m.. ., all others will start at 8 p.m.. . 7:00: p.m.. . The History Club . meets on the SMC Balcony. All Field starting at 4:30: p.m.. . All are invited.. Bring a glove.. For more Rob , Eric, David, John and Andy have had one great summer. . interested are encouraged . students to attend. information contact Shane Wilt , Club PresidentPresid nt , at 3973682.. . They just returned from a national tour which took them from San : " " 7:30 p.m.. . CAC presents the film "The Ruling Class" : , Raindate October 11.. Antonio to Cosa Mesa to Denver to Vancouver.. They appeared . at ( England , 1972)) in SMC All-Purpose Room.. Free to the Live Aid Concert at JFK Stadium and at the Grand Slam at all.. Silver Stadium in New York with Foreigner , Aerosmith and Joe : Ail 9:00 p.m.. . Campus . " United Ministry meets at Potter HouseH use MARION ART ANNOUNCES FALL EXHIBITION Walsh.. Hooters also shot a video for "And We Danced"" at the Ex-- October 6.26. , David ( ) ton - . MTV already has k13# 13 - mTiTTuorkAv rko rvnno o From Brumbach Mountains and Jerome DriveIn it in their countdown and head THURSDAYY, OCTOBEROCTO ER 3 ( ) ' . , . Hershey Vessels , two of Lancasater's leading artists , present ed for the Top 10.. . 7:00: p.m.. . Bible study will be held in the Piano Room of the ' in o.f. their work.. The Marion Art Gallery is open 9:00: am. . to 6:00: p.m.. . Finally, Hooters areare coming home to the Tower for four shows SMC, sponsoredp byby CamCampuspus Crusade for Christ.. ' MondayM nday through FridayFriday'and 9:00: to 5:00: p.m.. . on Saturday.. For with their LP Nervous Night #44 with in Billboard. . " " and . at a bullet 7:30: . . ' , pm Divided Brain and Consciousness a Psychology , - . more information. call 3926610. Hooters are getting the attention Philadelphia has always known Club film , will be shown in Byerly Hall, rm.. 200.. , they deserve.. . : ' . - 8:00 p.m.. . "The" : A Binder's Craft Lecture and On Saturday , October 12th Los Angeles-based- rock group X Demonstration"" is presented at Ganser comes to the Tower Theater. . More Fun In The New World, the sec-¬ Auditorium . ond ElektralAsylum/ release X, is the follow-up- to one of 1982's' 8:00: p.m.. . . LOST KEYS The Science Fiction and Fantasy Society will meet . : . most highly praised records , Under the Big Black Sun, which was - . Any keys found , university or personal , can be returned to the in rooms 20-21 in the SMC. listed among the Top 10 albums of the year by The Los Angeles University Police , to the campus locksmith , or to the SMC Front . Times and The New York Times.. FRIDAY , OCTOBER 4 Desk.. A replaced dorm key costs the student $14$ 14 because the locks " " The 7:007 : . , U members of X are: vocalist Exene Cervenka , pm UABAB presents the movie "Sixteen Candles" in the need to be changed , so please return all found keys to one of the : - bassist/vocalist/ John Doe, guitarist Billy Zoom , and drummer D.J.. . and 9:30 p.m.. . SMC All-Purpose Room.. Admission is freefr e with three locations. . Bonebrake. Tickets are $ . and$12.50. now sale.. MU LD.. . , 75 cents without. . 1350 $ and are on

SATURDAYOCTOBER5SATURDAY , OCTOBER 5 : 8:00 p.m.. . Piano Festival andan . Competition in Lyte UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY Auditorium. . For more information , call ext.. 3370.. Protestant students who are considering attending seminary or doing &graduate*&*** studies in religion upon graduation are en-- SUNDAYiTivmA Yv, OCTOOCTOBERnrTrmwR .6R . . couraged to consult with Protestant campus TTAT , * lu " i.. n ,,11 " 4.u. minister Robert 800 p.m.. . UAB presents the movie SixteenSIxt n. CandlesC dles in the . Sayre at Potter House , x3355. The United cCampuss Ministry office ' SMC All-Purpose- Room.. Admission is free with has information on a variety of seminaries , divinity schools , and ' MU I.D.T . D.. , 75 cents without. . graduate programs religion , //V in and receives notices of visitation / dayS at variousVari°US seminaries. , C j// 1 MONDAY 0OCTOBERT0BER 7 // y" " 7:00: p.m.. . Ms.. Patricia McBroom will deliver a lecture , ! titled L . " .Ill l/ "Gender Roles : Are We Going Forward?" in Mc-- Comsey Hall , room 101.. All are welcome to attend..

TTUESDAYESDAY , OCTOBER 8 POET TO SPEAK AT MU 7:00: . . - GeraldGer Id BurnsBur s , poet , critic, and , will prpresentnt a lecture en-- p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ meets in the SMC All- . ; ; artist " ' " - Purpose Room.. All are welcome.. titled Obscurity in Verseerse : Don'tt Cook the Poem min room 29-30 of Inv. 800.': pm. . Adult Children of Alcoholics meets for discussion the Student Memorial Center at 7:00: p.m.. . on October 31.. Burns , a - at Potter House.. 1985 NEA grant recipient , will be visiting in Millersville Universi 8:00: p.m.. . The Snafu meets in the SMC, room 108.. ty English: Department as poet-in-residence.- - . is, J ALL KALEIDOSCOPE OCTOBER ] ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE DUE BY NOON ON FRIDAYY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011129 10 11 12 Collegiategiate . 1314151617181913 14 15 16 17 18 19 :: _ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 StarguideSt g C 27 28 29 30 31 Er BY\ MONIQUE:\ CROISSANT

LIBRA . .. . ARIES . . - ( - ) - ' ( . - . 22)) - You never learn , do you ? You need to be con . March 21-April 19) you're Sept. . As if not already busy and bogged 23reminded overdo things , to keep up with things , and , tinually not to . . down with school stuff the crazy weather has gone and given you t. . j too much on yourself. . You do it all the same, ' an unwanted flu bug.. Hopefully this autumn cold will not last too not to take , " . ' ¬ , through some miracle , you manage to pull long , because you need to attend to your studies and other acac- though - but somehow - though ' - tivities.. is you find through and very well.. You'reY going to drive someone crazy some It forecast that should potentially someone ' . Leo or Capricorn meet soon.. whom you fancy sometime soon.. Go with the flow.. Scorpio or day. Perhaps it'll be the you BY DENNIS SHOEMAKER Virgo.. SCORPIO. TAURUS (Oct.. 23-Nov.- . 21)) - This week should be looked at as intimidating . ' (ApriI20.MayApril May- 20)) - Trying what's new is your style , and a recent but not impossible. . Although mid-term- and all those exams are ' ' Last weekend I had a pretty unique experience.. As many of you follicle arrangement is prime example of this.. A favor paid to a right around the corner, you don't need to fret about if you've ' it , & ' know the 76'ers were in town for their annual training camp at F friend will be returned double-fold- in the future.. Still thinking of kept up so long , then you're prepared.. IfI f not , the suggestion is ' M College.. I happened to be standing at the top of a couple of that far-away- place? Great ! You'll make it ! Keep up with your made now that you hit the books , as last minute cramming might when a man began climbing them.. When he - ! stairs rather tall reach studies and other commitments.. Remember to talk to a friend not do it for you this time out Social rewards afterwards- Pisces ed the top where I was standing his chest was at eye level to me.. when you are approached on an issue of concern.. Talk it out.. Seek a or Taurus. . - * Other than height there were a few other differences between us.. Gemini or: Capricorn. . We belong to different races , he has a moustache and I wear a SAGITTARIUS beard , and he rubs elbows with Robert Parrish when he's' at work.. GEMINI ( Nov.. 22Dec.