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the kidnaping before it started but that Sawyer insisted upon going through with it. Bolton testified that some of the boys often expressed themselves as being opposed to Harry $awyer's policy of "fooling with the Government", and that they were very much worried about this matter and they oftn made the eonment that had it not been for Harry Sawyer they would not have gone through with the kidnaping.

PATRICIA CHERRINGRJN who was the consort of during 1953 and 1934 and who is presently serving a two year sentence in the Federal Detention Home at Milan, for harboring advised agents of the Bureau that shortly after John Dillinger and Homer Van Lister shot their way out of a police trap at their apartment on Lexington Avenue in St.Paul on March 31, 1934, she together with her sister and -Tohn Hamilton proceeded to a restaurant in St.Paul where they contacted , who imediately took them to Harry 5awyer's cottage near 5t.Paul where they remained for four days. She further sta- ted that they received a tip that this farm was to be raided ad left l o~ hurriedly, returning to $t.Paul where they then contacted Tonnq Carroll 92 and . ' "1' ii! t 3 VIVIAN !,'L»'iThIIAS, who was the pa:-amour of Vernon C.I-Ziller a _z. principal in the City massacre advised agents of the Bureau that 1'4 Q she and Killer had lmovm Harry Sawyer for approximtely five years during which period he operated a saloon on Wabaaha Avenue in St.Paul; I Q ,_. that they visited with Sawyer and his wife Gladys in their home at 1878 Jefferson Street $t.Paul several times. Miss Mathias further stated that ta . at different times while she vras in his place on Wabasha Avenue she had if? seen practically all of the hoodlums she knows in his place.

-Q. JESS DOYLE a notorious bank robber and who is presently in Jail at St.Paul for advised agents of the Bureau that Harry Sawyer and his wife Gladys for a long time had been protecting gangsters s - f.4,- and criminals during the time they mere in St.Paul. In this connection T? he stated that on oneoccasion during March 1935 about a week after he, » Fred,and Doc Barker arrived in St.Paul from Reno,Nevada he came hqne one - ~.4.- night alone, from a movie; that he observed Gladys Sawyer the wife of 4.2:! -.~. '3 Harry..Sawyer seated in her car in front of the building at the address where-he and the Barkers were living. According to Doyle, Gladys Sawyer asked him where Fred Barker and Alvin Kamis were and when he told her he did not know she stated that he had better look for than as Harry Sawyer had received information that the police were going to raid their - apartment in the morning. Doyle advised that he went downtown to look


_ Y> T . WT _ ~ . <.n_,_a__.M,_,, for Fred Barker and Alvin Karpis to furnish them this informatio n but could not find them. When he returned Glade Sawyer was still sitting 1 n h er car in front of the building and at that tim she told him that Fred Barker and had been there and that she had alread warned them; further that the Barkers and Karpis would meet Doyle in her husband: place on Wabasha Avenue.

Jess Doyle also advised that the day followin 8 the bank robbery at Fhirbury, Nebraska which was staged by the Barker-Karpis R8 _ ng e h accompanied Doc Barker to St.Paul where Barker contacted Harry - Sawyer; that the securities which were taken from the Fairbury bank were left with Harry Sawyer in order that he might dispose of them.

IRENE DORSEY who was the consort of Fred Goetz a prominent member of the Capone syndicate in and a notorious bani robber_ and criminal who was killed in gangland fashion at Cicero,Illinois in 1934 , ad v 1 dse agents of the Bureau that Sawyer and his nife paid them a visit in Chicago,Illinois in September 1934' that on the ni g ht Chicage Police officer Miles Cunningham was killed following a bank messenger holdup, Fred Goetz and Harry Sawyer left her apartment at about 6 P.M.; 3 th at they returned to the apartment shortly after midnight and a P- naP ently were very much excited; that she subsequentl y h dear through con- versations with Fred Goetz, information which indicated that Harry K San y r e may possibly have r been a participant in this holdup and subse- Y quent shooting. s ¬

Respectfully submitted, " '. %,, ,..,{.'1-.-_1&.s


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St. Paul, Iinnseota July l, 1935

Pursuant to the request of Special Agent in Charge Harold I. Andersen of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, St. Paul, , Ir. L. D. Socsy, operative of the United States Secret Service, assigned to the St.Paul Office, submits th following information concerning his knowledge of the investigation conducted in , , with reference to IYNONL BURDETTI, IEGL HARRY SAWYER,and PAULA HARMON, members of the BARKER-KARPIS mob:

From records and recollection, it was during September 1954 .~' when the above named women were arrested by the Cleveland Police. at ,,.§* that time I was a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, . _._ U. S. Department of Justice, assigned to the Detroit Bureau Office. Special Agent J. K. Collins, formerly of the Detroit Bureau Office, and .e§ myself were instructed to proceed to Cleveland, Ohio, to assist in the ya instant investigation at that point. ' ,. .4H We were instructed to report to Police Headquarters at Lakewood ..::, I -, Ohio. During that day, as I recall, and perhaps the following day, I had "15, -'.- no occasion to interview the above named women or be present during the *1--,,~. course of interview with them. The manner in which they were arrested, 4- 1-5. 2 #". . ; and how they were brought to the Lakewood Police Headquarters, is beyond my knowledge. However, on or about the second day after my arrival in Cleveland, late at night, I was instructed to proceed to e small residential hotel, the name of which I do not recall, located in Lakewood, Ohio, and -'13.X. there assist Agents Collins and I. E. Hopwon. Upon my arrival there I "~-gizigw observed three women, two occupying beds in one room and the third occupy- 9*; ing a bed in another room directly across the hall, whom I was informed were HYNONA BURDETTE, MRS. HARRY SAWYER, and PAULA HAHMON. These women _ . were at that time sleeping and I remained in the hallway outside of these ~'~.1 F two rooms the remainder of the night. The following morning, after these women had awakened and dressed, breakfast was bought for them at a nearby restaurant and they ate and appeared friendly. .§¬~ ' Later that morning these women were turned over to Lakewood Police, following which I understand they were removed to Chicago, Illinois.

At no time, to my knowledge, were these women mistreated nor were any rough tactics used on them, and they appeared entirely on s friendly basis. , COPIESDES'H>.n92 +1O6 1 146DEC 11 Em

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St. Paul, Minnesota July l, 1935

mmmauu roa spasm. AGENTnz unisonn. 1:. mnmsm

This is to advise that on September 14, 1934, in cunpany with Agents Melvin and Ilclntire, I arrived at the Chicago Cffice about 2:00 A.ll. from Fort Atkinson, Iisconsin, and at that time in the Chicago Office Agent lluzzis was present. Ia were at that time advised that PAULA HARBOR, IYNCNA BIIRDZITI, and IRS. 1 #. HARRY SAWYERwere asleep, and that the following morning, about ,.f#f¥' 6:00 AJ5. , PAULA BAH!-{ON had agreed to accompany agents into Northern Illinois for the purpose of assisting in locating the BREKER hideout. Q so- ?_"1'»' Agents Melvin, ldclntire and myself called again at the , :-"3 Chicago Office about 6:00 A.M., September 14, 1934, and after our _' '1 ' _e. arrival PAULA HARI-EON was awakened and evidently indicated that :w:_.' she would not go on the p1OpO89d trip. Agent R. D. Brown talked sea in" to her considerably in a very kindly manner, and finally MRS. »-.mu.¢-.. 1.19 HARRY SAWYER came into the discussion of her on volition and V tn. strongly argued with PAULA HARHION to go on this trip as she had planned. MRS. SAWYKR was not mistreated in any way.

Finally MRS. SAWYER said she would go with the others .._,,, ~23. on this trip, and she, PAULA HARMON, a matron, and Agents Brown and Mclntire proceeded in Agent Brown'scar, Agent Melvin, myself, and another agent whose name I have forgotten, followed in another 4??*:3¬ automobile. They all proceeded to Round Lake and Long Lake, _<.4. -. ;».,.. Illinois, and then to Lake Geneva and Twin Lakes, Iisconsin, re- turning to Chicago abmt 5:00 PJI. the same date. MRS. SAW!!! was treated very well all day. She and PAULA HAIMON were tahsn to breakfast at Round Lake, Illinois, and then later were tahsn to 92- dinner at Twin Labs, '1I6OIlI1Ile Both IRS. SLIYH Ind PAULA BEEN were well treated during the day and I did not hear an unpleasant word spoken to than or in their presence.

Very truly yours , E3-;m>»n<.u , T n.-,-,...._..__._ " nQnCfmpms D 11 B79 - 4 noonm Bneeial Agent -

1 , . ,1 92

July 2, 1955 Chicago,I1linoie.


Daring September of last year while Gladys Sawyer, Wynone Burdett and Paula Harmon were being retained in the Chicago office oi the Bureau for questioning in connection with the Braner kidnaping case I was specifically assigned by the late Inspector S. P. Cowley to question WYNONA BURDEIT. Agent R. D. Brown was assigned to interview Paula Har- mon and Special Agent R. 0. Suran was instructed to question Gladys Sawyer. As I recall these women were brought to the Chicago office from s Clevele.nd,0hio on September Q, 1954 and to the best of my knowledge they were not questioned by anyone until the morning of September IQ, 1934 when I-Zr.Cov:ley introduced me to Wynona Burdett. 3 I interviewed Miss Burdett intermittently for about tour A 2 days during which period I secured a lengthy signed statement from her ,,. concerning her travels and associations with the Barker-Xarpis mob, and particularly Harry Campbell, the mn with whom she had been living as man and wife.

I was the only Agent to interview Kiss Burdett during her confinement at the Chicago office and at no time was she subjected by me ! to any all night grilling. She had her regular meals, regular sleep, and in no instance was anything denied her which tended to add to her comfort. OE 92'.hile I was in her company and to the best oi my knowledge every consider- ~ ation was shown her. She was attended by a matron whenever occasion or as arose and the sanitary conditions under which she and the other women were held were adequate. Miss Burdett was never mistreated or abused by an in any manner, nor was she accorded such treaizhant by other Agents in nu presence or to my knowledge. In fact the kind treatment given her ultimate- ly resulted in gluing her confidence, which subsequently led to her making .»e4 . a 81gned_ statement. She expressed this fact to ms on several occasions.

I also desire to state that in no instance was any drug adninistered to rfynona Burdett nor do I have any personal knowledge of drugs being ad- ministered to Gladys Sawyer and Paula Eamon»

On the first night that Iynona Burdett was held at the Chicago office there was no cot available. However on the following day e daybed was secured, which she was permitted to use during her entire period of continunante QQPIES 146DEC nssraoran11 37° r 'I . . '

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During the time these wanen were in custody two matrons attended them at all times, one matron working the night shirt and the other the dw shirt. In numerous instances these matrons were assisted during the day by the various stenographers in the Chicago Bureau office.

I also desire to state that Wynona Brdett did not indicate to me at any time that she desired an attorney. However, on the day previous to the time Gladys Sawyer, Wynona Burdett and Paula Eamon were released arrangements were made by Nb.0owley to secure an attorney for Gladys Sawyer in order that she might obtain her furniture, which was in Cleveland, Ohio, through legal process. To my knowledge this was the only instance when an attorney was requested by any of the three I'Qm8ne _

I did not relate any obscene stories to Wynona Burdett at any time and heard no such stories related to her. Wynona Burdett and Gladys Savyer used vulgar and indecent language frequently and at times such langua~e was used in the presence of the stenographers of the Chicago office. I spoke to her several times in an effort to stop her from using such language.

In conclusion I desire to state that it is my observation ,- :h~t there was a spirit of friendliness at all thmes between the three women and the various Agents who were attached to the Chicago office at r that time and in no instance did I hear any of the above women complain of any treatment accorded them. § , 3

Respectfully submitted, Sr Pe- -

-an "5 JOHNL.MLDALL, %,,L_,,1Z,7/-..sv~£~

Special Agent.

JIMRJMB S 0. 0 , . I '

~ my 1, 19:5. .».92 i». us-Y ;:. J1 MED,RA.N1II,3.i FOR ASSSISTANI DIRECTOR NL'E_A!jI_ ,...

1,, In re: mom sunnrrr, aliases: Iynons Walcott, Miss Graham, w If. Mrs. Ray Smnners, Mrs. G. L. _ Sunraers ,_, _ 4 i __

This memorandum is submitted for the purpose of setting forth certain information cocerning the character and criminal associates of Wynona Burdett.

Iynona Burdett according to her oral statements to Special Agents R. C. Suran and J. L. Medals, was first married at the age of 16 but divorced this first husband after a few months. In her written state- ment dated at Chicago, Illinois, September 13, 1954, ynona Burdett states that she was married to one Eldon Stanbrough with when she lived tor about five months, after which she separated from him and began to live with Harry '-.v Campbell. She stated at the time of her statement that she had been living with Harry Caipbell for approximately three and one half years. She also orally advised Special AgentsR. C. Suran and I. L. Medals that to her know- WI-1 ' I ledge she was never divorced from Stanbrough, although this individual may IL have secured a divorce.

92 Iv; at the time she met Harry Campbell at Tulsa, , Harry was associating with well known oklahoma bank robbers by the names 3'1 of Jim Lawson and Glen LeRoy Wright. Wynona in her statement advises that she cane to Hammond, Indiana, around September 28 or 29, 193$, and for I the first time met Willie Harrison, who is presently a fugitive in connec- tion with the lcidnaping of Edward George Brezner. She also met Doc and Freddie Barker. She subsequently advised that Doc an! Freddie were life- long friends of Harry Canpbell. She advises in her statement that she began associating with these individuals above -named, together with Paula Harmon, going to Reno, Nevada, with them during October of 1933, at which place Alvin Karpis and Dolores Delaney were also with this party, Karpia at the present time being a fugitive in connection with the kidnaping of Mr. Braner_9nd Dolores Delaney, his paramour, is presently confined at the United States Detention Farm, Milan, Michigan, for misprision of a felony and harboring Alvin Karpis and conspiracy. Iynona Burdett advises in her statement that this entire mob left Reno, Nevada, around the first of December, 1953 and proceeded to St. Paul, Minnesota, where they drove to Harry thisplace Sa1ryor's she met farm, Harry which and is Gladys located Sawyer some distance forthe first from St. time.Paul. biz?At


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She stated that Freddie Barker, Paula Harmon, Harry Camp- .5 bell and herself frequently went cabareting at the Hollyhocks Inn, 8t. - =._ Paul, at which place she met Jack Pfeiffer for the first time. During . ~ ,._. _* 2 this trip to St. Paul, Minnesota, Wynona Burdett also associated with ..<., -la_-;-all 1" . such individuals as Volney Davis, Edna Hurray, Bill Ieaver and Myrtle e sf .1»- Eaton, all of whom are connected with the kidnaping of ldward George Brenner n, in some way. During January, 1934, Iynona became acquainted am began ..» , associating with Fred Goetz alias Shotgun Zeigler, well known manber of the Capone Syndicate who was assassinated apparently by gangsters in Chicago Lmrmei Illinois, in March of 1934, and who has definitely been connected with the :, e -' abduction of Edward George Brener. During this period of time Vlynona Bur- 92" dett lived with Harry Campbell as his wife. e Wynona Burdett was arrested at Cleveland, Ohio, on Sept- _ 1,;;sFlorida. She and Harry Campbell be- gan living with Fred Barker and his mother Kate Barker, at Oklewaha, Florida Kn< -,~ but left that place prior to the shooting affair which occurred there be- _ _; c1_ , tween Agents of the Bureau and Freddie and Kate Barker at which time the Jude 5.. latter two were slain in the gun battle. During the time this battle was in progress Wynona Burdett was with Harry Campbell, Alvin Karpis and Dolores Delaney at Miami, Florida. Upon receiving word of the death of Freddie and Kate Barker, Wynona Burdett with Alvin Karpis, Harry Campbell and Dolores Delaney fled to Atlantic City, New Jersey, where Alvin Karpis an! Harry 5% Campbell succeeded in making their escape from the Atlantic City, New Jersey, police on Iamary 20, 1935. Iynona Burdettand Dolores Delaney were arrested and returned to Miami, Florida, where they entered pleas of P-3"-:: guilty to five indictments on March 25, 1935, which indictments and sen- nu-» tences received on eechare as follows: '-

Indictment No. 4617 - llisprieion of a felony, sentence 3 years; .-Iadictment No. 4613 - Conspiracy to commit misprisicn cf s felony, - sentence 2 years, to nm concurrently with sentence imposed under indictment No. 4617; . I Indictment No. 4616 - Ha:-boring and concealing Alvin Karpis, sentence 6 months to run concurrently with Indictment No. 461'? andconsecutively with Indictment No. 4613; Indictment No. 4608 - Conspiracy to harbor and conceal Alvin Karpis, sentence 2 years, to run consecutively with those imposed under Indictments Nos. 4617, 4616 and 4613; Kass...

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v Indictment No. 4610 - Conspiracy to commit misprision of a felony, sentence 2 years, to run concur- rently with that under Indictment No. -_>_.92 4608, and consecutively with those under Indictnent Nos. 4617, 4615 and 4616.

In addition to the above record Wynona Burdett also admits being arrested at Tulsa, Oklahoma on a charge of harboring Harry Campbell at that place about three years ago during the time that Harry Cenpbell was being sought in connection with a murder at that place. This murder was the killing of I. Earl Smith, an attorney at Tulsa, Oklahoa, and Harry Campbell is presently wanted by the Oklahoma State authorities in connection with that case.

The criminal record of Harry Campbell with who Wynona 0 1- ~»=. Burdett has lived for about four years is as follows: ~12? . 31%.. -45. at A. .;,92,e,. - F As Harry Campbell, #1846, arrested Police Department, Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 25, 1920, charge investigation, fined ' E vb ;- ,- $19 and costs; - :v_ .62, . 3"?-,_'o&a As Harry Campbell, #11056, received State Penitentiary, e"¢~.:?' McAlester, Oklahoma, January 30, 1921, from Lincoln County, id»~ ~=... 0kla., crime bank roboery, held for safe keeping; discharged ALJ 4' ~'vi June ll, 1921 on order of Court; 1:; »=@;;¢3§$§' J As Harry Campbell, #9420, arrested Sheriff's office, Tulsa, ., -"7 T 131- .' Oklahoma, April 29, 1952, charge burglary, released on bond; 2 .-ft; _ case pending- 1," _ ~-Var ~*i¥ Wynona Burdett recently testified for the Government in . Z15us , the trial of Arthur "Doc" Barker, et al, at St. Paul, Xinnesota, for the ~ H 5-4"-if - kidnaping of Edward George Bremer, and she has promised to testify in -..r~_§':'~ 92:"K"T7, future trials in connection with this case. -- .,_~, . ' ,--,1. ¢ W ~s _- . " Respectfully submitted, .044-' ~__,;_;. .. .- _. 31;; '0' pl 7' '$'15é 1-:,..-_, po- .-4~~ 1- %w41- . ;'=~ R. C. SURAN,

W4,,!' Special Aéents BCS:uG

~ J~

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' Q » . . , -

- June 50, 1935.

§$E1.EOR_AI~1I!UI!I DIRESTOR FOR NATHAN In re:PAULA withHLHHDN aliases:Paula 6//// Woods, Paula Brannon, Hrs. Charles Preston Harmon, Hrs. Theo Riley, Mrs. Dennis Ioods, Mrs. C. P. Harmon, Mrs. Tom Brown, Polly Walker, Polly Brennan, Hrs. J. Stanley anith, Marie Mayer, Marie Rainez, Marie Merritt __

This msorandnm is submitted for the purpose of setting forth certain information concerning the character and crhninal asso- ciates of Paula Harmon.

In the report of Special Agent R. D. Brown, dated 9/l9/54 at Chicago, Illinois, the statement of Paula Harmon dated at Chicago, Illinois, September 15, 1934, is set forth. In this statement she states that she was married to one Dennis Wood at Port Arthur, in 1921 and divorced this individual in the year 1922. In 1925 Paula Harmon, accord- ing to her statement, married one Charles Harmon whose full name was Charles Preston Harmon. This marriage took place shortly after Harmon was released from the Texas Penitentiary at Huntsville, Texas, where he had been serving a tens for robbery. She furnished the further infonnation in her statement that Charles Harmon was released from the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, on January 9, 1931, and that she proceeded to Leavenworth and met him at the time of his release, after which the two of them went to Kansas City, and met an individual known as "Jelly", who she later detenmined to be one Frank Nash, a notor- ious bank robber and mail robber. With Nash they proceeded to the hos of Herb and Esther Farmer at Joplin, Missouri. These latter two indivi- duals were later convicted in connection with the Kansas City Massacre case for conspiracy to deliver a Federal prisoner, the Federal prisons being Frank Nash. Farmer had previously been confined in the Oklahoma State Penitentiary, at Medlester, Oklahoma, where he associated and became friendly with Frank Nash. " f Paula Harmon'sstatement contains the further information that after leaving Joplin, Missouri, she proceeded with Charles Harmon to Hot Springs, , share they associated with various confidence men and at which place she had a fuss with Harmon and came to Chicago, Illinois, share she opened a house of prostitution commonly known as a "call house", on the North side of Chicago. She further advised in her 9 nES'Y1~°:D °°ES$460133 s10 U X Q is t " WT, s _. W &_.:.,A._- '-V ~.»' v- ..;- : ~ V-"sf- > - ~ . . . ' ' ' _ V_ _ ..,. I ' ' ' - _ _ ;--.-. 1 ~ ' _ _

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statement that she did not operate this house for a long period of time, but left the same and went to St. Paul, Minnesota, with Charles Hanson, which was the occasion of her first visit to St. Paul, and it was through Harmon that she met such notorious characters as Leon Gliclnnan, Jack Pfeiffer and Harry and Gladys Sawyer.

The report of Special Agent F. I. Lackey, Kansas City, Missouri, dated December 8, 1931, submitted in the case entitled FRANCIS L. KEATING with aliases - FUGITIVE, 1.0. 1129; THOMAS HOLDENwith aliases FUGITIVE, 1.0. 1127; FRANK NASH - FUGITIVE; ESCAPED FEDERALPRISONERS, relates that information was obtained from the authorities at Menominee, Wisconsin, that Charles P. Hermon, Paula's husband, was shot and killed at the Kraft State Bank, Menominee, Wisconsin, during the robbery of that institution on October 20, 1931. At thb thme another bank robber by the name of Frank Weber was also slain, Weber having previously served a sentence in the Utah State Prison. at this time Harmon was a parole violator from the United States Penitentiary at Leavenworth.

Paula states that she left St. Paul, Minnesota, in April or Kay of 1931 and went to Joplin, Missouri, where she visited Herb and Esther Fanner and at this place met Freddie Barker. Also visiting the Farmers at this time were Vivian Mathis, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy in connection with the Kansas City Massacre case, and Verne Miller, Iho was definitely identified as one of the actual killers in that case. She stated that prior to the time that she left St. Paul, Minnesota, she ran around with Frank Nash, Verne Miller, Vi Mathis and many others of that character, visiting night clubs including Jack Pfeiffer's place, and also spent a great deal of time at Harry Sawyer's saloonon Wabasha Avenue.

The report of Special Agent C. B. Winstead, Dallas, Texas, dated January 31, 1934, reflects the infonmation obtained fro one Theodore Riley. It states that Paula Harmon lived for about nine months prior to April, 1933, with Theodore Riley at Beaumont, Texas, Riley being a burglar and bootlegger. Paula and Theodore Riley operated a bootlegging establishment on Center Street at Beaumont, Texas and are reported to have been drunk while living together. Also in this report it is reflected that Paula Hanmon was married to a tramp by the name of Doyle Benton in Juiy:'l932 after Paula had collected insurance money as a result of an automobile accident near Lake Charles, Louisiana, from which accident she suffered severe injuries which left her face disfigured.

The report of Special Agent M. A. Taylor; New Orleans, Louisiana, dated February 7, 1934, reflects that Paula'smarriage to Doyle Benton took place on July 18, 1932, at Lake Charles, Louisiana.

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- In Paula Harmon'sstatement she said that on April 3, 1933, she received a telegram or telephone call from Vivian Mhthis at Kansas City, Missouri, to visit her at Kansas City, Missouri, and that in re- sponse to this she proceeded to Kansas City, Missouri and met Freddie Barker. She stated that she visited Vivian Mathis about two weeks during April of 1933, which it will be noted was Just prior to the Kansas City Massacre on June 1'7,1933, and that while there she met Arthur "Doc" Barker who had Just been released from the pentientiary. Some corroboration of the statemet of Paula as to her proceeding to Kansas City, Missouri, is contained in the report of Special Agent C. B. Winstead, Dallas, Texas, dated February 27, 1934, in which it is stated that the records of the telephone company at Beaumont, Texas, reflect that telephone number 6855 was located at 7'75Madison Street and was installed in the name of Preston Harmon on October 3, 1932, was removed to the address of 994 Center Street on February 10, 1933, and was abandoned on May 89, 1935. Under date of April 21, 1933, a telegram was charged to this telephone nuber reading as follows "To Lira. Vivian Moore, phone Jackson 7073, Kansas City, Missouri: Please meet train Sunday at same time. Signed, Georgia." Vivian Mbore is identi- cal with Vivian Wathis, the paramour of Verne Miller, machine gunner in the Kansas City Massacre. This report also reflects that a telephone call was made from this number on January 31, 1953, to Mrs. Gladys Sawyer, telephone Eherson 2022, St. Paul, Minnesota. Paula Hanmon advises in her statement that subsequent to her visit to Vivian Kathie in Kansas City, Missouri, she and Vivian proceeded to St. Paul, Minnesota, and visited with Harry and Gladys Sawyer; that Freddie Barker was committed to a hospital in St. Paul, Minnesota, in June, 1933, and after his release Freddie began living with her.

The Chicago file contains a letter to the Director dated April 13, 1934, from Inspector H. H. Clegg, which relates that Bessie Skinner, the paramour of the notorious bank robber ,stated that on Christmas day of 1933 a Christmas dinner was had at Harry Sawyer's fanm near St. Paul, Minnesota, at which the following individuals were present: Doc Barker, Bill Heaver,3&u¢le Eaton, Paula Harmon, Volney Davis and his girl Grace.

The report of Special Agent J. V. Murphy, San Antonio, Texas, dated Harsh l, 1934, reflects that the records of the Identifica- tion Bureau of the Houston Police Department show that Paula Harmon as Polly alker nee Brannan was arrested on Harsh 5, 1933, charged with loiter- ing, Houston Police Department No. 4038. The records further reflect that Paula Harmon as Hue. C. P. Harmon, Rock Island, Illinois, Police Department No. 1303, was arrested with C. P. Hamon, their number 1505, James Ira Hannon, their number l506 and Leota Graham their number 1304, on the charge of robbery of the Underwood, Iowa, Post Office, these individuals all being

______--_------1mIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllI|I.ll|ll,r- .3, 5 .. _ :..iT5'-*_~':'¢;,_.- . .. ~,,_. ___ ¢V..>._ _ A 0'4»- K. ,,._ ~ 4 I . I I . 92

returned to Council Bluffs, Iona, on February 26, l926, and held for the Federal Grand Jury. The women werereleased at this time. _

The crnninel record of Freddie Barker with Ihm Paula Harmon lived from 1935 until the time of her arrest at Cleveland, Ohio, on September 5, 1934, is as follows:

Arrested PD, liiani, Oklahoma, as , 9/5/22, charge investigation; Arrested PD, Tulsa, Oklahoma, as Fred Barker {$204, 10/5/22, charge vagrancy State charge!, 30 days city Jail; Received State Reformatory, Granite, Oklahoma, as Fred Barker, #4079, 6/28/23, conjoint robbery, five years; Arrested PD, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, as J. Darrovs, #293, 12/19/25, charge investigation - bank robber; disposition rel. to 00.; 12/23/25, rel. to Fed. auth.; Arrested PD, Little Rock, Arkansas, as Fred Barker #5575, date not given; fingerprinted 5/28/26; charge fug. from justice; 5/2e/2e rel. to rt. Smith - rel. under $1000 bond burg. and 0.1..! ._ <. 92 92 bond forfeited; .. an... 3 5.»... Q Arrested PD, Ponce City, Oklahoma, as 1'. G. Ward, 7/25/25, charge 03;] burg.; del. to Winfield, Kane.; alt Arrested PD, Winfield, Kane., as Fred Barker, Nov. 1926 day of 1-,. 1".» e mo. unknown! charge burg. and larceny counts!; Feb. 1927, sent. <;..,. . mp B to 10 yrs. SP on charge of burglary; rég Received SP, Lansing, Kans., as Fred Barker #9856, 5/12/27, charge burg. 2nd degree; 5 to 10 yrs.; rel. upon exp. of sent. 3/29/31; Arrested PD, Tulsa, Ok1a., as Fred Barker #5204, 6/10/31; charge investigation - burg. - fugitive; ret'd toSO, Claremore, Okla., 7/13/31 on charge of burglary; Arrested PD, Olczulgee, Okla. as Fred Barker #29:-s, 6/10/51, charge burg; disposition - to Co.; 6/12/31 warr. burg. rec. SO, Okmulgee, Okla. 6/16/31, retd. "Found". Case filed 7/e/31; 10/5/31 bench warrant issued; bond furnished; l0/12/31 failed to appear and bond forf.; l0/12/32, entry of cause pl. on retired docket and case un- likely to be called for trial. '

ADMITS: bet shot in Kane. City, Mo.. attempting to get away from officers. As o print #--, PD, Miami, Okla.! ._ ,ADEITS: arrested Tulsa, Okla. on one previous occasion, charge .car theft; case is pending. As on print #3204! ADIJITS: Now on $10,000 bond. As on print #--, rn, Miami, Okla.! WANTED BY DIVISION: Ls Fred Barker, suspect - conspiracy to deliver Federal Prisoner. Notify Div. Off., Kane. City, Mb., per Div. file #62-28915-1092.

- 4 - I 92

WANTED: As Fred Barker, escaped from Go. Jail, Olaremore, Okla. 8/16/31, burg. and assault with intent to kill!. Notify PD, Tulsa, Okla._ and S0, Claremore, 0kla., per inf. reed. 8/24/51 from rn, Tulsa, 0kla., and sire from Div. orr., Okla City, Okla. 2/19/:4. WANTED: As Fred Barker for murder. Notify PD and 80, lest Plains, Mo., per inf. reed. l/2/32. Also notify Supt., Bureau of Ident'n., Tulsa, Okla., STILL WAN'IED, par "True Detective Mysteries", April 1952. STILL .l.U92'1'ED, per inf. recd. 5/12/52. WANTED: As Fred Barker, bond forfeiture burg. and G.L.!. Notify Div. 0ff., Okla City for Ft. Smith, Ark., per wire from Div 0ff., Okla City, on... 2/19/54. NANTED BY DIVISION: As Fred Barker, suspect in Bremer kidnaping case. Notify Director, per inf. recd. 9/22/34; WANTED BY DIVISION: As Fred Barker, temp. want in connection with Brezner Kidnap case. Notiiy Director, per inf. reed. 10/l6/34. WANTED BY DIVISIG: Ls Fred Barker, Fugitive Index #5970, Div. file #62-28915, 0.0. St. Paul, Minn. per inf. reed. 1/10/35, Div. Wanted Man.

The report of Special Agent H. T. Arterberry, Dallas, Texas, dated March 16, 1935, contains information that Paula Harmon was tried at Hou sto n, Texas, before a jury in the County Court at that place and was adjudged of insane mind and it was ordered that she be canmitted to the State Bospit by thi prosti Hospital for the Insane. She was accordingly committed to the State al for the Insane at Rusk, Texas, on January 20, 1935. Investigation Harmons Bureau at Beaumont, Texas, shows that Paula Eamon associated with tutes and bootleggsrs at that place. During the time that Paula oflit was in custody of this Bureau, it was learned that she was a woman tle principle and excitable and nervous. 5

Respectiull suhnitted,

Il 1 4 I éi. _- in Special Agent. »~. F RCS :11} .__ 1. J~.. .;,

>_Q""~ 9


D50 § 1- '0' ' Q I 92 Q < " i


July 2, 1955. Chicago,Illinoi|. ,

MB'IORAI92"T.UMASSISTANT FOR DIRECIUR HAROLD N_A'H'I.AN. I am presently employed asa stenographer for the General AmericanTank Corporation at East Chicago, Indiana and my residence address is 450 Highland Avenue, Hammond, Indiana. I am not living under the IBJID of Dorothy Ervin which is nu maiden name.

During Septanber 1934 I was employed as a mtron at the Chicago office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Jus- tice. I entered on duty as a mtron on August 31, 1934 but did not be- gin work at the Chicago office until £eptanher 9, 1934 on which day Special Agent R. D. Brown telephoned me at my home and instructed me to report for duty.

from September 9, 1934 to Septanber 16, 1934 I worked at the Chicago office of the Bureau during the hours of 8 P.M. to 8 A.M. My duties as a matron were to attend to the needs of Paula Harmon, as well as to guard her. I ranained in Paula Harmon's companyalmost constantly dur- ing this period. On a few occasions I assisted Mrs. Monahan, another matmn, in the attendance of Gladys Sawyer and Paula Harmon.

On or about September 16, 1934 Special Agents Mclntire and Brown drove Paula Eamon and Gladys Sawyer to Wisconsin in an effort to locate the Brerner hideout which Paula Eamon believed she could locate. I acccmpanied Paula Harmon and Gladys Sawyer on this trip upon 2£r.Cov:ley'sinstructions and a car conta n i i fourng _, Special 5-pants followed us during the entire trip As I recall Lir. Cowley permitted Gladys Sawyer to mks this trip to ether with Paula Harmon to get some fresh air. We stoppe d two on occas onei fo r _ meals and upon our return to Chicago we proceeded to an apartment on Sheridan Road where re found Mrs. Lfonahan and two Special A-jents with Liynona' Burdett. The three women, namely Gla d yaS a 'y 1-. er , Pau l Ha a A won and~ - Wynona Qurdett remained in this apartment for approxi- mately one reek during which time l.£rs.!Ionahan and I worked in twelve hour shifts. There were also on duty during this period two_Special Aéents of the Chicago office on each shift.

On Septernleer 23 or 24, 1954 the women were returned to the Chicago Bureau office and I-.Zrs.Monahan and I continued to work on a twelve hour s hift. it - this time the detention rooms in the rear of the Chicago office were completed and it was possible for one matron to attend to '-'needs the of all three women alone.

.1Q] COPIES nasrnowzv / , - 146020 11 I970 if " ' » <* ,' i . 0 c . . §



I wish to state that during the entire time I was on duty as a matron, both in the Chicago officeand in the apartment on Sheridan RoadI at no time witnessed any mistreatment or abuse of either Pauls.Harmon, Gladys Sawyer or Wynona Burdett at the hands of Bureau Agents. Also at no time Ier thBBO women subjected to any ell night grilling, and on each day during their confinement they had the proper amount of sleep and regular meals. I also did not overhear any obscene stories or vulgar language on the part of the Agents; neither did I witness any "third degree" methods of any description being used on Paula Hannon, Gladys Sawyer or Iynona Burdett, and at no time did I have knowledge of an drug being administered to any of these women. On one occasion Gladys Sawyer requested that she be furnished with certain tablets which had been prescribed for her by a doctor in St.Paul, Minnesota and as I recall the Agents encountered considerable difficulty in procuring these tablets for her, but finally did obtain the. This is the only medicine of any kind which to my knowledge was give to any of these women.

During the time the women were in the apartment on Sheridan Road they were shown every consideration by me and the Agents who were present. At no time were they denied any reasonable request. Appropriate sanitary facili- ties were provided at this aparnnent and all meals were prepared by me during our stay at the apartment.

Paula Hannon, Wynona Burdett and Gladys Sawyer frequently used vulgar and indecent language but at no time did the Agents use such language. The women were allowed to read magazines but not newspapers, and during their stay at the apartment the women played cards with the igents and myself during most of the day. All in all there was a spirit of friendliness with the Agents both at the Chicago office and at the apartment, and at no time did I hear any of the women complain of the treatnent accorded them.

Respectfully submitted,


. . .,92. :8 ::_._. - V __~_ _. ~.- -g xg 92 . 5 . 1 n i Mr. Natlx:-:V / rcosm aunnu or mvrsm;mou92/ Mr. Toisen Mr. Baug-*ar~ O Chief Clan: Q5.$5.§hparhmzniniZhuir D Mr. Mr Poet Office Box 1276 Mr Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr July 1, 1955

lMrCleo: . _ DB:VC Coifeyj MrEd s'.':92-rt.C I Ezan -,;;~ Harho... MrKeith... Ir. Harold Nathan, Assistant Director, 1Mr Mr Lesxer . Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mr. 92 Mr Quinn United States Department of Justice, Iflvlr MussSchektt.Cor-uy Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th Street, N. I., Mr Schim-.»r Washington, D. 0. Sm.th Di Tarnr Dear Sir: Tracy .. Pursuant to your telephonic request of July 1, 1955, I am transmitting herewith state- ments of Special Agents J. V. Iurphy and J. R. Ielles |~~""~"~_-__ of this office relative to allegations made by Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer, and Wynona Burdette.

Very truly yours, / ca 11/

cc Bureau Enclosure.

" ' . V

Dorms nnsrnomzn 146 DEC 16 1970 $7;

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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma : JVK:WH . July 1, 1935 -


My name is J. V. Murphy, Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice, now assigned to the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Office.

During September, 1934 I was assigned to the Chicago, Illinois ! Office of the Bureau.

with reference to Paula Hermon, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdette, who were being detained at the Chicago Office of this Bureau, during September, 1934, the exact dates of which I do not recall, I wish to state that sometime in the early part of September, exact date un- known, three women were brought to the Chicago Office to be questioned in connection with the Bremer kidnaping case. These three women, whom I later learned were Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdette, » were being questioned in connection with the above mentioned matter, 1 and were being detained for questioning in the Chicago Office, during U which period this agent was designated for guard duty, with other agents, and one matron, day and night. I believe my period of duty was part day and pert night. Ky duty, as well as the other agents, who were assigned 7 with me on guard duty, was to sit in the hall way next to the rooms in ~- which the above three mentioned women were detained. The matron also sat J in the hall way when not needed by any of the women in the rooms in which .. they occupied. .-.. To this agent's knowledge the above three mentioned women did not ask for an attorney. 0 at no time, to this agent's knowledge, did the above three men- Y? Tl tioned women request medical attention. ,4 J_. The above three mentioned women, to this'agent's knowledge, were never beaten or struck in any way. G- .._-__ __nuring the period this agent was on duty there was always a ,1 > . 92 matron present. Some obscene stories were told in this agent's presence 4 by some of the women, particularly Wynona Burdette. To my knowledge no Agent told any obscene stories. l~ co1=1Es nnsT:=<*"~= 14 e oec 11 1970

:2 . -..-,- ». -'..;. ' e ~ 12."?-~»» Q " . '- V1W :'. _ - .._.:.. - Q ._. :.,-,- ,~ 1*".».-"~*-" ,*_"' ' _- L; as»-Y; "3lr¬w*""' ~-1"" . .~ 1'~-t:-: '0? ¢§, -I 0 ~ -


' There were no agents displayed any guns or did any dry shooting in the presence of these women, to this agent's knowledge. This agent heard no agents apply any epithets to the above three mentioned women.

To this agent's knowledge no threats were ever applied to the above three mentioned women by any agents.

This agent has no knowledge regarding the property, either taken from the above three mentioned women or delivered to than, and has no informat i on regarding any property of theirs which was not delivered to them. This agent was not present when their property was taken from them or when it was delivered to them.

I '_ ; special -ent



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-20 T c s

-TRYMNB. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, my 1, 1935.

Statement or Special Agent John R. Welles, presently assigned to the Oklahoma City Office.

During the month oi Septcnber, 1934, I was assigned to the Chicago Office. Sometime during the month three wcmen; namely, Pmla Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and Iynone Burdette, were brought to the Chicago Office for questioning in connection with the Bremer kidnaping ease. I believe they had been there several days when I was assigned to aid in guarding than. The duty of the guards was merely to see that they did not leave until told that they might do so by Inspector Samuel P. Cowley. I had nothing to do with questioning these wcmsn.

At all times while I was on guard duty there was a matron present to care tor the wants oi these women. I do not remember the names of these matrons, but they were on duty tor twelve hours periods each. Although I talked to the various women at times, none oi than ever asked for an attorney, or made mention oi retaining an attorney. None of them requested medical attention while in custody and none oi them was ever beaten, or struck, or mistreated in any wqr whatsoever in my presence, nor did I ever hear or such a thing occurring. I did not hear any obscene stories told, although the casual conversation oi sane of these women, moreparticularly Iynone Burdctte, might have beeneel-104 obscene at times. Although it was very probable that any of these Iollen could have seen guns which were being worn by Agents, there wee 119"! ll!-11 0 display madeof the guns in my presence and neverany dry shebti-118. 1'0 my knowledge, no Agentwas everother than gentler!-8111? t°"1491°" "'-"3 and they were ted and cared for according to their Om requests. ~ I was not present whenthese women were brougzt to the Chicago Office andI do not knowwhether PI°P91"Wany kw "5 9° tun £1? what theysaid, 1 gatheredthat practicallyall their prenertv Ieeten in Cleveland Ohio, either by their lawyer er by the Peliee Denernen. ,1 Qt me; which I do know thatGladys Sawyermentioned scmeonein geseland havingher property and shewondered whethershe wouldget it btike" '-' ' Bpeoial 1561330

h 001185 mg-B01910YBD 1 4 6 can 1

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- 1-=-1 xvi». g~'. '~*~< - . . ,. I.-_a-.. Mr. Nat; rn .. ! r ' 92 __' 'l Mr. Toscn ...... Mr. Baug'~.'-nan.. Chief Uh; S; _... Evhrral Qurrau nfJnneagatinn Mr. Clea? ------» Mr. Crffev §l.5.H:pIrtm.mi nf mm Mr. Edward's.. Mr. Egan ...... ' P. O. B0: 1469, Mr. H:.rbo.....,- Little Rock, Arkansas, Mr. Keith .... July '1, 1935. Mr. Lester Mr. Qumran ,. E Mr. Sch:-kit . Mr. S:1.;';__.; I Mr. $~m|92la.,.. 92 Mr. T:-_mr...... I Hr. Harold Nathan, Mr. Tran.! Y Mm.s. C.av~.c> . Assistant Director, 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation, . U. 8. Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Lvmue at Ninth Street, N. i'., * 1 Washington, D. C . V

Dear Sir:

In compliance with your telephone instructions today from Chicago, I am attaching, hereto, my state- ment with reference to contact with Gladys Reta Sawyer at Chicago during September, 1954.

I trust this statenent fully covers the infor- mation desired. If there are omissions from the state- ment about which you desire to be informed, I shall be glad to make any additional statezents desired. However, I have set out to the best of mr memory, all the details I possess.

