
When I think of the world’s marketing geniuses, ​ ​usually isn’t the first to come to mind. Sure he had some incredible gadgets to defeat the Joker, Mr. Freeze, and the Penguin, but business skills? I’m not so sure.

But then I remember Batman is Bruce Wayne: a wildly successful businessman who took over his father’s business after his parent’s death. In a recent DC themed movie, one of the other superheros asks Batman what his super power is and he replies, “I’m rich!”

I’ve always been drawn to character. It began by faithfully watching the 1960’s TV version as a kid and to this day, my favorite coffee mug is my Batman mug. He had such a passion driven by the tragic murder of his parents, and used his success to make the world a better place. P​ assion plus resources led to an impact on his community.

At Here 2 There Marketing, we hope to find business owners who are like Batman in this way. W​ e aim to work with clients who have a passion for what they do, a desire to grow their business, and a calling to give more to make an impact in their community.

And while you may not be worried about the Joker or the Penguin, I think we all know there is a lot of darkness in our culture and communities. That’s why we need more business owners like Batman who want to use their platform to spread goodness and light.​ A​ nd the good news? You don’t have to put on purple tights to do it.

So check out 4 ways Batman is a marketing genius and let’s change the world together!

#1: Batman is a Branding Mastermind

Think about it: no other superhero (including Superman!) is as good at marketing his brand as Batman. E​ verything​ has the “Bat” name branded with it. There is the , the Bat-Belt, the Bat-Phone, the Bat-Computer, the Bat-Pole, the Bat-Boat, the Bat-Spotlight, the Bat-Helicopter and my favorite, the Bat-Mobile. The list goes on and on. Even his theme song has only one word in it: Batman! (Not counting all the Da-Da-Da-Da-Duhs.)

Now I’m not suggesting you rebrand your copy machine to include your company name, b​ ut I do believe business owners miss a lot of branding opportunities simply because they just didn’t think about it. ​ It helps to take a fresh look around and see if your brand can’t be integrated or emphasized more. Especially as we move into the digital economy.

But the best part of Batman’s brand is that it stands for something. People understand that his brand stands for defeating evil. What do people think of when they see your brand? If you’re not sure, ask some of your customers, “What 3 words come to mind when you see my logo?” You might be surprised at the answer. If you get a lot of different answers, there may be an opportunity to simplify and clarify your marketing message.

Okay law-abiding citizens, let’s move on to the next way Batman is a marketing genius.

#2: Batman Hired Good People

Nobody was meant to go it alone. Adam had Eve, Abbott had Costello, Sonny had Cher. Even the “Lone” Ranger had Tonto!

So then we come to Batman and Robin. The Boy Wonder was a ​great ​ hire by Batman. Robin is tenacious, smart, eager, creative, and hard-working. But my favorite trait is Robin’s faithfulness. No matter the situation, he is always there for Batman.

Do you have employees like that?

Bill Hybels, Pastor of Willow Creek Church in Chicago, says he has learned to hire people based on the 4 C’s:

Character​ | Does this person have high integrity? Chemistry |​ Will this person get along with your team and you? Competence ​ | Does this person have the skill set to get the job done right? Culture ​ | Will this person flourish and feel at home in your company’s culture?

I think Robin would score high on all of the 4 C’s, which I think led to his faithfulness. Can you imagine Robin grabbing coffee with Commissioner Gordon and saying that Batman is a terrible boss, doesn’t know what he is doing, and how he want to come over and work with you? I don’t think so!

Why? Because Batman chose well when he asked Robin to come alongside him. ​ ​What an asset in business to have some Robins around you. ​Some of the worst hires I’ve seen over the years were driven by decision-makers moving too fast and not filtering with the 4 C’s.

#3: Batman Used Technology to Achieve His Mission

This was 1966 and he had a computer! That was the first time I ever heard the term “computer.” Granted the Bat-Computer was as big as the Whopper in War Games, but it was amazing. It was the Siri and Google of its time. You just asked it a question and it spit out the answer. And the answers always helped him move closer to achieving his mission.

So how can you leverage technology to drives your company’s sales and mission?

I’m not talking about having the latest gadgets, software, or servers, even though all of those are key ingredients to your business. I’m referring to digital sales efforts: your website, your email strategy, your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn activities. T​ hese are incredible times we live in, and you have the potential to communicate with more customers and potential customers than ever before.

It’s time to take the cue from our friend Batman, and better utilize all the tools available to you. Before your competitor does.

Now our last skill requires us to go visit a friend at Stately ...

#4: Batman had a Guide

Alfred is one of the most underrated and underappreciated supporting cast members of all time. Heck, I wasn’t that big of a fan of Alfred’s as a kid either! I don’t remember ever telling my buddies, “Okay you be Batman, Billy you be Robin, and I’ll be Alfred. To the Bat-Cave!”

But as I’ve grown, I’ve come to appreciate Alfred. He is Batman’s guide. Even superheroes need a humble, wise adviser to get them through tough times. And so do you. A​ good guide will always be honest with you, even when the truth hurts. And they will be faithful over time--the kind of person that will be there no matter what.

Do you have guides in your life?

Sometimes they naturally come into your life, but sometimes you have to be intentional in finding them. After my father passed, I invited a man who I admired greatly to coffee. I explained to him that I was a fan of his, missed my father’s advice and support, and needed a man who was farther along life’s path than me to come alongside me. I’m so grateful he agreed to do it. That was 5 years ago and I can’t tell you what a blessing it’s been to have him as my Alfred.

So make sure you have an Alfred. It served Batman well, and it will serve you and your business well.


Now What?

At Here 2 There Marketing, we would love to come alongside you to be your business’s marketing guide. To be an Alfred for you.

We want to help you g​ et better at clearly and simply branding your company. We want to help you d​ efine your culture and hire well. We want to help you l​ everage today’s marketing tools to grow sales, grow your giving, and grow your community impact.

We want to help you get where you want to go, guiding you from Here 2 There.

So fellow Caped Crusader fans, ​let’s grab coffee ​ and talk. To the Batcave!

George Woods President | Here 2 There Marketing 813.363.4277 | [email protected]