- . 21)) - You are advised to set forth on your strong , so ' Finally , I'm sure that Moses Malone gets paid af few dollars more (May - 20)) . You are again reminded to not be concerned the hunt looks promising for right away.. Meanwhile , though , keep June ' than I do.. about things that aren't worth your attention : you have important in mind that you should keep up with the classes and strive to do ' People are different in many ways with respect to booze.. Let's things to be thinking about.. Your studies , for example ; how are well ; your Special One is not looking for a dummy , you know.. And take a look at two hypothetical students named Ron and Daphne. . they going ? Hopefully quite well.. Socially , take some time to find have a happy hunt.. Aries or Virgo.. Imagine that Ron is a senior and Daphne is a sophomore.. the one just for you.. Perhaps a Pisces or a Cancer.. Ron loves to party.. His weekend begins on Thursday night and CAPRICORN CANCER ( - ) . ' carries over until noon on Sunday whenwh n he finally gets out of bed.. Dec.. . 19) It appears you took last week's advice and paid ( - 22)) - . " 21-July You should . week. You His philosophy is, "You" only live once. June really take itit.lightlight this some 22mind an old flame ; what ? you - - once to now Perhaps have to con , too keep - - seem to have too much piling up mmanyny commitments to Ron is not like most other at Millersville.. By the sider your true feelings about things , and you are advised to go students up with.. The potential - all too near.. You need to find ' time most students arrive at college they have already have some burn-out is with your heart.. Don't deny feelilngs now which may cause your concrete ways of relaxing and recreating between all that you do.. experience with alcohol.. During their first two years they may heartache later.. Amidst all this turmoil , do remember to keep pace suggested you perhaps find a social event attend this drink alot but cut down for their junior and senior years.. What It is that to with the courses.. Aquarius or Leo.. " " weekend.. Find a Libra' or an Aquarius.. Ron doesn't' know yet is that he is not a "typical" drinker.. . ' Daphne is not atypical drinker either, but she's a little wiserwi er AQUARIUS LEO ( - 18)) . than Ron.. For instance , she knows that the same amount of Jan.. 20Feb.. A time of decision is close by.. Either it just past (July August- 22)) - The past weekend was a familiar yet fun-filled alcohol can influence a girl faster than it would a guy.. That's' or it is coming soon.. You will need to consult your heart , your one; a habit worth continuing. . The time is nigh for yourfunmaking ' because females have less water in their bodies and more fat, which head, and perhaps some close friends' advice , and then make a more social a relationship with that Special One.. The time is really - is not easily penetrated by alcohol.. While not a very flattering d e c i s- right.. That troubling class should be seeming more lucid decis- thought , it means that the alcohol more readily stays in a female's' ion about where your relationshp is going with your Special One.. If ' nowadays. . The social scene is looking adventure-filled- and promis-¬ ' ' . Who no such thing ass a cheap ? it's right , continue ; if youi're not as equal partners as you should _bloodstream said there's date . ! ' ing. Forget not the looks , alas A Libra or Aries , OK? 1 , , , . Daphne prefers drinking a screwdriver to rum and cokes.. She be.thenbe then consider. a change such as a Leo or a Gemini. " knows that a carbonated drink will make her "daffy"" a lot quicker VIRGO juice.. - than alcohol mixed with fruit (Aug.. 23-Sept.23.Sept..22). . 22)) - Perhaps by now you should be better able to ./ PISCES " " '- get . . (Feb.. 19-March- 20)) - you weekend , On the other hand, Ron likes to "pound shots" to drunk. handle the crazy class schedule , and the work load may be Hope had a fun because now you ' - What he doesn't know is that in some drinkers high concentrations somewhat easier to cope with.. Keep need to buckle down with the books and prepare for a in mind that you should not ' lining , making secrete a ' mid-term- of like.. Don't' fear , youll: do . funConsider . alcohol can irritate the stomach it becomebe ome depressed or worrysome ; you afford exams and the OK of these days cant. to , ' slows down the effects of drinking. . , ' a splurge after study or the social scene.. You're always a hit thereth re. . substance that have this and your friends hate to see you this way also.. ' ' ( ' - ' Some . , . , will sames e decisions as Ron , and . might even call you a jester. Just remember it's not bow( adults yyouu be making the same . Remember the social scene requests your presence.. As . a Scorpio . . " . With . . . . ' ' " " " : ) ? . . ' you feel , my . . . Consider a Cancer or Sagittarius.. Daphne . Whichch pathath will you chooseh ose Taurusor . . darling . . . ' . 'I . . . . PagePagelOIOi'o 2.2,19852, 1985 THE SNAPPER " October / ,

. , ..- - . A Night At The Cotton Club . , 1 . , ! . ' : ' : ' " -- . - . ; . " ? . . BY " . ' " - SUSAN BERG . < - ... ' , . . " k' 1- : , . ' ' . , LeRoy.. , . . . . . A . . : , , ventriloquist act . the . : - - Revisited presented on . 1' < ' . L , " " ' . , Features - ' ' ; '.. - ' Editor 1 . ' ' ¬ ' ( . ' - . . . " . . . 1 , ' Ii . ' . -'jj.1i e egen- - . . . .t'.1 . I ds the ( With theseese wordswor th legen " - " . . r.. th " 1> . 26 . . . Septemberr at Millersville . . i. . . duo kept audience " . " the laughing , '; - ' r ...... ( "Z.f.i . > ' " . . , _ ...... ' > j . " ' " dary Cab Calloway opened his - . : . and gentlemen , University.. The capacity crowd a unique and . , - , "Ladies with humorous . per . " "Cotton" Club . welcome to the Cotton Club.. musical revue in Lyte Auditorium witnessed a formance.. ------I'. performance reminiscent of .lti Ji those offered at the popular The close of the first half of > . ' ¬ . Callo- . . . performance . . featured . the - . . r 1920s nightspot. . 