By TEUKU HAIKAL PUTRA 016201300146

A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies




This thesis entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010- 2012)” prepared and submitted by Teuku Haikal Putra in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense

Cikarang, Indonesia, 5 June 2017

Hendra Manurung, M.A. Thesis Adviser


I declare that this thesis, entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010-2012)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, 5 June 2017

Teuku Haikal Putra



The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010-2012)” that was submitted by Teuku Haikal Putra majoring in Diplomacy from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on June 2nd, 2017.

Hendra Manurung, MA. Chair – Panel of Examiners Thesis Adviser I

Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA. Thesis Adviser II

Dr. Phil. Reza A.A Wattimena, S.S., M.Hum. Examiner

iii ABSTRACT Teuku Haikal Putra, 016201300146, SEA Games 2011: International Sport Event as Soft Power Instrument in Indonesia’s National Interest in Tourism Sector (2010-2012)

Advisors: Hendra Manurung, MA and Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA

Tourist is a good asset for economy of societies where it considered able to support the increasing economy nationally. Many tourist destination that have a very good potential but received less attention from the government. To increase the number of tourism in Indonesia, the government use some ways in achieving its goals. Soft power is considered as the most effective way in achieving the national interest of a country. SEA Games is an international sporting event involving Southeast Asian countries in order to strengthen relations between countries. Indonesia utilizing SEA Games 2011 as soft power instrument to achieve its national interest in this case is the tourism sector. Public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy are considered effective as a means of increasing the number of tourism and forming a good image of Indonesia as a safe country to be visited by foreign tourists. This study describes and analyzes the international sport event or South East 2011 which is effectively used as a soft power instrument to improve the tourism sector, forming a good image of Indonesia as a safe country to visit by foreign tourists and help to improve the economic growth of Indonesia through the data obtained from books, Internet sites and major sources. Sport mega event is often used as a tool to achieve the interests of a country. Since Indonesia chosen as the host country of SEA Games 2011 until the completion of this event, many impacts are given to the host country especially and which helps the growth of the regional economy and increase the amount of tourism.

Keywords: Soft power, Sport, SEA Games, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Tourism, Image.

iv ABSTRAK Teuku Haikal Putra, 016201300146, SEA Games 2011: International Sport Event as Soft Power Instrument in Indonesia’s National Interest in Tourism Sector (2010-2012)

Advisors: Hendra Manurung, MA and Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA

Turis merupakan aset yang baik bagi perekonomian masyarakat yang dinilai mampu menunjang peningkatan perekonomian secara nasional. Ada banyak sekali tujuan wisata yang memiliki potensi sangat bagus namun kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah. Untuk meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata di Indonesia, pemerintah menggunakan beberapa cara dalam mencapai tujuannya. Soft power di anggap sebagai cara yang paling efektif dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional suatu negara. SEA Games adalah event olahraga internasional yang melibatkan negara-negara asia tenggara dalam rangka mempererat hubungan antar negara. Indonesia memanfaatkan SEA Games sebagai instrument soft power untuk mencapai kepentingan nasionalnya dalam hal ini adalah sektor pariwisata. Diplomasi Publik dan Diplomasi Kebudayaan di nilai efektif sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata dan membentuk citra Indonesia sebagai negara yang aman untuk di kunjungi oleh wisatawan asing. Penelitian ini menggambarkan dan menganalisa tentang acara olahraga Internasional atau South East Asian Games 2011 yang efektif di gunakan sebagai instrument Soft Power untuk meningkatkan sektor pariwisata, membentuk citra Indonesia sebagai negara yang aman untuk di kunjungi oleh wisatawan asing dan membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia melalui data yang didapatkan dari buku, situs Internet dan sumber utama. sport mega event sudah sering di gunakan sebagai alat untuk mencapai kepentingan suatu negara. sejak terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah SEA Games 2011 hingga selesainya pergelaran acara olahraga ini banyak dampak yang di berikan terhadap tuan rumah khususnya Palembang dan Jakarta dimana membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dan meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata.

Kata Kunci: Soft power, Olahraga, SEA Games, Diplomasi Publik, Diplomasi Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Citra


I would like to say thousand thank you to Allah SWT who has given me a never- ending blessing. Thanks to the grace so that I can complete and finish this thesis for my college. then also my thank to the prophet Muhammad for guide his people. I also want to say thank you to both my beloved parents Teuku Faisal and Rama Yulisa Meutia who always provide love and affection, who never stop giving advice and always wish me the best, thanks to father who always work hard to provide a proper education to his children up to college. To mama who always pray and give spirit every day. And thanks to my sisters, Cut Ella Caesari, Cut Felia and Cut Rahelia. I love u all. The gratitude and respect to both of my supervisor for thesis Mr. Hendra Manurung and Mr. Bustanul Arifin, who always guide and advise me, also to all lecturers of International Relations who shared their knowledge to me during my study in President University.

I would also like to thank Siti Raudina Carmelia Putri who always be there for me and always support me during the process of this thesis. I love u so much. I would like to give my deepest gratitude for all my Best friends Abrar, Afif, Said, Apex, Onyong, Loleng, Nyam, Aldo, Andrew, Haris, Yuma, Daus, Zuhra, Qatrun, Ina, Ayla, who have fully supported me and accompanied me throughout the writing process of this thesis, my friends at HANAPU, PUFC, Fatih 6th Generation, Cavalry Family, Kamilawan FC.

The purpose of this thesis is for the requirements for me to get my bachelor degree. but there are other important purposes for me. this thesis is not only for my graduation requirements but also can be useful for me and others. The struggle that I did during the process of doing this thesis taught me many lessons for the future, taught me to be more patient, diligent and discipline in living anything in this life and never stop praying and obedient with the creator of Allah SWT. To conclude last but not least I would like to thank you everybody that I mentioned earlier and I do really hope this thesis can be useful for me and others.


THESIS ADVISER ...... i RECOMMENDATION LETTER ...... i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ...... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER ...... iii APPROVAL SHEET ...... iii ABSTRACT ...... iv ABSTRAK ...... v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii LIST OF TABLES ...... ix LIST OF FIGURES ...... x LIST OF ACRONYMS ...... xi CHAPTER I ...... 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 I.1. BACKGROUND OF STUDY ...... 1 I.2. PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION ...... 5 I.3. RESEARCH QUESTIONS ...... 10 I.4. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE ...... 10 I.5. SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY ...... 10 I.6. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ...... 11 I.6.1. National Interest...... 11 I.6.2. Soft power on Sport Mega- Event ...... 12 I.6.3. Public Diplomacy ...... 13 I.6.4 Cultural Diplomacy ...... 14 I.7. LITERATURE REVIEW ...... 16 I.8. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF STUDY ...... 19 I.9. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...... 20 I.9.1. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT ...... 20 I.10. STRUCTURE OF THESIS ...... 21 I.10.1. CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION ...... 21 I.10.2. CHAPTER II – THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEA GAMES AND INDONESIA HOSTING SEA GAMES IN 2011...... 21 I.10.3. CHAPTER III – INDONESIA TOURISM SECTOR ...... 21 I.10.4. CHAPTER IV – THE BENEFITS OF SEA GAMES 2011 FOR INDONESIA’s NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR ...... 21 I.10.5. CHAPTER V - CONCLUSION ...... 22 CHAPTER II ...... 23 THE DEVELOPMENT OF SEA GAMES AND INDONESIA HOSTING SEA GAMES 2011 ...... 23 II.1. The Development of SEA Games ...... 23 II.2. Indonesia Hosting SEA Games 2011 ...... 26 II.2.1. Indonesia as The Host Country in SEA Games 2011 ...... 27 II.2.2. INASOC (Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee) ...... 28

vii II.2.3. Logo and Mascot of SEA Games 2011 ...... 29 II.2.4. Preparations towards SEA Games 2011 ...... 31 CHAPTER III ...... 35 INDONESIA TOURISM SECTOR ...... 35 III.1. Overview of Indonesia Tourism ...... 35 III.2. Development of Tourism Sector in Indonesia ...... 39 III.2.1. The Dutch Colonial Period ...... 39 III.2.2. During the Japanese Occupation Period ...... 41 III.2.3. Post-Proclamation of Independence ...... 42 III.3. The Tourism Policy in Indonesia ...... 43 III.4. Indonesia Tourism and Sea Games 2011 ...... 44 III.4.1. Indonesia Tourism Sector Condition Before and After the 26th SEA Games ...... 45 III.4.2. Indonesia Sees Sea Games as The Change for The Economic, Tourism and Cultural Sectors ...... 47 CHAPTER IV ...... 53 THE BENEFITS OF SEA GAMES 2011 FOR INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR ...... 53 IV.1. Indonesia’s National Interest ...... 53 IV.2. SEA Games 2011 for Indonesia Tourism Sector ...... 54 IV.3. Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in Promoting 26TH SEA Games ...... 57 IV.3.1. Public Diplomacy through Promotional Instruments ...... 58 IV.3.2. Public Diplomacy through Campaigns ...... 61 IV.4. Indonesia’s Cultural Diplomacy in Promoting Cultural and Tourist Destination in Indonesia ...... 66 IV.4.1. Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 ...... 67 IV.4.2. Closing of SEA Games 2011 ...... 71 IV.5. SEA Games as The Tool to Increase the Indonesia Tourism Sector ...... 72 IV.5.1. PALEMBANG ...... 75 IV.5.2. JAKARTA ...... 76 IV.5.3. Infrastructure Development through the SEA Games 2011 ...... 77 IV.5.4. Indonesia’s Income of Foreign Tourist Expenditures...... 80 IV.5.3. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Palembang 2010-2012 ...... 81 IV.5.4. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012 ...... 82 CHAPTER V ...... 84 CONCLUSION ...... 84 BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 88 APPENDICES ...... 94



Table I.1: Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia (ASEAN Countries) ...... 6

Table I.2: Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia ...... 6


Table 2.1. Venues in Palembang ...... 32

Table 2.2. Venues in Jakarta ...... 33


Table 4.1. Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia ...... 73

Graphic 4.1. Number of Foreign Visitors coming to Palembang 2010 - 2012 ..... 74

Graphic 4.2. Number of Foreign Visitors coming to DKI Jakarta year 2010 - 2012 ...... 75

Graphic 4.3. Indonesia’s Income from Foreign Tourist Expenditures (2010–2012) ...... 80

Graphic 4.4. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Palembang Year 2010 – 2012 ...... 81

Table 4.2. Number of guests at star hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012 ...... 82



Figure 1.1. Actors and cultural diplomacy objectives ...... 15


Figure 2.1. Logo of SEA Games Federation ...... 23

Figure 2.2. Emblem of SEA Games 2011 ...... 29

Figure 2.3. Mascot of SEA Games 2011 ...... 30


Figure 4.1. Research Framework ...... 54

Figure 4.2. SEA Games 2011 Emblem ...... 58

Figure 4.3. SEA Games 2011 Mascots ...... 59

Figure 4.4 SEA Games 2011 Official Facebook...... 60

Figure 4.5. “Glory of Sriwijaya” ...... 62

Figure 4.6. Official Website of SEA Games 2011 ...... 63

Figure 4.7. SEA Games 2011 in Yahoo. News ...... 65

Figure 4.8. “The Journey Begin” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 ...... 67 Figure 4.9. “The Journey Begin” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 ...... 68

Figure 4.10. “Sriwijaya: The Golden Peninsula” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 ...... 69

Figure 4.11. “Merajut Nusantara” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011

...... 70


ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations SEA GAMES South East Asian Games SEAG South East Asian Games Federation INASOC Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee KOI Komite Olimpiade Indonesia KONI Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia IOC International Olympic Committee OCA Olympic Council of Asia SEAP South East Asian Peninsular Games GDP Gross Domestic Product UNWTO The United Nations World Tourism Organization VTV Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer KMP Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij JMC Java Motor Club LISLIND Linssonne Lindeman NITOUR Netherlandshe Indische Touristen Bureau HONET Hotel Negara dan Tourism YTI Yayasan Tourisme Indonesia DTI Dewan Tourisme Indonesia DEPARI Dewan Pariwisata Indonesia SERGAHTI Serikat Gabungan Hotel dan Tourisme Indonesia BTB Bali Tourism Board




Globalization makes societies interconnected and has no limited for distance which then led to the world as a common room for social activities, economic and political.1 These conditions make the country more and improve competitiveness in the global competition, especially for developing countries which can use attraction and appearance, such as football which is stick with the brazil. Concurrently with the above condition, sport used as Soft Power Instrument. As one of the issue that arise in International Relations, now sports is not just a sport, but the sport has become a political tool to achieve national interest, one of it is in diplomacy, even sport has turned into good means in developing relations between nations.2 An International sport event can be seen as effort to achieve national interest for the host.

The Emergence of soft power as a form of other power besides hard power in international relations activities have implications on the conduct of diplomacy. Soft power becomes the main tool of diplomacy where today called as soft diplomacy. The tendency of the implementation of soft diplomacy by using soft power application is considered effective and efficient so easy to do without having to take its toll and at great expense. As an actor changing paradigm of international relations, the implementation of soft diplomacy involves a wide range of non-government actors. Therefore, soft diplomacy is the real form of the use of instruments other than political pressure, military and economic pressure by promoting the cultural element in diplomatic activities. Therefore, International sport event uses soft diplomacy in achieving national Interest.

1 Baylis, John & Steve Smith. (2005). The Globalization of World Politics. Oxford University Press, Oxford. P.7. 2 Eden, Jon Theis. Major Research Paper: Soccer and International Relations, 2013, P.7. Retrieved, January 19, 2017. From,%20Jon%20Theis%2020135.pdf.

1 The term of soft power was first introduced by Harvard professor Joseph Nye, Jr., which refers to the ability to influence the behavior of other countries by attracting and persuading others to adopt one’s goals.3 In contrast to “hard power” which is described as a military force which tends to force the state behavior.4 Ideas and debates on soft power stems from political changes and configurations of power in international politics at a time when the cold war ended. Major wars have occurred in modern history now never occur again. This is because many international communities reject the use of violence in achieving national interest. In the context of this history, academics and policy makers began to looks for other ways to pursue its national objectives.

In achieving their interests, a country needs diplomacy. One of the way is by using public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy. Public diplomacy is an instrument that government use to mobilize the resources to communicate with and attract the public of other countries.5 In fact, the term of Public Diplomacy describe as the direct or mass-mediated communication activities by individuals, governmental, and non-governmental organizations to a foreign publics and/or the domestic publics by conveying or even exchanging information in order to directly or indirectly reduce negative platitudes and prejudices, in creating sympathy and understanding for its nation’s ideals, goals, (foreign) policies, its institutions, culture and model of society, to build a positive image and relationships, and therefore to make the achievement of international policy goals easier, facilitate close political ties or alliance to encourage tourism and inward investment.6

The concept of public diplomacy has traditionally associated with the promotion of the image of a country abroad. Public Diplomacy is based on the premise that the image and reputation of a country are public goods which can

3 Jr., Joseph S. Nye. (2004) “Soft Power: “The Means to success in World Politics” (New York: Public Affair). P.3. Retrieved, January 19, 2017 from 4 Ibid. 5 Jr., Joseph S. Nye. (2008) Public Diplomacy and Soft Power, p. 2 6 ICPD. (2004-2016). What is Public Diplomacy? Retrieved January 19, 2017 from diplomacy/

2 create either an enabling or a disabling environment for individual transactions.7 According to Leonard, there is a hierarchy of impacts that public diplomacy can achieve:

 Increasing people’s familiarity with one’s country (making them think about it, updating their images, turning around unfavourable opinions)  Increasing people’s appreciation of one’s country (creating positive perceptions, getting others to see issues of global importance from the same perspective)  Engaging people with one’s country (strengthening ties – from education reform to scientific co-operation; encouraging people to see us as an attractive destination for tourism, study, distance learning; getting them to buy our products; getting to understand and subscribe to our values)  Influencing people (getting companies to invest, publics to back our positions or politicians to turn to us as a favoured partner).8

In this case the authors will analyze how Indonesia, as the country has the beauty and diversity of culture trying to improve tourism by using the power of public diplomacy.

In addition to public diplomacy there is also cultural diplomacy, cultural diplomacy is considered effective to achieve national interests of a nation because it is done peacefully without coercion. Culture has a broad meaning because as a macro dimension, culture is not just an art or customs but also culture is any result and human effort. Literally the word of "culture" itself contains the meaning of "kindness" and "Mind", both of which known as 'the power of the mind' in the form of creativity, taste, intention, and even as a result of creativity, taste, and the initiative itself.9

7 Leonard, Mark. Public Diplomacy. (The Foreign Policy Centre, 2002), p.9 8 Ibid. 9 Koentjaraningrat.(1990). Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi, PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, P.181.

3 Many countries are trying to get recognition through the cultural diplomacy, for example through the arts, sports and others. One of the way that can be used to realize the Cultural Diplomacy is with sport, which is this method has a great potential because all the public can take the role in it.