Very truly yours,

§¬[email protected]'L¢.1:za¢. C. CUU'L'I'ER, Special Agent. " .nccna __ Enclosure - corms DEs'rnn92'ED/< V I 14¢ DEC 11 1970

~ 32%2E2%252%252%2izi2E252E252E252E252E232E232isE2%;32%;325:52%;32%;32%;32%;32%232%232%252%252%2E252is2E252E252E252E252E252%;52%;52%;52%;52%;52%;52%;525252%2S2%252%252%25:52E252E252E252E252E252E252E221as12:232%;3:5252%232%252%:52%2E25255252%2E252E252E:E2is52E25252525252525%;52%;iz%2?2%2isi::z:;:;:s=, -i 52%;iz%ziz%2iz%2iz:2:z:2:z ~ = »- iv .>;92..s.s~~ 51:JD: , Q 92z Inhvral Burrau nf Zlnurzganun !.5.B2pIrh:m92t nf Ininrt

Post Office Box 1469; little Rock, A.kanses Q I

Y July let, 1955 .,,,__.__.h . Av .Z'..v.-.I

.-, ~ or about septemuer - ,-, .. T elf 3OLL_&LJ -':-.1*, zlnnesota . to viewei G1 adys Reta which is $1.: OITICS I hereby certify that on '_'E1tiOU~ 9th, I934 , p I roceeded from Saint in; Cf ti Chicago, Illinois, where I inter- in the SI. Isawyer at 1900 Bankers Building, .s: roo of the Federal Jureau of Investi- " I en Jien I entered the offices during the e"en- .gente date oi my rivrl er = Mrs. Sawyer was seated _m,».1 :---e. .aell Conference Room on the south side, the :Lej L6'8 m west of the File Boom, I believe. it the . . _:.- ~A$n__ , ...., _. tered the room rs. Sawyer was talking to Li; d-~4..C n--~ .»OI..u ; 3. 3. Juren. I do not knot the matter ~__ _ tcie cussin; as their voices were in an -- , c.. $ ..~ .A. L" -A._ .4 U an; th8F ceased talking ;Lan I entered the tine I ii; not knov nril Jan ¢ t Q ~n:¢r1~ _ '2" tle room sue recogni zei xe, :.'¬I; £3 -_ .__. 92 fQ 1 v+r.?r1en Lo Q. w 1..- t ---_ . ";I;ui::; .1 3' oa- ;_ ' ¬:I'.J'_'..4-e_I - . , A _ V T "~r -, »... "I ~ing . ..U.J . 4 I .» . -_ .. x :4- .,,. -. _-. ._ . -.- v. . I8 s-> .. . '_.lL".l4 4.1;? ti!; .. l.._ 4-I '-v 5 lite? ,.. ' ,4 ~.>;_.» b_.». 1 ~» ' 92-. I ._ .§ ..,. _ -2 K. . ~.,¬ _ v .¢~_,. - q {Zr c;:;1n; <. ._n .u I, .-. l.-__ _ __... T-. _~. , 5'2. ..¢ -L , 1 . a. , ,,. vk _-v... -__ 4,. ' e'Cvx in Li: - § Anh l ..--.____-.G TC '.». 1 'v * .'1 ...4 J. *- I ...e.,-", .-_ " '.»..-_ .¢ » 8. " t J = L*fi'l92:>;-v x ~ n_ .+-»-Iht; war I .¢ _ K. *2 iere ' ¢ , }92~vt_ c.@.. ' w-> -_el -/K7 92 7 IZl". Z. Y ¬5. ¢ . A s _ I , ._ ,.1 _ -. '.2»_.: g. -IEO A -0- 4> , ¢ .¢ .__,,,,._.v'! ~.. ~ _1 :-'17 L . , . _ ..... -. k... . _ - - L !'T". >1 ict. -L-4 ~~~.., . 92'A+> -1: ..

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. __ H T0 HQOD It may ooncern: 7/1/55

- Aoat; of Septezber. es I non recall I did not enter c :r;es for all of the food, cigarettes and coffee she _ "e ue~e* L1 u an .1 was * proriéed 44 1 '_ I uith

In as much as hrs. Sawyer presented a very frienily &ttif;Q8 toward me, advising that she Lad hnswn me by si;ht for several years, there were no arguments entered into between us. rs. Sawyer is very ;r;fane and the only indecent language used was state- Z£1tS made by her and from her conversation it appears that it is ingossible for her to express herself in any C§i¬T £&nR8T- Darin; the ti.e I interviewed rs. Sawyer she did not indicate that she desired the services of as attorney or the services of a physician or surgeon. She did advise me, however, that she had received an o;eration at the iidway E05pit&l in Saint Paul, Linnesota daring July, 1934 and that she had been discharged from te hospital as cured.

-".t I1 Q time during the period I re- ;:ined in S Lica;o did any unpleasantness enter into the ihteriizc with rs. daufer and tie passint state ents she n~de to sad receifeu fro other em;loyees were those ~~_1;;ry in tle natural course 01 business and she mas ;;.:rea:ed in no Qanner thatever. bile I ucs in the TcLEQC& of .:s. Qzwjer I did not see an . one with a fire- 'r; o! Fhf Lind, or fear any reference Lgie to firearms.

I ui 92.not, 0? course, interview .yncn: .u;de

3 - . P ~ at ~ Y "_/-t " K » . 92 ~ a . . t » , - Q ' 0 - u »

r _ J

:'<> ..'hom It Lley Concern: '7/1/:55

I regret that I do not recall the exact dates I was in Chicago, however, I do recall that it was durin; the first half of Segtember, 1934 and as I recall, I was in Chicago on the llth of September. If more iefinite infoniation is desired my expense account for the innth of September, 1934 will reflect the day EH4 hour I left Saint Paul and arrived in Chicago, as well as the date of my departure from Chicago. The tri;>mes nude by airplane and I was not in Chicago but once uuring September, which was the occasion in question.

Very truly yours,

_j a. c. cc;1.:...»., .$_!ecial'.1gent

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Dear Sir:

Inclosed you will rind the nemnandun which you spoke about in our conversation over the telephone. I an not sure as to the dates and as to how may due I guarded xese women, hut or course, can refresh my memory from the tiles in the Chicago Office, it the occasion arises.

There are other insignificant details, Inch I-I 1 w »,,.lKs conversations and happenings which took place u:-ing the stay of at these three women in the Chicago Office, which I did not consier ..-P1: ~. . relevant to the point involved. ._a.". -_>, It I can be of further service in this connection, ."_: 4. "avp. please notify me at once.

Very truly yours, 3*? J

{9,iL@»//<,/§"''7..TQ1 cow/um G. O. Ioltz, SpeO18J. Agent. ~ >»~ .»_.,"-2I' 31313362we :~x~e:~:->14:~: :-:~:~.92:~::+ :1:l§:!1:1::: w.-


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Pittsburgh, rs., July z, ices.


Pursuant to instructions as outlined in telephone conversation of July 1, 1935, I submit the following munorannhil of facts which I will testify to at any time I am celled upon to Q-O CO0

On or about September O, 1934 and the days immediately hereafter, I was s Special Agent of the Division of Investigation, United States Department of Justice and was assign- ed to the Chicago, Illinois Office.

I, along with several other special agate, went to the airport just out of Chicago, for the purpose of seating an airplane which was bringing to Chicago, the following persons: Iinona Burdette, Gladys Sawyer, and Paula Harmon, who were accompanied by Special Agents of the Divisioh of Investigation, United States Department of Justice. r

When the airplane reached Chicago the said Iinona Burdette, Gladys Sawyer and Paula Harmon were escorted in three ~ automobiles to the Chicago Office, where they renained some time, ,- ~ voluntarily.

I had occasion to observe all three women and talk- ed with each of them from time to time. At first I inquired as to how they felt, to which each replied with statements that they felt very good, or fine, and similar statements thereto. Gladys Sawyer ~. and Winona Burdette both agreed tint they enjoyed their airplane ride and liked it very much, at the same time claiming tint it was -the best way to travel and that it was much better than a train. I observed very closely, Winona Burdette, Gladys Sawyer and Paula »- Harmon, and all three seenmd to be very happy and from appearances, were in the best of health and spirit. None of these women had any :1, jj. visible marks or bruises and they did not look to be fatigued in Q?._v- any way but rather appeared to be rested and looked as though they had hd plenty of sleep, and from their conversation, I judged they were glad to be in Chicago.

Dorms nssmornn 14 6 DEC 11 I970 " L. -

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- Ihile Iinona Burdette, Gladys Sawyer end hula Harmon were stsying in Chicago on this trip, I was in their pnesenee at different times, both day and night, tor several days end I ind occasion to observe these wmen continually for periods ranging tru eight to ten hours and I now state that each slept soundly and ted regular meals, which they ate heartily; that all u-ee were afforded comfortable places to sleep, and were not molested by anyone. hey were given good, wholesome food whenever they desired same, and as nmch as they Inted, three times a day. I further state that trm time to time, on different occasions, between neal tines, I bought sandwiches, milk, and coffee for Gladys Sawyer and Paula Harmon.

At tines when I nae with these three women there was a matron present and these women were permitted to use a ash-rem and to visit a ladies toilet whenever they desired. Io creel treat- ment, harsh words, threats, unpleasant acts or gestures were need by anyone at any time, and we three women were pemitted to sleep, eat and rest as each desired.

At no time were there any guns displayed by agents and none of these women were questioned by agents, or anyone else, that I heard, except to inquire as to their welfare and possibly to carry on a general conversation. I talked with these women from time to time about topics or the day, childhood experiences and general 3 conversations and on one occasion was subjected to a boresome detail- ed description by Gladys Sawyer, at an operation which she had had performed at some previous time. J 40 Another thing, I recall, which added to the enjoy- ment of these women'sstay in Chicago, was the bringing to the orrice ii. of a small girl, aged about five years, eho was either a daughter or . an adopted daughter of one of the womm. The little girl was allowed . tree range or the office and was permitted to play and visit with the women and this agent, on occasions, was asked to assume the role :1 > __,.~ nurse-maid to this enall girl, zmch to the amusement or the three 8-.»- 92§ women, above named. . . 9 §I~ "i In short, Judging 1'1-anlooks, appearances and actions, 7 lean state that these women experiencedno ill treatment or any unple°asantnees at the hands of anyone, daring the period of tile

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Respectfully nhuithd, cc!/am: »%£@@¢/~<>'92G. 0 Ioltz, 5 Special Agent.




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'--.;~ _ " , 1 / 92 Detroit, Michigan July 2, 1935


Mr. Harold Nathan, Assistant Director Federal Bureau of Investigation U. S. Departnent of Justice

Re: Accusations Against the Chicago Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The writer, during the month of September, 1934, was assigned,as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,to the Chicago Bureau Office.

In the early part of September, Paula Harmon, Wynona Burdette and Gladys Sawyer were brought to the Chicago Bureau Office, 1900 Bankers Building, Chicago, Illinois, from Cleveland, Ohio, and were detained at the Chicago Bureau Office for a few days, the exact number of which the writer does not recall.

Zhile these women were detained at the Chicago Office, the writer was assigned to guard Paula Eanmon, who was kept in a small office in the rear of the rain office. In this small office there was a cot with bed clothing on it, on which Paula Harmon slept. The writer guarded Paula Harnon two nights as did also a matron, Kiss Dorothy Horney. At no time during the detention of the three women did the writer see any of the women except Paula Harmon.

During the tine Paula HEHLOH was guarded by the writer, she was accorded the nost courteous treatnent by the writer and Lies Horney, the ratron. Anything she requested in the line of food, cigarettes and sundry articles was brought to her. At no time did Paula Eannon request an attorney nor did she at any time request any medical lettention while she was guarded by the writer.

Paula Harmon was an abusive person, using abusive language. She slept on the cot in a nude state and when she desired to go to the bathroom, she would arise from the cot in her naked state, with utter disregard for the presence of anyone else, and would be taken to the bathroom by the matron, hiss Eorney.

"fter a few days, the three women were taken to an apartment located in an apartment building in the 4100-block of Sheridan Road, the number of which the writer recalls as being 4121 Sheridan Road. This apartment consisted of a large living room, having therein a Kurph Y K double bed and a divan; a small bedroom containing a double bed; a bathroom and a small kitchenette. ' 92 norms nnsmoran D46 DEC 11 1970

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The writer, together with former Special Agent T. I. Connor and Dorothy Horney, the natron, were assigned to guard the three vmnsn during the time they were detained at the apartment. The hours on duty of the writer were from nine o'clock in the morning until nine o'clock in the evening. While assigned to this guard duty, ne writer together with former Special Agent Connor and Rdss Barney pre- pared and served to the three women three meals a day and befde the preparation of these meals, the three women were specifically asked as to their wishes in the matter of food. Anything in the line of food which they requested was purchased for them and served to them. Also purchased for them were cigarettes, toilet articles and during the time they were detained at the apartment, Gladys Sawyer specifically requested that some ovarian tablets be purchased for her. Former Special Agent Connor purchased acne of these tablets but Gladys Sawyer stated thy mere not the kind she had been accustomed to using. The tablets were returned to the drug store by former Special Agent Connor and the kind requested by Gladys Saw- yer were procured, which she used. There was also purchased for her a quantity of sodium amytal tablets, of which Gladys Sawyer_took approximately a dozen each day. She inforned the writer that she had been accustomed to the use of that number for several years. At no ti:e did the three women aid in the preparation of meals or in the cleaning up of the apartment, this work being perfonzed by the writer, Lise Eorney and former Special Agent Connor.

J During the tine spent with these women, much obscene language and many obscene stories were told by them. During the course of heals, Kynona Burdette's favorite expression was "Laugh I thought I'd_5E!lz" 4 She had the filthy habit of belching as did Gladys Sawyer, they pur- Q posely attempting to do this. Cbscene stories were told by Wynona Eurdette which led Gladys Sawyer to remember sore of her choice ones which she related with keen delight.

At no tine did Gladys Sawyer request an attorney and at no time did she request any medical attention excepting to request the ovarian and sodium amytal tablets. Gladys Sawyer was in the habit of drink- ing between 15 and 20 cups of black coffee each day and would inter- tingle the coffee with the taking of sodium amytal tablets.

During their detention at this apartment, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdette slept in the double Luphy bed and Paula Hermon slept on the divgp,;n the living room. When the writer appeared for duty in the morning at 9 A.K., Gladys Sawyer was usually still sleeping and did not arise until approximately ten or eleven o'clock,at which tins breakfast would be served to hr and to the other two women. Luncheon would be served about 1:50 to 2:00 and dinner usually at six o'clock. They were at liberty at all times to partake of any of the food stored in the refrigerator in the kitchenette and were allowed their liberty about the apartment.


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it no tine did the writer point a pistol at any oe of the three women when they were going to the bathroom. Each time any one of the women went to the bathroom, the matron, Kiss Horney, and only Lies Horney, accompanied the women.

At no time were Gladys Sawyer, Wynona Burdette or Paula Harmon questioned by the writer and at no time were abusive epithets hurled at the women. The only request made of them by the writer was that they bathe themselves, it being thought by Wynona Budette and Gladys Sawyer that Paula Hanson was possessed 0 body lice. For the protection of all the occupants of the apartment, the writer requested all three women to bathe, which request was not complied with.

At no time was there any undue display of fireanns by the writer, it being the writer's procedure upon arriving for duty at the apart- nent to empty his pistol, keeping the cartridges in his pocket and to hide the pistol in the bedroom in a place unknown to the three women and to get the pistol when going off duty. At no tine was this pistol or any pistol displayed promiscuously in the presence of the three women.

-w During the course of the days spent with the three women, card games were played by Gladys Sawyer, Wynona Burdette and Paula Harmon. On a few occasions, the writer and fozner Special Agent Connor as well as hiss Eorney joined in the playing of card games and on several occasions the writer played cards with Gladys Sawyer alone. While playing cards with Gladys Sawyer, she mentioned the fact that she, ,,_.» 1 Paula Harmon and Kynons Burdette had an opportunity to throw former Special Agent in Charge Larson out of a hotel window in Cleveland and that they would have done so were it not for the fact that they 3, thought Agents were stationed outside the hotel room. It was there- 4 F fore deemed advisable by the writer to take precautions to avoid anything like that happening and the mouen were kept under surveil- lance all the time they were in the apartment excepting at times when they went to the bathroom when hiss norny, the matron would accompany r then. At all times the xatron was in the presence of the women, she v being on duty the sane hours as the writer and former Special Agent r Connor, from nine o'clockin the morning until nine o'clockin the evening. ~ ' ' .~ "L _§ ii! During the course of their stay in the apartment, Gladys Sawyer's 4/92~ chievworry was whether or not the attorney in Cleveland to whom she had given a large sum of money as well as some jewelry and other personal belongings would "gyp" her or sane. Aside fro that, she appeared to be well satisfied with her quarters and at no time ex- pressed displeasure about aame but even congratulated the writer, Miss Horney and former Special Agent Connor on their cooking ability,

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stating that she was being Well fed and food which she liked was pre- I pared for her. ~ O As to the obscene stories, Wynona Burdette was the chief offender in telling them and the writer would Judge that Gladys Sawyer has almost on a par with iiynona in telling such stories.

It is true that on one night and on only one night the writer indulged in a small poker game with several other Agents at the apart- ment, which game lasted from nine o'clock in the evening until about 11:30 and no later than 11:30 and in which game Gladys Sawyer took particular interest, sitting around the table on which the gens was played and more or less acting as a kibitzer. This was the only poker game played by the Agents and Gladys Sawyer expressed the . desire to participate in the game except for the tact that she did not have the necessary small amount of money with which to play. All the other card games indulged in were played for pastime and Gladys Sawyer participated in many of them, she particularly liking to play cards.

The writer again reiterates that at no time did he point a pistol at any of the three women nor did he promiscuously display his gun and at no time did he use obscene language in the presence of these women, any obscene language used being that spoken by the three women of which the chief offenders were Wynona Burdette and Gladys Sawyer.

The charges rrnde by Gladys Sawyer are a surprise to the writer as he was urder the inzpressi on, from statements made by Gladys Sawyer, that they were particularly well treated while detained in the apartment on Sheridan Road. As to the treatment received during the period of time the writer was not present, the writer has no _knov-ledge of this but is oi the opinion that the sane treatment was accorded them, in view of the fact that at no time did any of the three women mention that they were being mistreated or were not being accorded the most courteous treatment. At no time did the writer witness any oi the three women being beaten or struck in any way. They were never threatened by the writer nor were any obscene epithets hurled at them and the writer does not know ii Gladys Sawyer was administered any drug which she calls "truth serum." . _- ~

While detained at the apartment, Gladys Sawyer frequently told the writ-en-that she was through drinking, in spite of the fact that she had been a heavy drinker in the past, because her arrest in Cleveland was caused by the fact that she and Paula Eamon had gotten "stiff" in a barroom in a Cleveland hotel. She made the remark that they muld never have been caught ii it had not been for the fact that they got so drunk and created such a disturbance that the police were called.

A. Q.A. léuzzey, ec a Agent. b -4-

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!~£EhfORA.'92DUlCmm. mom, NATHAN,ron hssxsfram"Dflilmcipn.

July 1, 1935-

During September, 1934, I recall the occasion when Ms. Gladys Sawyer, Wynona Burdette and Paula Harmon were in custody of this Bureau at the Chicago Bureau Office. On several occasions I was called upon by Inspector S.P. Cowley, to attend to each of these women during the time when the matron on duty was occupied with one of the women. I distinctly recall accompanying Paula Harmon to the washroom on several occasions during the hours that I was on duty, approximately from nine o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the evening, or sometimes during the evening when I was at the office completing my work. On every occasion that I was in the conference room where Paula Hanson was being held, I observed her lying on a cot which had been provided for her. I also observed cots in conference rooms where hrs. Gladys Sawyer and ynona Burdette were being held. I further state that there are adequate sanitary faci- lities in the Chicago Bureau Office for women. Hrs. Gladys Sawyer on several occasions even refused to wash her face.

At no time did I hear the Agents use abusive language or use third degree methods on any of these women, but I did hear the women make numerous vulgar expressions while I was attneding them.

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_ July l, 1935 < _ 0hicago,Il.linois. This statement is in regard to a letter submitted to his Excellency Franklin D.Rooseve1t, regarding one MRS. GIAUYS RITA SAWYBLR, whose surname is SANDIDVICH, and signed by Eugene D. O'Sullivan ofthe firm of O'Sullivan and Southard, attorneys and counselors of Omaha, Nebraska.

I make this statement voluntarily and of my own free will, and to clear myself of am of the accusations made by the said Hrs. Sawyer.

Ddring September 1934 I was anployed as e Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice at Qhicago, Illinois, but have since resigned and become affiliated with the Columbia Broadcasting System at Chicago,Illinois.

It so happened that while anployed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation I was assigxed as one of the Agents who guarded the said Mrs. Sawyer, one Paula Eamon alias lvhtterson, and one Wynona Burdett. During the period they were confined at Chicago, both in the hzreau office and an apartment art approximately dlmsheridan Road, Chicago, to nw recollection I was with or in the presence of these three individuals approximately twelve hours of each day, at times doing guard duty at night and other K times during the day. I hereby state that at no time did any of the Y5 - three ask for an attorney or request medical attention; at no time in um presence was any of the three beaten or struck in any manner, neither ". was there any obscene language used by any iyents in addressing than. 37 At no time were these women left without a matron. As for the obscene stories mentioned, may I assure you that during this period, and through the above mentioned three women, I have added some choice bits to my ; . ¢~ not too complete at that time repertoire. Regarding the display of firearms by the Agents, my I state that this was not doze deliberately ii but only in the course of being armed while guarding prisoners, which I believe is and was at that time pemissable. it_no time did any n Agent in my presence apply epithets or threats to the prisoners. mere was a cot available for Paula Harmon the first night, and on the following day cots were made available for Wynona Burdett and Gladys Q Sawyer.

These charges made by Gladys Sawyer appear as a complete surprise to me as I was under the impression at the time that they were being particularly well treated, a fact which was confirmed by the three prisoners themselves. COPIES I!I.:l'f3:=;Yy>DV W 1-*°v we/0-ll 4 /

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As to what might have happened during we period oi time I_Ies not present with these women I do not know, but I am certain that the treatment they received during said period oi tin: was not different than I have already mentioned. In closing I wish to state also that during the period these women were held, to my knowledge they were never placed under the influence or drugs by eny member or the Federal Bm-sen of Investigation or any other person connected with the case.


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llELi0RAN'DUMASSISTANT FDR DIRECIIYQBHAIQLD, _!§_§_'_I!i-AN. hiring September Of 193$ at the tiln Iynona Burdett, Gladys Sawyer and Paula Harmon were held in custody I was assigned on one occasion to be present in a room airing one of the periods in which Wynona Burdett and Gladys Sawyer were pennitted to viait each other. Ihie period lasted tor about one hour.

I did not at any time use any abusive langiage to these womm or tell obscene stories, in tact I did not even converse with than. I knew that these women were being held in the Chicago Bureau office but do not know for how long a period, and at no time did I heecr any Agent or the Bureau use abusive language, make threats or apply any other "third degree" methods. At the time I was assign 5- to this duty I recall that I performed said duty in the room assignec to Gladys Sawyer and that it did contain a bed. To the best of my I recollection the time as set out above is all that I spent in connec- tion with these women. V aw


Respectfully sibmitted,

M. can-"1'2'1'z, Special Agent.

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During the thus that Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdett were held in custody at the Chicago Bureau office in September of 1934, I had occasion to work 1 a ter than usual one evening typing a statement which was given by Paula Harmon. I recall on one o i ccas on during the course of the evening I left the stenographers' room and proceeded to the section of the office where the girls were being held. at this time I heard a waman, whm I knew to be Gladys Sawyer having heard her voice on previous occasions, speaking in a very loud tone and using vile and indecent language which was evidently directed at an Agent who was attmpt- ing to interview her. She at this time indulged in considerable cursing and swearing, but at no time did I hear the Agent'svoice raised to an unusual tone nor did I hear him use any abusive or offensive language whatsoever.

I also observed Paula Harmon behave in a most disgust- ing manner at a time when I accompanied Special Agents R. D. Brown and R. C. Suran to the apartment on Sheridan Road who reth ese women were then located, for the purpose of taking a statement from Paula I-Eamon.

Respectfully submitted, ILHRY GRKY,;E Stenographeru


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_ M117 1, 1935» Chicago , Illinois .


This is to advise that during September, 1954 at the time Gladys $eIyer Wynona Burdett and Paula Harmon were being held in the Chicago Bureau office, I was requested by Special Agent R. D. Brown on one occasion, about noon-time to the best of my recollection, to go into the roan occupied by Paula Harmon to see that she dressed herself properly.

I entered the room and found that Paula Harmon had completely removed her clothing, and was seated on a eot with the sheet partly covering her. I asked her to put on her clothes but she hesitated and seemed extremely reluctant to do so. I finally persuaded her, after consider- able effort, to get up and put on her dothes.

I observed the above mentioned women in the Chicago office from time to tim, but at no time did I hear any Agents use abusive language toward these women, nor did I ever hear of any "third degree" methods being e'r.'.plOyed by anyone in the office.

Respe ctfully submitted,

Josephine Sbarboro

St enographer.

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Jhly 1, 1935.

gmaomnnma rm psssrsrmr nrnncros mom nlmm

On the morning of September 10, 1934, I was assigned by Inspector S. P. Cowley to interview Mrs. Gladys Sawyer, who was at that time in custody of this Bureau.

The first time I saw Gladys Sawyer she was sitting in one of the conference rooms in the Chicago Bureau office. I began.my interview with Gladys Sawyer and from the outset of this interview she used vulgar and indecent expressions. Ihmediately upon entering the room where Gladys Sawyer was sitting I made an examination of the desk in that rom, as per standing instructions by Inspector S. P. Gowley, to ascertain if anthing was contained therein of a confidential nature or if there were any firearms or weapons with which a subject might injure himself. In the drawer of this desk I did in fact find a revolver which belonged to same Agent whose identity I do not at this time recall. I took this gun fro the room and it is my present recollection that I turned it over to Inspector Cowley. I made no threats to Gladys Sawyer with this gun, neither did I indulge in any "dry shooting" nor did I handle this gun in any sort of a careless manner.

During the first night that Wynona Burdett, Gladys Sawyer and Paula Hanson were held at the Chicago Bureau office, there was only one cot available, which cot was used by Paula Harmon. However, on the following day Inspector Cowley made appropriate arrangements to secure additional cots and Gladys Sawyer was permitted to use one the following day.

Two matrons were on duty during the time that these women were in custody, these matrons being Mrs. Monahan and Dorothy Horney, one matron taking the night shift and one the day shift. These matrons attended to the needs of the women, accompanying them to the toilets when necessary, which toilets were amply provided for in the Chicago Bureau office.

During the course of my interview with Gladys Sawyer she advised me of a recent operation she had had performed upon her in St. Paul, Minnesota, and requested that she be furnished with medicine which had been prescfibedfbr her by a St. Pal doctor. She provided the nae of this medicine, which was in tablet form, writing it on a slip of paper. The name /7 comes nzzsrnoyen / 146050 11 1920 _, -~ 92 " / 2/7 :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;: I;i;I;:;i;I;i;I;:;i;I;i;I;:;i;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.§;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; . ._92...... ~ s. ~ ~ ~- s " - >19 . - " . :-.~.?:i:?:-:§?:~:T:. . .. -:~.~:A:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:A:~:+2+.~:~:~:~:1:A:1:1:~.~.~:~:-.~:~:3:It3:1:1:1:1:~:1:5:3:1:I:1:T:I:1:I:1:~:1:3S:I:1:1:1:1:1:I:1:3:1:1:I:1:1:1:1:I:I:1:1:1:1:I:1:1:1:1:I:I:1:1:1:1:I:1:1:1:1:I:I:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 ,y.y.,,,._.,,,,y.y.,,,._.,,,,y.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;:;:;:;:;:;:;1;1;1;1;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;1;1;:<<:;9;:~:~:;:;1;2;1;1;:;:;:;:;:;:1:§:§:1:I:I;I:§§:1:I;;§:§§,;§ ~:~:~:;:;:~:;:;:;:~:-:~:~:~:;" *~:-:<-:_e_o9 92"-;;:~"~=:;:~:;:;:;:g;:~"~:;:5-:~*='~'==;$$:;._;.;.;.;:__:;._ .. .~.-:~S:1:1::33:I:T:1:1:3:1:I:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1: . * e ye i.


of this medicine I do not new recall, but upon instructions of Inspector Cowley I proceeded to the drug store located at the corner of State and Adams Streets, Chicago, and obtained the requested ready after which I returned to the Chicago Bureau office and turned the same over to Mrs. Sawyer. She took some of this medicine, the quantity of which I do not know, and the entire bottle of the tablets was turned over to her and I believe she kept them in her personal possession from that time on.

Mrs. Sawyer did not ask fo an attorney, but advised that at the time of her arrest in Cleveland on September 5, 1954, she had con- cealed on her person three $500 and seven $100 bills, one solitaire diamond ring, one double solitaire diamond ring, one pair diamond ear screws and one ununted diamond. She stated that she met an attorney, Id Stanton, at the jail while she was confined therein in Cleveland, Ohio, and had requested him to take care of the property for her and for Stanton to try and reach Harry Sawyer and to have him inform the gang to "beat it". The principal worry on Gladys Sawyer'emind at that time was the amount of the fee that Stanton would charge for hie services and whether she would be able to secure the return of her property. She requested that this at- _ torney be contacted in connection with the property and I believe that he was so contacted by Agents of the Detroit Bureau office. She did not re- quest an attorney at Chicago, Illinois, but on the other hand expressed fear that someone would learn that she was in Chrago and assisting the Government in connection with the Bremer kidnaping case.

I did not relate any obscene stories to Gladys Sawyer at any time and heard no such stories related to her. Neither did I apply any third degree methods of any description to Gladys Sawyer, nor did I see any abuse accorded Wynona Burdett or Paula Harmon, and at no time did I have knowledge of any drug being administered to her. The only medicine which was given to Gladys Sawyer or taken by her was that previously referred to, which she requested and took voluntarily, advising that it was medicine which had been prescribed for by a doctor in St. Paul, 111111163 0128e

Gladys Sawyer was fed regularly while in the Chicago Bureau office, the food being purchased from the two restaurants now located in the building, namely Thompson'sand De Met's restaurant.

Special Agent R. C. Coulter came from St. Paul, Minnesota, mpm to Chicago, Illinois, on or about September ll, 1954, and assisted in the x interviewing of Gladys Sawyer, and at no time did Agent Coulter make any threats Jo GladysSawyer, useabusive languageor tell obscene stories,but

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on'the other hand, Gladys was very vulgar in her remarks and expressions and it was with some difficulty that we pevented abarraesment to the stenogrephers of the Chicago Bureau office.

I do not recall the date that Gladys, Iynona Burdett and Paula Harmon were ranoved from the Chicago Bureau office to an apartmmt on Sheridan Road, but I did visit this apartment with Inspector Cowley and Special Agent R. D. Brosm on two or three occasions but only for a short period of time. At this apartment there was always a matron in attendance and the appropriate sanitary facilities were provided, together with appropriate food. I definitely recall on one occasion that Gladys Sawyer prepared quite an elaborate meal for herself and the other girls of food shich had been provided by the Agents of this Bureau.

" At the time the girls were released from custody I was in Detroit, Michigan, on another matter, but there is at the present time no property belonging to Gladys Sawyer, Iynona Burdett orPsula Harmon in pos- session of the Chicago Bureau office.

Recently while I was in St. Paul, Minnesota, in connection with the Bremer kidnaping trial, I entered the office of Special Agent in Charge Andersen and found Gladys Sawyer was therein. She immediately became abusive to me in the presence of Special Agent in Charge Andersen, but did l state that after her 1 re ease at Chicago, Illinois, she returned to Cleveland 0hio,end secured all of her property fro attorney Stanton but that he had charged her a $500 fee for services rendered.

Wynona Burdett and Paula-Harmon also frequently used vulgar and indecent expressions and cursed considerably. While I at no tnme inter- viewed ynona Burdett or Paula Harmon, I had occasion to visit the room in which they were confined a few times and I know to my own knowledge that such language was used. In fact it took a good deal of persuasion frm time to time to induce Paula Harmon to remain clothed. She wanted to disrobe much to the embarrassment of the Agents, matrons and the stenographers of the Chicago Bureau office.

Respectfully submitted,

z?z2 . C. SURAN,,


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- 500m 414 - Philadelpnia Leving fund Building, Philadelphia, fa.

July 5, 1935.

Lr. Harold yathan, Assistznt Director, Federal bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Avenue and Linth St., N. W., Yashinqton, D. C.


Ir. Kathan:

with reference to your telephonic conversation of July ?, 1935, I wish to advise that ell charqes made by Gladys Szwyer are untrue cad, of course, unfounded.

However, to tie best of ny recollection, I do recall flaring a little poker. Ls I recall the situation, I was on cut; one evening until vbout 10:50 or 11:00 P.T., at uiich time I believe we played a gene of cards to pass the ti;e stay, but I as certrin the fame did not last later tic; ejyroximately 11:50 P.I.

1 onl; recall ieing on duty with °ledfs Sawyer, Tinora furdette end Paula Hermon on one occasion, the exact address Le;n uninown, but it mes some place in the 4500 block of siericzn hood, Chicago, Ill. However, I Led been on duty on various occasions at the office while these three wocen w»re there. '

In regard to the apartment vherein it is presuied by t*is ggent, that the alleged chrfes as filed by rs. Sawyer occurred, this {eLt emphatically recalls that ct all times one of the netrons of the Chicefo Office was also on duty.

In refreshing my memory, I recall that at all ttzes after Aurust 17, 1934, whenever a female prisoner or Woman was held for questioning, there was always a matron present. 3 I-1* =1//Q - 00P1ns DESTROYE1! < N;

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As far as all other charges made by Hrs. Sawyer, xi~ -1 - ;,% them. I hereby emphatically deny the truth and veracity of

..1.:- .1 - Very truly yours, 04., W_z.{"%~0...... __- C. R. LHFRANCE, Special Agent.


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Mr. Harold Nathan, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, Pennsylvania Avenue at 9th St., N. I. Washington - D. O.

Dear Mr. Nathan:

In accordance with your request, I have prepared a detailed memorandum of the Cleveland and Lakewood, Ohio, eecapede and am transmitting the origin- al and four copies herewith. I am also enclosing the three duplicate memorandums which you left with me and which were prepared by Agents Collins, Dicketein, and Hopton.

I have tried my best to make a very come plete picture of the entire affair and in the event I can be of any further assistance to the Bureau, please do not hesitate to call upon me.

I enjoyed your visit the other day and sincerely trust that you will be in Detroit again in the near future, at which time we will take "the new model" out for a little ride.

Sincerely yours, £L;IIK 92Wm. gag"iZ§§§;Z¬iZ92 Enc.

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' Detroit, menigan July a, 19:5 A


RE: Reply to accusations made against Breau Agents by Gladys Sawyer, wife of Harry Sawyer, _ _

Following the kidnaping of Edward G. Bauer at st, Paul in January, 1934, several angles developed in the Detroit district re- quiring considerable investigation with a view to locating and appre- hending the perpetrators of this offense. As Special Agent in Charge of the Detroit Breau Office I supervised the work performed by the Agents in this district.

On the morning of September 7, 1934, I received a telephone call from Special Agent I. E. Peters at Cleveland, Ohio, informing_me that three women, giving their names as Ethel Matterson, Gladys Sawyer, 1| and Wynona Walcott, on the evening of September 5, 1934, were arrested c by the Cleveland Felice in the barroom of the Cleveland Hotel where they were causing a disturbance during a drinking party. The police- woman who was called to the hotel found the three women too tough to I-I handle and it was necessary for her to call policemen to the scene to -1- 1 assist her in making the arrest.

No particular significance was attached to this arrest until N1 the end of the following day, September 6, when Captain Frank Story of -i X. the Cleveland Police called Agent Peters at the Federal Building, stat- -s ing that they had three women in custody who might be connected with some w mob, whereupon Agent Peters proceeded to the Police Department, and it was subsequent to this visit that he called the office and it was than .1 determined that the correct names of the three women were Gladys Sawyer, ,.,_ Paula Harmon and WynonaBurdett, known associates of the Barker-Karpis 4* gang. ' L 1+ I proceeded to Cleveland and conferred with IhBP°¢t°T 3- '- CodyEhd Captain Frank Storyof the Cleveland Police,requesting the

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release of the three women to this Bureau as it was felt that they could undoubtedly be charged with harboring the fugitives. It was also-felt necessary to remove the women from the Cleveland City Jail t° 5°mB P1a°° Vhre they ¢ould be properly interrogated. This action was taken when it was learned that there were several newspaper re- porters in the police building, and also there appeared to be no de- sirable place where they could individually be interviewed.

The police officials agreed to release the three woman to me and also upon my request transported them to the Federal Building in Cleveland. Rhen it was found that the newspaper representatives sensed the fact that the women had been taken to the Federal Building, further plans were entered into to remove the women to some other spot where we could interrogate them without being disturbed. I Ias inform- ed by officials of the Lakewood Police Department that they had suitable space, and the three women were taken to that point.

It is my recollection that we arrived in Lakewood about 11:30 P. M. and I immediately began interrogating the three women, one at a time, and during this period Donaldson and Di ckstein guarded two of the women in an adjoining room, convenient to a lavatory. During the course of these interviews all three of the women voiced their com- plete approval of spending their time in these quarters rather than staying in the cells in the Cleveland Police Depar tment. They were told that if they so desired they could occupy the women's cellsin the Lake- wood Police Station, but they stated that they had had sufficient such confinement.

During their stay at Lakewood they were treated with respect and properly interrogated in every sense. The Agents who were guarding the women saw to it that they were furnished plenty of food.

On the following day, September 8th, Saturday, the late In- spector Cowley arrived in Cleveland from Chicago, and after a conference with him it was deemed desirable to determine if the three women would voluntarily consent to go to Chicago. At this ti me Paula Harmon had admitted that it was Fred Brker with whom she was living at 4419 l7lst Street, Cleveland, and GladysSawyer waslivine at the same address with her husband who was also a fugitive, Harry Sawyer, and their five year old adopted child, and it was felt that in view of their apparent desire to assist the Government that they could be of mat erial help in Chicago in identifying the many photographs on file there and also in an attempt to locate the hideoutwhich up to that time had notbeen d1B°°'°P°4-

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I confronted the three women with the proposition at going to Chicago andthey all readily agreed to do so. In 719'q < this consent M. Cowley made arrangementsfor airplane service and th Plans were to leave on the Saturdayevening of September 8th. We preparedwaivers forthe three womenwhich were signedby Iynona Burdett and Gladys Sawyer. Paula Harmonupon being presented with a waiver declined to sign same, which change of attitude was not uncmmnon withher peculair characteristic. I recall distinctly at this time that Gladys Sawyer attempted to pesuade Paula Harmon to sign the waiver, but without success.

Lt this particular time Gladys Sawyer and Iynona Bur- dett stated that they were desirous of going to Chicago in order to get out of Cleveland, and, as they put it, "to get away from the gang". About this time mr. Cowley called me advising that the fly- ing conditions would not permit the plane to take oft that night and that the trip would be cancelled until Sunday, and at that time we would further discuss the matter with Paula Harmon to determine whether she would consent to go. If not, it was our plans to leave her in Cleveland and to proceed with the other two women to Chicago. At no time during the interviews with the women at the Lakewood Police Department did any one of them ask for an attorney.

when the word came through that the trip was definitely cancelled for Saturday evening, I made inquiries at the Police De- partment about furnishing lodging for the women during the night, however all three of them stated that they were very desirous of staying in the quarters where they had been kept during the inter- views rather than stay in the cells. Subsequently through Special Agent W. E. Peters we made arrangements to place the three women in two very comfortable rooms in the Riverside Hotel on Detroit Street, Lakewood, Ohio, and Special Agents Collins and Hopton were left at the hotel to guard the women. Prior to their departure from the Lakewood Police Department to the Riverside Hotel, Paula Harmon con- sented that she would be glad to go to Chicago with the other two women on Sunday morning. .

Mr. Cowley and myself and agents Socey, Peters, and Dickstein proceeded to our hotels in Cleveland where we spent the night, and on Sundaymorning AgentDickstein and ur. Cowley Pr°°e°d°d directly from the hotel to the Cleveland airport to make the necessary arrangehnts for transportation to Chicago, and Agents Peters, SOCOY» and myselfappeared atthe Riverside Hotel at about moo1. n. Sundai


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mbrnins. Sptember 9, and much to our surprise we learned that all three woman had changed their minds about going to Chicago.

I talked to them advising them that they would not be taken to Chicago unless they desired to go, and about this time Paula Harmon began screaming at the top of her voice and approached the hotel room window facing the street and began hollering at the pedestrians. Ihh mediately following this outburst, the other two women duplicated the ai zndI putforth allpossible effortsin trying to havethem become qu e .

While I was in the room attapting to explain to them that in view of their attitude the trip to Chicago had definitely been can- celled end that they were to remain in Cleveland, Paula Harmon stated that she wanted to talk to her lawyer. She was the only one who made this request, neither Gladys Sawyer nor Iynona Burdett asked for an attorney.

I promptly told Paula Harmon that we would call her attorney at once if she would furnish his name and that she would have an oppor- tunity to talk with him, however, it was practically impossible to talk to these women in view of their outbursts which continued for at least two minutes.

During the course of this demonstration Gladys Sawyer made the reark to me that she had not seen any of the badges belonging to the Agents. She made some mention to the effect that all badges have a number and I informed her that there were no numbers on our badges assume ing that she was referring to numbers similar to those appearing on police badges. Feeling that it would be well to exhibit a badge to her, I called upon Agent Peters who handed mehis badge and which was exhibited to Gladys Sawyer. She looked at it very closely and quickly grabbed it out of my hand, finally she turned it over, at which time she saw the small identification number, and then returned the badge to me with the remarks, "You are a God damn liar". . During the course of this outburst Gladys Sawyerwas extremely profane inher language,so muchso that the pedestrianson the street who heard the yells drew the conclusion that the women wereintoxicated. The peopleon the street ofcourse did not havean opportunity to seethe 323;: women bur'thelanguage usedby Gladys Sawyer wassuch that any P°T5°n think that she was drunk. Ihile I was inthe room talking to the three women»Plul 33? walked towardthe windowand asI fearedthat shemight have1n*°=**°" DODqr Jumpiggout, quicklyI approachedthe windowat which time 0bB9T'°I d Gladys Sawyerwith a111alook inhe faceand usinsY1 6

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language sometoward meand whenshe got a few feet away she stopped and continued her demonstration of profanity. I might here state that Gladys Sawyer was doing practically all the talking, the other I two women, Paula Harmon and Iynona Brdett, were yelling at the top of their voices. Gladys Sawyer later told me upon our arrival in Chicago that it was her intention to throw me out of the window when aha started approaching me in the room.

Ihen it was realized that every effort had been made to atop the women from hollering without success, I instructed the Agents to call the Lakewood Police. Lieutenant 0. Baum of the Lakewood Police Department with two or three other officers arrived at the hotel and when the three women began beating them off they were escorted to the patrol wagon and placed under arrest on a charge of disorderly conduct. They were taken immediately to the Lakewood Police Station where they were booked as prisoners in the women's detention quarters.

A short time later I arrived at the police station and all three of the women immediately requested me to some to their cells as they wanted to talk to me. They then apologized for their actions at the hotel and told me that they were very desirous of boarding the plane and leaving immediately for Chicago. I told them that I was afraid that they were going to attempt to stage another demonstration when we got them out on the street in an automobile and in view of that we had definitely decided to have them remain in Cleveland. They con- ~41 tinued to state that they were very regretful of what had taken place ii and assured me that under no consideration would they duplicate such a scene. I finally told them that if it was their desire to go to 1 Chicago that it would be necessary for them to sign a waiver stating that they desired to voluntarily go. Without hesitation they agreed to do so, and as I recall Gladys Sawyer took the initiative in express- ing the desire at wantins *0 so to Chicago- /*4 "1 . A new waiver was then immediately drawn up which waiver it will be noted was dated on that date Sunday, September 9, and was signed 4. wk by all three of the womenin the presence of the Agents listed in this memorandum withthe exception of mr. Cowley and Mr. nickatein. Lt- 0- Baum of the Lakewood Police Department was also present when this waiver was signed and waspresent whenall three of the women statedthat they wanted to go to Chicago. ii ._ .. Following the signing of the waiver, I consulted Lt. Baum about the matter and he consented to release the three women tome.

- 5 -

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It will be noted that such action was necessary in view of the fact that-they had been arrested by the Lakewood Police on a charge of disorderly conduct in view of their actions at the Riverside Hotel, which was clearly an offense under the Ohio statute. Lt. Baum then stated that in view of the arrest by the police, it would be necess- ary for the women to sign a police department release which action is. customary in such cases where persons are arrested without prosecution in order to relieve the police departmet of a possible case of false arrest. As I recall this release indicates that the person conndtted the offense charged.

