Inside: l Corruption in Ukraine’s armed forces – page 4 l Pittsburgh society’s Ukrainian of the Year – page 11 l retains his boxing titles – page 17

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXX No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 $1/$2 in Ukraine Election results Evidence of fraud seen in parliamentary vote count now official Days after election Ukrinform marked by conflict KYIV – The results of the voting in by Zenon Zawada Ukraine’s parliamentary elections Special to The Ukrainian Weekly were published on November 13 in the KYIV – If the Ukrainian government Parliament’s Holos Ukrainy newspaper eked out a barely passing grade in the ini- and the government’s Uriadovyi Kurier tial Western evaluations of the October 28 newspaper. Thus, the lists of national vote, then the violence and ample evidence deputies elected to Parliament have of fraud that filled the following days and been officially published in accordance weeks of tabulations tipped the scales with the law. “The country obtained 445 parlia- towards a failing grade. mentarians, and it will obviously be The Canadian government became the necessary to hold repeat elections in first major Western institution to condemn five districts. And today (no later than the parliamentary election result when it on the fifth day after the announce- issued a statement on November 11 declar- ment of the election results) our news- ing that the vote didn’t meet international, paper, according to the abovemen- democratic standards. tioned plan, is already publishing the “Canada is distressed by the lack of Central Election Commission’s list of openness, transparency and timeliness that national deputies of the Verkhovna has characterized vote tabulation,” said the The November 5 opposition demonstration at the Central Election Commission in Rada of the seventh convocation, who statement issued on behalf of Canadian Kyiv drew a few thousand at its peak. were elected in the October 28, 2012, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird and election day, which was largely approved as battles ensued between police and politi- elections,” Uriadovyi Kurier wrote. International Cooperation Minister Julian cians over who would possess contested According to the two official newspa- Fantino. legitimate by international monitoring ballots. pers, 220 national deputies were elect- “Sadly, this is just the latest in the series organizations, who reserved their criticism Among the most vicious battles was one ed in single-seat constituencies, and the of irregularities that has characterized the for the pre-election campaign and vote tab- in the city of Pervomaisk in the Mykolayiv Central Election Commission declared campaign overall and confirms reports that ulation afterwards. Oblast, where Party of Regions candidate the impossibility of establishing the Ukraine’s parliamentary elections did not The problematic election commissions Vitalii Travianko was allegedly trying to steal election results in five constituencies meet the democratic standards that were wrought with conflicts, both verbal victory from opposition candidate Arkadii (Nos. 94, 132, 194, 197 and 225). Ukrainians have the right to expect.” and physical. During the conflicts, election Kornatskyi of the Batkivshchyna party. commissioners fainted, police used tear gas (Continued on page 11) Vote tallies dragged on for days, and for weeks in a handful of districts, following against supporters of the opposition and (Continued on page 14) Supporters of Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford celebrate its 75th anniversary

by Anisa Handzia Sawyckyj secuted for more than four decades by Soviet authorities. In his banquet address, Bishop Gudziak discussed the STAMFORD, Conn. – Undaunted by the approach of significance of museums as repositories of culture and Hurricane Sandy due to arrive within 24 hours, on October guardians of national memory and traditions whose role in 28 close to 200 supporters of the Ukrainian Museum and society cannot be overestimated. Encouraging the audience Library of Stamford braved uncertain road conditions to to support the Stamford Ukrainian Museum and Library travel from around the N.Y.-metro area and from as far as morally and financially, he concluded his remarks by saying: and Washington, to celebrate the museum “The challenge is to look ahead to the 100th anniversary and library’s 75th anniversary. and to creatively develop the inheritance that has been The oldest cultural institution in the Ukrainian American passed down to this generation.” community, the Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford Honored for their many years of outstanding service at 161 Glenbrook Road in Stamford, Conn., was founded by were Lubow Wolynetz, curator of the museum for the past Metropolitan Archbishop Constantine Bohachevsky, head of 30 years, and Msgr. John Terlecky, director of the library the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the U.S., who opened its since 1997, when it was reorganized and renamed the doors to the public in 1937. Ukrainian Cultural Research Center. The 75th anniversary banquet at the Sheraton Stamford Bishop Paul Chomnycky, eparch of Stamford and presi- Hotel featured as its guest of honor and keynote speaker dent of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Museum and Bishop Borys Gudziak, the rector of the Ukrainian Catholic Library of Stamford, offered the tributes, presenting the University (UCU) in Lviv, Ukraine. He was recently consecrat- honorees with plaques and flowers. ed as bishop and appointed apostolic exarch for Ukrainian Both Mrs. Wolynetz and Msgr. Terlecky made brief Catholics in France, the Benelux countries and Switzerland. remarks, focusing on the highlights in the history of the A native of Syracuse, N.Y., Bishop Gudziak earned a Ph.D. museum and library, respectively. Sister Natalya Stoczanyn in history from Harvard University and subsequently went Prof. Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, niece of On behalf of the board of directors of the Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford, of which he is presi- to Ukraine, where for two decades he worked to create UCU, Metropolitan Constantine Bohachevsky, delivered a special dent, Bishop Paul Chomnycky presents the museum’s a premier Catholic university in Lviv. Among his early greeting to the assembled guests. A historian, she is curator, Lubow Wolynetz, with a plaque and flowers in accomplishments at UCU was the creation of an oral history appreciation of her 30 years of outstanding service to archive of the underground Ukrainian Catholic Church, per- (Continued on page 10) the institution. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47


Violations, strong showing of radicals Opposition to appeal in European Court country. If 150 deputies do not enter the Parliament, it will not exist,” Mr. Grytsenko KYIV – The opposition will defend the said. He said it was allegedly proposed to spoil Ukraine’s parliamentary elections results of the parliamentary elections at the the opposition that it “surrender” its candi- Tymoshenko’s point of view. The European Court of Human Rights, Arseniy dates in some districts in exchange for rec- by Oleg Varfolomeyev Yatsenyuk of the united opposition said at Eurasia Daily Monitor Organization for Security and Cooperation ognition of the oppositionists’ victory in in Europe (OSCE), European Parliament an opposition rally in front of the Central other districts. He stressed that the opposi- The parliamentary election on October President Martin Schulz and the U.S. State Election Commission on November 12. tion will fight for every vote and will protect 28 disillusioned those who hoped for prog- Department agreed that vote-buying, “The opposition will protect the results of candidates in all districts. “It is impossible ress in Ukraine after the botched election unequal access to the media and the abuse the elections at the European Court of to make a compromise here... This position to the regional and municipal councils in of administrative resources meant that this Human Rights,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said. He is shared by the majority among three 2010. Like two years ago, radicals per- election was a step back compared to the underscored that the Ukrainian Parliament oppositional forces,” Mr. Grytsenko empha- must have not 445 but 450 national depu- formed better than expected while the lack parliamentary elections in 2006 and 2007, sized. (Ukrinform) of a level playing field and the immature as well as the presidential election in 2010 ties, and five seats should be rightfully given political culture spoiled the election. As a (Interfax-Ukraine, October 29; Ukrayinska to the opposition. “One of the main tasks of EUobserver on elections in Ukraine result, the victory by the ruling Party of Pravda, October 30). the opposition at the moment is to return the mandates of deputies of the Verkhovna KYIV – The Brussels-based online news- Regions of Ukraine (PRU) has been Pyrrhic. This prompted angry reactions from paper EUobserver has published an article Despite the PRU holding on to its majori- Kyiv. Mr. Azarov told U.S. Ambassador John Rada in the five disputed single-member constituencies,” the oppositionist said. In a on the state and prospects of political dia- ty, the opposition looks stronger and more Tefft that Western observers were biased logue between the European Union and unified now than before the election. In (Ukrayinska Pravda, October 30). The statement released on November 12, the Batkivshchyna, Svoboda and UDAR parties Ukraine in the context of the parliamentary addition, the European Union will hardly Foreign Affairs Ministry said it was “aston- elections of October 28. “Ukraine’s parlia- agree to sign an association and free trade ished” by the U.S. State Department’s said the opposition will not recognize the election results as long as the opposition mentary elections in October did nothing to agreement with Ukraine after such an elec- assessment and rejected the OSCE’s evalua- repair damage,” the author of the article tion. tion as “groundless and biased” (Interfax- candidates in those disputed districts do not become national deputies. The final said, referring to the negative factors that Popular disillusionment with the ruling Ukraine, October 31, November 2). currently exist in relations between the EU PRU and the main opposition party, Kyiv’s main argument has been that the results of the voting in Ukraine’s parliamen- tary elections were published on November and Ukraine. The newspaper also referred Batkivshchyna, which is headed by the election was free and fair because the offi- to a preliminary report made by the interna- imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia cial results are almost identical to exit poll 13 in the Parliament’s Holos Ukrainy news- paper and the government’s Uriadovyi tional observer mission of the Organization Tymoshenko, as well as the removal last predictions. Exit polls did accurately pre- for Security and Cooperation in Europe year of the option to vote against all candi- dict the party race results, but the viola- Kurier newspaper. The results indicated that 445 national deputies had been elect- (OSCE), which noted that “democratic prog- dates prompted many disgruntled tions reported by foreign and domestic ress appears to have reversed in Ukraine.” Ukrainians to cast their ballots for radicals. observers referred mainly to the individual ed, while the results in five constituencies could not be declared. (Ukrinform) The EUobserver also cited EU foreign ser- As a result, the Communist Party of races in which half of the 450-seat vice spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic as say- Ukraine (CPU) came in fourth among par- Parliament was elected. Opposition questions Rada’s legitimacy ing that the foreign affairs ministers of EU ties with 13.2 percent, almost tripling its The true scale of violations in those member states, at a meeting on November KYIV – The opposition will not recognize result from the previous election in 2007. races became vivid when local commis- 19, would discuss the situation in Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada’s legitimacy if all oppo- And the far-right party Svoboda was elect- sions started to count votes. In several the context of the recent parliamentary elec- sition candidates who by calculation of the ed to Parliament for the first time ever with highly contested single-mandate districts, tions. The article also analyzed the situation United Opposition Batkivshchyna won in 10.4 percent of the vote, compared to less the opposition accused pro-government surrounding the possible signing of the “disputed” single-seat districts are not rec- than 1 percent in 2007. candidates of trying to distort the results Association Agreement between Ukraine ognized, it was reported on November 10. The PRU, Batkivshchyna and the new with the help of their representatives on and the EU, including the creation of a free Anatoliy Grytsenko, a representative of the party UDAR, headed by world the electoral commissions, and both sides trade area, which currently faces obstacles United Opposition Batkivshchyna, said in an boxing champion Vitali Klitschko, mus- used militants in several districts in order for political and technical reasons. “One EU interview with the newspaper Hazeta po- tered, respectively, 30.0, 25.5 and 14.0 per- to intimidate each other and the commis- diplomat said the pact might be signed in Ukrainsky: “Three opposition forces stated cent of the votes cast (, sions. As a result, the vote count was order ‘not to push Ukraine into a Belarus- their firm position: the authorities should November 5). delayed and in several cases boxes with type isolation,’” reads the article. According recognize a victory of every oppositionist, These results will do nothing to improve ballots were tampered with (Ukrayinska to the article, “other sources said the signa- without exception, elected by the people. Ukraine’s relations with its Western neigh- Pravda, November 1-4). This prompted ture is highly unlikely and that the Otherwise, the opposition will not recog- bors. Both the CPU and Svoboda are anti- Batkivshchyna and UDAR to speak in favor [EU-Ukraine] summit postponement is nize the Rada. If the Verkhovna Rada is rec- market forces that favor nationalization of of annulling the election results. linked to [President Viktor] Yanukovych’s selected industries and cancellation of the UDAR – the party dissatisfied with the ognized as illegitimate by us, this will mean recent taxation and pension reforms, which results most of all as it scored less than pre- the possibility of a deep political crisis in the (Continued on page 12) were approved by international financial election opinion polls had predicted – has organizations. called on the Central Election Commission While the CPU is famously anti-Western, to abstain from announcing the election Svoboda is skeptical about Western values results and on Parliament to call a new FOUNDED 1933 and openly xenophobic. Its leaders made election (Ukrayinska Pravda, November 4). The Ukrainian Weekly anti-Semitic statements in the past, which The legal mechanism to annul the has prompted Israel and Jewish organiza- results is too complicated to implement. An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. tions to express concern about Svoboda’s The opposition apparently hopes to influ- Yearly subscription rate: $65; for UNA members — $55. election to Parliament. Israeli Ambassador ence international opinion so that the elec- Reuven Din-El, the Anti-Defamation League tion should not be recognized as free and Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) and the Moscow-based movement World fair. On November 4, Polish President Without Nazism expressed concern over Bronislaw Komorowski told Ukrainian The Weekly: UNA: Svoboda’s election and Batkivshchyna’s President Viktor Yanukovych by phone that Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 cooperation with Svoboda (, Interfax- the recent events might prompt the Ukraine October 30; Ukrinform, November European Union to further delay the sign- Postmaster, send address changes to: 3). ing of an association and free trade agree- The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, who ment with Ukraine (, P.O. Box 280 chairs the PRU, has said the October 28 November 4). Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] polls were “a classic example of conducting This is a bad signal for Kyiv, as Poland a free democratic election” (UNIAN, during the first week after voting day The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: October 30). Commonwealth of seemed to be one of the few European Independent States (CIS) observers Russia Union countries inclined not to judge the The Ukrainian Weekly, November 18, 2012, No. 47, Vol. LXXX and Belarus shared this opinion (RIA Ukrainian government severely for another Copyright © 2012 The Ukrainian Weekly Novosti, October 30). botched election. At the same time, Ms. Tymoshenko and CPU leader Petro Symonenko claimed this The article above is reprinted from was the dirtiest election campaign in Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA Ukraine ever (Interfax-Ukraine, October its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3041 30). The West is closer to Ms. e-mail: [email protected] Walter Honcharyk, advertising manager (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 fax: (973) 644-9510 e-mail: [email protected]

