------------------------ Public Document Pack ------------------------ Agenda - Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee Meeting Venue: For further information contact: Committee Room 2 - The Senedd Steve George Meeting date: 20 June 2018 Committee Clerk Meeting time: 09.15 0300 200 6565
[email protected] ------ 1 Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest 2 Film and major television production in Wales: Evidence Session 14 (09:15 - 10:15) (Pages 1 - 17) Ron Jones, Founder and Executive Chairman of Tinopolis, Chair of the Welsh Government’s Creative Industries Sector Panel and a member of the Media Investment Panel. Break (10:15 - 10:30) 3 Film and major television production in Wales: Evidence Session 15 (10:30 - 11:30) (Pages 18 - 31) Ken Skates AM, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Transport Dafydd Elis-Thomas AM, Minister for Culture, Tourism and Sport Mick McGuire, Director Business and Regions Joedi Langley, Head of Creative Sector 4 Paper(s) to note 4.1 The Welsh Government’s relationship with Pinewood (Pages 32 - 79) 4.2 Film and major television production in Wales: Additional Evidence from the Welsh Government (Pages 80 - 83) 4.3 Film and major television production in Wales: Additional Evidence from the Arts Council of Wales (Pages 84 - 86) 4.4 Film and major television production in Wales: Additional Evidence from Euros Lyn (Pages 87 - 89) 4.5 Film and major television production in Wales: Additional Evidence (Pages 90 - 92) 4.6 Correspondence from the Welsh Language Commissioner