4 ' - , . . ' . half way's own daughter Chris. A , , : " - The first of the two-hour y"y . . , 9Aei , . , - ; + r. " s N SK-Ard own right , Miss . a show commenced with several performer in her _ . . . , ' performed by Calloway demonstrated her < ; .iI . . selections her .1' . ? ' - ; :>> Calloway's twelve-piece - varied singing abilities with ) ' . or (Ig. . Soon joining selections ranging from the soft . ' . chestra. the . . -" " : 1 TiE " ' : - . musical ensemble were Robert and serious "Don't Cry Out . . } \'i .I " " . Melissa , Loud" humorous "Gimme , , . Reed and Johnson both to the . \ . " - " professional tap with My Wine.. " Calloway joined his F dancers . . the musical revue.. daughter onstage for a perfor-¬ , ' - ' . , yJY; " ' "' ' -. , ; , --t . + After performing a dance duet mance of "Jumpin' Jive: to j ) rQ; with Reed , Johnson took the which the audience responded . . , L . " . , . _ " , . stage in a solo song-and-dance- - with a standing ovation. . .j. a ...... ' ' .. . ; " . . . a red-sequined- a ssion , L : . routine. Wearing After brief intermissionintern ' , . . ' Y . " _ , dress and matching boa , JohnJ - Calloway returned to the stage.. K - son vamped for the audience While he filled the role of emcee . ( a while displaying the perfor-¬ for the first half of the show, the - r4 mance style that earned her a remaining portion of the perfor¬- -U------_ - " - role in the movie "Cotton" Club.." mance belonged to Calloway rt Not to be outdone , a tuxedoed alone.. Backed by his twelve-- Chris Calloway performed a variety of musical selections in her segment of the " - show, . -L Reed returned to the stage in a piece orchestra , the "King of Hi- " solo number that combined acro-¬ De-Ho"- wound his way through tion, Calloway performed a famous nightclub ,; formerly - " batics and tap dancing into an an assortment of songs.. Audi spirited rendition of "When the located at 142nd St.. and Lenox " " _ - . . . irresistible audience-pleaser. ence favorites included "Stormy Saints Go Marching In Ave. in New York City , featured ' " "' Following Reed and Johnson's' Weather , "Blues" in the Night:, Cab Calloway's' "Cotton" Club some of the country's' most " "' " , final dance routine , the musical "St.. James Infirmary Blues :, Revisited" provided the audi- famous performers and patrons. " " ' = revue "Cotton Club Revisited" and Calloway's signature ence with a fast paced revue Most significantly, it provided a . " ... " " ' '" turned to comedy with the number "Minnie the Moocher.. similar to those performed at the home to America's native musi-¬ b() - - .S. delightful antics of Anthony and In response to a standing ova- original Cotton Club.. The in cal form -jazz. t ::: form . . :: '" '" :: ., ' ;>, ,- . y1Y1 ' .0 Ij'1 An Interview With o The

The legendary Cab Calloway presented his musical revue "Cotton" Club Revisited" on September 26 in Millersville University's' Lyte Auditorium.. "King" of Hi-De-Ho"- - "

' BY CINDY SMITH . ' During his Cotton Club days , When asked his opinion on again. I feel great and I'm glad I really wonderful and I'm going Aunt. Features Editor contacted about the movie that ' , , , ' and . Cab Calloway performed at what after 50 years brings back can bring this jazz to everybody back there again I know , and I'll carried the club's famous name the " " - ' - old fans new all , over the world.. come back here too , EDWARD\ WHITELOCK he : of Rocky Springs Park in Lan but still attracts to Millers ' When asked what thought " Staff/ Writer(' ones , willing to reciprocate After over 50 years of perfor- ville.. the movie or what he would have caster.. Jim and Tracy Galen and " Calloway's' stage presence, nmingng hard and travelling long, The final , obvious question is : " ' changed , Calloway replied , "I many other local couples went "I've never run across a more " . - - - ' , , " " ' ¬ Calloway replied "Good music : : dance music and . . ; ' would've changed the whole picpic- there to to his . life as ,1 . in - . group my . :, . enthusiastic . < , . ' . . : ' something everybody . . , it's that ; . sister Blanche who ; - , of his ' 1 . wouldn't have been like it that - " beyond ture it was . - . did tonight. It ex . : : . ' : " :: ' . ¬ likes. And when you have " -f. . , was also a bandleader. Accord . , I never was. I thought it was horrible " , ' pectation something . - ; , . v ' - something you , you show . 1'':: . ing to Mr.. Galen, whose grand like ' thought would happen.. It was really I did. It was all ' f , . , : . . , , your feelings about it that's ; . ' and I enjoyed Hollywood.. It made a farce out daughter Jenny North attends I; ; . . , just fantastic . They why they participated. liked . . ; - "I"-. ¬ . it , they enjoyed it , and they exex-- ; . ' 'C' ; pressed it.. I love that , that's ' , . . ! . beautiful. t . . . . . ' . ' . . . , ! ¬ : ' . Calloway wrote his most fam- : ((1 l : " " : . , , 'i' : ous song "Minnie the Moocher ; . . . in 1931.. While performing it fiffif-¬- ' teen years later, he forgot the 'I

- " words to the song , but rather Ma :; ,

stop singing, he faked it by . than . ' " : . , : ;" : using what is now known as . . . ' . . ' ." . .c ' , _ vocalese, or wordless vocals like * " . . __ " . . . _ those used in skat.. These "hi-de-- - I . ' c4 ho's"' " made both the song and / . \ Calloway famous and he was IIIIL " " - " _ . - - . . i. dubbed "King of the . . . The performance of this song in , _ " " Hi "The Blues Brothers" has caused __ a resurgence of interest in Calloway.. "I've" ' got a brand new . II 3'' , k audience of - ...... as a result that pic '. , "' ture , he said.. \ : .. - .. Calloway was born in Roches " " : ter , New York, but grew up in h1' . . . ' . Baltimore. . His interest in being . ' ' ,. .". .. an entertainer began in high " " school. . "My heart was set on a . . "

. . ' . . . . - . o career in show business.. I par ticipated in school shows and revues and even did nightclub Calloway thrilled the audience with renditions of "Stormy" Weather," "St." . James and stage appearances back a " Infirmary Blues ," and "Minnie the Moocher.." " then.. " His father, however, ' . s " " wanted Cab to becomea, lawyer, . of the Cotton Club.. The things . . , "They were the first loud every second of it This is what MU " a ' "I for a , , , , . , . , . went law school about I , . to : " , Cab Calloway had to say about they showed , nothing like that band and that's loud with a Calloway established: : : a bond" with" his captive: audience: I , . ' much - Cotton L.. Now everybody's year but there was too his Millersville audience in an in every happened in the capital " " " " show biz in me and I quit. one would terview after hisl s "Cotton Club Club.. loud.. assume Calloway Does he still get a charge out of " When asked how it feels to be would be ready to retire.. That is walking onto the stage ? "Oh" performed in . Revisited" was ' . . . . - . . . , . ' ' .-...... one of the last great jazz musi from , - . . far . the replied . . , . yeah I'll still Lyte Auditorium on Thursday " truth be walking out - cians , Calloway replied , "It feels ; "1 " . Calloway , "I . - for as the travel fifty . night.. : = . there years from now. L ' . ' ¬ ' like I'm ready to start all over arid . was . . spent April in Paris it , . Cab Calloway who first apap-- . _ . peared in the Lancaster area in ' . ' ' , . . . . ' the 1930's , has become known as : Phone # 's " (Subject , ¬ for Fun Requests - ; a legendary jazzj azz singer musi- . ' . SCHEDULEForFUnReQUests872-35198519 to Change ) 91 . 7 FM WIXQ . And What Not 87-872-3518;- 318: cian, bandleader , stage and film = .7 SCHEDULE - actor , radio and television per i. .. ' ; _ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday sonality , and most of all , an . , . , ; ' . , , . entertainer who has been in 8-10- ' .', ' . . , . . . . r" . , " . . for over 50 . . . Patrick show business years. . t" . ': ' - . , 9-12 . i. . 