Norway – Alpine Flowers of the Gol Plateau

Naturetrek Tour Report 1 - 8 July 2017

Andromeda polifolia - Bog Rosemary Common Crane by Zoe Chau

Red Squirrel by Zoe Chau Viola lactea - Pale Dog-violet

Report by Paul Harmes Images courtesy of Zoe Chau & Paul Harmes

Naturetrek Mingledown Barn Wolf’s Lane Chawton Hampshire GU34 3HJ T: +44 (0)1962 733051 E: [email protected] W:

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Tour participants: Paul Harmes (leader) with seven Naturetrek clients

Day 1 Saturday 1st July

Fly Heathrow to Oslo – Transfer to Kamben Six group members met with Paul at Heathrow Terminal 5 for the British Airways flight BA762 to Oslo Gardermoen. Upon arrival in Norway, we soon completed immigration formalities and collected our luggage, before we made our way out into the arrivals area where we met up with Catherine, who had arrived from Edinburgh the previous day. We located our bus driver, Martin, and quickly loaded our luggage into the bus and made our way out of the airport and onto the E16, the main Bergen road. As we went we recorded Barn Swallow, Magpie and Hooded Crow, together with Lupinus polyphyllus (Large-leaved Lupin). Our route took us north-west from the capital, passing through Jevnaker, and Hønefoss and along the east side of Kroderen fjord.

We made a stop for our picnic lunch beside Kroderen, where birds included House Martin and White Wagtail. The fjord bank had Silene viscosa (Sticky Catchfly), Stellaria graminea (Lesser Stitchwort), Solidago vigaurea (Goldenrod) and Vicia cracca (Tufted Vetch), and a grassy area yielded Spergularia rubra (Sand Spurrey).

We now continued our journey on to Nesbyen and on to Gol, where we turned north-eastwards up towards the Gol Plateau, and on up to Golsfjellet and the Kamben Høyfjellshotell, our base for the week. Upon our arrival at our hotel, we were met and made welcome by Elin the co-proprietor.

After we settled into our rooms, we made a short excursion in the vicinity of the hotel to make ourselves familiar with some of the species of the area. Plants found included Aconitum septentrionale (Northern Wolf’s-bane), Viola lactaea (Pale Dog Violet), Geranium sylvaticum (Wood Crane’s-bill) and Geum rivale (Water Avens). After this we returned to the hotel to prepare for dinner. After eating, Paul outlined some of the plans for the next few days.

Day 2 Sunday 2nd July

Hallingen - Skutuset - Brautemo Our first full day of the tour was spent exploring the boreal forests of the Gol Plateau. Leaving the hotel at 9am, we were driven down to Hallingen by Martin. As we went we saw Barn Swallow, Common Wood Pigeon and Hooded Crow. We began by taking the path towards the settlement of Skutuset. Early finds were Geranium sylvaticum (Wood Crane’s-bill), Melampyrum sylvaticum (Wood Cow-wheat), Moneses uniflora (One-flowered Wintergreen), Trientalis europaea (Chickweed Wintergreen) and some good stands of Neottia cordata (Lesser Twayblade). Many sedges and rushes were evident in the very wet flushes and Lycopodium annotinum (Interrupted Clubmoss) and Equisetum sylvaticum (Wood Horsetail) were added. In an open bog we recorded oxycoccos (Cranberry), Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary), Menyanthes trifoliata (Bogbean), Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry) and Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. pulchella (an Early Marsh Orchid). Further along the path we saw Wood White, Silver-studded Blue, mating Cranberry Blue and Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterflies, before we stopped for our picnic lunch.

Moving on after eating, we added Sedum villosum (Hairy Stonecrop), Cardamine amara (Large Bitter-cress), Saxifraga stellaris (Starry Saxifrage) and Dactylorhiza viridis (Frog Orchid), and we had superb views of Siberian Jay. Bird life,

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

otherwise, was generally rather quiet, but we did hear Great Tit and Chaffinch and saw Willow Warbler. The path we were following took us to the small hamlet of Skutuset. The roadside wood yielded Polygonatum verticillatum (Whorled Solomon’s-seal), Paris quadrifolia (Herb-Paris), Viola lactea (Pale Dog Violet) and Ranunculus platanifolius. In addition, we added Small Tortoiseshell and Small White butterflies. From Skutuset we turned south towards the village of Brautemo, passing through more boreal forest, littered with lichen-covered rocky outcrops interspersed with more wet flushes, mires and streams. As we were walking through the forest we disturbed a pair of Black Grouse, which took to the air. Descending the last one-and-a-half kilometres, we came out onto the main road where Martin, the hotel proprietor, was to meet us to take us back to the hotel for dinner. Whilst we were waiting, we explored adding Geranium Argus butterfly to our growing list

When we got back to Kamben, we had time to freshen up before our evening meal. After the meal we saw a solitary Short-eared Owl and a pair of Common Cranes in the meadows behind the hotel.