Gladys Sawyer was the first one to sign this release, Wynona Burdett was next and the release was given to Paula Harmon. She read it over carefully and stated that there were a few words which she did not exactly like. At this point Gladys Sawyer became very impatient with Paula Harmon and said, "The first thing you known you'll get us in some more trouble", and requested her to sign it immediately, which she subsequently did. All three women seemed to be happy over the fact that they were going to Chicago and were immediately transported to the airport via a police automobile.

Upon our arrival at Chicago, the three women were imediate- ly taken to the Bankers Building where they were further interviewed and upon my departure from the building that night Gladys Sawyer again apologized for her actions at the Riverside Hotel at Lakewood, and at that time she informed me that she foolishly had conceived the idea of wanting to throw me out of the window. She seemed to take the matter as a joke and there was every indication that she was thoroughly contented.

I desire here to state that when I came into the Police Station at Lakewood, Ohio, after the three women had been arrested at the Riverside Hotel and at which tine they all indicated that they wanted to go to Chicago, I informed Paula Harmon as well as the others as I have previously stated, that we had planned to cancel the trip to Chicago andkeep themin Cleveland, and I also informed Paula Harmonat that time that we were going to comply with her request to get the attorney which she had been calling for at the hotel. She then person- ally told me that she wasnot further interested in the attorney as she had definitely made up her mind to proceed to Chicago.

- 5 -

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§ 92

.-ii _,_,,.. ' Folloing the arrest of the three women at the Cleveland .3 Hotel by the Cleveland Police, it was learned by the police that they »~ h Wen rssidins at 4419 171 st and sen I. 140th Street. These two places were raided by the Cleveland Police and is shown in report of Special Agent n. 1:. Hall dated 9/25/st. mess two houses were in the hands of the Cleveland Police for several days and as I recall it, it was about september ll or 12 when the Cleveland Police turned over the keys for these houses to Special Agent w. 1:. Peters, stating tmt they had had guards at the houses for several days and as it was felt that nothing further would develop it was deemed advisible to turn the keys over to this Bureau.

It should be noted in the above report referred to that an inventory of all of the clothing and other items in the houses were immediately taken. Copies of these inventories were funished to the Cleveland Police. as I have noted in the statement made by Gladys Sawyer that certain things were missing when she returned to Cleveland from Chicago, and I desire here to state that nothing with the exception of papers in .,-, the form of exhibits was taken away from either one of the houses by . 1%: Agents of this Bureau. The inventories taken will reflect all the arti- .-1,, »% cles in the houses when the Agents took possession of same and in the event Mrs. 3awyer finds anything missing on this inventory she can be "1 informed that sae was not in the houses when the keys were turned over .0 to Special agent Peters by the Cleveland Police Department.

924 On September l0, l934, Special Agent Peters at Cleveland _, - A developed the information that Wynona Burdett with Harry Campbell and *-:5: .,,,_,l Doc Barker had been residing in an apartment building at 7009 Franklin 1.3. as Elvd., Cleveland. This apartment building is owned by mr. I. Cullen ». of 7916 Franklin Blvd. We obtained the keys for the apartment from 1%. tr. Cullen and after keeping same under surveillance for several hours ? we unlocked the door and raided same. At this time we found a Thompson hi 1'. sub-machine gun with, as I recall, 745 rounds of machine gun ammnition, v ' '11 two 45 Colt autcmatics and one .38 Colt automatic, also a 100 round machine gun drum loaded with amnition. The above equipment was imma- :1$:1:e1§;1:1: : : seag 0 diately dispatched to the Laboratory at Washington for examination. I~I92~ ta~. :1: KS An inventory of all the things in this apartment was also :*: :~;-<$ys_:;.;.;.;*1:I:I.<.'~:1:1:1:1 * immediately taken. In addition to the above guns and ammunition, we seizedea Ford coupe which subsequently was turned over to this office by court order. -

- 7 - ' an -. . 92 .

I t-

I 0

In conclusion, I recall that during my interview with Gladys Sawyer she told me that she had been operated upon for some illness at St. Paul but at no time did she request medical attention nor did she indicate to me that she was in need of any medical atten- _ tion and I would also like to say that in all or my dealings in hand- ling prisoners during my ten years in the Bureau that I never have come in contact with even a mn Iho used such vile and profane lan- guage as did Gladys Sawyer on sunday morning September 9, 1934, at the Riverside Hotel, Lakewood, Ohio. "

Respecttull suhnitted ,

1:14:13 Em. Larson

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Chicago,Illinoie July 1, 1935.


Re: Accusations against Chicago office oi the Federal Bureau of Invest_i_gation. i , On June 23, 1934, the writer was assigned to the Detroit Bureau office under Special Agent in Charge William Iereon. In the latter part of August 1934 this agent was on a road trip in Eastern Ohio, arriving in Cleve1and,Ohio about the first oi Septenber at which tim W. E. Peters was resident agent in that city. Approximately one week later a news itan appeared in a Cleveland paper to the effect that three women who gave their nanes as Gladys Sawyer, Ethel Matterscn and Wynone Jalcott were arrested in the Cleveland Hotel for disorderly conduct. A day or two later the writer proceeded to Warren, Uhio to cover leads on cases that had been assigned for the road trip. This agent arrived in Warren, Ohio about 8.50 P.ll. and at approximately l0 P.!-K. received a telephone call from Mr. William Ierson at Cleveland, Ohio requesting that the writer proceed imnedietely to that city ~and meet him at the Lakewood,0hio Police Department.

Upon arriving at the Lakewood Police Departmmt at approximately 12.15 A.M. this agent learned from Special gent W. E. Peters and R. B. Donaldson that Gladys Sawyer, Paula Harmon and Wynona Burdett were in 1 their custody and were being questioned by Special A Vent in Charge .'.'illiam Larson.From the conversations of these agents, the writer ascertained that the above women were turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation earlier that evening which to my knowledge was Septem- her '2,1934.

The vriter did not see these women until the following day as I was requested to proceed to a hotel in order to get some rest and report to the Lakewood Police Department the following day. At approximately 8.3-! AJE. on September 8, 1934 I first met Gladys Sawyer, Paula Harmon and Wynona Burdett in the Detectives conference room on the second floor oi the Lakewood Police Department building. These women were sitting in comfortable chairs smoking cigarettes and appeared to be in ve17 good spirits. Special Agents A. Dickstein and R. B. Doneldscn gage in the room at the time, also sitting in chairs. lhe women were not being questioned at that time. This room was light and well ventilated. Directly adjacent to the room was a clean private toilet which the women had access to at their leisure. '

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The writer was in their company for about one hour on the morning of September 8, 1934, during which time these women were not disturbed. One of the agents brought their breakfast to them and furnished their brand of cigarettes.

This ab_-ent left the Lakewood Police Department on other investigative work and did not return until approximately 8 P.|l. that evening. Upon my arrival at the Police station I learned from one of the agents I am unable to recall which one!, that plans were being mde to carry the women to 0hicago,Illinois by plane that night, and that removal waivers had been executed by each.

Infomation was received from the airport however, that planes were grounded end would not take oft that night due to weather conditions.

It was decided, presumably by Special Agent in Charge Larson that the women would be taken to a hotel where they could rest comfortably. Accordingly they were taken to a clean and respectable hotel on Detroit Avenue in Lakewood,°hio. They were driven to this hotel from the Lakewood Police Department about ll PJ1. September 8, 1934, in two automobiles and accompanied by Special Agents.

Special Agents -T. K. Collins and the writer were instructed by Special Iiget in Charge William Iarson to remain at the hotel the balance of 92- the night with the women. w 1 Two large well ventilated rooms on the second floor of the hotel were obtained. These rooms were directly across the hall from each other i . and each had a double bed, with dressing tables and chairs. Paula Hana-on occupied one room and Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdett occupied the other room.

Agent Collins and the writer sat in a chair in the hall between the two rooms, situated such that the windows were in view. The doors were kept open. 'Ihe rooms were so situated that each women had privacy if she so desired. The women were not in view of the agents when they undressed. Their beds were only partially in view.

Paula Harmon specifically requested that the door to her room be left open as she stated that she felt more at ease to know me was not alone.


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Gladys Sawyer and Iynona Burdett went to sleep very shortly after entering their room. Paula Harmon stated that she could not go to sleep as she was nervous and erpressed a tear that "some one was going to get her". She requested Special Agent Collins to sit in the room with her. Agent Collins complied with this request and about one hour later, which was about 1.30 A.M. Paula Eamon went to sleep.

Agent Collins and the writer renained in the hall during the night. I might mention that the toilet was about thirty-five feet down the hall and the women were permitted to go to this toilet unaccompanied whenever they so desired.

The following morning which would be September 9, 1954 at approximately 8 A.i1. the writer secured food and cigarettes for the women. At approximately 9.45 A.M. Special Agent in Charge William Larson, Agents Peters, Donaldson and Socey arrived at the hotel. Hr. Larson conversed with the women and advised that they were planning to have them accompany several agents toChicago,Illinois by plane, and immediately the women stated that although they had agreed the night before to go to Chic-r.go,Illinois they had in the meantime decided to change their minds. Mr. Larson talked with them in a very gentlemanly manner and asked them if they were ready to leave the hotel.

Gladys Sawyer said that she would not leave until she saw the number on the badges or the agents. Special .-'-{ent Peters _badge was exhibited to them, after which they accused the agents of being liars. Very shortly thereafter the women began to scream and call pedestrians on ti-e street, apparently conceiving the idea th--.t such tactics would embarrass the agents. They became very boisterous and Kr. Larson called the Ieiaewood Police Department. A few minutes later several detectives from the Lekev-ood Police department appeared at the hotel and carried Paula lflannon to their automobile which was parked in back oi the hotel. Iiynona Burdett and Gladys Sawyer walked to the car or their oxm volition.

At first Gladys Sawyer was very pugnacious, but after seeing that Paula Harmon v-as being carried to the waiting car she decided to walk. All d'~.1rin._-';this time the women screamed their names. They were taken to the Lakenood Police Department where they were pennitted to rest. .'.b.>ut onehour later they were driven to the Cleveland airport by agents and detectives of the Lakevsood Police Department.


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At the Cleveland airport the wonnn in company with the late Samuel Covley, Tfilliem Larson and 3. K. Collins boarded a chartered plane bound for Chicago,Illinois.

I have read the accusations made by Gladys Sawyer in a letter directed to Eugene D. Q'&lll1V8.n, attorney at law, and will state that on one occasion, namely on the morning oi September 9, 1934, Paula Eamon mentioned that she would like to see e. friend of here who was an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio, indicating that she had turned over to him some oi her belongings. To my lcnowledge Gladys Sawyer and Wynone. Bundett did at no time request the services of an attorney. At no time during my presence did they ask for medical attention.

At no time during my presence were the woman beaten or struck in any manner, but on the cmtrary were treated with respect.

To my knowledge a matron was not in attendance. No agents during IU presence told obscene stories, nor did they display guns. Epithete and threats were not applied to them. To nnr knowledge no property was taken from the women by agents at Oleve1and,0hio¢

Althaugi I did not see the women the first night they were in the custody or A_-ants of the Federal Bureau of Investigation I heard from other agents that beds were not available at that time.

Respectfully subm ted,

1:. E. HOPTON,

Special Agent. av-




Q J .,;- I . ¢ -- 9 . 92 .- 0-Q ... Q -0 _ i 4 92 . _/ C I gases of§ §L;B.§hp=dua!a!Ihuu Post Office Box 1887, Charlotte, N. C.

July 2, 1935.

gnasoxm. mu! COl§FIDENII_A.I..

LIEIl.i0R.ANDUM nsszswzrFOR nrnscron mmm.

Re: ALVIN KARPIS, vith aliases, ET AL, Edward G. Bremer, Victim, KIDI92Is.PING.

Relative to our telephonic conversation of July l, 1935, in regard to the treatment received by Gladys Sawyer and Francine Sawyer at Cleveland, Ohio, please be advised as follows:

As all of the events covered in this memorandum transpired during the month of September, 1954, and as, at this tine, I am without any notes or reports to which I can refer, I desire to advise you that I am relying entirely upon my memory, and sone of the matters which may possibly be checked as to the accuracy should be verified from the Bueau file.

at about 2100 P. 1»:., on September 5, 19:54 '2!, I was advised by Captain Frank Story of the Cleveland Police Department that they had three women in custody who might possibly have some connection with the Bremer Kidnaping Case. at that time Captain Story informed me that the only thing which led him to believe that there might be some possible connection was the fact that one of the women stated she was from St. Paul, Minnesota, and one of the women had $600.00 in her possession. _

Upon proceeding to the Cleveland Police Department, I learned that Gladys Sawyer, Wynona Burdett, and Paula +Harmon were under arrest, under aliases, and that they had been arrested in the cocktail room of the Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, the previous night after they had engaged n corms 1>E5'°E° r; 146 use1 1B70 ., fj/j

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a fight among themselves, which was the result of their being intoxicated. The hotel management had called the Cleveland Police Department, and a policewoman had been dispatched to take the woman into custody. Upon her arrival at the Cleveland Hotel, these women entered into a fight with the policewoman and it was necessary for her to secure assistance frm the officer on the beat, and it was necessary for them to call the wagon in order to remove the women to the police station. While in transit, Paula Harmon attempted to destroy and throw away everything in her possession which would give any indication of her previous address and correct 11511150

I proceeded to the Detention Ward of the whens Division of the Police Station where these three women were separately interviewed by ms. At that time, I displayed to them photographs of all of the known members of the Barker- Karpis Gang and talked with them as to the details of the Bremer Kidnaping Case. They denied any knowledge of any members of the gang and also denied any knowledge of the Bremer Kidnaping case except as they had read of it in the newspapers. Jhile I was interviewing the women they sent out for some food and ate part of it during the course of the interview. I was inforned that all of these women had turned over all of their valuables to the Desk Sergeant upon their arrest and that Paula Harmon had in her possession six one hundred dollar bills, together with some jewelry and sundry articles. It should be noted at this point that although the women were reported to have turned over all of their jewelry, at a later date, one of the wouen made a complaint that her platinum bracelet had been stolen and that she was going to enter suit against the City of Cleveland for the theft of same. She accused the policewoman who had arrested her. It was later learned from the Cleveland Police Department that a prostitute was released shortly after this woman was placed in Jail and it was the belief of the police officials that, either this bracelet was turned over.to this prostitute as payment to her for getting in touch with an attorney o that the bracelet was lost during the fight at the Cleveland Hotel or during the ride in the patrol wagon.

Upon my arrival at the Police Station, I noted that '

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an attorney by the name of Eddie Stanton, with whom I had been acquainted for a number of years, was present. He asked me the status of the case and I told him that I had no information at that time. He asked me if he could talk to the girls and I informed him that they were in the custody of the Cleveland Police Department. He asked me if we were going to take the girls into custody and I informed him that so far as I knew at that time there was no Federal charge which could be placed against them and that our investigation in the matter was at its inception. Eddie Stanton remained at the Police Station until late that evening, after which time I again saw him and he asked me the status or the case. I informed him that so tar as I was aware the girls were still in the custody of the Cleveland Police Department on a charge of being drunk and disorderly and that I had no further information in the matter. He asked me if he could interview the women and I informed him that this was entirely under the jurisdiction D of the Cleveland Police Department. J As this was transpiring I was negotiating from time 11 to time with Inspector Cody and Captain Story for the release .92- of these women into Federal custody. I had, in the meantime, communicated with the then Special Agent in Charge William Larson and advised him of the situation at Cleveland. Er. Larson came to Cleveland and we then completed negotiations with Inspector Cody and Captain Story for the release of the women to our custod. During this time Mr. Larson and myself 3~ were in communication by long distance telephone with Inspector P Cowley at Chicago. At about ll:OO P. M., on the third night H that the women had been held in custody by the Cleveland e. . $1,. Police Department, it was decided that the charge of drunk ii and disorderly should not be pressed against the women but 1.» that they should be turned over to us and that the Cleveland v Police Departzent was not to be advised where they were taken 13¢, .'-If '.92 because the Cleveland Police Department wanted to be able to 11*>- truthfully say that they did not want to know the women were my in our custody or what had become of them. ".v. t.X Mr. Larson and I then proceeded to Lakewood, Ohio which - -. is a suburb of Cleveland, completely surrounded by Cleveland! and made arrangements there with Captain Miller with whom I had had numerous favorable contacts and arranged to bring the . - i J hi



women to the Lakewood City Jail to hold them until proper disposition could be made of them. These arrange- ments having been perfected, Er. Larson and I, accompanied by various other agents of the Detroit office proceeded to the Cleveland Police Department, where the women were turned over to us and at that time it was arranged that, with the exception of a small amount of pocket money, all money, jewelry, and property, which had been taken from the women at the time of their arrest, was to be turned over to Attorney Eddie Stanton. It should be stated at this point that to the very best of my recollection at this time Gladys Sawyer and the other women were advised that Eddie Stanton had been attenpting to see them and they informed me that they did not know any attorney by the name of Eddie Stanton and did not know how he could have got into the case. They also informed me that they had no desire at that time to see Eddie Stanton, not knowing his possible connections.

Upon the women being turned over to us, they were immediately taken into the Federal Building at Cleveland It was believed that we were being followed, the newspapers having hounded all of us for some information regarding 92- the case, and the women were taken in one door and out the other, back into the cars and were taken to the Lakewood Police Department. Upon our arrival there, the women were taken upstairs and placed in a room having toilet facilities and a wash stand. Kr. Larson had the use of the office of the Chief of Police and he took the girls one by one into the office and interrogated them. By this time it was approximately midnight. The girls at no time were kept in confinement and although they remained in this one small room the majority of the time it was done because of the toilet facilities and because of the seating arrangement. From time to time the girls expressed desire for various and sundry articles, particularly cigarettes, and agents were dispatched to the corner drug store to supply their wants and needs. I recall that on one occasion they were advised that agents were going to the restaurant near the corner and that if any one of the girls desired anything to eat we would either return it to them or would take them to the restaurant. With the exception of Hynona Burdett, none of the girls desired anything to eat and I accompanied Wynona Burdett to the restaurant where we ordered food, but upon

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J the arrival of same, Wynona refused to eat I recall that upon their return to Cleveland at a later date, Wynone in- formed KB that the reason she refused to eat was not because she was not hungry but because of plain onarynese!. I recall very definitely that all during the night they were supplied with coffee made by the members of the Lakewood Police Department and that the members of the Lakewood Police Department who were on duty at that time wandered about into the rooms where the girls were being held in custody with the exception of the Chief's office where Hr. Larson was holding interrogation. I recall that Gladys Sawyer and I entered into a contest to see who could drink the most coffee and we kidded each other upon who was going to be able to stay awake the longest. It should be stated that we had instructions from Er. Larson not to interrogate these nonen relative to the Eremer case as he desired to keep all the questioning in his hands. I believe that this we! in keeping with the policy of the Chicago office at that time, to wit: that not more than one agent should interview a witness as it might be possible to divulge some information P not previously in possession of the witness. To the best of my recollection at this time, I know of no vulgar stories r -T or filthy language which was used in the presence of these > Bl 4- . women during the time that they were held at the Lakewood £ Police Department. I do, however, recall that about three é or four o'clock in the morning Paula Harmon stated that she had begun to suffer from a periodic disturbance and that she didn'tgive a damn whether she was in the presence of nan or women, that those things were natural and that she could not do anything about it. Upon being so advised, an agent was dispatched to the corner drug store where a box -.11 ":15; of Kotex was purchased.

As I was resident agent at Cleveland at that time and as it was necessary to keep in constant touch with the Chicago office and the Bureau, I returned at about 9:00 A. E. to the Cleveland office and remained on duty there during the day.

L"'e. It was our expectation to file harboring charges against ; --0 the women at Cleveland, Ohio. However, after a conference by long distance it was decided that it would be more ad- visable to take the women to Chicago for further interrogatic. <92


I was informed by Mr. Larson that I should make a survey of the city and secure either an apartment, a room, or a suite of rooms in a small outlying hotel. I was unsuccessful in locating an apartment but did succeed in securing reservations in a hotel which I believe is known as the Riverside Hotel, also in Lakewood, Ohio. This procedure was necessary as the women had not been able to bathe or change clothes. After I completed these negotiations I returned to the Lakewood Police Department where we entered into a long controversy with the girls as to their going to Chicago voluntarily. Ie pepared waivers which the girls refused to sign, insisting that they should see Er. Purvis At a later date Paula Harman informed me that she insisted on seeing Mr. Purvis because she thought that he was the head of the Bureau!. After some time we informed the girls that we were going to take them to see Mr. Purvis and that Hr. Purvis was in Chicago, and that if they would sign voluntary waivers of removal, they would be taken to see him the following morning, after which waivers of removal were signed.

Us then took the women in Bureau cars to the Riverside Hotel where they registered under I believe! their correct names. They were given two ruoms very near the bath. These rooms were at the end of the hall and the women were permitted absolute privacy with the exception of an agent being stationed in a chair at the end of the hall between the two rooms, it being insisted that the girls keep their doors at least partially open. To the best of my recollection, it was agents Collins and Donaldson who maintained this watch. During this time Inspector Cowley had arrived from Chicago by plane and negotiations were made for the return of the women to Chicago on the following morning, to wit: Sunday. The plane was to depart for Chicago at approximately 9:00 A. H., and we arrived at the hotel at approximately 8:30 A. H., the girls having had breakfast prior to the arrival of the majority of agents. Gladys and Wynona occupied the rear room and Paula Harmon occupied the room on the street, it being on the second story. Upon our arrival at the hotel, we informed the girls that the plane was ready for Chicago and for them to pack up their things and we were ready to leave. As part of the girls clothes were in Paula's room and part in the other roo, we permitted Wynona and Gladys to go into Paula's room for their clothes. At some apparently pre-arranged signal, the girls advised us that they were 1%{P

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not going to Chicago and when asked why, they informed 1 us that they had merely changed their minds and were going P to remain in Cleveland. Immediately upon this announcement, 1 they were informed that they were going to Chicago whether they wanted to or not, having signed waivers of removal, and Paula thereupon made a dash to the window, it appearing an though she were going to dive out headfirst. mr. Larson was nearest her and he grabbed her around the waist to pe- vent her apparent leap. She succeeded in getting her head out of the window shouting: "Help, Ehrder, Police - Help, I'm beingkilled", to the passersby below, repeating these shouts, and in the meantime biting and kicking Mr. Larson. The other two women then entered into the shouting and general melee and attacked Mr. Larson, during which there was a general free-for-all fight which is the only way I can describe it!. The women bit, kicked, and fought. I recall that I grabbed Gladys Sawyer and attempted to pull her away from the general melee and suddenly found myself on the bed with the three women and two agents on top of me. At this time the Lakewood Police arrived with the wagon and the flying squad, having previously been summoned to give us an escort to the airport, and with their assistance we literally dragged the womn down .> the hall, the women biting, scratching, kicking, and shouting all the way. From there the women were taken to the Lakewood Police Department and held long enough for everyone to regain their composure, and were immediately transported to the Cleveland Airport where their plane was waiting and they were transferred to Chicago in the custody of Inspector Cowley, Special gent in Charge Larson, and agent Collins.

EB L131 PAGE OF THIS L'_T.".'.OE=IIDLIhiWHI I'i GOLLD NOT BE GIVI:'.";iTO A FE.".§LLE STEZOGRAPHER! . '* Xith reference to Francine Sawyer, I was not advised that Francine Sawyer had been taken into custody until the day following that on which I was advised that the women had been taken into custody, and then I first learned of her detention through a feature story in one of the Cleveland newspapers. I verified this information through the Cleveland Police Department and was informed that she was being held in the - émyahoga County Juvenile Detention Home. I went to the Juvenile Detention Home where I saw her and intervieledha-very briefly. She supplied me with a few details of the life of Harry end

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and Gladys Sawyer as well as some details about the automobiles which they drove and where they lived while in Cleveland. B I had not received this information relative to her detention until about 9:00 P. Mt, this interview took place about lO:OO P. M., it having been carefully ascertained by me that Francine had not retired. I saw her again on the following day and I recall definitely that I took to her several articles, such as candy and children: playthings. I do not recall now just how long Francine was held at the Juvenile Home but I believe that about a week after I first met her I was instructed by Inspector Cowley to bring her to Chicago, and also to go to the house formerly occupied by Gladys and Paula and to the apartment occupied by Iynona Burdett and secure for them all of the female wearing apparel that I could find. This was done and that evening I departed for Chicago by plane with Francine and three suit cases full of clothes for the women. It should be noted that prior to my departure for Chicago with Francine, Judge Harry Eastman, Juvenile Court, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, Chic, had been in commnication with the Ramsey County, Minnesota, authorities, and had learned the true status of the adoption which Harry and Gladys Sawyer had tried to effect and had turned Francine over to me with the distinct understanding that she was to be returned in the custody of the Federal ag.nts to the RQLSBY County authorities. Francine displayed great interest in the trip to Chicago and I recall that a great friendship sprung up between Francine and the Stewardess v on the ship. The Stewardess asked we if I was the girl's father and I informed the Stenardess that I was her uncle- I recall that a luncheon was served on the ship and Francine thou;ht that they were giving a party for her benefit. Ypon arrival in Chicago, I was met by an agent from the Chicago office and taken to the Chicago office in company with Francine. I remained at the Chicago office only a matter o . two or three hours and immediately returned to Cleveland by train. . 92~ I heard nothing further about the matter until about three t t weeks later I received a telephone call from Inspector Cowley - _f;pm Chicago about 4:00 P. M., informing me that the women, R Gladys Sawyer, Paula Harmon, and Wynona Burdett, had been released by the agents at Chicago and were voluntarily returning

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to Cleveland and that I was to extend to them every courtesy. He also informed me that they had been given my office and telephone number and would communicate with me upon their arrival at Cleveland. At about 8:00 P. 2., I received a telephone call from Gladys Sawyer, at which time she informed me that they had arrived in the city and that they had had dinner and would meet me at s restaurant downtown. as I had not as yet eaten dinner, I hmmadiately went to Weber's Restaurant, where I found the three girls waiting. They were all in.the best of spirits, and as I recall, we drank several glasses of beer while I was having my dinner. I discussed with the girls their plans and was informed by them that they had returned to Cleveland to get their jewelry and money from Ed Stanton and that they also desired to pick up a few odds and ends about the city. They were very much concerned about remaining in the city over night, stating that they were afraid that the "boys" might show up in Cleveland and bump them off, or that the Cleveland Police might again arrest them and throw them in Jail. They inquired of me where it would be most suitable to stay, and I informed them that there were any number of mall hotels in the outskirts of Cleveland where I thought that they would be reasonably safe. They informed me that if at all possible they did not want to stay in Cleveland. as I had an aparment in Cleveland at that time I offered the use of my apartment to the girls, informing them that I would go to a hotel for the night. I also inforned them that Akron, Ohio, was only thirty-four miles distant; that they were entirely unknown in Akron and could go there without the least fear of being recognized. This plan appeared mutually agreeable and at about 10:00 P. M., I left Cleveland with the three women - for Akron. Shortly after our departure, Gladys Sawyer informed me that she was taking a particular kind of medicine for an operation recently performed upon her, and that this medicine could only be secured at a certain chain of drug stores in Cleveland. I drove the girls around various parts of the city in an effort to locate one_of these drug stores which was open and about 11:30 finally succeeded in obtaining the medicine for Gladys. We then again left for Akron. Upon arrival there we went to the Portage Hotel where the - girls registered under fictitious.names. Gladys and Hynons



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were assigned to one roo and Paula was assigned to the other rem. I accompanied the girls to their rooms to see that everything was satisfactory and attempted to immediately leave. Paula Harmon became hysterical and begged me to re- main with her for the night. I inrormd her that I had to return to Cleveland immediately and could not remain. I was then called in to the room or Gladys and Iynone where they informed me that in their opinion Paula was crazy and that if something was not done about it, she would get them all into trouble. Paula then came into the room and a general discussion ensued as to what was the most practical thing to do. The girls made it very obvious that they wanted to get rid of Paula and Paula made it very obvious that she wanted to remain with the girls, and wanted me to remain with them for protection. I attempted to soothe them in every possible way but to no avail. a '2 Paula then decided that she wanted to go to Chicago ~. where she had a bag checked at the La Selle Hotel. I ascertained that the Capitol Limited on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was to depart for Chicago at 2:00 o'clock. -4 The girls then decided that it would be best for them all 92- to split up and go their separate ways. However, I was »!. confidentially inforned by Gladys and Wynona that they did not intend to split up but were going to stick together, la ._w-;- and that they merely wanted to get rid of Paula. Believing that Paula was going to take the 2:00 o'clock train, I ':z it1' accompanied the girls to the Baltimore and Ohio Station, and . ~.» wevA Y upon arrival at the Baltimore and Ohio Station, Paula decided that she did not want to go to Chicago but that Hii she preferred to go to Cincinnati and then to Atlanta, Georgia, where she had relatives. This so angered Gladys L4,-'". fl! and ynona that they informed Paula that_they were taking Y; the 3:00 o'clock plane although there was no such plane! -v and were going to go their separate ways. There being en 1.--vi. AvvvA interval of an hour before the plane was supposed to depart, W-g!ai- I went to a restaurant with the three girls and we had a bite -r. s-_ '92'. to eat. Upon leaving the restaurant, Wynona did not have any money so Gladys gave her $100 and Paula gave I181 ma Gladys and Wynona informed me that they would cosnmnicate with me the following morning upon their return to Cleveland and with that stepped into a taxicab for the ostensible Jr I

i? r.-





purpose of going to the Airport. They, in fact, returned to the Portage Hotel where they spent the remainder of the night. Upon learning that I was returning to Cleveland, Paula Hermon informed ms that she wanted to return to Cleveland and would take the train from Cleveland to Atlanta, Georgie, instead of from Akron to Cincinnati. I then took Paula to Cleveland to the Union Station where we inquired about trains, buses, and airplanes leaving for Cincinnati. I left Paula at the Union Station at 4:30 A. L3, with the understanding that she was to leave at 8:00 A. E. for Cincinnati, en route to Atlanta, Georgie; I received a telephone call at the office from Paula at » 9:30 4- M. that morning, at which time she informed me that 3 she had decided not to go to Cincinnati as they would not ¢, ._, . allow her on the train. I inquired as to where she was .-1+1? 2_ P and she informed me that she was in the Ladies Rest Room ,3 H" at Higbee's Department Store, which is a part of the "J; Cleveland Union Station. I told her to wait for me there I3,- and I would come immediately, which I did, but upon my - '1. arrival at the Ladies Room in Higbee's Department Store, I was informed that a woman of Paula Harmon's description _r had departed shortly after making a telephone call. xi4%. . ;A-P fr In this connection, the activities of Paula Harmon, and V '17 considerable of the activities in connection with the return .;'92 of these women to Cleveland and my contacts with then, is =1q;Iwg.13 .. ._., covered in a memorandum to the Detroit file, the same being written in response to an inquiry of a Hrs. Gaehr, Secretary ', .1 *. of the Y. R. C. 5., Cleveland, Ohio, which memorandum was written following a letter from Mrs. Gaehr to assistant .i».§ attorney General Joseph E. Keenan, and, therefore, the sane is not being incorporated herein. ..;--G. . .9. .._ -- At about 10:30 A. K., I received a telephone call from F;-:- Gladys Sawyer, at which time she informed me that they had , __,...!,5. returned to Cleveland by bus and were at a restaurant near _: -'-sf» Eighteenth and Euclid avenue in Cleveland, which restaurant P. . ,*if elf? I believe is known as "Mother Brown's". I met them at the ff- Q restaurant a short tine thereafter, at which time they informed me that the only thing that they wanted to do was to get a traveling bag which had been left at a repair shop on Superior


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avenue, near Sixth Street, in Cleveland, and which was the property of Harry Sawyer, and they also desired to interview the landlady who rented the apartment to Wynona Burdett and Harry Campbell in an attempt to secure the furniture of Wynona Burdett, as she was in destitute circumstances. I accompanied Wynona and Gladys to the previously mentioned luggage shop, obtained the traveling bag, and turned it over to Gladys.

To the best of my recollection, from there we proceeded to the house formerly occupied by Gladys and Paula and secured a few more of the personal effects of Gladys. at this point I am not certain. we then went to the landlady who had rented the apartment to iynona Burdett and Harry Campbell. lie found that the landlady had removed all of the movable furniture and fixtures from the apartment and had divided these articles between herself and her dau5hter-in- Jaw. I attempted to secue these articles diplomatically for Wynona but was informed by the landlady that she had been put to considerable notoriety, publicity, and expense, and she felt that she was justly entitled to the articles. The articles consisted of two bed room suites, a dining room suite, and two living room suites, together with all of the linen and personal clothing. I recall that she made Jyncna Burdett the offer of §l00.00 for all the articles which had been taken and Jynona asked me what she should do about it. I informed ynona that I was not in a position to give an opinion and that she should use her own judgment, especially inasmuch as she had an attorney, and I also informed this landlady, whose name I cannot now recall, that Uynona had an attorney who would probably take care of her legal interests.

Gladys Sawyer was not with us at the time of this conversation with the landlady, she having elected to remain in the car. Upon our departure from the house of the land- lady, the girls advised me that they had finished their business and that they were ready to return to Chicago. It is to be noted here that at all times the girls denied

-12- ' 1-M" .1 ~>-- ~ Q-492.__:. a. * *8; Y» >v..v' J!' .. , J * in'-1",- "T ' D ,. . "

_ ~ I .

that they had ever seen their attorney, Ed Stanton, but it was observed by me that they had their money and Jewelry which was formerly in Stanton's possession. I inquired for them the time of the departure of the next train and airplane for Chicago, and upon learning that there was a train at 4:00 o'clock, the girls elected to depart on this train. There were still two hours remaining be- fore the departure of the train and we stopped by a small sandwich shop where we drank a glass of beer and ate a sandwich. The girls then stated that they did not desire to take the train from the Union Station but desired to go to the Rocky River Station, which is the suburban station of the New York Central Railroad. There was still considerable time before the departure of the train and either Gladys or Wynona, I have forgotten which, decided to get a haircut. I drove them around Lakewood until we succeeded in locating a womens beauty parlor in the outskirts, at which time one of the girls got e haircut and I remained in the car with the other girl. after about a half hour, the girl who was getting the haircut returned and we went to the Lakewood station from which they departed at 4:CO P. K. for Chicago. I immediately advised Inspector Cowley by telegraph of their departure.

Upon my return to the office, I learned that Paula Harmon had staggered into the Y. W. C. A. in a semi stuporgand that she informed the Y. W. C. A. Secretary of her incarceration at Chicago, accusing the agents of subjecting her to third degree methods. The cmplete details covering this are contained in my previous memorandum covering my contact with Hrs. Gaehr and Paula Harmon at the Y. W. C. A. Considerable of my activity in connection with Paula, Gladys, and Wynona,was previously recorded in a memorandumwhich was never made a part of a report but which is now, I believe, in the Cleveland or Detroit office files in this matter.

In conclusion, I desire to state that these women were treated as ladies at all times until the disturbance at the Riverside Hotel when it was impossible to treat than as such. To the best of my knowledge there was never any obscene language used in their presence nor were they subjected

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~1->..,. . 92. ,.,. -*»-~z1 .~..1_-';-.{_.i


to listening to foul stories being told among the agents. Upon their return to Cleveland, they were shown every courtesy that it was possible_ to show, and this agent was put to any number of inconveniences in attempting to encourage their good will toward the Bureau. The restaurant where dinner was had the night of their return to Cleveland is one of the most prominent restaurants in Cleveland and they were not secreted in any way, the table at which dinner was eaten being open to the public view, and there being numerous other guests in the restaurant 4. at that time. As tar as food is concerned, the girls refused to eat although food was tendered to them on L 4,92b'<> r. ,._-'= »A numerous occasions. At the time they were taken to the . .2, Y». J c Riverside Hotel, the girls, with the exception of Ilynona - -- 31$: Burdett who refused to tell us where she lived in Cleveland, .l§'¢"§""" 413$ were permitted to bathe and change clothes, although _ .,_-;§ _l'.. this courtesy necessitated their being permitted to leave w:*:4:*-em their rooms. -L. we-0.-;.. » .. '.'. 2-4.3 ,,¢_en,_ -0.- .. -,»"~"".'.. I trust that the information contained in this r437 ""~?¢ f -*.:L.Y, memorandum. sufficiently explains the situation and I shall ", -"~. -t. be more than glad to supply any further details upon request :71- -1-_ -.», a Q we . ., J9 ,, for sane. Mi »~.:;'-*1-41'I Q; Q-Q/_92'/55 92'_J92A, Q TI. E. Peters, *9 . " r;-,;_>;;:M in I Special Agent.mt -.-. _{1',T .,-J1 K HEP 2 msk z,*':.'Q 4 I ,-w A -- ~ 1!- 1<~.?f,;l»¢


#'_'m1_' __ Q

. 1 I .

The following is that part or the memorandum which, tor obvious reasons, could not be dictated to a female stenographer .

AB has previously been stated, at the time she was held at Cleveland, Paula underwent her menstral disturbance which continued from the time she Ias being held in the Lakewood Police station until t time she departed for Chicago, and I do not know how much longer . At the time of the melee at the Riverside hotel, Paula had a defecation an- succeeded in messing the trousers of Agent Donelds-0n'ssuit, the unifor: or the Lieutenant of police, and the entire hall way from thelrfroom to t:.e patrol wagon waiting at the rear entrance, ¢

I recall that a collection was taken up among the agent to give to the Lieutenant to have his unifom cleaned and also to the hotel to employ someone to cle an-up the room and the hallway .

I recall th :t when the Jrls retrned to Clevelani, after their release at Chicago, thqr referred to the incident at which tine P4118 stated that she had only done it because of the t:eat.".e2".t she was receiving; an either 3la:l;.rs or '..'y'nonaspoke up and sai:'that the only reason tT.ey didn't do the saie thing; was because they :Zidnt tiaili: of It siporgizl also be .=.t;,ted that ..'hB2girls the referred to the incident, ti~.e;r iii not use any 'pOlltCterms in recauin-5 Paula's actions.



___92i_ Pagewithheld s! entirelyat thislocation the in le. One more or ofthe following statements,where indicated, explain this deletion.

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Ill/DOJ 1


Cleveland , Ohio _- July 2, 1935 -


Supplementing my memorandum dated July 1, 1935, the writer wishes to state that he definitely recalls a statement being made by Gladys Sawyer to Paula Hamom at the Riverside Hotel on Detroit A-venue in Lakewood, Ohio, on the night oi September 8, 1934, the same being made in the presence or the writer and Special Agent J. K. Collins.

Paula Harmon had been making quite e disturbance shortly after they arrived at the hotel and Gladys Sawyer made, in substance, the following statement to her:

"Behave yourself and don't carry on that way. You know it you were in the hands or the police they would not put up with it. These men are nice.

Respectfully s unitted, Wiéau W. E. Hopton Special Agent




00P1Es Dnsfrnoysu is 146nEc 11 1970

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§. ,5. §:parhumi nf Zusiic: P.0. B02 4907 ' Jacksonville, Florida 30.11 5,1935.

Director Federal Bureau oi Investigatim U. S. Department of Justice Pennsylvania Ave. at 9th Sh, ale Iashington, D. O.

ll: EVIN KARI-I8, with aliases, l'UGIi'IV3,1218; at LO. al- IDIARD ommx SHEER - Victim IIDIIAPIIG. Dear Sir:

In accordance with a long distance telephone eon- versation with Assistant Director Harold Nathan, at Detroit, Michigan, and the writer, I am attaching hereto a lanorandun prepared by ms regarding occurrences at Cleveland, Ohio, ma or about September 6, 1954, in connection with the detention at that City of Paula Hermon, Iynona Burdetts and De. Gladys Sawyer, in connection with the above entitled case.

Very truly yours, /i"/5,5./,£;»»cm R. B. DONAIDSON Speéial Agent,

RED :0

- mclosure.