International sport event is an effective way to strengthening relations between countries, to ease tension and promote peace. Several conflict between country accidentally resolved through games involving between two countries which are involved in a conflict, therefore appeared a term of sport diplomacy, one of the instrument of soft power and diplomacy of a nation. The implementation of sport diplomacy usually through competition between countries to promote the national interest.

Some of the successful example of sport diplomacy is the rapprochement of Turkey and Armenian relations in 2008 through a football match which is also known as football diplomacy. Through football match, the two countries which have long decided to separate, given back hope to restore relations between two countries, even to re-unite as one nation.10 Another successful practice of sport diplomacy is Ping-Pong Diplomacy in 1971 to bridge the relationship between and US began interwoven through the Ping-Pong diplomacy approach.11 Based on two example above, sport diplomacy can be seen as an instrument of soft power that can provide huge contribution achieving the national interest of a country.

Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) is a sport event hold biennial which involving participants from 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) which are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, , Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and one participating country (East Timor). The event of SEA Games is set under regulation of the

10 Hohberg. Tarek. When Diplomats score: The Role of Football in Turkish-Armenian Rapprochement. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 11 Ping-Pong Diplomacy in 1971. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from

4 Southeast Asian Games Federation (SAGF) with oversight by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).12

In 2011, Indonesia once again trusted to be a host country in leading the International sport event. In the biggest sporting event throughout Southeast Asia, SEA Games 2011 is considered very effective for Indonesia in improving the promotion of tourism sector as well as growing the economic sector in creative area. Director of Domestic Promotion in the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of Republic Indonesia stated that sport and tourism can not be separated, because both of them are complementary. 13 This 2011 throughout Southeast Asia sport event will be used as the tool to promote the tourism in Indonesia.

Therefore, SEA Games 2011 can be used as a tool of Diplomacy, increasing and promoting tourism. Also with the number of tourists coming to Indonesia also give advantages economically because the increasing number of tourism to Indonesia will also significantly increase the economic sector.


Tourist is a good asset for the economy of societies where it considered able to support the increasing economy nationally. We all know that there are so many famous tourist attractions in Indonesia, not only in the country, there are many famous tourist attractions to foreign countries such as Bali, Lombok, Wakatobi, Bunaken and many others. Those destination include water attractions are very famous for its beauty. But also many tourist destination that have a very good potential but received less attention from the government, not maintained these places will cause no longer interesting to visit. And with the number of visitors or tourist can be utilized by the government and societies itself. With the

12 Official Website of The Olympic Council of Asia. Southeast Asian Games. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 13 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri, Retrieved, January 23, 2017 from

5 number of tourist that come to Indonesia, the community's economy will certainly increase, ranging from lodging, transportation, shopping, souvenirs will bring in revenue that drives the economy. Unfortunately this potential can not be utilized effectively which is a challenge for the government and society.

Year Year Year No. Countries Name (2010) (2011) (2012) 1. Brunei Darussalam 39,063 48,193 27,734 2. Malaysia 1,277,476 1,302,237 1,335,531 3. Philippine 189,486 223,779 229,806

4. Singapore 1,373,126 1,505,588 1,565,478 5. Thailand 123,825 141,771 149,760 6. Vietnam 28,196 36,917 40,084 7. Other ASEAN Countries 21,113 26,179 26,898 ASEAN TOTAL 3,052,285 3,284,664 3,375,291 Table 1.1. Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia (ASEAN Countries).14

Year Year Year No. Countries 2010 2011 2012 1 America countries 258,584 297,061 312,209 2 Europe countries 1,038,420 1,045,865 1,108,521 3 Africa countries 27,200 31,640 41,583 4 Middle East countries 144,661 175,885 148,788 5 ASEAN countries 3,052,285 3,284,664 3,375,291 6 Asia Pacific countries 2,481,794 2,814,616 3,058,070 Total 7,002,944 7,649,731 8,044,462 Table 1.2. Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia.15

14 Central Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Number of foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia by country of residence, 2002-2014. Retrieved March 23, 2017 from Retrieved, 20 March 2017. 15 Ibid.

6 On the number of foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia in 2010-2012, a total of ASEAN countries visited Indonesia before the SEA Games in 2010 as many as 3,052,285, in 2011 the total number of foreign tourist as many as 3,284,664 and in 2012 after the SEA Games the total number as many as 3,375,291.16 So, the total of visitors of all regions including ASEAN countries visiting Indonesia in 2010 as many as 7,002,944, in 2011 the total as many as 7,649,731 and in 2012 the total numbers of visitors as many as 8,044,462. According to the Central Statistical Agency above, with the number of visitors or tourist it is explained how the tourism in Indonesia increasingly from year-to- year, which this is also become the challenges for Indonesia to keep maintain the number of visitors.

In the other explanation, Indonesia is still unable to compete with neighbouring countries related to the tourism sector where each year the number of visitors in Indonesia before the SEA Games started reached 6 million in total, while between the ASEAN countries itself is only reached 3 million, and it is still far if compared with neighbouring countries that reach over 20 thousand visitors. This is because the government of the neighboring countries do sustainable improvement on the field of tourism where countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand always increase in the number of visitors. Even Vietnam where the natural conditions are almost the same with Indonesia is able to attract more visitors.17

If we look at the 25th SEA Games on December 9th to 18th 2009 in Laos, there are a lot of positive effects gained by Laos, which is politically proved that Laos secure since the end of Socialist. Modern Laos is the root of the ancient Lao kingdom of Lane Xang, established in the 14th century under the leadership of the king of the FA Ngum. For 300 years, Lane Xang has a big influence to Cambodia and Thailand. But after his influence began to decline, Siam (Thailand)

16 Central Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Number of foreign tourist arrivals to Indonesia by country of residence, 2002-2014. Retrieved March 23, 2017 from Retrieved, 20 March 2017. 17 Jontra. (2015). Penyebab Menurunnya wisatawan karena Indonesia kalah Bersaing. Retrieved January 23, 2017 from menurunnya-wisatawan-karena-indonesia-kalah-bersaing#sthash.eMfG2Wgb.dpbs

7 began to dominate Laos, it began late 18th century until the late 19th century, when it became part of French Indochina. After that, held the Franco-Siamese treaty in 1907 which split the Lao with Thailand. In 1975, the Lao Communist Party took over the government, which marked the end of six centuries of monarchy and the beginning of the socialist regime, as well as in Vietnam. Laos became the member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1997, and they had the honour to host the 25th Southeast Asian Games in 2009.18

Sports diplomacy would be seen as an imaging effort for Southeast Asia countries through its willingness to host the event and participation in the Southeast Asian Games. As noted by Victor D. Cha, in East Asia sport has become one of the important way to show the development in the countries of Southeast Asia. All developing and developed countries in East Asia has been and will host the international sport events to "express" their readiness to compete at the global level. For example like Olympics in 1964, Olympics in 1988, football World Cup 2002 in Korea and Japan, and the 2008 Olympics is how the major countries in East Asia reinforce the country's image as a developed country.19

In a multi-pronged sport competitions such as SEA Games, the most successful imaging obtained when a country is able to be the host and be able to become the overall champion. Success to be the host emphasize the advancement of a country, because organizing the event required readiness funds, for example infrastructure such as transportation and communications networks, sports facilities and good organization. While the success of the overall champion means the sport development have gone well. Sports development itself can not run properly without the condition of the economy, education and health support in the country. The SEA Games 2009 in Laos also seen as imaging of Laos in

18Ditpolkom. Politik Luar Negeri Keanggotaan Indonesia dalam Organisasi Internasional. Bappenas. Retrieved January 23, 2017 from nesia%20dalam%20Organisasi%20Internasional/1)%20ASEAN/Profil%20Negara- Negara%20ASEAN/Laos.pdf 19Balaam, David N & Michael Veseth, Introduction to International Political Economy. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1997, P. 4.

8 International eyes and this is because the long conflict in Laos in domestic or foreign.

Talking about cultural diplomacy, sport is one form of cultural diplomacy, the purpose of cultural diplomacy is to influence public opinion or other peoples' societies to support a particular foreign policy. Therefore, Southeast Asian Games in 2011 can be used as a means of diplomacy, increasing number of tourism and promoting the tourism of Indonesia. For example on terrorism, bomb attacks carried out by terrorists in October 2002 have resulted in material losses, prolonged trauma, disability and victims of human lives. More than 298 people were killed and 838 wounded in a terrorist attack in Indonesia in the period 2000- 2010. While the material losses because of terrorist attacks are buildings, vehicles, and public facilities were damaged, then another loss because of this attack are economic, tourist and social because it reduces trust for tourist and International world towards Indonesia20.

In addition, in the last few years there are many terror bombings, for example at the Marriott Hotel in Jakarta. The terror bombing itself is not just get the response from the local and central government, but it also from countries in the world, especially for countries whose citizens are victims of explosions. International countries condemning the anarchic acts that did by terrorists. The bomb explosion in Bali has given direct impact on tourism, especially in Bali. The number of tourist departures at Ngurah Rai International Airport is rapidly increasing. The success of SEA Games 2011 also can improve the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the International. This is because lately Indonesia can be said to be high-risk country to be visited by tourists caused many incidents such as suicide bombings and frequent riots (demo) everywhere and it is decreasing the number of foreign tourists in Indonesia.

Therefore, the success of the SEA Games 2011 will provide many benefits for Indonesia in achieving its national Interest which are increasing the number of

20 Hermawan, Bayu & Abdullah Mubar. (2010). Korban Teroris: 289 Tewas, 838 Luka-luka. Retrieved February 15, 2017 from 298-tewas-838-luka-luka

9 foreign tourists by promoting cultural and natural wealth and tourist attractions. And also the success in organizing SEA Games 2011 will improve the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the International as safe country to visit.


Based on what the writer explained above, the question for this study is:

How did SEA Games 2011 benefit Indonesia to achieve its national interest in tourism Sector?


The Purpose of this research according to the statement above:

1. To give an idea of the concept of Public diplomacy and Cultural Diplomacy as well as the national interests of Indonesia, especially in the tourism sector in the 2011 SEA Games. 2. Analyze the impact of Southeast Asian Games 2011 on tourism in Indonesia. 3. To Show the strategies used by Indonesian government in SEA Games 2011.


1. This research can be a contributing ideas, methods, or solutions as well as to find out how the impact of SEA Games in 2011 as a soft power instrument in improving the image of Indonesia in international eyes as well as the promotion of tourism to boost tourism sector.

2. Adding references and bibliography of International Relations in the building ideas and scientific development as well as the suggestion and reference for the government in using an International sport Event as a strategy to achieve the national interest


To explain the existing problems above, there will be four concepts used, which are National Interest, the soft power on Mega Event, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy These concept is expected to explain and illustrate how big the impact of SEA Games 2011 as an instrument of soft power in achieving Indonesia's national interest in tourism sector.

I.6.1. National Interest

According to Jack C. Plano and Olton Roy, the national interest is the fundamental objective and the most decisive factors that guide decision-makers in the formulation of foreign policy, national interests is the common conception, but it is an element that becomes a vital necessity for the country. These elements include the survival of the nation and the state, independence, territorial integrity, security, military, and economic prosperity.21

The national interest in a narrow sense can be defined as “general welfare, legal protection of rights and interests to maintain the life sustainability in politic and culture identity.”22 Whereas, according to Morgenthau, the national interests of a country are the pursuit of power which is anything that can establish and maintain control of a country on the other countries.23 The power will not be achieved without national strength. Politics of a country can not be separated from a national interest, since the purpose of politics is to defend national interests.

Therefore, the purpose of Indonesian foreign policy formulation leading to defend the sustainability of nation, to conduct the diplomacy to increase the number of tourism and promoting tourism in Indonesia and to improve the image of Indonesia in International community as safe country to visit.

21 Plano, C. Jack & Roy Olton. (1982). The International Dictionary. England: Translation of Wawan Juanda, Third Edition, Clio Press Ltd. p.7. 22 Ibid. 23Mas’oed, Mochtar. (1990). Ilmu Hubungan Internasional: Disiplin dan Metodologi, Jakarta LP3ES. P.163.

11 I.6.2. Soft power on Sport Mega- Event

The second face of power or we usually called it Soft Power, according to Joseph Nye, Soft power is the ability to ‘get others to want outcomes that you want’ unite people or corporate with them instead of force them,24 soft power puts on the ability to the ability to form the others’ preferences. Soft power is not simply the same as effect, hard power has also effect on menaces or payments; soft power is more than persuasion or the ability to move others by argument but it also the capability to attract which often lead to acquiescence. Political leaders understand the power of attraction, if that can get others to do what they want, and then they do not have to use hard power to make others do it. Soft power is a principle of daily democratic politics activities; the power to establish preferences tends to be linked with inexplicable assets such as a delightful identity, culture, state values and organizations and policies that appeared as valid authority.25

According to Nye, the changing nature of international relations after the end of cold war and the risk tied to spread traditional military forms of power has directed to ‘intangible power resources such as culture, ideology, and organizations becoming more important in international relations.26 Soft power is a key and found in the capability of states,27 sport mega-events have potentials to provide appearing power and opportunities to produce attraction even where they have unattractive domestic political characteristics, and the key benefit of sports mega-event is that the hosting countries can communicate their elegances through sport’s cultural values which are shared in the sport mega-events. 28 Hosting countries can raise their culture beauty to other countries by showing that they do

24 Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (1990). Soft power. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 25 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 27 Mattern, J.B. (2005). Why Soft Power Isn’t So Soft: Representational Force and the sociolinguistic Construction of attraction in world politics. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from the_Sociolinguistic_Construction_of_Attraction_in_World_politics 28 Grix J., & Lee D. (2003). Soft Power, Sports Mega Events and Emerging States: The Lure of the Politics of Attraction. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from http://pure- ort.pdf

12 not only share those denomination, but they desire to be a victor as well, and celebrate together with their own way of state and culture.29

I.6.3. Public Diplomacy

Diplomacy is a way for achieve the interests of an actor in a peaceful way, so war is considered as a last resort to resolve a conflict. The diplomacy during World War II is a formal dialogue between countries to resolve the conflict. However, as time goes by and globalization which increasingly makes the countries in the world are connected and interdependence, diplomacy is also develop. In the post-cold war, diplomacy then not only done by the state, but also non-state actors, such as the International Organization, Multinational Corporations, and individuals. Media communication then becomes very important in connecting each actor in terms of diplomacy, causing the emerging concept of Public Diplomacy. Both of these elements have an important role for the government to run their Public Diplomacy.30 Public Diplomacy is a way to build relationships by understanding the needs, culture, and society; communicating the vision; justify misperceptions that exist in the international community; look for the area where the government can find the common ground. 31 Public Diplomacy defined as a process of communication to the foreign public governments that aims to provide an understanding of the state, attitudes, institutions, culture, national interests, and policies that taken by the country.32 Jay Wang seen Public Diplomacy as an effort to enhance the quality of communication between the state and society. The impact of that includes the political, economic, social, and in its implementation, is no longer monopolized by the government.33 Meanwhile, Jan Mellisen defined Public Diplomacy as an effort to affect other peoples or organizations outside the

29 Grix J., & Lee D. (2003). Soft Power, Sports Mega Events and Emerging States: The Lure of the Politics of Attraction. Loc.Cit 30 Leonard, Mark. (2002). Public Diplomacy. The Foreign Policy Centre. London. 31 Ibid. 32 Wang, Jay. (2006). Public Diplomacy and Global Business. The Journal of Business Strategy 27 (3). p.49-58. Retrieved on February 26, 2017 from 33 Ibid.

13 country in positive way to changing the people’s perspective to a country. 34 Based on all definitions, it can be said that Public Diplomacy is used to promote national interests through understanding, informing, and influencing public outside the country. Because, Public Diplomacy is an instrument of soft power. I.6.4 Cultural Diplomacy

According to KM Panikkar in his book "The Principles and Practice of Diplomacy" stated, "Diplomacy, in conjunction with international politics is "The art of promoting the interests of a country in relation with other countries."35

Culture in a general sense means all the results and efforts of cultivation of man on the environment, so that cultural diplomacy can be interpreted as an attempt of a nation to fight for its national interests through the dimensions of culture, both in micro such as education, science, sports, and the arts, or any macro in accordance with the characteristics the main characteristic, such propaganda and others, which in the conventional sense can be considered as non-political, economic, or military. Some literature calls it propaganda.36

Actor of cultural diplomacy can be done by the government or non- government, individual or collective, or any nation, so the pattern that occurs in the form of government relations to government, public to private, private - private, government - private, the main purpose of cultural diplomacy is to influence public opinion (the people of other countries) to support a particular foreign policy. The general pattern that usually occurs in diplomatic relations is between people (a country) with other people (other countries). However, the general opinion meant here is to influence government policy communities concerned. Whereas the main purpose of cultural diplomacy is public opinion, both in the national level (of a certain community of nation states) as well as international level, with expectations that public opinion can influence the

34 Melissen, Jan. (2006). Public Diplomacy Between Theory and Practice. The Present and Future of Public Diplomacy: A European Perspective. California: Rand Corporation. p.43. 35 KM. Panikkar. (1993). The Principle and Practice of Diplomacy. Dalam Diplomasi Terjemahan Harwanto dan Mirsawati, PT Raja Grafindo, Jakarta. P.3 36 Warsito, Tulus & Wahyuni Kartikasari. (2007). Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang : Studi Kasus di Indonesia, Ombak, . P.3.