To subscribe to The Ukrainian Weekly, call 973-292-9800, ext. 3042 Mariyka Pendzola, subscriptions (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 e-mail: [email protected] No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Tymoshenko trial is delayed as opposition vows to fight on 13 that he was concerned after meeting halt her hunger strike. “Yulia, don’t contin- and scoundrels rule, but a fair Ukraine,” he RFE/RL her in the Kharkiv hospital where she is on ue your hunger strike - only they want you told the opposition gathering. A court in Kharkiv has again postponed a hunger strike. to starve! We need you strong, alive and The opposition includes Ms. the tax-evasion trial of jailed former Prime “You know, I have a very sad and grave healthy. We have more great achievements Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna, Mr. Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. impression from what we saw. You know, ahead of us, and together with you we’ll Tiahnybok’s Svoboda and UDAR, the liberal Judge Konstyantyn Sadovskyy on 16 days of the hunger strike, it wouldn’t do accomplish these deeds,” Mr. Yatsenyuk party of boxing champion Vitali Klitschko. November 13 adjourned the trial until any good to any person, especially not to a told the crowd. Analysts say Mr. Klitschko and Mr. November 23 because Ms. Tymoshenko, woman who has chosen this method to “And I ask, that we together call on Yulia Tiahnybok have strained relations, throw- who is on a hunger strike, could not attend. fight the present regime,” Mr. Kozhemyakin Tymoshenko to stop the hunger strike, and ing doubts on claims of opposition unity. Ms. Tymoshenko, a bitter rival of said. demand that Yulia Tymoshenko be freed,” Earlier, the European Union said President Viktor Yanukovych who lost to “That’s why despite her combative he added. Ukraine’s parliamentary elections were him in a close presidential election in 2010, mood she looks the way a person would be The protest came a day after the com- marred by a delayed vote count and other is already serving a seven-year sentence expected to look on the 16th day of a hun- mission released final results from irregularities. over a separate abuse-of-power case. ger strike. And to be honest I’m afraid - and Ukraine’s October 28 parliamentary elec- In a statement issued on November 12, She began a hunger strike on October 29 I told my colleagues about it already - that, tions. EU foreign-policy chief Catherine Ashton to protest alleged vote-rigging in Ukraine’s unfortunately, this could lead to any sort of Those results show the ruling party of and Enlargement Commissioner Stefan parliamentary elections on October 28. consequences,” he noted. Yanukovych and its allies retaining control Fuele expressed “concern about the con- The State Penitentiary Service in the 450-seat parliament. duct of the post-electoral process, which Opposition vows to fight on announced on November 9 that Ms. was marred by irregularities, delays in the United opposition? Tymoshenko had asked for permission not Meanwhile, opposition parties are vow- vote count and lack of transparency in the to appear at the November 13 hearing due ing to continue their fight against Mr. At the same rally, the leader of the electoral commissions.” to poor health. It is the 10th time the trial Yanukovych and say they will work to free Svoboda party, Oleh Tiahnybok, highlighted The EU has also criticized the build-up has been postponed since April due to Ms. Ms. Tymoshenko. the opposition’s unity. to the election and the vote itself. Tymoshenko’s health woes. Addressing some 1,000 supporters out- “The very fact that three political forces The trial focuses on allegations that Ms. side the Central Election Commission on have agreed to a joint start, definitely, I With reporting by AP, Reuters, and AFP. Tymoshenko evaded millions of U.S. dollars November 12 in Kyiv, United Opposition don’t know what will happen later, but our Copyright 2012, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted in taxes in connection with a private energy leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk said the opposi- Ukrainian opposition train has already set with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ company she headed during the 1990s. tion would seek the resignation of President off toward a great Ukrainian victory, Radio Liberty, 1201 Ave. NW, Western governments say the case appears Yanukovych, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov toward building a new government to the Washington DC 20036; (see to be politically motivated. and other members of the government. building of a new Ukraine - not the Ukraine Ms. Tymoshenko’s lawyer Andriy Mr. Yatsenyuk vowed to seek Ms. that was immersed in corruption and lies, opposition-tymoshenko-yanukovych/ Kozhemyakin told journalists on November Tymoshenko’s release and urged her to not the Ukraine where falsifiers, traitors, 24769063.html).

MISSION CANADA REPORT: Ukraine’s authorities FOR THE RECORD fail to sufficiently address voting irregularities Canada urges Ukraine’s officials OTTAWA – Mission Canada – the the disenfranchisement of Ukrainian independent Canadian election observa- voters. to “do right” by voters tion mission for the Ukrainian parlia- Mission Canada also noted serious mentary elections – on November 13 gaps in Ukraine’s election framework, Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Sadly, this is just the latest in the noted that Ukrainian authorities failed which have now led to procedural wran- John Baird and International series of irregularities that has char- to adequately address serious electoral gling between Parliament and the Cooperation Minister Julian Fantino on acterized the campaign overall and irregularities in its final vote tabulation Central Election Commission (CEC) over November 11 issued the following confirms reports that Ukraine’s par- rulings. mandating and financing of proposed statement on the October 28 parlia- liamentary elections did not meet the As noted in previous reports and re-elections in five districts. mentary elections in Ukraine to under- democratic standard that Ukrainians public statements, Mission Canada has “We now have two senior institutions score that Canada stands strong with have the right to expect. raised serious concerns about the elec- each saying it is the other’s responsibili- the people of Ukraine as they seek to Canada urges election authorities tion’s vote tabulation process. In a sig- ty to legally and financially sanction build a nation founded on the values of and all party leaders to do right by the nificant number of districts – typically these by-elections. If this impasse is not freedom, democracy, respect for millions of Ukrainians who attempted close races or districts clearly dominat- resolved, the likely outcome will be five human rights and the rule of law. to express their democratic rights and ed by opposition par- p e r m a n e n t s e a t Canada sent some 500 election observ- be heard, regardless of the party they ties – vote tabulation The political vacancies and the dis- ers to monitor the conduct of these chose. saw procedural viola- enfranchisement of elections. Canada will continue to monitor tions, manipulation of voice of up to more than 700,000 developments in Ukraine closely and results, falsification of 700,000 voters is voters,” added Sen. Canada is distressed by the lack of looks forward to receiving the final electronic data trans- Andreychuk. openness, transparency and timeli- reports of Mission Canada and other fers, in ten t ion a l potentially lost. “The ultimate vic- ness that has characterized vote tabu- independent election observation delays in receiving tims of this flawed lation. missions in the coming weeks. ballot protocols, and exercise are not the pressure and intimidation of both pre- political parties or candidates – it is the cinct and district election commission Ukrainian people who deserve to have members. their democratic will expressed. We “Mission Canada, along with most continue to call upon all authorities to Biden and Yanukovych domestic and international election take appropriate steps necessary to observer groups observed serious vote restoring confidence in Ukraine’s elec- speak via phone tabulation flaws that undermine confi- toral process,” she underscored. dence in the election results as posted,” Mission Canada is undertaken with Following is the full text of the read- week’s U.S. election. Noting the strong said Sen. Raynell Andreychuk, Mission the financial support of the Government out of the Vice President’s Joe Biden’s interest of the United States in enhanc- Canada’s head of mission. of Canada through the Canadian telephone call with Ukrainian President ing its relationship with Ukraine, the The Canadian observation mission International Development Agency and Viktor Yanukovych. The text was vice-president voiced concerns over has observed that local legal challenges the Department of Foreign Affairs and released on November 13 by the White Ukraine’s recent parliamentary elec- continue to be adjudicated inconsistent- International Trade. The project is House, Office of the Vice-President. tions and asked President Yanukovych ly, seemingly continuing a pattern of implemented by CANADEM, a non-gov- to ensure the process is completed in a pre-election challenges that appeared to ernment organization. On October 29 Vice-President Biden spoke to the fair and transparent manner. He also favour the ruling party candidates. Mission Canada issued a preliminary president of Ukraine, Viktor urged Ukraine to live up to its demo- Court decisions have not corresponded report on the Ukrainian parliamentary Yanukovych, today to thank him for his cratic commitments and end selective to the observations made or the full evi- elections ( congratulatory message following last prosecutions. dence presented, frequently leading to ukraine); a final report is forthcoming. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47 Corruption in the Ukrainian armed forces: An insider’s perspective

by Volodymyr Dibrova Army, Conversion and Disarmament Mr. Polyakov began his talk on ment system (conscription, training, mili- Studies, a think tank in Kyiv. He also serves September 17 by citing Transparency tary education and career management). It CAMBRIDGE, Mass. – The Harvard on the National Security and Defense International, a global civil society anti-cor- has grown to gigantic proportions in the Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament. ruption watchdog, which ranked Ukraine distribution of housing entitlements for recently hosted Leonid Polyakov’s talk on Notwithstanding its academic name and 152nd out of 182 countries in 2011 active and retired armed forces personnel “Security in the Crucible of Systematic mission, the Ukrainian Research Institute because of “the high level and the system- (the most corrupt area according to the for- Corruption in Ukraine.” has never shied away from critical exami- atic character of corruption in state institu- mer deputy minister). In summing up this Mr. Polyakov’s talk drew a large crowd nation of the most urgent issues in tions.” (In 2007 Ukraine was rated 118th part of his account Mr. Polyakov stated of Eastern European experts and students, Ukrainian politics. A long list of high gov- out of 179 nations.) He then went on to say bluntly that “half of the [military] budget is some perhaps already familiar with the ernment officials who preceded Mr. that corruption should be regarded as a stolen.” problem of corruption in different corners Polyakov as guests or fellows at the insti- high security risk. Corruption in the securi- Corruption also reigns supreme in of the former Soviet Union. In this case, tute or conducted their research here ty and defense sectors reduces the opera- peacekeeping operations. In the past, however, the subject of the presentation includes Leonid Kravchuk, first president tional effectiveness of the armed forces, Ukrainian soldiers who took part in con- was corruption where it could have the of Ukraine; Kostiantyn Morozov, minister of decreases morale, produces internal vul- flicts overseas were the pride of the nation. most damaging repercussions for the secu- defense (1991-93), whose memoirs “Above nerability and weakens national security. Now they are often accused of profiteering rity and stability of the country: the and Beyond” were published by HURI; “Reforms” – a buzz-word in Ukrainian from black-market activities like selling cig- Ukrainian military. Borys Tarasyuk, minister of foreign affairs politics for the past 20 years – as carried arettes, fuel and food. Yet, contrary to con- There is consensus in Ukraine that cor- (1998-2000 and 2005-2007); Volodymyr out by the present government make a ventional logic and common sense, one ruption lies behind nearly all social, politi- Lanovyi, vice prime minister (2002); Serhiy mockery of the whole idea of improving hears voices at the highest levels of the gov- cal and economic woes currently besetting Teriokhin, minister of economics (2005); the infrastructure and effectiveness of the ernment calling on the Ukrainian military the country. It permeates all spheres of Mr. Grytsenko, minister of defense (2005- Ukrainian army. Instead of streamlining it, to start earning money on its own. Ukrainian life, making it impossible to 2009); and Yuri Shcherbak, by turns the Yanukovych government has busily In this situation, asked Mr. Polyakov, implement much-needed reforms that Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Canada reshuffled and inflated the so-called securi- might not other countries take advantage would enable the country to join the com- and the United States. ty sector of Ukraine, so that it now includes of Ukraine’s vulnerability resulting from munity of European democracies. All of these experts brought to the insti- the ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs, such rampant corruption? Answering his Mr. Polyakov, an expert on defense and tute vast practical experience and unique Emergencies, Finance, Justice and Foreign own question, he pinpointed the most like- security issues, is well-known at Harvard. perspectives, thus contributing to HURI’s Affairs, and the Office of the Procurator ly eventualities: 1) foreign penetration into He has been a fellow jointly at the efforts to help the Harvard community bet- General of Ukraine. Ukrainian politics and government; 2) con- Weatherhead Center for International ter understand the complexities of issues Mr. Polyakov’s frequent comparisons of trol of its information space; 3) influence Affairs and at HURI (2009-2010), and has faced by Ukraine today. today’s Ukrainian armed forces with the over its education and science; 4) the pro- spoken at the institute on the subject of The fact that corruption lies behind Red Army were not flattering either. He motion of “friendly” Churches; 5) the buy- Ukrainian national security and the coun- nearly all of Ukraine’s social, political and identified three areas – indoctrination, ing up of land and assets; 6) the exploita- try’s aspirations to join NATO. economic woes, and thus is an impediment financial compensation and control – to tion of its military infrastructure; and, final- His background is both unique and typi- to reform, is openly acknowledged by polit- show how the state has let down its men ly, 7) the incitement of separatism, which cal for someone whose formative years ical players of all stripes and color. In fact, and women in uniform by failing to provide would threaten the very existence of pres- coincided with the demise of the Soviet one can hardly tell the difference between them with adequate compensation and ent-day Ukraine. This devastating scenario Union. He graduated from the Kyiv College official pronouncements and the angry benefits. contrasts sharply with the situation in the of Radio-Electronics, joined the Soviet barbs of the disgruntled opposition in this In the USSR, the salaries of military and early stages of Ukrainian independence, Army and had a brilliant career as an offi- respect. President Viktor Yanukovych con- security personnel were two to five times when public opinion showed that the cer. He is an alumnus of both the Kyiv cedes that corruption damages the state higher than those of workers in the civilian armed forces were a close second only to Military College and the Frunze Military and has become “a direct threat to the con- sector. Today, in independent Ukraine, mili- the Church as the most trusted institution Academy in Moscow, and completed sever- stitutional laws and freedom of the people.” tary salaries are scandalously low, especial- in the land. al military command courses in the United Andriy Kliuyev, secretary of the National ly those of the lowest-ranking officers. As to the causes of this appalling situa- States (the U.S. Army War College, a NATO- Security and Defense Council, admits that Successive Ukrainian governments have tion, Mr. Polyakov stated his belief that the EAPC Fellowship and the George C. “the scale of corruption is much larger than had difficulty finding a proper substitute main culprit was the legacy of the Soviet Marshall European Center for Security anyone can imagine.” Valeriy Khoroshkovs­ for Marxist-Leninist ideology, opening the Union, with its phony patriotism and “dou- Studies). kyi, minister of finance and the former way for the “de facto spreading of present- blethink.” Yet he conceded that there was Mr. Polyakov served in 2005-2008 as chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, day negative and criminal traditions” in the much less corruption in those days. He vice-minister of defense under Anatolii calls it “pervasive, systematic, [and visible] Ukrainian armed forces. The Soviet army attributed the lamentable state of the Grytsenko during President Vikor at all levels of society.” Sergey Tigipko, vice was controlled to a large extent by a huge Ukrainian army to “the failure to build a Yushchenko’s term. He has a reputation as prime minister, declares that “combating apparatus of political and security supervi- unified ethos, a common national ideology.” a staunch supporter of Ukraine’s member- corruption is our number one task.” sory networks (commissars and “zam- In conclusion, as if echoing the opening ship in NATO. Currently he is chairman of The problem with these bold state- polits”). In contemporary Ukraine these words of the Ukrainian national anthem, the Board of Experts of the Center for ments is that, according to the Ukrainian Communist Party and secret police cadres Mr. Polyakov stated that “Ukraine is not media, most of their authors are them- have been replaced by a large number of dead yet, but if the present tendencies pre- Volodymyr Dibrova is a Ukrainian writer selves implicated in open scandals or corrupt and often competing security agen- vail, it may cease to exist as a democratic (he won the BBC’s 2007 Book of the Year accused of corrupt practices. Given the cies. state.” He remarked that he puts his hope in Award for his novel “Andrew’s Way,” or scale of the problem, the Verkhovna Rada’s Neglect of these problems by civilian the hands of a “good team” of politicians “Andriyivskyi Uzviz”), an editor at Harvard approval of the long-awaited National authorities has resulted in what Mr. and civil activists, but conceded that there Ukrainian Research Institute and a precep- Security Strategy, which recognizes in no Polyakov calls “integrity problems” in the is no such “team” in sight yet. tor at the Slavic Department at Harvard uncertain terms the urgency of the prob- military. For example, corruption now per- University. lem, had little effect. meates all levels of the personnel manage- (Continued on page 18)