Ia: File -2-24. y

»- it

COPIES DESTROYED 146050 11 1970

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I 'he lei ct 3, 1.984, '1' at Cleveland, 1-; 5 _0hio on a special bankruptcy latter; the morning papers carried s headline showing arrest by the police ct three women and stated that they _were em-4 _ , nested with the lsrpis Barker -shortly _therea1'tereI was in touch 3.,-;¢j; _ Z with Relident Agent I9 I,'Petere,[and e1_ao.the Detroit Office; the-latter,-f;,f§_ 1" 3 by phone. for the ruaainder oi the day! workedjm -the letter , , trend fa .; _-. _-';__ teen,'and shortly utter $300 P.,ll._;that evening 3.1.6. Iilliua Larson 1. _ -' " 'rived. Ir. Larson, inwy presence, phoned to the Bureen at Iaahingtol,_¥;1ii;? n ' i n Oc. and mus to no." Iewbyr --open cinclnsion et said _conve_reation as-.;_ ,_ stated that orders were tor as to get custody oi these wuea, who , ». by that tins been definitely identified as Paula kmon, Iynone Burdette I . ' and Hrs. Gladys Sawyer. Also that they lust be taken to sons secret place and questioned at the earliest possible nomnt, Further, that he . specter 8, P. Oowley, now deceased, would be enroute to cleveland, via _ airplane, from Chicago to take charge ct the matters ;_ _ I ._ '_ ' 'The following agents then went to police headquarters and con- ferred with Captain Story and his superior: 8.A.0. Larson, I. I. Peters, the writer and,I believe, Agent Abe Dickatelhr Ssitct Larson and Peters presented the natter and after some discussion the police agreed to re- » . lease the women, At about 10:30 Pm. they were brought to the p011Ql' ~. J garage via elevator tron the jail tloor,_ In a police car they were trans- P° rted to tin Iedoral Building, and the police car left, as did police detectives. A tow I: Hinutes later the women were placed in Bureau care and taken to the City Building at Lakewood, Ohio, They were placed in an Of- fice room on the second oor, which had a private toilet adjoining sens. L Each woman was then questioned separately in another adjoining roan by SJ..Gs Larson for the remainder of that nightand at intervals during the

A .- 1 I remained on guard duty with these women tron l0:50 PJJ. Septer .- beg 6, 1954, to 3:00 Ptls Septaaber 7th; was absent on another detail for ; ' A '"ihout two hours, then resumed guard dnty until ll:3O P.1d. that light, when -the women were removed by the other agents to s nearby hotel. _All _4I-filld , this tine the women were supplied with cottee, sandwiches, cigarettes and ' , . such other itell as they reqnsstedt I Ill looollpal-61-h! Bani! Diilis V ' " Peters, Hopton and s.A.0. hereon while guardim these wcsen as above set . . _ jog-th. Inspector Oowley put in appearance for s short time ea the sme- - P -"noon oi esptsnbsr 7, 1954. hstore being rwsoved to the hotel on the night '- '97-, ' -,- ---_.. ., .,___ . . If A - -»- 92_ .-.e ; --_ ,_ 3,----t.._92 _»_ > < ',_ - 1 . . . Q '.~ . l , ___,- _,__.. ~_,, I _.-._ __ - . c .,_ . _ ._ I _,:_ ' ,. _V ,;- . , H , ,. __ ._,4_ .~ _ A -,._.. . __. '- .,-:»- _ _ v. .. ..__; A: _. p - ....;» W . 1- .~; _~.,_ . ._,_ , ~; £.- . ' . 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G ~ed ; §.._ 5,5-"1. 1 = » r»_:-7'».-._ . .. _ . _-'- ;-~; -?" '.- _ -'__92'_j§.,; -4, _..._.~¢. . _ F ~_. -~§,-.*3vi_",_- -. ;,,»2.~- _~_:>,,'~.§.': -.- ".93-- -3 ,; ¬;.¬...§;:*-:~= .. -I!--"-. = 4" -_=":-aw;-._=~-.';,;~ :.."¢-'. ---5*}.-F; M - L . _..» ,. __ ._ ._ .._ i. _-- ~ 4-, ~~=_-.. 1 -¢" r~~__-.-_-~..... ;..!--- :4»-»~. _ .- ->4?!»"1 > , -1' ,. r .' .- " I 5.. "'-nu '- '5 5'.-'1 7:--F-"?'.l-1: '3-"'~.L'[".'r-5-.".' L -. ~- -""":>""& - ""1.-$;"}!:'-924;' ~»7* -3-'3. - f 7" --".' " " .: "F'- 92 . _ ...... _ _ . . ... -,_..;.. Ofyki .'~ 92 of septnber 1, 1985, the nutter of volunterily"going'fto Chioego 'vi'e;,fi_.'-*-1-;.~.;',-_':;§'§.a airplane wee diecueeod eith theee Ionemj Ire. Buyer readily egroed to go the next morning, butranle nu-non eaenet'Ii1lin¢ a1|d_ee1,l,___3f-q_-,.'92" C !92 I ~ . 4 5 _ I did not eoe the vane: tron 11:50 PJ. I,-I,-54, when they In-e -;3;=,-"-,'f§-;,- in oaqaeny with 84.0. I-Irena. .1100 preeent were lgente Diototein,'_ Oo1l1ne,; Hopton, tehenSooeyto e noerby end Petere. hotel, until 7 Bole e=oo ot thoeei.n.~ 9-e-:4.-f1 egenterneined not inso guardme duty flt'f_ ~_ T the hotel the pa-evionei night. Ihen I arrived thoeouen eeaeed tobe in e.- highly excited etete of nind and beyond all de5ree_o{ reaeoning,-'4 lid_eot_ ..',j talk to then or go in the two rocne they oooupiedp 3.1.0. Lu-eon e1lge,-,;._*.._- §~. t in and ettempt to quiet then end realm with then, but they §lQO lore and lore infuriated. Jinally they hogan eoroeaing and staging, end Ire, Buyer j could be heard nearing above the on. . Other gneete 1; the hotel en;-n _ we to oouo to the hello end ecuebody called the Lakewood, ohio, polioe. 'ihey' -;;~1, e I arrived in e few Iinntoe, eoompenied by e matron, and took the women to 5-." L. Q- .. police hoedquerterl. However, before taking them into enetody it Iae neoeef.--'-V rtI . eary to phyeioelly eubdue then an they openly taught the ottioere and matron.-"Y r I 1- I Agent I, I, Peters and I then returned to police heedquerterb where the,_."3I'_~» :»___'_;.i- .-.. {- women were en» looked up. 1 am not talk to the Ioxnen after thio,'but -: . 5;. wee present Ihen they were transported to the Cleveland .dirport,_~'lu -- t enter an airplane end watched it depart. - _-51-""~'_ . , v- _. ., .- . .- .,:.._ . ~'-_~~v,;.~., -~ ~ 5 ;'=-- . _" v ; -3- ._ - - '- -. J1? ,;-'. iv: _. r..:'-»-.~; 2_v be ' I have eince interviewed wynona Burdette in the Gounty Jail "lt";~-§_~ -, , v 4..."i Jacksonville, rlorida, on several ocoaeione, During one of these inter-,f- 7 ».. views ehe commented about the Cleveland, Ohio incident. ' I aelned her ihet h-I -1* caused her, lire. Sawyer and Paula Hennon to create ouch a dieturbanoein .. s» the hotel at Lakewood, Ohio,laet Septombeiu She laughed about the incig dent and eaid that otter being brought to thohotel, end Ihile talking together in the night, Paula Hermon made then agree to put up e tight-~ _. __ ; .._; with the agents the next morning, and that Paula Ieoreallytet tnebqt-+.'Yr. -. tom or the disturbance. ' ;- -21* -; V":-.j;-11-;*; i§»"P.-'".T"§'"-;~f.".;. 1'I~.{*"$" -"é-. .- - v. » , . - - ~ 9- - ' ' ' _. - 92_', ' T 1;; .! . .- '- ~':' Y ' '-._ ~~__-' I. »_ ' _".-'- r:_ I - -J I _-_. >__:____>... :. _,92 »_ ' _. _.i _' v_ H V __' _~ F. --._,~_A.' *4 __.~ -.1: ~ ,3-_-_ '.. __ w - ., .'» - - .-.' . - .. -92.- '. ~' , '. . . Y _ 92 " . _ - e _." ' '-_ ~1_ .,/ " . _- 1 . . . -- '. 4 7.; -1 92 . 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& I , 4 1 ' _ 92 I . ._ _ .-

Chicsgo,Illinois July 1, 19:55.

m:oa.~.m>m.: roe ASSISTANT nmscron HAROLD mam

RE: Accusations against Chicago office of the Federal Bureau oi Investigation.

Some time in the early part oi September, 1934 I accompanied Special Agent L. D. Socey to Lakewood,Q1io from Detroit, arriving in that city early on a Saturday morning. We called at the local police station where we found several other agents. We were advised at the time that three women were in custody although I did not know at the time who these women were and did not see them until Saturday During the remainder or this day Special Agents W. E. Peters, night. L. D. Socey and myself searched for fingerprints at one of the homes min- teined by these women and other members of the Bremer kidnaping gang, located on 140th Street west. An inventory was also nnde of all the furniture, household equipment, clothing and other articles in the house. Nothing was taken therefrom except paper evidence, such as laundry receipt s, receipts for other articles, and notes containing names, addresses and telephone numbers.

On the night oi this some dw, Saturday, I saw the prisoners for the first time in a room at the Lakewood Police Station and was ad- vised that they were Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdett. About eleven o'clock it was decided to take these women to a hotel as this would afford them better sleeping facilities than those offered by the Jail. Accordingly, they were taken by agents oi the Bureau to a hotel in Lakewood, arriving there about twelve o'clock midnight. Special Agent Hopton and myself v.-ere assigned to guard them overnight. Two rooms on the second floor 01 the hotel at one end of the corridor were secured; these rooms being directly opposite to each other On opposite sides oi the corridor. Inasmuch as these rooms were on the second floor, only a short drop to the street, I placed a large chair in the corridor at the entrance to these room in order to keep a watch on these windows. Gladys Sawyer and Viynona Burdett were given one room and Paula Harmon the other. Rae doors of these rooms were kept open but the roms were so situated that the women had plenty of privacy while M. Hrab

During the course of this night Paula Harmon appeared very nervous and wouldssart up out of bed every time a door closed or a board creaked, sane times shouting at the top of her voice. Gladys Sawyer and Wynom Bu-dett went to sleep as soon as they entered the theroom. In bed,in order plainto view quiet Paula Special of Eamon the Hopton writer kent sat talked on the and edgeyr orwith for corms nssrnornn ,_ 92 146nec11 I970 '15-" /_/7

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at least an hour and a half, reassuring her that nothing was wrong and that nothing would harm her. She finally went to sleep but it mu be here noted that Paula Hamon was at no time particular as to hm she exposed her body to view, seemingly not caring about this detail. When any of these prisoners wished to go to the toilet, they were per- mitted to do so, unescorted,and no one was with them while in that room, agents only keeping a lookout on the entrance which was situated about forty feet from the doorway oi the rooms, in plain view.

On mndey morning Special Agent Hopton went cut and purchas- ed breakfast and cigarettes for these mmen and they were permitted to eat together in one room. However, it was apparent that they were planning some scheme among themselves.

About 9.30 A.M. or 10.00 AJII. Sunday morning, Special Agent in Charge William Iarson accompanied by several other agents came to the hotel to get these women. This is the time when they started "raising the roof oft the hotel" as it were, some screaming and shouting, although no one touched them. They emphatically refused to leave the hotel. Special A1-ent in Charge William Larson went into the room to talk with them and I heard one of them say that they wanted the name and badge number of every agent present before they would consent to leave. Kr. Larson brought in Special Agent Peters and showed his badge to them. At that they began to scream at the tops of their voices, to the effect that they were being kidnaped and requesting "help" and"Police". Paula Eamon leaned out of the window and shouted her name to the people passing on the street, telling them to tell the newspapers, to tell everybody. _

Mr. Larson then placed a call for the Lakewood Police Department and in a few minutes several detectives rushed in, grabbed Paula Harmon and '.'4'ynonB.Bxrdett. Paula was carried outly two Lakewood detectives by her arms and legs, she meanwhile screaming, biting and kicking. I personally helped carry Gladys Sawyer from this room and down 't'he_.stepsto the police car parked in the rear of the hotel. Only sufficient force was used to carry than from the room to the ear and at no time were they struck or beaten in any way to the best of my knowledge. These women were handcuffed and driven to the local police station.

It was nu understanding that they here signed waivers oi renoval and afterwards were driven to the airport where they were placed aboard a chartered plane. I accompanied Special A;ents Cowley . ~ -3 .. ' Q

' . 92 .

and Larson to Chicago aboard this plane with these women. Lt the airport, we were met by agents of the Chicago Bureau office who escor- ted us to the office, 1900 Bankers Building by autombile. I had . nothing more to do with than after arriving at the Chicago office.

Q1 the following Tuesday I participated in a raid on another hideout of this "gang" at 71st and Franklin Boulevard in the city oi Cleveland aid subsequentlyax inventory was taken ct the articles therein. However nothing was taken except a machine gun and a .380 automatic and a Ford coupe found in the garage believed to be the property of Harry Campbell.

I have read the copy or the accusations made by Gladys Rita Sawyer and to the best of nw knowledge I specifically deny that they requested any medical attention; that they were beaten or stmck in any way; that the agents told obscene stories; that the agents displayed guns in their presence or indulged in dry shooting; that agents applied epithets to them; that agents applied threats to them, or that any property was taken from them. At no time did I hear them request the services of an attorney.

Respectfully submitted,


Spe cial Agent .


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Chicago, Illinois July 1, 1935

?~'_.cI.lOR£.I~IDUI-L FOR UR. FJJROLD NAI'HA.N, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR, m-roam. BUREAU ,OF,I1WESTIGA'I'IOI¬, UI!ITE.'D_ _s':,-ms nnpzmnmfr or Iq§'1:1cs=


The writer arrived on duty at the Detroit office on.May 23, 1924, assigned to work under Special Agent in Charge William Larson. During such assignment at the Detroit office the writer was given the Northwestern portion of Ohio to conduct such investigation as might Br1330

About the first week of September, 1934 the writer was in- structed to proceed to Cleveland, Ohio for special assignment on the Brener case. On or about September 7, 1954 Agent W. E. Peters, then the resident Agent at Cleveland, Ohio, infonmed Kr. Larson of the Detroit office that Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and wynona Burdett were arrested by the Cleveland Police Department for raising a dis- turbance in the Cleveland Hotel while the three of than were very much intoxicated. On September 7, 1934, during the early part of the eveni1;, le writer proceeded to the Cleveland Police Department in cugpany with Kr. Larson, the agent in charge, agent R. B. Donaldson and agent I. L. Peters. While at the Cleveland Police Department Ir. Larson spoke to Inspector Cornelaus Cody of the Cleveland Yolice Department and after such discussion Kr. Cody consented to releasing the three women to the custody of Kr. Larson.

In view of the fact that the women had raised such a dis- turbance at Cleveland, Ohio and being arrested at that place, Kr. Larson stated that he did not want any further scenes and also did not want the newspapers to obtain the plans which he might have to interview the women. Kr. Larson subsequently arranged with the Lakewood, Ohio Iolice Departmnt to permit the three women to be brought to that place for the necessary interviews. about the latter part of the evening of September 7, 1934 this time being to-the writer's best recollection! the writer, in company with Agent Peters, Donaldson and Kr. Larson, escorted the three women to the Lakewood Police Department and ihrb theChief of Police designated a roon adjoining his office where the three women were to be kept. Mr. Larson instructed the writer and Agent Donaldson whilehe, Mr. to sit Larson, with was Paulainterviewing Hermon, Gladys them sawyer one at nd a timeoinjaf WYRQBE B"T¢°ttadjoining room. L F . 11 &

COPIES 14 6 DEC DESTROY!-ID 11 I970 , 92

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These interviews with the three women had taken up the moot part of that first night and during this time the writer had made many ,t£1ps to the restaurant to purchase coffee and cigarettes for the three women. Fhile the writer made these nuerous trips to the restaurant, agent Donaldson would sit in company with the women.

All through the night the writer observed that the women were treated with courtesy by Mr. Larson and also by Agent Donaldson and the writer. The writer further recalls spending a few dollars for coffee, sandwiches and cigarettes, supplying the three wmn with the necessary wants.

The following day, September 8, 1935, Inspector Samuel P. Cowley arrived at the Lakewood Police Department and during the most pert of that day Mr. Cowley interviewed the three women, and in the writer's presenceexcept at such times as when the writer was sent down to purchase some food and cigarettes for the women. While the wozen were being interviewed Mr. Cowley was quite humorous with them and they responded to his jestures. The writer observed nothing but courtesy extended to the three women during that entire day.

The writer wishes further to state that during the time that the three women were being watched, Paula Harmon had made many trips to the lavatory, which was in the same room, petitioned off from the room in which we were sitting. On and during the day of the Eth of Zegtenber, 1934, Taula Harmon deliberately deposited her bowel movement on the floor of the room where we were then sitting. It was very obvious that this was done for the purpose of forcing us to take them fran the Lakewood Police Department. The writer recalls that the women and Agent Donaldson remained in the room and that the air was ratler foul. Immediately after Paula Hanson disposed of her bowel movement she apologized to the writer and Agent Donaldson and she stated that she had a weak stomach and also a nervous one. During the latter part of the afternoon of Sept mber B, 1934 Paula Harmon suddenly felt a nauseeted feeling and felt very badly. Inspector Cowley instructed hgent Donaldson to get a doctor and I believe it was the Police Surgeon who arrived and asked her if she wanted a little bit " of that stuff". Paula Harmon suddenly became panicky and said in a yelling voice to the doctor that she does not take any dope and for the doctor to please not give it to her. The doctor then gave her some pills for her nervousness and she then quieted down. To the best of the writer'srecollection the doctor then attending Paula Harmon at the Lakewood Police Department intimated that the girl looked like she needed dope tablets to keep her nerves quiet.

- 3 -

.". ¬ .~ * '. #4» V .»;_ »-~-»v=rw-: 1"-we : e » On the evening of the 8th or September, 1954, the writer observed Gladys Sawyer sign a waiver to be removed to Chicago b7 plane. The writer was not present to observe whether Paula Harmon or Wynona Burdett had signed this same waiver.

Immediately after Gladys Sawyer signed the waiver arrange- ments were made by Agent W. E. Peters to obtain some lodging for Gladys Sawyer, Paula Harmon and ynona Burdett. Such a hotel was located on Detroit Avenue at Cleveland, Ohio not very tar from th e airport. The writer w as hent relieved from duty and returned to the Carter Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, for the night.

On September 9, 1934 the writer was assigned by Special Agent in Charge William Larson to drive Inspector Cowley to the airport to make such necessary arrangements to fly the three women to Chicago. The writer was not present at the hotel where the three women slept and can not state what transpired at the t place.

On the day of the departure and before the women were taken to the airport, the writer was asked by Gladys Sawyer to get some cigarettes and the writer then purchased about six packages of cigarettes and gave two packages to each of than. The Lakewood Police Department with Agents of this Bureau then escorted the three women to the Cleveland airport .: ' 9

During the . a time th't t eh writer was with the women, and from personal observation, Gladys Sawver, , Paul a Harmon and Wynona Burdett Y.ere treated with the best of co tur esy and were given the thin gs they asked for and no harn was done whatever-

The foregoing statement furni, s edh by this writer, is the 4 ruth to the best of his knowledge and recollection.

Respectfully submitted,

A. DICKSTEIN, £»D:fW Special agent.



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July 1, 1955.

nmqaumua ma ASSISTANT nmncron mom mmg

Since Deomber 1 of 1930 I have been employed as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice. During September and October of 1934 I was stationed in the Chicago, Ill- inois, Bureau office of this organization and was assigned to an investi- gation of the Bremer kidnaping case. I have read a letter written in the handwriting and signed by Mrs. Gladys Rita Sawyer alias Sandlovich, which letter is undated, and directed to attorney Eugene D. 0'Sullivan of Omaha, Nebraska, together with a letter directed to his Excellency, the President of the United States, from attorney 0'Sullivan, to which was attached a copy of the letter of Mrs. Sawyer making certain accusations against Spe- cial Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I wish to make the following comments with reference to these accusations.

On Sunday afternoon at about 4:00 o'clock September 9, 1934, the late Inspector S. P. Cowley, who has since been killed by gangsters, advised me to come to the Chicago Bureau office, 1900 Bankers Building.

Shortly after my arrival at the said office three Special Agents from the Detroit Bureau office accompanied by three women arrived, saying that they had come in from Cleveland, Ohio. I had previously been informed that the three women, Mrs. Gladys Rita Sawyer, Paula Harmon and Wynona Burdett, had been apprehended at Cleveland, Ohio, where investiga- tion showed they had been residing with Fred Barker, Harry Campbell, Harry Sawyer, Volney Davis, William Weaver, Alvin Karpis and Willian J. Harrison all members of the so called Karpis-Barker kidnaping gang, some of whom have since been killed during combat with Special Agents of this Bureau and some captured and sentenced to life imprisonment in the penitentiary for the kidnaping of Edward George Bremer at St. Paul, Minnesota, on January 16, 1934. Investigation by Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that these men were most desperate in character and wanted by various law enforcement officials throughout the country for murder, kidnaping, bank robbery, etc.

-_¢» Upon arrival of these women in the Chicago Bureau office the late Inspector S. P. Cowley assigned the writer to interview Paula Harmon, Iho was the "moll" of the notorious Fred Barker. Special Agent R. C. Suran was assigned to interview Mrs. Gladys Rita Sawyer and Special



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Agent J. L. Madala was assigned by Mr. Cowley to interview Iynona Burdett = alias Walcott. Paula Harmon was placed in one of the small conference rooms located in the rear of the min office, while Iynona Burdett and Gladys Sawyer were placed in small coference roms in front of the main office at 1900 Bankers Building. The offices occupied by'urs. Sawyer and Wynona Burdett did not contain cots or sleeping arrangements on the day of their arrival, but the room occupied by Paula Harmon was equipped with an army cot, blankets, sheets and pillow cases. Toilet facilities were available in two different places in the main office.

Upon arrival of these women a matron, Miss Dorothy Horney, was present to act as matron for them during their stay at the Chicago Bureau office, and later at an apartment located on Sheridan Road, which was obtained for the safekeeping of these three women. Miss Horney acted as matron for twelve hurs each day while a Ems. Monahan, another matron, remained with the three women during the other twelve hours of the day. At all times these matrons were most courteous and helpful to the three women and accompanied them to the toilet rooms and assisted them in every way possible. Menus were obtained from.DeMet's restaurant located within the Bankers Building and the women were allowed to choose the food they desired to eat and same was brought to them promptly whenever they desired food. They were permitted to have coffee at any time they desired it. When they desired to clean themselves a matron accompanied them to wash- rooms where they were given every opportunity to keep sanitary.

Upon arrival of Paula Harmon and during the first few moments which I talked to her she cmplained of a sprained wrist and advised me that she obtained this sprain while in a drunken condition on the day of her arrest in Clevelan, Ohio on a disorderly charge. I instructed one of the Agents to go to a drug store and secure a small bottle of liniment and upon obtaining this liniment I administered the fluid to Paula Harmon's wrist, which eased the pain.

I remained almost constantly with Paula Harmon from the Sunday upon her arrival in Chicago to the following Friday night when, upon instructions fran Inspector S. P. Cowley the three women and several Agents of the Chicago Bureau office proceeded by autonobile to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, where an effort was made by Paula Harmon to point out to Agents a house which she believed was the place where victim Bremer of the Bremer kidnaping case was held while a prisoner. This trip consumed approximately six hours of travel and search. A day_or two later the women were again taken to Round Lake, Illinois, located approximately sixty miles from Chicago, where Paula Hanson pointed out to Agents a cottage where she, together with Fred Barker, Edna Murray and Volney Davis resided during the sunmer of l93o.

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Upon return to Chicago on that day I was instructed by Inspector S. P. Cowley to take the three women to an apartment whih , had been rented by agents of the Chicago Bureau office located in about the 4100 block on Sheridan Road. I do not now recall the exact address. It was mm. Cowley's belief, according to his statement to me, that the women would be safer at this point than at the Chicago Bureau office, as he feared members of the gang would attempt to come to the Chicago Bureau office in the Bankers Building, armed with machine guns and take the three women from custody of the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation. Mr. Cowley, who was in complete charge of the investigation of the Bremer kidnaping case, advised at this time that he did not be- lieve it practicable to place harboring charges against these wmen, due to the fact that they could probably be of much more assistance to the Bureau of Investigation while at liberty than should they be confined, but that it would be necessary to induce them to furnish all details possible concerning the gang'sactivities and to make every effort to insure their safety upon their release. Investigation at Cleveland, Ohio, by this Bureau showed that the male mebers of the gang, upon hearing of the arrest of the three women, left Cleveland, Ohio, and it was not known what their next step would be, their whereabouts at that time being unknown.

For complete infonmation concerning the admissions and infornation furnished by Paula Hannon, it is suggested that the sworn statenents furnished by her and directed to the writer be examined. These statements go into great detail as to the activities of the so called Karpis-Barker gang and their associates.

It will be noted from Paula Harmon's statement that she -;,;_¥,. cane from a good family in the State of Georgia, where she attended a T:-'.§ private girls school in her early years, but later married a nationally '6...» known bank robber by the name of Charles Harmon, who was later killed . _ ,._ during a bank robbery. She admitted that her automobile was overturned ,~ 314? near Lake Charles, Louisiana, about three years ago, at which thme she ,, ~. v ~35 suffered a fractured skull. She also admitted that at times she realizes KT,: ¬ -- that she is not entirely mentally responsible. .While in custody of ce§§§s Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during September of 1934, Paula Hannon was in constant fear of gang vengeance, believing that Fred Barker and other members of his gang wold possibly kill her and other ~::::$.$:?:::: female members of this mob due to the fact that they had became intoxicated §I§1§1S$$§1§I§<*I§1§I§1§1§in Cleveland, Ohio, and were picked up by police, thus causing this gang :1:l;1:?:3:l§1'¥$§:1:1:1:1:to lose valuable machine guns and other property in absconding from Cleve- land. On several occasions during the time of Agent's numerousinterviews :1:1:I:1:1;1:§I:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 with her, Paula Hanmon stated that she did not want to be turned free on the streets, as she was afraid she would be immdiately killed. Her

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_ confinement was thus voluntary at all times and she signed a statemait to this effect when she was released about three weeks later.

- While in the writer's presence, Paula.Harmon used very little vulgar language and after the first day her attitude toward Agent was very friendly and at no time did Agent use obscene language in talk- ing with her and the course of the caversation was always in conn ec onti either with her past life or her association with Fred Barker and other me-bm ere of this gang. At no time did this Agent ever display a pistol to Paula Harmon, nor did the writer ever see any other Agent of the Chicago Bureau office promiscuously flash pistols or other gun s in th e presence,ir although Agents were usually armed due to the danger element involvd in connection with the holding of these wmen.

Paula Harmon was perndtted to rest at any time she desired. Food was ordered for her at an time she requested it. At thmes in the night she would greatly embarrass the writer as well as other Agents of the Chicago Bureau office an the mtron on duty by getting out of bed unclothed and g oing t th o e drinking fountain. She was repeatedly warned that this should not reoccur, but evidently she was accustoed to walking around in the nude in front of anyone. As is set forth in her stat enent, Paula Harmon for several years operated a "call house" in the city of Chica andgo evidently this association prompted her unladylike actions while in the custody of Bureau Agents.

The writer seldom saw Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdett during the time they were held in the Chicago Bureau office. However upon theirtransfer tothe SheridanRoad apartment, Agent a emw sth on I four or five different occasions when Agent would go to this apartment to conf er wit ' Paulah Harmon concerning further details of her association with the gang. On the occasion of these visits to Paula Harmon, Agent often heard Hynona Burdett relating filthy stories and usi thng e most obscene language Agent has ever heard. This conversation was participated in a l so b y Lrs.I Sawyer. However, Paula Hermon, while in Agent's presenceI failed to use obscene language and Agent has never heard her relate a filthy story. While in mypresence during themany interviewswith Paula Harmon no drugs, such as twilight sleep or so called "truth serum were" used on Paula Hannon and no suggestion as to the use of a drug was ever mad e o t * A¢ent or in Agent 's presence. At no time did Agent strike any of the three before mentioned wmen and at no time in Agent's presence did any other Special Agent or employee of the Federal Bureauof Investigation strike or u thse i degreerd tactics on them. At no time did the writer ever

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hear any of the three women request the services of an attorney. As I have said before Paula.Harmon did not desired to be liberated, but was anxious to take advantage of the protection being afforded her by Agents of the Chicago office.

At no- time. dring my conversation with Paule.Hermon or the other two women did I ever infonm them that eny'members ofthe gang, their husbands or sweethearts had been killed or taken into custody, nor did any other Agent make such statements in my presence.

I do not recall ever having had a conversation with Gladys Sawyer with reference to e sentence her husband would receive should he be apprehended and convicted of being the "finger man" in the Breer kidnaping case.

Upon arrival at the Chicago Bureau office, Paula Harmon, Gladys Sawyer and Wynona Burdett had considerable money and property which was brought to Chicago from Cleveland with them. This property and money was kept in the Chicago Bureau office safe until the release of these women, when the property was returned to them after being duly accounted for.

During the course of my numerous conversations with Paula -e Harmon she informed me that she wanted forever to get away from the com- pany of gangsters and hoodlums and requested Agent's assistance in help- i; ing her to becoe enrolled in a business school or college in the City _,Y of Chicago and further assist her in obtaining a position should she , be successful in graduating frm such a school. On the day after Paula 5!"- Harmon's release she informed me she expected to return to her home in .3-I V Beaumont, Texas and later return to Chicago where she would pursue her 1.; contemplated education. About two months later Agent received a telephone . call, long distance, from Paula Harmon, from Beaumont, Texas, at which time she desired advice frm Agent as to whether or not it was Agent's opinion that it would be safe for her to return to Chicago and carry out W1 the plan which I have just outlined concerning her education. Inspector I "T:e-. n S. P. Cowley was present during this telephone conversation and advised if{S 3 me to tell her that it would be safe for her to return as far as the Federal 1'-"" Bureau of Investigation was concerned, but that she should do so of her own if free will and accord. VLA» ,_r.-1 Chen I last saw Paula Hanmon, which was two or three days . 1 >3 after her'rBlease, she infonmed me she was in desperate fear of Fred Barker and ember members of the gang and made the following statement, .3. "I believe I will go mad if I don't getaway from here, because Ired will -


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1 be looking for me in Chicago or near here". .»-,0,» ' I am submitting the abowe information concerning the accu 51? e 1+; eatione of Mrs. Gladys Sawyer and I wish to state that in my opinion as a Special Agent of this Bureau these three women were afforded un- ~ 11.22 usually kind ax courteous treatment while in custody of the Federal __,. , _92_,. Bureau of Investigation ami that the charges made by Mrs. Sawyer are not only ridiculous but grossly untrue. Ls to whether or not Special Agents played poker while guarding these women either in the office st the Bankers Building or in the Sheridan Road apartment, I do not know, except I know I sew these women playing cards with eome of the Agents who were guarding than on tun or three occasions, but I saw no money, and it is not aw opinion that they were gambling for money, but were merely assisting in occupying the minds of these three wanen while they were in custody em in making their confinement as pleasant as possible under the circumstances. 1 Respectfully submitted,


' ~14» R. D. BROWN, -ll Special Agent. is P.DB:lJ} :21


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.~»- +»»§1.:*»iriY-»=-at Lt? v___r__§:13F M N_ _7 WA _f _ W_N _I 1} Lakewood, Ohio september 9, 1934

We, the undersigned, do hereby state that we are willing to be transported by ar-eoplane from Cleveland, Ohio, to Chicag¢,I11

and f9211"t}°1" state that this trip is being, made of our own free

811 8. HTIHOD

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Wi tne s se B COPIES DESIRUYE 146 DEC 11%¬6,>es _. _ -.._ ~ '~'_. "_~__,! >_-t:,..92_.- v_>.~,.;v92e~2- , _.z ,. 0 ._v,.

September 25, 1954

Received of J. L. Madala, a Special Agent in the Division

of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, at 1900

Bankers Building, Chicago, Illinois, one purse containing the sumof $1.00 all other property belonging to I8 '

which this organization had in it's possession since my

arrival in Chicago, September 9th, 1954.

Q Yfynona Burdett

UUYLES D'E$'11:U92:.I' 14 s mac 11 '9"{


" ~ - =--1 i .. .- /~,.-_- v L _ _ _ _ _ ,_ W

92 92 ¢ -



Septemlaer1954. 25,

Received of R. D. Brown, a Special Agent of the Divison

of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, at 1900

Bankers Building, Chicago, Illinois, the sum of $600.00

in the form of six one hundred dollar bills and one diamond

ring which property has been in the vustody of the Divison

of Investigation since my arrival in Chicago, Illinois, on September 9,1954, andall other property this organization

has had in it'spossesion belonging to me. W /47/ !/1..»//'»v-A/

Paula Harmon.

-==~.. >fT$'5' 1% §bs'

corms nssmomn 146056 11 1970

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September 25, 1954.


Received of J. L. Madala, a Special Agent in the Division of Investigation,

U. S. Department of Justice, at 1900 Bankers Building, Chicago, Illinois,

one purse containing the sum of $50.00 and all other property belonging to

me which this organization had i itn s possession since my arrival in Chicago,

September 9th, 1954.

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September 25, 1934

This is to certify that I, Paula Harmon, have been in the company of Special Agents of the Division of Investigation, U. S. Department ofJustice, since September 9, 1954 ofmy ownfree willand choice,in an effort to cooperate Iith this organization in the solution of certain crimes. r

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September 25, 1954.


This is to certify that I, Iynona Burdett, have been in the company of Special Agents of the Division of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, since September 9, 1954 of my own free will and choice, in an effort to cooperate with thin organization in the solution of certain crimes.

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This is to certify that I, Gladys Rita Sawyer, have been in the company of Special Agents of the Division of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice, since September 9, 1954, of my own free will and choice, in an effort to cooperate with this organization in the solution of certain crimes. é_4_@_é[email protected]<7~/

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corms nnsrnomn 1400£c 11 1970,= ; I. Y : :1 ' l t U M t.-* K 92

Chicago, Illinois September 12, 1954

I, Gladys Rita Sawyer, age 58, do voluntarily make the _ following statement to R. C. Suran, Special Agent, Division hj of Investigation, U. S. Department of Justice without any ' - -' - threats or promises being made to me. _ , _, , I have been married to Harry Sawyer for eleven years and we1],, _ have made our hone in St.__ Paul, Iinnesota all during ;' F -,1-Y... married life. We have no children but have incur custody,-_g. ~ , _ V _e five year old child, Francine Faughnan, whenIe have _+'_;_,{i* ~ taken care of since Jamlary 21, 1955. lb presentaddress 1I~..I_»'_=__,__.';;_. Dayton Bluff Station, route #4, St. Qaul, llinnesota. I havefjZ_;~;';I *1 never known my husband, Harry Sawyer, to be in any other; A _,

' business.__. e;:cept_boof»1-888,3-118St. Paul,_Iinnesota', in ;_-5 ~'*_:" A paatmtvelve various times at 545 Ylabasha Avenue;545 WabashaAvenue, and " _-Z ' 541Wabasha Avenue,all inst. Paul, llinnesota.. The buildi1gs1f_Z_<,_' located at the above addresses are owned bythe Schmidtp, ; d _ Brewizg Company inwhich Adolph Bremer1'_amily ;if;}_ havega '. __ interest; 7'T-"5'-Q!» ;», ";-1; ;""_-'§-' ;-{it " .- _ . . . 1,.- --7 ». r '~ .; . v ,5-» 9'.< _. |_,~v< - .4. » __.- _ .3 p. _., g__'f'_ __ _.... --_._'. _»- -_."._

E 1 ,,...... 11,-*'has 1;.;..nG game" ¢...g;'¢;;.;;i.1r¢.;i,.;;; it ¢ 4 years. The acquaintancehesbeen ofabusinessnature and-;>;"=._;'fj,;;;_ 'I have done businessrith the CommercialState Bank, St. Paul,{";-j-',;;-*5 - . Minnesota, of which EdvardGeorge Bremeris an officer for .r. the past eight years. The 'financia1'tra'nsactionsI havehadf'_;*._f, with the Commercial State Bank have been in my namealthough, Harry Sawyer, myhusband hashad a joint interest in the said 5 transactions. '/_ - ~ __ e_ Q'__;-7;-;~;Tj'~_ *4 - Harry Sawyer hasknoim EdwardGeorge Bremer:55 5 of ' years.- ' d. e-I y .,¢ - - _ - . _ _ . uv t M I .__. . 1 -'_ ~ , _ . ,Vv- .,' 92> _ -~- -- 92 -~_ . _ ..»_ - _ .~ . , .- I-92. - _,_ ~_40 . '' -'. . . _ . » _ . | _ __ - V _ __~ , . I was in St. Paul, Minnesota in Jammry 1954 at which time i considerable publicity was being given to the kidnaping of_ .- J Edward GeorgeBremer, mentioned above, at which time I had l_lO_' ea M idea as to the identity of the persons responsible for this'_j."_. - J - kidnaping. I also recall that early in February 1954 I-Kr."§."§¢?'§7, + IF 1 Bremer was released by his captors and considerable publicity Y_'f' was given to thia. , .T_.: _ M I if P _- _»"f:i__ _L ;92,_;_;,_.,>;__.< 3 R. V _,__ I H _ ii»; _ _ -_--hf _,92_._-}_*._:._. ._._. Y. . ., ;_.: >1 _, -'11;_ -_._ . . _. '_~" ~- ; _ 14'_, ' __ W;-_=-.,'.-..,_ .5-::.,-92. _.-. -;92 _-. __ __ _.: -;_ --_,,.,_-__: ,_ ' Several days afterthe presscarried thenews ofjth'erelease of ~"';"'.- _ . - Edward G. Bremer, my husband,Harry Sawyerpstatedpjtole "The ~ -- boys got along pretty good". at this time I tpressedihim - -'" as to what he meant and he said "Freddy and Ray" and I knee 1-1"":-e 1 ~ '" referred to Fred Barker and Alvin Karpis when I had personally r.;~., known for over a year. I took it for granted that he refer1'ed~T?-i-1 G

~~-~-~e - ~ -.--....._---.- § * .

..| 7.- 92 4: Q - 7?: _ _,_ ,,{_.~_ I, if _;:___. ._,::=:=._92_Eg. L , _ " '5*-4~"'-ls ""' ""'A*_ ' """1_@; ~_6- ~~>*92 -_Qg,ar- -~ 92- e .!:~.~.-.".»:1:4.~.~..;.;._.,;:;:.__._.;:;._._.;.;.;.__._.§:;§._..;.;._:_.3_ - ~ ' .4 I 92 _. _ _ - ' I ' _ N. 1* e ¢ - ' ' ,-I -A .' Z -|L . >5 H,-4 - ' ~ - ~» ~...._ . _ 1.-.». . _ -. p . -; ~ . n. . W , 1 H.40 92 ~ K _92 . '" , . ~ w" F ,_ ' ._1 _ 1 / . Q 2 3 _ -. ~ :2 _ .- _ ~ ,5 _- V , x to the kidnaping of re. Bremer although he am at so state.hi.:_' ~.'v.I-~;If%_-" - I Harry Sawyer did not go into full details about the ease but 1- _",»1»4§,;,*f. "-1* / from time to time within the next four or five months I obtained e : the information from Harry Sawyer that in addition to Fred Barber "Le-_ .1. " and Alvin Karpis the other personswho assisted in the 3'. ».;j' of Edward George Bremer were George Zeigler, who I have sub-, ~ I"-;{_%. 4 ; [I Sequently learned was identical with the late Fred Goats; ' -if:-4' _» Arthur Barker alias "Doc" Barker, Volney Davis, Harry C-ampbelljy .'f'_; . . ~ - and Bill Weaver. I had net all of these individuals named at _'-' -- 1 :§'#='!' :1 ~11 Y my husband's place of business on Wabasha Avenue, St. _Pa11.L§if.':{.-*¢_§.y' .' . I. "_ 4- ' _r .1.-~ Minnesota from time _to prior to Jannary,l9§4.'§- ..;_. VA -_ 1 ~'- ' 1.v-_. 9 r my » "It was Ia month or vnore after the're1'aé*u..-_°_t ' it ' 5 1 =. -4:4 1 >~ f. "._ u s that Harry Sawyer, admitted to no he was the finger nan! I ."' __<';_..__;a....y.1;.;- I ~ »§ ,,92| + : "H , . -- mean that it was Harry Sawyer who pointed out !Jdward_G,"A'Brel|ér,;*;-"" ~; - . L - e. 1, to one or more members of the gang and identified hie 1l8'92-l'J1e_'_.§...¬_".;'_d-.--:_~1:?_'. --._ T 's ' I.-Mi . ',i s prospective kidnap victin;-;;,.',@-* ::;i'_=y__-,; ';tI;""j" . :"_ -'._.s . _. ' _I' . I92 Y. ' '- "- ~ .1-1 ,-~~.-*--'~. '{o}q;f ';_~_ - ~_'l'he_ ransom money which I understand was $200,900. was paid =.;z§.%f @_ ,._. .0 ._~-. g .one orxnore members of the persom who were in on ythekidneping§{'j---_li?'i~. J I.-' r "'1 doynot know which member or members of the above named _-,-,=i§'_;-f1~;j' ..' . '1--'11".. » {-' 92 i - . V ~ -.. _ - . -'~ 1 . _..Mt ~_ . » - ~~. , , . .114 ,- .". - . I : - e . collected A1. ,~ ~ I " Y ., the 3"- _ ransom .'_ .."; money "I xi" from, .1*r'-I the .',f- . "*.:» :;epresentat_ive,of Q ".20" ._d.-'r%~.." 'r7~i the 92'7~;~"J"-.5':";-._"_3'.925' Bremer;;'_§f_f:§ : _';',. '.1 __l_92_-..__h fat. 1".-0 _ " _ -K - I __ . _ - ;_ . 1._. '1 -D, .. . A ._ ,.-,___ _92a .::'~,:_ . _ V - __ ... r_, _;-.g_ 4 ' .1;-J ,. "1-_-"Mp1_;:id>v:'92__?_"_ __ » W - V. 92 . . 92 fmilfs l :91: - ,'-:,.'-'41 '- -_"" '> ZR. '_'7l'¥', .-III. 5 ~;.~J'>»: .'§"£'~_."V,92_ . > rs P - I.. ,¢ a,. .- . . -' ~ 1/ .. @- ii ;92e=."92-'h The $200,000 raww we vb 15¢ divided eiz1='fivar=;1=he Qiéhih.-5* a-Dur -.1 ' ' individual supposed to shareras a man named to me only -1' ~,§-'_7;i=;'.f5-.;l""."- ..._ _,._ :§_ v' ;..-- e Ht. "Monty". I do not know what part "Monty! too-ac in the abductidnié . ._; . __.2 4 - 2.-I . or Edward George Bremerbut he was _an associate-of some member",-;. 1 '-._:7-'A ~ . of the gang.; "Monty" was to _receivay_a percentage the amount;/I. ,.._'~.<-1-g . I s 't .- " ,; - >.'l _ 71,, '-, a i " of which is unknown to me-"'.." ";.-_.?-'j-f~_'-**- 4- I I ,a.4_ .v - ." .. - ' _ ~ '~ . '-~ -.4. 5" -" 7"! " : '='..>..i-§-.-}'7'---"--'- _924 '*- i '- -- . FF: :~"~'7* ii »'-'~,1.¬'-;¢*.'*.ll'.,;"l=i"#2-F§"I;':.?;-5*--"§v» 92 92. _" 1; .,-_' , ~-sQ- V Ivdo not know where Mr. Bremer was held and 3any';statements"tf'...i,'i7I;§;;§-'j;_:T;efA ., -4 7¢ - - §:""|, K -", , a . .' '» made in this regard would only be'my dpmjopinion," formedfnostl.y'-;*1;1f};__;:_.pi ~',-'._- A. .~.;-Y . Y . , _ from statements appearing in the press, supposed to have if-'..~l.»; » I . v 34. . _ ~ from llri._Bremer and I would__conclude he held in_'H :Ihj,ca'go,__jf|[li,;:f ~.'. " 92 -- - inois or vicinity, ."_,;-if. r__;:;_:-_;_;_;_;3,,-=;;;.>;<.§;a_;,;;;;;~.» 1 - 1 .f;._ ."..~'; , :-~.-_.. .- 92- 1-.-. " ' :"~9217 in '--§ -- - ...§ ._-;-r . P -'_ *» ér - x 92<_. - ' '_ . J .-. "- =:'.~- '"'.";-} -" .- i; .3. . a'~.:"~v;".'_i_'.-L-5'1 l ."-.' . '-" . ,~_, ; 1- '-'- - 7- _~- __.<_I ~ _ ' -_~:'_;'. __q,-. :_- ;=1-~. A_ ._.v-,'-5' ta _- .'» . ~".z-"1 '.---,1!" ./:**4f-'.~=';.=-. J" -'- " ""' '" ~ .¢ -.' , _r » __ , -. 1.,<~_e_;'_, ___> '.; '_'. ---', 1-_->7 ._'. ' I .3. -'3»:-T;;."'_-'.§C.;?' _;.._"$lim§' .. .-.».,,. I-hens, DI-';JOS8ph P. lloran, Jimmie Wilson 4 H or . . - 0ili4e'B'erg.~1,¢,-kli. :33, ,_<"'__"_ i-tr twat! . e-._ . I I1'm°w' of persona 13yf+;1{¢=;. m'>é§ pf 1.1m" "B<>s5* .l!¢.I~wsh11n; :;- ?- '- a_.._.:<_-,<.;"$-:,: W '- V~_£_§-;;.;;, ._,_ _ "John and have McLaughlin received :1-j.; no_ _Russell informationwhichGibsonialias would "sm-connect thesej;,:@é-;-E:-',f;iF;,-z;~ a + = * V fl!" "_' .,_!- |."§»"-1,. '1 Gray, ' alias; Q-s1'*,-'1' E, Y

/.' - 4;; ._ _--:.v_-V r '*_~',_-;:°-I r,». _92 J" -fg'; MI ___. _ '1"51'1'§"1F V _:_>. -!~ __;. ,. _ '1th.t5¢.31Bm¢1 .,. _ .-> _ .. -,7 .5 .__ . _A B.hi92i¢ti°'B1*35-:1-'T7'é#?5?f_ 92- . .,_;_ Vr:._"_._v _,_ , '_ _, _k & __ I-/_ V ;~'i'-51?FY"f:'3.;'%i§%§3%*L"§:-*5i$ '5 ~_-_;_~ _ . u _ _. ._ »_~'- _., _._' .K___- 92T3 - _92 3- ., _ 3., ->' Ly ._- I ,2 ., 1 T _ - . _ . I 0. , 1 tr J!-Q :31 301 0" 1 a ¢ a - "Q ",3--,'__ '-;;'¢_'_~ if :1 _ T-' ¢ 1 L » . Q. 1;; ;;";*_-: " .' 52;--I : __-.,1t.1'_;92T_,-":,'.'~_".7-£l~;~. -:9, ;; _ ' - _ _ _ '. . ._.- F 4 - ., '44.- <1 ~ -I~~..n - "- = ' Sawyer has told he not eientire _d1'vieiqn;=-;.; .1?-J¢_'Y'*,' ._:_ - A _ or the_ ransom noney .eojl.h_cted_ free the Brenner .-Iamily 5' viii. " Exception entire aaount of t.he,amo92mts,"'921n1mown;t'o had been exchanged torumnarked _noneyhe,which have with "ah-onthe y b.4n"'1**>=;;.§~~¬' "1 J "l';' >'