Day 3 Monday 3rd July

Solseter to Gol Today, Martin dropped us off at the village of Solseter, half way between our hotel and Gol. Here we took the path, which crosses the road in several places, down towards the town. The early part of the route was through more semi-open, wet forest. Here we found Populus tremula (Aspen), Melampyrum pratense (Common Cow-wheat) and the leaves of Comarum palustris (Marsh Cinquefoil). As we moved lower, the habitat changed to a series of meadows and track verges with species such as Galeopsis tetrahit (Common Hemp-nettle), Carum carvi (Caraway) and Sedum telephium (Orpine). An area of tree felling proved rather good for birds, with a pair of Whinchat, Song Thrush, Chaffinch and Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers. The highlight was when we disturbed an Elk calf, which trotted off into some distant trees. We took lunch in a grassy area by the forest, among tree stumps and boulders. As we ate, Willow Warbler and Wren were heard.

Continuing on, in improving sun and rising temperatures, it was not long before butterflies began to appear. Large Wall Brown, Red Admiral, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Small Heath, Amanda’s Blue, Small Blue, Small White and Wood White were all recorded. There were also Latticed Heath, Common Heath and Silver-ground Carpet . Pinus sylvestris (Scots Pine) and Picea abies (Norway Spruce) dominated the forest, and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (Bearberry), Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Cowberry), Phegopteris connectilis (Beech Fern), Pyrola norvegica (Norwegian Wintergreen) and Anthyllis filix-femina (Lady Fern) were all added. The path exited the forest next to an electricity substation, before re-entering the woodland. The path emerged on the outskirts of Gol, where we all took some refreshments.

At 5pm, we met up with Martin for the return journey to Kamben.

Day 4 Tuesday 4th July

Skutuset – Syningen – Storefjell - Kamben Today we were dropped off in the small hamlet of Skutuset, from which, we set off in the direction of Storefjell. As we went we recorded, Betula nana (Dwarf ), Vaccinium uliginosum (Bog Whortleberry) and Alchemilla alpina (Alpine Lady’s-mantle). Our first objective was a small hill called Syningen (1,031 metres), which we reached in

Naturetrek 2015

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

good time. Among the rocks at the base of Syningen, we found Botrychium lunaria (Moonwort), Woodsia ilvensis (Oblong Woodsia), Silene rupestris (Rock Catchfly) and Juncus trifidus (Three-leaved Rush), before making an ascent. On the summit we added Arctous alpina (Alpine Bearberry), Carex panicea (Carnation Sedge) and Carex atrata (Black Alpine Sedge).

Moving on, we began to make our way through open, wet Juniper and Spruce forest. Along the way we added Pinus uncinata (Mountain Pine), Stellaria alsine (Bog Stitchwort), Gnaphalium supinum (Dwarf Cudweed), Gnaphalium norvegicum (Highland Cudweed) and Cardamine amara (Large Bitter-cress), before stopping to have lunch. By now the drizzle had all but stopped, and it had become noticeably warmer. During the meal, a distant Cuckoo was heard as well as Willow Warbler. Continuing onwards, we made our way along an access track, which joined the main road to the Storefjell Resort Hotel. As we went, we had good views of a Brambling calling at the top of a Spruce. Along the road, where a stream passed under, we found, Parnassia palustris (Grass-of-Parnassus), Erigeron uniflora (One-flowered Fleabane), and Veronica fruticans (Rock Speedwell). Just before the hotel, we turned right along a cycle track back towards our hotel, adding Pyrola rotundifolia (Round-leaved Wintergreen) as we went.

We now returned to the hotel in time to freshen up for dinner.

Day 5 Wednesday 5th July

Grønlie – Krististølen – Gomobu - Vasetstølen Today we travelled northwest, with the intention of visiting the Skogshorn, one of the higher local mountains. Along the route, we saw Barn Swallow, Fieldfare, Northern Wheatear and Hooded Crow. However, when we reached the car park at the base of the mountain, the footpath was closed. This, apparently, was due to a helicopter operating on the mountain, moving materials and equipment.

Paul soon decided to undertake a walk we were due to do later in the tour. So, we rejoined the minibus and Martin took us to the remote car park at Grønlie, the farthest of any of our local, daily excursions. From here we set off in an easterly direction towards the hamlet of Krististølen. On the way, we had views of Meadow Pipits, Common Linnet and a solitary Bluethroat. As we left Krististølen, we passed a small outcrop of rocks. Athyrium alpestre (Alpine Lady-fern), Phegopteris connectilis. (Beech Fern) and Persicaria vivipara (Mountain Bistort) were all recorded. The path we were on took us past a large lake, where we saw a Black-throated Diver, and out across the splendid sub-arctic heath. Here we added Betula nana (Dwarf Birch), Salix lanata (Woolly Willow), Salix lapponum (Downy Birch) and Salix arbuscula (Mountain Willow) in good numbers, along with Eriophorum angustifolium (Common Cotton-grass), Eriophorum vaginatum (Hare's-tail Cotton-grass) and Pedicularis palustris (Marsh Lousewort). We took our lunch in the sunshine, under the shade of some Birch trees, with magnificent views. Here, we found Lycopodium clavatum (Stag’s-horn Clubmoss) and also Cranberry Blue and Dewy Ringlet butterflies.

We now continued on to Gomobu, from where we made our way down to Vaset, which lies next to Vasetvasnet Lake. Along the wooded path, we saw Huperzia selago (Fir Clubmoss), Sedum roseum (Roseroot) and Saxifraga cernua (Drooping Saxifrage). When we arrived in Vaset, we stopped at a lakeside cafe for refreshments, whilst waiting to be collected by our bus. The lake shore had the emerging spikes of Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum (Moor King), Cardamine pratensis (Cuckooflower) and Sparganium angustifolium (Floating Bur-reed). On our way back to the hotel,

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

we stopped at the tenth century Stave Church at Oset, on our back to Kamben.