International conference on combating corruption in education held at UCU

UCU ics was the successful fight against corrup- have to fight against corruption,” noted Mr. set, and include a goal. Academic culture tion in Ukraine’s universities. During the Finikov. cannot be borrowed, but only established.” LVIV – The Ukrainian Catholic University discussion, sociological studies on this sub- Using the example of the Ukrainian Polish experts actively participated in on November 9-10, hosted an international ject, as well as expert opinions from lead- Catholic University, the experts discussed the conference. Not only did they summa- conference “From a New Academic Culture ers of institutions and university students the possibility of creating new academic rize the reports of Ukrainian representa- to Civil Society Free from Corruption,” were presented. Most interesting were the ethics that prevent corruption. “UCU is tives, but they also gave their own advice. whose main goal was to analyze and sum- experts’ reports on measures that prevent based on interpersonal relationships, thus “The project ‘From University Autonomy marize the best anti-corruption practices in corruption during the admissions process, creating in the university an environment and Academic Ethics to a Society Free from Ukrainian higher education and discuss which were developed by the Ministry of of trust,” said the rector of UCU’s strategic Corruption’ is important for both countries. techniques for fighting corruption. Education during the leadership of Ivan planning, Volodymyr Turchynovsky. After all, what is happening in Ukraine is Among the participants were Ukrainian Vakarchuk, as well as control over the pro- According to experts, academic ethics important for Poland and what is happen- and Polish experts, heads of universities and cess by NGOs. cannot be formed without such factors as ing in Poland, I hope, is important for public figures who work in the field of edu- Heads of educational institutions from quality of education. “A university has a Ukraine,” said the project coordinator, cation – people who, as noted by the presi- all over Ukraine also shared their practical task and must adhere to standards,” said Robert Suharski. dent of the International Foundation for achievements in the battle against corrup- the Consul General of Poland in Lviv This not the first conference related to Education Policy Research, Taras Finikov, tion and the creation of a new academic Jaroslaw Drozd. In this regard, the first rec- anti-corruption issues held at UCU. Ten years have experience in fighting corruption. culture. “When developed countries talk tor of UCU, Taras Dobko, added: “The con- ago, in November 2002, the national confer- The conference was divided into sepa- about issues of academic ethics, they have tent of the values of the university should ence “Transparency and Corruption in Higher rate panel discussions. One of the main top- in mind plagiarism in research papers. We be bigger than the traditional ‘gentleman’ Education” took place at the university. No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 5

The Ukrainian National Association Forum

es of a caregiver who receives no income. If Another strategy is to lock in the price a stay-at-home mom or a daughter caring of a whole life policy at an attractive rate. If for elderly parents were to die unexpect- a whole life policy instead of a term policy edly, a family would need to pay to replace is chosen, the cash value of the insurance that woman’s care of her loved ones. policy can be used to secure loans or used The key here is not income, but replace- later for retirement. And a woman who ment. A value must be assigned to the time locks in a low rate in her 20s on an amount and experience of a caregiver in order to more than she currently needs is, in fact, replace the non-income services with ones prepared in the event she chooses to that are paid. A good agent can help a fam- marry or have children. The appropriate ily determine its insurance needs, account- amount of insurance will be in place, yet at ing for both income-producing wage earn- a lower rate. Smart women have ers, as well as non-income-producing Finally, recent survey results indicate caregivers, who most frequently are that approximately 65 percent of single life insurance women. mothers carry no life insurance. Poverty Other common reasons that women could be one reason, but almost two-thirds The headline could read “Smart people reason for the low figures for women and remain uninsured are the beliefs that “I do of the households are above poverty. With have life insurance,” but the focus of this life insurance has to do with people’s mis- not need it,” “I am too busy.” and “I do not low rates available on term policies the fig- column is specifically women and life conception about how life insurance can want to think about dying.” ure of 65 percent uninsured is unnerving. insurance. Compared to men, women be used to replace the cost and value of The misconception that a single woman Another statistic indicates that 80 percent remain uninsured and underinsured in time, not just money, a very important con- with no spouse or children does not need of children after the death of a parent much greater numbers. JD Powers and sideration for married women with chil- life insurance assumes that she is debt free without life insurance – male or female – Associates conducted a comprehensive dren. and has a will – neither of which is often descended into poverty. That number is national survey in 2010 which revealed In general, when considering life insur- true. If a 32-year-old attorney were in a appalling. No parent should be too busy or that only 34 percent of women carried life ance, people view it primarily as income car accident, would she want her parents too afraid to allow that to happen to their insurance compared to 64 percent of men. replacement, as a form of protection to finish paying her law school loans? child or children. Purchasing a life insur- The real difference, however, is in the against the unexpected loss of income Without a will, who would pay for the cost ance policy as a single mother is a critical amount. On average, women carry life from the death of the wage earner, most of probate, her younger siblings? In order step toward a family’s future financial insurance for only half the amount carried often, the husband and father. In the event not to be a burden on her extended family, security. by men. of such a tragedy, life insurance would a single woman needs insurance to cover With more than a century of service as a Various research studies offer reasons cover immediate debt and expenses, as debts, such as loans, home mortgage, fraternal benefit society, the UNA contin- for this discrepancy with an emphasis on well as replace the wage earner’s income funeral expenses, and unexpected medical ues to live by its motto: The UNA and the single women. Single mothers often are into the future. People implicitly assume and legal expenses. Community: Partners for Life. To find out too busy to learn about life insurance or that only income, that is actual money, is Term life insurance is an excellent solu- more about how UNA products can help are so terrified at the thought of dying and valuable and needs to be replaced; usually, tion. A young, healthy, single woman has you, contact the UNA Home Office at leaving their children alone that they avoid they do not consider the value of time nor the opportunity to purchase a life insur- 1-800-253-9862, the UNA sales staff the discussion altogether. On the other do they understand how the value of time ance policy at reduced premiums. Locking directly at 1-888-538-2833 or find your hand, women with neither a spouse nor can be converted into concrete dollars. in a low rate when you are young for a local UNA branch secretary through the children often believe they do not need life Life insurance, however, also must be fixed period is an excellent way to secure UNA website at www.ukrainiannationalas- insurance. However, the most prevalent considered to replace the time and servic- an affordable life insurance policy. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47

The Ukrainian Weekly Giving on Thanksgiving As readers of this newspaper know, our editorials are often informed by experi- ences here in our local community. This week, as we think ahead to that quintessen- tial American holiday of Thanksgiving, our thoughts are with those in our area who are victims of Hurricane Sandy – which most observers are calling the worst storm ever to hit this region. The enigma of Ukraine For most of us, the storm is a thing of the past, but that’s not the case for tens of PART I arate private economic interests – all this thousands who were directly in Sandy’s path and suffered great devastation in its are signs of a fact that exists already, not wake. Many of them lost everything and have been displaced by the storm’s ravages. No less than Russia, Ukraine is “a riddle, emerging sometime in the future.” The Star-Ledger reported that some 4,500 statewide remain in shelters. Remember wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma,” to those horrific images in your newspapers, on TV and online? No one recovers quick- quote what former British Prime Minister The enigmatic chess match ly from that sort of destruction. Winston Churchill said about Ukraine’s Current Ukraine-EU relations can be According to the latest information published in The Washington Post, Sandy neighbor. summed up as the Yanukovych administra- killed 100 people in 10 states and left more than 8.5 million without power. At the Current relations between the European tion doing the absolute bare minimum to height of the superstorm, according to, more than 2 million people in New Union (EU) and Ukraine have reached the satisfy the requirements of the EU, which in Jersey alone were without power. Some 130,000, as of this writing, still do not have enigma phase, with the October 28 parlia- its turn is doing its best to find any justifi- electricity in and . Residents of shore communities, like the mentary elections serving as the theater of cation to accept the bare minimum in order barrier islands of New Jersey, have only been allowed to return to their homes – or the absurd. The most compelling scene was to keep Ukraine from drifting into the what remains of them – this week. the press conference the day after the vote, Eurasian abyss. Many local organizations and institutions have taken on the mammoth task of hosted by the Organization for Security and The Yanukovych administration has somehow helping Sandy’s victims. A headline in a local newspaper in this area Cooperation in Europe/Office for clearly crossed the line of what’s accept- reported: “1,000 will give up Thanksgiving to help Church’s Sandy relief effort.” The Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. able to the EU. Yet it really doesn’t want to volunteers, who will head to Belmar and Long Beach Island, will be helping to clean Audrey Glover, the head of the OSCE/ integrate with the EU, while the EU truly out devastated homes, distribute relief supplies and serve Thanksgiving meals. ODIHR election observation mission, com- doesn’t want to deal with Ukrainian inte- Among those offering assistance are Ukrainian groups and individuals. mented that “the lack of appropriate gration any time soon. Thus, the Whippany, N.J., branch of the Ukrainian American Youth Association responses by the authorities, courts and What seems to be motivating the EU in (UAYA) announced a drive to collect supplies for those in need, including toiletries, election administration to the numerous this enigmatic chess match is the aim of blankets, non-perishable food items, warm clothing, baby formula and diapers. “This election violations in the pre-election peri- keeping Ukraine out of the Eurasian Union has definitely been a challenging several days for all of us... both physically and men- od had led to a climate of impunity.” with the hope that a better government tally. But we still can’t forget the many people who lost almost everything during That prompted Anastasiya Zanuda, a will emerge somewhere down the road Sandy. In keeping with our mission to guide our youth towards becoming knowl- Ukrainian reporter for the British (perhaps in a decade or two). Broadcasting Corp. (BBC), to ask Ms. Glover edgeable and active members of the Ukrainian and local communities, and following The Yanukovych administration, in its whether “it’s also the absence of a sharp or our ideals as Christians – what better way to demonstrate that than to give to people flirtations with the EU, is hoping for access adequate reaction from the EU to previous in need,” the UAYA noted in a message posted on Facebook. The UAYA reported that, to more lines of credit, as well as a lever of violations, such as the imprisonment of thanks to donations brought to the Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New influence in its natural gas negotiations Tymoshenko, has led to that feeling of Jersey on the day of the drive, it was able to fill two vans with items for victims of with the Russian government. impunity among Ukrainian leaders” and Both sides are compelled by strategic hurricane Sandy. The vans are heading for the Jersey shore this weekend. whether sanctions were in order. A collaborator of ours who is a teacher at a New York City school went on a visit aims rather than genuine interest in one Ambassador Glover neatly avoided the another. with two of her colleagues to Midland Branch, located on hard-hit Staten Island, to point about the climate of impunity in her assess service opportunities for students at their school. “There is a lot of work to be response, stating that the OSCE/ODIHR Nationalists preserve tolerance done. Help out if you can!” she posted on Facebook. Her remarkable photos of the was in Ukraine merely to write a report Another paradox in the election is that devastation illustrated the great need – and no doubt influenced others to take and make recommendations on the elec- the prospects of the pro-Western opposi- action. toral process. “Sanctions are not in our tion were saved by a party that is hostile to The takeaway from all of the above is that each and every one of us really can mandate,” she said. EU values, such as tolerance of ethnic, reli- help. This Thanksgiving, let us give thanks for all we have by giving. She was followed by Pawel Kowal, a gious and sexual minorities. member of the European Parliament and The Svoboda nationalists stunned the chair of the EU-Ukraine Parliamentary public when they won 10 percent of the Cooperation Committee. closed party list votes, defying polls that “It’s not our matter to speak today about predicted barely 5 percent, if that. Nov. Turning the pages back... sanctions,” he said. “We are here to speak The strong result ensured that it would today about the future of EU-Ukraine rela- be very difficult for the Party of Regions to tions. We have to forget the word ‘sanc- form a constitutional majority of 300 votes tions.’ We have to ask the Ukrainian politi- to rewrite the Constitution of Ukraine, 18 Four years ago, on November 18, 2008, prior to the cal parties, particularly the parties in given that the government awarded 178 International Holodomor Forum held in Kyiv, that was dedicated 2008 power, about their plan for the future.” seats to the opposition, which in turn said to the 75th anniversary of the Famine-Genocide of Ukraine, the It was an absurd scene indeed watching that it truly won far more votes and cited Foreign Affairs Ministry of Ukraine announced that 14 countries European leaders – complaining about the fraud in the vote count. had recognized the Holodomor as genocide. These included: Australia, Georgia, Estonia, lack of impunity in Ukraine’s political sys- It also ensured that the government Ecuador, Canada, Columbia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, the United tem – avoiding discussion of their own role wouldn’t be able to run roughshod over the States and Hungary, as well as the Vatican. in this lack of impunity, which they helped Parliament’s pro-EU and pro-NATO politi- The forum, held on November 22, 2008, attracted 150 representatives from 44 coun- create by passively allowing the adminis- cians (although Svoboda doesn’t categori- tries, including foreign heads of states and governments, and representatives of legislative tration of President Viktor Yanukovych to cally support either organization). and executive authorities, including the European Parliament, UNESCO and the dismantle the last remaining pillars of rule Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). of law during the last two years. 1+1=3, says prime minister During the press briefing, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Yurii Kostenko said the minis- European with guts The Canadian government has rejected try had done everything possible so that the memory of millions of victims of the the election’s legitimacy, following the con- Holodomor was honored on bilateral and regional levels around the world. Indeed, the only European leader that demnation voiced by Mr. Gross of the PACE “In May 2008, Canada established a certain precedent – it became the first world coun- seemed to demonstrate any backbone or election-monitoring mission. Most try to adopt a law establishing a Day of Memory of the Holodomor Victims in Ukraine,” Mr. guts was Andreas Gross, the head of the European leaders know it wasn’t fair but Kostenko said. Many international organizations also have recognized the Holodomor as election observing delegation of the aren’t saying anything. genocide, he added. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Yet that hasn’t stopped Ukraine’s “kham- Mr. Kostenko underscored that Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs Ministry was working hard to Europe (PACE). ocrat” government (rule by boors) from disseminate the historical truth about the Holodomor, as well as to ensure the recognition He became among the first European pointing the finger elsewhere. of this tragedy on the part of the international community in the form of various docu- leaders to use the word “authoritarian” In fact, the election was the most demo- ments. As a result, resolutions have been passed by UNESCO and the Parliamentary when describing the Yanukovych adminis- cratic and transparent in all of independent Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). In addition, tration in an interview published in The Ukraine’s history, claimed Prime Minister the Holodomor “has been qualified as a crime against humanity in a very important docu- Ukrainian Week magazine on November 8. Mykola Azarov in a November 7 meeting in ment adopted in October of this year by the European Parliament,” he said. “In my view, it’s not moving there – it is Kyiv with a European delegation that To date, 19 countries and governments have recognized the Holodomor as genocide. under an authoritarian government,” Mr. included EU representative in Ukraine Jan Many international organizations have recognized the Holodomor as a tragedy but fail to Gross said. “How the governing party Tombinski, former European Parliament identify it as genocide. neglects the state’s autonomy, how the President Pat Cox and former Polish interests of large capital dominate election President Aleksander Kwasniewski. Source: “14 countries’ parliaments recognize Holodomor,” (Ukrinform), The Ukrainian legislation and politics, and how the gener- Weekly, November 23, 2008. al interest is forgotten to the benefit of sep- (Continued on page 14) No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 7