"'-.-' .-f'~*-_'-~.l*~If&.?l1.. éi .e-$- '__-.'_'!1¢hanged am the lhareyotthe . - ransom Ihich. . ~~~' .._.- n .'92 ~5- -..~ n. *.---,' gif-;__,.~....'e;; .-,~~_1.;.. - ~-~ given ' "to 7o1ney~Davis 2 'and Bill .Ii_eaver,Ihohave7eeased»'-to '~ , » . close - ~ - -*%:'~ '.:..92,;_,1. '1 I '4?-.:~r..'*; 1iF?F- ="v~ 999°? F13 1-5°? 59"?! 01' 5 1.B-¢!-l$-1=.-.- .»I*» rive Red -- J " A ."'T§". . ?»."".': ., '92 '1 _" ~' J."-S M: ;¢_§-I °" 1 ~-'. --_> » - -'.., _ 92v" '.. -.- ., 4--».~;*& . 1;.q;_ > V ,H_ ,'~"--a,?-0;; _. Q »,§*-i-;.-» ,._-'g -»4 .¢~ _. .-...'1+& ff ;v A . ;,,_. __~ . r _. >,-pf ._-_.'." - ', _.'$ .1 .'..r'_'- _- ~ 92 0-: I .5 ~ 92 . "r.-. .~< _.,,-,,,,~,g,}; ,,,," . g. ,, ,7. ~.- , s _ ,. *~ Ii" ax*' ..1;¢$'-P|.s;zg- 1i""' Q ii» ' kw: r . . ___§~v»--as-Q-elmlimicnan-lmp-.-».-¢-. - _ A Q1? , » ' .~.92g=~'~.<-~* '2 ~ ' Ci 6 a s

- 5 - . 92 . _ V V I desire to state that it is ly understanding that with the -- exception of perhaps, Bill Ieaver, and the individual known » , ., _ as "llonty" and whom I have never seen, the kidnapers of Iolard "_- ' G. Bremer, were the kidnapers of Killian Han Jr. of St. Paul, T llinnesota. Harry Sawyer was in no way connected with the : ' ",, 0 " 1 v kidnaping oflr. Ham. » _ -s _ ,,-1 $4' of .. _-__ . The above facts as I have stated them were obtained by ls - 1 _ * 4' from time to time from ly husband, Barry Sawyer, as the other _ _ A members of the gang have never in my presence discussed eithr _ '3 92 the Ham or Bremer Iidn8p1!Ql.',» I _..;._ V __V ~;_; _ t '._~'"* J P 92 Barry Sawyer obtained information that the U. 8. Department ct, ;' I n_ 1-. ' Justice was seeking him for questioning in connection with the p V Bremer case so Harry and nyeelf accompanied by Francine Fmghnai1__'f- ' ' 4 . -,_. "» I. V left st. Paul, Minnesota shortly after the lat of iprn 1954 in . - .92 _ . . v . .f_ -V I p _=, . -_ our Plymouth Coupe and drove to Fremont, Nebraska where '_»_,,;'_L;. r .5. u_92,__ 92_. _ _ .. _ ~ '.1._ - .' 'Plymouth Coupe, was traded in for ya Plymouth Coach which latter :3-,_j, _. Ia, car had been secured at Lincoln, Nebraska _by_'Ray Sandlovich, J I.~" ', -V,_ .-~.;__ _¢'.».',. 1- - " ' ' ._n ,' -3. _ _.,_ V, _ _ my husband's brother, who resides in Lincoln, Iebraska.f_{1~ _-,;' *,;'_j_l'=;';1*,_.__, , _ 1:5 , . ~ ', y: Y -' "» *- 0 -a 1 ' think the Coupe was registered in llinnesotaunder. the nae cf. ' Q .'r_~'.>,_.' _ .: . -*-' __-~ z.»"," , 92 1 I, . Frank Jones but I;-knoeithefcdach :eas.1-egistered under the .??;:;~i;' l_'92 - "_p. . i . - a . 4 . ,- . of F1-ank.Janes. in the state otliebraska. In were only 111,-Qlfff»-Q_:"fF:".§:"1;_ I ' ~.,. _ P-.".-r"--."_ Fremont 1 few minutes. Ieproceeded an the Coach arr1r1r¢'ar;_.¢-_ ..;~*_" 92f>'f ' _ ~_ - :, . Y L _vg_. ..-. r.»~4n" r . ~_- ._ _ ,V, Las Vegas, Reveda shortly after themiddle of April 1S54.@,Ie I »- ...~.,-Q.."v, ,_ ~-11' I ,. .stopped at various tourist camps between St. Paul,_Iinneata-I 51.! " .j.?o ;.n-"» '_ 4-K 71'.,. 1 _.--r -j~ ' F _.._. and Las Vegas, Ueveda. it La: Vegas wefirst stopped -at >-r -7.. .. ,__ v. 1. , _ _» §.. . ._ _. ,..,_ Boulder Hotel under the me or ur. ard urr. Frank James / .. - " I . later began living at various tourist;-_ camps in the -'~ " ._: r'_ .~ - ,~ . _ ,._~:» I! " ,- I 4 _, J _. of Les Vegas. Harry Sawyer at first thought he would open a'_f- J; 1.,-'1 , _ _7_!-__. 4. ~ ---I :.. 4 - saloon or gambling place in Les Vegas but 1&TBr,_ _;hanged __ 4!. . _.' "'r 4 "' II V . so : -Z : V F "_ '4-About the middle of lay 1954, I returned to st. Paul, nunnesdta by train to see my doctor, who is Dr. Henry Hall, 1878 Je1'ferson_f; '__ ~ -5 ' - r_ ' '1.. -1-, , .. Street, _1rhich_hous_e located at that address is lay '1>ropert'y_,n',§ siwitb,.!1?1@1!5i1.§3%i?;;¥o§g?¢- . I._ ''.- ¢ ~ _ -» ', , ., L -er' - »_' ~.' 21.: .~.' - .3- of-ours whoare guilty of no wrong doings and - whose . names_I*¢oj?-'7f':f»?T11=i___*. .1 N, '~ ',"_I"'.-.'_;t; $5; ._f'§17-I - i'j~,?|- . ~!T| *'»~ -/not <>8-176. to reveal, to have them forward ,_any_ma_i1 they_mightd1*Orr~-Q-7;~_ V, >; ;- 3" -H; '-- -/3." ~, 1; _"- 3 ~ - J. =_i¢.n ;,-_;_' '._,-r .1; _-~-__;;_-_._ .929_',_,:j". .,; arf, e -P,-~.;; .~ *,;-- .0 -.; ".~.°1'_°.**°.L '41 -~_.>.--» 1'3?! . -» ~ >-~ -- -as-» -1» »,/-_>.'-_-_=x_ TI! .- 3*,_i1§~":i V jv ._=':_g;=%'FT:ri.;g-§1r§"§' ~ .s*~ - :~'f -,'-' .-- :r;~ i _ _.s .1 ,3, vs . , -r r Zr, ¢*"*e-.-_»I-:'_: T '~;'=~'~f-, ~. . -1-. _-. Y ~~ »;-=1 :3" =." :1 3'; Y».-train I saw and none went o!_th'e_r to Qaaha, gang in plebraskaduereSt. Paul rd 1. .5 ,,>*__'. "»~.>:=-1,: -+1» ;-.-"4 3': .¢ - which was approximately ten days.'f I .,!V_. . .. -J;"_' 92 Q Q-.~ _" .:,.-e ea ,,m_?,-_- v¥=.~.#~-- ~ ,- :_=d.f-.§.;*~T,'1d_ of the L V ,,_,-'___-5*; ,3»: Ii,--_; -_ '; *;;~,;~ _-,;-"_!¥1; ;"*»:'. *.' ., American Airways pr the United Airways _, l V __ {,5-._' ',;.t-*?~.j;'.»i"' .3; ,-_.; .'=.'Y'1-7: $51-- ',T ;_."~,r 1 .1". " "V -1-.1 1 ~ ,-11¢ *4.-; ' X} :"1;»*>iQ- -, F .' :"l=~" V__§_:;e..';._- 7»~?'§;<-9.:-i ._:-._-4'5: ---= -92___ f*§¢7'».*+.".~§&_'~.."».' _. ,.. _'_ '._-s -:92_ '_- ,_-.,_f-~11 _» ' » 7. .___ -__,._' >_ ;__, L ' - _ - v ~,~-'_;_ - ~ . xi. -_-Wt,-_~ 1-,. - Y . '-. .1. - e g e_. ._ v > ".-' .~ ,6 ~_ .-' . ; I. ~ 2' W-92":""! .'=1= , -_ ,_ . - '3»... -~ -._ . ,.<~ _ -_. i. .1. l"- " 5»? J-' -. _ ¢ £_"i§'#";.:lk~$.92'-,-,]_ . - .. - -=--":-- _.>» ~. ;-1 _- ._ 1*. 4,0, -1:; , F L . f 1' --. - - -or ,-,- ~u*"~ 41- V= iv .». --Y -, ; .r y- .e Z.y,*. .--"- . _ R n Y ,4-92.>__: ._'_ _ T? 4 . , 1; r < L: I _,'. ._ 3:. .__ F .l , ;~ -. wvq . _- .7 _Q; , ,-.-_~.< _,,_. _. ,kv _ i-_: . R _ .. I. ._ $5 ____ i. _ __ 5 _.__»..._~ H I, 5. 1, 11 v ,_!;f{Q'::g92:_~:_ Z , 1 ,.,_ _. 0, Q , V , 1 v -.. r . .' . . . .~.. - _r -».. '4 ~ . _v,. -.-. _.___ .92 _'_. - ,._ .--J. _ _,_, ._-_,'.-. : - _ . . p,..-. -_-2

2 -".-nee -""' *~ ' Y_:..___._,,,....-a-Q»-.-g_.__ -.,-~~*---~~ »~__ -~ _-~_.. _ ., ,_,___,...... - W1-Q, /-~ ,1 . " . gs > * ! > 92 - Y ~_~4<;-1 92 _ , ..__1 ' Y» '. e I had been heck in Lea Vegas withmy husbandabout twoweek! if ;;A_ when wereceived a letter from Alvin Karpie from Clevelaml, K ohio, stating "dropa line c/o GeneralDelivery andcone on back". I do not remember the name I used in addressing the » "-,,.--.'@j.T5_ letter to hin but I did write and advised himwe wereleaving -i1*_-i';.;'1,§'_',::- _ immediately. I do not know who secured the address fro: ' hi;Tie Pfieffer. , Q - = . g Y - - ~;- i -3?-.'.;-"Iv-*" Harry Sawyerhad aoldhia car and -weleft Lac Vegas by ,>;:_f"A ;1-f_, shortly after the receipt of the letter and proceeded __1i4;-_.'';;§; Cleveland, 01110via Chiago. After our arrival in c1eva1=m,--V.:.j>;»,;;?».";> -£11; Ie expected to be net by some memberof the gang but no,mn_ .§_,'1_¢}_.é.}i'__-* vaa there to meet uaand going to the Post Office we fculi-If-' , that Alvin Ea:-pie had not call for the letter I had written .e-1. _ -1- ' him fromLee Vegas,Nevada. Ie then wentto the Clevela:I!,_=;f.§:,»=_.%_?j§§2~Q* ., ,. Hotel and registered aaxlr. and James. T1irote'_iu§ .*'.=;:;_~ Karpis anotherletter and two or three days laterllvina i-.5 _' ;-1. nu-pufana DoloresDelaney cameto the Cleveland Hote1§'at_ 92 net ua. We thenwent withthen outon !1amiz1go_Stree:t;;o-:T_f:;§,;,;¢>.::11*?.-.f.".;? middle of June 1954' "'."'-'=;,-'.#~ . 3;--~.-, 7»:';"=;.-,7-»'-Y"?'="1"_T'l-_l,.'J» 1? "~~ "l:i.*-"=§:-.a_'#.2t>&57 - , I, 7: P J" ,-- "-'-r v ~ { ".3 "Q n-c 3.-,;1_;,- .-92'.

I ": , 4 0 . ' r Q -0 ~' hay 7J -_ X ". '492:1 .-.. v F '<-I-:7" =*'§ .':?IrA5::*"'*" nu i "Fec'='l.'~'_~-_.1i'Q: 1, 5 it a _;. We stayed there about two at the end 't1lle'I'f'liI,'-1.,-l_${-;_~___ ' . 3 ~ . to return to St-__Paul whereIunderwent a major operation atg.>:?_-~_7_*?- . .the Midway hospita1._ I "was confined in thehospital under ': correct name from about July 7th to July 25th, 1954. , my confinementin the hospital; Paula Harmon fcamefrom ,Ci.eveland;_"3 v _ Ohio,: __ y.. A to- St.' -u Paul" .. .-. , for.. -_Y'-a-"_":__~.'.-'..»..> . :-~,:- ~-y ".' - '-I.'.'-$y _ _ -Q- ;_; --. ~. ~- .'vn~',,?';;':;>1+~f;-',,;.-Q;e'¥J';>7x n *'<"' 'I -' ' -" "e" »'""- "I-F " ' ¬ ''.-' : " '92.-' Li/Q" ~.--p!-77 <.:i'7 792-.'I~3?*"'¢<.-'1"'f.:..-'.:-W-i'.¢ 2 », ,- Ired Barker in where wjevisited one daygwith Mrs. Katherin Ba:-leer, mother ,j:>i;,~.#'=-*;-».;;;;.n=-r_v»'_¥;;';-fji- -1 Fred,atan ap-artment on wesouthjsidel Chicago,"th_eof _aaa:=¢5@-f{';;*?aY;:§;1-'=*~ » or which I do not mi-'1-re?1»-= It -¢ II Z: . .___ =_;_l_3, _.»__ V :.F;;;_:-i4.>:;..i&TV.:__. :_A_-_¥ll:;2I>:__.¢>:7_"-_:.'l .¬_$~92 .A;K_. ,1: I returned to Cleveland, Ohiorabout Augustlat, 1954 and wont';;~';.'- n " *" ' "directly to 1.0515Parkhuret Drivefwhere FredBarker . an-1I Paul_al_;F,=4. . .. .1, - V_;-,;»~ Harmon _livingwere togetherin an apartment; -..; _a already therehaving remainedin Clevelandwhile I_waain t.he.;};.;_--;;T 'I. - . _ hosf>ital.'and - Harry Istayed therea 'fen{_day'e ¬' 1; and FredBarker atthe end_'o£'_,which_time"yfo921r_c_!,'-unmoved f>;,¢_;;,;,I-3-~,-,;,f=r;g,r?= ahouse at4419 I.-171 Street; wherewe 'I§;'Qtl1T,lI§'01'l__l711B_BfO:f-*f§,Q'§§:,".f v 92¢_>'.---Z,» of»Wv41'1e5t. Q19?-.1.§1i<33 1*» 995-5¬i?**°**b¢r 011-1?, T..'-f.:~e...<*--.; 92 __,_ if_ 2- 1-'~'~.-2-..' - ._~;§-ma '~ "~~ ;.»_;."-#5., ~ 1 . A x 311"-'*92.t*'.»92-3."-F-3 -'~*-1--7.»? ~ ' . :. ' ~ * V 3 Y . _ .. *',:.*"§- - $1 F: - ' I 5'- F kl" _.g:: _:>';<~-'2» -. -.21" *' ' L *.'-,i"',.'_ .'Y"- a T " e - I- M - -e. g».-.¢» "'5- ,1-,,....._,...,' _ v ' -V4 '_§-',.-_"'.?,-.'3_"'-3 -,.¢ 5', t ; '1-1 if.5' .' . ' -. J3{ >03*-3 I-i.-Q. Hg;~..»~-1 | I Iv _-.:_*..-,1-' . vl,.;_;-""<... J -> '-.a;4_'.~;-'_ ».- '. .4 - .»,*,. ;~- _ - -it {:1-,_ v_~.-'!*.i§;§ < ,~r_ , _ ~ I - i»- -_f. 11 U',,__-I-a._ 1' £14 ',,w,1~- lb-~,~ V4,. If -. v<_ a'+ - - , ..,-a ;__'J .~w- ., ,1 ;. --_92 . A...; *~_,_- _ §, _ , age." $5.;-=;*': ' ' -» = .~~~-~- ~**»g;+:'r . nap -,=.-IF '~--- 2;,»-A»» ..a¢ p .'92 ' > ' >:- ~ 0 924 , " - ~~ .5 Se: __- *4 =~s.¢-J=:-:- _ ." .».»:,: g ;Z:»:. ~.-. _--~11 . _ . . . -'. --' . '. _' ' _92.-, l 5.-*,~¥§_.J,. _: V t 1" _i_ ._' c: "-._. v F " ' § ~"."_ ~p '19" I§ wy" "_ " .- , -. , '-._ -,-,92_._,.4~--.-92..'_.a".._!-Iv'~-_' - - .~---r.<, .-- Y"'.. _ ; _-_ a- fa .~_ -» . _e- >-5!"9A.__- _. * "'_L.'.-;-_ ' 9- ,_,-, "-'.,,~' »._»;7.~. ~ 5*; __-_._-__;f",-"'3 =9 :, .1_'_,. " '-... .,T "_ V"_a§ er,:¢':.?.-- -'fl";-Q-M: - " f~."s».:-- -..»~_. 4': 1-g1-1 ;;F43.~."T§;~,92,-.rI, "~vg Q '~ .3 =1 '-.' /'__ '_'..e:-,-9-w;92'1' .@-; , VA e-,__,I»;41 .a - .,'-'-.,*-vX _ - - =1-"q ,1 1? ¢u'_-~»r"" g , .. _ .. __ . 1,, <." < *-=3-.-' »'.~'»~*J"; _ ~--V.-,. -#3,. »_ _ ,'.-:5 _ ".- » * . t-I; P Y; " 1-1~u;.~'$.&¢'i'§>=;".n.:F:92_":i!"-A. . . "-3.;,'z're *-='f,?é-'_-=54. __ ,- »e'.§£- "£.._.'-':¬'a:1'if'<".~."" ax: ~'?¬- -4» ,_f'-§,7,.,"§-"-l{_3§__#-; . .-~ .92;., Ia. _j_??.T§' _.~ Q ,.-' < a P "_fi:,._x_?_:-_ --;~_;__,'*.Y'.J5_,_-x. .~._.._*_.'# '~¬_'§$.;92,:-{ alga-"---_..; _--'_.

-~~- ~-- ______>_ W _WW__/_ ., . . .-¢-in MA»;-_. ._.....~,..,»..._.._...V7 - .._- 1 ~- "-' ;-L-'4 ., | I I _ _- . V. ,_.__'- IV. l'_ Q 92 - _>~. - . >!V ,. -. l _ __ w ' 92 . »_ , 2 ,1 r_ l 3 " w. .»92 . V i _ . __,. _ _ - . __._ ,, -.2 . nsc _ -¢ -:"t_|:;Q,92 "'r,';"_'=_.H r_ ,_<, _ . ___.,_ -x , - .. - Ihile I wasliving at 4419 I. 171st Street, HarryCampbell "7 ~ and the wouanhe wasliving with by the nameof Iiynona , visitedus at the address on a coupleof occasions,I do not 1 i.»~--~., .» know wheretheywere living. V V I . . - .. '.:~i *7-' .. .- 0-» 92 . - > '- __ - .- -. '~. v ,_-.~- On the occasionmy of firstvisit toCleveland. A1v1nVx&=-pig>2 lf=' n. . I . drove Harry and my-self to Sanduaky, Ohio where we visited vv-Ll, 7,__f_=l=_._- . » ~ Davie and the woman living with him. I do not know the woman: ,j'.»w-. 2'. ' 1 .' ".92'.."~ ' _ .. name but she is called "Rabhits'. Davislived in a cotta.ge"on -A .._ _ . . 3. the Lake Shore. Bill Weaver andIyrtle Baton were livizg I192ih-'§'3~V-,}~Y~ '.92v :1-' <'. .''-. . ~ I . - - .1 A L s Volney DavisandHarry} and with than}; " : V 'q . . .. V. - .. I» ,_ - M ,1, -'~~- '"a._-- - 1 - . _ . . v , 1 _ _ _ .. ; -.*¢.<._-i,- .-P s-~._=-P. . »" -:>-..__ 1.. I I have beenshown the photographs ofFred Goetz,Chicago '- ng. . ._lfr ._ . . 92- Dept. #96518;Volney Davis,hearing number12808; Alvinxe1~p1=,. IN: " - . K I .'@' g r, i'-' . ~. I. K. B. P. #1559; Fred Barber, K. S. P. #9856; Arthur R. Barker; " .-. -.£ .'.,- 2:1,, .d__,_ '~."'1_"~:"A:"_'92l 4. . .. -._?" ,- _-.§_ -. .!' 'hearing number1.1906 and a photogiaphnu-ken llrs. r ' .'. . . Barkerand state they -arethe liknesaeaof the i » u . 92 .;~:.:."'-". ..___ ff» ;,_-3-.- .H:'l __--. -< - .. iii '¢__| * '-0.. . - ~ < ..;,¢-._,,.4p vV nentionedbythose mnea in i1..llv8tiit6_1lOI_l-~f=-1'.~"..=_"V7.3/-i. ism,-0§¥>»'+','_=~_.'-f*=_~i-»~V~ I v..» Llf .: '.-_~'.r,. -l ¢ - _ _- -?-~_=-P-§,f.*.~' .?.»_l1,»__ -' v_r * '-V3 I :51 <'l.» 5:, .."- ll-Vivi. " fl: - h'E92.:~.§,.":-"'. . :5., ,.-1. ;>_¢1.._._. . ~.-L "-...~.L'. I '-.1 '; 1 haveread this stetement consisting rm of typewritten tru _ j _ f~.~.-e -- . _.2 ,_a. ,.,.- -._1_...._'-. ---.~92 p8.gO8, or parts thereof an! state that it 18 the 1'1!in J».-é" '1 .¢:_'l*'.. ., --:,92 92- . 1.; _<.:~_->__ F. _=;.-._--.~_-,-f . .. . .{¢'¢. t . 92.==#*. -. :~ .- -'-'1 0*.- *==.,*<>*¥~<*e_¢- .-1'1' -V .=.'.'1¢°1.19¢"-1@>'1,=;';.~}.di'V"i.4i-ZV *' . .' .- In 9 » . /_ ,- LA, _,-- >-, ._.~_.I r _ i 4 , . _ _ V , ~ . - ~ n . ¢ .- r f92 - Q -. _ ' ..- . .» . ..-'- " -we" ~-r. ..- _ I - .-..-.- V .:rv' .- e. - ?".".-';;gJ: "4 ""i "2"._ V.;,_. ~ , .. .,, 1' '2,z»:~-_»- -._-_ . .v ,-I,'. _ ,v_,f .__ , ,1" Vs._ ."',,I"' . . 'X .§_-'.!r'-'3"; _ , ._._ _ ..~, -~.. _.-,'--_- 92.. >..'- '_,-_--.-_;.,. ~= V- 5 4» - ._ .<_._. .25.., &.-u _ - 1 -*-j 1 .. :_:--- ' ._g_.§__~_,..~'-£__'-_ .~.~,V .-.79 '» :,¬';. 13-k .~r_+=',_...- 1 §_.- .* 2., .r.:-='1,g;< 4 ._'."'--."-,'--- -~1%';_-~:-V.~;...- .»'g»-_r= "-'"~..'~.'.V»' . :/¢ '.; --=" " '="V L1'92' - ..,-'V"V ".. ' 9 -~. "»-- <. -1- K - E.. . -.l_Ff;-F.- . - .-.~ . ~.¢. - . ;_-'2 _._ ~: _I V -._~,;'_,-,._», -,92_ - -- 1,_V .~ V... . :4; .¢. _92..92_~ r.V..».-._-- -.V_ .:_'»"__: .i';"-_ ~'~.,_..- . 4 ._ "- 1 - " ' r-"--.__"-'_'C,. ..:.... ,.. 1-92.-*' . .. Q " I ' __.92".-.'-_' ",_i_ I5? z" . _." _._-l ' -..' ,7 J "' "._ . . _ _ '92 ere"; J -' - - U ' " ,»~ >3...._*:;~,,V4 ,-_- ' goI .:-92.3--. -- '1. I'?itmesses:_-. V,V_. _- _ . . _ . _ ' ,_ ,,___= Eel.. v-g-" -7 3; -*3: -"-';I_-"-' .; ". .7 . 1?; -. -:;~".:"'. =1 z -2. < " :..~ ~- < ~ .~.~--,.;=V_.'.*'0 -r t 1 I - 92 2-"V~--I1'.1.-;*~";-*1-..'r V,'. - .. - 'o-,- .1 . ' S S - .1:.!.."»."-.-" -1!- Yak; l-EQZQ ff:-~'I»'":f:~5_"".-.: " .. "."-4 . -;~v,,- "1521 7'V":_¢_.l ~-.-_. -» 7;!.__,- V:;- -" R. . uran, pee 181 ~¥ J,$4,, ' 4, . 3' -7!,!-':_l~_"_,_E-;__. 5...,-" ' - '.'-' -;=':¬r..::e:_J'1"-i' .- '~ 152*ix; Q. 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'!~.-,3";'*92-- -= ,_pi-';;_-<'1".______=,».__, .fi_..._»,..1_~1-1»5 _-£3-~'*,~"_'»._~ I: '13"; '.'.§=. Q7? .-_-5- :.~'QLlI". 7.;U3'¬Z 5 :'é"3':" .- -. ~ 1; e'V1-»='-'=.~. F.! .'¥'Q_,,.'.4'»-,._-"_V..-. .--14- *"_ ~ I - ';--» -_.-.~;-:-_-iV3.1 11; v '_:'f'~:"'. ~ ;.»;. 1'-..'192._ .-I1. _'+;_ V *-1 .V'';~ ._: ' T3: _.,. sun-4-»______, ._ ~»lIQ-¢¢»>-0 gem!-4§4q_ , m___.___

' ' , I 92 ~"= ~' _ ~ J. t '_ >L-_»_-I ;_. T "34- .2 _ .- .~ r , ,~ L " J hull 0»: _ : 4 Chicago, Illinois _ - September l8, 19:4 _ ,_ I, Hrs. Gladys Rita Buyer, do nuke the following sworn statement to Special lgents R. C. Coulter end R. 0. Sum-an of the Division of Investigation, U. l.'_ ~-'_ Detmracnt of Justice, of qr own free sill, without my threat or premises Ti. ;y";" be!-=6 we to M. . * , Y - ~..l.92*~I¢;=*.L1-;?e-Kl " V _ -e -no.1 '1 . _ I .~,_,_'- 1- .e._;1,.._ ;; I I have been married to Harry Seuyem for eleven years and we have narle our home in St. mzul, llinnesota ell during our married life. Ie have no children tut have in our custody e five-year old child, 1';-encine Faughnen, when IO , _~ ""- ' have taken care of since January 21, 1955. E present address is Dey-um Blur! Station, Route 5'4, St. Paul, Iinnssotm I have never kn-osn Iy husband, Bnn1'_ _-_ Q Sawyer, to be in av other business eccoept bootlegging in St. Paul, linnesote-1' 1*- Daring the past tvelve years he has operated saloons at various tines at ebasha lvenue;_ 545 Eabeshe heme, em! 541 Iebesha heme, ell in 89.. -~' F Minnesota. The hiilxlings located st the above addresses are owned by ief 1.-7; ' Schmidt Brewing Compaq in men the Adolph &~omor rail: have I _:_-v; 1;, interest. -~ 1 - 1 .. .» -= IA 1 V ' - r > P 2 -*-,~:=.~L .9--1 .~ '*1.~e'. _.-; :-*"=.:.::~ --1 * . - . 7' .'1.v. 7 * - =-1 '-, ,- . " ' "1 - 9, L ._ . *3 ,4 ~. ~§",__- Q3". ,j'f,'1'f »=,~>_,=.a-_".". _1;"; P; ' ~ '- ii?" . _ > ,¢ " .--..;-¢."~:_~ - ._ ' ' "" - ' ' " F,-3".--.» '~ -' '*5», 'r:,-:- '- 'K; 1 1,1 4, av - -e_-3' -M __v-:',=,»-,-v. 2-lyfhushand, Harry J. Sawyer, prior §_>__;;s _ s gleoo at 545 B{.'bu_shs_ Street in I--1~r-'_';~'--.5,-. ,£ ;:;P,-j>,~.;,;,,,.jf.»§ = - _-_:_;;-;P +1 -.z~~_..».~, »..-.1_~=-:3»,'Ef.;r;,§;:;;,_,;,f¢,_;.-u-..92,~...-v_4-J .'7"": rm . . ." '-5:;--l # if I. >2./4 .L *7-:.". ; _ - _""_ ~._-T_*'. ..-5;-.1 _~' Z.-";.' Y7 Fin "1-¢;-2-._"L'.; -1'1. -"l l_-T.f13<> Anof.'_s'eca1l um dam; iii my " tn. ~ ;...»ii¢ie," -.a.7&., 1.,- 3* . given to the Ham Kidnaping the ecr,Pln11F&rI.920ne.nr1-llvinl&rp1I- ' " " teme living st 204 Vernon A Paul. I heard ma "j-r_',~:{-, a~_ __ ,' _v .' _ 4 ,_ 'r fsation um rations people, y o occasion; _o"i.he_1_xou'se my oar, but I did not go in _ _the only _ooc_e_sion-",1 rgesyypver _1:ry'_t!:e:~e,"i_:--.7:v -.1 - 1--P-"-.~'= first I iwm sf B81": I ,!¥¢*¥ I is .»*#12"P=>¢ ?'h¥*.-.?°¬§f4%#-e;15? Ye:-non Qvexme had__1_aeen 3-aided,.. ,_ _, _, I A _ ~._ ;"; -:-;_,_.1i:l;_1;_'}~:,f.; »;-_"i.v_f_=<_f~?3'§=;;jf,-. .. 1 *1 7- » ~71-= ; .o-_ s ..;-7_~_r-_.:-._-,.~};j r:_+-=_-"-;?1~1_o;j: ¢- 25?;-1-.~_ .~i§'*;J-Zéej»;~;.<'i{:;:;;»;s. 1' o P} -,1 2/. .- ~ _l'.ca éné s':orxxi.x1';;.*t11Le_' 5rr1<=ereYam rim; naspkré undo 1'u:£n§ae _¢1i_.§, '1 at fnyyhusbqnd s place on Wabasha 3tz~e,e§, in St. Pwgl just before midnight p .. .. ,_- 4 Vthe day before or shortly 1ereai£_e:E' on Fbhe day of the killing end 25.;-i;£y:?=;f_;.- of .. ' 'L 4 i 4 in the plate the telephone end steied Kansas iity we-;~3;»g.11=ig . 1.. *._ . l Fnen informed Harry gas not present no to;-t.he:-_ conversation j§i,j'>.l' I V1,-' -. After Verne Miller me killed I'b.ea.rd that somebody eellegiihe Tio11yi1o<;f»;s__,,iI!_i~?;;;3? 92!] .r_»A- '.- z_;- st e ?au1 1- of . _ehich - '- -' Jack_v ' --- Pfeiffei A {L-* ."92.~< is. . - - . I . » Y. '.~.,,~ -or - --r '1 ' ._,,. c. U If , . on ~,-.~»- >_ . - ' 41-... '.' 9 ~ . 1, J . 4- 1, ,~_ __ _ _ , , ~-, _ i -.,.;- I k ,1 ;__ ,5~_ 3! ~ _, . .4 y ,1, -. .__._..~_,, . .= __;_.,_._ _, h>r_-. .~ .;_vJ__, _1 .r.+_, _:_,-r£!3g,;._,h_._ - . .6», .._g_._. _,__!_,;:_:__<,_ . _,..v ,;.;;;. ~> "T-_.': .1 . t., _ ¢ -' , ..u 1. few am? before ihesixooing in Kausas§ity,.'1fra'.n92'c ,,e?:¢0_1ipéii1e$l_ "471 ... r 2 u- 1. . _. . ~.. ___"by§'1¢!'1<=1ss' little girl cane W le anti vi8,ib0d,t'lth';sc' _£_o_re' -:3; , q. .;-_ ";"j-;i;l;-;,,,nim1tes,» Erancesysaid they were enytheir my £0 ,.¢h5,<';é¢o4<,1 63.5.1 not; ;"*=;-"-1'-;_' " :1--:. lvnsr she .*1'»=*11-I 51¢ Imnws; until eit,e:.- hit I he do _1ra§_kil1_o§,. .°*».1¢"1.'i'-=1>'<-'1']. of 198*» Frank 110* ebout l. six §;,:;§ ff *5 A-1r _..= mt. at _wsapoesible a' 'yeé.r- ._1?re:m*.ies referred "bo.iz;éua11y'-es}. §=nr'=e;~ $1:-2-}§§,~§;;';';af;;;Z¢:g1. ,1 .- -_.--I Jelly; '1 have been Frank amYeief:51J.le;*_'_£9gé~§h§ij,'_§&=of:n§§.,ny11zns§=iné;fs_p7,see

4.Jr , .1 _,?._%' V v,¬_._.~, . _.___I .. 1.~..'-»--'-.--~'+-*.*'.»,-1 >,. that '-.;=~*-.:". Verne ."--".;92 H ! l_i1.Ler, _ _: Yi . - "Y--- .- ;:= 1 Peale0%.-'-E-=*:-*~e< .<,_';. end - §!_1arl¢i5 y _ v: ,_ . , _ 92 .__ 1'! ;;». 3; ;_._ ~13,-[wed 1.3 sane out go} Lexington vezue, .;M-,;,3.¢_;_~_¢. -"='-"I" ~ '~..»~'?" 5" . ~ tbatvicinity ~' 8t.1?an1. ¢_ - - to:-' I that '~ -sometime Berry '~ end > ; *' -

A.» ---.' r ;ri_eib_ed -- Vane -'- end >.- » - *. > :;:. 1-, _Gone'n~Pl.':'p' .'*¬?r;-It 1 2, 4'12" "~~ ;s_$';~; ~ fl, . -ll '3' #~"* 1 "¥"R'!,-~';i$_,§» " ,5} .-st?'4'~»"- . y_92,~. ~-'-.<; 2'31. ,_, k "Y ~:.+ "_4_";~;__{e':.,-_-'.I-.l~¬» .f~»;j:~:- 11-» .,-1, '1: f.;.j3=*Y '1'"-¢"=r-e';.-f<1;?-Li _"=.92¥'~'"'r' -7*.-*~_~,» '~1~-.~.;~;.ui'--' _ , , .1 5-ii. ._ '. -1 fa-*"%f-1; .. » =v *".:~;- ~-1 4' 7 --¢- .:* -',*s:1'~'4; .11 "" »~ " -V---W £.-s- " " -2; ' ,'~ '~'* -3;._;,"|,=4 "' 3*; 11%wt», »'~- ~ _- -§;l,'§-"'-arc-=: s ' l" >*I -5~ __» . F V. _. ~ .-_ £3»-3* _ ._._- '~>_=?--¢s~:, .-_ -._ . r§,*-1&1. _ -. ,» ,_ -_, _. ~r . ~, : --- _-. ?§'s;»' . _- ~ .;' '.'.. -Q--.-2;-1.*.>,.»;>: 5 '_- ~; _ ~-.*7 I *:'v'- F: " ."=;.i '~r",*'92~ »-.'-._-- ,<- Nix *<=::_ --"-'»;.;3"$..:¢- '7~"~1 " '~-<4--.= .'}" '. ."~"r. r. ' s ' '>

| _s ji __ _ ¢ . 6'! ~ e~o ~


cat 92

~ moved into c two-story cottage quite a lays from the lake and we remained -; 5- I in Lake Geneva only 1 for den and went beck home. I understood the . * Q 1,; i cottage was rented from tr-o old maids and I recall there was c furnace in 1" *6 the basement and the cottage Iae clear around the lake hm the Hotel. -.- -_; Q-_".'~~ I1 t ..- . v; pr From that I have heard, Doc staccy and Herb Farmerwere tall guys in the 9 - Kansas Cityshooting. Theyhad nothingto do I_ith1-1-._ . 5.

» I met Doc Stacey during the football season during 1952 It the place I .1--ff, ' understood he operated an-ozmi Chicago some place. I net Kerb Panzer nbo92:t_;~-';-~;_ I98.-Ein St. Paul. As I zyecall, I was in the place when he one in and; asked for Frank. I later learned ciao he I88 gi I don't thinkI Ice ;'- _' A introduced- , . to nu," ,., _- I .' 3 -/-< -1 > ~=-;;?,;- 1-.4. -.'_;_,j- - .-1:f:-';,:- _<.;1.-.=»;";;_;j3I{'_?_.,;>Lg=-+I:e_;~- < .. ' - .. '.'~--at , --.Z_ _,-'_'_'-.~ >; ;~"',92» ~-",~',-. .1-~ - 92 1.» 4,» .4». -..- -. - . 1 -c -_ z . _ , - . . -;_ ,.. _ _;>__- _ 3, _ , __ _ "V~ I =4: M -F-E.1 _ l>q..7.'._-- I w _T. _ v 1- ~ 92 . ing, but froze conversation I have heard; it seems friends ;;f;:tH:1 ~._._ . acconmtad for at that time uni it is 2. nyatezy to th hit, fiat, -',{:'f-J;j Barker and Alvin Karol: Ierelney in the -=.1 .I'-.==».*=-;e-'~51 1+. -.'-§§*7. !¢;~¬'=?$

1 <-'.,~.._.. £1 I my ebewroug cs In not i good judge of ages »:~»~;_~_ .

-., _ they werenot in Kaosaa _3,1'l1'q._.""j§";{§?;i'*§1=j§*f,.;;f§?.*;'_ 3 7'.,_.~;.-'4' -I _ " A " AIt :' _is generally '.-_/'~_:' ,1. -.-. -Vunderstood '.-.__>=»_ _,'. _--1 =1-.---. . . "f1 '0... thatverne F . e .-9'. ~ ,92s'. YY¬l"".-IIillarr ';~;""_',.';":_:_'-. .'--=2IE8 _ |'.-'> A. a "1*'._' J , _> ¢1_tr _-55$, 1 -I

v. ', .

