Carment's ... Directory for Dalkeith and District
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THIRD YEAR OF PUBLICATION. ^1^- GARMENT'S DIRECTORY FOR DALKEITH kUD DISTRICT. /, CONTENTS. ^^^V- PAGE - - - " Dalkeith - ^ - /^f\!v^ - - " Blackshiels - - Cr^ ' ^^ - - - 19 Bonnyrigg -^ '^ C* ' Ford - - - -" ^<*^ - - 24 GiLMERTON - 25 - - ^*\S^ ' " - GOREBRIDGE - r ^ ^W^ - " - 26 Heriot - - ' V - - • - 29 Lasswade - - i^VvQ) " - - - 29 LOANHEAD - \>> - - - - - 32 Penicuik ,.- » ^\V ----- 35 PoLTON <ii V* ....-- 38 ROSEVVELL ^jj^ ...... 3S ROSLTN - - - - - - - - 38 Upper Keith ....... 39 Local Societies, Institutions, &c., - - - - 41 together with AN ILLUSTRATED SCOTTISH ALMANAC, THE LIST OF FAIRS AND MARKETS IN SCOTLAND, A 16-PAGE TABULAR REPORT OF THE NEW PARLIAMENT. PRICE THREEPENCE. -.r'.j-.,' JOHN GARMENT, 67 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. AD VER TISEMENTS. FOUNDED 1805. THE OLDEST SCOTCH INSURANCE COMPANY. CALEDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. Annual Eevenue, - £348,74-^. Accumulated Funds, - £1,114,955, CLAIMS PAID, UPWARDS OF TWO MILLIONS STERLING. LIFE ASSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Non-Forfeitable Policies issued on a specially liberal system.- Bonus Additions of large amount, whicii may at any time be exchanged for a liberal cash value or reduction in Premiums. New Bonus feature, under which the Profits are applied to make the Policy j?a^a6Ze during life. Residence in many parts of the world permitted free of charge. Moderate Rates of Premium. Claims payable ten days after proof oi death and lodgment of title. Reserves on a very ample scale, and Life Funds specially exei Life ' from liability for Fire FIRE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Reserve Funds very ample, and Premiums strictly Moderate. Board of Directors. Chairman—The Hon. E, C. BULLER ELPHINSTONE. .JOHN TURNBULL, Esq. of .Abbey St ROBERT STEWART, Esq. oi Inglistor Bathans. and Kinlochmoidart. C. J. HENDERSON, Esq., Edinburgh. JOHN WM. YOUNG, Esq., W.S. R H. LEADBETTER, Esq., Glasgow. WM. STUART ERASER, Esq., W.S. CHARLES RITCHIE, Esq., S.SC. T. A. HOG, Esq., of Newliston. ALEX. SHOLTO DOUGLAS, Esq., W.S. P. STIRLING, Esq., of Kippendavie. Manager and Actuary—B. DEUCHAR, F.LA. and F.F.A. Secretary -D. J. SURENNE, F.F.A. Fire Superintendent—Z . COWAN. Assistant Secretary—3. MURRAY. Assistant Actuary—B.. R. COCKBURN, F.F.A Head Office : 19 George Street, Edinburgh. Glasgow Office: 64 ST. VINCENT STREET, Agents in Dalkeith. ROBERT WILSON, Builder, Fairfield Place. COLIN COCHRANE, Painter, 16 South Street. WILLIAM PORTEOUS, Merchant. WILLIAM MILLAR, National Bank (Fire only). HUGH WATT, East Glebe. AD VER TISEMENTS. JAMES SOMERYILLE. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, 88 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH, Invites inspection of his large and varied stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. HAND MADE By First-class Workmen, of the Best Material, always on hand. Orders ivill receive special attention. MACHMS MADE, From the Best Makers, in great variety, and care- fully selected. LADIES' DRESS SLIPPERS AND GENT.'S PATENT SHOES OF Superior Quality. WATERPROOF/' K" BOOT. Being Sole Agent in this District for this Cele- brated Boot, J. S. has all the sizes on hand, and can execute Orders without delay. AD VERTISEMENTS. ANDREW LIDDLB, TAIT STREET, DALKEITH. Established 1840. S. TELFER. BOOT .A.]D<riD SDEiOE HVE^^KIER, Has always on hand a Large and Superior Assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for all seasons. MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. J'OHl lAllHl, JOINER & UNDERTAKER, OART AND WHEEL WRIGHT, DALKEITH. HOUSE-107 HIGH STREET. Funerals conducted in Toiun or Country, COFFINS, HEARSES, MOURNING COACHES, And Every Puneral Eequisite, supplied on the Shortest Notice at MODERATE TERMS. ADVER TISEMENTS. DAVID GRIEVE, GROCER, BUCCLEUCH PLACE (OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATIOm, Late 4 High Street, ) t 33 .