14 decision makers in government or international organization.37 The relationship between the actor and the target of cultural diplomacy can be seen as follows:

Country A Country B

Government Government


Interest Interest

Strategy Society Society

Figure 1.1. Actors and cultural diplomacy objectives.38

Figure above explains that each country, in order to achieve the national interest, always optimizing the national resources (national power). In the utilization of culture, the whole national strength engineered into Cultural Strategy.

Based on the figure above, the international sport event or SEA Games whose role in doing cultural diplomacy is the government as well as society (SEA Games 2011 organizing committee, corporate sponsors, etc.). Government and society in a country to achieve its national interests to maximize national power which is with the cultural strategy through the SEA Games 2011 so that the International community will further to know Indonesia from various fields.

The main objective of the cultural diplomacy is to influence public opinion (the people of other countries) in order to support a foreign policy in

37 Warsito, Tulus & Wahyuni Kartikasari. (2007). Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang : Studi Kasus di Indonesia, Ombak, Yogyakarta. P.3-4. 38 Ibid. P.17.

15 order to achieve the national interest. 39 Material and content of the Cultural Diplomacy is all about macro and micro considered as utilization of cultural aspects (in foreign policy), among others: the arts, tourism, sports, technology, education and others. In macro, Cultural Diplomacy is the efforts of a country in the defense of the national interests through the dimensions of culture, including the use of fields of ideology, technology, politics, economics, sports, military, social, artistic, and others in the arena of the international community.40

Sport is a culture. Culture can be connected with other elements such as the issues that related with the relations between nations, called diplomacy. The use of cultural diplomacy is more effective because the culture itself is an important thing that concerns the life of the community. As what have been explained, sport is also part of cultural diplomacy, diplomacy through sport (sport diplomacy) until now has been developed by some countries in the world, this is because cultural diplomacy through this sport can introduce the country's distinctive culture. Therefore, the SEA Games 2011 used as a means of cultural diplomacy because it is more effective to build the relations between nations and promoting culture through sport, through the SEA Games as well, Indonesia shows its development to the world.


Writing about the research related to the conduct of mega sports events and national interests has provided information in the form of research, journals, books, or in any other form. This literature review aims to provide relevant information and made a comparison with the current study.

A research from David Black entitled The Symbolic Politics of Sport Mega-Event explain widespread benefits derived from the implementation of an

39 Kim, Hwajung. (2011). Cultural Diplomacy as the Means of Soft Power in an Information Age. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from studies/Hwajung_Kim_Cultural_Diplomacy_as_the_Means_of_Soft_Power_in_the_Information_ Age.pdf 40 Ibid.

16 international sporting event for the host country.41 Black emphasis on economic benefits and development, including investment in infrastructure and promotion of self-directed opportunity to widen investment, tourism, and also the ability to attract similar events in the future. Mega sport event itself has a long history as a vehicle to articulate key messages related to the host. Further also seen in the format in major events such as the opening and closing ceremonies, which are projecting chance compelling narrative about the host country. According to Black each country has a vulnerability identity and political economy, and competing in a global world and then see that the implementation of an international sports competition as an opportunity to face the vulnerability and the need for this among other alternatives.

Airton Valente Saboya Junior and Joan Noguera Tours wrote that the organization of International sport events provides great effect with the arrival of participants and spectators, it has attraction for the media and it is a major investment in infrastructure, logistics and security for the organizers. 42 The organizers have the opportunity of showing the cultural and social as well as political and economic capabilities to the world.

Brazil as the host country of Football World Cup in 2014 has been building and modernizing public infrastructure and services so that with the attractive packaging they can attract and increase tourism and also will attract more investors to invest in Brazil. For the event of the 2014 World Cup, Brazil expand funds around $ 15 billion US dollars to develop the host cities, the modernization of infrastructure, public facilities and transport, improving public services and also to build and improve sports facilities. For the construction sector, logistics, tourism, hospitality and business services are the sectors that get benefits from the World Cup 2014 in Brazil. Besides that, 2014 World Cup will

41Black, David. (2007). The Symbolic Politics of Sport Mega-Events: 2010 in Comparative Perspective, Politicon: South African Journal of Political Studies Vol 34 no 3. Taylor & Francis Group. p.261-276. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from 42 Saboya, Airton Valente Junior & Joan Noguera Tur. Mega Sporting Events and Legacy: The Case 2014 of the World Cup. The Institute of Local Development: Universidad de Valencia. p.2. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from

17 leave a various type of physical legacy, social, economic, institutional and brand but with a record that the people of Brazil able to take advantage of the inheritance.

Organizing sport event impacting the organizer country as described by Suzanne Dowse comparing with the 2010 World Cup in South Africa with the 2006 World Cup in Germany in International Politics, Germany, South Africa, and FIFA World Cup.43 Dowse connect the International sport event with soft power of the country where the positive potential of an International sports event is identified through its ability to attract global attention and increase the attraction towards the host country and even outside the event.

Organizing International sports competitions give the host country a platform to raise their profile and give a message to the International community. 44 Positive perceptions and emotional attraction from the sport, especially when related with the national team, making this sport event give the moment where a country can celebrate their national pride and patriotism. As a result, the event could also mobilize cultural attributes that attract and provide a context in which other social and political beliefs can be projected.

The function of sport event as a soft power is more likely to be promoted to the main objective, namely the economy, then the purpose of national development and consolidation of political legitimacy. Dowse takes the case of Germany in the 2006 FIFA World Cup, which is by the main motivation to update the image and relate financial opportunity as the country that is modern, innovative and friendly tourism destination. It also has ambitions of national development in a nation that once divided and still keep the wounds of World War II. The results of this event is able to meet the expectations of Germany as the host.

43 Dowse, Suzanne. (2011). Power Play: International Politics, Germany, South Africa and the FIFA World Cup. South African Institute of International Affairs Occasional Paper No. 82. p.6. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from international-politics-germany-south-africa-and-the-fifa-world-cup/file 44 Ibid.

18 Although it has similarities as a developed country to host, the influence and power of South Africa that weaker would affect the orientation and the results that they get as the host compared to Germany. With the power of the relatively weaker, the international sport event can be used as a tool of diplomacy to move the soft power potential of developing countries.

Then Humphreys and Prokopowicz also wrote how the event of the UEFA Championship or European Cup is able to give significant impact towards the host country.45 UEFA (Union of European Football Association) as the European football authorities require that Poland and Ukraine as hosts providing public infrastructure and accommodation that is integrated with the transport system for the participants and spectators. More than 500 thousand people will go to Poland and Ukraine which will certainly bring benefits to the economic actors. Poland and Ukraine as Euro 2012 organizers broadly benefited in three things: Increasing foreign travelers both participants and spectators when organizing the 2012 European Cup and after the event is complete, infrastructure and public services are getting better; as well as a sense of nationalism citizens increases.46

From the above research can be concluded there is a closeness toward what is observed in this study. This study will find out what the role of sport event SEA Games 2011 in achieving the national interests and its effects on tourism of Indonesia.


As what have been explained above, this research is about the benefit of SEA Games held in Indonesia towards the national interest, especially in tourism sectors of Indonesia. To limit the problem to be described, the range of research on SEA Games 2011: International Sport Event as soft power Instrument in achieving Indonesia’s national interest in tourism sectors will only discuss in

45 Humphreys, B.R. and Prokopowicz. Assessing the impact of sports mega-events in transition economies: EURO 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. Int. J. Sport Management and Marketing. p.5. Retrieved March 17, 2017 from 46 Ibid.

19 2010-2012 in which the author would like to see the the development of Indonesia tourism before the event, during event and also the writer would like to see the enhancement number of tourism after the event of SEA Games 2011.


Research methodology is one of the ways to systematically conduct the research. In it we learn the wide steps that are basically applied by a researcher in learning his research problem along with the logic behind them. Researchers require to know which of these methods or techniques, are relevant and which are not, and would they mean and show and why. Researchers also have to see the assumptions underlying wide techniques and they should know the characteristic by which they can determine that particular techniques and procedures will be applicable to particular problems and other will not.

There are two methods that used in writing academic research and thesis: Qualitative method and Qualitative method. However, this thesis will be adapting qualitative method, the author will provide deep view on the increasing of tourism sectors through SEA Games 2011 that held in Indonesia.


Researcher will be using three sources to support literature review and electronic news update from the internet.  Journals and Articles

To support the literature, there are two articles and two journals used in this thesis, its explain about state benefits after the implementation of an international sport event. these articles and journals much help the author to find the right explanation regarding the issue.

 Internet

Nowadays, internet is one of the most effective ways to find documents shortly. In this thesis, the author uses electronic news update from the

20 internet to absorbed mainly from Olympic Council of Asia official website and Central Bureau of Statistics.



Chapter 1 contains important parts of the thesis, background of study, problem identification, statement of problems, research objective, significance of study, theoretical framework, literature review, scope and limitation of study, and research methodology that contain research instrument are involved in first chapter. The purpose of this chapter is to make the readers understand what the topic of the research is, what the theories that the writer uses to discuss the topic and facilitate the information needed for the readers before going to read the following chapters.


The content of this chapter is explain about the development and the history of SEA Games, Indonesia as the host of SEA Games 2011 and Indonesia preparation in organizing the SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia.


In this chapter, the researcher would like to enlighten the conditions of tourism in Indonesia, which affecting much towards the Indonesia’s national interest, especially in tourism sectors. This chapter also tells the conditions of tourism before and after the SEA Games held.


Chapter 4 will be analyzing on how the international sport event, which in this case is SEA Games can affect in the achieving Indonesia’s national interest in tourism sector, the benefits of SEA Games 2011 for Indonesia in tourism sectors

21 and also the role of Indonesia’s national interest during the event. This chapter also analyze the tourism conditions in Jakarta and Palembang as these two cities are the host for SEA Games 2011.


In the last chapter, the researcher would like to give the conclusion of all the chapters. The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the data obtained and analysis of the writer in the previous chapter.



II.1. The Development of SEA Games

Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games) is a sport event hold biennial which involving participants from 10 member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) which are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and one participating country (East Timor). The event of SEA Games is set under regulation of the Southeast Asian Games Federation (SAGF) with oversight by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).47

Figure 2.1. Logo of SEA Games Federation

Source: SEA Games Federation Office.48

Previously SEA Games known as the SEAP Games (Southeast Asian Peninsular Games). SEAP Games was conceptualized by Laung Sukhum Nayapradit in the late 1957, who became vice president of the Olympic Committee of Thailand at that time. The creation of Southeast Asian Peninsular

47 Official Website of The Olympic Council of Asia. Southeast Asian Games. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 48 Official Website of SEA Games Federation Office. SEAP and SEA Games History. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from

23 Games was come from the fact that the exchange of sport often happened between Thailand and other neighboring countries. 49 SEAP Games proposed because sport events will help promote cooperation, understanding and also to keep solidarity among the Southeast Asia region.50

Myanmar become the first country that send its invitation to Thailand to compete in football, rugby, badminton, tennis, boxing, basketball, athletics regularly, perhaps rather traditionally. Laung Sukhum Nayapradit, who was the Vice President of National Olympic Committees of Thailand, had a thought that the South East Asia Peninsular Group could be organized similar like “The Asian Games” or “The Olympic Games”, as the people in this region have the similarity in climate and in physical appearance in order to improving and increasing sporting standards of the South East Asia Peninsular member countries, before compete in other international multi-sport games, such as the Asian Games and the Olympic Games. therefore, this would help them to enhance their potentials in sport, also in relationship and in cooperation among the neighboring countries.51

At that point, in 1958, Laung Sukhum Nayapradit gave his concept to Mr.Dave Kicher, honorary coach of Amateur Athletic Association of Thailand, who privately left for Cambodia and Vietnam between 8 and 14 February 1958 to discuss and sound out opinions about this matter with foreigners further. At that time Cambodia and Vietnam seem fully supports that proposal. then, the idea was accepted and materialized when he submitted the issue to the Thailand Olympic Committee meeting on February 22, 1958. The meeting accepted in principle and organization of SEAP Games was set to launch for the first time in December 1958 in Along with the creation of the 1st SEAP Games, assignments were made to let Laung Sukhum Nayapradit, Mr. Kong Visudharomn and Mr.

49 Official Website of SEA Games Federation Office. SEAP and SEA Games History. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from 50Lao National Olympic committee, The History of SEA Games, Retrieved April 10,2017 from 51Ibid.

24 Svasti Lekhyananda monitor the project and other details further. The cabinet then approved this new sport development a little moment later.52

On May 22, 1958, participated at the Tokyo 3rd Asian Games that was a set of committee formed by the Olympic Committee of Thailand which are consisting of Luang Sukhum Nayapradit, Mr. Kong Visudharomn and Mr. Svasti Lekhyananda, as the representative of Thailand to propose and discuss the organization of international competition to be held by the Peninsular Group Countries. The meeting was attended by the six founding members which are Burma, Cambodia, Lao, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The meeting approved, admitted and named the competition as the South East Asia Peninsular Games (SEAP Games) in 1959.53

The first SEAP Games was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 12 to 17 December 1959 which comprise more than 527 athletes and coaches or managers from Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Laos participating in 12 sports.54 SEA Games in 1975, the SEAP Federation considered the inclusion of Indonesia and the Philippines. Both of these countries were formally admitted in 1977, and in the same year when SEAP Federation changed their name to Southeast Asian Games Federation (SEAGF), and is now known as the Southeast Asian Games (SEA Games). Brunei was admitted in the 9th SEA Games in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and East Timor was admitted in the 22nd SEA Games in Hanoi, Vietnam.55

Up to the year 2011 Southeast Asian Games has been held as many as 26 times. SEA Games 25th held in Vientiane city, Laos was a special sporting event. This is because in the event the SEA Games in 2009 is also the 50th anniversary of the event since the South East Asian Games were held for the first time in

52Official website of SEA Games Federation Office. SEAP and SEA Games History. Retrieved April 10,2017 from 53Ibid. 54 21st SEA Games. History of Southeast Asia Games. Sadec. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from Sea2001/ history.html 55 Lao National Olympic committee, The History of SEA Games, Retrieved April 10,2017 from

25 Bangkok Thailand in 1959.56 And the last few years the SEA Games have been held in Indonesia which is in 2011, Myanmar in 2013 and 2015 in Singapore. This year 2017 SEA Games will be conducted in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 19th - 31st August 57. A long history of SEA Games is certainly still growing more advanced and better from year to year.

II.2. Indonesia Hosting SEA Games 2011

South East Asian Games 2011 was held in two cities in Indonesia, Palembang and Jakarta. Previously the Capital of Jakarta had held the SEA Games 3 times, in 1979,1987 and 1997.58 Palembang record history as the third city that organizes the SEA Games outside the nation's capital after Chiang Mai and Nakhon Ratchasima at the 18th SEA Games performance in 1995 and the 24th SEA Games in 2007, Thailand.59 Palembang was chosen as the host city of the 26th SEA Games are considered eligible to become the host city because Palembang has many support facilities and has meet the standards.60 Chairman of INASOC National Committee and Chairman of the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) / Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) Rita Subowo said the involvement of Palembang and Jakarta support the successful of SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia.61

56 21st SEA Games. History of Southeast Asia Games. Sadec. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from Sea2001/ history.html 57 Kuala Lumpur 2017. SEA Games 2017 in Malaysia. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 58 Official website of the Olympic Council of Asia. SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from 59 Official website of the Olympic Council of Asia. Nakhon Ratchasima 2007. Retrieved May 13 , 2017 from 60 (2010). Sumsel Layak Jadi Tuan Rumah SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from js ames.2011. 61 (2007). Indonesia Tuan Rumah SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from

26 II.2.1. Indonesia as The Host Country in SEA Games 2011

On the performance of 26th SEA Games in 2011, Indonesia trusted to be the host for the biggest sport event throughout South-East Asia. This is the fourth time for Indonesia hosted a Sport event after earlier SEA Games in the 1979, SEA Games in 1987 and SEA Games in 1997. Singapore was chosen as the host for the 26th SEA Games, then Singapore postpone its readiness to host the event. 62 Chairman of the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) in 2007, Rita Subowo said delegates from member countries of the SEA Games Federation warmly welcome enthusiastically the enactment of Indonesia as the host of the 26th SEA Games.63

In 2011, the SEA Games held within 11 days from 11 November – 22 November 2011 in two cities host, Palembang and Jakarta with 542 gold medals in the game for 44 sports, Indonesia was chosen to host 26th when SEA Games Federation Council meeting in Bangkok, Thailand on 6 September 2006.64

Palembang was chosen to be the main host of SEA Games 2011 that based on the decision of President who said Palembang is the most vibrant city, accompanied by the readiness of sport stadium facilities. At first, the government announced that the SEA Games will be held in four provinces, which are West Java, Central Java, Jakarta and South . and chosen to be nominated host of the event following a pledge from Vice President Muhamad Jusuf kalla when selecting host for the National Games 2012. 65 However, to optimize its implementation, Sports Committee chairman, Rita Subowo, appoint two other cities, which are Jakarta and Palembang as host of supporters. But the idea of organizing in four provinces

62 (2007). Indonesia Gelar SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 63 (2007). Indonesia Tuan Rumah SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 64 Official website of The Olympic Council of Asia, Indonesia 2011, 26th South East Asian Games, January 20, 2017 from 65 Suryani, Sri, Anih. (2011). Menyongsong SEA Games 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2017 From 67.pdf. P.9.