-1.» wit ¢;..a~,..."' xj -we 3. pm I e 92 4 ~ ";~»=;s.- ..v .. _q,4 . "~';.;--3.i -.'t?~ ,, 4-._»<, -can1mem"ae 1.; tell iyouex 3us._] was chunkybetween tellow'and'emrth7. fifty- __ _ _. t ¢ -- ; '--1» fr '_£1" 'P. .§ a:':~ou.n'1there r.-'_!.th'Frank » 1ink.:'A1ao__I believe 11,011:-5tun ground , 4__f_._*'--,~jA"About E:veer City. no I been!he was deaojbut giidpotiget any ,j~5_, P; dctaile anddo oatknow if he was supposed-tohave been killed F-Pia92 it "riemllywiLhVeraeL1i.1lerh1tVernedidn't1iko the myduatalked HI V - . . .~.92:§3.3" ,1, '_, = _ ; '*_. "_'¢N"I -V,-.2, s_.h" * '.4 ;-~41-VV _'> _~" ~<~_ , ->- _ 7,, 5' ~_y---_-_,- __> _!9 - 7 _ , _. , :- _.. .2 ":7.-~.. .1_.-.' .V w- -,-B P, .~ , -:, . . - _. .l., .3 _, _ -J .__ _¢. ,_»,-.-_.. », __V _ , ,..'_:- _-v-_v._ ..~_ i~_ ;/A ~ , _,;__ . _ ,;j:<_ ,4 7'_~.',-3'. J P, '- .A._ l. -,4 "_ -'._._,.r& .. - !;.~,_~,.;>f';!:=,.:j>'£-:1:-,f-!f&;,;_ .~_ ..- _.W _:J'ut"*;!}- ~' ...1-92.' , __ ._-11. _~. 'r.,..;_ ... Q _§:.;?;,'_ pk . -.' _:"! ~~1~. -~ _. -'_.. : : ;: $1111:-1-j, e$""1 * _ ,5-co'.1;!le _oi - , years;"- ; ~_ e;go_I ..- ,*-1-~. W .. Fred- 3arke_. * 2 » - 1-.-I -- f',.' 1 _,/P' =1; - v , .-, 1..- 1 .1,, » , ' ',.'v~__';"., » J g /:;"7.-V1 '4-92.. --~ -3G'_e_ I1 '1-W92~_1 -9.I ,-xi J?;_ _. . ~; if.-,.-..92. .-ff_-_.:';~v_-_" __-1'"' '._iI;~--ff _:~__'_>_-,,a_'-~_-.- ,¥- ., v_ ""'_4.u._;_._, :y..'._ "-_l____-_Ap, -<_ .-' ~ 1CDQn hm. he was killed. » ~-1/ ;--V1;-...~ ~ .» -, 1 +2; x Jr,.=-r~. - -:. , e -*, ;-;-.1 '~ . I».- ~ , Z 5- ' I recall lieve thehe;~¢acr.v~.et'he.-no mineHomer. "Big Homerbin know no Ij<1o_'nqt ~-I oneJrc-call» named Charles u=e@_1¢¢;=&nsuanZeb.";.:.1>§¢»;;=z_~-, ,J._~Fitzgbereld-gr.$¬;.;i--5...;.§~:r§:;;_§ ~ 1 "~_ v-om r£tz,*»m:new ofnoia*_i'chA,i.ndivid1.ml*eaaociatiz1,g In ;.1'=¢1=1 v , ifgee; I .21 <1 7111 . ,3i'»F881;.v 92. ,>;., ,:.r "J ' L"?-1" .43 I 5 _-__.-T.<~fK'_ ..:~':<'3 .3 ' ~'.= ~~.=*.-3 _?>.1 '-1.~';-=,;';=*.-..1w.¥ $1---1~.",' '_-=~:-_,-»_--sf;-»f4,¢ 'c~_i_e_»=%-=ef- §":_»~;v-,!',.#§,~;q,,,._»~92=_*.f~'~'~-. P:-,,f' 7:;'~*f;;. jg-_ 'L."Q t ._ 4 'l___-> _ 13' ,<,~jI _» ,1";Y>_;l. -1!.»: _'-z - 1-: » -e- "M. 4,,J, _.,»_~~7 L1.-92_;~.' j;-. -5 .5 _;{, 1".~~-:_:_k;_r ='.- '5 -W; -<__~»:____ Y..'~_,_:~.. -1. y.~' .1§.;,%_.- ,.,:,. 92-i~___>1:.; Zgjfg! =:.-I» -;--' .. ,.~ jegmsz -0. Pi; O . isconsin. _7»eiglcr ~'enu. are w1re;"¢i-about spent mm; twonya '1reme there.zeigm-it I met Zeivler 'o;eu-101 In Sh 1'az. 8:-y92§.v<1"It -"=:;=%>;g,1»*I_,__ Q ; - v .- ':.T "'.'- 3 ~-= -2*" "'1§..~ ~ ~ vi" *- -"L "P --'~:. "'-." t *.* '-~' '- 4t-. ~£? - *'_v'. =* - ' "'" -~ »-92 .-<1.r 'i;"le;"..1;11_»1J¢<@=1-Q"?b;1z"1>=1r?1$<-.1=}@-l.i=§.RI;<#_'.1f¢g'. en -T ,c I c.Y4.,§=>;.*1914#;t».» j uLi=.§.~;§_=-1'.%uy§clf" ' ' " *-" " *1;,!.n -*adition I '~'.-'to Zei;-;1er,qnd -.91""-* . "3 '"_ reno. *-"" "=~w¬'-'~'@J1*f=;;,:§a;§,:*,;'.i§,5;";-3_»;$::_,g§'? ~2~3§a.~'?r-*1-" : ~f-3;'§ 1'34 *'5'§¬"?;~}.§r.t.. _92 ' A P. -*'92eqc . '1-~ »1"~, ;. .- _ - " -'1"- ..1 z _ .--Y = .'._.'._'?- . - ". *7. ,~."-"-. < ._ , _. - - ,r»-' 4 1 _----"~.- ¥'>§.-5-'1 J V~. <1.» ,. ~*,:T.:i~-'~:* V - '-,_ »~.~,"'Z,.»»'-_-c-.~-'~.-~~{- ..~. = _5..~-_- 4.1.4 -1-:»;:~¢;.z'4,-"»*'é'.7.-ox-'~'* - - - ..-'-TN. -.- "Y$:;¢:' --- "< , v.'_-§_=£_:.~#»~.-.~ [email protected]#»§ee§ee%;", - .* .-">- _ "BU .. .,',1 -. Y". . -_ -1-,»-. "92& -_~ ,,- I¢ 1_¢~ ,. -e -,- .- _ . 3 /.-- -_ -1; 1- f ", Q-"4--1 _I 1. l~ ?5 _ = .. ~ 4'-_' - ~ - 3%-~'_.:~-_;?f_~_f-"1;1» If- . 31: --wt ",. ' {P1<7-, -1}|;§,q_. A-'1 ":#~~ -"»*'..".wQ, H_ Q:- In" '7»"4 " *"-" 51,? .':<-37" %_§ VI " j .'f-F-5,__..*t4 '9-'~ '3 _,="L-3" __,"' ' ' _,-- I _":---, 47'.-~.~»..'A-=.~-'-w1'M-~ ' - s= . am. r-~ -¢.'~v- - ' '7"f.-"§-.'92l3.- '' k" . - 'v-¬~ --~:' .112--I 1!-I M h*.ri.-,3.-' .- .1 ..'£:'§l~II. '-Ix?-0' wt 5' '.,*.~*1- ""1' ' =i-~"-"'5'"? ' _~;-A"".'__'"1:;> ;:..':,:'-P rd. l 51;? II :x¢3."£- .5. ..»_ §"*~§~ 1". '¥zt*"i » .*~';v--1-*5 ..-J _a- -L!:~-:.1 h4|'.- I. Pm y.g " _ ». -A.;.-L=:¢;.;A '7-1,-~= 1-. ~=.~.~¢-,. ~ U-,, ' 9:; /'_:*-_;Pf-_" §,._f}§;--, -'3"-T; 5-i!..'e,."".,.»_»'_.'-,_,'M-.§_. 5 4? ~ ~ _,__- __ bl J . ___ r . _ V v _. H __- __ --_P__.1 -'92_. . _ I2IEI31233333232333333338333;3;E;3;3;3;E;3;3;3;3;3;3 . .. . 5., E5>:<~:~E1EIE1EIii$931EIE1EIE1EIEIEIEIZIEIEIEIEIEIEI ~._;1:1:I:I:1:11%?:I:1:1:13:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1 ~ I a =

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Zr z -x 92 'v . I '1. . rs H- 3'1 -I 1 . , - .4 _' ° . qc uaintancc has been of a business nature and I have done basineal / iith the Commercial State Bank, St. Paul, Hinnesatn, of which inr George Breaer is an officer for the past eight. years. me financial. tram"-1 ctions I have had with the Commercial St-éte Bank have b-2-ea in -- ny name although, Harry Sawyer, av husband has had 1 joint interest > I ' .1. ¢ . 92 ' in the said transactions. . . ~ , .- w .3 '» .-'z _ , ~ . ~ - ; .,:v_ »§ __ > > -92_ ,..» ! 4:,-'. r ~s~.;- . . 1_ --- -5-P .1-,_. - ; /- ' ..'_, -4 ._ < . Harry Sam;-"erhas known Edward George Bremcrfor I amber of y'en_18."_1_». . ,... 5". -: ..¢ - . ." Y. _ _'.' ~ r '1--. I 1.-as'1nSt. Paul, Hinnesou in Ilmznry 11,4-_"" I- ¢icler-able publicity ma being given $0 1. .1. Breuwr, nentlaned above, at which time I ;,v ' - .~ 1 ai'_t.h_c per-saneresponsible for thin kidnap '-* - Q - l _ I: 921: . ozrly in fcbzunry 1934 E1-."Brener ua's_;-ales ,. ~'< - - -1". '5.Z, - .. ~ » 1 . ,--~ _~4_ _. .. .- _;1cl¢rz.'u_lc ;1z'bl1¢ity-was _g11ren_929_'this. I ~-_»_¬"' .- {;;,.¢t':_ ~J_12.?.r Na 1 1-.'.." 4 . - 1,, I -V- ,1.-I . _1-_- -1 . 2 1 . » ~11 x .92,:'- -' .' * .'~1'_-11r ' x :. ;-.-'' '- 92 .1 ' R:/",.-'. ".1 v_.--'_ '~,'_, ~ orgo ~.. Q; . I 11111111 ". .f.~92 .~.'- ___.L. --., "1.P92' '_~_.,._'.|A __ _,_ ., an " 1 92 _ __-'1 .-I. ..,.-~ .; 5.1 .J >_ - . 1 tit!. :'1.'*'1~-.1-92 -'~ 1 -r ,- :. " 11-. ,_ - u-r-, 42?-.1 '1-Q.9 1111111111111:111111111111111 .. ;1;1;1;1;1;:;1;=:;1;1;1;1;1_ _- 'I 7"?.1 ' ~ " , f . '_._., r ' uptors uad can-.1 "_~»;-,..; :~ r I 11111111111111:§31111111111 111~1~1~1~1~1~11$:~1~1~1~1~' , 'L .,1~ ' ..3 ' - "' '1 '~ '. , B ~z[" r 1 - 2 11-: - '-.-.=»<;.* ,;,_'i,.__¢/I _. ".2 ' rj1 ;;"~A 1}'._; "_a; <".' 7:.,.§,7_:'_-__-.,,1 . ~ AI .- .__.7-_~1 f _-:;_.. ._ " ''.'?f;. '-1;} -I": - -_.f'_I UV }- .:_g .»_- fievtrul day; n1ber'the "pz;-easier;-Ledtl1;e'5l'1e'n"<>£f_'1'ii.!"B_1éae6 -. ?v-'.92¢,- 9!: Edward_ . G. Bram:-",1 qylnmbané, Barri Sawyer., abated to ~ V me ' mo~ . beryl - ..-*r,,'..*"<-»-1':";:;"¢?__.. Y, _ '1 > 9 --.;~ ' '. _'_.;1. gqt pretty 3000;-fit ail timeI pressed him Swflzer,&s_>__;;l§_ _ _~.- ;.' - _ -_rdzgt he mean; andhe qaid 'I_1fe:.2dyRay 'l92.m'land I kaowhe 1!¬fG!I"6¢.' ~=-_=:.--'1 '_; 1-.: ,7 _ . r I.- , ' 92 .- 1 . . . 'v . 2 M Fred Barker and '!.1v1nthin; pupa; Ilnmpcreoaa1.!h.y1__kno*-1n ,!'9r1o:var_'j?f5:;~>5_.§§§;.-.13 .._-: Tl 1 A yaarg, I.Wé¥ 1!-.101.81=-°°¢ u1.=$5* 92!?5°P="'!.¥°.T*-lei if I:;i.-5' _-1-.. ., » .> 92an-._.Br¢me1-_¢1mw,;ndid mtpa be .8?-¢;'_Karl7'Sa=927er gm, gb '?}i§?;i,;}§»..§§.. T/.."._ _|. . ',_ i.-'- .I- .. um mu details aba~1t,th=:"_'¢¢1se,'_bu; _umo_ ze__¢.1ne_v1thi;x %:2~;;§;;e;;__3;. 5. - _*_._.,_,..v- , _.,_. »__._ -$7 _- .zislxt tour or_fiv'e monthsI obtained the 1_n$omst'1_mfrom .-';.__'-'I - -1 ~9__»- .1 ,_ <.,_. '1 --1 that _1ri addition ta Predarker enzkjlvin Kg!-315 thg0t¢_I1o1jv~}>Ve_rsc:|§_5_-§1_:_:?_§' __ .'~w._.! 4,; ,_ _.jegho. 6£»$1l3t¬f_din-the. 1gié1iap$_:1g.ofE¬3'¢F?1f§ E_rcune_;' Ge_O17;'e we_ro_§9ns;g¢};_'>',>__;f;,_;5fs » Ysiglgr, 16.9!have suit-ae»;uentlyQ1eamodtr-sj1dcnt,1ca1fIr1!-b the11nf»B'§--§-'::v?-;*.Ti;¥f5F- Goc-ts; !.rth"urBarke1j_'a1.1na Burger, Vplney I;::>¢'r.=v1s;;ni;r:1r§E>»;3f; _ s 'C:5mp92>c1_1Bill. Ybamr, and VI hgigimet . 'a1...oI.thesa, ~ ~ » .. - 1--~1ni1y$.éun1p~namad._;' "-mi? i :1» 1.-1.; -.. 1?,-__:,;.;";.;'.'__ at my husband's§¬@OI'8pleoe G:at _;T__I}>3I6business Fabashaan Avwm,St 1'1'lm1 ~Ji"'*:'"4"w'z" "

. '-_ -~' J I: . , . . _ .4 ¢. ¢. . ..» ~ I _» _~- "F;-.,92-~ _ " .,.'. :4 ,....,' V.r. -Ts.". f; -i;- - *7-4".3 '._¢-1'/1-.».'r' __;" __ _;, QM" ,. _, . - K .-_. . 4_. b_ . 92

> . ., » -z.--"_. .- '/1".-x.-r.--"'-':' 1*. *_.-,0-,~v ;:",~»rI -»-"'. -"'> 1.¢-1,. < *7-3? '-1.~;¢ ~_ .¢,.>:- am *3";' 1 3 ._. '..:f92.:_._.~.:._:;,..V-'|__:_92'4;:-,. .4. ,'. ...' 1,. -, .1; >.-v< _'._. V ~»--..1, - 5; 1-11.; -#5 _;.._=.f_-"P2;t S '¢-é--, _- '1I. . -R F '"| I.f~~ '41.-1,4 ~; * " ' * .. 6.,:1 {,1 -M-__-' V -. $'is.,-,»-:;~-~_.~. » ., *1-". 92¢' _1;~__"' $4": ..__-2 '-1z~.-1--1! '-_,-04']. .7 / 1' ->5 . -.xv~. .--"_--2;, ' '.l ~.92,'-;* ". ". - " ' . "-1 V . - 1- _ t _ t ». ;.t- h Q H. ¢ -' __;,s=-;: ___ 1';-'._'._'=~2 ;v ;1_ .- .¢' . *1»..-, . .3" . H1n:;c:.»¢t.a ~.~'_ »-._. ..2' -~ '7! ~z-=' ...- from time v"-_ . "V." 1- ._, -4- 1, pr10_1:Janusxy in 1954-§~i>~._-*1.~: ,,-»- 1,%_._-.> _;=;*,;._;_;_-¢_-;.~&-. 7;-_¢1.-Jf-v»"§-?-»'§ I=-g¢i3",r§'.'§"~~:|i.-a_.-. Z r. --P ,. .. -~.¢;;- ,. ,.'.,I' -1* ,3, _.~'-e-2 . ?I',~,~1. ___1 ~,".§" _r'an. N.-< ~"_"¬T.--T _. ?g".1'¬'~'-U! 1., ,7"' , 1 " ' ." .-I .6, K J ,,"'_ ._ ~_""N, -,_ _- 4 ' ,. -_, . ,: -- _ -4_" ._ _ ,~-, W 92_ . , I: ._ .-1. _ a », ~.-92 vvié. . _- I: . .92 . ,,., 4; ~ f 4- - ~~f=~,»_ -. ~ ..~'__;_. 1. ;~-=K__:1_:~:..,.=:={:T~---;-~.',.s=-~~1<».~t=<"-- . in, ; "'._';1g,_¢as.. .1 ", _.-_.»_:a %::.ont.h_'p;"1§aor-e ' , >-V~-.9-1-6-/F~,u *' '1»_ --_nfbér tberrq1ez§'8=é fp_;92_. 1 I1:: '2»?-$!--',-Q. jot 1=:3wu~:1 Qgqrgé .B!¬§-59!:§;i._§§1§;:j;.'_:';7 .. . . » ~-Q,1_.»?_.._.__-y_ ~_.. -. ,_ ~~?' ._.-r. p-P, l..- . 1 , -.- - l-.5-,'_._;_,J -¢~ - .. - _,.. :__ _ £p____1. _ _ ,_;_f ... liq; = . I:D _*:¢ _p;_- v _*-:;.92-,_,.V; .. .. .=,v . ~ ~ _,.;:f§':.I-1;.;.:_r'I_"J.. ¬.___1r;£-3;-V~_1_ _'sz.;ry_s@-me, _...{-up 5 _. that» -..-1' -1...}-_._¥§..._,_z~ .- .' .2. ,;'._: - ix, ~ »;§ Q:ac";.-ittod r_=,_ no he-wasA :,..1,»,¢+..q.2_* ., '- . 1-. -_e'.- the. ._ '[''fiager__mzm{' ~ -9 , -. '51, _- K. 1.".1-'~.v; 1;--. I rig:-~n_.<'*,;j1,==_j~_§,;i-r._.~-_ :- -4 - ~ 7.1 »¢_ . .1 . -»'.I ". ' :-;~-'.¥-,¬'1 -'~."<'* ....."3=> .T. »_;=92~ -.~-1'44;- .2 -~i'§'-if't2i::'i-.g.»-1,::s'!.a.rryé'8¢1-.7-"er -» ,- *~ it r . pointéé"";-¢,~'.., out}4.-wig-Yf>_:g§I<:_£d_s=~z_rd'G- ':tho ta-"one_ t? '--;:. .1.92 #1? J": wi f _ 1-"; »-'= , V ~' "~" ylv-{1..i<3§=_!*-ifi¢#'_*§P'»PP5P9¢*§Y°_ 1 v1°¢*?' = W 1 4 _ ._, Q.., ,1-_ .¢q 4 1. 1.u ?'92~Q_ ., _ _, .. - _ - ,- - -'_. _ ,3 - I -4'' " '-.-'1:" 7-11 :q"_»_---_;.5~§s;. , I.;;i;;.=_~,z;;,1»:-1.;. _ . _ . money ;:.h1ch,1;_,un&ezjef-andmyranson . , . . If-I §29'0¢0=?0-.5-'9 .» . , R85_ . . -9¢..I>M.@1 . ._ ....=.,*;~>-=1:-1.-,'§: »*:.&*. .1-. Fri.-br mvrvmcnbers0! 1?h6.PP=r.son$ .I.5.= M?[141 °=F*'i=%F~n':I?J=8;*1Z§°'}.;.;:Q;*;<§.;+>:i;; ."~1"¬~5{;??*°*~ ¥P1°?7>=*=-1-1'"e=b°.*.°',"°=?b=*°1°?....'*°°"°- Fang *2 "95 §7/.§i-$7;-'-"_-*_~92_'g:»i_92-.-.~.T1..f=;1=!;é..q_1:,1=;= g ii .2 ,1.-' .¥%1e_ V .,;-_- _-, _;.-..u ;==<=n¢:rf=_"<==;.1°P"°§'?;_°*'E!fu:"§." . _b,; ~ 1.1» '».. 12 *"- I5 '~'l* 5Q.- ,i_ J;V1fd.* . -I5! ,_::v-41v" 92 - 5. ';'~?_~_r{1"] -5 -.1'?_l§'92-T;~.,~.'£~;.;¢v,_ . .___ e-,.- {_: -?;,¢- ,e___.__~__V._,.,- _I . - -19. Q . , __ . .. . _92;@.*"'-,,'.»"1~*,§f~' M" " > *'-' . _,_- =~.-. »..~.~~1P..£_~,,,-,¢.. - ..» - » '- 1 '= .-1 .-. -'' . _ Sn";.1-..~$..~'".1~r<.-='=~"~ "-_* _~_i v-. F7 .'_~5¢.!.-.=??1-"W:_'.~' 92'_,'v _v,.";Y 1 -. : "= ». ~ > ' '»' '' " " -.-'1? -"¢_--1?--I} - ..-_{- -_ ¢92,. J? ¢r§»_"r"! J: _+_92/K ,__._-' .~ ;.~'

v. v _92,_Q-' =15. - 4 , -J01;-=3-t.-ya '-Q-'.;_'~'.u :-~, "» t1§4$?-sr F: ;_-p__ §l;,'.__." ~}-3-*1-.:;,§1l>;-'?§b:;1-.3,, -R ,_ 5.1.1 .1-hi;z-:3 .- .~

92'6:"""" 11:'.1:111111111:1:1:11111111111:1:1." :111111111:1111"3:I..~.~.~:11111:1:I1111§:1"1" ':'I'11""'"T111:11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ""1I:1"1:1'1."F11:1:1:11i:1i:1.II:1:I7":11i1111:111:11I:1:1:I13:11111111111111111111111*- A ~ 1;.;1;1;.;.;.;1;.;1;.;11.;1;.;.;1;1;1;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.1.; - .;1;1;1;1;1;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.~.;<.;.;.1.~-1;.;.;.;.;1;1;.;.;.,;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.1.;.;.;.;.;.1.;-;:;:;:;1;1;1;1;1;1; 92.A:=21%E121213I31212I3I21313I3131313131311111111 _@ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -4' /1*

1 - -1 . 0 I 1- 0 _ '. , .1 . . . _ 1 1 '1e $202,000rzmson wasbu bedivided eight Ir.-3'6,the eighth u- A ~ -92 dividual supposed to share was a nan nmneu to le only as lcntyl, . ~§ ~. I do not know uhnt pert "l£onty'took in the abduction of Edward i ~ George "Brencr,but hewas an associate or some memberof the gong. i i "4'' "Bony" wasto receive a percentagethe mount of which in unkmom2:, _"' ." ~ . u 1 . ' I u._",_ !- _. ,';_'_-; =_'.., ,.-t _-92:-.,. _;, ,=,_ -92r~ ,1--_. 9- - _'7* ,1. V. . 4 _ - - _ .. . » . . ,. "" . W .. __-.»:-' ,n4'.' I ,»i_ -*1 e .l'»-. , 1'~ V R ?"'.-.-"Q, x I do not know where Br.Brewer heldwas andany itetementa bade in '~"-Q. ' ,-~<_~..',=, ' this regs-md nould only be ny_om opinion, famed nosy from ltato-+7---1'"-15' »_'i 1',_ .. +' -' -. K. ». gents appearing ihxthe preaa, supposed to have eaenateé from In-;f;"."_.'.r--3§':;"gn;t_-.;. * --» '.T ' * 1 ~ ; Ere:-aeran I ioulvi concludehe washe1_¢', m Chicago, 11.119015, i; , _-v.-tr:... .92_| . --1'"1¢5-11*!;_ .§ 3-; 7.?:1 ,1;T '-*1: 5-:; "- ff *7 _;>fl;-i '§»%.§';1- 6; -"l "~;;"'.=~}'f=*f:=.1§~*=_e.-1 -.~ » Y; _1_--1;~'_:_ .' __ '-,1 "__ 92 -_ "._I',_"'-.11; - 7 "if 2 ':- . ;'='_.'- !§>é4'-; ;°__'v , :1;»';-~~:'-~;-:. vi -. . m '~ -- To nj 1;nov=1edgetbez_-mean moneyKai M Moan min anti:-eh --"-5"~<-;f"~<' ¢i".f" ":"~-?~.f':'- 3' {or unnnrkpda_oqey._ Sawyer bu only receiveti -p , r ._ .-_-r~_ fr , .;.- :7 - -.. ' F .'¬V '7"" ' .. " ~ I - ,_ . _- ,. i'P~ - ..,- _-"- -.- .- ~.~ 3°-_- '5 .. . ,'~_-.- 1 , > é ._.'v ," B - ,-5. 92-; .~~. ._ . .'l. 1-:".~'_'@.. - ~ -~ ."- Y mall pert of hi: share. o~v-no - -. -. er. ,¢»_»,.1- ->Y.~.~A*~~-~;-1 1. 2; .,_ 4 . V _a_ .;,¢.,. A,_-__|. z___-3- :4,92 . -.. _. . _. _ -r. ._ ,_,-:.- pg: .. -.._,:.,_ _ ~~ , __ , f,."=.1-¢,.».;~--=--*---2-< _,,-_.,;:..,,V'V .__-'92;_:rV___.__V;-_.1 .@~.. --=___,-,';~_~; .~. _:; H.;. -. . "-. .» -_ ---R-ve --.4 - ,2 _,92- ,_, -_. .y- ,A- -,1 ._ ,_ _ _l,_ .~£._. . -U. Ar - Q. ~- -.»- ~ -A , LN- vn_ , "__-5!" 1'1., -.,; _ : V rt _ _. I. _ , , ,.£_-~.-:_ 3'; '.~_In:-_.;92_,"_>; y::,{ - --1.-__ ..; .,. . "5. V. _ -, I new d'_no "personsby the -name o1_' John Boss!Heieughiin, loin"--':'r-;,£"?-'3;-"/2 »_<__,$:.._ , .. -,3!':92|9292 ,_--' _1:?.. A.. V, 115v,-»f- _' i; n - _4 -' zf.':-.--- fr;-_v -g-4; _ . 1 92. _5~...= - ';-.-- " ll.cLeu;_h1_.inRussell Jr-, cm»:alias =s11a§jci-aw-11=_a_9sun=i;_&j . .. it-- ',.--.>- "_-I . ..:k_':/,_"1'>-,7>_;. _ ._,_>,T-.'.>":_ir'V;,_J.. gwans,, .. Pg". 303¬pb- P. lo e . . _ , Jimmie Uilaon ._ or .-4 Ollie Ber 3 ":4--."-A-n'.=1»"'.f=-:_s':1'e'.'1'i, and hue»-~*'*4-'~" *~' ' n.__ -._ . 7 1'41;* .2;"-':/I-rgcgived pginyergatiqn connect- -= ~: itbeselndiviualn ;;.~,_:; -1- with ;-1,"-Y-":1 ;=_VF,-= 4 1.;-.*_ .'- D - - the 3'.3I"$merabduction.» -: I 7"." > ~ H _ VJ :7 _ L, L. 54;. §V;_'._c.S_:y___>'?-:3,..7"l_~ -4 .-,_.7' _-'. ..-.*.92'< - -- *1,1-' ' - l '- -'-::_ » .- - ' "P " '~ i;-411.:-»';~¢F-'-'i'~5".-- - ' ¥- ' " {-5. §-f'-*+'%%1*§--92' - .-. ,.'. ,A . 1 . "r,f 1}"-K~ , . ¢ ~ ,» Barry _$awyer one told 1_ae_there v_c>=..11_~i mt be en entire division -of ?_/_,- =._ij.=,_; ..-.-*-';17: -11 * :92. .» ~ - the ransommoney collectefrom theBrewer familyuntil the entire 53*?--'&-<9 .r,!__- _ _ ... 5_ 92 _ =1. 2 . 1' nmeunt ha:1_,bcen'exchnnged_{or immarkedhoney with the'exc§pt1on,_o _3__;=;;§-;§E 'L_.~.:"J: :92'.- .~ V: 1»-' -tlie zmoun?/B,Mnknovn me, whichhave 'alrer-5! 1?"; §f~é5, . H 2» -~-5 -. --,1".r~,_. 1. ~ » -'* 1' : -the ch-are pf the rimsom rzhichhhze I11-!e wd B111Féé-Y=1,§v1.==rY=~*>Y§ ¢¢2#§@¢1.??.-21¢-iclw.*;°°?i¢*9.1? I 4 '.. ~ ' a n°¥*E_-;zra.?f_the 83118-1';?."f'.?§;.---A'1-"3."'*__ .-":',:=15--":T'-> - 3-;-4" 9 ,..3 "a"""*_ Q. _ -92. _<»__92~ .' ,., _,,. . __ .-. _.v~,'~ ~ -4!- , ,- .- .,..» '_-V -. : _ ,-_' ,92~ . »,,|c--;- .- r/>'» _-.e--92 - f ~ 1 -.,_' '..*f;¢»92 ."_~'92;;-_-_w ' -.__>. r . ,5-;~l._ »,a- j"' 92 . ,_._ ;__. _ 1 . ._ »- f _-_ _ . -. _._~ _-I, . ; --~ +.»_,._K .V, ._.~:¬_ v.'.3._-_»¢ *5; =_.*1, -W, 1-; -¢fn_ '* .-,4 ,_ __ ~.,. 1. - "iv .-'.' 92 - u . <'~v~.-:z{!.~ ~I qesiroto State thatit is understandingixithl I-~;;.>§~.,v.:. ~A.,- - . g,' -r oi .__4 _, . of "peril:-,:3_8,B111 weaver,end, Q:e»incE1i'1i;-11:1,k_nom es,"3&onty'.£nd .-.*-~'55~* vino! 2' ».'»»" - W. *7.-'.=-=/. .."~e'921"-:.1- "17{Lave never-seen,the kidnapere>o1>Eé_v1§rd _,Brazier, _ 9 _.G; nero'tbe_k'id#-V-"if-5-'~'=f":L-_-"r _. _ +7-J.--. ,92. »_'92.1E'="~., ;1;,',,?@.., '_§v. .- _____f'."_,,L,1_ .-_,»;,. _. 1, , . *- . ,_»_~i_ .'~-4;-I'_.., .,_ n-__, -" . ~: 1;~__~ v92 ¢. ..~_'. _-m .-:i"- ,~- .~- .?-5"?"--.' 5 - .--_~_,92 -.-5*"-1 '-*4-~-'.S'.* <- 1 ~ ~ 1- - na;92e;a_:;1u1¢;.-. qr :17.Ham er_'sz".__1>@u1,,'_u1nm;=m=_;' .4 .~_B@.*f§1__58_§IY§f92;I§§i~ ,- A "9292...1}; .~."-* ...-I, 4- 11¢1'¥,Y§9¢?1'*?*9°_t'0d with Phe .k.1c?nnpi!1§of Hr. Ham -T: _a<-=..:'-"»=¢.<' ..,_~_-~,»_¢ ;~-.7; "~ - ' " 1» _-'5 ._ - '_- -.~ ~" ~ ~."- 51*}; Q4 92o92_' -<.-"~ , hum rrém my husband, Harri Saaye2,"as the '¢m@r'n<>'mbe"r§'- *?~-i v,~ ¢:~_l. .~ - ' __,. .-:=;~#~s-~ »_¢1-_;.;-,i.~»_.¢- _» _ _ _ ' Mhr_-'re;never inzzy presonce'.d1scusepd_ gitiger A ._t.he_~§am -é. _ on _. _ _..7;';Tf§A§:f,<,f_Te_f-5E?;'.-~'-_§ ~ 3%1" .--1," ''2.~ ".»!'-92"1»v--'7" ~- - - » , f_.'3e v"»f'=.'f'f-'. _-=;-_;__:-_--4- Y; M2' "="7¬"'-j";" ~'=_;.-.-.-_:¢;1". ._-,_-';»{f:_ '-"'9292'_'J -.i"fT1Y._.-.., i-i-,.$k7:".,_, '.:".,~1~ -wt,?'4,?:.._:, ~ -" .- 1!, "'.vq ._..3!-'__ 2*.-'1', :__>_i.*,,Lv;& in? .~"_ Q, a.,{:.~ -_. ._-,__. ~_H"1- ,_~.~-:;- J_> .._', ."4--"~";;!'.+.'. 4- '_ _.2 __'-9 1 5 -, _f-_~;_;__:-it " _ - L,5,» _ , H 3;-;.-';_ J-:,__',,,"*.""»,4,~,i7£~,'.-,1-xi"-T17 ': _:., _.l 3*, ;;f~,.f _» .35 K.-:_Y*:_:::_,_" 5»,' ,8-2?;*;=;1-~.-';1&.i;;;'._ ..'~.Q; Se};-cpr '- .92.'-...".-, -_ _ obtained_ . ~ inlomntion .that'.the '- U. 8- Deptrtmt ' > A-I _' ~ . 5. 92¢_§__-';. -"~_'-T_;;. . . _. __ was , ;=j*1>.=1'.~_ sucking. I111 fer?. questioning 'r~in oamoctixn n with V . the ~2:-eacrcauI--1 . - J.-.u,-'~--I - -- ' ' *1;_ o, "'=."}_;75'-,_- , .;~31-§_i2-F. iv,". .~ i... '":--P--'1"-r.."'7?..fv I. 1.4- -'' : '5 ~,_, ",__-- "7'~ ' __5' 1:.-reQ-":?>"_"~-T - ~-7; . ,-4.-1 .1? I-.'..."-. '_. 4~f-l~_" "7' -.'_'.1,-'-: :;~£-''.'i921.'-Ti"; -7- Q" .'§:~ - u_5- - --'-'', -v.~ Bf" .,I 1; ,- '4'* - _~II' , --.1 ~ . ,_~>';-7. ={~ " - -- "£5 - -$1;92 . 1-,",-n r.| " ~ -P: I ,4 " - - = ._- <-:~:',='jwin:-',2=i2'i=_~'*e 1"" ' r "s'-*---'.7.*'-'.-s-' '.. . -~--¢< ' -. *-~v¢"- .7 ~~ --i _--< ' -,1 ""+- "_-' " i--1I" " 3"" "5 - 313- "- . ,7 _-._-E,p, ,5 .4}? .- .';'~ ,_' ':,_. ~92»___§-k...,§-_~_R __ J -. _, ,; _'.,,_1>.__ -1,'.. ~~ -1.?_,.-;. 519,, _92 V-_ ~*n» F3->._& & - - ;;f»_l..1__J¢<~~ ~ * - ~_- 7!.._.,..i'-1»: f»1 3'43-' §'_¢f_...-'~ '1-7-"'fr"_*f_r*-;a,..__l'T-,2.,f_-'i';:' _.'_-J "1.-~¢~ *',' *'3'->1 -.' .__3. Vi. , . »- _- m ;xv :_ ',.-:{_9__.~___ .. ,-.-'15- ,n.r__!-- ~.,_ v,-J _ - ...'~f-. ,_t g 1" _.b-.4 '_ I -, _92 37 v_ 92;.~--,4--.IZ_;t."§.t 4,¢ 2'»92<_~=~_»._';,__:,._, . $5-' »--"35.-_,},,____~,___-; L. _~=".w . .~; £1-< ;_~; »¬;<'.~ .¢.'.»._~__ _. _!~ ,_',- ~:_.d.- _',:,.s_, >_,_*"_. .;.92_¬;-".."- _ ..:1;w¢_;"£-i-1.,_;-ff_.', _; '.Q5-,r: 't_>"."§-._-_,r92 _;...;_:_,l;._,"':;_..£ >-yxil: -'eaj; .>-v__,_:__4_|'- ~..92,§ ~31 -_lc-_ ' '- ~.'§==*=,-J1; » _ _--' . ~' ~..~;~..-i.J-*"4*?-P-*5-+*'_.e1'-_'- ,-¢.1_-~-~ -_ _- ¢ '.-v FR-§~-* '_ _-~" -'---1-7* »-_=1-1:,--:~_,-»~ 1 »-.1.5 ~»- -.-=~. 7'.$"92, -- ' w-- ~--- -~' _-..2- " =.-1'»:-..-~.-.$=»--.-~ :¥~l§' 1"'9' U-#1.:L1-;;*:-a;.- '»- ' I-',"v-.L--l"3".k; "f-_:]'§;i*l3§lw{;',_?i ¬"3'*~e_~f4f>,,:;_ 3" b--__- .>'-5'..3;. '!..~~r_i*_§:,H.o _ -- """ ' 4 _ ';>_ ,92 . -- , ?:i:_._.;'._.'§'i;.,'}:'§_ _"=»92-jz,-4? .<.-.¢ !',~;-H k E" .»-4'-I--.._." ".J N,: "',i,}{.~» 1?";.._92 _ ___~4.,~54. . .»~ LI "._'- A ~._J_-;;.m "-K~~>}""-"1"-Q"ff» .= -@'___ H ___1..-4-. '.-g_.§'.~'f ->£----5 -.-,5 - J.-".--.1».-'-~ 7';"' if-? -';--:2':*_ _ _".: 1»2.1:1,, 92-!.Agj__¢_%_.f!.;f, -~» $8 -:.;$:_l.¢"a§_Ft-:1§'?"§?§fj--;A »*~= -*" "-" gtif," ;_92_.;'.,-~"* ' . ,. 2: ~ ~_:U_}-r,_.- ,1 _ ._ . '. iv-. ' ~» v 92 -.._ ,p"n_ 1'; _ fa... F . 4- . ' V 4 , ¢, 1 _ _1_ _§_., f-f,-_,1-¢;_ _'¢¢92~:-:4_ 7-"f..11 ,1-A . _'= _ :- .-~§ _1aR' ':.;.,-..': - " ,--"_->;_ _.A9L:,'_ .,.'-0 ,-.-1 __{£--'_"_> ';, .-§"f -_' .

» .. - . » -» e_.;.:J,.-., ., it-92~'7am-*-.,_.-__g, _v. .. - ' - an 1-~_,,_,'_g_ ~...-..s-L,_..__,,? ».¢- .- 1-mg L 0 " . 1

92 92 I -5-

> Zia:-_ry -cm;ago: L1, accom anieci by Frmcine Fraughmcn left St. Plml, _ 92 §'.innc~zsot.a shortlyafter the lat of April 1934 in our lynouth Coupe ~ '_ 1 ané drove to Fremont, Iebraska there the Plymouth Coupe Ina tradqd ~ 1 in for a Flymsuth Coach '.-Jaichlatter oer had been oecux-ed at Lincoln, " Ilebreska by Hay Sandlovich, qy husband'sbrother, who resides in» Q } _ F Lincoln, Nubraska. I think the Coupe ms registered in linnesotl 7 Q 3?; = under the name of Frank James,but I know the Coach wasregistcredw 1' unccr the nzme of Frank Jame in the state of l:=b!&51.'.8.Te were . ;_ 514 f only in Fremonta fer: minutes. Z-e.n-ooeoclod thein -CoachArriving '7,-_; ~ at L-as Vegan, Hcvazlashortly after the niuilo of A pril 1954. _Io -.1];v . _.!i . zeta,-_;-edvarious at tow-iatcamps bot:-eonSt. ?au.1,Iinnosota V ; ! L55 vg, vi :2-I.: .: '_'-"J. 7; "'7. I ~ >31 1_.._ 92_~ _' _.;=~*. ' Z-..:gr--;':92. _'_._ . t C .. _ » '7 ' '"f"-- ll-*.*lL;~-,:+», ' Fnraute to Las Veg-2.8;Barry and 1wa_e1.1,etoppod atReno," IBVIl_Ih91"§j=7;_,*_ Y. _ Barr; went into lone gambling join; and $.n~:;u.iradfor oiaor lh,-ed-'-;_.-.»_; ._'_hj Barker or Alvin Ksrpia, but tho person orlpcreonlof Ibonwtho_.§.: " I T r11l!'lC8nude were did not know the boy» Y we fore in Renojua§_ C F ~ , ; Q » .¬n0.lgh- for Harry to make. --_the referred - _, _-_ -_._.> to iDQ92l.l1'1QIQ_ ,_ _>_,_ _,;-; ._ ,_'-3--,_,<;j: /_,_-~-_-...=",_-~._ 1 ' =1 ".;,-::_ V - " *~ 1 ' ». T ' _.- - 5.14. .1 *1- - -- '~'_¢~ .'_-at_ -»._- -r.-'. . I. ;1 _92Q "i."~..._--;_ , _r__ ___~_"__ ;_*~_-.1__ . 4 , 92 ; >.~ 1;, . . At Les Vega: no first _at.op;vod atothoBoulder Hotol under thejpspu 92'~_,. ;;§_~I ; _. . I - cf axe. 1:16Firs. Frank J'anc§.8n Inter be-ge-n,11vi.ngat V1'10tl8_~""@-$4-_~;._1_»_-:1 ,"*_1,, ' .~ _ tourists camp: in the vicinity of LaosJegaa. Harry Elwyn at;._i. ' " , »~ . ~'_aought he upon 'c_|se1oon_or >gahb11.ngplaoo 1n,_L=§_Vogaa F ' *1" C~ IM-1: '¢ha=e¢d #11» " ' / ~' -'-"1 ">;e~:>~ -J. ; ' ';.~=>mhhe Q1<;¢15p§ Qliay 5%. '* by train to sea my doctor, cho isllr. Ecnry_Hal1',J_ef_£e_r'ooq 1878 "v.'.'.I_;"é:?.fr, C Street, which houselocated qt that a:.ore_-a.ia_my pro;>ert;f¢V. , i _ '.' _'92 I ha.-I r';¢¢»nst. Paul in about we clays whenI net Jack Pfieffer, who1 n -_1.~. -..-_ .. _ operates the Hollyhockslan, in 81:. Paul, liiunesota;-V I inquire ~f-_P_-'_~" n '. . *9-5 _ v?.*'ie{'i¢rit he had seen any of the boys meaning the persons vzo'ab-3,1;"~ " K 1 J . ducted Hr. Brewer, he replied in the negative. I than gave himlll _',1,""F,_'.,r ~. v - afress of a party near _Sioux_Cit;-7, Iowato giveto my of them "D. v' ewe to St-I&ul.v Hr:.'n-y'Sez:yorand myself had stopped and z22z=da.__;?',"~j-j;:.~,.t'.- h ~ p:¢.=ViO.18_&.rre_ngenent3_A - fricnes - with' of ours whoare g an , r y o no _ -- "~ " wrongdoings mt ~shose nan-saI do notonrc, to zjoyeal, tohovooj-hon, __.;L IQ toward-any hail they aigh_treceivo_to_Las NVegas,-Bovada ,m':;,,_1 1!;.-~f_,_",f;;'.'-1-_ ' ' ' '-. C ~- -~ ~ ,4 =1:1-:. 2 <:Y.'-=.;*:-i*2.*~-~ ,._, _ > .»_"'. -1 - V '1F__:__ - C '" ,;g_=,_¢1;I oat; noneof"am!-oximctelqr the gang in tén St. Paulotyu, AI éur@ then 101:tthe time I P8-Jl::¥ gW88 $11 , __92_,,,I ~:~"-"§§§:§§;:~~-:~__:.$:§§§§-~;"r'' ' '' 92 ': yum Je.n6iseht to mm, . . Heb:-ass:. mo re1_¢q@';1¢aeq_____zne,,;r1p _A "Q;-»;';:;:}__;_;. . - _- A ___v1a airplane,the nameoi _tholi:;e_ srroeithorthe AmericariL _ . 5.. 5;;» I*I~I*I'I*I~I-I*I~.. . I*I*I*I*' '' ., orghenitoé L~r::ayu,__,-A C ~' ,_ __ '1" ,3 .~""~_ = _ >3 *-_;,*.-» /-.3; __ ."1-/".!";-;~;"Z».".~. __ * 4'.' $3131315$-?§?ETEI§1§1§I§I§1: ' K M I I I § :;:;:;:;:;:g;;:;;;;:;:;:;:~:~.1:1:1:1:1:1:?:1:?:1:?:1:1:1:1' ~ ' ,, - '_'.> V~,- - . - - ~; . - - ; » _ . __ > _ . . a V 92 I-~*~~. ~_-4..,---._,~ ' ~ ~¢ Q ; :1Ajf~v_;I.ff _ .._.. . i §:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§:§._._k ¢ '.1. -f . r l . _ ~; " , v - . "I s r~_ - v 0 4. L ~, ~~ ¢. .. , 12121222:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2-1-» q- 3 - ,. - ; ' ~ . * _ ' - ~ -V ,- _, 1 ~ , .. - " ' _ » 1 <- -92>v_;,-g--1,2, .__ ,._._.. ___,.,s;_ -92 _. ' ' 92' . . L 92-7.- - 3 A -- '' . . |. '"" -1'-3!_!F.92'>A~'":'-1."1"s-xii!" - _V_-Yov r F .;_1 , " ~ -od , _ __| __._.U; H T -2;5 : C? -- ' 3 ' ,. ,_. _ I _ V, , _¢~ ~ ,, ' - _, _.4' , v" , , ' - _ _;h ~- ,.,,+,~.-41 _.-.» __' -. _ '_. . - > 1 0" l i ' - , . , ~s 4 ,- . > ~ _ - ~ 0» ,2 ' -"*1 -v 1' . 4 1. ' - .v . ,_ a . - » _ ~. . - s _ , . ,. _. - , 4 ,. 1 V .-_ . 7:-hi ,__,...__. V__§.;a_____...,: » " ~ ~ F.- - 2 1 ' >'-I"; ,'>,.'--V.-_5 ' .34-"I- .1 .527 1,-"'- 7. ,f.'2-~---' J .* , i -. ..~_ ~ .. - __~ ~ . . -y .- ¢-4,-.3--,V _~-» > ,92.,.¢ V ...»- _ , 7.; ._ ~ ,'f--92~- .. .,1- _- 1, tr - ,. . ,.' q - -- » ~.-,~- ,' - '_~ .. A. - ~ ., . Y < .__; i ' ¢:$..+-+1-.~-- -,92.l>___-._ _. .__.-=_>_, .~,=-. ,- us. ,_ r ' -1 R »_no » 1 -» 6 -I -- ~-. . ' 1-_ -.---1- , . . V ; x _u . - . - . _ .1: .. u.h. _ _ _- - 0';-.. _ _ ~ 1 ._ . --, ' - . > , i .- . ; - . - n .- V >4 q *-.. .»'~.' .5 ~I~'-;"'~. , - -'--, . < -1 . , '_ . ,}.- , . Q ,k'.I. -4*-~. -33- - . I' ~ - vn; _ _. ,_ ~, ., . , ~. _,_- , ,4-_. ... .. I . ,... I ., J, I ._ _ _q. .1 ~*3:;:3:31313131315;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.4~ A~~;=;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:; <"'<1*1*'==E-=;j.:Er==E1¥E;3;Ei ' _ * =:1" "- {soc "<11==E§333g3§53531333333333:3=2;E;¢§3;3;3=i92%E;§;3$;5$~51 _=52;2;2;2;2;z;;:;s§=§@:;>:2=e-1*, E53323233;3;2;2;3;3gE§3;§§§E;3g3§i§11;iZ;E;E;3;I'§'¥92=>~-»»sI,"_--., _ ~.'.. . . Y ; =:11::2:2==:::2e=2:2::<_§.s§¬e$;:=:g;z$§g,,1 *~*~:~:;:~1:{-:;:;:;:;:;:;:~._.,~:;:;:g~:*~~-:--v- _ ..Y.!;">v.: - .,_ ' 92 >117} ,~a:;:;:::;=.:_=:==1, - ..$g:;:§;:;:§;_-" _:;:;:;:;:;..¢. ._ _. _. P; * »~ - /6