^ Xa ^ lEl'S.'S "SS. FOR NEW & SUBSTANTIAL VISIT JAMES MCNEILL'S ESTABLISHMENT, 110 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH (Late Mr ALEX. WILSOJVJ. INSPECTION RESPECTFULLY INVITED. An VERTJSEMENTS. iiOEsei, MARRIAGE U„<=^ v v -*-^- ^i> PANGY BEEAD AND ) CHRISTENING J BAKER CAKES. ] ^^^ SHORTBREAD ^^^^^^j^^^^^^ , I, RUSKS. ') DESCRIPTION. 48 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. ALL KINDS OF CAEES MADE TO OKDER. FINEST WHEATEN MEAL AND FLOUR. ARCHIBALD DODS, DALKEITH, Conducts all kinds of AGRICULTURAL SALES. APPRAISEMENTS TAEEN FOE LEGACY DUTY. SALES OF FAT AND OTHER STOCK Every MONDAY at ONE o'clock. DALKEITH AUCTION MABT. AD VERTISEMENTS. NSWMILLS, DALKEITH. BOBBIN, BRUSH, AND CABINET TURNING, &c. JOBBING PROMPTLY AND TASTEFULLY EXECUTED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ANDREW BSYSON Respectfully intimates that he is Agent for the Best Household Coals from the Newbattle and Dalkeith CoUieries, which he supplies at Lowest Current Rates. VANS FOR HIRE AND REMOVALS CONDUCTED. GEORGE FINLAY, ELMFIELD PLACE, DALKEITH, GENERAL SMITH WORK DONE. fHOMAi lIOKil MERCHAjYT, BTJOOLEUOH PLACE & 17 SOUTH STEEET, AD VERTISEMENTS. IMPORTANT TO READY MONEY BUYERS. sp:ecial bargains all the yljab bound at ROBERT WIGHT'S Drapery, hosiery, & Shirt establishment, 2 and 4 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH. Ahvays on hand a Large Stock of First-Class Goods in every Department^ at exceedingly Low Prices, ivell ivorth the attention of intending purchasers. Flannels, Cottons, Winceys, Tartans, Blankets, Sheetings, Plaidings, Shirtings, Druggets, Tickings. UNDERCLOTHING of Every Description for LADIES' & CHILDREN'S WEAR, Lambs'-Wool Undbrclothixq and Fancy Hosiery, Stays, &c., &c. YARNS OF ALL KINDS CHEAP. A CALL RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED. OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— 2 AMD 4 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH, " Sign of the Lamb."—Established in 1848. \ Plumber, Gasfitter, and Sanitary Engineer, AND LOANHEAD. DWELLING-HOUSES IN TOWN OR COUNTRY FITTED UP IN A SUPERIOR STYLE. REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY EXECUTED. 97 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. Branch Shop-LOAJ^HEAD. AD VER TISEMENTS. JOHN THORBURN, SANITARY PLUMBER, GASFITTER, AND ZINO-WORKER, DALKEITH. Hot, Gold, Plunge and Shower Baths, Water Closets and Wash-Hand Basins Fitted up on the Newest Sanitary Principles. AGENT FOR IRON PIPES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. All Repairs carefully executed under Personal Supervision. CHA.ROSS laODEHATE. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. 