COMMENTARY A special history

by Askold S. Lozynskyj state Government Commission Studying the Activities of the OUN and UPA in his Seventy years after the formation of the introduction to the 2005 work Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), special “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Food and death note was taken this year of this event and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army” wrote: throughout Ukraine and the Ukrainian “But the historical evaluation of the mil- The plane out of New York was packed Bynum, “Images of the Resurrection Body global community to honor Ukraine’s itary formation, which was the Ukrainian with guest workers returning to Ukraine. I in the Theology of Late Antiquity,” Catholic heroes – only very few of whom are still Insurgent Army, and political force that could not avoid eavesdropping on my Historical Review, Vol. 80, No. 2, April living – as well as to mark this unique era created it – the Organization of Ukrainian neighbors’ conversation. They were dis- 1994: 215-237, at p. 234.) In the Roman in Ukrainian history and revisit the signifi- Nationalists (Bandera), the problem is not cussing the manners and mannerisms of world, funerary banquets were held on cance of this struggle within the context of yet resolved.” the Americans. They thanked you for tombs to feed and comfort the dead. By the the Ukrainian nation’s quest for statehood Kulchitsky essentially treats the OUN everything, they observed, even for the 4th century, the Christian Eucharist was achieved only some 20 years ago and more and the UPA as fundamentally one. most inconsequential gesture. A strange sometimes celebrated in graveyards. (Id., than 30 years after the last known UPA However, he fails to denote the problem people! Silently, I agreed. Several times a p. 233) For it was by eating the Body of operation. itself substantively and objectively. day I find myself exchanging thanks with Christ, which could never be truly con- The OUN-UPA is an often referred to Perhaps, this is because the problem is not strangers for holding open a door, or with sumed, that believers could be assured singular term for the Ukrainian liberation with the OUN-UPA but with the people security guards when they let me into a that their own bodies would likewise struggle from 1929 through 1950. From who rule in current Ukraine, both in gov- public building or return my identity card. never be consumed, either by the worm in 1942 to 1950 these formations were ernment and academia. Why this epidemic of thanksgiving? the grave or by the wild beast in the arena. inseparable. Without the Organization of Traditionally, October 14, 1942, the And now comes Thanksgiving itself – The meeting of the living and the dead Ukrainian Nationalists there would not feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary the the quintessential American holiday, when at the funerary banquet (as at our tradi- have been a Ukrainian Insurgent Army Protectress, is often referred to as the date we are supposed to thank God for what we tional Christmas Eve supper and at the (UPA) as we know it. that the first UPA unit was formed. The have received throughout the year, espe- graveside meals following Easter – see The UPA was a nationwide phenome- year is accurate, but the actual date is sym- cially food. Could all our thanking each “Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia,” pp. non. However, the core of its first squads bolic. The UPA declared this day its official other for trivial favors be an unconscious 327-328) was fulfilled in the Eucharistic consisted of members of the Organization holiday. Nevertheless it is an indisputable compensation for a fundamental ingrati- promise of immortality. This immortality of Ukrainian Nationalists. They were inte- fact that in September and October 1942, a tude for our sustenance? was not an attribute of a disembodied soul, gral parts of one movement – the OUN’s member of the OUN, Ostap, began his In the current American calendar, but a consequence of the bodily resurrec- structure even included an UPA military work in the woods of Polissia (northwest- which seems based on a series of “holi- tion, a tenet of both the Catholic and wing. A distinct format was used in order ern Ukraine) to form the first armed units days” calculated to provide opportunities Orthodox faiths. The unity of the living and to attract non-OUN conscripts. to actively fight against the Nazi invaders. for merchants to sell useless goods to the dead, intuited by folk belief, is At its peak the UPA’s personnel, includ- After a few months, these armed groups greedy or gullible consumers, expressed in the theological concept of the ing auxiliary, consisted of some 200,000 took shape as the first units of the UPA. Thanksgiving falls between the marketing communion of saints, while the resurrec- people, including an armed underground, These facts are supported in an order opportunities of Halloween and tion of the body is prefigured not only in as well as security, communications, medi- issued by the commander-in-chief of the Christmas. All Hallows Eve, preceding All the Resurrection of Christ, but in the bodily cal and sanitary services. A comparison of UPA on October 14, 1947, ostensibly the Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Assumption into heaven of His Mother. the number of members of UPA fighters, fifth anniversary of the UPA’s founding: Day (November 2), has become a pretext What relevance can all this have for us? their organization and duration with other “Five years have elapsed since OUN for selling pumpkins, candies, costumes After all, Bynum’s studies focused on late non-government partisan formations member Ostap began to organize in and decorations. In its Latino incarnation antiquity and the high middle ages. would conclude that the UPA was not just Polissia armed units to fight the invaders of the “Day of the Dead,” All Souls Day pro- Ukrainian folk beliefs about food, death a fighting guerrilla formation – in many of Ukraine. These small groups, fighting vides Mexican restaurants with one more and the body persisted, however, in the respects it was a well-organized army, both the Germans and the Bolshevik parti- promotional event. Soviet period (Natalie Kononenko, “Folk albeit without a state. sans, have given rise to a new form of the But in their emphasis on ghoulish imag- Orthodoxy: Popular Religion in Osyp Diakiw Hornovyj, a well-known liberation revolutionary movement – the es of corpses, these “holidays” seem to Contemporary Ukraine,” in John-Paul participant and sometime ideologue of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. A few months express a certain cultural anxiety. In a Himka and Andriy Zayarniuk, “Letters OUN, explained the connection between later, this movement spread to all of post-Protestant culture that spiritualizes from Heaven: Popular Religion in Russia the two formations. The OUN with its prior Polissia, Volyn [a.k.a. Volhynia], Halychyna the dead and shudders at the body, and Ukraine,” 2006, pp. 46-75, esp. 64-68). activities established the moral precondi- [a.k.a. Galicia] and most of the Right Bank.” Halloween serves to externalize fears of Today, we value the cultural and psycho- tions for the formation of the UPA. The The OUN-UPA have been the subject of corporeal decomposition and putrefaction. logical insights provided by such beliefs, OUN also provided the UPA’s material many treatises, research papers, articles, And while the juxtaposition of food and but discount their metaphysical implica- resources. The OUN addressed the issue of etc., as well as diatribes and propaganda death in the Dia de los Muertos strikes the tions. In our time, we have desacralized providing professionally trained officers written by historians, journalists, political modern sensibility as grotesquely incon- food, degraded the body and demystified for the UPA. Because of its revolutionary activists, propagandists, Ukrainian and for- gruous, traditional cultures reveal a deep- death. struggle against Hitler the OUN created the eign, friendly and hostile. A consideration er logic. Even at Thanksgiving, we are more like- political conditions for the UPA. Members of a few from non-Ukrainian sources For Ukrainians, the autumnal juncture ly to view the bounty before us as the of the OUN organized the first units of the seems worthwhile. of death and consumption is hardly new. product of man-made industry than as a UPA. The OUN provided the blueprint and Canadian (American-born) historian The Saturday before St. Demetrius’ Day gift from God. Accustomed to affluence and mission paper for organizing the UPA and Paul Robert Magosci, who has done exten- – that is, last October 21 – is known as unfamiliar with hunger, we ingest our food protected the UPA. Many OUN members sive work on Ukraine and currently chairs “didova subota” or “forefathers’ Saturday.” mindlessly, mechanically, anywhere and joined the UPA’s rank and file. OUN mem- Ukrainian studies at the University of (We are giving the dates according to the anytime, without a trace of reverence or bers joined officer’s training programs of Toronto, considers himself not Ukrainian Gregorian calendar, which reflects the ceremony, like cattle grazing in the fields. the UPA. The OUN initiated and organized but Rusyn. In his illustrated history of astronomical correction introduced in Possibly reflecting a strain of Gnostic dual- the UPA’s Western raids. Through the Ukraine he provided a rather even over- 1596.) At dinner on this autumn com- ism latent in American Protestant culture, Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council view on the UPA: memoration of the dead, a spoonful from we separate our bodies from our souls, (UHVR), the OUN coordinated its activities “Organized resistance began as early as every dish is placed in a special bowl conveniently insulating the latter from any with the UPA’s plans and bore the burden the summer of 1941 among guerrilla forc- placed next to water and a towel, so that at guilt stemming from abuse of the former. of providing food and other necessities to es based in Volhynia and Polissia that night the souls of the dead may dine and We are content to dispose of the bodies of the UPA, while the organs of the Security claimed allegiance to the government-in- cleanse their bodies (“Ukraine: A Concise our dead as quickly and inconspicuously as Service (SB) of the OUN protected the UPA exile of the Ukrainian National Republic Encyclopedia,” Vol. 1, 1963, p. 333.) possible, putting them out of sight and out from foreign agent infiltration. (UNR). The pro-UNR unit first directed its On the Feast of the Presentation, of mind. Gratitude for food, and respect for It was no simple coincidence that at the attacks against the retreating Soviet forces November 21, the dead are remembered a body that will be reconstituted after time of his heroic death the commander- and then against the German invaders. By again. On this day, according to folk belief, death, seem like medieval superstitions. in-chief of the UPA, Roman Shukhevych, early 1942 the unit was renamed the God gives righteous souls leave to see their And yet, whether a belief is true or not was also chairman of the OUN in Ukraine Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), and dur- bodies (“Ukraine: A Concise Encyclopedia, does not depend on the point in history and head of the UHVR Secretariat. Upon ing the following months it was joined by “Vol. 1, 1963, p. 320). Thus food, death and when it happens to be in vogue. A century his demise, these functions were taken other units formed from among Banderite the body are all connected in folk belief. or two hence, our own beliefs – or our over by his UPA next in command, Wasyl and Melnykite factions of the Organization These connections are not fortuitous. unbelief – may appear as outlandish to our Kuk. of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN). This rath- Nor are they limited to Ukraine either his- descendants as those of our fourth- or Incidentally Stanislav Kulchitsky, head er loose coalition of underground forces torically or geographically. The historian 14th-century forebears do to us. Truth, of the working group of historians in the (some of which often fought against each Caroline Walker Bynum has found that in after all, is not simply a matter of time. other, as well as the common enemy) was the fourth and fifth centuries, “...both prac- Askold S. Lozynskyj is an attorney based in November 1943 brought under the con- tice and polemic in the Mediterranean in New York City. He is a former president of world closely connected ideas of eating Andrew Sorokowski can be reached at the Ukrainian World Congress. (Continued on page 15) and ideas of sepulchre.” (Caroline W. [email protected]. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47 1812: Napoleon and Ukraine by Thomas M. Prymak did, in fact, also have an effect on Ukrainians – and the effect was not negligible. This year marks the 200th anniversary Although Napoleon’s relationship with of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, the Battle Ukraine was long ignored by historians, of Borodino, the burning of Moscow and and remains little-known today, it was the destruction of the French Emperor’s thoroughly explored during the 1920s and Grande Armée in the snows of Eastern 1930s by the historian Ilko Borshchak Europe during its retreat westward. This (1892-1959), who came from southern great but ultimately unsuccessful French Ukraine (Kherson province) but spent his campaign marked the turning of the tide in entire life after the revolution as an émigré the Napoleonic wars, which finally ended in France. in 1815 at the famous Battle of Waterloo in Borshchak devoted many years to what is today Belgium. Napoleon was searching the various French archives for exiled to the tiny island of St. Helena in the materials relating to Ukraine and he pub- mid-Atlantic and the conservative Bourbon lished several books on this subject. In monarchy was restored in France. 1937, his Ukrainian language work Advance of La Grande Armée (From John Clark Ridpath, “Cyclopedia of Universal History,” Vol. III (St. Louis, 1885), p. 1101). About a half-century later, the famous “Napoleon and Ukraine” appeared in Lviv, Russian writer Leo Tolstoy described these the principal city of eastern Galicia, which limit its influence in central Europe. In tightly controlled by the emperor, occasion- traumatic events in his important novel, was then a part of the Polish Republic, other words, France more or less consis- ally raised the question of Cossack or “War and Peace,” which to this day is con- today part of western Ukraine. tently supported weaker polities like Ukrainian liberty in its discussions of the sidered to be the national epic of modern The book was a mild sensation when it Poland, the Ottoman Empire, and the current situation in Russia. Russia. A few years later, Tchaikovsky com- first came out and won the annual prize of Ukrainian Cossacks in their strivings for As the tensions between France and memorated them in his majestic orchestral the Ivan Franko Literary Society there. The independence from Russia. Russia increased, Napoleon sent numerous piece, the “1812 Overture.” distinguished French scholar, René Martel, With these ideas in mind, Borshchak spies there to spread French revolutionary Tchaikovsky was of partly Ukrainian even penned a lengthy summary of it, researched French support for Ivan propaganda and to report on dissatisfaction ancestry on his father’s side (his mother was which he published in the journal Le Mazepa’s émigré Cossack followers in the with Russian rule. Some of these spies sug- French), but this work of his was by far not Monde Slave (The Slavic World) for the mid-1700s, Voltaire’s sympathy for an gested that dissatisfaction with Russia was the only Ukrainian connection with benefit of French readers. independent Ukraine, and various publica- so widespread in Ukraine that a French raid Napoleon. The charismatic French emperor But the outbreak of war in 1939 and tions in French appearing just before the or diversion there could spark a significant who had hypnotized much of Europe, raising subsequent tumultuous events in Europe French Revolution (such as Jean Benoit uprising against the Russian tsar. middle-class hopes almost everywhere, and took attention away from Borshchak’s dis- Scherer’s famous “Annals of Little Russia or In fact, one of Napoleon’s major advisors spreading the ideas of “liberty, equality and coveries and they have been largely History of the Zaporozhian Cossacks of on Eastern Europe, Alexandre Maurice fraternity” far and wide across the continent, ignored ever since. Ukraine”) which were sympathetic to the d’Hautrive (1754-1839) even proposed They did not deserve this fate. Ukrainian Cossacks. that an independent state to be composed Borshchak’s thesis, when stated in its sim- As to the revolutionary French govern- of parts of what is today eastern and south- Thomas M. Prymak, Ph.D., is research plest form, is that the contention often ment, as early as 1792, the French foreign ern Ukraine, that is, of the lands of the for- associate, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, voiced in the 1920s and 1930s of various minister, Pierre Lebrun, instructed his mer “Hetmanate” and those of the University of Toronto. He is the book review Russian parties in emigration (and also of ambassador to Istanbul that he was to urge Zaporozhian Cossacks, be set up with editor of the Journal of Ukrainian Studies and various agencies of the Soviet government) Turkey against Russia and expect uprisings French support. This proposed state was to the author of numerous articles and reviews that Ukraine was largely “a creation” of the in Ukraine, in the Kuban and in Georgia have carried the somewhat fanciful name and three published monographs and in the Germans or the Austrians intended to against the Russian government. Reference of “Napoleonida”; this was a play on the field, the first of which was an award-win- weaken the Russian state, is basically false, was also made to “the Cossack nation official Russian nomenclature of southern ning biography of the historian and political and that Ukraine existed as an object of which is accustomed to liberty and must Ukraine, “Taurida.” The proposed state, leader, Michael Hrushevsky (1987). international affairs and of French foreign impatiently bear Russian slavery.” claimed d’Hautrive, could probably raise an His latest book, titled “Gathering a policy long before the formation of modern When he came to power in 1799, army of some 60,000 men, some of whom Heritage: Ukrainian, Slavonic and Ethnic Germany (1871) or the emergence of Napoleon inherited these traditions of could serve directly with the French. Canada and the U.S.A.,” is scheduled for pub- Soviet Russia (1917-24). French support for various anti-Russian Finally, Napoleon commissioned one of his lication by the University of Toronto Press in Borshchak contended that the succes- rebels. We know that Napoleon was more scholarly officials, Charles Louis Lesur late 2013. This present essay is a revised sive royal, revolutionary and imperial gov- informed about Ukraine because several of (1771-1849) to write a general history of the and updated version of one that originally ernments of France all wished to weaken the books read by the French emperor con- Cossacks that would be useful to the emper- appeared in Our Life magazine (New York) the Russian Empire and therefore tried to tained chapters dealing with that country. or and his army during their forthcoming in February 1997. erect some kind of barrier to it that would Moreover, the French press, which was invasion of the Russian Tsardom. The book was not quite ready when Napoleon crossed the border into the Russian Empire, but the page proofs were rushed to Napoleon and he was reading them imme- A note from the author diately prior to the Battle of Borodino. Re: your editorial policy, which for Tatar raids, attacked the Ottoman Turkish West (who thought in Ukrainian and Meanwhile, in Ukraine itself, reactions to many years has been to use the Ukrainian Empire and fought the Poles under whose English was not always the best), Napoleon’s invasion were varied. A few iso- word “Kozak” instead of the English word Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky. tried to popularize the Ukrainian spelling lated individuals did in fact actually speak “Cossack” in English-language articles Secondly, the English word “Cossack” “Kozak,” I think, in an attempt to distin- out in favor of Napoleon. These included when referring to those famous warriors has an old and venerable history going guish between what they believed was a Vasyl Lukashevych (1783-1866), the scion of the steppe who once made such an back to at least the mid-1600s, the times clear difference between Russian of a great Ukrainian family from the Poltava important contribution to Ukrainian his- of the cartographer, Beauplan, and then Cossacks and Ukrainian Kozaks. But they province, who at a banquet raised a toast to tory. the historians Chevalier and Scherer, were always a minority and, in the end, “the liberator” Napoleon. Lukashevych was I think this editorial policy is unfortu- when it was used in English translations their effort failed. no idle adventurer but rather was a well- nate and has a deleterious effect upon the of their French-language works about Today both the Harvard Ukrainian known Ukrainian autonomist. He was a average reader, who may not know the Ukraine, or read in French as “Cosaque.” Research Institute in Massachusetts and member of the Poltava Masonic Lodge and Ukrainian language very well; also, it does In all probability, this good English word the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian a friend of the famous Ukrainian writer not help with the preservation of the came to the language permanently from Studies in Alberta, as well as the most Ivan Kotliarevsky. Of course, Lukashevych’s Ukrainian heritage on this continent, Ukrainian via Polish and then French. prominent Ukrainian historians writing words were duly reported to the Russian which is little-known outside the bounds Although English spelling in those early in English, like Orest Subtelny and Paul authorities. It took strenuous efforts on of the organized Ukrainian community, days of printing was not always uniform, Robert Magocsi, and virtually all non- behalf of local officials to protect him. They did so by claiming that he was simply mad. and in certain respects is misunderstood eventually the word “Cossack” came to be Ukrainian scholars and publicists, use the Lukashevych was the exception in even within this community. generally accepted and is now almost uni- term “Cossack” and reject the term Ukraine, not the rule. Most of the Ukrainian Firstly, the Ukrainian word “Kozak,” versally used. Thus the modern Russian “Kozak” in their English-language publi- gentry, fearing for their special rights under a while perfectly legitimate in Ukrainian- word “Kazak” (notably spelled with an cations, though they most certainly know pro-French or revolutionary regime, support- language prose, is presently a neologism initial “a” and not an “o”) holds no place in the full meaning of both. ed the Russian monarchy. And with regard to (or at least a reconstructed form) in the origin of our English word and Therefore, I humbly suggest that The the peasantry, the Russian government had English, which sounds unfamiliar to the “Cossack” is most certainly a genuine Ukrainian Weekly reconsider this policy no trouble raising Ukrainian regiments for general reader and raises questions about Ukrainian contribution to the English lan- of intervention on behalf of an almost uni- the tsarist army. Some Russian officials tried to whom and to what this term refers. guage. It is a part of our heritage here in versally rejected form and accept the to give these regiments a general Russian Only readers with at least some familiari- North America, which I think it would be word “Cossack” for what it is: a major character, but they were opposed by local ty with East European, Russian or simply foolhardy to deny or throw away. contribution to the English language by Ukrainians like D.P. Troshchynsky and Vasyl Ukrainian history, will know that these Of course, I understand that in the Ukrainians. Kapnist who defended the Ukrainian charac- are exactly the same “Cossacks” who 1950s and 1960s some Ukrainian publi- ter of the regiments. defended the Ukrainian people from cists, and a few Ukrainian scholars in the – Thomas M. Prymak, Ph.D. (Continued on page 9) No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 9 Celebrations conclude of 120th anniversary of Ukrainian pioneer settlement in Canada