9-12- / , he t : - Wave Most recently performed his . l : " e-Up- t "Wa - , Wake Rich 10-12 " ' . . . , \ , . : With most famous number "Minnie . '; ' i' ' . Rocks Mike Diguiseppe y.i.1.1. " " . K.K . Laura , the Moocher , in the film , "The ; . / . Wave , : . . . " . Brothers" with \. . Blues John \t. . . ; .y 11.2 N Belushi and Dan Akroyd.. ' . Steven Christian 12-3- 12-3- A Rock - - Just When asked of the multitude 12.3.2-3 12.31 . . Afternoon 1212-33 . . ' . . . ED Guy . , . Usa Hess - . Kristen W . , Chris M, Sunsplash ) eels of films he appeared in in Fossl . Underground Bill Myers / / .3./ . a SKA HIpPieppie Stuff " " Wave Reggae Rock New Music Steve Winegrad cluding "Stormy Weather" with : +C q i k Fun , " Lena Horne "The Cincinnati - - " " :; ' 3.63-6- 2-4- 3-6 . Kid" with Steve McQueen , "St.. ' j' ' - 33-E- 3'6 6 . . ' 3-6 3-6- 3:6:' , ' Mr, . . Tom Casetta ' Classical I ' " " . - . :; Mikee . ' - - , - ' Swing . ' Louis Blues and "The Singing , Ed's Out Buried"'' Music , ' Mauree Dlgulseppe King . . Bounds " " " , King . Barn Bounds . " Craig , . \j. Alive Kid, Calloway replied "I did . ;!\ . Newew MusIc . ; Big Wave/ Party MusIc / Wave Music . Bertolet ' . - ! Forgotten Music . Band . . 'em' all and I enjoyed them all.. I r " ' ' l . do anything I don't enjoy 6.8. . don't Tie ! . . ' ' Casella's . 4-7- and I enjoy everything I do.. If . Underground - . - . . 6-9 6-9 Doc&MammaDoc & Mamma ;. 6.7 ' ' f 6.99 699.. , 7 they want me again, I'll do 'em ' i 8.9- ', Mr. Monotone James Thomas Rock Rita Smith " . Wes . " I'': Exposure Pollution / ' again. . New Music 8-9' Noise Funk Soul Oldies But Talk Show f: . , . Local Music , Goodies " Calloway was an essential . , . . . . t. . - . , where ' B.. ' . of the Cotton Club ' - part lub . - 9-12 - , Chris 9.12 9-,2-, 9.12 _ p ro, . ! . . ' ) . Kevin9-12' ' Uncle 9-12', , 7.10- ' 7.107-1- , carry , his K vin ' Rich .7-1.0 the house band soon to . Vandenberg. . Rod Huyell'Huyett , . 1 - . . IOdDestmy/( . ' ' Day Stevenss.. Patrick jet Destroy - " - " Fun Radio Davis ' , name, alternated with Duke 70'st15"70's :!:. 1-5" Ell . Garage , ADR WaY /Ro k Fun / Rock P . Rap 9-12- / / _ Funk ' ' . . ington's Jungle Band.. Together, ; Rock PopWave Rock . . ; - , . . ' . . . , Calloway Ellington rans- . . 12.3 . ' : and trans S . . . ; . - -. . ' - - - . 12-3.. 10.1 . , -- 12-3 Rowdy , - club , - , ' \ - . 10-1.' 10-110 . . , formed mob-owned . - ' . 7 . the into ' 123- ' . Fred 8dan'sBrI' an s 123 The Radio ' Fred , " . . . . ' Tracey . ;; ) :. . 0. Paul Steve , ' The Good StStuffff , :'. ' ' jazz mecca off the world , , Paul D 7.zzz. ' Main TKracey the . . . with I : . ' " Keyseys . > . - - ' ' Jazz Roc with Dragonrag 0 n E " kNR 0)1) 'D . Eventven t : , . : Crazee , . , Jazz : Show . " ' I . . Although. Calloway is the last . Rock . Cra2ee...... / \. . resents . . . ' Rock . . f , . t. , " . / eQuests . . . " I . ( . , :Soul . , . . . : - . Joe . . < . - , . " " I w. : his portion' of . . . ' , ...... ' . ' . capaeatycrowdM" , anxiouslyn8ly.. anticipating the ' . ' . " . . . . . ' . ,. C CallowayCallowaypeekedpeeked capadty crpiwawi . great Cotton : per at the ' _ the , tton Club ' ' Rock " ' " " " " * ' . " of " " ' ' . ' ' . . ' * ' " ' " ' ' ' ' . - ' - ' ' " ' " . , p ; . - ' rpvue * - " . . - ncionl ' . " " ...... musical . " " " J . revue '. " . . . . , . , he :was never : , ' , ' . : , . . : - . . . . : formers stistill . , . . ; , , : > ' : _ _ living. . . : .. : . : . > j . > . . . > \. . " , . " , I . . . , . . > , _ , . . . , , ; , , " < , . ' . . : , . - . - " , . > , , ' ' ' . . . . ' . -. , . ,, ' ; " . " ; " ' ,- , ' "" ' - . . , . . ' " ' : '''hl'l' . ' . ' " " . . ' # . " . : . ' . . . ' ' . ; .y ' ' . ' ! 'J . , . , ' ' ' , , , . . . . . \ . , : , ' , . , " , ' . , . . . ' ' , . < . , : . , ; - ' ' ' .3 I ; ''' , " :I""' ' ' '. . l' ''.nb. "J1 , "'. :;4r1r/ " ' ; " \ ' ' ' i : : : . : - ' ' J.s/I 'Ajk'' ' , . - - ' . . . , : ' , ' ' " ' . ' . , : ) : : : ; \ , ; : : : - ' : ; , ; ' , I; , T' , : : : . ; . . - , . , " - ' : ;: - , l; taG , : : . . } : : . , : ; ; 4y " : : . : f " : - " : : J. 1'1fTls,1': ' ' , n ? " . . , . ; 5J r , " . , w ' 1 ' t.ii , ? . : . ' ' "' ' ' . , : . , y. ! . " . . j . . t - . " ) ' " ! . ; . . - std ' ' , . S . . . ' , _ r2J. . , . , - ' . . < , . . . , , ' . ' ' , - ;; ...... , . ' . ' 'rl , . ' . ' ...... ; . ft " . '. , . ' , , . ,, ', ', ' . . . . : : . : ' . . . \ . 'i'-- . \ ' '' ' .r. , . '' ! :. :::::. ' : ; . ' ' " 11 ...... ; ' . . . ; ' : . . " - \t ' \ Page ; ; ' : : : . _ - ; - : . ' : : :, " " ' : 'i' ' : . ; .8. THE SNAPPER . :: ' :' ,: ! t./ : . ; ) . . , : rJ f : . . ' : ; , / . . ' , < : : : > , o : . ' ' . ' , . . . . . , : : :: ' . : , :< . _ ' _ _ _: >? / ; ! f - - < ' L-) !\ / l \ ; / . , ' ' - : ' . : . . ' , " - . ' ; ' . ; " ' ' ' " ' : ' : t , THE' ' ' ' : . : . : : : : : : : ;;: ; : : . : . : . > :: ; < ;. X : ;; . : F , . . . : , : : . ;[ . ; : . . , ; . . . : : ; : .r.- . . ; , "f : . , ? : " : ! : ' ' . . , ' \y/ ; : ; : \. . " . { . : , . ' ) ) . \ . . , / ; . / . : : - / . . . " . . . - - " . . 1) . - . ; ' ' ' . , .r(2- " , ' . .. , -' - , : ' . =.rE-. : , : . . _ ;' . , ) 'T--- " , . RJR .T- : r.----y: ' " . - : . T . ' - ? " . LIP : ' , " .SPORTS'ClIPBO . ! - ; "d- . . ; ' SOAR . ; . SPORTS : 's ; . CUPBOARD ' . ' . . . .t '. ' . R- " . ' . > . . " C- . . . ' .. . : - > . M- . ' . ' / ' '.j'F .1.1' ' ' . N , ( ; . . . . ' " . 8' : , .' . " . . : " . . " " ' " " . 8 . . " ' : es" " - ' - ' ; ens-' . ' .' ' . . ' - : ' : ; : ; > . Takes . . Tennis' ' : First ' " Squad' , . a : . - ; : : ennIS" : ". " ; . . : ECC-s. : . Mei's ' . > ' Intercoliegiate.CalendarIntercollegiate , . ; : - ' .:: : . , . . . : : , Calendar, . . . , } ? : : " . . : , . . , . . a" t . ' ' ' . .t. ' . , . ' ' ' . . ' ' ' : ; . , . ' ' , : Wed. , . . . ' . . , : Wed.Oct.22 . Oct . - ' . . ) , ; . ' ., : . : . . ' ' BY PETE ANDERS - " Men's Tennis , vs.. F&M--H& - me-3 pm. . ; . - . pm . : . , . . . . . Writer Fri.Oct.4.Fri , Oct. 44.. F&M Staff . c ' , . , : , ' -- ' ' Women's Tennis vs.. ICutztown-H- . . - , - . - - ¬ me-3- p.m. ' .. a score of 6-3 6-2. Andy Stoner Mike Snavely 6-1 , 6-4 but rere-- West Chester , Bloomsburg ;, and The Millersville Men's Tennis . '. . . . Sat. , Oct. 5 . Home won ; made the finals of the top seed bounded to win the ddoubles( )Ubles 'LafayetteonOct.5.Lafayettei. on . Oct. 5 and 6.. Over¬ . -- : . team the East Coast . Football vs. - 7:30: . . ' ' pm singles before losing.. Stoner ' babaughgh is also.al !lookingking.toto schedulesch dule' . Conference - with Snyder Overver Snavely. . ' Mansfield Athletic TournaT urna- match ' . ' ' - , : Mens Cross Country at West Chester-Quad- - . . won in the semifinals overo er Mike - - Penn. State before finishing.fihish ng ' ment on Sept.. 27 and 28 at and Tom 6-4,6-2.6-4;, 6.26-2.'Snyder. . Snyder, ' out - - Carter Soccer vs.. - - . . Statel1 - am their ffall seasons on. Albany to remain undefeated. . Hammer of Rochester score also won at the second singles . Field HockeyUMBC. . by a vs Away- ' ' ' . - - - " ' Led by the play of Ted Snyder of 6-2,4-6,7-56.2 , 4-6 , 7-5 to make the finals. slot over West Chesters . . Women's Tennis . . vs. - - ' - . ., . Bloomsburg - . , - . . . and the doubles team of John Edgehi1l6-QEdgehill 6-0 75. " . . Women's' Cross Country vs.. Bloomsburg-Away- The team of John Wylie and ' Wylie and Avery Frazier , the' Men's ¬ . Tennis at West Chester-Quad- AveryAvery Frazier then won the sese-- . , netters beat Haverford, WestViest Also winning iforr the , . . . . . Sun , Oct. 6 , ' . . cond seed doubles by a score.ofscore of (7-5( - , . . ' Chester , Army and won the Marauders were Joe Menna . Field Hockey vs.vs.1Slippery. Slippery - - - ( - - ) m- , Rock-Away- ¬ 6-3 6-4 over Albany to clinch at 7-6)), John Wylie (6-1 , 6-0) and - ' ECAC title to remain unde.