Public Disclosure Authorized


South Asia Region (SAR)


Public Disclosure Authorized Afghanistan has begun an enormous political, economic, and social transformation since it was suddenly catapulted onto the world stage just a little over a year ago. Progress to date has been encouraging, but tremendous challenges remain.

After 23 years of conflict, the Afghan people are working with a strong sense of urgency to restore peace and prosperity. They have installed a new national government, held a national assembly—the Loya Jirga, and elected a head of state. The government has prepared a national budget and development framework to guide the country’s reconstruction, and there are signs of economic recovery. Agricultural production has increased by an estimated 82 percent compared to 2001.

With international assistance, the government has undertaken a tremendous effort to eradicate polio and vaccinate against measles and TB. The numbers of students and teachers returning to school as a result of a donor-assisted Back-to-School Campaign Public Disclosure Authorized have far exceeded expectations, with 3 million students enrolled and another 1.5 million looking for schooling opportunities.

Afghanistan is far from being secure in these achievements, however. It still faces The World Bank and Partners daunting challenges, with most Afghan people still living in dire poverty. Only 23 percent of Afghans have access to safe water, 12 percent to adequate sanitation, and Afghanistan Work in Progress: just 6 percent to electricity. Despite increases in agricultural production, an estimated 7 million people remain vulnerable to hunger, and the risk of famine is still high. More Keeping lights on in than 70 percent of schools need repairs, as do most of the country’s primary roads. Life expectancy at birth in Afghanistan is 44 years (compared to 59 years for low- Training female teachers Creating jobs income countries worldwide). Connecting government to the internet The government also faces the enormous tasks of drafting a constitution, developing Keeping Salang Tunnel open all a sound financial and banking system, holding free and fair elections, and developing winter a professional national security architecture—all of this while the situation in the Public Disclosure Authorized Working with communities country remains highly volatile. Cleaning up Kabul Helping government manage WORLD BANK ASSISTANCE

resources In February 2002, the World Bank reopened its office in Kabul, where a country manager

and a permanent staff of around 20 are now stationed. The Bank has been working closely

The World Bank in Afghanistan: with the government and bilateral and multilateral development agencies to help ensure that international assistance is well coordinated and efficient. In doing so, it has stepped

primarily into areas where it has the most comparative advantage in providing financing

and technical assistance, including public administration; infrastructure development at the village and provincial levels, as well as in urban areas; and education. The Bank is also providing assistance in the national highways, health, and financial sectors and is supporting the government’s efforts to strengthen its administration and create the institutions and policies needed for sustainable growth. In addition, the World Bank is the administrator of the multilaterally supported Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund, which is being used mainly to cover government recurring costs and salaries.

In the fiscal year ending June 30, 2002, the World Bank committed US$100 million in grants for four development projects, which the government has begun to implement. In addition, the Bank is administering a US$2 million grant from the Japan Social Development Fund for Afghanistan and a US$1.5 million grant from the World Bank Post Conflict Fund to finance a number of refugee education projects being implemented by NGOs and United Nations-affiliated agencies.

World Bank staff consults project team The World Bank has also focused on building government capacity to manage donor funds members from United Nations Habitat and with transparency and accountability and to outsource program implementation to NGOs, Kabul municipality the private sector, and communities. The World Bank has been an active advocate of the importance of channeling donor resources through the government. Channeling funds

through the government helps assure that investments are aligned with national priorities.

Equally important, it helps build the capacity and the legitimacy of the state, which are both critical to help achieve stability in Afghanistan.


Emergency Infrastructure Reconstruction Project - US$33 Million Grant

Supports rehabilitation of urgently needed water supply and sanitation in secondary

cities, sanitation in Kabul, and basic electricity for all cities, including Kabul. Urban

public works generate short-term employment opportunities. Achievements on the ground to date include:

Solid Waste Management in Kabul. Implementation began with the Municipality of Kabul in October 2002 for the collection of solid waste which has been lying throughout the city for months. To date, 8,800 cubic meters of solid waste have been collected and 46 community organizations have been formed to help solve sanitation problems. In order to facilitate capacity building and “learning by doing,” all project staff are based within the municipality in order to work closely with the sanitation department. Teams of professional female hygiene and health educators will go to each household to speak with families about the correct and safe clearing of their rubbish. The project is being implemented by Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Program.

Labor Intensive Municipal Public Works Program. In July 2002, local communities began to Work commences on Solid Waste meet with project and municipal staff to identify priority public infrastructure works in Kabul, Management Project in Kabul Mazar-i Sharif, and Herat. A program steering committee has been established and has approved six winterization subprojects to begin the process. The works will make much-

needed repairs, while providing short-term employment, and will include demolition of destroyed buildings, recycling of rubble involving the recovery of useable building material, clearing of drains, reconstruction of schools and clinics, and the revitalization of urban parks. The program is being overseen by Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Program, in coordination with Afghanistan’s Ministry of Urban Development and Housing.