138 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. PitIE lllOil, ROPE, THE AND SHEEMET MANUFACTURER. AND DEALER IN CORN AND POTATO BAGS, COCOA MAHING, DOOR MATS, ETC. laMflll® 'f 14ei« WA'kMMTiM, AD VERTISEMENTS, DAIRYMAN, BUCCLEUCH STEEET, DALKEITH. CARTING OF ALL KINDS. BUTCHER, JOHN GUNN, 14 Back Street, Dalkeith. I Estimates supplied for all kinds of Plain and Ornamental Garden Work. JOHN ANDISON, saddIi£:r and harness maker, BUGCLEUGH Street, Dalkeith. ALEXANDER PATERSON, DAIEYMAN AND VICTUAL DEALER, 18 WEST WYND, DALKEITH. CHARGES STRICTLT MODERATE. SIjATEI^ AISTJD chimney STVEBI>EIl. YOUNG'S Close, Dalkeith. GRATES BUILT. CHIMNEY CANS PUT UP. WHITEWASHING AND EVERY SORT OF JOBBING WORK DONE. AD VERTISEMENTS. ,3 'm sfe9 mm'-mwm'm& Berlin and Fancy Warehouse, 21 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. Agents for Messrs A. & J. M'NAB, Dyers and Cleaners to the Queen, Inglis Green, Slateford ; AND FOR THE CELEBRATED EARLSTON GINGHAMS. JAMBS DONALDSON, PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOCK I^AKER, JEWELLER^ ETC.; 20 High Street, Dalkeith, and Olerk Street, Loanhead. ALL KINDS OF BRITISH AND FOREIGN WATCHES AND CLOCKS CAREFULLY CLEANED AND REPAIRED. JEWELLERY NEATLY REPAIRED. A Large Assortment of GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELLERY always on hand, 20 High Street, Dalkeith, and Olerk Street, Loanhead. JAMIB Klllll¥, H^lumbBr^ Zxnx^-Wnvk^v^ and )&asfitter; 126 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. ESTIMATES SUPPLIED IN TOWN AND COUNTRY. HOUSE—MUTTER'S LAND, HIGH STREET. JOHN WIGHTMAN, 13 SOUTH STREET, DALKEITH, Begs respectfully to thank his Friends and the Public for the liberal patronage has he received since commencing business, and hopes by paying strict personal attention to all Orders, and supplying Articles of First-class Qnality, to merit a continuance of their support. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Branch Establishment at Bonnyrigg. AJD VER TISEMENTS. GEORGE DOUGLAS & SON, IRON AND SEED MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN AGRICULTURAL MANURES, OIL CAKES & OTHER FEEDING STUFFS. ETC. TARS, OILS, PAINTS, AND SHEEP DIPPING STUFFS, <i:G. AGENTS FOR THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND. LEITR OFFICE—52 QUALITY STREET. ALEXANDER DICKSON, (Successor to the Late Mr William Meek,) 3flam and. ©mamButal H^laster^r; MOSAIC TILES FOR FLOORING-NEWEST DESIGNS. ALL KINDS OF JOBBING DONE. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. *L JOHN HARE, CLOSE AND OPEN CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mr ROBERT BAILLIE, Surgeon Dentist, REMOVED TO MR WILLIAM BISHOP'S, CROFT STREET, (Successor to Mr PROCTOR,) 7 QUEENSFERRY STREET {West End of Princes Street). Daily Attendance: Edinburgh—10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays till 1 p.m. Dalkeith (Thursdays only)—Summer Months, 5 to 8 ; Winter Months, 3 to 6, PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS under the influence of Nitrous-Oxide Gas. AD VERTISEMENTS. JAMES THOMSON. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A OAEETULLY SELECTED ASSOETMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES. Material and ^Workmanship Guaranteed. REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS NEATLY DONE AT MODERATE CHARGES. S PMTDB JOBBIJVG GARDEN-ER AjYI) FLORIST, CHARLES' COURT, EDWARD TAIT & SONS, BUTCHERS & POULTERERS, 93 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH, AND 44 HIGH STREET, BOJVJ^'YRIGG-, J. HURRY, WHITE HART STREET, AD VERTISEMENTS. DAVID PURSELL & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, AND HORTICULTURAL ENGINEERS, AND WHOLESALE AJVD RETAIL. WILLIAM C. GRAY, Cta, Coffee, anb' Sjice Plerc|mit, 4 HIGH STREET. REGULAR SUPPLIES OF FINEST DAIRY BUTTER AND FRESH SOUMTRY EGGS, FROM ROSEBERY HOME FARM. LIBEEAL TEEMS FOE SOIEEES PICNICS, &o. AD VERTISEMENTS. ROBERT HUTCHISON, BUTCHER AND POULTERER, SO and 82 HIGH STREET, DALKEITH. POULTRY AND SALT BEEF ALWAYS ON HAND. COUNTRY ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED