Annual Meeting of the Congregation Church of , Evergreen, Colorado February 28, 2016


Pastor’s Report………...... 2 Clerk of Session Report...... 4 Nominating Team ...... 24 Administration Team...... 5 Pastoral Nominating Committee...... 25 Christian Education Team...... 8 Personnel Team ...... 29 Communications Team...... 11 Stewardship Team ...... 31 Board of Deacons ……...... 13 Worship & Celebration Team...... 32 Endowment Fund Team...... 14 Treasurer’s Reports Member Development Team...... 15 2015 Financials/2016 Budget...... 35 Memorial Fund ...... 17 2014,15 and 16 Budgets...... 37 Mission & Outreach Team ...... 18 Memorable Moments…………………Back Cover

Many thanks to Carolyn Alexander, Joanna Cook, the Traylors and Judy Jensen for the photos.



______Pastor’s Report

Grace to you, and peace, from God our Parent and the Lord Jesus Christ!

My first few weeks of service among you have been a whirlwind adventure of getting moved in to the beautiful manse, meeting new friends, finding out where I fit in to the culture of Church of the Hills (COTH), participating with you in exciting worship, and finding out where all the rooms are in the church facility!

First off, I again want to express Sarah’s and my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your gracious welcome to us, with special thanks to the Pastor Nominating Committee, the Admin Team, and the many others who worked so tirelessly to make our transition to Evergreen as smooth as it has been. I am grateful to the COTH staff – Stephanie, Marleen, Terry, Melissa, Trudy, Fred, and Paul – for their generous spirits as they help me find my way around. When the weather moderates some and we can get outside, Sarah and I will be hosting a parking lot party, with brisket expertly smoked by a number of guys in the church, all the fixings, and libations for all tastes, to thank the congregation and to invite you all to a nickel tour of the manse to see our stuff.

Now that we have hit the ground running, I am looking forward to getting to know all of you better, to hear your dreams for COTH, and to begin working alongside you as you bring those dreams to reality. We have begun the weekly “Chuck’s Brown Bag Lunch Bunch” and “Theology on Tap” gatherings. These are ways for us, together, to get to know one another better and also to put on the table for frank dialogue our deep faith questions. When calling to invite folks to the “Brown Bag Lunch Bunch,” Stephanie has also been scheduling times for me to visit folks in their homes.

I have also begun conversations with the COTH Ministry Teams, focusing not so much on what “needs to be done,” but more on what it is we believe “God wants to see happen at COTH.” To this end I have invited church officers, Elders and Deacons, to join me on Sunday mornings from 8:30 am until 8:55 am for a time of prayer as we seek to discern God’s will for Christ’s Church in this place.

Through these conversations and prayer, I hope that collectively we will capture a clear picture of God’s will for COTH. This will entail careful listening for a word from God and wisdom from each other. In the coming months, I am hopeful that the Session and I

2 will be able to engage in visioning, dreaming, and officer training, and, with the Deacons, to engage in an officer retreat to begin to put some kind of fence around these dreams.

As you have probably already figured out, I have lots of mantras that are important to me. One that I believe is apropos for us here at COTH as we begin our journey together is, “Be free, go where God calls and the Spirit blows, and enjoy the ride!”

I believe God has a wild and wonderful ride in store for us. I am blessed to go on that ride with you!

Yours in Christ’s Service and Love,

Pastor Chuck

Chuck and Sarah Traylor on December 6, 2015


Clerk of Session Report


January 1, 2015 Church Membership 184

Received During 2015 Profession/Reaffirmation of Faith 4 Letter of Transfer 1 Confirmands 0 Total Gains 5

Losses During 2015 Deceased 0 Certificate of Transfer 0 Request to be Removed from Rolls 2 Session Action to Move to Friends List 2 Session Action to Move to Inactive Membership 0 Total Losses 4

December 31, 2015 Church Membership 185

Baptisms – 0

Marriages – 1 Samantha Smithson and John Burns (7/12/15)

Necrology Report

Members who died during the year -- none

Friends who died during the year Jane Gardner April 28, 2015 Kate Bauer August 12, 2015 Cliff Sweetra December 29, 2015

Respectfully submitted, Judy Jensen, Clerk of Session


Administration Team

Team Members: Dave Smit (Co Chair), Mike Clinton (Co Chair), Bill Braun, Aaron Hansen, Judy Jensen, Ron Klusman, Judi Quackenboss, Mike Sciarabba plus consultants Cathy Graves and Kevin Larson who assisted throughout the year. With the good support of Interim Pastor Jim Reid, Maintenance and Custodial staff members Fred Egan and Paul Nelson, as well as the rest of the church staff, numerous projects were completed successfully.

Team Mission: The goal of the Team is to make the COTH facilities functional and attractive and a place where people choose to worship. Team members work with COTH staff to develop the church’s annual operations and maintenance plan, including the church building, manse, youth house, storage sheds, parking lot, church van, office equipment, sound system and video equipment, maintenance and custodial equipment and furniture. The Team supports the staff in the operation and maintenance of the church by providing input, oversight, and hands-on assistance.

2015 Highlights: The largest project this year involved major renovation of the manse property. In April 2015, the Congregation approved a $100K construction loan obtained from PC(USA) at 3.5% interest. Session later approved an additional $3.8K for replacing the manse master bath, including new tile and fixtures. Unplanned challenges were encountered during the manse remodeling, including the discovery of asbestos floor tile which had to be removed, carbon monoxide leaking from the boiler and hot water tank which required replacement, a major beam which was causing the north end of the house to sag and which needed to be replaced, defective electrical wiring and a cracked fireplace hearth which also needed to be replaced. 5

In early December, additional work totaling an estimated $15,700 was approved in order to accommodate the incoming Pastor’s needs. Funding for these additional projects came from two very generous donors who stepped forward and from the manse improvement fund. $8,300 of this amount will be used to construct a new west driveway when the snow and ice disappear. A few other items totaling an additional $5,000 will be finished in 2016, including the vertical slats on the privacy fence, a French drain on the west edge of the manse property which will handle water coming down the hill and painting four exterior doors. The cost of the total project involves an outlay just short of $120,000. If the work had been awarded to one General Contractor, it would have cost over $180,000. Instead, volunteers doing much of the work and Admin Team members taking on the job of a General Contractor kept the costs to date within the available budget. Additionally, purchases from Home Depot and Lowes were marked down 10% when paid for by COTH Veterans Mike Clinton and Bill Braun. The Admin Team has been working on a number of other matters. We are planning and designing an emergency exit from the lower level of the church building. We expect that Mountain Pathways will contribute at least $3,500 toward the estimated construction cost of $5,000. The Youth House roof leak has been stopped -- for at least a short duration. Our lease agreement with Mountain Pathways has been renewed, resulting in a modest rent increase. We are currently in conversations about rearranging room usage downstairs and may have additional information to share about that at the Annual Meeting. Session asked the Admin Team to conduct a risk assessment analysis identifying places where high cost repairs and renovation work might be needed. Replacing the boiler, elevator and west front/narthex roof were identified; if (when?) all needed to be replaced, this could involve a total cost of $160,000. Session responded by deciding to begin putting funds aside annually in the event of any one of the three failing or needing repair or replacement. At the end of 2015, $14,500 is in this fund. Two significant cost reductions were realized during the year: COTH insurance policies and the copier contract were renewed with annual savings over 2014 costs.