4 w~ I I > 92

4J F. 15¢ I -

' I had been back in Le: Vegas with my husband about two weeks when l we received 1 letter from Alvin Kn:-pie from Cleveland, Ohio, ltat- 7 ' ing "drop a line, c/o General Ielivery and come on back". I do not ' remember the name I used in addressing the letter to him, but I di _ write and advised him re more leaving inmeiatelq. I do not knot ¢ ~§*. Q e. Ibo secured the address Iron Piieffer., - _ e - .-_ 'e - ' Y Barry Baeyez-had sold his car and me left Lee Vegas, by train, -. ,, __ 1 - nhortly after the receipt of the letter and proceeded to Cleveland, ' _j Ohio via Chicago. After our qr:-in]. in Cleveland, we erected to L ,c . __ » _4 2-- ~ L V A -I i » be net by some leaber of the gang but noose was there to neat up . _- -» and going to the Post Office we mm um _}J.vin Klrpii had not ' f.-1'. ' 'c4.-lled_1or the letter I had erittg hi: Iron; I-ll, Vegas, Ievaén, LI: ;~- . : - . | ~ - then went to the Cleveland Hotelend registered es Ir. pm: Ire. - . Iran! James} I Irate Karpia emthorletter end two or three day! _'~" ::_¢_'--,f_@.{:_¢ _> it "1ater_11vin Km-ale and Dolnree Ealaney eene to the Cleveland .1. };.'.-",;_;, I _,§.,-§i;;»;;;,__._ and net ul. _Iethen'rent pith than out O_;l'F'1.8-I1J_1gO Street, =;','".' .~- *' Y-'5' ;Q.T5they' :>ere"1iving, but do not rcg:nJJ._92mder flhzit B885 I do not re-_ ;"1'=_if::_§:__'v.',":__3','_1_' 1 .3;f,i=-71' .' 1 member the exact afcrese of this house, hut believe it ml in {=f_,.";.{_§.-;§~};,¢', ;' _:.-.- -To =.nidd1.e ot the 4800 block. i -_l&1le' was about the m1;id1efoi',Jpna: 1954- 1-'5;-"~*~ _.-.';~ .-_-*3 .- . . _ ' "1. . ' " --' --, _-_ '..- .~»: 1 ~. '.-III, ' 1' " .. " av, -.4, ,-<._'_, :92 ~".e'_ -».8'- },}'-V ¢- - 1:.-~'. . "_=.;'-I:§q 3 -.,_; A ,3 T- 1.-"»;'~' _» ._ . '" '~ "" t j ~ ~_.- - -- " 4 *1 ___}~~_-- ~ .7-j -,- -V ~ _ -.v;_¢-, » _- .'_ .- ~~"' 11.1" 5 :__.~-*:~' -' 1- - - ,,,:-,A,_.;-5- -- ~ 92_-:,g~,{£-.2; 1}, .¢_'.-",3 es 8;. _, .- _~,.@92.~¢ "=: -'; . 1;; Btyed there about two reeks at the e:_1!_,of, which time I had to A,-;._r"_; A;-, ~:;'=f1.-3l,_:.f:_'§; "'!'eti11n to St. Paul uhere I underwent e major operation at llic.veg__ -._~.=,,r~_; _ ~= ' hospital. ~ I tea confine in the 'hospita1~'_zn1der my eemezieee 1;'f4'~:.-3';_e-.-§._£*¥'; _ 7, ' from July 7th to July 25th, 1954," 'Dari.ngmy confinement in the A?-, -'1 - hOEp.§.fb8l,- ?eula Haf'_I_nO!1.'.¢_i=-i9292QeAf1§on C1eve1§nd,__0!d0, ;;-_j,921: " 1+ _ _ 92 _..__7 ya one , ,___ er-' visit-Q,-'-'; _ __ _>"_'_, '_., .P~_.-." _ =.=--.-~.*.¢-=.:~<~~.__._._.!r...,§925;_ _ ._~. - Fred Barker drove me in his oer from Cleveland, Ohio to mucege ?._-" where ye__iria_'it.cd"one day 'r:1th Hrs. mn¢m"'a=rk'=rs 'i°§b¢¥' 0!-" ~ 4. " 2 Fred» =@ ow =2ww@°e =2 »*-=»=>.»= *1.°=,9¥-.P*4¢=@@.-f*?°.f*?¢#E:1 I ' f "I_°r. imich §° 39'? k°" if: _~e'.i;;:3;.;=-1 §;f*_.- ' -_-K '12-. Q--I Y-Li, -J __._ e r____ i, 1. . »_ fa yr V ¥_'._1_. _' . :__ ;_ __~_ .2", :_ I >_¢_ . '11,--2" ¢f:V§_V. hi}. ;1_%-reemea to Cleveland, Ohio about iugust let, 1954 tenft3,;"_j;f,'¢;;,j;:;;If-;,;;~ f". f; =sZ?'I"-~-wzlirectly tn 10515 Parkhurat I-rive, uhcre Fred Barker_1e.oc1_,Pex.a_; ;_.*__j-;,~_ "I __~=!~5f:.1.v.___:;92.j-'_,L1_'§:};;- = -.-3;" - Emw_ =.-.ez~e,living together ih on epertment, ~Berry__Snn'y0rfwee;-_ '3-;fl__:,_;'"h , .' 192>~_>."v<' _:,.- -._,' 1 . _, already _ hs-re _ ~ having_ ~ . remained . in ~ Cleveland_ _ while , I 11118 in the ~_ I-'.>92,;_-_-"__ ;.":L'._992:¥:_ __-__tfL-:_ ,: is ,3-.';{:-1;: '. __~ > _~ ;<,_.=A_;;;_,-.-A-'5;;-,~e;-3 hospital. Ha:-Ir; end 'I»_:e_tz-yed the:-_e_a fer _c;e3f5 5;___»£_-;_»_.,_;.-;_- . j;-1,; Fred Eerkezjat the cod of $1%92_B.1=h§_f¢11I' 1iP3?;3¥_-i;¥1§;r5,;%?.:'?j<;*;;,£"-_;. 4,-£5 ,',_:_-;_._l.»: -t-1* bogs at _44_J.9 '6. 171. Street, where we were On ~_;e;i£_,;?;:_:__-?-yitea. ._'$£i_~»* _ <@@;~.;»¢'r -v mm M ¢1+=~¢1=nd, we @¢.==»w1%*e°==P W» %9*?4.~r- 1:"¥i::;i?11#@:-1=ter§s%e J ma. arm -_MLPe-=. l¥=1"I<==="=-!<' was ~I .!'~!! 1. I I ., _ I ~ - Y_, J * _ _ I _ -,V M _ _ v,,.... be - "VJ. . _u.'§;".. , 7 _.: -gI,;__§.92 -~'. "1" ~_-.,§.§,- -+1 e-I#'""""=' if; -,;,-~,,£5._£ '- P , -. -. v ;r-,;»."= P,-.;-;.'=, "1, -r.k.i,"* ,~ 1: T."~.;_'.._-j -:-1.t= I .-"'§ ""3, i~".'.: 1 .~."?_-f92;-3;~_-ee ii. »- ~= r- .-_"-%-"--'~'z*-,*'*...-*-.»- ~,¢-ff-'1-">.'_7-":-5".-T~_~. :1 ~ ~.<"R§' 4» ,'__:_l92_ ¢, QJ; T .7? .'f=:".?T;?§'was-~:*"=~-,~¢~¬»<:4, xx _.» H1 .,vA__"_'.: I-1 -"__.' ,;__:_.-._u,>._-_~;_-;_|;.', 1: aw ""a;¬' : _e;£»=;£,_,;:_;~ ~ 1 _;_.,_!- A "s -31.11.:-'--g __;_§2:'-_ 3',.:-.é~_j;. e="=;-5% ;.._;,>.,-S.1- --_ __Pa_ ~ -' J , , "*92=.* ¢, ! a. 1.; -4-_- I H L L I. . -_ ,- ..1-f* -,_ 1-if. ,_ _.k: _- 31*:-.'-,,_ --..' ',~-I3. y '_ 4-_.-:..,, _ ~' _";;. at-:r»_~ _-;__e _8_=~w_~___;92_ :.',_-:'_.; _§, "-,%~:_V.~ _§ _-.-.~'5".- - _ ;~!~¥__-4|,_'_'.5_"y V"- > _. _--'.~x ' -"4;- ' '. " *5 »-,.:»*.q' 41- .1 --'5; .' LU;-= " Q, _. .. 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1 r 92 ¬ ff ;, ~» ,.."{ 2, 92' _~,¢¢ ._ '. , '». ; ?-,4

It ..-. _ ;: ,4_Ia- . fvq»;:1~,; w ,.e_._ __ ' 92 --4L:._.r~..--..- ,-nu...".' 1

_1. 1 v


/ n -1- while I was livingat 4419 I. 171st Street, Barry Campoelland »: F we woman he was living with by the name of tynona Burnett, _ - . . visited us at the addresa on a couple of occasions, I e not $7-*-.':=..._ , know whereathey wereliving,-.1, '1. , -_ , g; J,-,4 ?_..";,.f~1*;_,_i="»§A1;T;I.i5 .;,,, - * ~ . ~t.1 .- 1,». _'~. Y 1',-'; :1,-f-'_._ e__-.ff-§"»_§;§_V'f*";*';:-F:-ff;-_"l§ _ . - 92 _ Do the occasionof qr fi.rat'v1ait"to ClevelandxzllvinKafpin '-5*" ~ . _¢=-we -ms tyself _wSoadusky, diio-zheraqe'¢1m.¢4 yq15.","i.;i'§I . Lwia and theroman 11-mg uith nu. _1do not mu we -mum, _-. , 3 ~ mmthe Luke but sherro. it gelled mu loafer ,*Rn:bite"._l3av-is _I.nd Xyrtlomm lived wem'lingd'hE in Q eottageen -3 -i- 5 Iolney taviaand, Hazy-y qyaelt,and visitedwith the1,";_1>f.- .5 PI , ' A I <9- ' _ _ _-,'. ~,_ '_ .. ~- . __ '.__ 1- '_ . '_- -3.,. ,, _-._ ,, _ 1* -,- , ' _3 .._ _'I-." _g-V :15 .'0. Q;-._--.='__"1_f~-r".; '1 _.- ',."':1. *'.. 1;"-:,__?i>1.¢,;~___,;_',:_:: '*>:I:'F92 ~ .; , ~ 3'1 Iept.heve #96578; beenlhcnm Lorie, mephotogfraphl Volney of beéringommberFred Ooetz, 12808; Chicagopom; Alvin _-E: " . __ - .V ._l.8.P¢ £1559; Barker, X.S.?. .856; Arthur R. Barker, @~"""" " 'P7 ~- pumbor 11906,IP30?-OZ1APl'1 Ira. 'Kath.=riheBarker marked.l-nd"l7T iii-3?V":~"'*;':" *4 Li . _' ~photographbuzzing name of Rilliqm Keaver, andstate they are 5:, likenesses of the indivi_énAlIn_en_tioned bythoseIll-lel thil . ».j'/"3-.'~'~. ~ .'' ' . '< t . I _4 '_,. . :' .-, ,5 5 ," - ~ . " I. -'__iii.-'-1': '_',-Y-,I:"~.-a :_-'»;l'.-~."a-"u-'¢ _, "14.-a'.""A I .',,.._ _ 8n_I_. _;¢,..~ '9 v"»y _~-»... -.~.;.";92,..¢>7_*;;_._,-~f1.. ;.92|-."'fr',Q: "¬_.92,a ,..,____.'_»_'_';;f_.',_r. __ _--__ .___-_~ >_;;_--_ Z _._» I !g ',, ..'_',.-"V-._'_ ,,'. . " 1_'-»,~;_ I1. - -... .~ _'. ~'-'. _ '-.-'__='5 . '»-;-~5;-~-~-1,; -92§92.~" .1»C-.-f -'~_ 92---92 _»-".-_..~-.3} -i",:-;- ~"- ~_.341$ '~i t," . M ..1 _ . _ I fartherstate that I haie notfet time mi; lj money paid in either the Ham_or E_r_emer ,kidne;>mn,'_--*J-_;.':__

'f.'eaverIlevisleft Sandusky and to or 1.hroeVve'ekB'pfiozi" I Q 1 ~ , '_ . in Clcvelaod, Ohio mid I do _not I . where they intended go.';_--"Q"-'_;92.n.. __. v I _. > _ _ _ . _»,_ _ I. I!; ___, _, _,_' _: ._ > . ..» . _,_-_ , _.-b. ...:. ,-.-92,_,l.-,. » n . At the time of my arreetat c1¢'+¢1=na, OhioToi1"ScptJeii1§ei~15;/I9-'>4p.7;-',;'.;~ 7- VI hadcozgce-tled on my person phme00 bills seven_£l00 A ' one solitair éiamonrl r1ng','0nedouble solitair cliamonri fing, one pair/' I» - éien-andeat screwsand oneV1un1nountedI¢iamor*1d.'-Themoney was thatg. . . " r.'.-ichI had:~:ithere=:m f_ron|_thesafety deposit box at Commercie1'Stéte';§f:if:. _ Bank, St. ?aul, Ilirmesota, in Bay 1954, and was not lone; which had *-_.>$";..»-;_;" - Baez: obtained in the_exchengoof the Eremeif ransominoney,-' :i".~_'_ 1,» I 1-» .. ' . ' '-;. -,~- . - -. ,A .,_ = - _- ~,.- . .'~*-1.'.'.-1;. ¢._'-..l*.». ." " -' -~;..._»>'#-H~3",;A *1; '~.-,f'§z_'_ J ~ I tut-nod the money andjewelry over an_ attorney, atC_leve1and,-";:,:;>.. _;'.-,-L;-_>-ti5; 5 §_; ohio, while I was in Jail to keep for me. This attome; gas " , _ Stanton,when Paulaeontected pt the pO1:1.¢6A6U1$i0!1in Cleveland;t_¬";;~;};",3!;.-;j: _--. -3 . I told Stanton to try and rjeaohmm-y Sawyerand to have in£orl_l_A"f',;_Ij;§gj_;t1:;fl-t ~ j ha; pat ea¢u.e'1=eenTp=m' ' have n~t.had_ ;-@1».'umql'_'_ ' . -I T?'¢ *r*1.9$!°'_wn921,9roP0!'*927l,¢1"¢. wrmaim.-@ ",~':;?' .

- . - ! _ _ _ i_.4'.~ . w- 92->. . -- _ 1 <_-I -. ._4 >92 . >7 A 1- - -V - :.- . 1, 1., _ .'_ - , - §, _ - r - ,'~ .e -- '§"»*"92.. .< _-':.1" . .:1.I"4*r '- 1 4 r, l '-'-_ .,. '-,1 -_,~-, Haw 3 Q '._.92- ' 92.-1;; ._ ."- .._~f92_ ;~ . '_;_. I . 6-,; ,2 - » 4- ,1

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~;¢.¢v-.4"1.j=":I-»;.-¢¬;.- < *- . -. ,~' "=5 "'~"-' " -5"-:"*' ".'.';.='p-'L'_-_"*1,-*3 -2 2 3'. J: . I "'2'. '1", _"_;"**':f92"' ;:¬.<'}-»~.""'3':92;:'_'f T "'r;:L" .f_._ -3. "'1-Y . *"I.-~"*_,;'§.§*_¢ I "fl "Doc" P-arkei zigqterfat any L _ ' ;.*.;~;+% j 57 =-tzirlmd, _Iu>.>*~!='92*-11 M I it '. M _. ._ ; '1 :43.-pa not associate with nan. . , . I-4;; =-i-,;'?;§,,=_.¢

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' Chicago, Illinoio , ,2 .__ Soptonbor 15, 1986. 1 , . ' $_. _ .,. ." :_,. » :- 3 .avP". Q -_ . ' ' h " - ." ' N #4-L:_ - " .. .L' ~92 - - '."- 92..Z1 --_ -'~ ' I . ,|_- . r~ ' _ *1-_. ~'_ , .-1 K ~ ~ 4 = .'_-1 -. f .-_ --' ._ ,. - Q, ' I, MR5. GLADYSRITA SA?"!'I§i,do nko tho following sworn ototo-, _.§ .»" e A Anont to Special Agents R. 0. Ooultor and R. C. Burn of tho Division oi. »_~7~~_"21. ~, "aw proaontoddrooo 1: Doytoai am-r station; new J4, at. Pin",- x1n£o=o;d;'"%.;;*#i"%*%: .,_.__ . _ I havo ~~; ' .- ' . F. 0 -,'.> :_£ ';'._ sr ,_- -1 . "'- ~.' 4- " »*-~ . . bootieasing '1l___3$¢ '.;~;fiI=<;-;; mi, fa ;,,§;,»~*,ei_1;;f~%;i_;,5;,_;_;;;'s'@;"¥§ff, T_';{.i}_-,__g<_~:,; ~:,V,_ ~ _P. x , ,1? ;_,.,.:q-*~<;.>_,a. G F».;J:l ;-F' 4- -i ' - .-'=.~.1; 5 - , During thopaai tyolvo yoaro ho has oporotod,nloou of ;=j.92f 1&1 -.~__,;._,f92 '_ at_ timoa 645tZoboaho,1_vonuo;__ Fabooho 845 homo",' and 84i'$'abaohq _ivongao,'<,_ff-. .:,;§_l_}§._;,1 ,1:_ :.i._92:v 92_:11 in st. Poul, Itinnoaota. rm _,buildings mun -t cu" -non] oam»os.;§@e§;o{£._.- Ia S -; u " :3. I 1'. ' ~ > :.. .5" 5 ' . - T' "1''3 *5 - _- ' 75 2- V "" >.._1"-M""o'"3-§~:"" ;' ' "C1 Z 5'.-'A:F zf .:»_.;_'

.__. ,. :-" ~~..-t - -92 Innoino Faughnm,when nohavo takolooro ~ oroinoo * -1January 81, 6 ~~<.."'~ 1935. ~=~*"'+""= V-»',,';;92f1',.~¢ - =i~~?5 A " "" "" o>ii¢°_n¢¬,¢;¢;11}n;.5&5;"baa a.;1:1,;; my¢1;?o;,§£1ii;@}a%§é,§;":;,;ii, »,. H iv _ nenr known my huohono, Bu-:7 8u1or,f to ho, in ow other buoino_s§','-";;f.,-5 1; ___*_thia through foonvoi-nation pithvarious ;>eop1o,_'and onono _oco-anion_1 fool;-;§_,-_=__-£$-';:§'- " _,h_er _tooi tho ~f.L=houso _-1+ in my -'--=;..'»;.-.o",@+' ear,'_bu1;_I ';f',.--11;"-.':#;*»'1'1"l',3}_1?.;-Qdidhot go in nouns "i1,]:-,_:' is thoonly A 2/~l ' _";~:"£_ 92 T ~01--'4. ,.j7_'joasion I 92-=4._ove1_'_b7 Tho sue:-§.f first I _hoard_of thoir boiné gong » 1'»-1'-':.-if1 -< yrhen "'1 readintho paper92that2O,4 Yo_:_'nnh &Yen!1o,h0d_§§_oeI}H,rt1§n6_$...., . ¥,'.3 .__. 4 - .92-_, .- . >,. , - ,, _, _ A , .1 ... I » . - _ 9292_< .-1-_ 1; T.y -_- -, -._-~ 3 ._ .-, . _'a ~ - -__ . ."_ ~ J_. . -- |¢:- _~=92. - '~-- ~ . _ ,--_»_ _ .1.5P--1 - ~.i . . -. ; - .. ~".".-§ A7! 5.!., 1». ~ - ._ - ~¢-,_ -~'-1"I ' .'"~.> . :0. -' -»,/3 i">r_ , 1 =2'1" ' "X ~v 5.- {$9 - /-4 34 -2.~f92_§ 92.;#,'3,-_. _"F, I-.1._J_ ,. Q, § _*aro'oumod' 92 by tho!-ogniidt QrzoyingQonpanyhjhioh 'tho'iAd91ph 7 ':*'»'.*'f'..'-ff~:--"r' 5. havo a_financial into:-oo'$."§éff, F? ;';:ij;.¢';",~;~.;_~;*i"*.¢>;',f-:.;jg>53}; ;§ir;_.;§g*§f¢§-_i;';.?;§$'< .~:=:=4 1' 1; '5 .4 ~ 11;"-;4;.-:*_:'~{;-L; »*=-,.-"-"9:»<~';, *--~-'~r1-ji i" '.,;,;j'fi1_1i&3 .-__.',a inkvanaao City,1l£ie_ooui'i, I jun pt husbe.nd'o yhoo .2. _ "r,,,-_g-~., 1.Q ' .>- '_4;,54_3Iubaghoivonuo, .s§._I__au1,iiinnenoqa, oboutlldlilghii . ..,,_.:'<'.-';,§*~. . _ - - A ___,5 l - R .__ __. -3 ,92_92._ . 1,_7_7, ;;_~ : ~ ;_ -attor"n jooout operated m1an1gmuo=u¢;o_'_Ia plooo at {S43Y-cbaano $t:eot_iuyt ohm ma h'0_n_921;o in Eh Poul:shows},§2go'£:§f'2;§*,g:gi;¢'I2>§§§ -,~,';;'-{;-._ not ',-.5} ,_;_;~>,é,;;¢r-;._1,»;,_1 -»- ,"*". q- " *1£ - Porariount Thootro, ':.'- kmiohmow _ n'-'c1o-oa -': -'-.~ at mm1v'."'-. 11-'10 Ioitondod P! 1 »*-1 Y l~.- ; L_ --*r~92_-2. .-_. 1;. 1, , 1" L-"-;_;3!";-2/.'":!>»;m: .. . ,_ -___. _"',;',_.__>.'' I-'1> - ».§..;,£.__!i,_,. you< ' »92-'_being 'J__oitY give"; - I * .$.- ..?_i-2 to-- _ttietliamm Kidnoping _that{rod Burkoé,"Ifaula 1'IH. "5"._,'~l_$J92'92=1!2_1 -'3'; -:é;a"- - Ia:-pi:_ _92., 'and,A1vin92 '-. -,-:1-afIv.%g_'L'," ',w_om'_ #1-- living at 204 VernonAvenuo 1_ll_S92i.7'_P§.1.pLjr,1_ _ A wr 1' 2,! ~ 92 _f'i*"":;_;;:=::-Q-'*1.,;;;; »~ 1- T;-F.4,;-» xi; J, J P *- ,1; =~,_=-ow: =-. ?,-4*_-"r§;,1P*§?E".-"§?-1 - -. ' "sf' :1-:7¢'§::'5..577?a_i<-;> " ' 1 .~:-- =~=~-. ' :3.-E';Tr ._1_'¢~"; Y 0.1-~< .-.5 v ¢1,.~m1.;".;;.* _> "_"*s 31- ' n "rk;_i'_3'92'192i"":.1 fil it .._-1'._,.f- .-a a .1-1'3 "1';,~§-3 . £*'-,§f.._,. ~._;,4<-;u _a 3 ;'. ; ._ * ,.v~ ;.7.-. 4'5';§'l 1. ~"'§.~."+< -,1 .'."§.§_:-'.-.,»,_'_'- » _ _ -1 5: $27"-'?~>1.~ '7"§5"S:¢' _..*-»__ .-, E,-.~ " ' . =_ ,._~". .,_ ,§_._~_._ -¢....'_~. .__:,!__1: I. 1 »,' > ¢_ __._ ,, :k_ ll 3-H-' kw . _;_T~;',;<,,t11'io' ithoatro by myself." »'-.'§;_;-3-vf' A 11-.¥I _6o_no,t . §knoq_who:~oV A .1, _-"'>=§:'~h -o , 18uyox-_ .' ,- ISAo.t_"921,ggt;,$i:§:gZ_,g>_;"-§?~,=§' ~' ;..* "=.$¢=~ E no v ~.,-3§_;,_~..,»/T. ,,-- "- _v'P'92_ -- ,,* _:' Z. 5. ' _ _Q >:.;_-'»,$3;_ =- ~_ "-1~.-.. '=-.}--h,.= __ "$' .f"~ '_'..zrr_ E-'|":|¢~- ~ *.§*-

. '_.!: .- 'a~»"_, . _ V. 4 11.. ._- _. 4 &@s~» --._ <1. _,, _"~f§-;;;_» .,, :54;-;.o . , 1~ 92 O""f,¢ v..'-;'7',:'-31?.' ... »..~,-1-z -3 " '-~"~ -. /' If-.-:'-. sf?-I7-. , -.- ' > . ~ 1"'1 "r¥-- jlf. _§_:

' ' e - Y As I entered tho beck door or my huehemi's pleeeoi Iusinoee I hoeri the;_'_§J telephone ring. there soreseveral individualsin Ber:-7'seelooa st the tin, the identity oi when 1 do not recall. Ono or em» perooll answered thetelephone and called to In Ind leknd ii Barry In Iith end I replied in the negative. This individual stated that Xensee 0i.t!'_;'~_._Ti'1* f.; " see-ceiling tor Harry. than this person uoorteined that Hurry no not , _ present he advised the oeller from Kansas on; and there In no tux-ther 15- ' oonvereetioh. Pet Roilley wase partner oi Bari-y'eat that tine, hut?- I do not know it he seepresent whenthe oell oene in Iran lenses 6it1,"%_~-1?..~_l'i-eiY_-, __ Later when the papers ennounoedthe neeeore et Kenees Git!, Bu-17 eat I .- ; concluded that it had been Verne Killer lli oe ng frn Iensse Cityin _ neotion siththe lppX'Qh¢hB1Olof Frank Ieeh. §j._,;. +51 _f, 3;, - . . _ 1 - ~e,-arm-sir thereafterI -.5; hen. ;s...;.¢e I :3 - lmebehd, "- ; - ~ Buyer en Ieok Pteittsr at ehieh time - Kerry endleek veto engage! in _e -" Z;e ' _- -_ oonvereetion end I overheard Ieokstoto that e oell hsd also hoot: received A N '._ at tho Hollyhoeke Innat 8t. Paul, of Ihioh Ptoitfor 10 i proprletolf-'.<-;'.._lJ'"_;3_,f;1 "do not know who ensured thetelephone Qt Bqllyhooks eelle Y"~~ ' - ,5 Bil. J: -?.;_ -Y '-_§iT'.,AQ1 ii -gj=,,:','._I=.--§f?_;';§, 'ff¢_ 45; "L;92.:{i-_~!-:é.l>z_*?:"T~-_..~~ _ Ie - Lt ~the~ 'tine, schoolits out inlayor Iuho =- of_IQBS, Y1 Iethie'e';_3_'i-T;2;:'¢:,1Z,:;:'*» --_'-;;';1_~*£f:'"-tame to st. Paul sith her daughter, Bett7,"en:iee__I roeellI n_et»hh"ere'.et'I,f*-f;.'_'-§5=.._?~-§_f" ;-_- 7*-__Herry'e plaoe;She"seid she had he " " __ _ _ a e he lesttizoe Ijhavoseen her.__I_ hairojnot liiller einoo eevorali. _ 1 nonthsprior _to_'theh'oo_o_a_ei,ohsh to lreinord, linnesoteito!i'e {rioitg;?,l~:-:,}*Y-5*?->r1"l<;» get ber5'é'.' or "+ ,='-'0' :1--, 6111111..- eV , . ._ Th t 1 .~.»S _ * -4 »;' P1 I J ' _ 1 res deye heron the shooting in Kansas City, Prank and Frances", . __ ' 4 j_- accompanied _ hyFrancee'little girl _ ¢e_.e_ ~* hythe rem¢m'v_;_B;»'¢ :=_=j,e_e_¢';{-Y"~' sithfuie I __ ' fore fore e. minute Y ' renoee saidtheyftens their on Io;$0 Chieapg,-. '--_;, _d1 . _ - . 29- -1- . - ,_;, - gatheraroond kghxmhons place!ehd .. were| >~.-- . --good f_rien.'- _.- ,.----.-J, I ~ 92 ...... -_ ., .',_-4 ., . ., :'~"j . _i{_I."-"-»'-:.h';,""? D M V} _ ___ K_; ~14 4 92. 3 .__ 1!, . _ . 92 1 . r'_---,>_ _ -_-,_; :_»v-»o '___¢ _-_- 3, P -- *r1.,,-_,,l '3-.",' ._,,':_"J .4- ' aw ,_~!pf__-rs -e."§'7'- - * -_ -_. -._"_,. .»._ '?~»~'.'.'-.X, , , 13' - . 0'1 ',___._> >. 1.-w .-. "c M ,_' -, ,_ ._ , . . . . ,,~_>~e,-.,;-;--;- _, _ ___>,w J _ »_ __ understood thatfeme Killer, _v_1 Mathias,Paulgiam 919;-_1ebe__.;-,_e-;l-_;-. " 1_-_1-IormoaIrank we Rash lived in theeame 'epartmen_t_hui1g!in;'oiitAon_~f_} _ If-.Lexington Avenueer Orund Ayenue, orsomewhere _in_tb.etYioihityinA$tq{:;;§92;;§3 r;f;",;:-_, I_e92_J.lametihao duringthe year1931. Afterthat,._'whio_h eeon;et_imo_ wee iA!l_.>*».:_,r,};*>_5;j-,f-;_-f_*;~:V ;.-- the gunner1932, oi Berryand vieitedI Yenaeehn:V_i_._a_t_,_iho ;-_»-_ - 1; _ ,' .-' _ 1 -in HotelLake. Geneva,. 3-iaooneln. l . -V , They moved, . ,}n_tq_o too-at017.¢¢§'tl¢O,-1:?-;2_-I. .- . - 1 *7-511 C. .:?_~¢_.92 ,. __ to-I:-'.»--.. .-f : :2: .:;_£1. 4?? !_ 1-I-I: I: _ Ff, .: _._,___:'g_5kb_ Pf: h J':_-ii ;'_5-:!_,{_~_¢"'»§1;:!, '.;,, =_'-§;.1»-f_-1-3; :.";-_;»,-"-fA__*;§;_,-I'__' _ ;_-.*,~'-»:.--eL§~;;{.1,'¢-;§;;"r;."§{i?15-I-5-fi1$.$;}§;;=T'-i-,-'5;-§>'.:§;l~E---.§=§?F"?-*1?Q- 72-i'+~.3 . '1 lii-"..:ki':-Ly? 5 ¢l=I. ==}'~i-=»-'-'1-*2"-»_'¢ 1?"1§."1*-*'{_é.§}"§5;""5~~-;":4§§§':i .- .' " -.---:3"'3"§§~i""'i=;.»J."¥' H *_V-;-:1_-;_.;_;- L-51 -'<*" '92"=:~7-* _-;-2-f;'_§§1;f'f.v1:-:>'.'-*.'.~."--- 4"-~;-..-;."~§J."-?~."v l; .- -¢.'~- 2-.- '<'¥-e*.§".:-',;1'7.e~ *~ ' =-"-.'?§ ~*.-,= 4-17£1.>5-$*~=";&'.;!§~:1f?5§Y=:T-74.-:,.iir";i7, " *.-I; ~.."F_#;._I;.'-I:". 5*- 1.1 ,. _.,~.>p'v Q 1-; {$1 D J A _ _ "___T':v,_,:'V._,_.:'_;¢_,"~.._:;. _ f-xi;. _<.~.|-.1; 3-_i_,»_ >6: f.,i,_',~t7.?.492§?____'::£___ 2""-.»-'=* _'i'-3'-_.-1'7-1,-rOs-._t _r_t,i .;_iA,» _ __I. s . .3.,'__ _ - .- ..:;,I_!r_ -,--~-¢. i;{&-~- * -'..492"&1.4, '-- -V4.1-_¢ Ir-»¥1.,¢ .1_..>. /- 'r92 ow.--..... ,--,- _!,.. ~ -,.,- ., .-, <~.-, _ ,3-» - -4-J!-1 ---~ l'v_92:.- - :3 "QR-_v -e, ... It .__ -_~-»-1',---~,~£?~:'.'§- 3 e Y ,-I »<- 1. _- 4», ,---s '1-.1;-0Y ---I-~~;-14!-1-~Q$-,., '1» .n '-u - -- - . 1.~. .-~c~' - '-' , I-3.1-"~;,__ -'.1-.~;...,_, _ _-:- __ _ --..-|,,4.:~-~~- ,_, ,>_ $5. '- -we:-._ -_ ___ , ._,___-_.§-;,. '»~-_ Uh . wt", -g_§92__-F-.'~_$2Lr_>-~ __ -,-.¢_|.,_ L * _ ,__._ .._l- '-_ -92»=92,>.. jzyhH I. -"*_._${i_ 1. ,, - ., - '*' ._ 1 _,__ra._ . ___._ ._J ,efvxiurl. ;- 9;Q *2.-"' qil:-fzv-_&_1'%r4 - * ~r - -'..~. __§ 1.->_1-- ,5-~¢»,"'7~f_'1,"dv':'*-.'L / , I.!-'*_._<_j.__.;.'-1_,..r-.+ q __ '~7""{' _____.~ "_~-;.»-'1-i "-Iaw _ H ,..__ _. A 0; -34 . ~;;,_2- -'~ __;_>14 , F92 A",~;:>-ff; 0" _;'.- _'}_: -,~-"- -of-' '__~ l,.§.; -. Q -' .__"J¢ . 23* "-;,{-?i_ .> 4'_~. _- .----..~__ . -,,, 92_. .~ . --: ,"- » »,_ P!-"- >1, -'.~_;,§r- , _-,1» .-t wk u, '~92;;/8 ,.,x '~,r1"':'i»-.'.- 5. _-F. we-v ;;.,, --1 .-1,» Y. ~'-.-..i. w .1" 1- .;,v-'.- >4INA :25? 1.e-1-n-.»' -,r.,-~g ~-».-----r. .-.: '-.d 1- ?3.~-_9 _-. "1? _.-»-f . ¬' K rv" ' v___-Anti 4;. ; :".>--. -_-_;,,_1 . -5 ' '.__:_';Q@J.-";_5 ._; ' 1* - ._¥- ~ -»'"-I _,,_*. 1.». »--"" _..- _,-3.-_!;1~. -Ix.ya: ." ¥_1_~_'_92§v->;,_-§w§;_;~ ."- _:;A.r_ " ,;:.'.'.-_--4~ -'-'_ft Q i __. iv;/Sb; _ ,-£1; F-_4-;'.=.-» 92-_T;.,f_-. 1'--~',-"""'~;.»_>- ,,,,1 -'.-; ;92¬:f_-='92<1i,- _-'3,;._ F1 , -3- "'-._r-»*:'_3.,"".*j:,d__» f_-;".*,_",*g§ =.<:=;;_ "1;-._§_,---__;'~£;-_'-,, -'i»~+:.--__-,1__¢A,,r_ f}92_.,-.~;§e-¬,.--~ -' ~,r~_,' . D"i{.:%:92_vl,--3.' - -_- '1 ,_,..~i,,§_._gt!'+~ ¬ p F _ _ ' 1>>'q1. f4 92,_ F11" >*=l - v.1 -w~"__ _ 3 1 ,3. -~. .: 1-" ' 92's . - '.- ' ,> 92 , '. Q» , _:~~=. V .- 1. V ,.-.__~,_Lf~r-if-1,,.»t arr .__5 _ - 1 - -.,'~».~ . . . A .3 .> m-. L H* .1-~""-.- _-"-'3i" '_ 92 Q W: . .. J. v'I U », 1',3 .¢~ 4 . .14 .;'s:'->lH- e ' -

quite a aeye tron tho lake and we renainod in LakeGeneva onlya ~ *:!?'@:=_'¢_V-_" deya and wont hack home. I understood the cottage Ian ranted Ira V ,;1_?;;Ef__;.';;<._ old mid: and I recall there vaa a furnace in the heacmoat andtho .1-=i-'=_T,§:1i,',§'.';-.1 -5 ccttagl an clear around the lake tron the |;°g.1,- ,~" .o¢ .."" .s'! -_ ,,.-._;*;»*=j"~-i'. L?-1; 7* ?' "" LP

I .~» r -0 s rm what I an hoard, Docstaccy andHerb hraer Icro "tail _s ._nvi. guys"in the Kansas City ahootingr i'haynothing had toI0 Iith it. --;"§_ '10 . ' t , - . > ' _.';-,".'.:7$341-»7,;3.~3/33Q;[email protected]'::~-_ ' -. 'I not Doc Staceyduriag thefootball aeaaoa during lI3l_at '_.Q the place I understood ho operatedaround Chicagoeoae place.U I net Barb Tamer about 19:2 in st. rm. Ll I recall, x no in tho pia_oe'i L i 13?.,. when hecoma in and um: for Inn. . 1 later learned goo up Ial,'E¢'l=§_To;l*f:'_}:¢f§I'»»j ix l -" ?v'§» don't1 Iaa evarthink introduced to , 31.». . I; ~'.1 -+- llU ,f92 '-:£If; rt J 1: iehoherelly undo:-etood nmfluiiu-cuum _u'iafmj i§?§y'_if:5=?'5§;§» * >, '-a.Kansas City killing, but from convex-cation V! havehoard, it, seem tl:atV~T7-*1?-""35i-5","-1'4 ' 92...7 - e. . all hisfriends wereaccounted et to:-_ that"tin andit is a ayete:-y,_t'e__,-3-;fT: _ ya-Ie . >- . ,_. no Ihojaa with him, an Itad Barkpr andLivia larpia_i__ci*e_1I_t1ly_ F37 K '.92 ;-~.,1r ,_ ~ .. Ham lidnppingand 1':cure tho; nra aqtyin Iahaao Bit!; I, 1-" J .1 , '4':- . - . *1?- _ §.~'1~.-"'35-.';i?~'i*i.~*.-7 ';»'i.'Y"?§'.,»'-:A'v , - _~ " ¢L?*- ~- - ~='5.'-">'*£~"'7'1?.-1l"_r2"i"-;-'¢ . . _T*~_. ..-.. 0'"5.;=' .- .' lhout ;. twoyeure agoI net apnaa at ay huohaad placc i_a,;»{j~f",",_.,-;_l,;f;»-;,.;fi~:',Y§;_i . '_» pa. M1 yhc wasknoin, ac cm. lo Ina e ahort,chunk! tclloi;is I-ti 0 1» '=-awarthy; That1-aufi Alcan tellyouexcept I judge ha Iacjetpeaa I " Y,92 I fifty and titty-five yoarc old. fl hay bi arcingaato hie agoan 0 _- . not c good Judge ofogee. Bein a~r9und_there_with Irank,_I,t'hink;_;;-_;;~;:_éz,$;;;;:;;;j_ 2 . "'. Alec, 1 bplievc he _1re._afrop aroundCilumet c_ity._pAbout a y,oe:""'u;gc_4.j_._;.?§,,>§_7 s;z.f_-';~,=;-,§;;_'_1 v e -._-»__ v£i._. heard heIan deadbut did not get Aany1'urthordetailadohojt ond 5 . . 1: no Ian lupjmsadto havcbocn killed. friendly with veg-o'o._,'5%"viZ~?§'i;@.;@;§ ~.> *1 .- _!£i11crVerna but d_idny'tlike theyray _§1z_a_;te:lke_d, ; ~ ya;lattor he ;_.-<;-»l- yaac 1'couple dead but 0t_ycare _I'co not_ago"I k_noI_ helard thathow_"he'iae_'kille!¢ FredBerle; and'_the'_bcya? -if ma =' cottageit _Y-bite Bear, 4UiniiAeaOt8.j.ibo_ut___th:j.t tnor3i~r0_-f;:@ » n; . 12.i._.mm=m;1,-1" I "hévbc1_o'und'_yith'a-hoard wcmeammed the Hone: Helen tut]!and dcfhot I nan nomad_ y1 3 heard_ -1. $3-Kg,"*,.*V_-if'1, 1".I Oharlcc_I.__; 1-; _j,.?.__»_ -,¢ ~ -.--' Fitzgerald or - Old2.- iFitz,'f_and ~.-5 ~»~-"r.¢-'i-,.4~~-_V thou '< 3 '.~¢.'§}$1.-'-if,' eociating' '- Y with Jack'Dave.nport'-tin Qt--i':Plu1- ._:?:§,_;j ,_;_,.V_ .3;-z '3 .-__92,,_.'_.- '._;,.'."",A-/ _- -4~ :1: ; E; V. LH e-4 F e -*7?7~f$§i¢-~?'$a=_'l¢~~ 'z§2*L?-+'i%fi"92-§i~1~f#R~**?*13:@-=:':- -'-f?" *3'7='=-.-".:tF.~-*z'*.- ' -"~-- §r'7'~ -.-_, ______. .- ., - .1 -_v_,,"'_1_.1-._'_ ;'__'1, 92"_ x .» _ ;. *1".- ,', . V--1 .-92.~-V Z v -a-,.- -_, .;~- 1. .%>_=i; flL'~¢.<, ,,';¢¬.';4_»i_,"?_-;-j I; ,-34* ~ .,;..4!-_ $d{:_?{". * 0 3* *4{.1 "' _ ~.~ - Zn,*§5%I_",:??-**"-.A-1?.»f -/*"~?;t.-~'.aYf1~.,a._;_ %_-,¢'.1§-i'--*r';?»'*§' V _:.::.; l>7>_i.,-,nf.'~._?;__~n_" I->_-___';.f-J . it 5""_v""-i""1.~'; V-gv_q_',1_$_, I J '1 ~*,1';;=?,-?»1'+,-'§-l" 5§.§a?3*A.? §~'o3:T17'-*=--"'~'> A: 1.1. _5--.'* ;:;.a%"*i='-_'-7 .~ Y" 3"*""~1-;¢"' +'3;-it *£'*1'-'R;'~.5+5-#*-ea "N ,,;92v92"_I§.%"'£:v'='9._ 4" :»-{-§>:éJif ~~~.~+ 1. <»-~¢_ .5 _'_7-""--3 ' :.:f?{:::7T": _,__.i,.p. .3 ix,no or r§ r, + I

_-=.._-5, ; I A 16* 4 92_ ,,»-£5 5 _ 1,, n. _ ,'-.o;.,,'92~;- .. . *. 1~'. -0

<4 kw * ":1 -$ F

.______.__._____w . . . w.;,__ .- ., ~ . ' K _ ,. V ? .59 ,».;4T ';w,.,;» 1, H 9 _' >/-¢Yv..v 4 _. _,,n.,, My - v. 7, » .17 _-;~' .~ .w .'.w?~a=hw@4-»~w~ ~a~ ~ i I I C , ., _1,_.-,. .. >- " 1., -- , ... . ' - .1. <1 '4 .

p-" "1';-I >5 Q? -92 A.'~~; L ~ 1.-1 .'f'.¬11§-7 F- . _ : _ ~ _ '; .4-» E 1_.;_2".- 'w. --.. ' » .-~..;~' ~_§."-Y-,1 _s.;-Q;-_,,1; f - »* _-.5: _-.__;' ; 4. ~=~,/ w.>.-_ U" v. .. 1' .., .:;_*"'?~°3{=,.@~3',¢"-. .43 _u;_._h.,,._ - .» -:<..<.."'. .> . . _ .