TORONTO – The Ukrainian Canadian An official logo was selected and was used taught us the love of Ukrainian faith and dom that burned in the hearts of Congress formally marked the end of cele- at dozens of events on numerous posters, culture, the importance of education, and Ukrainians while Ukraine was an occupied brations to commemorate the 120th anni- banners, signs and booklets. respect for this country’s rights and free- nation.” versary of Ukrainian pioneer settlement in One of the hallmark events was the first doms, which have allowed all people to live Mr. Grod thanked Roman Brytan and all Canada at Toronto’s Ukrainian Festival on ever Ukrainian Day on Parliament Hill, and flourish in an atmosphere of equality, the volunteers on his committee and across Bloor Street West on September 14-16. which featured information and exhibits on fairness and happiness. This legacy has the country “who have made the celebra- “Our 120th anniversary is a proud Ukrainian Canadian culture, visual and per- been handed down to us and now we, too, tions marking this historic anniversary the moment where we can celebrate our com- forming arts, music, historic displays and a must maintain and promote the traditions success that they were.” He added that munity’s success despite the adversity sampling of Ukrainian cuisine. The 120th for the generations that are to follow.” Roman has graciously accepted the task of encountered by its early settlers,” stated anniversary theme, with the encourage- The 120th Anniversary Commemorative putting together a strategic master plan for UCC President Paul Grod. “They experi- ment of the Commemorative Committee, Committee was also pleased to announce preparations to mark, in even grander fash- enced extreme physical hardship settling was also adopted and incorporated as the the appointment of Radomir Bilash, histori- ion, the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian the prairies, discrimination and later main theme at several of Canada’s most an for the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage settlement in Canada. internment as enemy aliens. In spite of all prominent Ukrainian festivals, including Village, as national resident historian for “Ukrainians have been trailblazers in these barriers, Ukrainian Canadians were the Pysanka Festival in Vegreville, Alberta, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, which building a better society in Canada over the instrumental in building a strong Canadian and Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival in brings together and represents the inter- past 12 decades. We have been at the fore- nation and as a result we are proud to con- Dauphin, Manitoba. ests of a very large and dynamic communi- front of several successful advances in sider ourselves its founding peoples.” This past year marked the 120th anni- ty of 1.2 million Ukrainian Canadians. Canada from enshrining multiculturalism “Four successive waves of immigrants versary of the arrival of Wasyl Eleniak and “With a proud 120-year history here in in the Canadian Constitution to developing built the Ukrainian Canadian community Ivan Pylypiw, the first Ukrainian settlers Canada, the Ukrainian community in human rights law to establishing progres- which we enjoy today – cultural centers, who landed in Montreal aboard the steam- Canada has built a rich heritage with cul- sive immigration policies,” commented. churches, schools, retirement and nursing ship Oregon on September 7, 1891. Their tural centers, schools, libraries, museums, “There have been Ukrainian Canadian facilities – a community that cares for its initial entrance into Canada and eventual institutes, churches and just about every Olympic gold medalists, governors general, people from cradle to grave. Today, many settlement was instrumental in the mass kind of Ukrainian organization you can astronauts, inventors, scientists, premiers, other Ethnocultural communities look with emigration from western Ukraine prior to imagine from coast to coast,” stated UCC entertainers and athletes. Ukrainians have admiration at our community. We are rec- World War I. Eleniak and Pylypiw were the National President Grod. been groundbreakers and nation-builders. ognized as one of the top two most influen- first Ukrainians to land on Canadian soil “The Ukrainian Canadian community And it is fitting that the official recognition tial ethnocultural communities in Canada. and their appearance is significant as a embodies the spirit of Canada – respect for of our 120th anniversary, which began at What is more telling of our success, Canada marker of a large influx of Ukrainians to freedom and democracy are at the core of the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village today considers itself the most Ukrainian immigrate to Canada following their arrival. the Ukrainian spirit,” Mr. Grod said. “Our near Edmonton a year ago on Victoria Day, country outside of Ukraine,” added Mr. The celebrations at Toronto’s Ukrainian community has represented the interests conclude here, in Toronto, where much of Grod. Festival were enriched this year by the par- of Ukraine and Ukrainians in Canada, pre- our Ukrainian Canadian history has been The festivities to mark the 120th anni- ticipation of official Festival Marshals serving Ukraine’s language when it has also proudly written. This is, after all, not versary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada Mildred and Karen Lemiski, the grand- been threatened in our ancestral homeland the singular marking of one 120-year-old were launched in Alberta in May 2011 and daughter and great granddaughter, respec- with Russification, preserving the memory calendar date; it is the proud recognition of included events across the country that tively, of Wasyl Eleniak. of the Holodomor – [the Famine-Genocide a full 120 years of living and flourishing as highlighted the vital contribution of the At the opening ceremonies they shared of 1932-1933] – when in Ukraine there a vital, constituent part of today’s Canada,” Ukrainian people to the building of Canada. these thoughts: “Our Ukrainian ancestors was denial, and reminding us all of the free- concluded Mr. Brytan.