- ' - Men's Tennis at West Chester-Quad- least a first place tie for the Ville. ( - - ) Avery Frazier (6'-3.6-4)(6-3 , . 6-4) . Wylie x" feated in their fall campaign. . Tues.. , Oct.. 8 doubles The stage was set for TedT d and Frazier won . their _ Soccer vs.. Kutztown-Away- - - . - . . match 6-2 , 63. Under the guidance of first Snyder. Responding to the pres-¬ . . sure , Ted - Intramural News year head coach Jim Overbaugh , won a see-saw match Overbaugh commented , "I" . - " - - - H the Ville slipped past the com over Mike Duffy 6-3 , 1-6 , 7-6- have been pleasantly surprised There willll be a P - - contest held in Biemesderfer with a 7-4- win in ' petition with some clutch play tiebreaker the by the doubles play of Wylie and :: on Tuesday, Oct.. 8 4:30: p.m.. . Everyone - ' Stadium Puntat is invited to at Snyder , Wylie and Frazier.. third set.. Ted's win in the final OC . from " Frazier. . They are playing tend.. . ' The Marauders beat the 27 team match of the day clinched the doubles as well asas' the other ThereThe e are still openings for Intramural officials fall.. you ' a this If netters' first ECAC field by accumulating 21 team tournament doubles are.. Their win in the are.. interested in officiating for , please - Intramurals contact the In . Vermont placed second champion title.. ' - - points ECAC's doubles helped us great tramural office at x-3494.. . . with 19 points followed by ly.. Snyder and Stoner have also . The undefeated Marauders (15( Team points) , ¬- ANNOUNCEMENTS Albany Buf cruised to wins over Haverford played very well.. Ted rebounded , (14)( ), Rochester (14)( ) . falo and and Division I Army by scores from some tough sets to catpure Tough play from Andy Stoner ' " o BURROWES 11TH11 TH FLOOR PRESENTS 9-0- - ' . several wins. of and 7-2 onSept , 22 and and the doubles team of Mike ' VOLLEYBALL MARATHON Sept.. 25 , respectively. . Over-- Zinn and Joe Menna helped the The undefeated squad takes . BENEFITS GO TO M.S.. . baugh's' squad also perenperen-- .. beat a on Franklin and Marshall this squad.. a. October 4 , 5 , 6 nial powerhouse in PSAC for week at home on an underter-- . ¬ ¬ PiPickk up pledge forms in all dorm offices. If you have any ques- . Zinn and Menna lost to a Ver- West Chester by a score of 6-3- minmined rescheduled date.. The tions contact Corky Cooper 1127 Burrowes Hall x3082.. mont doubles team in the semi- on Tuesday , Sept.. 24.. netters then travel to West ------finals of the top seed doubles by Stoner lost to West Chester's' Chester for a squad meet with V) AP Sportwatch , _ I ( PHILADELPHIA ) ( AP) General Manager Bobby Clarke " " _ says Philadelphia "Leaving __ the Flyers are the door open" _ in t ; _ _er _ /) __ ' , case center Todd Bergen changes . * ' ° his mind about quitting. The . . w+ Ff _v' 7 . r.. : ! t} ' < Axyw: ' - , aP ? r _ _ : ' ;: \ I 4 Y-'A ' i - - n -# _ ' 22-year-old Bergen informed the team he plans to give up I I :. , - ''y7yi ; " hockey this season to pursue his education and a professional ti ' AbrA. . . hMx": 1\ - L : golf career.. Clarke says Bergen will be placed on the suspended A - " ° '- ' - ? ' ..' t-- .: - '. ' ' list , which would assure the Flyers' rights to Bergen should he r'pz.1i : , . * _ . ; .zt. ( ; , . - change his mind.. q rI . . . Bergen recorded 11 goals and five assists for 16 points in =: only 14 regular-season- games for the Flyers last season.. Dur'¬ , . : trial . - . . - . . "" ' Ir . , ' : , '' . ,' . . . . ' s , / . . . . ing the playoffs , he was one of the Flyers' top scorers , with four ''' . . us ' , ' , y4! - trn' ' ; . . ' i goals and nine assists for 13 points in 17 games.. Last season . , ' S . ( " . ,. r ntn - ' . ; . ' ._ . : , ' was Bergen's first with the Flyers.. \ \\ \ $ : ! _ \\i.L'\ : ( PITTSBURGH ) ( AP) A federal jury in Pittsburgh has found ' : _ ! \ : t Robert "Rav"" " McCue guilty on seven of thirteen counts of deal- : ; ! f ! \ . . , i . . . " ' , :.:: . ; . , . ing cocaine to major league baseball players.. . '. "k.J" . ' ; + . - , s . , *, y3i7 . .'t '., ,:;. ; ; . ' - , . - . . ? n , . " '.. . . -rrr . -tiJ"" ' " '* .... , . ' , " ," ' .r. ,. . ' . ; . . ; ' ' < - ¬ f' - . w _ _ _ Z The 38-year-old accountant from upper Saint Clair was acac- ( r" ' : , . :Jt-- - \ : ' \ " . \ ; ; ' : " 4- : : : i: cused of selling cocaine to former Pittsubrgh , Pirates Dale ;j , . . : ' : . _ . . ;) Berra and John Milner.. Berra now plays for the New York . , . ' .. MU's' #9 heads the ball past a watching Cheyney defender.. Yankees and Milner is retired from baseball.. . ' ' '/ McCue was the second in US attorney J.. Alan Johnson's pro-¬ secution of seven men in connection with drug use within the . sport.. No athletes have been charged with any crimes.. " " . . . . , . SOCC . .. . . - . > . McCu faces a 105 years . . maximum penalty of in jail _ , , . Cheyney McCjie yearsJn fines ., . . . . . - " - Ch -j. % fines - " Soccer In - ' MU Downs yney OT " ' - > ' r . s 611aiiS i1d years . . , . " totaHiiEtottotaliii I7Slh6usahdtli i d dollars'andll s'ahd 21 years off probation -He--He - BY STEVE GEGG ' ' show'ectn ' ¬ showednoshow a n emotion and did not speak upon hearing his convic " f - Staff Writer Erik Steiben. Striker Erik just "played" off the field" by the The Marauders came on the field tion.. Orihuel increased his goal total Marauders. . Cheyney looking stronger is a very than ever in. the The jury acquitted McCue on five of nine counts said he On Saturday , September 28 - that by scoring a hat-trick.. skilled team but was no match second half.. Orihuel scoredscor d his had sold cocaine to Milner.. Those five counts concerned allega¬ the Marauder soccer team met - Unfortunately Coach Woolley for the well-conditioned- third goal which was the last tions that McCue had sold the drugs to Milner four times ¬ Cheyney University in an awe- \ dur- was unavailable for comments Marauders. . goal the Marauders got in regular ing football games at Three Rivers Stadium and once at some game.. The Marauders , 1-0- ' on the game.. Senior Steve Millersville played both time.. Several minutes into over- Milers home during a televised football game.. in the Conference , came into the Reilley stated that both Woolley halves very strong.. Reilley time Sterben came up with a The jury acquitted McCue on one of four alleging he with all confidence counts game the and the team were very happy stated that Cheyney played a goal that won the game for the had sold cocaine to Berra.. they needed to down the very ' with the performance of the strong game but didn't like to Marauders. . This win brings The US District Court panel of ten women and two men skilled Cheyney team - . After ' squad.. It had been nearly ten play defense too much.. At the Millersville to a 3-3- overall deliberated seven and a half hours yesterday without reaching playing two halves and4several years since Millersville beat end of the first half the score record and a sensational 2-0- con- a verdict. . They resumed deliberations around 9 AM today and minutes of overtime , Millersville Cheyney in a soccer game.. was 22.