Looking Ahead to 2016: The Admin Team will need to replace some of its outgoing members; if you are interested in helping out, please let us know. A damaged building gutter on the south side of the church building will need to be replaced; this will cost approximately $1,200.


As mentioned earlier, there are carry-over work items at the manse: completing the privacy fence, finishing the drainage ditch work, adding a new west manse driveway, painting the new four exterior doors and replacing the garage window. COTH landscape maintenance is under a new Director, Ed Powers, and we expect to see a nicer looking campus with the help of a COTH Gardening Team. During the spring of 2016, we expect to meet with Evergreen High School personnel; we understand that the Principal is considering having the High School sell COTH parking permits at the same time they sell their parking permits. If we can make this happen, a big work load will be taken off our COTH office in the coming years. We trust that we will be ready to face any new challenges which arise during the year.

Respectfully submitted, Mike Clinton and Dave Smit, Co-Chairs


Christian Education Team

Team Members: Ann Joseph, Cal Ruleman, Cindy Sahli, Jenny and Neil Snyder, Joyce Whan, Nancy Robertson – Session representative and Terry Buchanan - Staff

Listed below are some of the highlights from 2015:

Children’s Ministry - Faith Trails Sunday Morning Classes

✦ Elementary children continue to enjoy the Faith Trails classes and are learning many Bible stories and themes as they rotate through our five workshops – Creation Station (art & cooking), Cyber Peaks (computers), Game Tracks (games), Starry Night Theater (movies & discussion), Tent Tales (drama & puppetry). Attendance is typically 6-12 children, down a little from last year.

✦ We need to replace a number of damaged Bibles in the classrooms and are continuing to explore different children’s Bibles to see if we can find one we like that is written at a younger reading level than the one currently used.

✦ As part of our ongoing effort to create the learning environments that we feel are so key to the success of the Workshop Rotation Model, we are looking at the idea of combining the Tent Tales and Game Tracks rooms. Decorations would be interchangeable with game boards and forest / camping scenery.

Children’s Ministry - Vacation Bible School

✦ VBS participation was up this year (76 -- 39 children, 17 youth, 20 adults). Participants enjoyed the theme G-Force – God’s Love in Action! The children and leaders learned and practiced ways to share God’s love with the world. With their offering going to ECHO and them wearing their G-Force tie-dye shirts around the community, we hope they will continue to share the message of God’s love for all of us.

Christmas Eve Family Service – Room for Christmas


✦ After many years of using the same script (The Greatest Story Ever --with a Twist), with slight modifications each year, we are now developing a new tradition of using a different play each year. This year’s program was Children of Bethlehem. The children did more of the singing this year but continued to be assisted by the congregation and several special music pieces.


✦ The nursery continues to be a very welcoming place for children and young families. Attendance continues to fluctuate. We continue to staff the nursery each week with Trudy Roth (our nursery supervisor) and one youth. An additional youth or adult assistant is always on call to be used as needed.

Youth Ministry

✦ The 2015 Summer Youth Trip to the Wind River Reservation in WY was once again a highlight of the summer. We did this same trip in 2011, though only 2 of this year’s 9 participants were on the previous trip. After exploring Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks for a couple of days, we made our way to Lander to serve the people on the reservation by painting houses and staffing a children’s program. Lots of fun!

✦ Thanks to a generous donation from an anonymous donor, we are hoping this spring to hire an intern to assist with youth ministry during the coming year.

✦ Monthly Fund Raisers to help offset the cost of the 2015 Summer Youth Trip were very successful, especially the Chicken Pot Pies which we again offered twice this year. Monthly fund raisers (Nov – May) are already under way to raise money for the 2016.

✦ The youth sponsored another church-wide mission trip to La Puente in Alamosa, CO over Presidents’ Day Weekend. This has become an annual event now, typically giving 15-20 COTH youth and adults the opportunity to respond to the poverty needs of Alamosa. A new twist this year was a Sunday outdoor worship service beside the river in Buena Vista. An eighth annual trip is in the works for February 2016.


✦ We did not offer a Confirmation Class this past year since we had two classes in 2014. The class will be offered again when we have students 8th grade and older who are interested in participating.

✦Youth Group settled on a new meeting time this year, Sundays following worship. We also are participating in monthly activities with the youth groups from Evergreen Lutheran and Evergreen United Methodist Churches.


✦ A Thursday Evening Class met throughout the school year using the final three segments of Disciple Bible Study – Into the Word, Into the World -- an in-depth study of the biblical books of Exodus, Luke, and Acts, with major emphasis on life application and keeping the Sabbath. There were typically 8 participants with Terry Buchanan teaching these classes.

✦A Sunday Morning Class met before worship throughout the school year with Terry Buchanan usually teaching the class. The Gospel of John and C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity were studied. Attendance continues to fluctuate – 5-15 on any given Sunday.

✦ The Women’s Weekday Bible Study met throughout the year on Tuesday mornings. In the fall, they joined the Sunday Morning Class in the study of C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity.

✦ Friday Nights at the Movies was offered once a month (Sept – Apr) utilizing secular movies followed by faith-based discussions. The discussions encourage participants (typically 8-12 each month) to look for the presence of God in the ordinary events of life.

✦ Terry Buchanan once again led the Men’s Retreat in May at Highlands Presbyterian Retreat Center. This was a great time of fellowship and learning. Our theme utilized golf as a metaphor for our spiritual journeys.

✦ The Women’s Retreat which usually takes place in the fall was not held in 2015 because of scheduling issues; so many of our women are involved in other wonderful events and activities. Instead, COTH women will be joining with seven other Presbyterian churches in a joint women’s retreat at Highlands Camp and Retreat Center at the end of April 2016. We hope that a good number of COTH women will participate.