UCCLA’s 15th conclave held in Ottawa OTTAWA – Meeting in the capital of Canada in mid-Octo- ber, the executive of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association held a series of discussions that touch upon some of the more pressing issues important to the orga- nized Ukrainian community in Canada. Top on the list is the continued presence in Canada of veterans of the notorious Soviet secret police, the KGB. Recently, two MPs of the New Democratic Party held a pot- luck Thanksgiving meal with an ex-KGB captain, Mikhail Lennikov, who remains illegally in Canada, despite an order for his deportation dating back to June 2009. UCCLA activ- ists met with staff from the office of Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Jason Kenney to press for the immediate removal of all KGB veterans found in Canada. As well, the UCCLA is committed to continuing with its efforts to ensure that all of the galleries in the taxpayer- funded Canadian Museum for Human Rights have thematic, comparative and inclusive content. The UCCLA executive also voted to provide financial support for the “Tribute to Liberty” memorial to the Victims of Communism being built in Ottawa. The UCCLA also held a memorial service for two Ukrainian Canadians, Michael Bahry and Thomas Konyk, executed on January 14, 1920, in the Peterborough County Jail, members of a so-called “Russian Gang of Five,” two of Participants of the 15th conclave of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association, which was held in Ottawa. whose members suffered judicial execution because of widespread anti-foreigner prejudice at the time of Canada’s Before leaving Ottawa, the group paid their respects at Banff, Alberta to coincide with the opening of a pavilion first national internment operations. Their remains were final- military gravesite of Cpl. Filip Konowal, recipient of the dealing with Canada’s first national internment operations ly re-interred in the Beechwood National Service Cemetery, Victoria Cross, at the Notre Dame Catholic Cemetery. at the Cave and Basin site in the heart of Banff National with a panakhyda offered by the Rev. Dr. Petro Galadza. Next year’s UCCLA conclave is scheduled for mid-June in Park.

later, the governor-general of Little “Obviously, one should not exaggerate this near Ukraine, or at least to its eastern 1812: Napoleon... Russia, Prince Nikolai Repnin, drew up a opposition movement and draw any con- parts under the Russians (there was some plan for the re-establishment of the clusions about some kind of separatism. action in Galicia where the local Ukrainian (Continued from page 8) Cossack estate in Left-Bank Ukraine, but The political thought of the Ukrainian or Ruthenian elite remained loyal to the These Ukrainian Cossack regiments was overruled by Russian Minister of nobility during Napoleon’s time certainly Austrian Habsburgs), Borshchak’s conclu- saw extensive service during the rest of Internal Affairs Viktor Kochubei, who, did not go that far. But it seems to me that sions must remain one of the great “what the war against Napoleon. Out of 18,000 although of old Ukrainian lineage, was a such separatism would have become an ifs” of Ukrainian history. men, only 12,484 returned home in 1815. personal friend of Tsar Alexander I and no accomplished fact if Napoleon’s army had There is no doubt, however, that the Moreover, in violation of promises previ- autonomist. entered Ukraine. A modern [Ukrainian great French emperor’s invasion of Russia ously made to them, all Cossack privileges In summing up the situation in Ukraine patriotic rebel like Hetman] Mazepa cer- did find an echo in the country and it were taken away from them when the war during the Napoleonic invasion of Russia, tainly would have been found among the should be duly remembered during any ended. They were forced to return to Borshchak reviewed the local feelings of old Ukrainian gentry.” contemporary commemorations of these peasant or even serf status. A few years dissatisfaction and concluded as follows: Since Napoleon’s army came nowhere important events. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47

appeared in the printed banquet program. Supporters... The greetings from Bishop Emeritus Basil Losten were especially meaningful, because (Continued from page 1) his commitment to the revival and expansion of the Ukrainian Museum and Library com- currently writing a biography of her uncle. plex during his 28 years as the third bishop She cited the obstacles that Metropolitan of the Stamford Eparchy (1977-2006) was a Bohachevsky, a native of Ukraine who had key factor in the institution’s continued been assigned to head the Ukrainian growth and development. Also, it was during Catholic Church in the U.S., had to overcome his tenure, in the year 2000, that the in order to create this unique cultural and Ukrainian Museum and Library of Stamford educational complex in Stamford. was registered in the State of Connecticut She concluded her brief remarks with an as a non-profit cultural institution. eloquent reference to the current goals of A musical interlude provided by a trio of Bishop Gudziak in Europe: “Today, as we young New York City-based musicians, fea- welcome another young American Ukrainian turing works by Ukrainian composers, bishop – one who is making a reverse jour- rounded out the evening’s program. The ney to that of Metropolitan Constantine – talented musicians were Stanislav we see the results of the work of the elder, Demochko, piano; Iryna Kit, violin; and Sister Natalya Stoczanyn and rejoice in the promise of the younger.” Valeriya Sholokhova, cello. At a pre-banquet reception for event sponsors held in the fine arts gallery of Greetings were received from a number A wide cross-section of the Ukrainian Stamford’s Ukrainian Museum (from left) are: Titus and Sofia Hewryk, Dr. Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Bishop Borys Gudziak and Ross Chomiak. of government, ecclesiastical, cultural and American community, including its reli- community organizations, reflecting a gious, cultural and financial sectors, was pre-World War II immigrants, the post- ry celebration of the Ukrainian Museum broad respect and appreciation for the represented at the banquet. The guests also World War II political émigrés, plus the and Library of Stamford, his words were Stamford Museum and Library. Some greet- reflected three “waves” of Ukrainian immi- recent fourth wave, who constitute a large especially heartfelt, considering that the ings were read at the banquet, while others grants to the United States: descendants of community in Stamford. ominous weather conditions building up in Earlier in the day, sponsors of the 75th the Northeast with the approach of anniversary celebration had an opportuni- Hurricane Sandy might have intimidated ty to mingle and to meet informally with less dedicated cultural arts supporters. the guest of honor, Bishop Gudziak, at a Hopefully, the same intrepid spirit of com- pre-banquet reception held in the Museum, mitment that prevailed on October 28 will which is housed in The Chateau, a late-19th continue to bolster the Ukrainian Museum century villa on the grounds of the Eparchy and Library of Stamford on its journey of Stamford and the St. Basil Seminary toward its 100th anniversary and beyond. campus. The Ukrainian Museum and Library of The master of ceremonies at the ban- Stamford would like to thank the generous quet was George Lencyk, vice-president of donors who contributed toward the 75th the Stamford Ukrainian Museum and anniversary celebration. Library’s executive board. His father, the Readers who wish to make a 75th anni- late Dr. Wasyl Lencyk, was director of the versary gift may donate by writing a check museum and library from 1964 to 2000. to: Ukrainian Museum and Library of The banquet had started with an invoca- Stamford, 161 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, tion by Bishop Chomnycky. It was conclud- CT 06902. For further information call 203- Selfreliance New York Federal Credit Union was one of the diamond sponsors of the ed with a benediction by Msgr. Terlecky. 323-8866 or e-mail ukrmulrec@optonline. Stamford Ukrainian Museum and Library’s 75th anniversary banquet. Seated (from When Mr. Lencyk thanked both the pro- net. To learn more about Stamford’s left) are: Roman and Myra Kyzyk, Myroslaw and Catherine Popovech, Bohdana and gram participants and the attendees for Ukrainian Museum and Library, readers may Bohdan Kurczak and Sviatoslava and Stefan Kaczaraj. being part of the successful 75th anniversa- visit No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 11 Ukrainian Technological Society honors Ukrainian of the Year Sonya Hlutkowsky Soutus PITTSBURGH – The Ukrainian Technological Society (UTS) of Pittsburgh presented its 2012 Ukrainian of the Year Award to Sonya Hlutkowsky Soutus, currently senior vice-president of public affairs and communications for the Coca-Cola North American Business Unit, at the 43rd annual award ceremony and dinner dance, held on Saturday, November 3, at The Club at Nevillewood in Pittsburgh. Ms. Soutus was honored for her professional accom- plishments across 30 years in international public affairs and communications, highlighted by her successes with The Coca-Cola Co. where, since 1996, she has distinguished herself in both domestic and international corporate endeavors, and serves as a role model for aspiring young Ukrainian professionals. Further, she was recognized for her commitment, both professionally and personally, to the preservation and per- petuation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine, and for her continued support and dedication to Ukrainian cul- tural, educational and artistic organizations both in the United States and in Ukraine. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Ms. Soutus attended “Ridna Shkola” (School of Ukrainian Studies) of Pittsburgh and danced with the Poltava Ukrainian Dance Company of Pittsburgh. She graduated with honors from Duquesne University, with a degree in journalism and English litera- At the Ukrainian Technological Society’s 2012 Ukrainian of the Year ceremony (from left) are: Roman Danyliw, ture. George Honchar, Motria Hodowanec, honoree Sonya Hlutkowsky Soutus, Roksana Korchynsky, Ph.D., and After working locally as a reporter and in public rela- Nickolas C. Kotow. tions, Ms. Soutus left Pittsburgh in 1989 to become the press officer of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Rome, as public affairs and communications director for Ukraine community. She noted that previous award recipients where she worked for Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky. and Belarus and was tasked with establishing a new public included Ukrainian leaders, scholars, artists and clergy, She was part of the team that pressed for the legalization affairs and communications team – this time for the and men and women of medicine, law, science and technol- of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in what was the world’s most recognized brand. The Coca-Cola Co. was the ogy, who were guided by principles, faith, excellence, com- Ukrainian SSR and then returned to Ukraine with Cardinal first and largest foreign investor in Ukraine. mitment to community and a deep sense of the importance Lubachivsky and his entire staff in 1991. In her current role as senior vice-president of public of one’s history and culture. In these early years of the resurgence of the Ukrainian affairs and communications, Coca-Cola North America, Ms. Nickolas C. Kotow, UTS secretary and treasurer, made the Catholic Church in Ukraine, Ms. Soutus established the Soutus oversees a team of 100 professionals with respon- nomination address honoring Ms. Soutus as the 2012 UTS press bureau of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Lviv with sibility for all government relations, media relations, cor- Ukrainian of the Year. The award proclamation was read its television studio and publishing unit. These entities porate giving, internal communications, brand and market- aloud in English by Roman Danyliw and in Ukrainian by continue to operate today in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. ing/pr communications, stakeholder relations, and busi- Motria Hodowanec, both UTS executive board members. In 1996 Ms. Soutus joined The Coca-Cola Co. in Ukraine ness and strategic communications throughout the United In accepting the award, Ms. Soutus said she wished to States and Canada. share the award with the friends and family members who Roksana Korchynsky, Ph.D., president of the UTS execu- provided guidance, inspiration and friendship over the tive board, welcomed Ms. Soutus and her family, clergy and years, enriching her personal and professional life. Many in the many guests who traveled from various parts of the attendance, originally from Pittsburgh, had come back United States, Canada and Switzerland to attend the event. home to celebrate her achievements. She observed that many of the guests present shared a link She paid special tribute to all her family, including parents to the UTS that spanned a generation or more and noted Luba and Peter G. Hlutkowsky of Pittsburgh; her husband, that this year’s award recipient shared those ties as well. the Very Rev. Anibal Soutus, daughter Romana, and brother Ms. Soutus’ father, Peter Hlutkowsky, was one of the Roman and family, for their constant love and support. early members of UTS and served as its president in 1977. Ms. Soutus also urged the many students and young Ms. Soutus’ brother, Roman Hlutkowsky also served as its professionals present to “be true to yourself, be true to president in 1990-1991. And, Ms. Soutus’ mother, Luba who are and remember where you came from.” She also Hlutkowsky, well-known for her service and dedication to told them to embrace new opportunities that come their the Pittsburgh Ukrainian community, was the recipient of way in life. “Take those risks,” she said, noting that being the Ukrainian of the Year award in 1981. open to possibilities had enabled her, “a girl from the South Dr. Korchynsky noted that with the presentation of this Side” to travel the world. year’s award, the society would be marking the first time a The beautifully designed award honoring Ms. Soutus mother and daughter have each been recognized for their was created by Pittsburgh graphic artist Kathy Boykowycz. individual contributions to strengthen and promote our Msgr. George Appleyard gave the invocation, and the Ukrainian heritage. Very Rev. Stephen Repa gave the benediction. Following She highlighted the fact that the Society – now in its the dinner hour, musical entertainment was provided by 43rd year – is one the longest continuously active the band Mosaic from Toronto. Ukrainian organizations in the tri-state area. For over four * * * decades, the society, through the Ukrainian of the Year To learn more about the UTS, the Ukrainian of the Year award, has recognized individuals of local, national and award, past recipients of the award, and other UTS activi- international stature who have made meaningful contribu- ties, readers may visit the website, or tions to the Ukrainian community or Ukrainian scholar- e-mail the UTS at [email protected], or “friend” the UTS Luba Hlutkowsky (1981 Ukrainian of the Year award recipient) with her daughter, Sonya Hlutkowsky Soutus ship, or who have demonstrated significant achievement on Facebook at “Ukrainian Technological Society (UTS) of (2012 Ukrainian of the Year award recipient). which brings recognition and prestige to the Ukrainian Pittsburgh.”

constituencies: 185 national deputies from Election results... the Party of Regions, 101 from (Continued from page 1) Batkivshchyna, 40 from UDAR, 37 from Svoboda, 32 from the Communist Party, 43 May we help you? According to the final election results, independent deputies, and seven represen- the Party of Regions received 30 percent of tatives of other parties. To reach The Ukrainian Weekly call (973) 292-9800, the vote (6,116,746 votes), the Five CEC members, while signing the and dial the appropriate extension (as listed below). Batkivshchyna United Opposition – 25.54 protocol on the election results of party percent (5,209,090 votes), Vitali Klitschko’s lists, expressed their dissenting opinion UDAR Party – 13.96 percent (2,847,979 and pointed to flaws during the vote, votes), the Communist Party of Ukraine – which, in their opinion, could affect the Editorial – 3049, 3088 • Production – 3063, 3069 13.18 percent (2,687,269 votes), and results. Remarks about the conduct of the Administration – 3041 • Advertising – 3040 Svoboda – 10.44 percent (2,129,933 votes). elections were made by Valerii Sheludko, In addition, the CEC declared 220 Ihor Zhydenko, Yulia Shvets, Zhanna Subscriptions – 3042 national deputies elected in single-seat Usenko-Chorna and Andrii Mahera. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47