- . Erik Orihuel scored his ference record.. The Marauders returned to the courtroom with the decision around 1:30: PM pulled out to a win on a goal by Reilley stated that Cheyney was first two goals in the first half.. face another tough competitor after a lunch break.. next in Swarthmore College. . Berra, now of the New York Yankees and the son of Hall of Famer Yogi Berra, and Milner , who retired after 12 major ' league seasons , were the key witnesses in the government's Ueberroth Ready To Finally Clean Up Baseball case against McCue.. Both players testified under federal grants of immunity that they used cocaine while with the ( NEW YORK ) ( AP) -- Baseball The commissioner also said he mean "That" what we will have public humiliation through the Commissioner U " Pirates.. Peter Ueberroth would again ask all major league done is the start of a decade in last few weeks.. But he said he said - - Berra says he purchased cocaine from McCue on four occa-¬ last Tuesday he would post players to participate in volun which baseball is synonomous has been wrestling with the drug - ". sions in 1984 and Milner says he bought the drug from McCue pone any action against six cur tary drug testing.. with drugs:. He said baseball problem as commissioner. . " ¬ nine times from June 1983 to January 1985.. rent players who testified in a Ueberroth said he had sent also "will have turned off a Ueberroth said that his volun- federal drug trial in Pittsburgh. . will ------of will of kids and we tary program would be ------lethe failure this program generation similar - ¬ - - have dealt a financial body blow to the mandatory program alal-- " . to the game.. ready in place in the minor The six current players who leagues and for non-playing- ma- W Tuesday 8-9- p.m.. . testified during the federal trial jor league personnel. . Players ClassifiedsClassilieds of Philadelphia caterer Curtis would be tested three times a - THE SNAPPER now features a classified section. . If you want to sell something find Strong were Lonnie Smith of year , in their clubhouses , by something you lost, or just send a printed message to a friend (or enemy) , place a , personnel. . ¬ . Kansas City Dale Barra of the medical The commis- classified ad ! .. WIXQ New York Yankees , Keith Her- sioner said that no penalties , . 91.7 Rates are 20 words for $1.00$ . with a 100$ . minimum. ALL CLASSIFIEDS MUST nandez of New York Mets , would result from the testing , BE PRE-PAID.- . the , Ads may be brought to the SNAPPER office in the SMC basement , or placed in Enos Cabell of Los Angeles adding that all results would be

. mailbox at the front by 12 noon. . . theSNAPPER; desk Thursday. Dave Parker of Cincinnati and confidential. . - Presents ' ------Jeff Leonard of San Francisco. . He said all of baseball's winter I following : wish to place an ad under the heading Pirates Manager Chuck Tanner leagues , with the exception of also testified , as did retired Venezuela , have joined in the Announcements Lost and Found For Sale Services EXPOSURE Pirate John Milner.. program. . Venezuela was exclud- Personals Wanted Other Enclosed is $ " " * * The commissioner said , "Base-¬ ed because "They have severe ball is on trial and has suffered penalties , and we will have no " ( local bands revealed with penalties. . (Continued from page 12)) superstars of the Red interviews & ) ' music for the season.. Wings , I'd be ready to take The high rookie salaries Detroit to the cleaners over will ------also raise the total team my salary.. WANTED : Organized group or individual to promote the ' salarysalar . I know that if I were What will be the next number 1 Spring break trip to Daytona. . If you are interested This . ! Weeks Steve Yzerman or John . ? in our reward call - - - immediately Or write Guest move of Mr. Ilitch He will DESIGNERS TRAVELOF , N.. 48 W13334 W.. Hampton Ave.. , Ogrodnick , the proven probably fire new coach . , WI . I - . Menomonee Falls 53051. Harry Neale three weeks in HELP WANTED - - drivers needed immediately in . Part to the season and rehire the.Millersvillethe . Millersville , Lancaster , and Bridgeport areas.. Apply the , ' within Dominos Pizza , 519 B Leaman Ave.. , Millersville.. , Nick Polano last year's . Pregnant ? 8729119.- . 1 coach.. Sort of sounds like ' JOBS AVAILABLE : If you have a car and phone and wanttowant to - . Yogi Berra and Billy Mar earn some money , give us a call today.. We have a variety of THE ? ' THESHOUTSHOUT Need help tin.. Doesn't it? openings to meet your schedule and skills.. Uniforce - - . 3971503. . Call 872-0945 PREGNANT ? Consider helping loving , local couple by plac- ' . ing your baby through independent adoption.. Legal , con- ( . weekends and - - . I fidential. . Call collect 41 CUSTOM " ' .. SPECIAL EDUCATION , SOCIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY . . 429 4 . . MAJORS : Want to learn how to apply your knowledge in OCT.. 8 after p.m. PRINTING . . T . Shirts Community openings for .1.T.. . practical situations? Services has . Sweat Shirts , ' 1 - - full-time- , part-time- , weekend , and flexible hour positions in ) e Windbreaker* , . ' community; , living arrangements for mentallyment lIy disabled adults Made in U S.A. Minimum , ' , one dozen . ; throughout Lancaster County. . Contact : Personnel Coor- . Bethany order ' Printed Shirt* or JJackJackets. ckeU , ( ) 28&7121.&- . , dinator, P.O.. . Box 597 , Mountville PA 17554(717)285-7121.17554 (717) 285 7121. Q & . . . for your Club.. Business.* . Bul. . 91. 800 " \N\j. or Organization, etc.. ' PEJiSCNALSPERSONALS; _ . w X . \ . Lifeline.. . . : ' . . " . ' , . , " " - ' Kim , , ' \ Tee Printing . ' > . Call - have . Thinking of you now always. . ) 124124CollegeCollege AveAve.Unc. UncL nc me well lunch and . . . ' ' . : ' " ' . ' 394-2W1.- '. . ' ' . . . . ' . PHONE ..2 71 " ' / i - : : . t . We . , , 1 care. : Steve . , . . ' . ve. . , ' . . . . ' _ . . : .. , . , , . ; . : . . . . . : ...... Cf384-1- 0 _ . ; or..eGa ./-

. - . ' - . , , ; : ' ' ' :1 :: . , , : : ' : . ' . . . . ' ' :.> . : ' . , : . . .. . , . . ' ' . . " . . " ' . ' . ' " ; ,. . ' " . , . . , ' . ' , . ' " ; . - : . " . tIP : . ' '\ . ) \ . . . Page 12 ' 'THE October" 2,1y352, 1&5&lj . SNAPPERR ' October , ' .