Respectfully submitted, Terry Buchanan, Director of Christian Education & Youth Ministries


______Communications Team

Team Members: Cathy Graves and Stephanie Park

Team Mission: Communication is a vital aspect of any thriving organization. The purpose of the Communications Team is to inform the Church and Evergreen community of the opportunities for worship, service and education at Church of the Hills.

2015 Highlights Production of Echoes and Friday Features continued. Echoes is now e-mailed out and can be viewed as a PDF via a link within Friday Features and the website or through Yudu. 25 copies of Echoes, published for those members and friends without email, are available at the church. Echoes is now only published 4 times a year: Advent, Lent, Summer and Fall.

The website continues to be a primary source of information about COTH and COTH activities. The current website format and its new look is more inviting. Also, with the new website host, Church of the Hills has a mobile app that is included in our yearly rate, making our church presence easier to access via smartphones. Monthly newsletters, weekly sermons, Dr. Traylor’s blogs, donation capabilities and general church contact information are available using this mobile app. Stephanie Park and Dr. Chuck Traylor are updating our Facebook page weekly with worship information and other various links. Public relations pieces, designed to promote Church of the Hills, continue to be submitted to the mountain newspaper agencies on an as-needed basis. These pieces 11 typically appeared in the Happenings & Spirituality sections of the Canyon Courier. Paid advertising was maintained on a weekly basis in the Religious Directory of the Canyon Courier, and special paid advertising appeared in the mountain newspaper agencies for Easter and Christmas. A special advertisement for our “Cowboy Sunday” appeared in the Canyon Courier, with the hope that it would attract a few more visitors due to the uniqueness of this service. During 2015, the Team successfully added several new people to This is a powerful tool that allows members and friends to go into the church database from home or from smartphones to look at their individual record – in order to update contact information, view giving, indicate how and where they might like to serve, etc. It also allows for downloading and printing of up-to-date directories. Once a member or friend has signed up with, there is another mobile app, Church Life, that allows the member to go onto the church database to look up phone numbers, emails, etc. from their smartphone, so that they can access this type of information while on- the-go.

Discussions are underway with Dr. Traylor about doing a special feature piece about his call to COTH. There is also a discussion about doing advertising for a special “Twitter Sunday”.

Respectfully submitted, Cathy Graves


Board of Deacons

Members: Class of 2016: Nancy Grant and Joan Evashevski (Moderator) Class 0f 2017: Marjorie Clinton, Tina Nelson, Bill Short and Heidi Smithson Class of 2018: Brooks Barwell, Peggy Braun, Vicki Kyle, Debby Powers and Jennie Snyder

2015 Highlights The Deacons’ presence is visible every Sunday morning as they serve coffee and lemonade and, on the first Sunday of the month, cookies too. A Deacon representative attends the monthly meeting of Session. A Deacon sits as a permanent member of the Nominating Team. Deacons assist at funerals and memorial services that are held at Church of the Hills. Deacons send birthday, get well and sympathy cards to church members. In addition to these duties, the Deacons are involved in the following ministries: Hospitality and Fellowship  They prepare and serve at church luncheons, celebrations and funerals, when requested. This year, they hosted a reception for Jane Gardner’s memorial, a farewell for Jim Reid and a meet and greet for Pastor Chuck Traylor. They also hosted a celebration for Zi Antweiler’s birthday.  They organize the annual outdoor worship service.  They recruit greeters for Sunday mornings.  This year, they sent a letter to the congregation informing them of what they do for the congregation. Sympathy and Care  They maintain a homebound list and provide care for shut-ins in the form of Communion, meals, flowers, transportation, and visits when requested.  They contact the minister for calls and visitations. Outreach and Mission  They coordinate and recruit volunteers for Salvation Army bell ringing.  They coordinate the Mitten Tree ministry.

Respectfully submitted, Joan Evashevski, Moderator


Endowment Fund Team

Trustees: Bill Sandifer, Chairman; Jeffrey Williams, Vice Chairman; Sue Brown; Neil Snyder; and Jerry Bucholz, Treasurer

For the year ended December 31, 2015, Session directed that the earnings from the endowment fund would be used to supplement the other revenue sources in the 2015 operating budget. When this amount was not required to meet the Church’s expenses, it was designated by Session for the payment of the new pastor’s moving expenses, with any unused amount to be applied to the manse renovation costs.

Because the money had been budgeted otherwise, no requests for funds were received during 2015. Total Endowment Funds Available: $ 13,416 Total Endowment Funds Disbursed: $ 13,700 Balance carried forward to 2016: $ 0

The Permanent Endowment Fund is invested as follows: Vanguard Prime Money Market Fund $ 27,107 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Fund $ 162,166 Vanguard Total Bd Mkt Index Fund $ 56,622 Vanguard Total International Stock Index $ 26,094 TOTAL Permanent Endowment Fund $ 271,988

The 2016 Church Operating Budget does not contemplate using the endowment fund earnings to meet its expenses. Therefore, the Team will have approximately $13,800 available to fund projects related to the Church activities.

The Endowment Trustees are grateful for the wonderful financial gift left to Church of the Hills from the Gump Estate. We continue to focus on the careful investment of these funds in order to keep supporting the worthy activities of the Church. We encourage the readers of this report to consider adding the Church of the Hills Endowment Fund as a beneficiary in their estate planning.

Respectfully submitted, Jerry Bucholz, Treasurer


Member Development Team Team Members: Joyce Whan (Elder), Jackie Andrew, Zi Antweiler, Jean Davis, Betty Donner, Greta Faraco-Hadlock, Laura McKnight, Katie Williams

Member Development Team Mission: In keeping with the church Mission/Vision Statement, A welcoming and loving community bound together by a common faith in God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. our team welcomes visitors to the church, offers new member classes, sponsors new members, and helps new members become integrated in the life of Church of the Hills. It is also our goal to keep existing members involved and to address the issues of members that have stopped attending.

2015 Highlights of Activities

 We once again enjoyed this year’s ice cream social in conjunction with an outdoor service held in the lower level patio on August 23rd. It was hosted by the Member Development team with assistance from the youth. The youth helped make homemade vanilla ice cream with ingredients donated by Heidi Smithson. In addition, we served “store bought” vanilla and Neapolitan ice cream and had several toppings to help complete the sundae. With the service being held outdoors and the area being very sunny, awnings were set up ahead of time to provide shade, and many people brought their own chairs. Chairs were also set up and provided for those that did not have their own chair. Ice cream was served in fellowship hall and could be enjoyed there or on the patio. It seemed that most people stayed and enjoyed the ice cream and social time. Holding this event in conjunction with an outdoor service provides a fun and uplifting service and enjoyable time of fellowship.