¢ Thanksgiving, two yours ago, Barry and I upon! Thanksgiving with George Z-clglar and his vita, or uomn, I1-one 20151:: at their _; _. 10650 near Haynra, wiaconaia. lo spent about two up than I lat I * 2015101 la St; P1111 at the Hnllyhockn at 1 D1; party including 710'!" I ' Ptoltfor, Y1 Io:-dqulst, Barry and 170011 ll adtlcn $0 Zoiglor 3 '» - It'll: "" . , "A ~~ V -_.>92'.§*'. '7."§-.- ~~-: - v _ . I I ,_, _~. ; I I 1' .,/ ,_ __$,_;, 9' . '1_/ . ,v">~_-_-.___.92¢ pl -_2.i.7"J. _. ,_1..»g2§_ ' Q-4 ~.,_ 'r . .-"- .. ' , '- V .,.- :,. __ . v . ."- - -4 .9 " -* 4 " .»= ~-,: .:92' "'11:; 1 .> ., 'I poruonally ban hon Mn:-4 000:-go Bruno: tar about - -'* 11 ?-"if-51 , eight yearn. Tho ncrualntanoo bu bun at I'll-8118 "" '- ' , _ an puma gal 1,; 3;- ." hava loan bualnoea with thn Ccunsrolal Btnto unk, It. Pqul; linnointi, 1. * 1 ' V at which Edward Goo:-go Bruno: la anvotar tor thi put_ 01¢! ypariq-_=2~ -V -. The financial, transactions-I havdln nu the Gauqnnrdlpl sun * ; _, a '__ have been in my nun although, Barry 8a'I7u_-, :1 _kua!_>en__ hp -pg-M;-;~.._ » V A L jo1nt__1ntuf¢n 13; _u_1d 't1'e.nsac_t_10Iil_§=,_f;sf¥_ "1 7'» 5" , . -"~;-r;- ;~*3'-" '--' ' _ . . ..-.. - Y3. .-.. *".I'="- . , .;q.-._.-_/ia: ' * - ' " - 7. , u , K 12 * *1 .''> '~,:'"=Z92"-"f?~~ -1-. -j ~ * ~.' ~.,~',' '-"vs: ,!:=_.-.~;_._ Y i ¢~ _ ,1. _- M _ _ Barry Buyer has haqraxlwgr Bruno: tot/-g'_no _@_-.;--?._»f'=.-_">_ _ Qt Q1I""_l*:_LL 1'2"-_L'_9_ Hf: -1"; »:,»'I".*'_ L; 'v;_:: ; .H!;92,-_:.:3','i_;': '1. 92l ,_ _ I . '1 '_;.> -It Lu. 4_"1._l'i~:.7 In C -1 1.7 g; _ 1 pan La St. Pau1,'l!innaaoh_ in _IQ1i§u_:7, '19,34,jit_wh_1ch. 3 _;':iI; ,~_ - " -. .1 " Oonaidlmbli publicity n= nu»; given to um ram '~ * "-=-._"r .1. .'3 . - ., . . . . P1"! °.1 ..!e**"',*1"!3F-~::?§'= " >' , .:-_,'a-.V__;_;i C " Georg: Branar,'nsnt1onod above ,_ at _ whl _ 9 h $1.: ' I had nb Ma an to ''th0";:¥'*-'5 in-_., 0" 51 I ._.. 1; , _ . idcntity of it 0 pornonn ' rcepona1b1__c"fdr th§a_'kl8§1ép1n.¢._ . L -~ '" call that early 1n_Feb;'imry,N1934 Hr; ._B1'u1:¢rjr.§a' ;io_1e__ae_9d pf Iii . - . Qhptbrag;w _. -. _ ., and conalderablo publ1c1ty'w:;a glvéa t9"'tb1' Q-_---, "1 '1'-_'§," .}:1";~!-_ ' _,."". ' *"" '-f-"vl_~;192 ' f»' -'.~'j-".v:':.*""3-'**§ "." ; , 4 ;_. , _ IL __ ; ._ V. V-1 _._ i _ 337KM .. _|_ ___ .'.4_-7., . -- .3 L i__, _., V.:_.., ,v_;-5,, _. -_k.;!:,.;_ , M -.92 mm.-.;._-__*:'5'-, :3 1, 7-.17,-1,: 92, -;. §.3?}r_4'!.~'! . my I 92 =13" v. ' -. ¢' ' ~ '_»: u, J-._.-.7 - - 71- . '-~___'!._q ,.',.,. __-Q _ . .~'-» . _ , 1 _-:4, ~ 1;" 3:-wt-.4!§=__§¢{..'f"5-f-=a~'2. - - =7. . -* 1 2. "-- ~ T.. -f-_~_' f}"':: ~ Bavemldéya a tte1fan '9:-in a'ax~:_-lei tgg; pain _0§£X1.c_7!$1§a|0 1. ' 1_~.¢"5y,_i">:;§§!- _ _.at Ed ya N George Brcmor, my 'husbam, lhI'I1T5_lIYO§| '#§n'£0: go mzo$r92_;';;_a¢£=111i-__¢p¢gt?__§1;5jj¢§,3;§j;,a;5 -_._,.,.;;__"'1-.<'7. "' 1 >. mm than so t1nov_n1th1n_thepext g9ur"ar,:;~rg ~< 92 . 1;maths _- ' I .- -obtahol - . _ , 2 i_=;' '.#;.'.»'. 1?-I: ~ _~ .'~'infonnatlun train Harry Sayer ihat 1: adqttlun to Imprhr and 1.1 " " "' '1- 2 I . rp , ' 0 her 'pox7qon0"_who'nqa1stoQ .,. .. - r _1_4nh¢_t1qmp1 I, "'-- 1. : __ot !"' ' I Idgard ~- L _r Gear +'*. 1- - , .M_z_;;r éi , am in cu r . . , . . . , .. ~. rumor were Oeorgo Z0151», who I !92atlaubs0q_9210n11 e rncd " "~~" 1 ,, A W L _ _ . 1 M __y,= 1., -a@;"1¢¢ns1-§, 92.mu , - - q an . lam . . A. ma . mm . nu-m~ _ .. . mt .- A "5'-1.1°.!l7-"959. " *.Bdr1I91?...Z'.°1'i;'!i»fY»@¥:%§' . ;;_ ,,_;fD[,Y1l; Oampboll 4a.|_ad_B111~I'Qive_u'; f hi 5'1" .; -; ;_,g.::-j-:.<:1.~;~';r;.»:~s>_»~=:"-.4:5.§j7§.j§~.u»a'u 'I1n|:'a_'nqtg1'7 ft6I_92_»1n9;§Q "nu-um; -f*- plan Nine » of vpriqg-_§o_»¢ buxuu,- '» rum-'1,on munw~ " -*'' . - X a .~___ /3 __ _ " _ _ 1* _ - -- ~ ',p~ n 1 ,3 > - -* _ -_ -_'..' '.v _.-.2. _>-- -~-_ f>l'.'-L.-. in ¢'~*;1v- _. __ -_ .-R£*§ -> - K '"*~;;..1:. - >6." - 3 -s 1_ {-1 ~33,,. . 4??"-'*75,, ;'-L.,§ W"~;'!' ' >:Jt:"=-*ta: :. _ W . _ -:3 ' -$2-""_'~.::s._ - ' zi 92 . 'v"$'T~'.'-.Jvl "~ '5-92-L. "F E '' 2 " " " -'' *_.J.__§~_ '.='.;..'1r92o,l§-'~ '.,,92 3., .- ,4 5.. .~| .-'3 4.-P9-,_, S f _. L1,. _ 1 ?",.,- ! ,-1;-Y~t'_.;-_p".$ . Q I? 1; an-._ 1 Q".-_-*§ .492_92~*-4"; . _> .1 1.192 W-_,;, ,,,_ ;.- 1 _ » . x.-?,&a;_'. ' 1. _ »-. .. . T; .~" " ~ =.~i-- . '.;.»§¬"7*;" 4 -V w.» T,-17'» ».=:..+"ft ~--£1 .@=;.¢.: __ _ H /v . __; L .1 ,_:§f:_ "+ 1: '3 _R, _ n,v»_- H V. ;-1;-I , J .2"; -~ -J '_',. i _n,§ - 111' $3 ""- .+I¥?i:_=:_§.~'_.=.§$->5 . , {£2-¢:.i",5vv.-Q1-Qriéf?-5*" = . . I ~-.»--..:=='~=.- ' " ""1 %a» ' ~ 1 .. '.;-= " .-..~» -"1 ,-- = * . I 4* .v' ,§"_ " » _ . . . _ . -5 v _ " i .=' -' H '» a ' g -. 'I--"'!;. ¢ " * :v' ,/ .92 2. 92 v_>-Q-_-:.. A_'»:.; %§1,,-_-!,_;,.,i ,,__~ 4! - C 4 /> J 4 ,92 ,3. '1 _. iv/3] -1 ,,_{:$ W 5 v J .3;:'?_;-Q ., -,."_ M .. I , I ."_>92 ,-;_ bf I-: ,_$1.,i.¢; "".1.-@... k , £3! _*7 2"is ;. z » ..,. ;;-L I .1: ,- °=v.L.:"»- ¬§,§>+-- 14 =1 . '**."' -" In ».=-:-+<:~,' .-.-'*!**f~?~:* » _» =<-*1-J-T _ " ."' ..»=='~;;',,-;,:e_»....-.. ' " I "7 ' .>."!.»-.-1:» V "i ,2 -.* ~<' ~ .r ~..---~ ..~.~:<:1:1 ~ .1. »_ I "1 ,_ . 1 ' -A Z '4*: -r=.~. ~.*;. K: , .=~?~**.-'55,» -'i~'3. . . * .. -0 -'' 92 .=" - ~. - ~ *"= ;r'~'==:~- " . P < * W 1 - "1. ~,- - ._==:2:=+=:::§:i¢:=-.:>_A::=_.924.I§§§¥252E2E2525§2¥§s§¥2¥sii2E;:2:2¥2i2:422525==$25252 V "' ~ ~_ K '__ , . _. _;,-_;_- >._ 8 A . _ _ 0, V __ ,_>,-_: _»,1--V;92_-4/.331, . _ . _, ~ . ,. A I _ r _92 ,.~__,->1 .,. . ._-~ ~. -[IN '5-" v 1~..AQ,'. V" '1'"-. - .92 92 r I! ' F. < -r";r.~_..92r:1;?-»; '~'--.,' ', I ._~ -"'.1'~= r ,'~,_;-3 :..,._:: H;E A,

It weee monther moreafter therelease atldwerd 0.5"? Brimer thatBarry Sawyer, admitted tome hewee thefinger nan: ' -_ I nean that it Iae Harry Sawyer who pointed out Eduard OeorgeBrae; >0, Q; . ii to one or more nembereof the gang endidentified kin 6| the proepee-:j;1.V."A":*; _ tive kidnap Vidtil. . », _ 5 _ __, '.' ;;" _-~ I ,,_.'E_j-v;;;»_.';l=" -1';--1'-..--0* . T-'_< I "-" ' '-; I .-$4 :1.:--§.'t?1;';*-;*-»;$i~'Zf%§+i7%;'.* ~Y. -0 The raneon moneywhich I understandtee $800,000.00 I paid to one or nun nembere ofthe perecnewho wenin on the kidnepiag,'7<=f;f;, '~ 1 I do not kneewhich number er nenbereof the ebove namedgen; eeiieeted if __ _._ x the mneunnone: fromthe repreeentutive pt the Irene: tenii!,--$3; -'=;;;§f-.::';§*'}_§-"-' '1:4, . ~-__». ¢ § . 1 -~ "7 Z '5 *7? =t'?l.--ft7 ';<51§'%- T'*"_*~?i=_. ",'."Ii.3-4.4¬§:;'.:-' .1<.'fie92 _v_ _,,. 0 ». ,. . » . .~*' . The $200,000.00 nee 1-eneu tobe divided eightun', - ~ .1'." - .._ ,'.'eighth individual euppoeed teeherebee e ma named teane » -A. _,¬ - , "Meaty". "I do notjnoe whet pert_"llonty" toek in th_e_Aebduetionei","?§1.@-§_§.§§§-L._ r D. .._., Q-~' ,_ - Q 4 - I4_,;.92. '-'Iduerd GeorgeBremen-, buthe nu en eeeecieteat ponenumber e_i'tlilva 92- .".'-_gang. "'£onty"veaeto_:gecei_ve'e percentege:the_e,n§9n_nt,;et_ehi9!;:ii_*qn-1§.§;== i-1 -1'5 > _-_.-. '3 hm W.»-'~1* =1 0' if-'0.1 -Aé 2¢ <- Q-:i.~».*+~.1i=-»1--_='-',z;"<' >r*;=3-'i1~:=?*#T'*".~':'.:;%i>*~?- . #3-* . 5 ' 1 I--~*» =1-.--;-.i.~ I 0 ~.1:..4 f.-'~;, '- _ ; .--W: ,D1 1~'s=~~.e==.-¢'0-1,!$!e;¥5{§¬=;s;§';F*l¬;*¬§;f1> 99¢ . --,' L L7> >1- ,4, ..-.}fjventirety, beenf_'ez_dhanged n_¢m_y. f0i"iimnarkedy nqt '_kno1v hoe 92 ~ <-.> 4 wk -. ~_= _1Harzfy_GewyerIqeftq gfgoeive oi the'4,rY¢u10eq_teiupne: he_'to_1d_Vgee"thi;t;>.f?§=0_nv§-§'Z;§'f;' Q - _ , ~ r -., A it hehue _on1y_2-eceiyede emelipaxft_91'__th1q>ie1;are,,i;_3.;2;§_i~§,§{in-;f_;§3;;¢.£{ _ 92 0.-92 @___..%I'§'.i:; . 0* »'~::~ :3-"=»~ .'.~-1 ~If»_F>;1z= 1:? ;-¢'7i="~"<;:-.?.;- 1: rd , u. -. _..1-T"7.-v _. .»..'i}_,£_I'_-'-5I of ng perabnethe 'by name; ""of John_¥Bqeef;_ii§1§ugh1in;f§f;g¥§~i»?_L ,__- ;__-:~ er ~.0. w -1* A 1 J'ohn'l'-'cLa'ugh1in,Jr.,_'!}usee11 Gibnon,k1ige_:B11pf',Gre.1,e_lii;_e_ N-. r 3,__ 1;i Evans,Dx'.@Joseph_?,_ Aillllll; iloren, l¥i1eoni_o'z:_ 011_ie_Ber¢ 1:4:e_.1'e__;;;f:;:.',s;';,:gz§,§;;.1";/L;f_f:_end . __, _. i 0 =~<==1'@-.¢*"9"'?.*.1.°. *¥='F'..%"4*'191$ @2=='¢ ~ 0!"? '1,r92_'1-___'." 4'-. .= .~7-',-'0 Brunet , ,1; ebduction. ;- ,, -- -" ~ .».,-' "ill? » *'- FL -.1-~" ?~_'1gk1,-I~ ' ..» '.,_ .'-.-.-"' '_-' -'-1...: A.1' _3, "=":*,.;# 1, ~'-_~ ~,-- ;.~ "=;" .0:, 1* _. kg -,i¥:'~~.*~= ;: _._qn> g"! "' __ r--'?f":_¬-"_*."3;92?*..:,1»;1~3.-> ._,_-__=_.._r |,.- -o<:1-;;_~_'"_a;_--," __< -g ;: g 1:;->,<-;"-c<~.;.'1?"_ - J,-:;,f¢~ L .; km -=v:'_=r.he==~_§h¢1:¢ hid vealB. §q.1=,gn§ I~;3_.;-_T',~£;fareathe ;6t '1fah_edamoney j:f;:_V; c_o11ected1'rom the Brenqrdtemi11;92_1nti_i _;... "Q: -P+;»g£,;*n'1¢;e_¢=t1r¢ :1»: *1».~¥=.~=*¢-Ow? @540hm, 9=.==*¥==s~11»mwwn --.vwh 19=»e"===@¢~=-rm am-1»--11 ;#£§92e;*P'. _>.-0-=.s==~*~==92e~.,h!M'=~°,',°" -_1~~:,;._}. *'.'.!'?f?!'?."'_.."§.-E _£!?F°¥;¢.,,§.f§»;*?.'?r<*;1. ~¬yL ~, 3 F I 1 __-

0 '5"* ~ - ft. --;.':-;.= '-:-=<-~ '"~ ., H.-1" -. '1 3

I . ___--,-#2,.»-.-» . .; _.»,ante:-e J<"-0" '-'_~- - If'the pl;-'31-1*-.:*lif»,* ,,-~*-1.» -v-_.',§~¢t:A = g <'1_'$?,; .<'_n:>~,-newg =8. }_'{a4 ' - -<5 .92-="v=.'-s ' x ».~~.,~.'..:@-;¢:.i.;=92:1.:f.':1 ,2;-@-;,'égv;'.~~~"=<~:~*Wa-¢$i;% I-~'-i-it-4.-'£¬;P*};r?,.Q'T$ v,_-'~* 1-3:~92".:1; 7, -"e92< ~- -_'._~'.l~*=.§1 ' -¢"-v~" 1*-s"-5" ' , f=;-s"-+1*+?f,"'?:"»~:@_.=~.: . 1-. -*w~:_|92~_-2"-Z,¬v_:; if-=3 <-;"'3? - I ~"_ _. ;i'.' " w _ '7-q.¢~"_ _:?-*_''.r_;_-,_> . W ,, . _ 1-._. , * _,1 0 0 . -0 0 0 -:-;*?-=--_ . 0 r_¢..;;- - v ;;=* ¢~.+._*-*" s '. . ._-;_.~.»_.*- ~"»»~.-*»'5¢§"' 0:-=_-. pew -11-» -92~£'¢.,;K _ 1 in-- 1-: ;;>;i:,f;:::-f?3§<;§§~i -V -~; -Ye.->-" -' -. --'.-"_-.- ~ --¢ ~~a,~» -+0, ..¢'».- --:n-* ~ .:=,'~~'.1. . " > . ~ . .'<,.- 5,.-u?ne - V ._.-.1... .».»d».e_-¢.,.a... .»dui-.>..:-a-»;amLJ;..~h_....-14-aw:;,..».q&» xa- ,_ 1 , _ , . I - _ _ » ' > ~ - _ - ,/. ~""'t',&.~.-¢','.'J Ii X"; 4-,, - - ,.. _ '; ' ,j~ , ; . . -.--;1- . * ' - 92_ e _j ,e._ 1. , _~_,_- M .- ' ' '5' , '.1.- v 18' ,.'_ - "L? 1. '=-> " - ' 1 -,..'f.*~ - , . . '»-_ , <_ _;0.~»_, I _ _ _' . .; .. . _<__ 1 - . g , Y 4 . ~ -',.~ . 1 , ~ .' 92. it - ..<;> .. » N ,. .~gt '5 u _ ~ . ,_-if 1» ,, -Q.» <. 4 ~ ~ x..'- ~- ,_ .- ., .;:',__,_. -J? . . - + t 1 .»_- . ' -i .- :~=.»:;;,**. .- 1» - 4 .-v. Y4 w fr ,. r .- . iv ' s".. - ' ~ - w _ V. _ .-- : t92 ,-~92 . =' . Y ., >1. 4 -. 5- __ Y92 ~.,~__*¢_..-*._ ., __. I deeire to etate that it ie my nnderetanding, derived 1'1'__4§:__§.;;f.ja<§',fi_,_~i'.'v oonvéreationa I have had eith my husband, Barry Sawyer, that eith the exception perhape of 8111 Teeter end the individual known ee 'll0nt1, _ fjj whoa I have never eeen, the kidnapere of Edward George Brenner Ieze the kidnapere oi William Sam, Ir. of St. Peal, Iinneaote. H1111_?;.f"i§_j,§i<,=l§;,'< .1 I .~»_ _.- _-_ _l',~.i , :-_,P »_.. ~z§_/f3._!'! ~, . I lremer . hidnapingee ,._ ,_'_,.___,_,,.._-< .1. x _._: ,__._,:J,, ~~.-.~- 1,, 2.; q_~ ,_é___,_, - _A__h,.i_..#,;,.._;,:;,- .,. . =,~,,;_.,_;,, Y = ..>_,.q-1 -" e_ _92 :3:__. -- L. _ L ..!_ - 1 ;__.¢ ~ _ "."__ H -r- _, » _.,-.,.-Q -_~. a=~ d;._ -?=... ~_ p., -> .-,.f- _ ~~--=1_-'1 -1»-»<~.'.= ---. __.._ =.=*.-..~*?~?-".' ! ; ,4-1,-'_'_-,.z§:;_-,i_,_,. .-x~,;a;-r1.Le», ,_ » 7 V 7- EIerr|"8*_ee7er obtained intonation that the ljlf. ~,_. or Jnetioe eae eeeking hie fbr queatiohiq in connection eith the;§j.,§4rr';§}l;§$~,i¥.

1 Bnamer ee'ee_eo Berry and I,7ee11',' ,l600!:peIi1OG vb; Francine ,I_eupaen_ 'T§,§§->i",,-'~;yi4.;;f-~_.=_.l .;,_ 1;:-z_sz. ma, llinnee;ota'd1ort1y arm the 1» er lprll, am duper a .- I, Plymouth Coupe end:drove_t'o Ircnont, lle_bree1a'_et;e;~e_the QP -,1.--» .___ eae traded in fo_r'_e11y¢outh_6oaeh which letter _eer_had'been,eeo92Bf0C,.?£;4.15i"*$ - -. 1-» le$:':at Lincoln, Nab:-ash, by Hay Sendloviéh, ":1 ,hueband_'e_h1"othe;-, fehe - 1. , 0 jade: 121,1-inooln, n¢_bme1_=e.". 'ttmu z_ne,¢eepe_ _;-egg-z_e;_e'e r liinnesotatnnder the name oi Frank Iamea, but Ihnoe the Ili'f'§.1;_5¢$§-1-1a,_§'_§_,§Z:;"»"l_3_ if ~ -0 , --'5 -,-1-I *' f. ,- _;'~eg1st.eréd_ u.nder_fthe nani oi Frankdanee iathe etate,o:i;}!qbré_elfef 1 " I ; 1' .- were only in Frenonta fee g'r.inu_te_a.?. Re proceeded tinthe,ooach1eri'iyiij§§§;?";§s; l§t?!qe Vegan, Feyade ,ehQrt_1y92 ntjer the niddie of '4pri1,92_,_19f1';,-l_*e_92 ___-levy?-¥*;,;§§wf;¢:.' ' _ t _ 1 xv 7, ha . _ ,e, ~:e¬f2:: ., V, _; __£».e¢<_j-_ ,___v,.;_-H : hf», _'___.-.92__ ~_ :--_'_:"92 F, ,._.'__.v__~'}_'e_ _-_'192_~~vv-.§?:_F*-If-D.V.-h;_.f_; _ ._ V. _ .'_ .M. :-___J. e-. * » lg, A .':'~"!E;__;-v_ZA' 1 _ if ;"'!:_'- " e 1 - '3-,-.-N"-'-;t-.~'=..:"'§';..- _ ..- . $1-5.;-:-.< 1- _ ,~*,'J92'-._:;- .'-" --77iv':,"'-*-'.$,' :7-.~:-,*"*= =."- e» +--*~ '-~:=-.,A.;;-,',-,,n., -- ~:, : * . _ Enrcute to Lae Vegas, Harry and myself atppc. at Rene, -;,_1.;f_t.,#_;§;:~-f} jf 'a;+@¢¢¢1.,a-.e:m;;;-m into none ggapling joint" ah; >i'nqu1'_1§4_§_f9?J either Fred Barker or Alvin Kat-pie, hut the peredn O1'~'p¢1'lOl8 B1 vhoI:'~;fr:".i1-"*,;~1~~. Ty ,fi;»'f'fi-;1_@:;e in'qnir_iee'_ier<¥iiz;d_e,1did an emu the »»qyi,"'_:;;=;2-e;e§_|;a_aei§§~}§=§;;%?§;;; . " :' ~- long enough for Se:-11 to méke the referred to inquitiee;1a=;¢§1.§2#;g3:-Q-r-E';_;;ggf-*3 "$5 h -- - . _ .1.-_ -~ , '.-, _ .~- 4 .:.- ,. 1- .- -r -.» ._-. - '- ""~.- .:~r . '7'. .-, - ~ -'-..'w ~. .* " '-*-'- _.»_ -~~-- 7 92- 4- .. .1, ; -- ; ~_< -,3? -. -» - A ;';¢ _- . . 'j_-.1 ..--T__-:___;_! 01,. - 2.2:. _ IA > ;',-L "_-,_ ' ,. - I ,1 v 7. . ~, 38:; :Qf.... 4"-if -{_j_",92 I ., .:,¢- 1-,.-,5; 3 _,- , >__g', * _ e- '- .' -__.- _-,1}: . -E: -4;; ,:.: :--!- ,f_'v_ ¥_-s.,:?',,u:~_,__i .»-~"___ jyf ___-': 1" -."_:_ _.,_*-_;~"_-_'~_-t=,.t Vei;ae__._I_e first £1¢0pp8__nt__ thehouldeif 01' ~-~ 1 A-.,,. _~;- :the' nmne of ..- an-.; -4 and Mrs. -- Frank = .Ieneeand 1ater,began 1&1 at _ J; touriete ,ea_mpe_ ie._t_he !i:cinit;_ov{_Lea Vega_e.';_;_Vl§'e..;1'1'y_ Jig,-_';t_ho_92;ght he. eou!_.d_V_open e,-_'ea1oo§,_ >91-, _;mh1ing_y1aoe ,in 92 _ 3C " 14- o later changed hie Iinl.» z.A1_;;~;;- +-fj;.'=,;.. -t>'1 '- ;- §i;;;;§;._%:&;1-.=}r1<@fa:12» ;=.'r-*;=»===.2»-.a_-_-.' >:s!=.",=i.-.- r» -§,-_1,.-@T;.".',~»~*-'92-*=.a.§g;.#~"' ._; 5 1 .-~.- ,_-+-.,> £2-"";»-"-~_-_. __,...-1 ':..;»~7f:~~°~..»'»' '44;_» - -12 ax. e tr. _ ,'_. ,'i-"n._;1__<5. h. ;.-ax Ti ._: _ _. gag?-_; ~'a"?g A1,, :1.-:.._>_ A .,, ,a_,_- ?§"2L? 2 1...~_,{ -Q? ~;?r:*aa_¬>-, _.;;_ '.. _ -23 ~,,5/..~,, In ,4~§f$".~f'-F, - . 13 s--L Mfr hag-41¢: »_ 2 '1 f ;.-_". _--e--9' W _.--.I~;'§ , ';'s...{§1}-_-,~.,_*f'.; 3"Ab Y3' t.-"~<'i'. '-"._.¢.' 4 5 "~*".~7"-J '--' ». --Z-1. """' - vi '1 r Ll."'.--. ,5? ~ 2; , _r~,_ »~.-,92-§*#-.~4;;:.3*;'3-=-.--=§;1_ ,1. :. 1?;-*_*_-a..":: '.;.".-._;-,,-.;; 3'-;¬§;a 1'» ' s " T; ..;.',":- _,'92*l~:<_,V_* "=*?- " QI >. J 1 5': V '14-1--'¢'z=*-t"?.~"" .. ,-4, _ ?1";- ~ .»-'§'~;I" . "' v-_¢}..._ "1-kva?>*.*";.¢ 4; .e r»- _ _ -. >._. . - 4 2 , . ,s -,~_'- --- -h G-_-Qif-< -- ~ £42,-I3 -- . _ 3 ._ ~'. . _ =;:;..~zs»._';~'4"5:=,v-¢-,4? . ._ _,':-- e~ 92 ..~-4,.~,,,;--_ ~;_ti-,-. -.{1;.3!!.;f.'= *- *-'='-15 --*..».2 _l- ' z{,"92»T- ,-'_ ,_ -~-1=_~."'<3*x-;, 3%! J -' ~~= "Jr *:~=.~-A . ~ r- ~. 92< Q

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.»_ . - 1--J --->-. »92'.. ..~ »M. v-53.».-."-'92- _.,- 4 ;|A _ a _ " _- =~:3I3I3I33I=~=~53%: _. _.,»>92"Q" ~ :§:1f -~_;..~.-T:1:I:§:§§:¢92__-. ~ ___ I5;§;"5E:;;13§1:;§5§"1:1:1:?:~:1:<§:1§~. -- '~92"'~ ' * I . M z . _ _ __: , _ ~ ,4. . e . = - __-1 _ V -' . ----;,»:_..~; _. _ 92 WI v'_ 2 ..-W£1 4 V.._;J_~__,.... , 1 _,.' l _ _ J; r - 1 4. + .' 5 - 1 .., . ' ,__,¢ . f ,V E. 1, %_._ "> ' ~ <1 V v- .. 1..-. . 1", e . ; , _~ 4.5 er-Y"-="<*.=-,§?~. .i;~':'> . . -. . -;,,"~ " 5 ' ~ fl.~." -»y-.3; .~. ..' >.',;,_j_"*:_¢~ ' ,- x I Q " w h _ >1 ~ x 7*5 ~ 1-I'.,"';Z'=.' - ;?,i'-lit= . . 4-_ » 7- » *»."'*-g;1§:§¢ 1'7 . - o - <- _" A . 3+;?~--;:%-'»;1E=:1+3;¥a:;'£@=;§aA=* on .- o 92 » o ~ I o -i»i'»f*»;-'s~ _ Abouttho middle of Key, 1354, {returnedto 8t. ~ '._ _l-Einneaote by trein to eee my doctor, who ie Dr. Henry Bell, 18_'l__l 'l_s2.~¢!'§.;-{~s_;;- . Jottereon Street, which house located at that eddreee 'iepropeie-ty5"-;".j-'-'7 I1 - t o ~ *- - h "" ' 7,3 . --';"T"i'.l; fl.-5? Y I ha been in St. Peal ehout teo one whenI net I'eek..*-"jTf;'f",§¢';?;f,?j-* -_j to en; or thanwho oneto St. huh Berry Buyer end M-.' , 'etopped end nedeprevious ertvngentevith1':-_ien6e_onre §_.....1,1~ or . . _¢- j - , ere guilty or no Iron; doingeend thosename . I no not . . . x __ _..> __- - -'~ &M lien v-=1-kw ,~ 4}M E 1»-,v¢»=w-ra;.@;*;;; _;-?;,~".-W -1.1*w '%~»~>_f- eggvo.vs-Av-o;#gh1§-_!-aé-#§;:;;;:§ 11 1$<@;¢,;;:1.¢;__{~,_,_'7._v_"_"-"J" .'Q,f'~;.~*-5* , , Y "y; '1'~I'_eeI_,noneor the gang 'in Qt, ,_ffenl_ilnv:-in; timethe __eee92*t~§'-;@§_~?~e~2_r:;;;__-5 _~='.-" there Hlhieh*h.-' teeepjanoxinately tendefev.than loft St} - treinehd rentto Qnehp,-Iqblflehu ehere I, _o9_I=p1et_od_§9__?§f-':;1?1§§-Zi?-f}3§i: t_nn,;v-1; _=;-3=." '..-1,.,:A.- 3,-._!-.1-on Voguevia~ ' /1:eir1:l.ar'92_,h'-_ ¢_hepn;no f.; the 0! - _vq_e ';~..92.*.-_'egtheg theh_:_}},,;;1 v _.v;92,4g;T}._1 ;_. .h<,~;<;-L.. .a_o . ' »-'f1f.'*.1a~'g~9;l.s;~hf r: .~-3*.'*'»'C_ , ._ -,9%? t-'g.l;_3~1="-q 2-if A! ; 1; 1;»*"-'5'-#1"9~?1:1<--i=~~i'==-';§:-'3%*<"U: -§:-I! ~ _§_=;"';!-i .-.~{';, l 1 §,_~ 2*: -'~,-.-¢:*.'r_j;_-11;: .,_M ' q-; ;_ I-__:V.»: _ I . Ind_ _.- been E4hack _ __ in V.In¬_ _ ..7_t_ Yogae ,; A."_._>__, _.4with my husband _Ii _ v , » _~,,nhegt §n'»-=--";}';¢,;,*o§I4 twig;than no repeivoo, eAVl_atte;o'f:_'oex__Al'1.jrin q Q-f»_;3_'_¬;.h"jOhio; _gtating"'drop e ;line,;o/o'Ge;noral De1i_v_er{gnnc_k:¢,,_",J1';'___'1=§-3-1.-;§A»¬_;-3. t 1"».,v .__. .- V1 6.0 not rememberthe nameI used ,1; edroseing the1¢zzu;z»_hu.*>?r.§;i:,?;r§,». ¢~ :»;.e:o;o;_:v~m1 m arm, {.av1j¢.¢ mg _-.P.i.§=+,1a¢+;@¢'h_1@amm11;;?;_x?_§¢f;i:e?=»;%§;§";gg. -_- Q. 'not knee who. h e__e_cu_1jo6.the- ._ qdd:eso_!fr_om = __;.l-»-._- ..,_ * 1, , ~,..._ - ~-1~:-f>';~.1;"";&f.~_,- A7-,_.~_;,__ -I;-71e? 1-: -_;v, --"- - ..m»~--::»'<;¥=-:31'»#*:'%¢»a§h~'>$&¢;1?~'4»1r@.:=*">*-= A :»__::--._~__¬'.;:_',§->¢»,;n.;~_92:]__§ §.<*;z» 1-1.§* ,"--':i"-§2~'-;,92'-¢".e~,-T-Z,'_~ 3-.¬f_&E;;='.1,.7lv--_,",5;.,_.I¢:__.7 ;..;;;-1. 1 . ;.~;.-_¢'_ . -,-Barry_-=-_-__. ,. '8-ae7,*er ;;¢._-;-mo eoici. -. hiq gm: , .m-ené weietg_'Lu_S_T_e;en92] _.'~..'~.. v ~~- .9--. ;.-.;;~ .-:1 -'31 train shortly after the:-a_ceipt_otthe 1e'tt9t_'in:Irpro¢¢ede&i92§?2§':§-151;:?:1:§,f%;{ ; 1,1 c1¢v¢m'm;0hi_o_Chicago: 11¢ rj;u_wr';§92;r]_i_!f_1'ifrol_'i_n c1¢yr_a1@§&;'1§i3fé'iéi.;;15'5?-t§;§.T _ psctéd to homot" _h1aononumber o!'_tho''g'e'.n¢";hut' if-T 451'In-rot up and @_1¢g_to my_P_o_e>t_tCf1"1<_:'O ;qpna'1gnq§' _:wé'_ hliih ii as: m1@a'r»1-Anax up '1.m;- -i=1m*n_u_1=; n-a=_:.3,_y@¢,,:hx;¢,¢¢=;2¥;-in-;_¢>. '_;;>_:'-;:=;;_"h_>.i;f_¢;.;"1-e_'thon_to"]tho _X_31ov§o1._e_nd_;liotol'_fe_ndtb5i§tero4_f0e vent ;_j::_;.'.-;':' 1;:-=o._r=-nu; um um». w~1s1-';=j1=<1.ov<>1er-5' 92vr<>..t@_X_a1'r1I ;-Y '=n<>th!1'_1?~1§1i¢r.§zé=w h ,92';*!Z¢,&!1.§°.'..!*-I'!.1_??»?i..1=h¢1'.;;l.1"!,»¥!;° Q1vfg1*.1;,§??*@§1_l,§-§§.'§1§f¢??§I;zi.?';<'+ ;=¢@-e .':=;:;~;.'.=:,.'.*_é*_- "35""-"'i§_""_ T-.._ I net_ '1. net»Fe _,-- and_than went A : ."_ __ irith . than U;out _w...,-.!~.__on Flamingo:5 , ._4Street, A. ,,.92 3!. _h__:~ hirea;_- *~'*»°-§~"z7'f~-"""-_ 1'1. 2 2 " =;<92:i_3¢'¥~?;"- *2.%;i;*11§"::-'=»s11~1»=@ -the "exacteodro "mute:!*Pt.f¥*°.*J**!°*11"¥!'¥' an oi thin house,h§1t..I_helieve =--- woe'-= ,1! on ~ 4 -~ A a " » ,1'.§¢3~-g ~:,,;::;>.,;¢,;;.~' "/ys.§§;, r£¬.;:t;,"~* -;~,:~i»,'3~-=-"1i?$;'+1§a=_¢ L ~-§,;.:-3;are 1" "~'~',,<~».-*»*,p Q f. Z ".ii,'--L_ L .3 5 " ~ .,~, ".1-'-*%'-;K' -IQ ,; .5 = M" * {~=!3q""-.»§#1--.~ ;-.- *3 -1:,Jr?» ~""'"$*I~ .- -$3; w'"'Bei. ' " ' ' -.¢"i ?-**$§*92* .1-?'¬w -1;» '§'""Y~ 4' '_.,1';: H +~':,if ' $_, :1 __:.'>,_.V,,,92x:{ - ::I"",:7_1lff:=I4. _:53" ,_§-,"".9» -,h_.§'7 ;_:'>_:,', ._ ..~ v-'2 iv 5; ~_E:- "9292U Q '-.-P4 1.;___, '1' h. >T Qsé. l. -he orvb ~14. J ==,.~1 '1 { Q "1' gtlow , .,._._f.._3 v_, M w in ~ _ _ <» - Q 2'11":1:-ii v1 v_ 3 92,*_. ~ ~ '- -1-:;;3~=2;; ";-3?";-.-:a5:"+:=~ ~ V '- i . V --'.~~---;»-*..:1-'~.».*h 1*

A 9292 _~_, ,.,v_~;__@92 " R 92 »,_~ _ v < _3.-92 . V-.¢a-4.:--1;_',-'7" '-;p_--.~>-.¢-*1-uO1?~' __ _.,,.h '='.=- ;;..'_, - * =» ,,-.,~ ;»..- ~ ~ v . .. , ~ j%4>.e; 7 ' ;. . -. - --- . M I ; ....__92 -_.m-in-a.¢1~h_e._'__v- .__ , k '1. , .y . Q1Q "" W;*- ~ ~ 5 .1 "1 .>» 92-w Q

-_.- --. $i%§92 Y Q - '- . Q-_.. _, _

sf _ v . Z "LA- w 7 _,_, V s._»|e 4-v 1 ' _ we stayed thereabout tee Ieeke atVthe ena er Ihich the V L_ ,_ N. D» I had to return to St. Pen]. there I underwent e njor operation at _.,e_ "'*'w _, 1 A Midway huapltzle I was canfined in the hospital under my eorrelt If ""*** _~ - name tramJuly 7th to July 85th, 1934. During:7 confinementll 73- _ ,-~ ~ - the horpitsl, Paula $amon'eeae tramCleveland, Ohio.to 8_*_t._Pen1,, -1 - . hr - w 4-1 *1-1% '1":. 1 - 1:-ed Darker droveno in hie ear tramCleveland, Ohlq80 -';f' 1 2'Q A _ ee visited oneAu e1an um. rum-1; lurker,nether V **=*~5 . ._-~ Chicago ot_when Ired, at an epartaeg _ _ ' Ghtcego theenreee-~'%*-_e.~4*=-'. > - - tenthenouth_e1__eot 1 __ ,__£ M A,-r <1 returns!12¢ C1eve1end,'Oh§.oinn Aiugies 1*1',§1'ea4' 1 ,"~<;»?YV~'*1- =5. _- , n&P5;~v~f_§§§ ,_.;*;,§§'V"""vent directly to 10515 Perkhurlt Dr1ve,_Ihere lred_lerkerpn6 _i'e_I11_l_'-* >-VYVV-I',*_,.;;f? ' "8ernon'ee_' ' re living together' V. in en epez-taut.I Berry_ serverV eeeX f'7t.v.§§__;_-f"-_:1§iff_}§_* ~ _L11x-eedy there having remaihed 11Clevelend ZIhlle I _ an la V the92_$61.; hoepl r3i;-'-'T_;;:~:{'; 1-.131-'?; V'_,'-'._..;"T I staye there Q teI_ Que irt; I§1£h_1?au1lHz;.1'non qgldfred - ¢*;'>.f;,-"_@;A;;V-;',_'_.,;-the endat whieh time the tpuz-Vet92}e___ __et to e moved house itG41! _I_,;'t;.-i§;1-éf_é._;;-e"_;_-,.-,.¢q.;;';% ' '"I * vhm we an"1}v1=¢ .th.e.4_=¢¢ Von Var; Veg §If§?9}*~,!§.§_1,'!!1ll@¢=.+:F Ohio on Septembét - ._ V 1* =,T_~_5%;f;_:_§,;=_1,'.»Stree , I'll_ _ ~-U t"<"t92la " 92f"»-*"-H-"~-=u,~__:i1e.92__~_»r. '' 92m1=is'th'e"_n=m"__§;' = * ..,, . . 5;-f.'fi "fa.V 8.: »*~=~~¢*="-tr 4,1, " ~ 1 . . :,':'V', __-:r'*;"F. . V. _._ _ _:_~:-Jar;i--3.??? -' , >~.1>~_.-3;?-je___4__ __Ere. Iq __ Ear]. liattelfson...1 >~ __-.__ V, i,» U .§],:~__a_-¢;<"3§>=. _ ..____.,-Xe-.__ - '_--",~ 4,; »= ,Fred '=;r-.~.V+"~;v;:-:;»»'~,efie-"1' Barker e all Paul:Harmon_ 4 were_ _ , _ -~<.,. Q ..12,. Y~ N, '-* "a3_"~»"*.<'t":-3.-I " . _ - -' - -.,_.--. >. 4 _'_- 2 »,.-Zn ff, ;§j;'T>'J.'5".'»..1, <-, - _ --* _; .-,4 .1--V4, "3'- _ , f--;-~~. *;- »,;,;e.e 1". ~V~'!9292__ .J:";' ¢_$_e'F 1_' ' r Y-'h__1lanee '- living gt 4419I . !._!.7_1,5treet,. . - _ _1_ia.rryV__0em,ppe_1§._!V5 __ ..v_-J, Hf ;__.;.~,-V .;_i.=>b_l:;>,&:_.-,.j_ .w1_4'.<,. -';?.;.i*'-5~e,;_.~;V'=;»v.V-wlA '~ ieited ueettheW _q.dqreVee_on,11VY1"¢V!1¥*?g bpupll.bv.$*=99! 0_§:cae_1on,e.*bIu§¢ ».¢1'-I§9m,B"¥§@#$-;_.>__:;§#h=}'w¢=>.V1w, 1so$V_k:z4oI;3-355;,-:»e;;."§»;,;=VV-" ' h hr ~ 1 - .":" 4 2"! . :41 ' "1 " i -'."£-i'.?1'V';?V.V"">:1?.Inew living.""'.?3é5"'92*'?7-*rF">. . - '~ :#i!§#. ~,»~ , eu¢_'-"."::1¢ < -.~.=<=§~.=4=>»..~=:>1» 5- I-v Lima ~z .,_'_c §:§, !¥=-1.? W. xfgh w=1=v.~1=_§i<*-1! 41; z ' F x ._ ~ K~ .:' -Q7. 1; Q 33's,;_ _ Kerrie dnivi =941=¥B=1I..,t¢:§=192.¢u§¥I;,'F?_b1_ __ne.xneehe bu_t 1a,<:nI1e;1_>"I_=.aY'q'h@_,ta-V! _, _1!av1e_'V;15'.f'°§.19 §,_9_°$?._°8¢' ' -. ; lake ehofe. B111_!.'ea_92'erZpten yer?V';1J1v{hg:vq1;hJ;j§g1pe;;;;3¢;;5§_VV;,;§fg enaiyufrtle Q " mama 11 #17"hi I - ieited with thn;~?;:L*3~*#::$§?¥¥fEa§?"=<;¬iiI%zei¥>:;l' 3' :1? AA-v V ' ' _ _ > a-T92~,1 1: ;_:...92;-"".92.V7ii*h_V 17,':;}é~§92 ,2. {I v ' ' ~-* 1. r." 1';;+;E=I¢_F'a"-V1Y;»;-'j=.~=:l='é;1'??%r=E?i-:t4'F~.~<;3r¢=_=_ ;~,1:' !-;"_ -_-;'.','f?' ~ ".~have been 1-~~.¢-M shun; _ _ ' ' * ~>_- -=..;... F .=,__4 9°¢$¢J:¢}116lQ°_~;;;rw,.= I- ,_ A-.1 1* Polka Bvparwwnt firslqlnwevari. !.>@@r.1'926..j 1 V. ,.-V m=1'*°_= V. . k.. V is gr-'1" - i1@[email protected]'V»~@VV ' zneV1>hq_roz1iap1i_s' h ..:9@§¢:_Jr#h=*' ' . 3=*¥§*-Vl¥-.;1.5V-.§?»- __ -:4 ¢;;;:§¢-r;@s ewbér :411@P*- M*='»=.*°K=aP¥**."&=k@4e¥'=-Ve.¥"P°f*%91&%**=?F ,_;_g;*:g§;:<§:1~'~~.=i~V"vn~war=rhat-an they 1>e=r1.w: are :2»AtlueneeeflVar -!1l_1w=-?~ei~r- 9f,thn__.r1a§§;1§ue_3"M-§*-VP='&<1~!:;!%$gg " _*1--.='&-I * " 3°" ' '~ ='- "~*";e>s>:.1*-'~V"I».-"-*=~~'=,»<:- ~-V -w¬>,:?: , ~ __ e ' "*~I V..." "~*~1£1':v-K3 I e -ii.}; .-%~:~;:=;>I1¢#' :'~2 » V--~II,*~V¥-"1 es! _- :?' JY -I'£*;>'$ -V *"* ~» 1? -V Iv 92 $~V aw' ~»%*.;@§ ' sé~-sf 3*-'-*7""-3:."'i?¢. -,. Y '