27 eventually abandoned and the host is given only to Palembang and Jakarta. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has suggested two provinces is enough to hold the SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia, in order to reduce operational costs and facilitate coordination of implementation.66

Bumi Sriwijaya (Palembang) designated as the host of the SEA Games besides Jakarta become the host support. Thus, after Chiang Mai and Nakhon Ratchasima in Thailand, one of the largest province of Sumatra island will be recorded as one of the three cities that once hosted the SEA Games outside of the Capital City of the State. Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee (INASOC) decided to make the Southeast Asian Games 26th event become memorable with choosing a beautiful date for the opening ceremony that can be easy to remember, which is on November 11st,2011 (11/11/11). The opening ceremony itself was held along the , Palembang, while the closing ceremony was held in the historic building, Benteng Kuto Besak.67

II.2.2. INASOC (Indonesia SEA Games Organizing Committee)

Indonesia South East Asian Games Organizing Committee or INASOC is the organizing committee of SEA Games 2011, the agency also become organizers for ASEAN ParaGames 2011. 68 INASOC is under the Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI), KOI conducts Indonesian participation in International sports week such as Olympic, Asian Games, SEA Games and others. Initially the function is part of the National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) and then separated from National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI)69 in accordance with Law number 3 year 2005 on the National Sport System and Government Regulation Number 17 year 2007 on the implementation of Week and Sports Championships. Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) is also a member of the

66 The Jakarta Post. (2010). 2 Province Enough in SEA Games 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from sby.html. 67Ibid. 68 The ASEAN Para Games is a biannual multi-sport event held after every Southeast Asian Games for Southeast Asian athletes with physical disabilities. 69 Official website of National Sports Committee of Indonesia. Tugas Pokok KONI. Retrieved May 13, 2017 fromTu

28 International Olympic Committee (IOC) 70 where Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) officially became the member on March 11, 1952.71 Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) officially became the member on March 11, 1952. Chairman of INASOC National Committee is Rita Subowo who also doubles as chairman of National Sports Committee of Indonesia (KONI) / Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) and the chairman of INASOC executive committee is Rahmat Gobel. 72 Rahmat Gobel is an entrepreneur and the president director of PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia.73

II.2.3. Logo and Mascot of SEA Games 2011

On 15 January 2011, the eagle was introduced as the official logo of 26th SEA Games. Besides being a symbol of the State of Indonesia, eagle symbolizes strength. Flapping its wings symbolizes the splendor and glory. Three colors are reflected in the logo was red as a symbol of courage, spirit and nationalism, green symbolizes nature Indonesian mountains and blue symbolize the ocean and the marine wealth of Indonesia.

Figure 2.2. Emblem of SEA Games 2011

Source: Olympic Council of Asia, Emblem, Indonesia 2011.74

70 The official website of Olympic. Indonesia. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 71 Official website of National Sports Committee of Indonesia. (2013). History of National Sports Committee of Indonesia. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from us/history.html#. 72 (2011). Malam Ini Inasoc Luncurkan Situs Resmi SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from games-xxvi/3603. 73Ibid. 74 Official Website of The Olympic Council of Asia. The emblem and Mascot of Southeast Asian Games 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from

29 The logo is reinforced with the launch of the 2011 SEA Games mascot in the form of komodo officially introduced on April 25, 2011, precisely 200 days before the SEA Games. Komodo has been known as creature that strong in facing obstacles. The world's largest lizard chosen because it is one of Indonesia’s pride and including as Indonesia native animal populations that are currently rare. Live and thrive in the Eastern Indonesian islands, Komodo island which is the way of Indonesia promote its Komodo to the world, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) for millions of years, the current population is stable in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 individuals. Currently the population found in Komodo National Park includes the islands of Komodo, Rinca, and Padar, East Nusa Tenggara. The characters that appear based on the concept called "Modo and Modi", a pair of komodo dressed in traditional clothing. Modo is a male komodo dressed in Indonesian traditional costumes in blue color with sash batik sarong. Meanwhile, Modi is a female komodo wearing red kebaya also with scarf and batik fabric. In philosophy, "Modo" is short of Komodo name, and "Modo-Modi" is a modification of the Muda-Mudi (youth) intended for Indonesia teens. Modo and Modi was chosen as the mascot to make komodo getting known and make the SEA Games be a momentum to further expand the promotion of komodo to the world, as well as the effort of Indonesia to promote ‘Taman Nasional komodo’ as the candidate of ‘New 7 Wonders of Nature’ in the world.

Figure 2.3. Mascot of SEA Games 2011

Source. Olympic Council of Asia, Mascot, Indonesia 2011.75

75 Official Website of The Olympic Council of Asia. The emblem and Mascot of Southeast Asian Games 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2017 from

30 II.2.4. Preparations towards SEA Games 2011

For the cost of the 2011 SEA Games preparation, from the Indonesian national budget in 2010, budgeted a total cost of 250 billion rupiahs, or about 38.7 million US dollars, meanwhile from the Indonesian national budget in 2011 budgeted total cost of 2.1 trillion rupiah or approximately 230 million US dollars.76 According to the Sports Minister, Andi Mallarangeng, the Indonesian government increase the budget of 1 trillion or approximately 110 million dollars from the state budget includes 600 billion rupiahs from the budget for the education sector, and donations from sponsors.77


On the performance of the 26th SEA Games in 2011, Indonesia has been preparing the SEA Games venues preparation in two cities in Indonesia which are Palembang and Jakarta. Palembang will be held 22 Sports and Jakarta will be held 24 Sports. 11 Countries will compete in SEA Games 2011 to become general winner in this competition.78 And below are the list of Sports to be competed In 26th South East Asian Games on November 11th- November 22nd , 2011.

NO SPORTS VENUES 1 Athletics Jakabaring Complex Aquatics (Diving) Jakabaring Complex Aquatics (Swimming) Jakabaring Complex 2 Aquatics (Synchronize) Jakabaring Complex Aquatics (Water Polo) Lumban Tirta Pool 3 Baseball Jakabaring Complex 4 Billiards & Snookers Arena Billiard Jakabaring 5 Boxing Gedung Basket Indoor Kampus 6 Bridge Swarna Dipa Hotel 7 Chess Jayakarta Hotel 8 Fin Swimming Jakabaring Complex

76 (2010). SEA Games Butuh Biaya Rp.2,1 T. Retrieved April 3, 2017 from (2010). SEA Games akan Gunakan Anggaran pendidikan Rp 600 Miliar. Retrieved April 3, 2017 from .lain/10/08/12/129819-duh-sea-games-akan-gunakan-anggaran-pendidikan-rp-600-miliar 78 The Official website of SEA Games 2011. About SEA Games 2011. Retrieved April 3,2017 from

31 9 Football Jakabaring Complex Gymnastics Jakabaring Complex 10 Artistik & Ritmik Ranau Gymnastic Hall Aerobik Dempo Hall 11 Pentaque Jakabaring Complex 12 Roller Sport Jakabaring Complex 13 Sepak Takraw SPC Jakabaring 14 Shooting Jakabaring Complex 15 Softball Jakabaring Complex 16 Soft Tennis Jakabaring Complex 17 Tennis Jakabaring Complex Volley Indoor Sport Hall Sriwijaya (GOR Kampus) 18 Volley Beach Jakabaring Complex 19 Wall Climbing Jakabaring Complex 20 Water Ski Jakabaring Complex 21 Weighlifting GOR Dempo Jakbaring 22 Wresling Gedung Seba Guna Jakabaring Table 2.1. Venues in Palembang79

NO SPORTS VENUES 1 Archery Panahan Field, GBK, Senayan Aquatics (Open Water 2 Swimming) Putri Island 3 Badminton Istora Stadium 4 Basketball Gor Basket Sport Mall Kelapa Gading 5 Bowling Bowling Jaya Ancol 6 Canoeing Cipule, west Java 7 Cycling (Track) Velodrome, Rawamangun Cycling (BMX) Ancol Cycling (Road Race) Subang Road Cycling (MTB) Sentul, Gunung Pancar 8 Equestrian Athayasa, 9 Fencing Balairung UI, Depok 10 Football Stadion Utama Senayan 11 Futsal POPKI Sport Hall Cibubur Jagorawi Golf Country Club Cimanggis, 12 Golf 13 Judo Gedung Judo, Kelapa Gading

79 List of Sport in SEA Games 2011, Retrieved April 3, 2017 from

32 14 Karate Tennis Indoor Senayan 15 Paragliding Gunung Mas, Puncak 16 Pencak Silat Padepokan Pencak Silat, TMII 17 Rowing Cipule, west Java 18 Sailing Marina Ancol Beach 19 Shorinji Kempo Ciracas Sport Hall 20 Table Tennis Hall A GMSB, Kuningan 21 Taekwondo POPKI Sport Hall Cibubur 22 Traditional Boat Race Cipule, west Java 23 Vovinam Gelanggang Remaja Kec. Tanjung Priok, Kel.Sunter Agung 24 Wushu Tennis Indoor Senayan Table 2.2. Venues in Jakarta80

Public Transport

In Order to prepare for athletes, official and visitors during the SEA Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta, several significant changes were made in the two host cities of Palembang and Jakarta. Palembang expands the airport of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II more than one hundred percent.81 The airport is served by only seven airlines and serves only three other ASEAN countries namely Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. INASOC (the organizing committee of SEA Games Indonesia) increased the number of flights, especially those connecting flights from Jakarta and Singapore to Palembang as well as the ease of charter flights from other SEA Games participating countries.82 The transport, communications and information office in provides a total of 40 buses, 100 midibuses, 300 minibuses and 100 motorcycles for athletes, officials

80 List of Sport in SEA Games 2011. Loc.Cit 81 TrijayaPalembang. (2010). Bandara Diperluas Jelang SEA Games 2011. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from 82 SuaraKaryaOnline.(2010). Inasoc Upayakan Tambah Jadwal Penerbangan. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from

33 and journalists.83 Besides, a , trans musi, served Palembang and surrounding of Ogan Ilir and Banyuasin.

Jakarta is served by Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. On December 31, 2010, Jakarta's bus rapid transit, Transjakarta opened two new corridors, corridors 9 and 10. Jabodetabek KRL is a mass transportation system serving Jakarta and its passengers. Regarding traffic congestion in Jakarta, police blocked trucks from inner city toll roads between 5.00am and 10pm, similar to the ASEAN Summit. Only shuttle buses with certain stickers are allowed to enter 2 main game places namely Ancol and Gelora Bung Karno stadium.84

83 TrijayaPalembang. (2010). Dishubkominfo Sumsel Siapkan Ratusan Bus Untuk SEA Games 2011. retrieved April 10, 2017from siapkan-ratusan-bus-untuk-sea-games/. 84 TheJakartaPost. (2011). Preparation for SEA Games Still Mired Chaos. Retrieved April 10, 2017 from chaos.html.



III.1. Overview of Indonesia Tourism

Tourism is one of the basic needs of human beings. As a basic human need, tourism will meet human needs for leisure and recreation, educational and research needs, religious needs, physical and spiritual health needs, interest in culture and arts, security interests, political interests, and commercialization issues that help People's economic life. Tourism is done both individually, family, group and social organization.

Indonesia considered the importance of the tourism sector to continue to its development, there are many benefits gained from the tourism sector one of them is in terms of economic and cultural.85 As described by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of RI, the importance of tourism promotion for Indonesia as a contributor to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), foreign exchange and provision of employment. Tourism sector has a very important role for the life of the nation because the more tourists coming, the greater the foreign exchange earned in a country, where large foreign exchange earnings will greatly help the improvement of the Indonesian economy.86

According to the World Tourism Organization on tourism,87

“Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes.”

85 Agustian, Widi. (2013). Pentingnya Industri Pariwisata Untuk Pariwisata RI. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from RI pariwisata-untuk-ri. 86 Hasanudin, Muh. (2016). Kemenpar Paparkan Pentingnya Pariwisata Bagi Ekonomi Indonesia. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from pentingnya-pariwisata-bagi-ekonomi-indonesia. 87 Mak, James, (2004), Tourism and the Economy: Understanding the Economics of Tourism, P.3

35 Suwantoro in his book “Dasar-Dasar Pariwisata” defines the term of tourism, which is a change of temporary residence of a person outside his place of residence for a reason and not to conduct activities that generate wages.88 Thus it can be said that the journey undertaken by someone or more in order to gain pleasure and fulfill the desire to know something. It may also be due to interests related to sports activities for health, conventions, religious and other business purposes.

According to Indonesian law number 10 of 2009, tourism is a wide range of tourism activities and supported by various facilities and services provided by communities, employers, government and local governments. While tourism is a multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary tourism-related activity that emerges as a manifestation of the needs of every person and country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, fellow travelers, government, local government and employers. Tourism aims to:89

1. Increasing economic growth

2. Improving people's welfare

3. Eradicate poverty

4. Overcoming unemployment

5. Preserve nature, environment and resources

6. Advancing culture

7. Raising the image of the nation

8. Strengthen the identity and unity of the nation

9. Fostering the love of the homeland,

10. Strengthen friendship among nations.

88 Suwantoro, Gamal. (2004). Dasar-Dasar Pariwisata. Andi Publishing. p.3 89 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 on Tourism. Retrieved May 4, 2017 from

36 In the release issued by the World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO), the United Nations Secretary General of the UNWTO, Kofi Annan stated that the importance of tourism for the development of development countries in the world. It is said that:90

“Tourism really has the potential of opening up economic space for people around the world, he told staff gathered to greet him at the headquarters building where UNWTO was hosting a meeting of the UN‟s Chief Executives Board (CEB) for the first time. “We should encourage tourist developers to go and set up tourist developments,” he said, and in doing so to help provide basic amenities such as electricity and clean water for the communities living in those areas. This would help “uplift” the local people, “encouraging them to produce for the tourists.”

Tourism is one of a new industry which is capable generating rapid economic growth in the provision of employment, income generation, living standards and stimulate other productivity sectors. As a complex sector, tourism also includes classic industries such as handicrafts and souvenirs, lodging, and transportation economically also seen as an industry.91 Tourism is also called as an industry that began to develop in Indonesia since 1969, when it was realized that the tourism industry is a business that can provide benefits to entrepreneurs. In relation thereby the Government of the Republic of Indonesia from the outset issued the Presidential Instruction Number 9 of 1969 dated 6 August 1969, stating that, The development of tourism in Indonesia is a development of the tourism industry and it is part of the development and development efforts and the welfare of society and the state.92

Indonesia is an archipelago country that has many natural resources, rich in culture and Language. The natural charm of Indonesia has a beauty that attracts the world's attention, with the wealth and charm of Indonesia can be used as a destination or a destination for travel. Tourism in Indonesia is an important economic sector in Indonesia. In 2009, tourism ranked third in terms of foreign

90 Travel Breaking News. (2017). Kofi Annan Praises Tourism’s Potential on Visit to UNWTO. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from tourisms-potential-on-visit-to-unwto/ 91 Wahab, Saleh Ph. d, (1985). Manajemen Pariwisata, PT Pradya Paramitha. 92 Oka A. Yoeti, (1983). Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata, Bandung angkasa.

37 exchange earnings after oil and gas commodities seta palm oil.93 Natural and cultural riches are an important component of tourism in Indonesia. Nature Indonesia has a combination of tropical climates, 17,508 islands of which 6000 are uninhabited,94 as well as the third longest coastline in the world after Canada and the European union.95

The beaches in Bali, dive sites in Bunaken, Rinjani mountain in Lombok and various national parks in Sumatra are examples of natural tourism destinations in Indonesia. The attractions are supported by a rich cultural heritage that reflects the history and the dynamic ethnic diversity of Indonesia with 719 regional languages spoken throughout the islands.96 Prambanan and Borobudur temple, Toraja, Yogyakarta, Minangkabau and Bali are examples of cultural tourism destinations in Indonesia. Until 2010, there are 7 locations in Indonesia that have been set by UNESCO are included in the list of World Heritage sites.97 Meanwhile, four other representatives also set by UNESCO in the list of representative intangible culture of human heritage which are the Puppet, Kris, Batik and Angklung.98

Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics, the eleven most visited province is Bali around 3.7 million followed by DKI Jakarta, Special Region of Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java, North Sumatra, Lampung, South Sulawesi, South Sumatra, and West Sumatra.99 Management of tourism, national

93 Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia. Ranking Devisa Pariwisata Terhadap Komoditas Ekspor lainnya tahun 2004-2009. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 94 The World Factbook. CIA. (2017). East and Southeast Asia: Indonesia. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 95 The World Factbook. CIA. Field Listing- Coastline. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 96 Ethnologue-Languages of the World. Languages of Indonesia. Lewis, M. Paul (ed.) 16th edition. Dallas, tex.: SIL International. retrieved April 26, 2017 from 97 World Heritage Centre. Daftar tempat yang telah ditetapkan sebagai situs warisan Dunia. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 98 UNESCO. Daftar Representative Warisan Budaya Takbendawi. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 99 Antara news. (2011). Time For N. Maluku to become tourist destination. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from destination.

