A Office 3,049,554 Paiented Aug
--a Office 3,049,554 Paiented Aug. 14, 1962 2 3,049,554 above. The preferred compounds of our invention are 9,1-D HALOGENG-320-D2 KETOPRESNANES AND the 9c, 11,3-difluoropregnenes and pregnadienes. The di PRO CESSES FOR THER EAANUEFACTURE flucro compounds of the general formula having a 17 c.21 David H. Gould, Leonia, and Hans Reinana, Siocrified, dihydroxy function and in particular a A1-bond are highly N.J., assignors to Sciering Corporation, Soon fied, potent agents useful in the treatment of inflammations, N.J., a corporation of New Jersey burns and atopic dermatoses. No Drawing. Filled Juae i, 1959, Ser. No. 837,843 in olir co-pending application Serial No. 743,492, filed 9 (Ciaias. (C. 269-397.3) ine 20, 1958, now U.S. Patent No. 2,894,963, of which this application is a continuation-in-part, we described This invention relates to a novel class of halogenated 0. 9,11-dihalcgeno-4-pregnene-170,21-diol-3,20-diones and steroids which are therapeutically useful. More specifi the corresponding 1,4-pregnadienes wherein the more elec cally, our invention relates to a particular group of 9,11 tronegative atom appeared at C-11 in the case wherein dihalogenated pregnanes wherein the halogen atom at C-9 the 9- and 11-substituent were different. Due to the limi is at least as electronegative as the halogen substituent at tations of the process described in said application, com C-11. By the term pregnane series we mean pregnanes polinds containing fluorine at C-9, or in the case of a containing the A-3,20-diketo and A.-3,20 diketo systems.
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