 Church attendance is updated weekly from attendance pads in the pews. Letters of welcome are sent and phone calls are made to visitors when possible. There was a breakdown in this process during the year which was resolved after speaking with the Church Administrator to request assistance. This assistance was enthusiastically given, and we are once again getting the information that we need.

 Explorers’ Classes were not held this year due to lack of interested persons. We welcomed Peggy and Bill Braun back in January, and we welcomed three additional members in June. Because of scheduling issues, they were presented to the congregation in August. 15

Kristi Anderson Sherry and Sherwin Boyd

While there was some disappointment in not holding Explorer’s classes this year, we were extremely joyful about welcoming back prior members.

 The Heart Sisters Program was alive and kicking at COTH in 2015, as it has been for many years. The Annual Heart Sisters’ Luncheon was held on February 15th, and the 19 women who participated in 2014 learned who their secret sister was. 23 women participated in 2015. This ministry is a wonderful way for our women to be thinking about and praying for a heart sister throughout the year, plus receiving the same in return from their secret sister.

We look joyfully and expectantly to this New Year with our new beginnings.

Respectfully submitted, Joyce Whan, Member Development Team Chair


Memorial Fund

Team Mission: The Memorial Fund is the receptacle for gifts made in memory of a deceased member or friend of the Church of the Hills. Contributions to the fund may be designated for a specific purpose. The team approves disbursements from this fund. It has been very supportive of all the teams within the Church.

Statement of Activity

January 1, 2015 Beginning Balance $ 15,225

Contributions 1,165

Total Receipts during 2015 $ 1,165

Total Expenditures during 2015 $ 0

December 31, 2015 Balance $ 16,390

Respectfully submitted, Jerry Bucholz, Treasurer


Mission and Outreach Team


John Wells (Team Elder first part of year), Steve Nelson (Current Team Elder), Sue Brown, Carla McFadden, Jesse Jenkins (Deacon Representative - term ended in June), Vicki Kyle, Joanna B. Cook, Joan Wilson


The primary goal of the Mission Team is to serve the needs of others locally, nationally and internationally. The membership of Church of the Hills is blessed with unique gifts, including the gift of abundance. Sharing these gifts is a vital part of our outreach ministry. The Mission Team accomplished our goal in 2015 by:  Adhering to our Team Covenant  Providing opportunities for our congregation to share their time and talents  Dedicating a portion of our budget to specific organizations and programs that are local, national or international in scope.  Planning informational and educational mission related projects and activities.


Because COTH is a connectional church, $2,650 of our mission budget was allocated to the Presbytery of Denver, the Synod of the Rocky Mountains, and the PCUSA General Assembly to support a multitude of Church wide mission projects. The Mission Team coordinated three PCUSA special offerings during 2015. ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING – COTH’s offering of $2,608.06 was sent to the Denver Presbytery THE PENTECOST OFFERING – An offering of $780 was received. 60% was sent to the Denver Presbytery, and COTH’s 40% share was sent to Light for Life Foundation. THE PEACE AND GLOBAL WITNESS OFFERING – An offering of $851 was received. 75% was sent to the Denver Presbytery, and COTH’s 25% share was sent to Second Wind.


 EVERGREEN CHRISTIAN OUTREACH (EChO) - Church of the Hills has always consistently supported Evergreen Christian Outreach not only through donations of food, but contributions of cash and numerous volunteer hours. EChO is much more than a food bank. It not only provides food for the clients, but Evergreen Christian Outreach also assists with rent or mortgages, utilities, gas, auto repair, insurance, phone bills, medications, child care and a variety of educational opportunities. There is a job center to help the unemployed to become self- 18

sufficient and the under-employed to get higher paying jobs. EChO offers a variety of workshops including interviewing, resume’ writing, and budgeting. There were new classes added in 2015 which included basic computer workshops to help seniors who were seeking employment. About 45% of the clients at the Jobs Center went on to find work. Some former EChO clients are employed in the Evergreen area. EChO made over 7,000 contacts in 2015. In 2016, EChO will partner with Mountain Reads to provide education and training to help more clients to become employable. The Jobs Center is doing so much to meet client’s needs and to help them succeed in their life choices.

In 2015, COTH contributed $500.00 quarterly and donated 923 pounds of food. Last April, during Workship, several COTH members helped EChO to break down numerous items and rebuilt a railing outside. In the summer, the Church of the Hills Vacation Bible School collected food for EChO.

Church of the Hills also provided gloves, hats, and scarves from the mitten tree to EChO’s Christmas Project. Some COTH members sponsored an EChO family for Christmas Gifts for their children. Evergreen Christian Outreach looks forward to COTH’s continued support in 2016 following His commands to “feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick and imprisoned” (Matthew 25:35-36) and “to love one another as He has loved us”(John 13:34).

 PURA VIDA MINISTRIES, INC - Pura Vida Ministries is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to promote health and education in the Quiché department of Guatemala. The mission of Pura Vida is to facilitate the sharing of First World resources with Third World communities in a meaningful, respectful, and long term way. Its primary focus is on providing educational opportunities for children in rural Third World villages through scholarships, tutoring, and support of local schools. COTH’s Mission Team supported the educational work of Pura Vida by contributing to the unsponsored fund that is critical to their on-going work. When a child is accepted into the scholarship program, Pura Vida commits to paying for their education until they are sponsored so that they 19

can start school at the beginning of the school year. The list of unsponsored students in 2015 was larger than usual, so donations to this special fund were very important.

COTH sponsored a Loose Change for Lunch & Supplies fund-raiser to support the 2nd English Camp that was held June 22-26 at Lemoa Retreat Center in the mountains in Guatemala for indigenous children in 6th -9th grade. We were pleased to be able to contribute $287.65. Joanna Cook and Jerry Bucholz participated in this English Camp again and had a blast working with the 55+ children who attended the camp.

See if you can find Jerry and Joanna in this group picture of the English Camp at Lemoa Retreat Center.

The Spares & Pairs Group is sponsoring a student named Karen, shown here on the left. Additionally, at least 4 COTH families are currently sponsoring students; Irma, in the middle and being coached by Joanna Cook, is sponsored by Donna and Jerry Bucholz. Sponsorship involves sending funds for students’ education and related costs, thus allowing them to attend school. In addition, correspondence between the sponsors and the students allow each to get better acquainted and to know how both are doing.


The founder and director of Pura Vida and his wife and son attended worship at COTH at least twice last year and talked with members about the sponsorship program. It is exciting to have active participation in this ministry in Guatemala.

 WORKSHIP – COTH held a Workship day on Sunday, April 26. Some of the outdoor projects we had planned in the community were set aside because of bad weather. Evergreen Christian Outreach, Mean Street Ministries and Elk Run Assisted Living were the benefactors of the bad weather as we all helped them with indoor projects.

 ALTERNATIVE GIFT FAIR – The fair is a remarkable and far reaching annual event. The two day fair hosts 45-50 non-profit organizations which represent programs throughout the world including the U.S., Haiti, Guatemala, Brazil, Peru, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. The money collected and awareness raised at this event improves countless lives worldwide. The Alternative Gift Fair had another successful year, raising a grand total of $106,055.10 in 2015! This included a bake sale total of $4,664.40 that helps to fund the event advertising and operational costs. Also included in the grand total is the Youth Café proceeds of $1,472.30, which goes to the participating youth groups from Church of the Hills, United Methodist Church-Evergreen and the Lutheran Church. The impressive amount of $99,918.40 goes to the participating community groups and not-for-profit charities.

 MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY PATHWAYS – Mountain Community Pathways (MCP) is Program Approved Support Agency dedicated to the success of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The office and day program services rent and share space at Church of the Hills’ lower level rooms. MCP offers a day habilitation program Monday through Friday for adults with developmental disabilities. They also offer non- medical transportation, host home placement, mentor services, vocational support, community connections, volunteer opportunities and staffed-home living for people with developmental disabilities. More services are planned for the future. Currently up to 30 individuals are receiving services.


According to Joan Wilson, Manager of Mountain Community Pathways, “This program could not thrive if it was not for the support from the Church of the Hills. The monetary support of $850 in 2015 has been paramount to provide a high quality program, and to support the individual needs of some of the more needy people. The incredible community support by which COTH has allowed these folks to share your wonderful facility has been one of the main reasons the program has been successful. So many participants call this their ‘second home.’ Volunteers from the community and COTH have been a ‘God-send’ for the program. MCP has primarily accepted and has worked with individuals who come from nearby communities and who come with a wide variety of disabilities. We have seen some amazing positive changes in people’s lives over the last couple of years. We truly strive to make lives better for all we serve. You are welcome to visit and discuss our mission and the work we do.”

 BLUE SPRUCE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY- Habitat for Humanity was established in 1968 for the purpose of making ownership of houses affordable for people who would otherwise be unable to afford to purchase homes. The organization, which builds homes throughout the U.S. and in some foreign countries, uses a combination of contributed land, materials and volunteers to construct houses at a cost well below commercial values. Eligible families receive no-interest loans, which further reduces their financial burden. The local affiliate, Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity, serves the Evergreen- Kittredge area and Clear Creek County. Individuals, service organizations, and churches provide financial resources and volunteer workers to assist in the construction of homes for deserving families in our area. Since the 1980’s, Blue Spruce Habitat has constructed over 33 homes. COTH contributed $500 to this program in 2015.

 GATHERING PLACE - COTH has been providing financial support to the Gathering Place throughout 2015. The Gathering Place is one of Denver’s few daytime drop-in centers for women, children, and transgender individuals who are experiencing poverty or homelessness. Women, children, and transgender individuals who seek assistance from The Gathering Place have access to a wide range of programs and services that are specifically designed to be welcoming and beneficial to them. Since its inception, programs and services have evolved to meet the constantly changing needs of women and children living in poverty or homelessness. In 2015, The Gathering Place: -Recorded 54,532 visits by adults and 6,539 visits by children -Provided 60,679 nutritious meals -Distributed 2,608 toiletry and hygiene bags -Distributed 19,200 diapers -Distributed 66,192 pounds of food -Tutored 82 different GED students


 MEAN STREET MINISTRY - Mean Street Ministry is a multi-faceted organization reaching out to the poor and disconnected in the Denver Metro Area. In addition to the street ministry, it trains mentors for its mentoring program and has ongoing training for them. The group mentors those who want to get off the streets and out of the motels and does all that it can to help them. A work skills training program gives those who have lost, or never had, the skills to hold down a job do so. Mean Street is a multi-denominational Christian outreach ministry, with volunteers from a variety of churches and groups who work together to assist the homeless and working poor in the Denver metro area. This mobile, non-profit ministry meets people where they live in projects, shelters and motels. It provides mentoring and counseling on spiritual issues, work ethics, family and life. Mean Street deploys 40 to 50 volunteers each week to give out around 340 meals, and various other essential items such as diapers, formula, books, food, bus tokens, and clothing across the Denver metro area. COTH contributed $500 to this program in 2015.  ONE TIME DONATIONS – The Mission Team kept $875 in reserve for any unforeseen emergencies that might happen in our community during 2015. Fortunately, that did not happen so we will carry over that money into 2016.


An important and ongoing mission of COTH is opening our doors to the community. During 2015, 24 different groups and individuals have used our building, some free of charge, for meetings, classes, recitals, meals, etc.

Respectfully submitted, John Wells, Chair of the Mission and Outreach Team


Nominating Team

Team Members: June 2015: In June 2015, Ann Joseph succeeded Bob Cole, who moved to the Personnel Committee, as Elder/Chair. Ann is joined on the Committee by Carolyn Hock (non-active elder appointed by Session) and Peggy Braun (Deacon representative).

Responsibilities: Church of the Hills functions with the governance and guidance of 41 elected or appointed lay officers and leaders. The Nominating Team has the responsibility of identifying people to fill the positions of Elders, Deacons, and members-at-large of the Endowment, Personnel, and Nominating Committees, as specified in Church of the Hills By-Laws. The Nominating Committee is currently understaffed, and we would welcome suggestions of other congregation members who would be available to serve in this very important role.

For the May 2015 congregational and Session elections, the Nominating Committee successfully recruited 17 motivated and highly qualified candidates. Although these are significant successes, there remain numerous vacancies and unfilled opportunities to serve COTH: 1 of the 9 Elders on Session as required by our Bylaws is vacant, and we are 3 short of the goal of 11 Elders; 3 of 7 positions on the Nominating Committee are filed; one vacancy exists on the Personnel Committee.

During 2015 the Nominating Team identified and the Congregation elected (or Session appointed) the following officers:

Elders Class of 2016 – Ann Joseph, Joyce Trustees of the Permanent Endowment Whan Fund (appointed by Session) -- Class of 2017 – Ed Powers Class of 2016: Neil Snyder Class of 2018 – Bruce Evashevski, Mike Class of 2017: Bill Sandifer, Sue Brown Clinton, Steve Nelson Nominating (terms are for one year) -- Deacons Class of 2016: Ann Joseph (appointed Class of 2016: Joan Evashevski by Session), Carolyn Class of 2017: Brooks Barwell Hock (non-active Elder Class of 2018: Deb Powers, Vicki Kyle, appointed by Session) Peggy Braun, Jennie Peggy Braun (Deacon Snyder representative) Personnel Class of 2017: Margi Masquelier Class of 2018: Dick Blodgett

Respectfully submitted, Ann Joseph, Chair 24

Pastoral Nominating Committee

PNC members: Amanda Ruleman, Kelly Krueger, Marianne Loritz, Bill Short, Aaron Hansen, Greta Faraco-Hadlock; Bruce Evashevski The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) was elected by the congregation in the fall of 2014. This seven member team, along with our appointed Denver Presbytery COM liaison, offered diverse experience and talents for this international pastoral search, as well as a passion and dedication to finding the best possible Called Pastor for the future of Church of the Hills.

Recap of activities, September through December 2014: o The congregation elected the Pastor Nominating Committee on September 7, 2014. o In October, a questionnaire was distributed, and meetings with the congregation were held to discern the preferred characteristics of COTH’s next Called Pastor. o Using this congregational input, the 2013 survey results, and input from Interim Pastor Jim Reid, the “mission study” document was drafted and then approved by Session and COM in early November. From the Mission Study document, the Ministry Information Form (a version of a job posting or job description) was developed by the PNC and subsequently approved by Session and by COM in early December. The finalized MIF was published on the PC(USA) dedicated pastoral search website (Church Leadership Connection) on December 11, 2014. o In December, a proposed range of compensation terms (Terms of Call) for the Called Pastor was developed and presented to Session, using national and local Presbytery compensation guidelines and actual Terms of Call information from similar-size churches. The PNC continued to research comparable church salary packages throughout the search process and made updates to Session as appropriate.


o By the end of December 2014, approximately 70 Personal Information Forms (a version of a resume and application packet) had been received from pastors interested in exploring a possible call to COTH.

Throughout 2015 the PNC continued its diligent and exhaustive review of every Personal Information Form (PIF) received. o Over 200 PIF's were reviewed, and more than 300 sermons were watched or heard; candidates who were deemed qualified and of interest received two to five additional communications. Where strong mutual interest was found to exist, a supplemental set of essay questions focusing on COTH priority topics were asked of the candidates. o The PNC met weekly for more than 65 weekly meetings in total. o Each PNC member spent approximately 10 hours a week reviewing PIFs, listening to sermons, attending meetings, Skype interviews, and in-person interviews for a total of more than 4,500 team hours. o There were two out-of-town trips to meet pastor candidates, and four candidates came to Evergreen to meet with the PNC. In July 2015, the PNC was contacted by the Rev. Dr. Chuck Traylor with his PIF, letter of interest, and sermon samples. After several phone and Skype conversations and an in- person meeting in Loveland, Pastor Chuck was invited to Evergreen for the weekend of November 8, 2015. This weekend consisted of meetings, tours of Evergreen, COTH and the Manse, and Pastor Chuck preached at a neutral pulpit in Denver for the PNC and some members of the Denver Presbytery.

While the PNC used this weekend for discernment with continued focus on a good fit for the entire COTH congregation, Pastor Chuck and his wife Sarah also used the weekend for continued discernment about the fit of Church of the Hills and Evergreen both for pastor Chuck and his ministry as well as their family and living style. This was a joyful weekend of shared vision and fellowship. After receiving the blessings of the Presbytery COM, acknowledging that Pastor Chuck is a member in good standing and a faithful servant of the Presbyterian Church (USA), our request to invite him to preach to the COTH family on December 6, 2015 was approved and extended by Session and was eagerly accepted by the Traylors.

At the conclusion of the beautiful worship service on December 6th, a congregational meeting was held for the purpose of receiving the PNC's enthusiastic motion to call Pastor Chuck Traylor as our full-time Pastor. The congregational vote was 105 yes votes out of 105 ballots cast. The Traylors enthusiastically accepted the invitation to this call.

We were pleased that the Traylors were able to make arrangements to be in Evergreen for Christmas, with Pastor Chuck preaching the Christmas Eve sermon at the at the 8:00 service as well as participating in the 5:30 service and in the December 27, 2015


"Lessons and Carols" service. The Traylors are at home in the church manse, and Pastor Chuck began his official pastoral responsibilities with COTH on January 1, 2016.

While Chuck's superb background and experience can be seen in detail in the full Bio which follows this report, we would like to share some of the qualities highlighted in reference check conversations: "best sermons I've ever heard...wonderful ability to relate with children...his sermons leave me processing and thinking for days...relates well to all age groups...prolific writer including very active and current on social media...very well read, very well educated person...devout...enjoys people, and has a good sense of organized administrator with attention to detail...completely present with the person to whom he is ministering... loves going out into the community...pulpit presence is great and very engaging, visitation is a real to bring scripture down to a personal basis...very spiritually mature...a very collegial and charismatic leadership style." Your faithful Pastor Nominating Committee was unanimous in their selection of this extremely well-qualified and exciting new pastor for Church of the Hills. We look forward to experiencing Pastor Chuck’s ministry and sharing him with our COTH family and the Evergreen community.

Plans and Goals for 2016

At its December 14, 2015 meeting, Session appointed the former members of the now dissolved PNC to act as a "Welcome and Support Group" to help Chuck and Sarah integrate into the COTH and Evergreen communities through the first quarter of 2016 and to be available to Chuck and Sarah for any help we might be able to supply through the month of June. We would like to thank the Session and the congregation for their patience, prayers, support and encouragement during this 15 month process.

Respectfully submitted, PNC members: Bruce Evashevski, Greta Faraco-Hadlock, Aaron Hansen, Kelly Krueger, Marianne Loritz, Amanda Ruleman, Bill Short ______

Here’s the introduction the Pastoral Nominating Committee sent the congregation:

It is with unbounded joy, considerable confidence and much love that we invite you to hear our candidate for the next called pastor of Church of the Hills, the Rev. Dr. Charles "Chuck" R. Traylor during worship December 6, 2015 and to the special called meeting of the congregation immediately after the service, at which time we will vote on calling Chuck.

Chuck is currently the Transitional Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Central Nebraska which includes oversight and leadership of 39 Presbyterian churches in the state of Nebraska.


Born in Texas, Chuck grew up in Houston, Tulsa and Corpus Christi, as his father moved to various oil fields in the Southwest. Chuck attended the University of Houston in the early 70's majoring in Journalism. He served in restaurant and sporting goods management and as a journalist and newspaper editor before the Lord called him to the ministry. He subsequently earned his Master of Divinity (1987) and Doctor of Divinity (1994) degrees from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Chuck is also a Trained Stephen Leader.

Chuck was ordained as a Ruling Elder prior to entering seminary. He has 28 years of experience as a Minister of Word and Sacrament and has been the organizing pastor of two new Presbyterian churches; has served as the pastor of redeveloping congregations; was the Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of the Northern Plains (North Dakota and western Minnesota) and served as the Church Relations Manager for a faith-based non-profit operating retirement communities and a hospice in Dallas, Texas.

Chuck and his true love and wife of 35 years, Sarah, have one daughter, a wilderness EMT, editor/researcher and aspiring novelist living in Three Lakes, Wisconsin. Chuck's hobbies and adventures have included fly fishing which he has continued to pursue with a passion since the age of eight, backpacking, bird hunting and past adventures of bull wrestling, bronc riding, calf roping and team roping. Also included is an abortive career as a professional trap shooter. Until recently Chuck bred and trained Appaloosa horses.

Chuck's significant ability to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the love of God and service to all our brothers and sisters, his warm and out-going personality, his commitment to his church and community and demonstrated ability to relate to people from 3 to 93 have convinced each of us that the Lord has led us to a perfect fit for Church of the Hills. We present him to you unanimously and without reservation.


Personnel Committee

Team Members: Team Members: At the beginning of 2015, the Personnel Committee consisted of Judy Jensen (Chair), Fred Bloemendaal, Bill Cook, Tracy Hansen, Laura Wassmuth and Reverend Jim Reid. Laura Wassmuth resigned in February. Dick Blodgett and Margi Masquelier were elected to the Committee by the Congregation in June. Bob Cole was named as Session representative in July, taking the place of Judy Jensen, and was elected by the Committee as Chair. Because of her significant tenure and valuable experience on the Committee, Judy continued to assist the Committee through the fall as a former member. Interim Pastor Reverend Reid resigned from the Committee with his departure from COTH at the end of October. The Personnel Team meets monthly to act on routine and urgent business as it relates to the church staff. Staffing: Church of the Hills is incredibly fortunate to have a very dedicated and talented staff working with us. Staffing is made up primarily of part-time employees and volunteers. Of the paid staff, only the Pastor and Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries are full time employees. Pastor – Interim Pastor – The Reverend Dr. Jim Reid joined us on April 1, 2014, and resigned October 25, 2016 to begin service with a church in Manitou Springs. During November and December, Reverend Susan Boucher served as Temporary-Interim Pastor and assisted with Advent while we prepared for the arrival of our new called pastor, the Reverend Dr. Chuck Traylor. Reverend Traylor assisted with Christmas services and officially began work as our Called Pastor on January 1, 2016. COTH and its members were blessed to have Reverend Reid, Reverend Boucher, and numerous guest pastors ministering and guiding us during the transition to Reverend Traylor, and we are exceptionally blessed to have Chuck and Sarah join our COTH family in 2016.

Carol and Jim Reid Chuck, Sarah and Thorn (aka Maggie) Traylor


Church Custodian - Paul Nelson (employment date May 21, 2013). Church Maintenance - Fred Egan began work with COTH on January 20, 2015. Nursery Coordinator – Trudy Roth (employment date March 18, 2013). Organists - Joyce Scheel (employment date May 1, 2011) and Wendy Covert (employment date September 3, 2015) share organist duties. Karen Peterson, who had been sharing duties with Joyce, resigned as organist in early summer; after an open search process, Wendy Covert, who had previously served as organist for COTH, was rehired.

Farewell to Organist Karen Peterson Organist Joyce Scheel at VBS

Director of Music Ministries - Melissa Weick-Juceam (employment date August 22, 2012). Office Administrator - Stephanie Park (employment date March 10, 2014). Financial Administrator – Marleen Como (employment date October 13, 2014). Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries - Terry Buchanan (employment date July 8, 2009).

Performance Evaluations: Annual or introductory performance reviews were completed for all full and part-time staff as appropriate. Committee members revised the evaluation procedure during the year and will continue to review it with an eye toward improving it. Other Matters: The Committee has begun and hopes to complete in the first half of 2016 a review of COTH’s personnel policies, hiring procedure, and compensation and benefits philosophies in order to ensure that COTH is following the best employment practices for its employees.

Respectfully submitted, Bob Cole, Chair, Personnel Committee


Stewardship Team

Team Members: Sue Brown, chair; Ron and Sharon Klusman, Frances Vaughn; Jeffrey Williams; Jerry Bucholz, treasurer: Bruce Evashevski, Session representative.

The stewardship team decided to use the scripture based theme of "We Are Stewards of God's World" this year. Quotes relating to this theme were put in Friday Features, and relevant bible verses were put in bulletin inserts in the weeks leading up to Consecration Sunday.

Stewardship team members spoke for four Sundays leading up to Consecration Sunday with Oralie McAfee giving an inspirational sermon on the Sunday immediately preceding Consecration Sunday and Pastor Jim Reid presenting the sermon on Consecration Sunday. Both sermons were very motivational as were the congregants who spoke during the weekly “Moment for Stewardship”.

Although we did not reach our goal of exceeding the prior year's pledges, there were many positive outcomes from the campaign (detailed in the following report). We were, however, disappointed to have to send follow up correspondence to a number of non- pledgers.

The latest report on pledge status follows: “As of January 15, we have received 74 pledges totaling $258,395 compared to last year when we totaled 82 pledges of $267,858; however, 34 units increased their pledges and there were 5 new pledging units.

The average pledge increased to $3,492 from $3,278 in 2015! Team members continue to follow up with non-pledgers.”

The Stewardship team believes strongly that stewardship should be a year- round spiritual discipline and not just a fall campaign. Accordingly, the team asked Terry Buchanan to lead an adult study on stewardship in 2016 with the team picking up any curriculum costs and with plans to emphasize stewardship throughout the year.

Respectfully submitted, Sue Brown, Chairperson


Worship and Celebration Team

Team Members: Mel Andrew, Team Leader; during various seasons of 2015, Bruce Evashevski, Carolyn Hock, Jan Jenkins and Ed Powers, Elder; Rev. Dr. Jim Reid and Rev. Susan Boucher, Pastors; Melissa Weick-Juceam, Director of Music Ministries; Donna Bucholz; Bill Sandifer, Head Usher; Marilyn Sandifer; Valorie Wells. In Appreciation: The Worship Team would like to send a sincere thank you to the people who help with the COTH worship during the 2015 year. This includes children’s time, lay liturgists, all ushers and the sound/visual operators and pastors who filled our pulpit during times of transition. We give special thanks to those who gave their time for the funerals, weddings and other events held at COTH during 2015. We are grateful for the COTH website, Friday Features and other communications made available to our members. We also thank the organists, choir, staff members and others who have added so much to our worship during 2015.