Day 6 Thursday 6th July

‘Norway, in a Nutshell’ – (Gol – Myrdal – Flåm – Gudvangen) Today we went on the 'Norway in a nutshell' excursion. After breakfast at 7.45am, we boarded the minibus for Martin to drive us to the railway station at Gol. Here we boarded the 9.23am train to Myrdal. Soon after leaving Kamben, we saw two Common Cranes grazing in a meadow, at close quarters. Along the route we added Herring Gull and Goldeneye. As we approached Finse, the highest station on the Oslo to Bergen route at 1,222 metres, there were some distant views of the Hardanger Glacier, and a fair quantity of remaining patches of snow. Here, the train waited just long enough for some of the group to disembark to take photos. At Myrdal, we transferred to the spectacular Flåm Railway. Completed in 1940, this unique railway took 20 years to build, and drops 864 metres in 20 kilometres to Flåm, on the side of the Aurlandsfjorden (Aurlands Fjord). The journey, down the Flåm valley, took us through some magnificent scenery; not least of which was the scheduled stop to view the thundering power of the mighty Kjosfossen Waterfall. As we descended, we recorded Saxifraga cotyledon (Pyramidal Saxifrage), Sedum roseum (Roseroot) and Digitalis purpurea (Foxglove). Upon our arrival in Flåm we transferred to a new, electric boat for the one-and-a-half-hour journey to Gudvangen. As we sailed down this stunning fjord, there were good numbers of Mew Gulls. We also saw Red-breasted Mergansers, Black Guillemot, Oystercatcher, Common Sandpiper and two sightings of Grey Seal. Tiny picturesque villages and fabulous scenery made this trip truly memorable. In addition, there were many waterfalls along the fjord to enjoy.

When we arrived in Gudvangen we met with Martin, for the return journey to Kamben. By the bus park, a moss- covered rocky wall produced three species of fern, Polypodium vulgare (Common Polypody), Athyrium filix-femina (Lady-fern) and Dryopteris filix-mas (Male-fern). We now boarded the bus for drive back, passing though a network of new road tunnels, including one of 23 kilometres, the longest road tunnel in the world. We made a short stop on the old road to Borgund, to photograph Saxifraga cotyledon (Pyramidal Saxifrage) on low roadside cliffs, before our scheduled stop at Borgund, to visit its magnificent stave church, dedicated to St. Andrew. Built in about 1180, it is one of the most complete remaining examples of these medieval buildings. The walls surrounding the church had some fine clumps of Sedum acre (Biting Stonecrop) and Viola tricolor agg. (Heartsease)

Leaving Borgund, we joined the E16 Bergen to Oslo highway for our homeward journey, turning off in a south- easterly direction towards Hemsedal and Gol, arriving back at the hotel at 7.30pm, for dinner.

Day 7 Friday 7th July

Skogshorn Leaving the hotel this morning, we travelled north to the village of Oset, before turning left to drive west along the southern shore of Tisleifjorden. From here, we turned north-west and made our way to a car park to the west of Lykkja, at the base of the Skogshorn, which at 1,728 metres is the fifth-highest mountain in the municipality of Hemsedal. Setting off, we took the now-open and improved path which climbs steadily northwards from the road, before turning west, where it begins to get steeper. It then bears south-west and up the steepest section to the summit.

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

As we set out we immediately found Linnaea borealis (Twinflower) beside the path, and Salix lapponum (Downy Willow) showing its reddish pink anthers. Willow Warbler, Northern Raven and Common Linnet were also seen, together with Idas Blue butterfly. The route, as it rose, took us through Betula pubescens (Downy Birch) woodland and into a shrub layer of Salix lapponum (Downy Willow), Salix arbuscula (Mountain Willow), Betula nana (Dwarf Birch), the under-storey of which had Potentilla erecta (Tormentil), Gymnocarpium dryopteris (Oak Fern), Phegopteris connectilis (Beech Fern) and Geranium sylvaticum (Wood Crane’s-bill). As we went, two areas of bog produced Dactylorhiza maculata (Heath Spotted Orchid), Pedicularis lapponica (Lapland Lousewort) and, surprisingly, Corallorhiza trifida (Coralroot Orchid). These habitats gave way to an upper area of rough gravelly paths and boulder-strewn hillsides. Here the path began to rise more steeply, as we began to find a number of the smaller and prostrate shrub species. These included Phyllodoce caerulea (Blue Mountain Heath), Arctous alpina (Alpine Bearberry), Empetrum nigrum (Crowberry), Kalmia procumbens (Trailing Azalea), Vaccinium vitis-idaea (Cowberry) and the diminutive Harrimanella hypnoides (Cassiope) which, sadly, was past its best. Some of the group took our lunch using a hollow to shelter from the chilly wind, whilst others chose to set out for the summit, where they added Ranunculus glacialis (Glacier Crowfoot), before it was time to begin our descent. Along the way we found a number of different boggy areas containing Andromeda polifolia (Bog Rosemary), Eriophorum angustifolium (Common Cotton-grass) and Eriophorum scheuchzeri (Scheuchzer’s Cotton-grass). We were attended at all times by numerous Water Pipits, and we also saw a Golden Plover with two chicks

We all returned to the car park in time to meet our transport back to the hotel. During the evening, were had very distant views of an adult Elk, grazing in a meadow.

Day 8 Saturday 8th July

Kamben to Oslo – Fly London Heathrow Our last morning saw us leaving Kamben at 10am, having completed any outstanding photo requirements and said goodbye to Elin and the staff at the hotel, and Martin drove us back to Oslo airport. Before leaving we recorded Fieldfare and Common Swift, around the hotel. Our route took us south-eastwards, making a short stop for a comfort break. Here, we recorded Tree Bumblebee nectaring on Roses.

We arrived at our destination at 2.45pm. Here, the party checked in for our British Airways flight, BA 767, to London Heathrow.

N.B. The Group would like to thank Christina for providing the extensive list of Lichen species seen during the trip, and Zoe for her lovely photos.

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© Naturetrek December 17

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Species Lists

Plants (* = Very localised distribution or endemic) Nomenclature contained within this list follows the taxonomic amendments, based on DNA analysis, made by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and the Missouri Botanic Garden, and following The Plant List, an internationally accepted list of vascular plant families, published and maintained by these two Institutions.

Scientific name Common name Location


Lycophytes Clubmosses & Quillworts

Lycopodiaceae Clubmoss Family Diphasiastrum alpinum Alpine Clubmoss Diphasiastrum tristachyum Flat-stemmed Clubmoss Syningen to Kamben Huperzia selago Fir Clubmoss Krististølen to Vasetstølen Lycopodium annotinum Interrupted Clubmoss Hallingen to Brautemo Lycopodium clavatum Stag’s-horn Clubmoss Krististølen to Vasetstølen

Calamophytes Horsetails

Equisetaceae Horsetail Family Equisetum arvense Common Horsetail Kamben Equisetum fluviatile Water Horsetail Hallingen to Brautemo Equisetum palustre Marsh Horsetail Solseter to Gol Equisetum pratense Shady Horsetail Solseter to Gol Equisetum sylvaticum Wood Horsetail Hallingen to Brautemo Equisetum variegatum Variegated Horsetail Hallingen to Brautemo

Eusporangiate Ferns Adder's-tongues & Moonworts

Ophioglossaceae Adder's-tongue family Botrychium lunaria Moonwort Hallingen to Brautemo

Leptosporangiate Ferns True Ferns

Athyriaceae Lady-fern Family Athyrium alpestre (distentifolium) Alpine Lady-fern Krististølen to Vasetstølen Athyrium filix-femina Lady-fern Solseter to Gol

Blechnaceae Hard-fern Family Blechnum spicant Hard-fern Finse

Cystopteridaceae Bladder-fern Family Cystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder-fern Syningen to Kamben Gymnocarpium dryopteris Oak Fern Kamben

Dennstaedtiaceae Bracken Family Pteridium aquilinum Bracken Kroderen

Naturetrek 2015

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Dryopteridaceae Buckler-fern Family Dryopteris filix-mas Male-fern Gudvangen

Polypodiaceae Polypody Family Polypodium vulgare agg. Common Polypody Gudvangan

Pteridaceae Ribbon Fern Family Cryptogramma crispa Parsley Fern Finse

Thelypteridaceae Marsh Fern Family Phegopteris connectilis Beech Fern Solseter to Gol

Woodsiaceae Woodsia Family Woodsia ilvensis Oblong Woodsia Syningen to Kamben


Cupressaceae Juniper Family Juniperus communis subsp. alpina Dwarf Juniper Kamben

Pinaceae Pine Family Pinus sylvestris Scots Pine Solseter to Gol Pinus uncinata Mountain Pine Hallingen to Brautemo


Eu-Dicots True Dicotyledons

Adoxaceae Moschatel Family Sambucus racemosus Red-berried Elder Solseter to Gol

Amaranthaceae Pigweed Family Chenopodium album Fat-hen Solseter to Gol

Apiaceae Carrot Family Angelica archangelica Garden Angelica Solseter to Gol Angelica sylvestris Wild Angelica Solseter to Gol Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley Solseter to Gol Carum carvi Caraway Hallingen to Brautemo Chaerophyllum temulum Chervil Solseter to Gol Heracleum sphondylium ssp. sibiricum Siberian Hogweed Solseter to Gol

Betulaceae Birch Family Alnus glutinosa Alder Solseter to Gol Betula nana Dwarf Birch Kamben Betula pendula Silver Birch Hallingen to Brautemo Betula pubescens Downy Birch Hallingen to Brautemo Betula pubescens x B. nana Hybrid Birch Solseter to Gol Corylus avellana Hazel Solseter to Gol

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Boraginaceae Forget-me-not Family Myosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-not Solseter to Gol Myosotis sylvatica Wood Forget-me-not Kamben

Brassicaceae Cabbage Family Arabidopsis arenosa Tall Rock-cress Solseter to Gol Barbarea vulgaris Common Winter-cress Syningen to Kamben Berteroa incana Hoary Alison Solseter to Gol Capsella bursa-pastoris Shepherd’s-purse Kroderen Cardamine amara Large Bitter-cress Kamben Cardamine pratensis Cuckooflower Krististølen to Vasetstølen Rorippa sylvestris Creeping Yellow-cress Solseter to Gol