the build-up to the election and the vote General’s Office should immediately open need to correct in the electoral law so that NEWSBRIEFS itself. Final election results released by the criminal cases in connection with the falsi- in the future, at any polls, problem issues Central Election Commission showed that fication of election documents in a number that have arisen previously can be avoid- (Continued from page 2) President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of of districts,” the party said in a statement ed,” the president said. Given the decision increasingly bad name.” “Nobody wants to Regions and its allies will retain control in posted on its website on November 9. of the Central Election Commission and Parliament. The European Union has fro- see him shaking hands with VIPs in UDAR (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Parliament on a revote in five troubled dis- zen a trade deal with Ukraine over con- tricts – 94, 132, 194, 197 and 223 – Mr. Brussels so soon after the elections. It Reform) also asked European institutions cerns about the country’s elections, its judi- to impose personal sanctions against “the Yanukovych said the new Rada will be would be seen as EU approbation of his cial system and the arrest of opposition organizers and executors of fraud.” The formed without five members: “That is, authority despite the poor conduct of the leaders, including former Prime Minister statement notes that the party will initiate 445 national deputies may get down to parliamentary vote,” an EU diplomatic con- Yulia Tymoshenko. (RFE/RL, based on the adoption of laws that will give citizens work.” (Ukrinform) tact told the newspaper. (Ukrinform) reporting by Reuters and Interfax) the right to dismiss officials guilty of cor- Azarov calls for grand coalition ruption or fraud. (Ukrinform) EU: election count is marred UDAR urges sanctions against fraudsters KYIV – The Prime Minister Mykola Opposition urges Yulia to end hunger strike BRUSSELS – The European Union has KYIV – Vitali Klitschko’s UDAR Party has Azarov, chairman of the Party of Regions of said that Ukraine’s October 28 parliamen- said that the authorities should stop exert- KYIV – Andriy Kozhemiakin and Serhiy Ukraine, has proposed that the leaders of tary elections were marred by a delayed ing pressure on the Central Election Sas, lawyers of the convicted Yulia political forces that managed to overcome vote count and other irregularities. In a Commission (CEC) and that European Tymoshenko, met on November 13 with the parliamentary election threshold, start statement issued on November 12, EU for- institutions should apply personal sanc- their client at the Ukrzaliznytsia hospital in negotiations on the creation of a grand eign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and tions against the organizers and falsifiers of Kharkiv and gave her a joint statement by coalition. The Prime Minister made the Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele the parliamentary elections in Ukraine. the opposition parties Batkivshchyna, statement on the government’s official web- expressed “concern about the conduct of “Before we talk about any negotiations, the Svoboda and UDAR with a request that she site on November 9. “I appeal to the leaders the post-electoral process, which was authorities should stop putting pressure on end her hunger strike, which was then in its of the political parties represented in the marred by irregularities, delays in the vote the CEC, and the CEC should recognize the 16th day. Mr. Kozhemiakin, speaking at a Parliament of the seventh convocation to count and lack of transparency in the elec- victory of the opposition in the so-called briefing outside the hospital, said, “We have start negotiations on the formation of a seri- toral commissions.” The EU also criticized disputed districts. The Procurator submitted to Yulia Tymoshenko a joint ous grand coalition. The scale of the tasks appeal of the three opposition parties with that are currently facing this country in a a request to stop the hunger strike. She difficult global economic environment received the appeal, became acquainted needs consolidation, rather than confronta- with it and said that she would make a deci- tion. I declare this totally responsibly, and sion soon and report on it.” He said that Ms. we are ready for a serious discussion of TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 Tymoshenko has a fighting spirit, even problem issues.” Mr. Azarov noted that the or e-mail [email protected] though she looks exactly how a person on adoption of concrete decisions is much the 16th day of a hunger strike would look. harder than conversations on talk shows. He The briefing was attended by opposition went on to comment that Ukraine is now in SERVICES PROFESSIONALS leaders Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Oleksander a much better condition than, for example, Turchynov, Mykola Tomenko and in March 2010, but the challenges facing the Viacheslav Kyrylenko. They were not economy are very serious. “Therefore, if we allowed to see Ms. Tymoshenko as the limit think about the future of this country, we of her visits for this month has been need to unite and work for the benefit of the exhausted. “We met with Tymoshenko on state”, he said. Noting that the next elections November 1, and now we can meet on are in two and a half years, he called on poli- December 1,” Mr. Turchynov said. Three ticians to “give at least a year of time for a dozen activists of the Kyiv regional chapter quiet life,” adding, “And this time will be of Batkivshchyna who arrived in Kharkiv sufficient to pass consolidated decisions. have also delivered to the opposition leader And a year later, let’s start again. In a year their request that she end her hunger or a year and a half, the presidential cam- strike. (Ukrinform) paign will begin.” (Ukrinform) ОКСАНА СТАНЬКО Ліцензований продавець Hunger strike in solidarity with Yulia New Rada to begin work in December Страхування Життя OKSANA STANKO KYIV – Parliamentary candidate Oleh KYIV – Verkhovna Rada Chairman Licensed Life Insurance Agent Liashko has gone on a hunger strike in soli- Volodymyr Lytvyn predicted on November Ukrainian National Assn., Inc. darity with former Prime Minister Yulia 5 that the newly elected Parliament will 32 Peachtree Rd. Tymoshenko, it was reported on November start working no earlier than December 10 Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 13. He wrote about this on the social net- this year. “Taking into account the full term Tel.: 908-872-2192; email: [email protected] work Facebook. “I am going on a hunger of a month [since the official announcement strike in solidarity with Yulia Tymoshenko. by the Central Election Commission of the We are starving against the recognition of election results], this could be December MERCHANDISE rigged elections,” Mr. Liashko said. Ms. 17-19,” Mr. Lytvyn explained. He recalled Tymoshenko, who is at the central clinical that under the law, the CEC should make a decision on the elections by November 12. I wish to purchase hospital of Ukrzaliznytsia in Kharkiv, has been on a hunger strike since October 29 to Then five days will be given to file appeals at paintings protest the falsified results of the parlia- the Higher Administrative Court, which, in of old Ukrainian artists for my mentary elections. (Ukrinform) turn, will have two days to consider the private collection. applications. “So, no later than November Yanukovych: Minor problems at polls 18 the CEC should officially announce the Payment by arrangament. election results in official newspapers, and Tel.: 312-206-8476 KYIV – President Viktor Yanukovych then national deputies who combine their acknowledged that there were certain Mykhail deputies’ mandates with other activities, problems during the counting of votes at which is prohibited by the Constitution, will some constituencies in the Ukrainian par- have to decide where they work. They will liamentary elections, but they generally did HELP WANTED have 20 days for that,” Mr. Lytvyn said. He not affect the election returns. He also noted that the three plenary weeks that expressed this opinion during a Cypriot- the current Parliament still has to work We are seeking a babysitter Ukrainian business forum on November 9. would be problematic. “I think that in this for our 3 year old son in Bayside, NY. “This is not just my conclusion. These are, period there will be a lot of problems that Must speak Ukrainian fluently. Preferably above all, the findings of international will require legislative regulation,” Mr. owns a car. Two days per week - Wednes- observers, which are very similar to our Lytvyn said. (Ukrinform) day and Thursday. No. of days to increase findings: there were shortcomings, natural in December. Tel. 646-763-0045. flaws that usually arise during elections. Jewish groups condemn support for Svoboda But there were pluses, too,” Mr. Yanukovych KYIV – The CNBC television network has stated, adding that the problems with the OPPORTUNITIES seen a linkage between electoral support vote count were minor. “This is just a small for the Svoboda party in the Ukrainian par- part, which generally did not influence the liamentary elections, its collaboration with outcome of the vote,” he noted. The presi- the opposition Batkivshchyna party of Yulia Earn extra income! dent said there are questions about the tur- Tymoshenko and U.S. Secretary of State moil at some single-member constituen- The Ukrainian Weekly is looking Hillary Clinton, reads the headline of the for advertising sales agents. cies during the vote count and the answers Run your advertisement here, news item shown on the TV channel on For additional information contact should soon be given by the Procurator November 2. “Anti-Defamation League in The Ukrainian Weekly’s Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, General’s Office and Parliament. “I think we (ADL) and other Jewish groups condemn CLASSIFIEDS section. The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. need to see in the new Parliament, together with the newly elected deputies, what we (Continued on page 13) 264 No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 13

Ukrainian prosecutors await Lazarenko NEWSBRIEFS Ділимося сумною вісткою що 17 жовтня 2012 року KYIV – The Procurator General’s Office (Continued from page 12) (PGO) of Ukraine said that if former Prime на 80-му році життя відійшов у вічність Minister Pavlo Lazarenko returns to дорогий Муж, Батько і Дідо Tymoshenko (and indirectly, Clinton) for Ukraine, he faces imprisonment, TSN having legitimized anti-Semitic party in reported on November 1. “There is a court сл. п. Ukraine,” reads the headline. The news item ruling. In case of return, the court decision reports that the ADL “has criticized the will be executed, and a preventive measure Ярослав Криштальський opposition party of Yulia Tymoshenko in will be chosen,” Andriy Kurys, the chief of народжений у Львові, Україна Ukraine for having signed a parliamentary the PGO Main Investigation Department, alliance that gave legitimacy to an extremist told reporters. Prosecutors are investigat- Похоронні відправи відбулися 27 жовтня 2012 року в Українській party well-known for its anti-Semitic views”. ing a number of cases against the former католицькій церкві св. Юра в Ню-Йорку CNBC cited Abraham H. Foxman, ADL prime minister; they accuse him of embez- national director, who issued a statement zlement, abuse of power and contract kill- Залишені у глибокому смутку: on November 1 in which he expressed ings. Mr. Lazarenko was released from the дружина - Віра з дому Комаринська “alarm” at the strong electoral support for U.S. Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) син - Марко the radical Svoboda party in Ukraine’s par- at Terminal Island in California on liamentary elections. The news item also донька - Рома November 1 at about 4 a.m., local time. внучки - Ешлі й Александра criticizes U.S. Secretary of State Hilary (Ukrinform) Clinton “for having ignored warnings about родина в Америці, Канаді, Україні та Польщі. Mrs. Tymoshenko’s dealings with a party Shevchenko statue in Moscow restored accused by Israel of racism when she effec- Вічна Йому пам’ять! tively endorsed Mrs. Tymoshenko in public KYIV – The office of the mayor of ______statements.” CNBC reported: “Although nei- Moscow has completed the reconstruction ther Israel nor ADL have singled out U.S. of the monument to Taras Shevchenko and Відправа у 40-ий День відходу на вічний спочинок Secretary of State Hilary Clinton by name, it its installation next to the Ukraina Hotel сл. п. Ярослава Криштальського is clear to analysts that the U.S. secretary of (Radisson Royal Moscow), Ukraine’s state’s support for Tymoshenko has indi- Ambassador to Russia Volodymyr відбудеться в понеділок, 26 листопада, о год. 9:30 ранку rectly benefitted the extremist Svoboda Yelchenko told reporters on October 26. в церкві св. Юра в Ню-Йорку. party.” (Ukrinform) “Yesterday, after reconstruction, a monu- ment to Taras Shevchenko was returned to Lazarenko is imprisoned again its place. Work was completed a few months earlier than planned,” said the dip- KYIV – Former Ukrainian Prime lomat. He noted that the monument is now Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, who was covered with a special protective case, released from California’s prison Terminal since improvements are ongoing in the Island on November 1, was once again put Shevchenko public garden. The monument behind bars. The reason for this is Mr. will be open to the public soon. “Ukraine Lazarenko’s uncertain legal status in the and Russia in 2014 are planning to hold U.S. Kommersant reported the news, citing, joint events ahead of the 200th anniversary Olga Huta Michalak Mr. Lazarenko’s attorney Daniel Horowitz. of [the birth of ] Taras Shevchenko and the “As it turned out to be, Mr. Lazarenko, just 1920-2012 having been released, was put behind bars completion of the restoration work is a died September 18, 2012, landmark event for us,” said Ambassador again, now due to uncertainty of his status Rossmore Senior Living, Walnut Creek , Ca. in the U.S. It is expected that the former Yelchenko. (Ukrinform) Mrs. Olga Michalak was one of the most positive person I have ever prime minister will remain in custody in Rada passes referendum law Sacramento for as long as the U.S. govern- known. She lived through the horrors of war and lost her first son, Roman KYIV – The Verkhovna Rada on Michalak to it. Mom never looked back at the past and continued to ment does not decide on his legalization or work hard here in America for a better life for herself and her children. deportation,” the publication reads. It was November 6 passed a law on the nation- wide referendum with 265 national depu- Joseph Michalak, her husband, died when the children were young. noted that in the U.S. the former prime She continued without complaint to give as much as she could to her minister of Ukraine has neither a valid visa ties voting in favor. According to the law, a nationwide referendum is one of the forms children. Her love and the importance of education are reflected in her (the last one expired in 2000) nor refugee sons and grandchildren. She has taught us the beauty of sacrifice. She status (in 1999, the former prime minister of direct democracy in Ukraine, which will be missed deeply. We love you, Mom and thank you. applied for it, but because of the beginning envisages the approval by Ukrainian citi- of his trial, U.S. immigration authorities did zens of decisions of national importance sons. Victor Michalak, M.D. with wife Eunice not make a decision). Immigration and via secret ballot. The subject of a nation- Gene Michalak with wife Marylyn Customs police clarified that Mr. Lazarenko wide referendum may be any issues other grandchildren: Victor B. Michalak had been taken to a jail for immigrants than those not authorized by the Rebecca Michalak located in the small town of Adelanto, a lit- Constitution and laws of Ukraine. Christian Michalak tle more than 100 kilometers from Los Ukrainians who are age 18 as of the voting May she rest in peace! Angeles. While in jail, Mr. Lazarenko may day have the right to vote in a referendum. communicate not only with lawyers and Any direct or indirect privileges or restric- authorities, but also with his family, friends tion of the rights of Ukrainian citizens to and acquaintances. Meetings with journal- participate in the referendum on the ists are also permitted. Mr. Lazarenko com- grounds of race, color, political, religious or pleted his sentence at Terminal Island after other beliefs, sex, ethnic or social origin, he was found guilty on several charges, place of residence, property status, or lin- including the laundering of income illegally guistic or other grounds are prohibited. obtained in Ukraine. (Ukrinform) (Ukrinform) Ділимося сумною вісткою, що 11 листопада 2012 р. У 5-ту річницю відходу на Вічну Ватру відійшла у вічність наша найдорожча Дружина, Сестра і Тета св. п. св. п. Зені Шанц-Смарш Ірена Демчишин У глибокому смутку залишилися: дружини покійного Івана Смарша, муж - Брус Джансон згадуємо нашу дорогу та незабутню маму і сестру. сестри - Оксана, Галина, і Марта з дітьми Александрою, Джаном, і Лярисою та ближча і дальша родина в Канаді. Просимо о молитви за душу Покійної. Вічна Їй пам’ять! Вічна Їй пам’ять! Бажаючих вшанувати пам’ять Покійної, родина просить складати пожертви на: The Ukrainian Museum Ляриса і Данило та Богдан з родинами 222 East Sixth Street, New York, NY 10003