38 policy, government affairs in the field of culture and tourism in Indonesia is set by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia.100

III.2. Development of Tourism Sector in Indonesia

The progress of Indonesian tourism is inseparable from the effort that was pioneered since several decades ago. According to Oka. A. Yoeti, based on the development period, the history of Indonesian tourism can be divided into three important periods namely: The Dutch colonial period, the period of Japanese occupation, and after Indonesia became independent. Then, continued to the new chapter of tourism in Indonesia.101

III.2.1. The Dutch Colonial Period

Colonial tourism activities began in 1908, after the decision of Governor General Van Heutsz on the establishment of Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer (VTV) which was an agency or official tourist bureau at that time. With the decision of the governor-general, shows that the colonial government also paid attention to the tourism sector which is one of the foreign exchange earners apart from the trade sector. To support the promotion of tourism then the colonial government at that time to include the in exhibitions in Europe.102

The establishment of VTV in 1908 is the beginning for the tourism archipelago. VTV served to develop tourism in the Dutch East Indies and to develop tourism, VTV works together with some Dutch hindia companies such as KPM (Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij), KNILM (Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische Luthvaart Maatschappij), JMC (Java Motor Club),

100 Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia. (2015). Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi Kementrian Pariwisata. Retrieved April 26, 2017 from 101 Yoeti, Oka. A. (1996). Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata. Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa, p.24 102 Sunjayadi, Achmad. (2007). Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer Batavia (1908-1942) Awal Turisme di Hindia Belanda. Depok: FIB UI, P.23.

39 ABHINI (Algemeenen Bond Hotelhoulders in Nederlandsch-Indie) 103 , Staatsspoor-en Tramwegen. The job VTV was to promote the Dutch East Indies which was safe for foreigner tourist to visit.104

The Increased of trade between the continent of Europe and countries in Asia, including in Indonesia has resulted in a large number of people traveling with different motives according to their individual needs. To be able to provide services to those who travel, then established a Travel Agent in Batavia in 1926, namely Linssonne Lindeman (LISLIND)105 centered in the and now known as NITOUR (Netherlanshe Indische Touristen Bureau).

In the 1920s began to emerge various travel agents and other tourism organizations that helped the development of tourism in the Dutch East Indies such as NITOUR, Tourist Association of Garoet, Tourist Association of Magelang, Bandung Vooruit and others.106 In the Dutch colonial period it can be said that tourism activities was limited to whites people only and also the companies engaged in tourism was also the monopoly by NITOUR, KNILM (Koninklijke Nederlandsch-Indische Luchtvaart Maatschappij) and KPM 107 (Koninklijke Pakervaart Maatschappij) at that time. Although tourist visits at that time is still very limited, but in some cities and places in Indonesia has stood the hotel to ensure accommodation for those visiting the Dutch East Indies.108

The growth of the new accommodation business was known in the 19th century, it was also limited to large cities near the harbor only. The main hotel functions only to serve guests or passengers aboard newly arrived from the Netherlands or other European countries, which is then taken by using trains pulled with some horses because there is no car at that time. Entering the 20th

103 A.B.H.I.N.I Is an association of hotel owners in Dutch east Indies which includes Kring (area) preanger, Batavia, Midden-Java (Central Java), Oost-Java (East Java), outside Kring (Sumatra, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Maluku) 104 Sunjayadi, Achmad. (2007). Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer Batavia (1908-1942) Awal Turisme di Hindia Belanda. Depok: FIB UI, p.60. 105 Yoeti, Oka. A. (1996), Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata. Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa, p.31. 106 Ibid. 107 KPM adalah perusahaan pelayaran kerajaan milik belanda yang berdiri sejak tahun 1888. Pada tahun 1957 KPM di nasionalisasi pemerintah Indonesia dan sebagian armada kapalnya menjadi milik Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia(Pelni). 108 Bagus, Gusti, I. (2016). Pengantar Industri Pariwisata. Yogyakarta:Deepublish. P.32.

40 century then the hotels began to develop into the hinterland, like a guesthouse or inn. Since then the function of the hotel began to be perceived by the public a lot and people put themselves in accordance with the ability and degree respectively. Then from that it is known the term big inn (Hotel) and small inn (Inn).109

Furthermore, the only airline connecting Indonesia with the Netherlands at the time was KNILM which had a monopoly position for the operation of carrying passengers between these two countries. Same as KNILM, in 1928 sea transport was also monopolized by KPM. While the passenger transport by using a new train effective on the island of Java on October 1, 1927. At that time the passengers who want to travel to the island of Java must make a reservation seat three hours before the train departs. In 1927 tour activities have started to be developed especially in Java and Sumatra island which organized by LISLIND (Lissonne Lindeman). 110 To promote the Dutch East Indies tourism, VTV as tourist government office cooperates with various parties such as KPM, KNILM and also hotels to accommodate foreign tourists.111 With the cooperation of the Dutch East Indies government managed to attract foreign tourists and the number is growing from year to year.

III.2.2. During the Japanese Occupation Period

The occurrence of World War II in Europe as well as in Asia cause the cessation of tourism activities around the world. In Indonesia, tourism activities where the majority are Dutch people also come to a halt. Since the Japanese occupation in 1942, the tourist objects abandoned and also all the tourism facilities many taken by japan. Hotels that still in good condition being settled by Japanese army officers.112

In 1945, at the end of the Japanese colonial period, the Hotel des Indes was also used as the headquarters of RAPWI (Recovery of Allied Prisoners of

109 Bagus, Gusti, I. (2016) Pengantar Industri Pariwisata. Yogyakarta: Deepublish. P.33. 110 Ibid. 111 Sunjayadi, Achmad. (2007). Vereeneging Toeristen Verkeer Batavia (1908-1942) Awal Turisme di Hindia Belanda. Depok: FIB UI, p.49. 112 Kodhyat, H. (1996). Sejarah Pariwisata dan perkembangannya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasrana Indonesia, P. 54.

41 War and Internees). Hotel des Indes was then used as the RAPWI headquarters and a place of information to search for former prisoners of war and allied internees. In addition, this place also still serves as a temporary accommodation for Dutch citizens in Indonesia who want to be evacuated to their home country.

III.2.3. Post-Proclamation of Independence

On August 6 and 8, 1945, the atom bomb was dropped on and Nagasaki. Japan's defeat by the allies was responded by the leaders of Indonesia and on 17 August 1945, Indonesia proclaimed its independence. After Indonesia's independence, the new government was led by Soekarno as president and Hatta as vice president. With the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia, efforts to improve the economy are immediately undertaken.113

However, with the security disturbances from within and outside the country made the Indonesian economy is still difficult to develop. After a long struggle and negotiations finally the Dutch on 27 December 1949, in the Round Table Conference (KMB) in The Hague, Officially recognize the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation. 114 With the recognition of Indonesia's sovereignty, the government seeks to build a nation-wide economy devastated by war. One of the sectors which will also be built by the government is the tourism sector.

The government's first attempt was to establish an agency called HONET (Hotel Country and Tourism). The body is chaired by R. Tjipto Ruslan. HONET is under the Ministry of Communications, whose job is to continue the management of former Dutch hotels. Under HONET management, hotels in Yogyakarta, , Madiun, , , , Sarangan, Purwokerto, all changed their name to Hotel Merdeka.115

After the KMB was signed in 1949, then according to the agreement all Dutch property owned in Indonesia must be returned to its owner, including the hotel. That way, HONET is officially dissolved and replaced by a body called

113 Yoeti, Oka. A. (1996). Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata. Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa, p.38. 114 M.C. Ricklefs. (2005). Sejarah Indonesia Modern. Jogjakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. p.350. 115 Kodhyat, H. (1996). Sejarah Pariwisata dan perkembangannya di Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia Widiasrana Indonesia, P.38.

42 NV. Honet, which is the only Indonesian business entity in activities in the field of hospitality and tourism. After the sovereignty of Indonesia gained, the condition of economy and security in Indonesia is getting better. The government began to pay attention to the tourism sector as an important sector. In 1950-1965, many important tourism decisions such as the formation of the Inter- Departemental Committee of Tourisme Affairs, SERGAHTI (Joint Union Hotel and Tourisme Indonesia), YTI (Tourisme Indonesia Foundation), DTI (Dewan Tourisme Indonesia), DEPARI (Dewan Pariwisata Indonesia).

III.3. The Tourism Policy in Indonesia

Government policy as stipulated in Indonesian republic law No. 10 of 2009 contains and explains about tourism, which is where nature, flora and fauna as well as ancient, historical, and art and cultural treasures owned by the Indonesian nation are the resources and capital of tourism development to improve the welfare and prosperity of the people, and this development is needed to encourage equal opportunity and benefit and be able to face challenges of changes in local life, national and global life. From the above explanation, the formulation of the law decided that:116

(1) A tour is a travel activity undertaken by a person or group of people by visiting a particular place for recreational purposes, personal development, or studying the uniqueness of the attractions of the visited Attraction within a temporary period. (2) Tourists are people who do tours. (3) Tourism is a variety of tours activities and supported by various facilities and services provided by the community, businessmen, government, and local governments. (4) Tourism is overall activity which is related with tourism and multidimensional and multidisciplinary which emerging as a form of

116 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2009 on Tourism. Retrieved May 4, 2017 from

43 the needs of everyone and country as well as the interaction between tourists and the local community, fellow travelers, government, local government and employers. (5) The tourist attraction is anything that has uniqueness, beauty, and value in the form of diversity of natural wealth, culture, and man- made products that become the target or purpose of tourist visit. (6) Tourism destination area hereinafter referred to as tourism destination is geographic area which is in one or more administrative area in which there is tourism attraction, public facility, tourism facility, accessibility, and also interconnected society and complete the realization of tourism. (7) Strategic areas of tourism are areas that have the main function of tourism or have potential for tourism development that has an important influence in one or more aspects, such as economic growth, social and cultural, natural resource empowerment, environmental carrying capacity, defense and security. (8) Strategic areas that have the specificity of the region into a special tourism area established by law.

III.4. Indonesia Tourism and Sea Games 2011

The tourism sector of Indonesia continues to grow every year, the government also continues to develop the tourism industry because it is important in foreign exchange earnings and the Indonesian economy. And in the development of Indonesian tourism has a lot of things going for example such as security issues, other attractions that are still less promoted and so forth. Responding to the problem the government continues to make improvements in order to maintain and improve the tourism sector of Indonesia.117 SEA Games 2011 in Jakarta and Palembang will be very effective in increasing the tourism sector in Indonesia, because in every sporting event that comes not only athletes

117 Indonesia Investment. Industri Pariwisata Indonesia. Retrieved May 14 2017 from

44 but supporters will also come. Many of the multiple impacts that will arise from SEA Games 2011 event, including increasing the number of tourists who come especially the host cities of the SEA Games 2011.118

III.4.1. Indonesia Tourism Sector Condition Before and After the 26th SEA Games

Indonesia is a country that has the potential to progress and develop in the tourism sector. Indonesia has a myriad of natural wealth that can be used as tourism objects that are very charming and interesting to visit. Tourism in Indonesia continues to grow and the number of foreign tourists who come to Indonesia also continues to increase every year. The struggle of tourism in Indonesia can be said always experience challenges and changes every time. If we look at the condition of Indonesian tourism several years ago that is in 2007 to 2010 the number of foreign tourist arrivals in Indonesia has grown steadily. This solid performance is supported by the reduction of terrorist incidents in Indonesia.119 A series of terrorist attacks aimed at attacking visitors from western countries, in 2002 Bali Bombing incident and the Ritz-Carlton / Marriott bomb in 2009 in Jakarta succeeded in blocking the arrival of foreign tourists to Indonesia because many foreign tourists from western countries do not want to make Indonesia as a tourist destination in the months after the violent incidents. The Ritz-Carlton / Marriott bomb explains why the growth of tourist arrivals in 2009 is limited but within a year the number of tourists can be overcome and recovered.120

There are so many famous tourist destinations in Indonesia, not only in the country, there are many famous tourist attractions to foreign countries such as Bali, Lombok, Wakatobi, Bunaken and others. Such attractions include water attractions are very famous for its beauty. But also many tourist attractions that have a very good potential but received less attention from the government. Not

118 Ministry of tourism Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games Dongkrak Pariwisata Indonesia. Retrieved May 14, 2017 from 119 Indonesia Investment. Industri Pariwisata Indonesia. Retrieved May 14 2017 from 120 Ibid.

45 maintained these places cause no longer interesting to visit. In 2008 the government held a program of Visit Indonesia Year 2008 to increase the number of domestic tourists and foreign tourists to Indonesia 121 , in addition to this program as well as commemorate 100 years of national resurgence of Indonesia. Funds issued for this program amount to 15 Million US Dollars union which is mostly used for advertising programs at domestic and abroad. The result of this program is an increase in the number of foreign tourists reaching 6.2 million tourists compared to the previous year of 5.5 million tourists.122

As an effort to increase the number of tourists to Indonesia, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia continued the Visit Indonesia Year Program in 2009 with a target of 6.4 million tourists and foreign exchange earnings of 6.4 billion US dollars. In 2010, the Government of Indonesia re-launched the Visit Indonesia Year and the Year Visit Museum 2010. This program is conducted to encourage awareness of the society toward the museum and increase the number of visitors to the museum. In 2010 the number of tourists coming to Indonesia reached 7 million people which experienced an increase from the year 2009123.

The number of foreign tourists in Indonesia has Increased significantly in 2011, based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 the total number of foreign tourists who came to Indonesia is 7.6 people124, the increasing number of tourism because Indonesia organized International sport events or SEA Games 2011 which is held in Palembang and Jakarta. The president of the republic of Indonesia also issued Instructions for all parties to support this SEA Games performance, the reason is because SEA Games 2011 could become a booster for tourism in Indonesia. In 2011 Indonesia's tourism competitiveness

121 Public Relations of UGM. (2007). Pemerintah Mencanangkan Tahun 2008 sebagai Tahun Kunjungan Wisata. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from pemerintah.mencanangkan.tahun.2008.sebagai.tahun.kunjungan.wisata. 122 Central Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Jumlah Kedatangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Indonesia Menurut Negara Tempat Tinggal tahun 2002-2014. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 123 UN World Tourism Organization Highlight. (2013). Jumlah Wisatawan di Lima Negara Tujuan Pariwisata Asia Tenggara Tahun 2010-2012. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from http://www.e- 124 Central Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Jumlah Kedatangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Indonesia Menurut Negara Tempat Tinggal tahun 2002-2014. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from

46 increased by seven rankings in 2011, which is ranked 74th out of 139 countries. The increase of Indonesia's tourism rankings globally becomes a good indication for the progress of Indonesia's tourism sector.125

In 2012 the number of tourists coming to Indonesia increased from 2011 as many as 8 million visitors. And also based on the competitiveness of Indonesian tourism is assessed from Tourism and travel index competitiveness, in 2012, WEF data indicate an increase in tourism competitiveness of Indonesia from 3.96 in rank 74 to 4.03 in rank 70. the Indicator of "The competitiveness of Indonesian tourism" in the form of assessment of competitiveness Tourism, tourism Indonesia are assessed from natural resources and culture owned. In addition, Indonesia is considered competitive in terms of price competition, both hotels, tickets, airport taxes and fuel prices.126 If viewed from these indicators then Indonesia's tourism worth to be consumed by foreign tourists.

III.4.2. Indonesia Sees Sea Games as The Change for The Economic, Tourism and Cultural Sectors

It is not easy to hold international sports events or events such as the Sea Games or the Asian Games, it requires a good preparation to achieve success in organizing the international event. Sea Games 2011 as an international event can increase tourism and improve business actors in order to improve the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.127 The biggest sports event in Southeast Asia, sea games 2011 in Indonesia is considered effective to be a means to promote and increase the tourism sector as well as fostering the creative economy sector in the region.128 Director of the Domestic Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism and the creative economy, Muhammad Faried said sport and tourism can not be separated

125 SindoNews. (2012). Daya Saing Pariwisata RI Naik & Peringkat. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from peringkat-1325821046. 126 Performance accountability report of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Industries Year 2012. p.70. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from AN%20EKONOMI%20KREATIF%202012.pdf. 127 The Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games Dongkrak Pariwisata Indonesia. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 128 NAM News Network. (2011). SEA Games Expected To Promote Indonesia’s Tourism. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from

47 because both are complementary and the 2011 SEA Games will become one of the means of tourism promotion to enhance tourism. 129 SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia is not only struggling in sports sector only.130 However, at the time of the biggest sporting event in Southeast Asia, Indonesia can be successful in improving the economy and tourism, especially in the two cities where the event was held, Palembang and Jakarta.131

III.4.2.1. Enhancement of Economic Sector

In terms of economic improvement, not only big industries, the implementation of SEA Games 2011 also has the potential to advance the economy of South Sumatera as a whole. Ahead of the event, the province's economic growth has increased by 6.4% due to the physical construction of facilities and infrastructure of the Sea Games which use large-scale labor.132 As reported by the daily Kompas, the preparation of SEA games looks to have increased the economic activity of the community of Palembang and its surroundings, at least since the beginning of 2011. This economic activity can be seen from the construction of new hotels, at least there are 4,000 workers for this development, as well as improving the activities at the handicraft center for souvenir making.133

Estimated there are 5,000 athletes from eleven countries in southeast Asia, including from Indonesia that will participate in this event. Sea Games 2011 will also be enlivened by the presence of sports officials, sponsors, journalists, experts/commentators and supporters in the country and other participating countries that are not few in number, thus, through the implementation of Sea Games 2011 in the estimate of domestic consumption will increase. Although

129 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from, p.2. 130 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from, p.3. 131 Ibid. p.3. 132 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri., Retrieved May 13, 2017 from, p.5. 133 Ibid. p.5.