Campanulaceae Bellflower Family Campanula rotundifolia Harebell Solseter to Gol

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle Family Knautia arvensis Field Scabious Solseter to Gol Linnaea borealis Twin-flower Hallingen to Brautemo Valeriana sambucifolia Elder-leaved Valerian Solseter to Gol

Caryophyllaceae Pink Family Cerastium arvense Field Mouse-ear Solseter to Gol Cerastium cerastoides Starwort Mouse-ear Krististølen to Vasetstølen Cerastium fontanum Common Mouse-ear Hallingen to Brautemo Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear Solseter to Gol Sagina procumbens Procumbent Pearlwort Solseter to Gol Silene dioica Red Campion Hallingen to Brautemo Silene rupestris Rock Catchfly Syningen to Kamben Silene viscosa Sticky Catchfly Syningen to Kamben Silene vulgaris Bladder Chapion Solseter to Gol Spergula arvensis Corn Spurrey Kamben to Oslo Spergularia rubra Sand Spurrey Kroderen Stellaria alsine Bog Stitchwort Syningen to Kamben

Celastraceae Spindle Family Parnassia palustris Grass-of-Parnassus Hallingen to Brautemo

Compositae (Asteraceae) Daisy Family Achillea millefolium Yarrow Hallingen to Brautemo Antennaria dioica Mountain Everlasting Kamben Artemisia vulgaris Mugwort Solseter to Gol Cirsium heterophyllum Melancholy Thistle Solseter to Gol Cirsium palustre Marsh Thistle Very common Erigeron borealis Alpine Fleabane Skogshorn Erigeron uniglumis One-flowered Fleabane Syningen to Kamben Gnaphalium norvegicum Highland Cudweed Syningen to Kamben Gnaphalium supinum Dwarf Cudweed Kamben Hieracium villosum Woolly Hawkweed Syningen to Kamben Hieracium umbellatum - Solseter to Gol Leucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy Roadsides Matricaria discoidea Pineapple Weed Kroderen

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Petasites frigidus Arctic Butterbur Hallingen to Brautemo Pilosella lactucella - Solseter to Gol Senecio vulgaris Groundsel Kamben to Oslo Solidago virgaurea Goldenrod Kamben Tanacetum vulgare Tansy Kroderen Taraxacum agg. Dandelion Hallingen to Brautemo Tripleurospermum inodorum Scentless Mayweed Solseter to Gol Tussilago farfara Colt’s-foot Hallingen to Brautemo

Crassulaceae Stonecrop Family Sedum acre Biting Stonecrop Roadside walls Sedum annuum Annual Stonecrop Syningen to Kamben Sedum roseum Roseroot Krististølen to Vasetstølen Sedum telephium subsp. maximum Orpine Kroderen Sedum villosum Hairy Stonecrop Hallingen to Brautemo

Ericaceae Heath family Andromeda polifolia Bog Rosemary Hallingen to Brautemo Arctostaphyllos uva--ursi Bearberry Solseter to Gol (leaves) Arctous alpina Alpine Bearberry Syningen to Kamben Calluna vulgaris Heather Hallingen to Brautemo Empetrum nigrum Crowberry Kamben Harrimanella (Cassiope) hypnoides Matted Cassiope Skogshorn (over) Kalmia procumbens Trailing Azalea Skogshorn Moneses uniflora One-flowered Wintergreen Hallingen to Brautemo Orthilia secunda Nodding Wintergreen Hallingen to Brautemo Phyllodoce caerulea Blue or Mountain Heath Hallingen to Brautemo Pyrola minor Common Wintergreen Hallingen to Brautemo Pyrola norvegica Norwegian Wintergreen Solseter to Gol Pyrola rotundifolia agg. Round-leaved Wintergreen Syningen to Kamben Vaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Kamben Vaccinium oxycoccos Cranberry Hallingen to Brautemo Vaccinium uliginosum Bog Whortleberry Kamben Vaccinium vitis-idaea Cowberry Kamben

Geraniaceae Geranium Family Geranium robertianum Herb Robert Gudvangen Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane’s-bill Kamben

Grossulariaceae Gooseberry Family Ribes rubrum Red Currant Syningen to Kamben

Hypericaeae St. John’s-wort Family Hypericum maculatum Imperforate St. John's-wort Solseter to Gol (leaves) Hypericum tetrapterum Square-stalked St.John's-wort Gudvangen

Lamiaceae Dead-nettle Family Ajuga pyramidalis Pyramidal Bugle Hallingen to Brautemo Galeopsis tetrahit Common Hemp-nettle Solseter to Gol Prunella vulgaris Selfheal Solseter to Gol

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Leguminosae (Fabaceae) Pea Family Anthyllis vulneraria agg. Kidney-vetch Krististølen to Vasetstølen Lathyrus pratensis Meadow Vetchling Solseter to Gol Lotus corniculatus Bird’s-foot Trefoil Syningen to Kamben Lotus uliginosa Greater Bird’s-foot Trefoil Hallingen to Brautemo Lupinus polyphyllus Large-leaved Lupin Roadsides Trifolium medium Zigzag Clover Kroderen Trifolium pratense Red Clover Kamben Trifolium repens White Clover Kroderen Vicia cracca Tufted Vetch Kroderen Vicia sepium Bush Vetch Solseter to Gol