The World Bank in Afghanistan:

Recommissioning the Northwest Kabul Power Station. Both turbines of the 45 mw

Northwest Kabul thermal power plant, which has remained inactive for 14 years, have

been recommissioned and are operational. This has almost doubled the available power supply in Kabul. The power will be used mainly to heat and light homes and offices and allow street lights to be lit. World Bank grant funds of US$2.4 million are being used to purchase diesel fuel which began arriving in Kabul in December 2002.

Emergency Public Works and Community Empowerment Project - US$42 Million Grant

Delivers grants directly to communities for small rehabilitation works and development of community assets aimed at kick starting economic activities. The project underpins the government's National Solidarity Program in bringing assistance to communities across Afghanistan. Community-driven planning has begun in 119 communities in four provinces. First disbursements to communities are expected to begin in January 2003. Preparations are underway to bring the program to the first group of 7,000 communities by March 2003.

Salang Tunnel rehabilitation begins Labor Intensive Works Projects. This will create employment in rural areas for ex- combatants and returning Afghans who had fled drought, conflict, or both. In October 2002, the project began field surveys, including meetings with leaders of rural communities

in more than 20 provinces, to determine priorities and prepare projects to repair provincial

and district roads. Ten NGOs, with funding being provided through the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, have started 18 public projects in seven provinces (Badghis, Bamian, Faryab, Ghazni, Logar, Nooristan, and Zabul). Some of the works are rehabilitating irrigation schemes and schools. The Ministry of Public Works has conducted field surveys and begun project implementation in 15 provinces. The project is expected to

create more than 2 million person-days of employment.

Salang Tunnel Rehabilitation. Emergency maintenance and improvement work started in September 2002 on the 2.7 km tunnel, which covers a critical section of the highway that connects the city of Kabul to eight provinces and the country of Afghanistan to both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Typically, in the winter season, poor ventilation and electricity

connections combined with snow and ice accumulation have made the tunnel dark, treacherous, and often impassable. Work on the tunnel, including removing collapsed snow galleries, filling bomb craters, and removing sections of collapsed ventilation shafts, has allowed it to remain open for one-way operation throughout the winter. The end goal is to secure two-way operation. The tunnel is the only entry point to Kabul for humanitarian aid and other goods as well as for returning refugees from the North. Besides protecting human lives, ensuring continued safe passage through the tunnel and upgrading the mountain road will help keep down the price of essential goods such as food and clothing. The Ministry of Public Works has been working with the French NGO, ACTED, with added funding from the US Agency for International Development.

Community Empowerment. This project is helping to launch the government’s National World Bank staff member consults local Solidarity Program, which aims to facilitate community planning, with NGO support, and citizens in transfer grants for village infrastructure and other investments across the country. Special emphasis is being placed on culturally appropriate ways to include women. The program is anchored in the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development. A pilot program has started in five provinces with the help of UN-HABITAT as facilitating partner. Contracts are being signed with NGOs in an additional 25 provinces.

The World Bank in Afghanistan: Emergency Public Administration Project - US$10 Million Grant

Is supporting Afghanistan’s efforts to lay the foundation for a transparent, well- functioning public administration by facilitating better use of public resources. The grant is financing the employment of international experts who are working with government officials to carry out procurement, financial management, and audit functions; develop the administration’s capacity in these areas; and assess existing systems and procedures to recommend suitable policy reforms. Achievements on the ground to date include:

Financial Management Agent. Working closely with the Treasury Department in the Ministry of Finance, the agent has helped computerize the treasury’s check issuance system, so the Ministry can now generate accurate monthly expenditure reports by ministry, location, and budget code. The next stage of the work will extend to a fuller revenue and expenditure management system, introduce functionality in the Dari language, and introduce customized reporting.

Procurement Agent. By end-January 2003, the agent had placed 61 contracts valued at US$40 million for the government. In addition, it was processing 69 additional contracts valued at about US$65 million.

Audit Agent. Computer-language technical training has commenced for over 100 staff. Training will soon be reinforced with on-the-job experience.

Emergency Education Rehabilitation and Development Project - US$15 Million Grant

Is helping to rehabilitate university faculties and facilities, rehabilitate primary schools, support the Ministry of Education in developing education policy and institutional development plans and establish a government intranet and global distance learning center. Special emphasis has been placed on increasing access to educational opportunities to girls. Achievements on the ground to date include:

Assistance to Higher Education Institute. A grant has been provided for the Institute of Polytechnic, the University of Education, the Medical Institute, and five faculties and dormitories of Kabul University and will be used mainly to improve student facilities including desks, chairs, windows, and computers. The selection process for the position of Chair of the university’s newly established Women’s Leadership Department has begun. Funds for the position are being provided by the World Bank President's Contingency Women consult reference books Fund. in the Kabul University Library Rehabilitating Primary Schools. Grants for rehabilitation of approximately 100 primary

schools in three provinces (Bamyan, Palwan, and Logar) will be provided, through NGOs, by the Ministry of Education. Physical rehabilitation of schools will be combined with teacher training and other educational inputs.

Kabul Distance Learning Center. The center has been established at the site of the

Afghanistan Assistance Coordinating Authority (AACA). Its first international

videoconference was held in mid-November and connected experts in Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Washington, D.C., to discuss the region’s economic development prospects. The center is part of the World Bank-established Global Development Learning Network and will facilitate the sharing of development knowledge between Afghanistan and top development officials from around the world through new information and communications technologies.

Government Internet Connectivity Project. Seven government agencies (Ministries of Finance, Rural Reconstruction and Development, Foreign Affairs, and Communication; the

The World Bank in Afghanistan: President's Office; the AACA; and the Central Bank) have been connected to the internet and have access to email for the first time in history. They are also connected to the Kabul

Distance Learning Center. Japan Social Development Fund

The JSDF was established by the Japan Social Development Fund NGO Support Program - US$2 Million government of Japan in 2000 as a means of supporting activities which directly Will enable the Government of Afghanistan to grant funds to NGOs who will help communities rebuild through community public works and provision of training in such respond to the needs of the poor and areas as microfinance and the operations of savings and credit associations. The vulnerable groups, enhance their capacities, and strengthen their program will also support training of women particularly in areas such as microfinance, empowerment and participation in the vocational skills, and small business management, and it will disseminate important development process. The fund is equal rights laws and policies through awareness campaigns. Achievements on the administered by the World Bank. ground to date include:

The Government of Japan and the World Eighteen NGOs have begun work with communities to provide training and literacy

Bank agreed to set up a special window programs and to support public works in irrigation and clean water supply, with another within the JSDF to support activities in seven scheduled to start implementation shortly. The project is providing a rare and Afghanistan under a three-year program valuable opportunity for the Government of Afghanistan to administer funds to and build of assistance for the country’s direct relations with local NGOs. reconstruction and transition toward political, economic, and social stability. Post Conflict Fund Grants - US$3.3 Million since November 2001

Grants offered to help assess needs, lay groundwork for projects, and provide training,

particularly for women, in the areas of teaching and business administration.

Education for Afghan Refugees - US$1.5 million. In May 2001, a US$1.5 million Post- Conflict Fund grant was approved by the World Bank for teacher training for Afghan Refugees from the regime. The projects were implemented by the Swedish, US,

and German development agencies. The following is a breakdown of grant fund

distribution. World Bank Post-Conflict Fund

Afghan Female Teachers In-service Training Center (Swedish Committee for Afghanistan: The PCF was established in 1997 to US$300,000). Since operations began in October 2001, around 144 female teachers have enhance the Bank’s ability to quickly been graduated from the course, which is designed to improve both teacher performance support countries in transition from and average results of female students in standardized final examinations. With grant conflict to sustainable peace and funding from the World Bank and seven other donors, the Swedish Committee for economic growth. The Fund makes Afghanistan established the center in Pakistan during the rule of the Taliban. In August grants to a wide range of partners (institutions, nongovernmental 2002, the center was transferred to Kabul and is currently the only one of its kind operating organizations, United Nations agencies, in the country. transitional authorities, governments, Afghanistan Refugee Village Teacher-training Program (Save the Children US: and other civil society institutions). US$300,000). With grant funding, Save the Children US developed a field-based, pre- Grants are focused on the restoration of the lives and livelihood of war-affected service training course to train graduates of its schools in Balochistan, Pakistan, to population. become teachers. It also developed an in-service training module for practicing teachers in Afghan refugee village schools. The project officially started in March 2002, and by the end of 2002 had graduated 22 men and six women from the first pre-service training course and assigned them to schools to begin teaching.

Provision of Teacher Training for Afghan Refugees (German Technical Cooperation (GTZ): US$930,000). The German Technical Cooperation agency (GTZ) has provided initial and follow-up training to 249 teachers (188 male, 61 female) identified as needing improved teaching skills. The program has so far covered 50 refugee schools in remote areas in Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province. Approximately 12,500 students are

expected to directly benefit from these activities. The program is also providing nonformal

education, through literacy programs and home schools, to almost 5,000 people, nearly

The World Bank in Afghanistan: half of them female. Local ownership of the program has been fostered through community mobilization activities.


The multilateral Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) was set up in May 2002 to

provide support to Afghanistan for three main areas of expenditure: recurrent costs of the

government, such as the salaries of teachers, health workers, and police; investments, including capacity building, feasibility studies, and technical assistance; and financing the return of expatriate Afghans.

Twenty-two donors have pledged US$370 million to the Trust Fund, and US$184 million has been received. To date, US$115 million has been disbursed to the Government of Afghanistan. The fund has emerged as one of the main instruments for financing the country's recurrent budget deficit and is set to evolve into a major source of technical assistance and investment support for Afghanistan.

In addition, channeling support through the ARTF has helped the government to avoid addressing the distinct funding specifications of 22 different donors, allowing the Women join in the English class at Kabul assistance to be used more efficiently and effectively without the risk of duplication of University work.

The ARTF is jointly managed by the Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, United Nations Development Programme, and the World Bank.

For more information visit: The World Bank and Afghanistan: The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund:

All dollar figures are in US dollar equivalents. March 2003

For more information, please contact:

In Kabul: Adbul Raouf Zia, Phone: (070) 276002; Email: [email protected] In Washington, D.C.: Zita Lichtenberg, Phone: 1 (202) 458-7953; Email: [email protected]

The World Bank in Afghanistan: