Slope Takers in Anonymous Markets Marek Weretka,y 29th May 2011 Abstract In this paper, we study interactions among large agents trading in anonymous markets. In such markets, traders have no information about other traders’payo¤s, identities or even submitted orders. To trade optimally, each trader estimates his own price impact from the available data on past prices as well as his own trades and acts optimally, given such a simple (residual supply) representation of the residual mar- ket. We show that in a Walrasian auction, which is known to have a multiplicity of Nash equilibria that if all traders independently estimate and re-estimate price im- pacts, market interactions converge to a particular Nash equilibrium. Consequently, anonymity and learning argument jointly provide a natural selection argument for the Nash equilibrium in a Walrasian auction. We then study the properties of such focal equilibrium. JEL clasi…cation: D43, D52, L13, L14 Keywords: Walrasian Auction, Anonymous Thin Markets, Price impacts 1 Introduction Many markets, e.g., markets for …nancial assets are anonymous. In such markets inform- ation of each individual trader is restricted to own trades and commonly observed market price. Traders have no information about other traders’payo¤s, identities or submitted or- ders. The archetypical framework to study anonymous markets, a competitive equilibrium I would like to thank Paul Klemperer, Margaret Meyer, Peyton Young and especially Marzena Rostek for helpful conversations. yUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Economics, 1180 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706. E-mail:
[email protected]. 1 assumes the following preconditions 1) all traders freely and optimally adjust traded quant- ities to prices; 2) trade occurs in centralized anonymous markets; and 3) individual traders are negligible and hence treat prices parametrically.