Sea Games 2011: International Sport Event As Soft Power Instrument in Achieving Indonesia’S National Interest in Tourism Sector (2010-2012)
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SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010-2012) By TEUKU HAIKAL PUTRA 016201300146 A Thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree in International Relations Major in Diplomacy Studies 2017 THESIS ADVISER RECOMMENDATION LETTER This thesis entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010- 2012)” prepared and submitted by Teuku Haikal Putra in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in International Relations in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense Cikarang, Indonesia, 5 June 2017 Hendra Manurung, M.A. Thesis Adviser i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY I declare that this thesis, entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010-2012)” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree. Cikarang, Indonesia, 5 June 2017 Teuku Haikal Putra ii PANEL OF EXAMINER APPROVAL SHEET The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled “SEA GAMES 2011: INTERNATIONAL SPORT EVENT AS SOFT POWER INSTRUMENT IN ACHIEVING INDONESIA’S NATIONAL INTEREST IN TOURISM SECTOR (2010-2012)” that was submitted by Teuku Haikal Putra majoring in Diplomacy from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on June 2nd, 2017. Hendra Manurung, MA. Chair – Panel of Examiners Thesis Adviser I Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA. Thesis Adviser II Dr. Phil. Reza A.A Wattimena, S.S., M.Hum. Examiner iii ABSTRACT Teuku Haikal Putra, 016201300146, SEA Games 2011: International Sport Event as Soft Power Instrument in Indonesia’s National Interest in Tourism Sector (2010-2012) Advisors: Hendra Manurung, MA and Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA Tourist is a good asset for economy of societies where it considered able to support the increasing economy nationally. Many tourist destination that have a very good potential but received less attention from the government. To increase the number of tourism in Indonesia, the government use some ways in achieving its goals. Soft power is considered as the most effective way in achieving the national interest of a country. SEA Games is an international sporting event involving Southeast Asian countries in order to strengthen relations between countries. Indonesia utilizing SEA Games 2011 as soft power instrument to achieve its national interest in this case is the tourism sector. Public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy are considered effective as a means of increasing the number of tourism and forming a good image of Indonesia as a safe country to be visited by foreign tourists. This study describes and analyzes the international sport event or South East Asian Games 2011 which is effectively used as a soft power instrument to improve the tourism sector, forming a good image of Indonesia as a safe country to visit by foreign tourists and help to improve the economic growth of Indonesia through the data obtained from books, Internet sites and major sources. Sport mega event is often used as a tool to achieve the interests of a country. Since Indonesia chosen as the host country of SEA Games 2011 until the completion of this event, many impacts are given to the host country especially Palembang and Jakarta which helps the growth of the regional economy and increase the amount of tourism. Keywords: Soft power, Sport, SEA Games, Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, Tourism, Image. iv ABSTRAK Teuku Haikal Putra, 016201300146, SEA Games 2011: International Sport Event as Soft Power Instrument in Indonesia’s National Interest in Tourism Sector (2010-2012) Advisors: Hendra Manurung, MA and Bustanul Arifin, BA.IR, MA Turis merupakan aset yang baik bagi perekonomian masyarakat yang dinilai mampu menunjang peningkatan perekonomian secara nasional. Ada banyak sekali tujuan wisata yang memiliki potensi sangat bagus namun kurang mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah. Untuk meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata di Indonesia, pemerintah menggunakan beberapa cara dalam mencapai tujuannya. Soft power di anggap sebagai cara yang paling efektif dalam mencapai kepentingan nasional suatu negara. SEA Games adalah event olahraga internasional yang melibatkan negara-negara asia tenggara dalam rangka mempererat hubungan antar negara. Indonesia memanfaatkan SEA Games sebagai instrument soft power untuk mencapai kepentingan nasionalnya dalam hal ini adalah sektor pariwisata. Diplomasi Publik dan Diplomasi Kebudayaan di nilai efektif sebagai cara untuk meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata dan membentuk citra Indonesia sebagai negara yang aman untuk di kunjungi oleh wisatawan asing. Penelitian ini menggambarkan dan menganalisa tentang acara olahraga Internasional atau South East Asian Games 2011 yang efektif di gunakan sebagai instrument Soft Power untuk meningkatkan sektor pariwisata, membentuk citra Indonesia sebagai negara yang aman untuk di kunjungi oleh wisatawan asing dan membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia melalui data yang didapatkan dari buku, situs Internet dan sumber utama. sport mega event sudah sering di gunakan sebagai alat untuk mencapai kepentingan suatu negara. sejak terpilihnya Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah SEA Games 2011 hingga selesainya pergelaran acara olahraga ini banyak dampak yang di berikan terhadap tuan rumah khususnya Palembang dan Jakarta dimana membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah dan meningkatkan jumlah pariwisata. Kata Kunci: Soft power, Olahraga, SEA Games, Diplomasi Publik, Diplomasi Kebudayaan, Pariwisata, Citra v ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to say thousand thank you to Allah SWT who has given me a never- ending blessing. Thanks to the grace so that I can complete and finish this thesis for my college. then also my thank to the prophet Muhammad for guide his people. I also want to say thank you to both my beloved parents Teuku Faisal and Rama Yulisa Meutia who always provide love and affection, who never stop giving advice and always wish me the best, thanks to father who always work hard to provide a proper education to his children up to college. To mama who always pray and give spirit every day. And thanks to my sisters, Cut Ella Caesari, Cut Felia and Cut Rahelia. I love u all. The gratitude and respect to both of my supervisor for thesis Mr. Hendra Manurung and Mr. Bustanul Arifin, who always guide and advise me, also to all lecturers of International Relations who shared their knowledge to me during my study in President University. I would also like to thank Siti Raudina Carmelia Putri who always be there for me and always support me during the process of this thesis. I love u so much. I would like to give my deepest gratitude for all my Best friends Abrar, Afif, Said, Apex, Onyong, Loleng, Nyam, Aldo, Andrew, Haris, Yuma, Daus, Zuhra, Qatrun, Ina, Ayla, who have fully supported me and accompanied me throughout the writing process of this thesis, my friends at HANAPU, PUFC, Fatih 6th Generation, Cavalry Family, Kamilawan FC. The purpose of this thesis is for the requirements for me to get my bachelor degree. but there are other important purposes for me. this thesis is not only for my graduation requirements but also can be useful for me and others. The struggle that I did during the process of doing this thesis taught me many lessons for the future, taught me to be more patient, diligent and discipline in living anything in this life and never stop praying and obedient with the creator of Allah SWT. To conclude last but not least I would like to thank you everybody that I mentioned earlier and I do really hope this thesis can be useful for me and others. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS THESIS ADVISER .................................................................................................. i RECOMMENDATION LETTER ........................................................................... i DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................... ii PANEL OF EXAMINER ...................................................................................... iii APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. iii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................ vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... vii LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................. ix LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................ x LIST OF ACRONYMS ......................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................ 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................