48 there are some who state that the spike is not like National Sports Week (Pekan Olahraga Nasional), in terms of trade Indonesia is essentially exporting goods and services in the usual way. This time, it is not the goods and services that are exported to overseas consumers, but instead the consumers are imported. Can be ensured services sector, accommodation, transportation, hotel services, restaurants and entertainment will enjoy the results.134

In terms of accommodation, aspects that are considered include restaurants and hotels, transportation and transportation facilities, access to souvenir or tourist attractions and the existence of a mall. Hotel services become one of the industries that reap the rewards. The event is expected to bring tens of thousands of local and overseas visitors. The Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia) has prepared thousands of rooms for guests who visiting southern Sumatra during the event Sea Games 2011.

As published through Trijaya Palembang, chairman of Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia in South Sumatra Herlan Asfiudin said, his side from the hospitality sector is expected to reap a profit of 400% -500% of normal day. It is based on the 2004 in Pekan Olahraga Nasional event, in which the hospitality sector is able to reap a profit of 300%.135 The presence of Sea Games 2011 is also expected to be a courage for tourism.136 In addition to hospitality services, the PHRI will also work with the tourism department of South Sumatra in providing a kind of offer like tourist packages for tourists to introduce more tourism potential in south Sumatra.137

134 Ibid. p.5. 135 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13 2017 from p.6. 136 Antaranews. (2011). SEA Games effective for boosting tourism. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 137 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from, p.6.

49 III.4.2.2. Enhancement of Tourism and Cultural Sectors

The wealth of Indonesian tourism, including South Sumatra, offers a variety of natural charms, historical, cultural, religious and culinary tours, including Musi river, Lematang waterfalls, Jungle woods, Grand Palembang mosque, Kuto Besak fortress, Mahmud Badaruddin II Sutan museum, and many other attractions that can still continue to be managed and promoted, such as the Kemaro Island. Several tourist attractions, among others, Musi river and Kuto castle will be promoted through the closing and opening of Sea Games 2011.138 In addition, Jakarta as the largest city in Indonesia as well as the second host city also has a potential to become a tourist destination during and after the Sea Games 2011. Ancol, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Monas, Kepulauan Seribu and zoo Ragunan become popular for tourist destination. However, not only tourism in the two host cities only, but other areas such as Bali and Yogyakarta, remains a favorite tourist visit. After the Sea Games 2011, it is possible the visit of tourism to the regions in Indonesia is estimated to increase.139

Variety of Culinary and Crafts is also become the commercial side of the tourism package, for example from culinary it is not only pempek, but also available a variety of other foods such as pindang, kemplang and crackers (fish crackers) and many other typical foods.140 Due to its strategic position, the city is heavily influenced by the culinary tastes of Malay, Chinese and Peranakan cultures, which are rich in variety and taste. However, it is not just only typical of Palembang, Various types of culinary Indonesia is also part of the culinary wealth and creativity of the nation that should be promoted through the event Sea Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta. and the craft sector is also reaping the benefits in the Sea Games 2011. The demand for handicraft products, souvenirs are estimated to increase. As done by entrepreneurs in Palembang toward the

138 Tribunnews. (2010). Pembukaan SEA Games di atas Sungai Musi. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from 139 Ibid. p.6. 140 Kompasiana. (2010). Kuliner Makanan Khas Palembang. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from palembang_5500076ea333110c7050fa2c.

50 preparation of Sea Games 2011, Various variations and motifs developed long day by souvenir entrepreneurs in the city of Palembang.141

In order to support the goodwill of the entrepreneurs, the provincial government of South Sumatera encourages SMEs, one of the way is by held the Sea Games 2011 UKM Products or Sriwijaya International Expo starting from 12-20 November 2011. The event is planned to be held at the Sriwijaya promotion center. This event is packaged in small and medium industry exhibition, big industry, weeks of arts and film, cultural arts, Investment exhibition, trade dialogue forum and tourism exhibition.142

In addition, this event can be utilized to increase the production and export of Indonesian sports products. For this event, the use of local production sports equipment will be optimized in all branches. For the future, the development of sports facilities can clearly bring benefits for both the tourism industry and other industries. For the city of Palembang, this could be the beginning where sports can be the driving point of the economy. So far, the export of Indonesian sporting goods products has been exported almost everywhere in the world, including garment products or sports apparel, various types of balls, table tennis, tennis equipment, sports bags, bows and arrows, swimwear, batik, Golf equipment, shuttlecocks and others.143

Previously, a number of sports equipment Indonesia has managed to penetrate the international market. Triple S-branded soccer ball for example, demand for the production of PT. Sinjaraga Santika Sport is increasing sharply ahead of the World Cup international event in South Africa. 144 In addition to sports equipment, Indonesia is also one of the exporters of sports shoes. Many outside brands are relocating their manufacturing to Indonesia, such as Nike or Adidas. However, there are also domestic brands that are able to penetrate export

141 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from p.7. 142 Ibid. p.8. 143 Ibid. p.9. 144 SinarmediaNews. (2016). Jefry Romdonny penerus Tahta Raja Bola Majalengka. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from majalengka/.

51 markets, such as Specs brand that produce by PT. Panarub.145 In the midst of overseas brands branding tools and various sport suits, the effort to build their own brand deserves appreciation.

145 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 13, 2017 from p.8.



IV.1. Indonesia’s National Interest

According to Jack C. Plano and Roy Olton, the national interest is the fundamental purpose and the most decisive factor that guides decision-makers in formulating foreign policy, the national interest is a general concept, but it is an essential element for the state. These elements include the survival of the nation and state, independence, territorial integrity, military security, and economic prosperity.146 The national interest in the narrow sense can be interpreted as "the general welfare, the right of legal protection, and the interests of maintaining its survival which means preserving its politics and cultural identity”.147

Based on this it can be seen that the direction of objective formulation of Indonesian foreign policy Leads to the element of maintaining the nation's survival by doing diplomacy to improve the tourism sector of Indonesia, the Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy of Indonesia, Mari Elka Pangestu said the importance of the tourism sector where tourism can create jobs and increase economic growth.148

Based on the explanation from the Minister of Tourism and the Creative Economy of Indonesia, Mari Elka Pangestu, Indonesia sees that SEA Games 2011 is an opportunity for the government to achieve its national interest, in this case is to increase, promote the tourism sector and create a good image for

146 Plano, C. Jack & Roy Olton. (1982). The International Dictionary. England: Translation of Wawan Juanda, Third Edition, Clio Press Ltd. p.7. 147 Ibid. 148 Agustian, Widi. (2013). Pentingnya Industri Pariwisata Untuk Pariwisata RI. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from pariwisata-untuk-ri

53 Indonesia as a safe country to visit by tourists and become an international tourist destination. Therefore by hosting the SEA Games 2011 not only as an event to strengthen relations among ASEAN countries but also will bring foreign tourists to come to Indonesia because with foreign exchange income from foreign tourists, not only increase the percentage of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia, but also become one of the ways to increase the economic growth of Indonesia.

IV.2. SEA Games 2011 for Indonesia Tourism Sector

According to the explanation above, there is the figure that will make it clear what the author will analyse in order to increase the tourism sector in Republic of Indonesia especially.

RI’s National Interest

Tourism Sectors

Public Diplomacy

Cultural Diplomacy

Soft power on Sport Mega Events Promoting the Indonesian’s Culture and Tourist SEA GAMES 2011 The Increasing of Attraction through number of Tourism the Opening and Closing of SEA GAMES 2011

Figure 4.1. Research Framework (constructed by writer)

54 Based on the previous explanation, the national interest is interpreted as an interest in maintaining the politics and cultural identity, in this case, one of Indonesia's national interests is to increase the tourism sector to balance the competitiveness and also introduce the natural wealth and culture owned by Indonesia and make the good image of Indonesia in the international eyes as a safe country to visit by foreign tourists, which will also give the benefits in economic sector with the increasing of economic growth in Indonesia. In achieving its national interests, the Indonesian government choose sports to achieve these interests.

According to Joseph Nye, Soft power is the ability to ‘get others to want outcomes that you want’ unite people or corporate with them instead of force them, 149 soft power puts on the ability to the ability to form the others’ preferences. Soft power is a key and found in the capability of states150, sport mega-events have potentials to provide appearing power and opportunities to produce attraction even where they have unattractive domestic political characteristics, and the key benefit of sports mega-event is that the hosting countries can communicate their elegances through sport’s cultural values which are shared in the sport mega-events.151 Hosting countries can raise their culture beauty to other countries by showing that they do not only share those denomination, but they desire to be a victor as well, and celebrate together with their own way of state and culture.152 With the explanation, Indonesia uses sport mega event, which in this case is Southeast Asian Games 2011 (SEA Games 2011) as a means of diplomacy in achieving the interests or objectives, namely increasing the number of foreign tourists that come to Indonesia.

149 Jr., Joseph S. Nye. (1990). Soft power. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 150 Mattern, J.B (2005). Why Soft Power Isn’t So Soft: Representational Force and the sociolinguistic Construction of attraction in world politics. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from the_Sociolinguistic_Construction_of_Attraction_in_World_politics. 151 J, Grix & Lee D. (2003). Soft Power, Sports Mega Events and Emerging States: The Lure of the Politics of Attraction. Retrieved from http://pure- ort.pdf. 152 Ibid.

55 Public diplomacy according to Jay Wang that public diplomacy can be seen as an attempt to enhance the quality of communication between the state and society. The impacts of which are political, economic, social, and in practice are no longer monopolized by the government. 153 Jan Mellisen defines public diplomacy as an attempt to influence other people or organizations outside their country in a positive way that Changing people's point of view toward a country. From all of these understandings, it can be seen that public diplomacy serves to promote the national interest through understanding, informing, and influencing the public abroad.154

Cultural Diplomacy in the book of Tulus Warsito entitled Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Sedang Berkembang: Studi Kasus Indonesia, said that Cultural Diplomacy can be defined as "The effort of a country to fight for its national interests through cultural dimensions, both in education, science, sports and art.”155 In cultural diplomacy, sport is also one of the potential ways that can do by a state. By becoming of Indonesia as the host country of SEA Games 2011, Indonesia utilizing SEA Games 2011 as a means of cultural diplomacy to increase the number of foreign tourists and promote Indonesian tourism, it is needs the role of media and society, where this role is done to influence public opinion through mass media.

As a prestigious event, the implementation of SEA Games 2011 will be feel by thousands of visitors from various countries who come to Indonesia either as a team of participants, as well as spectators. Then, along with the development of information technology, the championship can also be watched by people in various corners of the world through various media, such as print newspapers, and electronics such as television and even the Internet network. This means that

153Wang J. (2006). Public Diplomacy and Global Business. The Journal of Business Strategy 27 (3). p.49-58. Retrieved on May 22, 2017 from 154 Melissen, Jan. (2005). The new Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from y.pdf. 155 Warsito, Tulus. & Wahyuni Kartikasari. (2007). Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Sedang Berkembang: Studi Kasus Indonesia. Ombak, Yogyakarta, 2007. p.4.

56 Indonesia as the host of SEA Games 2011 can utilize the event to show and introduce the advantages and richness of its culture to the international community. In addition, the purpose of the SEA Games 2011 is also to improve the tourism sector and improve the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the international as a safe country to visit by international foreign tourist.

In the international sports events, the most successful imaging of a country when able to host and at the same time able to become the general champion.156 Success in hosting the image reinforces the progress of a country, because to organize this event required the readiness of funds, infrastructure (in example transport and communication networks), sports facilities, and good organization. While the success of becoming a general champion or achieving a certain achievement targets means the sports development has been going well. The sports development itself can not work well without good economic conditions, education, and health support in the country.

IV.3. Indonesia’s Public Diplomacy in Promoting 26TH SEA Games

In this section, the writer will show the tools and instruments that Indonesian government use in hosting SEA Games 2011 as the strategy of Indonesia’s public diplomacy to attract incoming tourist and focus on the effort of Indonesian government as the host country in promoting SEA Games 2011 both domestically and Internationally. From the explanation below, Indonesia use the campaign and publicity campaign materials in trying to make positive perception of International Communities to come to Indonesia and attending SEA Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta.

For Indonesian government by hosting SEA Games 2011 is not just an International sport competition. But it is also a moment for Indonesian government to implement its public diplomacy in achieving its national Interest. One of the interest to be achieved by Indonesian government is to increase and

156 Ibid.

57 developing tourism sector and make Indonesia become safe for International tourist destination. Through SEA Games 2011, Indonesian government runs its public diplomacy to build a positive image as International tourist destination.

Public diplomacy efforts aimed to build a positive image as an International tourist destination through SEA Games 2011. By hosting the International sport event such as the SEA Games 2011 provided great benefits to Indonesian Tourism sector in building the image of Indonesia as a safe destination for tourist destination. Through the SEA Games 2011, Indonesia will be the center of attention from International especially country in Southeast Asia.

IV.3.1. Public Diplomacy through Promotional Instruments

Here the author will describe various promotional materials for the SEA Games 2011 campaign.

IV.3.1.1. Emblem

Figure 4.2. SEA Games 2011 Emblem.


One important component in image formation is to create an official emblem as an identity of the event. The use of emblem is also implement at the hosting of SEA Games 2011. This emblem is used to mark the identity of SEA Games 2011, the role of this emblem itself has inner strength visually represented the SEA Games 2011 event with the host country of SEA Games 2011. The role

157 Official website of SEA Games 2011. Official Emblem of SEA Games 2011, Retrieved May 22, 2017 from

58 of the official emblem is to provide a strong, visual representation of both the event and the host country. the emblem is the eagle which is also the symbol of the state of Indonesia. The three colors that dominate in the image which are blue, green and red each has its own meaning. Blue describes the ocean of the archipelago that unifies all the differences. Green marks the number of clusters of islands, forests and mountains. While red is a symbol of courage, fighting spirit and spirit to play that also reflects nationalism.158

The concept, is about the mighty Garuda as a guide and as a protective figure, flying high above Earth Mother that is rich natural resources, forest, mountain, and marine. This spirit seems to inspire Indonesian athletes, from Sabang to Merauke. They proud of their own country and compete in sportsmanship with friendly countries. Eleven small orange circles that resemble large circular petals form a representation of the 11 participating nations. 159 Through SEA Games 2011, the emblem of Indonesia is conveying a message about the natural and cultural richness that is owned by Indonesia.

IV.3.1.2. Mascot

Figure 4.3. SEA Games 2011 Mascots.


The Komodo lizards has lived in the eastern part of the Indonesian archipelago for millions of years. However, humans only see their existence about a century ago. Capable of up to three meters in size and weighing 130

158 Official website of SEA Games 2011. Official Emblem of SEA Games 2011, Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 159 Ibid. 160 Ibid.

59 kilograms, the Komodo is the largest lizard that exists today. Regardless of their gigantic size, the Komodo lizard is recognized by a flat-shaped head, a round nose, rough skin, big, bent legs and the tail is long but sturdy.161

So far the population of Komodo lizard has been somewhat stable, with the number reaching 3,000 to 5,000 in Komodo Island, Gili Motang, Rinca, and Flores. Unfortunately, when females are having problems in incubating their eggs, and because smuggling, human-related irregularities, and natural disasters, komodo are on the brink of extinction. That's because their numbers are decreasing, and since the Komodo dragons are a source of national pride, Modo and Modi, the SEA Games 2011 mascot was created. As a SEA Games mascot, Modo and Modi are described as hardworking, fair, gentle, friendly, and very passionate. All of these positive characters represent the heart and soul of Indonesia, and are expected to be the foundation for building harmonious relationships and cooperation with other SEA Games participating countries.162

IV. 3.1.3. Social Media

Figure 4.3. Official Facebook SEA Games 2011.163

In order to promote the 26th SEA Games in Palembang and Jakarta, INASOC as the official committee of SEA Games 2011 also use social media as a tool to promote the event by providing official account. This official account as a media to promote SEA Games whether in domestic or International, because in

161 Official Website of SEA Games 2011. Loc.Cit 162 Ibid. 163 Official Facebook of SEA Games 2011. Retrieved June 2, 2017 from

60 this official account provide all information about SEA Games 2011 (Schedule, games, medals, athletes). This is also one of the way done by the Indonesian government or INASOC to unite Indonesian people by using social media in order to success in organizing this event.

SEA Games 2011 promotional campaign present a number of key message that Indonesia wants to address in domestic and international societies such as Indonesian government’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting Indonesia’s biodiversity, demonstrating the identity of Indonesia as the host country of SEA Games 2011 and also the togetherness of Indonesian society in the International community. There are still many key messages to be delivered by Indonesia through the material of SEA Games 2011 campaign. From the key messages, Indonesia is trying to address through SEA Games 2011 campaign, that is the key message that will address the potential of Indonesia’s tourism sector in the International community. The potentials of the Indonesian tourism sector that delivered include Natural beauty and cultural richness of Indonesia.

Furthermore, there is also a key message the government of Indonesia wants to show, which is how Indonesian society welcomes with pleasure to all the international community who come to Indonesia and invites the whole international community to come to Indonesia to take part of SEA Games 2011. This key message is part of Indonesia’s public diplomacy to build a positive image of Indonesia as an international tourist destination. Through a key message in this SEA Games 2011 campaign, Indonesia is trying to deliver to the domestic and international community the potentials of Indonesia’s tourism sector as well as to promote the potentials of Indonesia tourism sector.

IV.3.2. Public Diplomacy through Campaigns

There are also the actions taken by the Indonesian government and INASOC in a series of domestic and international campaigns. Domestic and international campaigns are also to achieve the broader Interests of Indonesia that form the image of Indonesia as a tourist destination for foreign tourist.

61 Domestic Campaigns

There are two events that is done by SEA Games 2011 promotion committee in order to promote SEA Games 2011. The first is to hold event "Road to SEA Games 2011", this event in the form of meeting with journalist and businessmen as well as cultural arts performances and also performances meeting official participating countries. The plan of the event is in some of major cities in Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Bali, , Bandung, , ). Bali becomes the main destination "Road to SEA Games 2011" because Bali as a world tourism destination, in this case the promotional committee meets the chairman of Bali Tourism Board (BTB), Ida Bagus Ngurah Wijaya and a number of travel agents in Bali to help promote the SEA Games 2011 in the City of Jakarta and Palembang. The purpose of this road show is to show the readiness of Palembang city to host the 2011 SEA Games and promote SEA Games 2011.164

The second effort of the SEA Games promotion committee is to promote SEA Games 2011 through the art show "Glory of Sriwijaya. The art show aims to introduce the area that hosted the SEA Games 2011. As for the countries invited in this event are the countries of which are French, English, United States, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, China and Korea. And "Glory of Sriwijaya" is also used as a concept for promotional performances in each participating countries SEA Games 2011. in this art performance is a miniature or 10 percent of the opening series of the SEA Games 2011. not only Palembang which displays the local arts at the performance of art but Jakarta also showcased its regional arts to promote the culture and as the host of both SEA Games 2011.165

164 AntaraNews. (2011). Tim Promosi SEA Games 2011 Gelar Sosialisasi. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 165 DetikSport. (2010). Promosi SEA Games 2011 Lewat Glory of Sriwijaya. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from sriwijaya.


Figure 4.4. “Glory of Sriwijaya”.


Jakarta as the host of supporters also intensively socialize the SEA Games 2011 which will be held in Palembang and Jakarta, one of them in the event ahead of the 484 anniversary of DKI Jakarta which is used as a socialization event of the SEA Games 2011.166 And also the "Carnival Road To SEA Games 2011 "which conducted by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Indonesia as an arena to welcome and support the performance of SEA Games 201.167 In this case Indonesia government is not only just boasted and promoted itself as the host of SEA Games 2011, but also helped to unite the Indonesian people through SEA Games 2011 in order to succeed in the organizing the event. International Campaigns

The SEA Games 2011 promotion is being held by INASOC alongside with Indonesian government as the host country of SEA Games 2011 and media associate and sponsors involved in hosting SEA Games 2011. In this sections are about the efforts of Indonesia to promote the country as the host country of SEA Games 2011.

166 Ministry of Youth and Sports of Indonesia. (2011). Hut Jakarta Jadi Ajang Sosialisasi SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 167 The Ministry of Youth and Sport of Indonesia. “Carnival Road to SEA Games 2011” retrieved May 22, 2017 from

63 Internet as its media

Internet is one of the communication media that can reach by every single person globally. Internet has no limit by time and space, everyone can freely in getting internet access everywhere and anytime. the Internet has long been used as media of public diplomacy of a country to other countries as well as to the International community. The internet is one of important tool for Indonesia in campaigning the strategy of communication. one of the step taken by Indonesian government in utilizing internet is to create an official website for the SEA Games 2011. The official website of SEA Games 2011 is located at

Figure 4.5. Official Website of SEA Games 2011.


The Official website of SEA Games 2011 established by INASOC (Indonesian Southeast Asian Games Organizing Committee), it contains formation about SEA Games 2011. In the website it contains a lot of information, about SEA Games history, vision and mission, INASOC, the logo and mascot, and including news about the SEA Games 2011.

Beside using website, INASOC also has a space for providing information, latest news and promoting SEA Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta, Yahoo Indonesia as official online media partner of SEA Games 2011

64 has been updating Its SEA Games 2011 page which is known as Yahoo-news.168 from the portal media the news will provide information related to SEA Games 2011 performance such as news about the contents of the opening and closing ceremony SEA Games are held along the Musi river and closing at the Kuto Besak fort which is a historic building in the city of Palembang and at the opening also there are various traditional dances from various region in Indonesia and the promotion of tourism objects of Indonesia.169 This will be very helpful in promoting the culture, natural wealth and potential tourist attractions in Indonesia especially in Palembang as the host of SEA Games 2011.

Figure 4.6. SEA Games 2011 in Yahoo. News.


168 Techninasia. (2011). Yahoo Search Trends SEA Games Indonesia. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 169 Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games 26th Sebagai Ajang Unjuk Diri. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from

65 The use of media will be very effective in building a positive image of Indonesia as safe place for international tourist destination. almost all the people in the world have access to media portal news like yahoo news, so that the Indonesian government efforts to deliver its key message in promoting the potentials of the Indonesian tourism sector that foreign tourist can visit can work effectively and efficiently. The use of Internet as media of Indonesian public diplomacy is very Important in connecting the Indonesian government with public around the world. By the Internet, Indonesian government can promote national interest through understanding, informing and influencing international public. The internet as one of the products of development of information and communication technology, which has created free barrier traffic information and communication between countries and regions. In other words, the existence of internet is able to eliminate various geographical to the public diplomacy efforts undertaken by the government to the public. It can be concluded that the internet is a means of public diplomacy of Indonesian government to the national and international public.

IV.4. Indonesia’s Cultural Diplomacy in Promoting Cultural and Tourist Destination in Indonesia

SEA Games as international sports event is considered effective to be a means of tourism promotion. Director of Domestic Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Muhammad Faried said that "sport and tourism are inseparable, because they are complementary, so the success of SEA Games 2011 as well as an indicator of success or promotion of our tourism." 170 Promotion of tourism and cultural richness of Indonesia at the time of SEA Games 2011 conducted at the opening and closing ceremony. Several tourist attractions such as Musi River and Kuto Besak Fortress were promoted at SEA Games 2011 in Palembang.

170 Ministry of Trade of The Republic Indonesia. loc.Cit

66 IV.4.1. Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011

Traditional Dance

At the opening ceremony of the SEA Games 2011, the performances are very interesting to watch. "Sriwijaya, Sebuah Semenanjung Emas", the theme of appearance in this opening ceremony relates to the history of Palembang to the Sriwijaya kingdom, which features dances with cultural riches of Palembang and Indonesia. In the opening of SEA Games 2011, Indonesia performed 4 dances, namely Journey Begin (Musi: Heart of City), The History of Sriwijaya Kingdom, Merajut Nusantara, and Reach Out the Dream. In each dance performed during this opening has its own meaning.

Journey Begin (Musi: The Heart of the City)

The concept of dance performed by high school students and students of Palembang is inspired by the beauty of the Musi River which divides the city of Palembang which serves as a source of life for the people of Palembang. This short journey begin dance is performed by six women representing every island in Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua. With traditional clothing and musical accompaniment typical of each region, the dancers are alternately dancing on the islands each from Sumatra to Papua. Then followed by the show Musi: The Heart of the City, which features the story about Musi river, which initially looks like a barren land, a running society that then begins sowing seeds, to emerge water and flow into the Musi River, and provide a new life for The people of Palembang.


Figure 4.7. “The Journey Begin” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 Source: INASOC YouTube Channel171

Figure 4.8. “The Journey Begin” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011 Source: INASOC YouTube Channel172

171 INASOC YouTube Channel. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from


The History of Sriwijaya Kingdom

The colossal dance entitled “Sriwijaya: The Golden Peninsula” which depicts the great work of in Sumatra.173 The Golden Peninsula tells about the history of the kingdom of Sriwijaya while knitting the archipelago in his day to achieve the dream as the largest kingdom in the archipelago.174

Figure 4.9. “Sriwijaya: The Golden Peninsula” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011

Source: INASOC YouTube Channel175

Merajut Nusantara

After the royal Sriwijaya dance, the next dance is Merajut Nusantara. This colossal dance involving thousands of dancers features dancers with unique and distinctive costumes from various provinces. Khasanah wealth of art and culture

172 INASOC YouTube Channel. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 173 Hidayat, Rizki. (2011). Tarian Kolosal Meriahkan Opening Ceremony SEA Games XXVI. Retrieved on May 25, 2017 from kolosal-meriahkan-opening-ceremony-sea-games-xxvi. 174 Ibid. 175 INASOC YouTube Channel. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from

69 of Indonesia, ranging from music, dance, until the trinkets characteristic of the region displayed in this dance. This dance features some typical Malay dances, Kalimantan, Java and Papua. This performance combines Indonesian contemporary art and multimedia technology.

Figure 4.10. “Merajut Nusantara” The Opening Ceremony of SEA Games 2011

Source: INASOC YouTube Channel.176

Reach Out the Dream

The last dance shown in the opening ceremony of SEA Games 2011 in Palembang is Dance Reach Out the Dream. This dance is performed by the Palembang elementary and junior high school students who express how the spirit of the next generation of the nation in reaching its dream in the future. "Our dance concept is different from the usual dance performances because we are referring to how the dancers seem to be water, land, trees, footballers, supporters, and others." Said SEA Games 2011 choreographer, Hartati.177 This dance is described

176 INASOC YouTube Channel. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 177 (2011). DI Balik Sukses Opening Ceremony SEA Games XXVI. Kompas. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from

70 with electric canvas which then turned into a miniature soccer field football, which tells the dream of a child and his struggle to succeed in realizing the dream.178

IV.4.2. Closing of SEA Games 2011

“Harmony in Victory” is the theme of the closing ceremony of the 2011 SEA Games. The event concluded with a colossal dance that totally involves 600 dancers in a wide array of colours depicting the country's cultural diversity, this dance portrays the harmony of nations in Southeast Asia to gain glory Together in a high degree of harmony, unity, tolerance, and solidarity among nations.179 As previously explained Cultural Diplomacy can be defined as "The effort of a country to fight for its national interests through cultural dimensions, both in education, science, sports and art.”180

In this case Indonesia uses the SEA Games as a means of cultural diplomacy to introduce to the international world of cultural richness in Indonesia and to introduce tourist attractions in Indonesia such as the example of the Musi River and Kuto Besak fortress. With the SEA Games 2011, it is expected that Indonesia becomes one of the countries that interest to be visited by international countries whether it is just a vacation or invest. This means that with the culture of a country can show identity while creating a positive image among other countries.

In addition to the attractions of the Musi river and Kuto Besak fortress, through this SEA Games 2011 Palembang also introduced the natural wealth that has by Palembang, such as natural charm, cultural history, religious and culinary tour, Lematang waterfall, forest Punti wood, grand mosque Palembang, museum

178 Beritapagi. (2011). Opening SEA Games Termegah. Retrieved May 25, 2017 from 179 Tambunan, Irma. (2011). Inilah Rangkaian Acara Penutupan SEA Games. Retrieved on May 25, 2017 from Games. 180 Warsito, Tulus. & Wahyuni Kartikasari. (2007). Diplomasi Kebudayaan: Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang: Studi Kasus Indonesia. Ombak, Yogyakarta, 2007. p.4.

71 Sutan Mahmud Badaruddin II and a number of other attractions that continue to be managed and promoted, such as the Kemaro island. In addition to Palembang, Jakarta which is also the second place to hold this event has the potential to become a tourist destination during and after Sea Games 2011. Attraction owned by Jakarta, among others Ancol, Taman mini Indonesia Indah, monas, thousand islands and Ragunan zoo become a popular tourist destination. After the sea games, it is possible the visit of tourism to the regions in Indonesia is estimated to increase.

IV.5. SEA Games as The Tool to Increase the Indonesia Tourism Sector

Following the declaration of Indonesia as the host country of SEA Games 2011, the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono instructed all Ministries to give full support for the successful implementation of the 26th SEA Games in South Sumatra and DKI Jakarta. From the instructions from the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, it can be seen the seriousness of Indonesia to succeed in this event, the president of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also hope all the people of Indonesia can be a good host by giving friendly to the participants and supporters of SEA Games 2011.181

At the time of the SEA Games 2011 begins, dozens of collections of historic objects are also exhibited in order to enliven this event.182 In this event, will attend athletes, officials and supporters from various countries in Southeast Asia and even the world to watch the Sea Games 2011, which in the future they will also become tourists who return to Indonesia as repeater tourists.183

181 Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. (2011). Presiden Instruksikan Seluruh Kementrian Dukung SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 182 Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. (2011). Benda Bersejarah koleksi Balai Arkeologi dipamerkan. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 183 Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games Efektif Jadi Media Promosi Indonesia. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from

72 SEA Games 2011 can improve tourism and improve the ability of business actors in order to improve the image of Indonesia in the international community. SEA Games 2011 which started in two places, Jakarta and Palembang considered effective to be a means of promoting tourism as well as fostering the creative economy sector in the region. Director of Domestic Promotion of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Muhammad Faried, said that sport and tourism can not be separated, they are complementary and will make the 26th SEA Games sport event 2011 as one of Indonesia tourism promotion.184

From the preparation process of SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia until the end of SEA Games 2011, it can be seen the development of tourism in Indonesia which keep increasing every year, especially in Jakarta and Palembang as host country of SEA Games 2011.

Year Year Year No. Months 2010 2011 2012

1 January 493.799 548.821 652.692

2 February 523.135 568.057 592.502

3 March 594.242 598.068 658.602

4 April 555.915 608.093 626.100

5 May 600.031 600.191 650.883

6 June 613.422 674.402 695.531

7 July 658.476 745.451 701.200

8 August 586.530 621.084 634.194

9 September 560.367 650.071 683.584

10 October 594.654 656.006 688.341

184 Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia. Loc.Cit

73 11 November 578.152 654.948 693.867

12 December 644.221 724.539 766.966

Total 7,002,944 7,649,731 8,044,462

Table 4.1. Central Statistical Agency Data towards the Tourism Sectors in Indonesia.185

Based on the above table, the number of foreign tourists who come to Indonesia from year to year continues to increase, the government's efforts in building the tourism sector of Indonesia looks to give a positive result where one of the government efforts in organizing the international sport event SEA Games in 2011. It can be seen that in 2010 the number of foreign tourism to Indonesia reached 7,002,944 people, in 2011 increased compared to 2010 which reached 7,649,731 people and in 2012 the number of foreign tourists to Indonesia reached a fairly high number of as many as 8,044,462 people. As previously mentioned by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Mari Elka Pangestu that the 2011 SEA Games in Jakarta and Palembang effectively boost the tourism sector in Indonesia.186

185 Central Bureau of Statistics. (2015). Jumlah Kedatangan Wisatawan Mancanegara ke Indonesia Menurut Negara Tempat Tinggal tahun 2002-2014. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 186 Ministry of tourism Republic of Indonesia. (2011). SEA Games Dongkrak Pariwisata Indonesia. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from


2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2010 515 484 92 126 121 158 167 110 122 124 216 158 2011 283 166 483 513 521 597 624 413 522 738 1,890 758 2012 400 718 781 764 878 932 659 657 871 644 1,470 839

2010 2011 2012

Graphic 4.1. Number of Foreign Visitors coming through the entrance of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport Palembang Year 2010 - 2012.187

Based on the graph above, in 2010-2012, foreign tourist arrivals in Palembang city tend to increase, although every month the number of tourists who come to Palembang have variations numbers, but the development from 2010 to 2012 has a tendency to increase every year. Cumulative number of tourist arrivals coming to Palembang in 2010 as many as 2,393 people and in 2012 the number of foreign tourists who come to Palembang has reached 9.613 people.188 The highest number of tourists coming to Palembang in the last 3 years, occurred in November 2011 which amounted to 1890 people. The high number of foreign tourists in November 2011 because in that month Palembang as the organizer of the International sports event that is SEA Games 2011.189

187 Central Bureau of Statistics. Number of foreign tourist visit in Palembang city. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from 188 Central Bureau of Statistics. Loc.Cit 189 Ibid.

75 IV.5.2. JAKARTA

Number of Foreign Visitors Coming to DKI Jakarta 2,100,000 2,050,000 2,053,850 2,000,000 1,950,000 1,933,022 1,900,000 1,850,000 1,823,636 1,800,000 1,750,000 1,700,000 2010 2011 2012 Number of Foreign Visitors 1,823,636 1,933,022 2,053,850 Coming to DKI Jakarta

Graphic 4.2. Number of Foreign Visitors coming to DKI Jakarta year 2010 - 2012.190

Tourism sector becomes one of the mainstay of Jakarta Provincial Government in boosting local revenue (PAD).191 According to the data above, there is an increase in the number of foreign tourists who visit the city of Jakarta from 2010 to 2012. Overall, the number of tourists who come tend to increase every year. It can be seen from the table above in 2010 the number of foreign tourists reached 1.823.636 people, in 2011 the number of tourists increased from the year 2010 reached 1933.022 people, and in 2012 the number of foreign tourist reached 2,053,850 where the it is becomes the highest numbers compared to the previous year. it can be said that SEA Games 2011 which held in Jakarta and Palembang indirectly boosted tourism sector in each area of the organizer and also other areas of Indonesia. This is proved by the increase in the number of foreign tourists from year to year.

190 Central Bureau of Statistics. Number of foreign tourist visit in DKI Jakarta. Retrieved May 22, 2017 from ke-dki-jakarta-dan-indonesia. 191 Central Bureau of Statistics. Loc.Cit

76 IV.5.3. Infrastructure Development through the SEA Games 2011

SEA Games 2011 has given a positive impact on the development of Palembang city when viewed from various sides, especially the infrastructure. When Indonesia was chosen to host the SEA Games 2011 and Palembang become the main host, Palembang made all the preparations for the success of the event. One of which is the Infrastructure of Palembang itself. Almost all of the SEA Games infrastructure development projects are done 24 hours non-stop. Even in Palembang has many star hotels that can be confirmed "Fully Booked" at the time of SEA Games 2011, full support given by the government of South Sumatra, central government, local companies, national companies, and high enthusiasm from the people of Palembang city is expected to succeed the implementation of SEA Games 2011.192

Ahead of the SEA Games 2011, government of Palembang improve and widen the number of roads and bridges in the city of Palembang. This is done on access to the airport sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Palembang. Road improvements and widening are visible on Kolonel H Barlian Road where the roads are added from 2.5 meters to 3.5 meters in both lanes. To support the SEA Games 2011, repair and maintenance of roads carried out along the 79.66 km main road of Palembang city. Head of the National Road Improvement Center III Palembang, Bastian Sihombing said the road improvement and widening program is part of the national road improvement program in 2011 in South Sumatra with a total length of approximately 1.445 Km. Road improvements include the eastern route of Sumatra from the border of to Lampung and the central government budgeted approximately Rp 800 billion. The improvement of road infrastructure includes repair and maintenance of four bridges in Palembang city, namely Ampera Bridge, Keramasan, Sriwijaya II and Bridge at Jalan Mayjend Yusuf Singadekane.193

192 Marketeers. (2011). Palembang Siap Menyambut SEA Games 2011. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 193 Kompas. (2011). Jelang SEA Games, Jalan diperbaiki. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from

77 SEA Games 2011 also has a positive impact on Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Palembang airport. Where PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), started the implementation of development phase I of the passenger terminal of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin Airport (SMB) II. President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II, Tri S Sunoko in his press statement explained the widening of this airport to support the implementation of SEA Games 2011 which will be held in November 2011. furthermore, the airport widening is also in order to improve the quality of service toward the users of air transport services, which is also closely related to the safety and security of aviation. And one of its aims is to provide enough space for service users, as well as to anticipate the spike in passenger movement from and to the city of Palembang that will occur at the time of SEA Games 2011.194 In addition to the Airport, PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) regional division III of South Sumatra also made various preparations to welcome the SEA Games 2011. PT KAI renovate railway station became the International standard, even PT KAI prepare special train for SEA Games guests in 2011. Manager of Public Relations of PT KAI Regional Division III of South Sumatra, Jaka Jarkasih said it has allocated funds around Rp.8-9 billion to renovate the existing station into an international standard train station. All funding from PT KAI, the fund for gardens, parking, waiting rooms, offices and public facilities such as toilets, mosques and platforms.195 In addition, the government of Palembang also preparing sports venues that will be used at the time of the SEA Games 2011, the sports venues that built are also has International standard. One of the reasons why President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono choose Palembang to be the main host because Palembang is considered the most ready to host because it has an international standard for sport facilities and the venue usage programs and sports equipment post SEA Games 2011 in South Sumatra are clear, which are to complement international

194 Tribunnews. (2011). Terminal Penumpang Bandara Palembang Diperlebar. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from Palembang-diperlebar. 195 TrijayaPalembang. (2011). Kereta Istimewa disiapkan untuk SEA Games. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from

78 standard schools (referring to Singapore Sport School) and besides that will make Jakabaring as a sports center.196 In addition, the sports venues use a combination of new and old where there is a sports venue that is only in the renovation such as Swimming Pool Lumban Tirta, Swimming pool built in Jakabaring, Bumi Sriwijaya Stadium, Indoor Campus, Jakabaring Main Stadium, Ranau Jakabaring Sports Building, Sports Dempo Jakabaring, Graha Serba Guna and Patrajaya plaju stadium. While for the newly built venue is the shooting range, the skates arena, Jakabaring tennis court, Jakabaring athletic stadium, rock climbing arena, Sriwijaya Promotion Center (SPC), Lake for water skiing, Aquatic center Jakabaring, golf course, athlete's homestead and Building Sports science center and sports injury clinic.197

Not only the main host who made infrastructure improvements ahead of the SEA Games 2011 but Jakarta as the host supporter also do infrastructure improvements to support the success of the SEA Games 2011. Jakarta also make improvements ahead of the SEA Games where the Government of Jakarta improve the sidewalk in front of two venues of SEA Games 2011 in its territory. And also build new sidewalks at four points namely in Tugu Raya street, Cilincing house area, Jalan Lorong 104 Koja, and Galangan VOC-Museum Bahari Penjaringan. Repair and construction of this sidewalk to provide a sense of comfort to pedestrians at the time of the SEA Games 2011.198 The Jakarta City Government also undertook the development and improvement of SEA Games 2011 venues. Like the improvement of Gelora Bung Karno and Istora Senayan venues will be done at three points namely Indoor tennis, badminton field and main football field.199 And other venue improvements such as Bowling Jaya Arena in Ancol, Mount Pancar Sentul and Padepokan

196 TrijayaPalembang. (2011). SEA Games dan TAA Proyek Mercusuar Sumsel. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 197 DetikSport. (2011). Venue SEA Games 2011 Gunakan Kombinasi Baru & Lama. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from kombinasi-baru--lama. 198 Tempo. (2011). Jelang SEA Games, Jakarta Utara Perbaiki Trotoar. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from perbaiki-trotoar. 199 SEA Games, Rp. 10 M Buat Renovasi Istora. retrieved May 24, 2017 from

79 Pencak Silat TMII, rowing arena in Cipule Karawang and Velodrome Rawamangun.200 Jakarta will conduct 24 sports and all venues prepared for SEA Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta.201 SEA Games 2011 has a positive impact on the development of the city of Palembang and Jakarta as the host of the SEA Games 2011 seen from various sides, especially in terms of economy and infrastructure. The growth of Palembang economy as the main host looks after SEA Games 2011 where the emergence of the culinary center, the growth of hospitality and the better city infrastructure.202

IV.5.4. Indonesia’s Income of Foreign Tourist Expenditures

Indonesia's Income from Foreign Tourist Expenditures

9,500 9,120

9,000 8,554 8,500

8,000 7,603

7,500 MILLION MILLION US$ 7,000 6,500 2010 2011 2012 Indonesia's Income from Foreign Tourist 7,603 8,554 9,120 Expenditures

Graphic 4.3. Indonesia’s Income from Foreign Tourist Expenditures (2010–2012)

Source: The Ministry of Tourism203

200 Tribunnews. (2011). Pembangunan Venue SEA Games sudah 70 persen. retrieved May 24, 2017 from 70-persen. 201 Official website of SEA Games 2011. About SEA Games. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from 202 SEA Games 2011, Berdampak Positif Bagi ekonomi dan Infrastruktur. Retrieved May 24, 2017 from infrastruktur/. 203 Devisa Wisman Menurut Negara Tempat Tinggal Tahun 2009-2014. Retrieved 24 May 2017 from

80 From the chart above we can see the increasing of revenue that Indonesia got from International tourist who came to Indonesia. In 2010, Indonesia received about 7,603 million US$ and in 2011 received about 8,554, it can be seen from the chart there is an increasing between 2010 to 2011 as much as 12,5%. In 2012 Indonesia received about 9,120 million US$, increased from 2011 as much as 6,6%. In two years, Indonesia has been successfully received 9,120 million US$ only from the expenditures of International tourist. from the chart above, it simply concludes that there is enhancement for the income that Indonesia took from international tourist.

IV.5.3. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Palembang 2010-2012

One of the development indicator of the tourism sector is to measure the level of occupancy of the room. The occupancy rate of star-rated hotel rooms in Palembang over the last few years from 2010 to 2012 fluctuates. The occupancy rate of star hotel rooms in 2010 averaged 55.59 percent, and peaked at 56.58 percent in 2011. The value of 56.58 percent indicates that the average number of rooms used every night in all starred hotels in Palembang in 2011 about 56.58 percent.

If the occupancy rate of the hotel room is viewed based on the star hotel class, then the 4 star and 5-star hotel occupancy rooms tend to be higher when compared to the occupancy rate of the hotel rooms in the 1 star, 2 star and 3 star class. From 2010 to 2012, The highest hotel occupancy occurred in 5 star hotels, with the magnitude of 68,46 percent, 68.56 percent, 60.26 percent. The trend is due to the guests who stay in star hotels are generally guests of foreign tourists who prefer hotels that have more complete facilities. While the lowest room occupancy rate is in the 2-star class, with the lowest number happening in 2010, 2011, and 2012 with the magnitude of 47.55 percent, 46.00 percent and 24.02 percent.


Graphic 4.4. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Palembang Year 2010 – 2012.204

Hotel room occupancy rate in Palembang from 2010-2012 as a whole is in the range of 40 percent to 70 percent. This shows that the development of accommodation providers in the tourism sector such as hotels can still compensate for the number of tourist visits staying in Palembang.

IV.5.4. Room Occupancy Rate of Star Hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012

Jakarta 2010 2011 2012

Foreign guests 882,90 1.013,20 1.190,30

Indonesian Guests 3.932,40 5.470,30 5.566,40 Table. 4.2. Number of guests at star hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012.205

From the Central Bureau of Statistics Jakarta shows that the number of foreign and domestic guests in star-rated hotels in 2011-2012 in Jakarta is the most increase is in star hotels, an increase of 1 million people in 4 star hotels and 1.1 million people in hotels 3 stars. This means the star hotel is the 2nd in the

204 Central Bureau of Statistics. Number of guests at star hotel in Palembang 2010-2012. Retrieved June 2, 2017 from 205 Central Bureau of Statistics. Number of guests at star hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012. Retrieved June,2 2017 from

82 most desirable of all hotel classes.206 From 2011-2012 there was an increase where in November 2011 there was a SEA Games performance in 2011 where many athletes from Southeast Asia countries who came to Jakarta to compete in the competition.

206 Central Bureau of Statistics. Number of guests at star hotel in Jakarta 2010-2012. Loc.Cit.



The Emergence of soft power as a form of other power besides hard power in international relations activities have implications on the conduct of diplomacy. sport mega-events have potentials to provide appearing power and opportunities to produce attraction even where they have unattractive domestic political characteristics, and the key benefit of sports mega-event is that the hosting countries can communicate their elegances through sport’s cultural values which are shared in the sport mega-events. Hosting countries can raise their culture beauty to other countries by showing that they do not only share those denomination, but they desire to be a victor as well, and celebrate together with their own way of state and culture. SEA Games 2011 as an ASEAN nation's sporting party was born because of the demands of the ASEAN nation to perpetuate friendship in sports forums. As these sports ambassadors struggle for achievement and carry the name of the nation and the state, at the same time there is a universal awareness to know each other and introduce everything about their respective countries and to work together. Tourist is a great asset for the economy of the community which is able to support the increase of the national economy. With the crowds of visitors or tourists can be utilized by the government and the community itself. from many tourists who come to Indonesia the economy of the community will certainly increase, ranging from lodging, transportation, shopping, souvenirs will bring in revenue that drives the economy of society. Therefore sea games 2011 can be a means of diplomacy, imaging and tourism promotion. The number of tourists who come to Indonesia economically also benefit Indonesia because of the increasing number of tourism in Indonesia will also significantly increase the economic sector in Indonesia. In achieving its national interest, a country needs diplomacy, Indonesia use public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy in achieving its interests in the SEA

84 Games 2011. SEA Games as Indonesia's soft power instrument in achieving Indonesia's national interest has successfully provided many benefits especially in economic sector, which at the time of performing SEA Games 2011 the number of tourists who come to Indonesia increased more than a year earlier. And also managed to shape the image of Indonesia as a safe country to visit by international community and can become a tourist destination. Indonesia uses public diplomacy as the strategy to attract incoming tourist and focus on the effort of Indonesian government as the host country in promoting SEA Games 2011 both domestically and Internationally and to build a positive image as an International tourist destination through SEA Games 2011. Indonesia use the campaign and publicity campaign materials in trying to make positive perception of International Communities to come to Indonesia and attending SEA Games 2011 in Palembang and Jakarta. One of the interest to be achieved by Indonesian government is to Increase and developing tourism sector and make Indonesia become safe for International tourist destination. Indonesia use promotional instrument such as slogan, emblem, mascot, poster, soundtrack as promotional instruments in SEA Games 2011. SEA Games 2011 promotional campaign present a number of key message that Indonesia wants to address in domestic and international societies such as Indonesian government’s commitment to safeguarding and promoting Indonesia’s biodiversity, demonstrating the identity of Indonesia as the host country of SEA Games 2011 and also the togetherness of Indonesian society in the International community. Indonesian Government also done public diplomacy through domestic and international campaigns. Domestic and international campaigns are also to achieve the broader Interests of Indonesia that form the image of Indonesia as a tourist destination for foreign tourist. in domestic campaign they hold event "Road to SEA Games 2011", this event in the form of meeting with journalist and businessmen as well as cultural arts performances and also meetings with delegates of SEA Games 2011 participating countries. The plan of the event is in some of major cities in Indonesia (Yogyakarta, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Batam). The purpose of this road show is to show the readiness of Palembang city to host the 2011 SEA Games and promote SEA Games 2011. and the second

85 domestic campaign is through the art show "Glory of Sriwijaya. The art show aims to introduce the area that hosted the SEA Games 2011. In this art performance is a miniature or 10 percent of the opening series of the SEA Games 2011. and then for International campaign Indonesian government and INASOC (Indonesian Southeast Asian Games Organizing Committee) use internet as its media. one of the step taken by Indonesian government in utilizing internet is to create an official website for the SEA Games 2011. and also INASOC work together with media partner such as yahoo Indonesia to promote SEA Games 2011 through media. Cultural diplomacy is also considered effective to achieve the national interest of a nation because its implementation is done peacefully without any element of coercion. In cultural diplomacy, sport is one potential way that can be done in a country. Sports facilities, especially sports that involve all people start to be attracted by various groups as the most effective diplomacy with a concept of competition or championship. So the Indonesian government is so fully support the existence of this 2011 SEA Games championship. Therefore, cultural diplomacy through the SEA Games 2011 is used as a means to change the image of Indonesia in the eyes of the world, introducing Indonesian culture and promoting Indonesian tourism destination. The implementation of cultural diplomacy is at the opening and closing ceremony SEA Games 2011. There are 4 dances, namely Journey Begin (Musi: Heart of City), The History of Sriwijaya Kingdom, Merajut Nusantara, and Reach Out the Dream. In each dance performed during this opening has its own meaning. At the opening ceremony performed traditional dances from several regions in Indonesia. And also in the opening ceremony tells the history of the kingdom of Sriwijaya, as well as the history of the river Musi as a source of life for the people of Palembang. and colossal dance “Merajut Nusantara” involving thousands of dancers features dancers with unique and distinctive costumes from various provinces and the last is “Reach Out the Dream” which performed by the Palembang elementary and junior high school students who express how the spirit of the next generation of the nation in reaching its dream in the future. And the theme for closing ceremony is "Harmony in Victory" The event concluded with a colossal dance

86 that totally involves 600 dancers in a wide array of colours depicting the country's cultural diversity, this dance portrays the harmony of nations in Southeast Asia to gain glory Together in a high degree of harmony, unity, tolerance, and solidarity among nations. SEA Games 2011 as a means of public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy prove that can give benefits for Indonesia in achieving its national interest especially in tourism sector with the increasing number of foreign tourists come to Indonesia.


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