Ruth Koons’ years of faithful service Making a joyful noise at Elk Run during Workship are celebrated

2015 Highlights:

 Lenten observances included worship on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and joy-filled Easter services.

 Many Sundays had a special focus, including Graduation Sunday and Cowboy Sunday.


This year’s high school graduates, Bridger Cole and Erin Hesser, and their families

Cowboy Sunday

 For the first time in several years, worship services had to be cancelled on February 22 because of heavy snow.  Approximately 80 persons enjoyed our annual Outdoor Worship Service which was held on the first Sunday in June 2015 at Heritage Grove and featured music provided by the Bear Creek Boys. One additional outdoor service was held in the COTH courtyard on August 23 in conjunction with an ice cream social, provided by the Member Development Team.  We appreciated the worship leadership provided by our interim pastor, Dr. Jim Reid. We celebrated his time with Church of the Hills on his final Sunday with us, October 25.  We have also been grateful to The Reverend Susan Boucher who stepped in during November and December and at several other places during the year to provide leadership and continuity for the congregation.


 The Team updated and revised policies and procedures regarding the use of the sanctuary and, in conjunction with the Administration Team, those dealing with the use of the building, wedding and funeral brochures, and the use of the AV systems and the handbells. Admin and Worship are in conversation with the Evergreen Chamber Orchestra regarding the possibility of their using COTH facilities as a permanent venue.  The Advent/Christmas season began with Mountain Community Pathways presenting a Christmas play and followed by a series of services “Living in Anticipation,” “The Shining Principle,” “Living in Joy” and “Living in Peace.” The 5:30 p.m. Christmas Eve family service featured the musical play “The Children of Bethlehem,” and the 8:00 p.m. service was a Communion/Candlelight Service working with the theme, “Born to You, Born for You. The Advent theme was “Celebrate! God is With Us.” The December 27 service featured lesson and carols of the season. And, as usual, the sanctuary looked beautiful!

 Communion was shared in worship services each first Sunday of the month, and on other special church celebrations. It was also served on different days to COTH members and friends who are unable to attend Communion Sundays.

Our 2015 worship year was event-filled and eventful for all involved.

Respectfully submitted, Ed Powers, Worship Team Elder


Treasurer’s Reports – 2015 Financial Information/2016 Budget

The Session reports that revenue exceeded expenditures by $10,331 during 2015. Thank you to each member and friend who faithfully contributed to the financial support of the Church during the year. Also, thank you to each team for being wonderful and attentive stewards with the financial resources of Church of the Hills. During each of the last three years, we have experienced a period of time when we did not have a full time pastor. The cost of providing pastoral leadership during each of these years was less than anticipated in the budgets. As a result, we were able to build back reserves and provide for future church building repairs and replacements. 2015 2015 2016 Budget Actual Budget REVENUES Pledged & Unpledged Revenues $294,251 $295,066 $316,812 Loose Offering 4,500 3,120 3,300 Building Use 2,000 3,576 2,700 EHS Student Parking 9,375 17,418 11,250 Mountain Community Pathways 6,000 7,600 8,400 Special Offerings 3,900 4,239 4,600 Per Capita 2,594 3,475 3,200 Miscellaneous 0 (402) 0 Endowment Earnings 10,040 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES $332,660 $334,092 $350,262

EXPENSES Personnel $239,837 $219,556 $256,018 Administration 57,316 66,347 53,990 Board of Deacons 1,050 338 340 Christian Education 1,750 431 700 Communications 3,400 3,383 3,600 Member Development 125 0 250 Nominating 0 0 0 Mission & Outreach 13,875 13,339 13,875 Session & Miscellaneous 10,514 11,040 5,336 Stewardship 1,400 709 1,400 Worship 2,885 2,220 2,885 Lighting Loan 508 465 0 PCUSA Loan 0 5,933 11,868 TOTAL EXPENSES $332,660 $323,761 $350,262 NET SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $0 $10,331 $0 35

Financial Summary

As of December 31, 2015

Cash Balances

Evergreen National Bank $45,534 Vanguard Money Market Fund $91,392

Prepaid 2016 Pledges ($29,755.11) Less Restricted Accounts ($49,944.55) Reserves $11,692.46

Total Permanent Endowment Fund $ 271,988

A special thank you to Marleen Como, Financial Administrator; Cathy Graves, Assistant Treasurer; Jeffrey William, Assistant Treasurer; and the volunteer counters for their unwavering contribution to the recording, monitoring and reporting of the financial activities at the Church of the Hills.

Respectfully submitted, Jerry Bucholz, Treasurer


Treasurer’s Report – 2014, 2015 and 2016 Budgets

On December 14, 2015, Session approved the 2016 Budget as follows.

INCOME 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget

Pledged and Additional Gifts $262,136 $294,251 $316,812 Loose Offering 5,000 4,500 3,300 Building Use 21,500 8,000 2,700 Mountain Community Pathways 0 6,000 8,400 EHS Parking 0 9,375 11,250 Special Offerings 3,900 3,900 4,600 Per Capita 2,695 2,594 3,200 Miscellaneous 0 (402) 0 Endowment Earnings 12,347 10,040 0 TOTAL REVENUE $307,578 $332,660 $350,262

EXPENSES 2014 Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Budget

Administration $59,404 $57,316 53,990 Loan Amortization (Solar Project) 775 508 0 Board of Deacons 925 1,050 340 Christian Education 2,025 1,750 700 Communications 2,785 3,400 3,600 Member Development 300 125 250 Mission and Outreach 13,875 13,875 13,875 Nominating 0 0 0 Per Capita 5,390 5,189 5,336 Personnel 215,499 239,837 256,018 Session/Miscellaneous 1,375 5,325 0 Stewardship 1,900 1,400 1,400 Worship 3,325 2,885 2,885 TOTAL EXPENSES $307,578 $332,660 $350,262

NET $0 $0 $0


“A VIBRANT, GROWING FAMILY OF FAITH ROOTED IN GOD’S WORD” Church of the Hills Presbyterian (USA) 28628 Buffalo Park Road PO Box 1210 Evergreen, Colorado 80437 P. 303.674.7857 • F. 303.679.1785 Website: Email: [email protected] 38