Lentibulariaceae Bladderwort Family Pinguicula vulgaris Common Butterwort Hallingen to Brautemo

Menyanthaceae Bogbean Family Menyanthes trifoliata Bogbean Hallingen to Brautemo

Onagraceae Willowherb Family Epilobium alsinifolium Chickweed Willowherb Hallingen to Brautemo Epilobium anagallidifolium Alpine Willowherb Syningen to Kamben Epilobium (Chamerion) angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb Kroderen Epilobium montanum Broad-leaved Willowherb Solseter to Gol

Orobanchaceae Broomrape Family Bartsia alpina Alpine Bartsia Hallingen to Brautemo Melampyrum pratense Common Cow-wheat Kroderen Melampyrum sylvaticum Small Cow-wheat Kamben Pedicularis lapponica Lapland Lousewort Skogshorn Pedicularis palustris Marsh Lousewort Hallingen to Brautemo Pedicularis sceptum-carolinum Moor King Krististølen to Vasetstølen Rhinanthus agg. Yellow Rattle Kamben

Oxalidaceae Wood-sorrel Family Oxalis acetosella Wood-sorrel Hallingen to Brautemo (leaves)

Plantaginaceae Plantain Family Digitalis purpurea Foxglove Flam Railway Linaria vulgaris Common Toadflax Solseter to Gol Plantago major Greater Plantain Solseter to Gol Plantago media Hoary or Lamb’s-tail Plantain Solseter to Gol Veronica alpina Alpine Speedwell Hallingen to Brautemo Veronica chamaedrys Germander Speedwell Hallingen to Brautemo Veronica fruticans Rock Speedwell Syningen to Kamben Veronica officinalis Heath Speedwell Kroderen Veronica serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Speedwell Hallingen to Brautemo

Polygonaceae Knotweed Family Persicaria vivipara Alpine Bistort Kamben Rumex acetosa Sorrel Kamben Rumex acetosella Sheep's Sorrel Kamben Rumex crispus Curled Dock Hallingen to Brautemo

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Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Rumex longifolius Northern Dock Kamben

Primulaceae Primrose Family Trientalis europaea Chickweed Wintergreen Kamben

Ranunculaceae Buttercup Family Aconitum septentrionale Northern Wolf's-bane Kamben Actaea spicata Baneberry Solseter to Gol Ranunculus aconitifolius Aconite-leaved Buttercup Hallingen to Brautemo Ranunculus acris Meadow Buttercup Kroderen Ranunculus glacialis Glacier Crowfoot Skogshorn Trollius europaeus Globeflower Krististølen to Vasetstølen

Rosaceae Rose Family Alchemilla alpina Alpine Lady’s-mantle Kamben Alchemilla filicaulis a Lady's-mantle Hallingen to Brautemo Alchemilla glabra Smooth Lady's-mantle Kamben Amelanchier ovalis Juneberry Solseter to Gol Comarum palustre Marsh Cinquefoil Hallingen to Brautemo (leaves) Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet Kamben Fragaria moschata Hautbois Strawberry Kroderen Geum rivale Water Avens Kamben Potentilla argentea Hoary Cinquefoil Solseter to Gol Potentilla crantzii Alpine Cinquefoil Kamben Potentilla erecta Tormentil Kamben Potentilla norvegica Ternate-leaved Cinquefoil Hallingen to Brautemo Prunus padus Bird Cherry Near Borgund Rosa pendulina Alpine Rose Solseter to Gol Rubus chamaemorus Cloudberry Hallingen to Brautemo Rubus idaeus Raspberry Kamben Rubus saxatilis Stone Bramble Hallingen to Brautemo Sibbaldia procumbens Sibbaldia Skogshorn Sorbus aucuparia Rowan Kroderen

Rubiaceae Bedstraw Family Galium mollugo Hedge Bedstraw Kroderen Galium boreale Northern Bedstraw Solseter to Gol Galium x pomeranicum Hybrid Bedstraw Kroderen Galium saxatile Heath Bedstraw Solseter to Gol Galium verum Lady's Bedstraw Solseter to Gol

Salicaceae Willow & Poplar Family Populus tremula Aspen Hallingen to Brautemo Salix arbuscula Mountain Willow Hallingen to Brautemo Salix caprea Goat Willow Kamben Salix herbacea Dwarf Willow Krististølen to Vasetstølen Salix lanata Woolly Willow Hallingen to Brautemo Salix lapponum Downy Willow Hallingen to Brautemo

Sapindaceae Maple Family Acer platanoides Norway Maple Kroderen

© Naturetrek December 17

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage Family Saxifraga cernua Drooping Saxiifrage Krististølen to Vasetstølen Saxifraga cotyledon Pyramidal Saxifrage Near Borgund Saxifraga stellaris Starry Saxifrage Hallingen to Brautemo

Urticacae Nettle Family Urtica dioica subsp. galeopsifolia Common Nettle Kamben Urtica dioica subsp. urtica Stingless Nettle Solseter to Gol

Violaceae Violet Family Viola canina Heath Dog Violet Syningen to Kamben Viola epipsila Dwarf Marsh Violet Skogshorn Viola lactea Pale Dog Violet Kamben Viola palustris Marsh Violet Hallingen to Brautemo Viola riviniana Common Dog Violet Hallingen to Brautemo Viola tricolor agg. Heartsese Hallingen to Brautemo

Monocots Monocotyledons

Asparagaceae Asparagus Family Convallaria majalis Lily-of-the-Valley Solseter to Gol Maianthemum bifolium May Lily Kamben Polygonatum verticillatum Whorled Solomon’s-seal Hallingen to Brautemo

Cyperaceae Sedge Family Carex atrata Black Alpine Sedge Syningen to Kamben Carex bigelowii Stiff Sedge Krististølen to Vasetstølen Carex binervis Green-ribbed Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex canescens White Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex demissa Common Yellow-sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex dioica Dioecious Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Cerex elata Tufted Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex flacca Glaucous Sedge Solseter to Gol Carex flava Large Yellow Sedge Solseter to Gol Carex leporina Oval Sedge Syningen to Kamben Carex magellanica Tall Bog Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex nigra Common Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex pallescens Pale Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex panicea Carnation Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex pauciflora Few-flowered Sedge Hallingen to Brautemo Carex rostrata Bottle Sedge Hallingen Carex vesicaria Bladder Sedge Solseter to Gol Eriophorum angustifolium Common Cotton-grass Hallingen to Brautemo Eriophorum scheuchzeri Scheuchzer’s Cotton-grass Solseter to Gol Eriophorum vaginatum Hare's-tail Cotton-grass Hallingen to Brautemo Trichophorum alpinum Alpine Deergrass Hallingen to Brautemo Trichophorum cespitosum Deergrass Hallingen to Brautemo

Juncaceae Rush Family Eleocharis quinqueflora Few-flowered Spike-rush Hallingen to Brautemo Juncus articulatus Jointed Rush Syningen to Kamben Juncus trifidus Three-leaved Rush Syningen to Kamben

Naturetrek 2015

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Luzula multiflora agg. Heath Woodrush Kamben Luzula pilosa Hairy Woodrush Hallingen to Brautemo Luzula spicata Spiked Woodrush Kamben Luzula sylvatica Great Woodrush Hallingen to Brautemo

Melanthiaceae Herb-Paris Family Paris quadrifolia Herb-Paris Hallingen to Brautemo

Orchidaceae Orchid Family Corallorhiza trifida Coralroot Orchid Skogshorn Dactylorhiza fuchsii Common Spotted Orchid Solseter to Gol Dactylorhiza incarnata subsp. pulchella Early Marsh Orchid Hallingen to Brautemo Dactylorhiza maculata Heath Spotted Orchid Skogshorn Dactylorhiza (Coeloglossum) viridis Frog Orchid Hallingen to Brautemo Neottia cordata Lesser Twayblade Hallingen to Brautemo Platanthera bifolia Lesser Butterfly Orchid Solseter to Gol

Poaceae Grass Family Agrostis capillaris Common Bent Kroderen Agrostis stolonifera Creeping Bent Kamben Alopecurus geniculatus Marsh Foxtail Solseter to Gol Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail Kamben Anthoxanthum odoratum Sweet Vernal Grass Hallingen to Brautemo Bromopsis inermis Hungarian Brome Solseter to Gol Brachypodium sylvaticum False Brome Syningen to Kamben Calamagrostis epigeios Wood Small-reed Solseter to Gol Dactylis glomerata Cock's-foot Kamben Deschampsia cespitosa Tufted Hair-grass Solseter to Gol Deschampsia flexuosa Wavy Hair-grass Kroderen Elytrigia repens Common Couch Solseter to Gol Festuca rubra agg Red Fescue Solseter to Gol Melica nutans Mountain Melick Solseter to Gol Molinia caerulea Purple Moor-grass Hallingen to Brautemo Nardus stricta Mat-grass Kamben Phleum alpinum Alpine Cat’s-tail Kamben Poa alpina Alpine Meadow-grass Syningen to Kamben Poa annua Annual Meadow-grass Kroderen Poa nemoralis Wood Meadow-grass Solseter to Gol Poa pratensis Smooth Meadow-grass Kamben

Tofieldiaceae Scottish Asphodel Family Tofieldia pusilla Scottish Asphodel Hallingen to Brautemo

Typhaceae Bulrush Family Sparganium angustifolium Floating Bur-reed Krististølen to Vasetstølen

LICHENS: Arctoparmelia centrifuga Concentric Ring Lichen Solseter to Gol Baeomyces rufus - Solseter to Gol Bryoria capilaris - Hallingen to Brautemo Bryoria fuscescens Dark threads' Common Caloplaca c.f. dalmatica - Solseter to Gol

© Naturetrek December 17

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

Scientific name Common name Location

Cetraria cucullata Syningen

Cetraria icelandica Iceland Moss Common Cetraria nivalis - Syningen Cladonia cervicornis - Solseter to Gol Cladonia coccifera Red Elf-cup Common Cladonia cornuta - Solseter to Gol Cladonia portentosa - Solseter to Gol Cladonia rangiferina Raindeer Lichen Common Cladonia stellaris Star Raindeer Lichen Common Melanohalea septentrionalis - Krististølen to Vasetstølen Nephroma arcticum - Hallingen to Brautemo Ophioparma ventosum Blood spots' Syningen Peltigera britannica - Solseter to Gol Peltigera didactyla - Syningen Peltigera membranacea - Near Borgund Pseudevernia furfuracea - Kamben Rhizocarpon geographicum The Map Lichen Common Rhizocarpon oederi - Gudvangen Stereocaulon evolutum - Solseter to Gol Thamnolia vermicularis - Skogshorn Umbilicaria polyphylla - Hallingen to Brautemo Umbilicaria polyrrhiza - Syningen Umbilicaria torrefacta - Hallingen to Brautemo Usnea dasypoga (U. filipendula) - Hallingen to Brautemo Vulpicida pinastri (Cetraria pinastri) - Common

Birds (=recorded but not counted; H = heard only; S=signs of) July Common Name Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Canada Goose Branta canadensis  2 Mute Swan Cygnus olor  3 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos   4 Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula  5 Common Merganser Mergus merganser  6 Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator   7 Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus S 8 Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix  9 Black-throated Loon (Diver) Gavia artica  10 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea  11 Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus  12 Common Crane Grus grus        13 Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus  14 European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria  15 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos  16 Mew (Common) Gull Larus canus    17 European Herring Gull Larus argentatus   18 Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle  19 Common Pigeon Columba livia Feral   20 Common Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus       21 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus H H H H 22 Tawny Owl Strix aluco H

Naturetrek 2015

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

July Common Name Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 23 Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus       24 Common Swift Apus apus         25 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis  26 Great-spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major   27 European Green Woodpecker Picus viridis  28 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus    29 Merlin Falco columbarius  30 Siberian Jay Perisoreus infaustus  31 Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius  32 Eurasian Magpie Pica pica         33 Hooded Crow Corvus cornix         34 Northern Raven Corvus corax  35 Coal Tit Periparus ater H 36 Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus  37 Great Tit Parus major H     38 Woodlark Lullula arborea H 39 Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica        40 Common House Martin Delichon urbicum        41 Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus  42 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus H  H    43 Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita   H 44 Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix  45 Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla H H 46 Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes H H 47 Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea  48 Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus  49 Common Blackbird Turdus merula         50 Fieldfare Turdus pilaris         51 Song Thrush Turdus philomelos   52 Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus     53 European Robin Erithacus rubecula H 54 Bluethroat Luscinia svecica  55 Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus   56 Whinchat Saxicola rubetra  57 Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe  58 White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus   59 House Sparrow Passer domesticus     60 White Wagtail Motacilla alba alba         61 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis  62 Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta  63 Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs H       64 Brambling Fringilla montifringilla  65 Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula  66 European Greenfinch Chloris chloris H H  67 Common Linnet Linaria cannabina      68 European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis  69 Eurasian Siskin Spinus spinus        70 Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella  H 

© Naturetrek December 17

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

July Common Name Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Mammals (LO = leader only) 1 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes   2 Grey Seal Halichoerus grypus  3 European Roe Deer Capreolus capreolus  4 Elk Alces alces LO S  S   5 Mountain Hare Lepus timidus LO 6 Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus  7 Red Squirrel Sciurus vulgaris  

Amphibians and Reptiles 1 Common Frog Rana temporaria   2 Common Lizard Zootoca vivipara   3 Grass Snake Natrix natrix  4 Adder Vipera berus 

Butterflies 1 Small White Pieris rapae     2 Green-veined White Pieris napi  3 Orange Tip Anthocharis cardamines  4 Wood White Leptidea sinapis      5 Little Blue Cupido minimus  6 Silver-studded Blue Plebejus argus  7 Idas Blue Plebejus idas    8 Cranberry Blue Plebejus optilete   9 Geranium Argus Eumedonia eumedon    10 Mazarine Blue Cyaniris semiargus  11 Amanda's Blue Polyommatus amandus  12 Common Blue Polyommatus icarus  13 Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta    14 Small Tortoiseshell Aglais urticae    15 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria selene     16 Large Wall Brown Lasiommata maera  17 Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages 

Micros Moths 1 Plume Hellinsia osreodactylus        2 Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactyla  3 Crambid Catoptria maculalis 

Macros Moths 1 Mountain Burnet Zygaena exulans  2 Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata 

3 Garden Carpet Xanthorhoe fluctuata  4 Barred Carpet Martania taeniata  5 Latticed Heath Chiasmia clathrata  6 Common Heath Ematurga atomaria  7 Annulet type vittaria 

Naturetrek 2015

Norway – Alpine flowers of the Gol Plateau Tour Report

July Common Name Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 Clouded Buff Diacrisia sannio 

Other invertebrates 1 Mosquito sp. Culicidae sp.   2 Scorpion Fly Panorpa sp.  3 St. Mark's Fly Bibio marci 

4 Cleg-fly Haematopota pluvialis  5 Pellucid Hover-fly Volucella pellucens 

6 Wood Ant Formica rufa      7 Red-tailed Bumblebee Bombus lapidarius  8 Buff-tailed Bumblebee Bombus terestris      9 Bilberry Bumblebee Bombus monticola   10 Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum 

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Rubus chamaemorus - Cloudberry

© Naturetrek December 17