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' ' , . . - -- - - " fumbled a pitch- which wwas.S . ¬- . recovered outby a Cheyney de - - MU Record Set At 1-0 fender.. The style of play remain- Conference Cheyney's' , The Best ! ed erratic with - DeVone missing a 31-yard- field In PSAC Victory " Team Monej Marauders Skin Wolves 34-20 goal.. ¬ things BY CHRIST which actu- Millersville settled DAN fake punt attempt ' Sports Editor . down aa' bit with an impressive ally lost two yards for Cheyney. ' : - . drive ended Could Buy Millersville was poised to 79-yard drive. The The Marauder football squad ¬ Troy Smith powering into score once again , but on a sese-- with record to 3-0- with . extended their the eight, a the end zone from ten yards out. NHL Edition - cond and goal from ' a 34-20 thrashing of conference ¬ ;, Mink's kick sailed 10-yard- penalty put their scor- Once again foe Cheyney.. ' - through the uprights to leave BY STEPHEN HREBENACH ' ing hopes on hold., The Mar weeks , Wile - - Staff Columnist Unlike past the Mink pun- the score at 317.. quick start and auders did score, with jumped off to a yard field Cheyney would; not lay down -¬ ching in a thirteen Just imagine.. You walk in never looked back.. One of the , . On their second -. . though. goal make the score 170.. and die crisp , bruisingly to to an arena with a things which has been possession play from scrimmage , lightning air.. you MU On their next - coolness to the As consistent this season is the all struck with an 81-yard Cheyney of - Cheyney took the ball the amble to one the numer defense.. " completion. . way down to the Ville 19 , before touchdown empty seats , you pass a ' drive of the - ous On Cheyney's first . The score remained at 31-14, ; Dion Reed intercepted the ball. couple of old timers game , the Wolves werewere.stopped. stopped until Millersville drove to the - The Cheyney defense tightened reminiscing about the year on a fourth down conversion at . Wolf considerably , allowing MU no Cheyney 25 There the when Rocket Richard scoresscored tempt at their own 30.. The . - ' 26.. defense and Mink further than their own " 50 goals in 50 games or the r tiw Marauders proceeded to march stoneon to attempt a ! After a Brian Gladden punt , was brought Gordie Howe was a to the ¬ season the short distance 42-yard- field goal.. Mink rere-- ¬ Wolf offense went nowhere . your the rookie. Once you take Cheyney goal line.. Senior quar- perfect on the day , pun- fast , punting the ball after three mained seat you proceed to watch terback Gregg Caplan capped the ball through the - plays.. In the waning minutes of ching the ice chips flying through off the drive with an eight-yard ' uprights to close out the MU and a player checked ' the first half, Caplan's's pass was the air keeper , which , with Dave Mink's , leaving the score at > > scoring 0 - intercepted and returned to the into the boards as the rest of good , set the score at 70.. PAT on 34-14.- . ¬ . Cheyney got the the skaters continue me- Cheyney's' problems were com- MU 24. 22-yard- completion Cheyney drove for another thodically through their pounded when on the ensuing board with a 17-7- TD , making the final score ' ¬ to make the score at the drills.. kickoff , Cheyney's Brock fum- - ' half.. 3420.. Well , imagination isn't ( bled ball and freshman John the began the second One of the bright spots in necessary since National ¬ Millersville the \ Petrus recovered on the Chey- Saturday's' win was the perfor¬ , - - ' half on the right note with Hockey League has already ney 18.. On Millersville's sixth Caplan completing a 54-yard- mances of placekicker Dave started training camp and iis; from scrimmage , Troy play Robinson on the Mink and punter Brian Glad- well into the preseason SmithSn th ran the ball into the end pass to Mike play of the half.. Mink re-¬ den.. At the beginning of the schedule.. As a matter of zone from the Cheyney two.. fourth re- mained steady , stroking the season Dr.. Carpenter expressed fact, the regular season will r c With Mink's' good point after , to make the score 24-7.- . concern that his special team be upon us October 10.. III was - . PAT the score 140. squad was a weak point.. ¬ Dion Reed grabbed his second I 4I - - This scenario that just The score remained at 14-0 unun-- - on the MU 10.. The Mink , 5-5 with a long field described is pretty much C ball on the interception til MU regained the goal , has ¬ wasw s rather short-lived- as , of 42 this year improv- typical of the NHL training Cheyney 36.. ThThiss excellent field elation -. - ' ed greatly over his 4.10 perfor \ camps across the United was set up by a broken on the next play , Shaun Arline o position mance of last year'e . Also , Glad- States and Canada except ) , a den has upped his average yar-¬ ¬ . . , - ' . for one.. This one notable exex-- ' . , , ' - - - _ ¬ Freshman John Petrus puts pressure on Central Connecticut's QB in last weeks - . - . . *- -. --AiY.-M.- +Y.. , dage two yards per punt , ripp the Red In 4AW-M.Im-i.r4iMYl j - ception is at Detroit . contest , off a 55 yarder Saturday.. facility . ing Wings training in Kicking the last thing . is Port Huron , Michigan. The ' , . .,.7H. , 'I'w' ' ' ' 14t1 Carpenter must worry about.. significant difference at this S { ''t'' + .; ' MU hosts Mansfield at 7:30: rink is that the ice is green Field Hockey UndefeatedUndefe ted on Saturday.. year.. Yes , green.. Well , this , . not necessarily literally , but ;" BY LISA TIRADO Brooks \ E;! definitely figuratively. . I say Stroudsburg over to , . 1; Staff Writer ' .1, . rr''r because of three , free Field , but the Lady Marauders ,ta .4.-.-, ' . ' this to t - . agent , million dollar sign-- The Lady Marauders pushed held a tight defense not allowing ings that Detroit had over the record up to seven wins and no the ball to get into the cage.. The

. Marauders managed to score . , s , the summer. losses by defeating Franklin and . . r; , : Wa ? . k , vy - + a ..w . / . . , . : :u -- -.: 'la ' - three times , ending the game /ttij':' , - > . '' Unlike major league Marshall and East Stroudsburg yma r . . , . tw * . base - 5.'Yr' .+, '- . ' - i sr'- , 3-0.. , . , { H , with a score of , . . . , .w.y. . ... , aW ball , the NHL has a fairly this past week on September 24 . ,, s. . . ayC r s - . agent policy.. . The Marauders field hockey restrictive free and 26. " - ± \Sdw": : , undefeated and holding Ti \ This has unquestionably Although the weather was team are . ! " . . . : ° , ' , +. .i . .' , on to second place regionally kr tv+"' -ri'f'4' ' : hockey from being them , ' kept against the Marauders " ' ruined by sky-high- salaries still managed to come out on top.. and nationally. . They are behind like baseball has.. This past On Tuesday , September 24, they Bloomsburg University who are summer the Red Wings on Franklin and Marshall the Division III National Cham-¬ took ' found some talent that and scored twice , not allowing pions last year.. Last year's I wasn't' restricted by the free Franklin and Marshall to score at coach Sandra Peters stated , " ' agent poilicy who Detroit all.. Deb Molinero scored both "The team's offensively has the ' thought was worthy of ex-¬ goals for Ville. potential to have the greatest ex- . , . '' . . , . _ . , . . " ' . . tremely high salaries.. September 26 brought amount of scoring ever at : v.ha.. .w'r ' in.D. \ . . : .:r.. dr rR . . ..1 .ir \ East " ' ash Because of the free spend- Millersville University. . An F&M& opponent watches as MU's' Lynn Fry controls the ball in action last week.. ing ways of Red Wings owner Mike)' Ilitch , I have named him the George ' Steinbrenner of hockey.. Women's Tennis Young But Optimistic Evidently , Mr.. Ilitch has BY ELIZABETH FENNO become impatient and wants Staff Writer to buy a championship. . I'm' ¬- " not sure what makes him On Thursday, September nine Waltman said , "We controlled their fifth and sixth singles and ' " - think this is the way to win teenth , Millersville's tennis the game.. The score was nine to third doubles because of in the Stanley Cup when it has team played Cheyney.. Coach zero.. Cheyney had to forfeit juries.. Coach Waltman said, been proven many times "We" dominated, we would have " over that the way to win is won even if they didn't' forfeit.. to build through the draft Lisa Santucci and Deb Bennis like the great Canadian = were once again the number one teams of the '50's' and '70's' and two singles players. . Heidi and the Islanders of the Lahm and Tina Rauch were ' ' . ' . - 80's. I also don't know what ; _ third and fourth. Coach Walt ; ;r makes Ilitch think he can be l ' F1 man said it was an excellent any more successful than 4 j ,y match and she was very happy Steinbrenner with the with their performances. . Yankees of recent past in buying a winner.. On Friday , September twen-¬ As proven with the Yan¬ tieth, the Lady Marauders had a kees, big contracts lead to tough time.. The competition big egos which always tend was rough.. They were up to conflict and cause dissen-- against Franklin & Marshall. . _ 45 tion among the team.. A F&MF&&M has all of their. players I I good example is the recent , . . from last fall.. Coach Waltman " Roll On well-publicized- brawl be- stated that "F&M& has incredible Lady Harriers " tween Billy Martin and $4$ depth , all experienced players.. 'BY' MICHELE DiPAOLO " , support from all" said Coach million pitcher Ed Whitson. . ' Millersville only has two players " I . Writer ; , Staff ' ' , , " . ' White.. Paving the way for Associated with this fight is ': from last season , it's a new ' meet any Millersville was Nancy the recent decline in quality team. Lisa Santucci put up the If Saturday's is ' Tang-Yuk- who ran her best of play on the Yankees.. It is best fight.. Her match was the indication of theth MUs women ' race of the season. finishing possible this only competition we gave F&M.& . cross country team's quite that - place ¬ could happen in Detroit this She won her first set seven to chances in the nationals- in fifth with the exex-- cellent time of 18 minutesI . . , six.. the competition should season. five but lost four six three - " ' - and 7 seconds , Laura En- Another point to contend' Coach Waltman said "The'matchmatch watch out.. The team fin- The driss placedpIa ed fourteenth with with is , does Mr.. Ilitch was good experience for the jshed right where Coach . 1& ' , " the time of iS'minutes& minutes and realize that he is paying girls.." . White wanted to be , "in the ' ." 54 seconds , KellyK lly'- Sprout in $ . . for a top three. The ladies close to $3.5 million . : of one year of exex-- On SaturdaySat rday , September displayed their full array of 28th place with the time total of NHL ' ' . - , - 19 minutes 41 seconds , and . . perience.. The Red Wings twenty-eighth the Lady talent in the Dickinson In ' ; ,, . . . O. , , places -; by.. in 30, 31 32 33 . con, . , Marauders were defeated . vitational held SaturdaySat rday con . \ signed rookie sensation ' . . , . seven secutiyelywereTanyasecutiyely, ;. were , Tanya Delaware. The , was , Pina , scorescorewas eight second out of seven Warren Young and college \ finishing ' ' : ; ' . : . . iii'i .19. 46 seconds , . ' toto' one'Lisaone Lisa Santucci and Deb. division teams with a in minutes . one ' three standouts Adam OOatestes and . " ' ' ' . : . ' : Bennis' , : 1957: and. both won their doubles .. in - , " . .total of 6969.poihtspoints only Kris Andrews Ray Staszak for that incredi . ' " \ - ' ¬ I : , matches.: . They were the'onlyonly ' |and Anne Peifer who finishedfinish in ble sum. The problem with the ' behind Franklin land Mar ' ' ' - : , ' - 19 minutes1in tes ' scored poi for , time of I and ones who points . the , , ts for shall'srtotalshall's ,0', total of twentytw nty six . this is that Ilitch is paying : ' ; ' . ' ' The wome 's . ; ,. . ' , Correction women's. BennisBe f The player 'pictpictured . ' . ' .: womens' ; . . " ; Millersville Delaware.wDelaware . ; very ' . , 59 . secondss conds The . " ' was . ( . . points lady harriers . unproven . ' The ' . for NHL talent - , " . tennis photograph on Page is actually Lisa Sahtucci.. I ' ' 'is . . cross BI trav I y.. . country team travel ! , : ' tough. lgh competition HopeHopefully . . crpsscross travels . . - " ' . finishedfinishedthirdthird overall. with a.a . . - ' countrY'J ; : . : - . whichwwhich.couldflop! . could flop and leavee ve ' - . . ' ' ' ? . ' .wee1. , , . ' -SizSnapper'.rani-sorry.about.themistake. :' ' ! ¬ 14 s Snapperppef about . ' < . ' of last weeks . bout.the mistake . ' . , . . the , ' Bloomsburg , ih ' b luck ag hUpcIf " . .J ! '. S ttir- " ' theyll have bettertfer' againstst 4. and eight ? this Satur , : / ' ' . totall.. of ;hundred. to : Red Wings flounderingflo .dering . . . tot. ' '' the . ; ' ' : . . : Deb . , . ' :- . , : . : ...... , ; - , . . . and. ' ' was'.inisidentiiSedS' misidentified . Deb D S.C.. . ' wwas . . D . ' " -DS.C- ' . as . , . ! , '" . : : ' . asDebi' ; . - , ' v . . . , " r. --D . y , ; - day October'fifthfifth.- . . . Shippensburg.ippeI1sburg.on..r.l)1esdonTuesday October ' ' ' . , ) .' . received good . . ' . We . i ' on' 11) " -points. / page . . . . Poirit " C , f ( ) ' < ; Continuednt nue . ' / ' " ' . : . r : : ' ' ' ' ' " : " : ; : ' " ; - ...... : . , . . . : : : : . . " / - , ' ; ' . ' . ' , : . ; : . ' " , : , ' : . . ' . ; . : ' , : ' " . , . : . . . . - : : : , . . . ' . - " ; . ' : : . . . " , . ' ; ' . ' : , , . . ' ; ; , : V ; . , : . : : ) ;, ; . < : ( " / : : : ' " i . . . ) , : . . . . . " ' , . :0: " ' " ' . : : . , , . . : .: ' . , , ' . ' . : : ' . , . . . ' ; . ' .1 " .i . >'. . , ' . VV. . . " . . ' . . ' ; . . " : . ? , ' / " . . . I ' " " ' " . : : . : .: . " ; . " . . : ' : , , " ; . ' I l , . ' , t I 'J - / /