Perhaps that last comment was a happened.’ And the court immediately sat- candidates was 83 votes. The enigma... Freudian slip on the part of the prime min- isfies the complaint. That’s allegedly an The news site offered numerous more ister. observer who allegedly came to the polling examples, which would indicate a system- (Continued from page 6) station and allegedly wanted to enter.” atic method of undermining the results of Voting absurdities Mr. Azarov told them the October 28 par- Mr. Romaniuk’s district was among five close races in favor of state-backed candi- liamentary vote was “the most democratic Absurdities abounded in vote tabulation. selected by the Central Election dates, observers said. and transparent” in all of Ukraine’s history, In District Election Commission No. 94, Commission for a revote, infuriating the Indeed, six of the seven election districts reported the UNIAN news agency, citing the covering the city of Obukhiv in the Kyiv opposition candidates who claimed victory whose results weren’t approved by the CEC Department of Information and Oblast, Party of Regions candidate Tetiana in each of those districts. Another two dis- had an alarming ratio of thousands of dis- Communications with the Citizenry at the Zasukha succeeded in invalidating 32,737 tricts have yet to have their vote tallies qualified ballots compared to the small dif- Cabinet of Ministers Secretariat. votes by taking advantage of a norm in the approved. ference in votes between the two leading The prime minister laid the lies on even election law that cancels the votes of a par- A voting “enigma” was noticed by the candidates – further evidence of a system- thicker. ticular polling station if election observers Ukrayinska Pravda news site when its atic method. “The elections were held without a sin- are proven to have been denied entry. reporters noticed that the election districts Yet another “enigma” is why the CEC gle incident,” he claimed. “This was the first “It’s a theater of the absurd,” said Viktor with the most disqualified ballots – most called for revotes in five of those unsettled election in Ukraine’s history that was held Romaniuk, the underdog opposition candi- often because they were somehow dam- election districts when the ballots (dam- without any complications. Not a single date who earned more than half of the aged – numbered in the thousands. Yet aged and undamaged) and protocols are all polling station registered a voting disrup- invalidated votes, in an interview with the these were also the districts where the dif- available for recount. tion.” Ukrayinska Pravda news site published on ference in votes between the leading candi- “The CEC is supposed to fulfill what’s Then he pointed out the real source of November 1. dates was the smallest, numbering no more written in the law for such cases,” said trouble in the election. Clearly, it was the “I was personally at these cases. They than a few hundred. Arkadii Kornatskyi, the opposition candi- opposition parties! don’t allow third parties, and they don’t lis- The 182nd District Election Commission date in the 132nd election district in the “We confronted open physical pressure ten to witnesses. All the documents for- (DEC) in Kherson reported more than city of Pervomaisk, Mykolayiv Oblast, from the opposition in a whole series of dis- warded to the courts are fabricated. They 5,500 damaged ballots, while the difference where the conflict escalated to the extent tricts,” Mr. Azarov explained. “What can you simply write them on their knees. There’s between the leading candidates was 934 that the Berkut special forces were sent in. think when members of the opposition take not a single real document. Statements are votes. “In the event the district election com- over polling stations where election com- submitted as if ‘observers’ weren’t allowed The 71st DEC in the Zakarpattia Oblast mission can’t ensure the establishment of missions meet? Or when representatives of into polling stations. Yet the very same per- reported more than 4,500 disqualified bal- vote results, the CEC is required to assume Svoboda take over a hall where the vote son had signed the station’s original proto- lots (many damaged), while the difference its functions, that is, to take the protocols of tally is occurring and begin to threaten col stating he was present,” Mr. Romaniuk between the leading candidates was 217 local election commissions and tally their members of the election commission? In said. votes. figures. I not only don’t fear repeat elec- one district in the Mykolayiv Oblast election “Local commission chairs and members The 14th District Election Commission tions, but I will surely take part in them. But documents ended up in the hands of a dep- come to the courts as witnesses and say in the Vinnytsia Oblast reported more than I’m convinced that re-elections are an uty from the opposition. Where’s the guar- that no observers were denied access. Then 3,800 disqualified ballots (many damaged), attempt by government to legalize lawless- antee that they weren’t corrected?” comes a single person and says, “ ‘Yes, it while the difference between the leading ness,” Mr. Karnatskyi said.

the protocols, pushing away the commis- didate Vasyl Romaniuk, and the 194th DEC cent of its closed party list vote and denied Evidence... sion members and knocking everything off in Cherkasy, where falsifications allegedly the opposition parties their true result. (Continued from page 1) its legs. They broke the doors and threw gave the victory to government-backed inde- Had the vote tabulations been accurate, chairs at election commission members to pendent Valentyna Zhuravska over Mykola the three opposition parties would have After the initial vote count produced a carry away the bag with the election proto- Bulatetskyi of the Batkivshchyna party. reversed the seven-seat advantage given to victory for Mr. Kornatskyi, Berkut special cols.” “There’s no legal basis for this,” Mr. the Party of Regions with its 185 seats, com- forces arrived at the 132nd District Election At the same time, Mr. Travianko’s entou- Bulatetskyi told the newspaper Dzerkalo pared to 178 seats for the opposition. Commission (DEC) on October 29, after rage took with it the district election com- Tyzhnia (Weekly Mirror). “This would be a Meanwhile, foreign policy experts expect which Mr. Travianko was declared the vic- mission chair and his stamp, the opposition denigration of my voters. They voted, hon- European institutions will tread far more tor. leaders alleged. The protocols were taken to estly worked and ensured the process, dis- delicately than Canada with their assess- “New figures were simply written in the a court building, after which they no longer regarding the pressure, beatings, threats ments out of concern that harsh criticisms summary protocol, giving the victory to the matched with the originals, Mr. Moskal said. and provocations from the government and or even sanctions could send the Ukrainian Party of Regions candidate,” reported the Afterwards, the Mykolayiv medical law enforcement authorities. And now government into the eager, waiting arms of Batkivshchyna press service. bureau denied those injured, including Mr. repeat elections? I’d rather die than do it!” the Russian government and its Eurasian In response to the alleged fraud, Mr. Merikov, the opportunity to document their In addition, the results of two district Union project. Kornatskyi’s supporters removed the doors injuries, a necessary step for filing judicial election commissions remained unap- “The Yanukovych regime is inclined to the election commission, occupied the complaints against the government, the proved by the CEC, which didn’t designate towards integration and even quite deep building and refused to acknowledge the Batkivshchyna party reported. The 132nd them for a revote. agreements with Russia,” Jacques Lipper, a results. District is among the five nationwide that The battle between government-backed political scientist at the European Institute Later that week, on November 2, as both are scheduled to hold a revote. independent Oleksander Dombrovskyi for International Relations, told Radio sides were in a stalemate, a group of indi- Other violent conflicts involving tear gas against Batkivshchyna candidate Nataliya Liberty in an interview published on its viduals claiming to be government officials occurred at the 197th DEC in Kaniv, where Soleiko in the 11th District in the Vinnytsia website on November 12. entered the building accompanied by an allegedly fraudulent victory was award- Oblast was marked by violence and tear gas He added, “A complicated task stands Berkut special forces and confiscated the ed to local oligarch Bohdan Hubskyi over on October 30. before the European Council and the protocols. The Berkut used tear gas to clear his opponent, Leonid Datsenko of the “About 11:45 p.m. Soleiko’s lawyer was European Parliament of pressuring Ukraine away opponents, according to reports. Batkivshchyna party. beaten,” reported a member of Ms. Soleiko’s in doses and determining the furthest limit Those claiming to be officials placed the That conflict followed a similar scenario campaign staff, as reported by the of this pressure.” protocols in a bus surrounded by the in which results were established in favor of Ukrayinska Pravda news site. “His head was The harshest criticism from Europe was Berkut. That morning, dozens of opposition the opposition candidate, only to be over- injured in front of law enforcement authori- offered by Andreas Gross, head of the elec- supporters physically penetrated the police turned after Berkut special forces stormed ties, who didn’t try to stop these illegal tion observation mission of the barrier, enabling Mykolayiv United into the commission building on the night activities but calmly observed them. Later Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Opposition Chair Vadym Merikov and of November 6 and confiscated the proto- on, they arrested two assaulters under pres- Europe (PACE). National Deputy Hennadii Moskal of the cols. sure from observers.” The Council of Europe is an organization Batkivshchyna party to enter the bus and A week earlier, on October 31, two elec- The election results in the 14th DEC in that is independent of the European Union confiscate the protocols on behalf of the tion commission members were hospital- the Vinnytsia Oblast have also yet to be rec- (EU) which binds 47 member-states that opposition. They were filmed carrying them ized and allegedly took protocols with them. ognized. There, government-backed Viktor work through conventions and cooperate away in a shopping bag. Later that week, on November 1, the CEC Zherebniuk claimed victory over Ivan on common values. Among its most impor- The bus couldn’t drive away because the replaced several commissioners, a decision Melnychuk of the Batkivshchyna party. tant organs is the European Court of Human roads were blocked by trucks owned by the suspected to favor Mr. Hubskyi. The 197th At the 11th, 14th , 94th and 223rd DECs Rights. opposition candidate, Mr. Kornatskyi, who District also is scheduled for a revote. the number of disqualified ballots, many of Mr. Gross became one of the first high- operates a local agricultural business. Berkut forces also used tear gas in two them damaged, exceeded the difference in ranking European officials to describe the Mr. Moskal returned the protocols to the Kyiv election districts that involved young votes between the two leading candidates, Ukrainian government as authoritarian in election commission building, but that Svoboda nationalists upsetting their oli- Ukrayinska Pravda reported. That was the remarks to the Kyiv-based magazine The afternoon the Berkut struck again, forcing garch competitors. Andrii Illyenko, 25, case in numerous other districts that didn’t Ukrainian Week, published on November 8. its way through a thick crowd of a few hun- defeated mega-millionaire Halyna Hereha draw the CEC’s attention. “In my view, it’s not moving there – it is dred people and inflicting injuries on Mr. in the 215th District, while 28-year-old The CEC approved most of the election under an authoritarian government,” Mr. Kornatskyi’s supporters. Yurii Levchenko waged a fierce battle results on November 10 and 11, drawing a Gross said. “How the governing party “At first, they told us that they were going against Viktor Pylypyshyn in the 223rd protest on November 12 from opposition neglects the state’s autonomy, how the to review something,” Mr. Moskal told the District, which is scheduled for a revote. leaders, who said they wouldn’t recognize interests of large capital dominate election Ukrayinska Pravda news site. “We expected The other districts scheduled for a revote the CEC’s conclusions. legislation and politics, and how the general the commission would begin working. We are the 94th DEC, where Party of Regions The Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for interest is forgotten to the benefit of sepa- were promised that the review would take candidate and oligarch Tetiana Zasukha Reform (UDAR) party led by Vitali Klitschko rate private economic interests – all of this place here, where the commission is. But allegedly led the commissioners in stealing released a statement on November 10 in are signs of a fact that exists already, not afterwards the Berkut broke in and stole the victory from upstart Batkivshchyna can- which it said the government stole 1.5 per- emerging sometime in the future.” No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 15

population. Besides, they were very expe- chief of the UPA, who were interned of Ivan Franko and organized a torchlight A special history rienced in conspiracy…” became symbols of resistance in camps procession to his monument you could About the commander-in-chief of the and prisons. hear Russian interjections from the crowd (Continued from page 7) UPA, Sudoplatov wrote: American journalist Anne Applebaum along Kiev’s main street: ‘Look! trol of the Banderite faction of the OUN. By “We established that the armed resis- in her book “Gulag” noted, in particular, Banderists! [sic] What a lot of them!’” 1944 the UPA had upwards of 100,000 sol- tance was coordinated by Roman Ukrainian political prisoners. She indicat- This appellation has survived even diers under its command, and in July it Shukheyevich [sic]… He was a bold man, ed that by far the most influential ethnic today. While the connotation remains hos- established the Ukrainian Supreme competent in clandestine work, who groups in the camps were Ukrainians and tile on the part of those who label Liberation Council, which was to function remained active for seven years after the Balts. Their influence was both in their Ukrainian patriots thus, the Ukrainians so as a provisional government until both departure of the Germans.” large numbers and their open opposition labeled have accepted the term as a badge German and Soviet troops were driven out He went on to relate the killing of to the Soviet Union. Ms. Applebaum of honor. and an independent Ukrainian state was Shukhevych: offered as an example of Ukrainian organi- Today Ukraine is officially an indepen- established. That summer the UPA moved “We surrounded the building, and zation and discipline, a specific event – the dent state. In fact, Ukraine features almost the center of its military operations from Drozdov demanded that Shukheyevich lay “Kingir uprising” – in one of the all the attributes affiliated with sovereign- Volhynia to Galicia, where it fought against down his arms, guaranteeing his life on Kazakhstan camps: ty: a defined territory, an official language, behalf of the Ukrainian socialist govern- “As in other camps, the prisoners of its own armed forces and foreign policy. both retreating German and advancing ment. Automatic fire was the reply. Steplag were organized by nationality. However, these attributes are misleading. Soviet troops… In Galicia itself, it took until Shukheyevich threw two hand grenades Steplag’s Ukrainians, however, appear to Russia and Russians, more than once 1950 to eliminate the last sabotage activity and, accompanied by two women, all have taken their organization a few steps since the independence proclamation, carried out by the remaining supporters of armed attempted to break out. In the com- farther into conspiracy. Instead of openly have leveled claims against Ukrainian ter- the underground Ukrainian Insurgent bat Shukheyevich and two of our officers choosing leaders, the Ukrainians formed a ritory. Other nationalities, Poles, Army.” were killed.” conspiratorial ‘Center,’ a secret group Romanians even Hungarians, have done American historian Timothy Snyder, Following the second world war, The whose membership never became publicly likewise although to a much lesser extent. who is somewhat negatively disposed to New York Times carried several articles known, and probably contained represen- The recently enacted language policy legis- the OUN-UPA because of a pro-Polish bias about the Ukrainian nationalists’ struggle. tatives of all of the camp’s nationalities. By lation, if widely implemented, would ren- as well as rather incomplete research of On September 19, 1947, The New York the time the thieves arrived in the camp, der the constitutional clause denoting Ukrainian nationalist ideology, also has Times wrote: the Center had already started to produce Ukrainian as the state language largely written extensively on Ukraine and has “A United States Army report said today weapons – makeshift knives, clubs and meaningless. Russian armed forces are included a significant amount on the OUN- the Ukrainian resistance army fighting for picks – in the camp workshops, and were based on Ukrainian territory. Foreign poli- UPA. In his work “The Reconstruction of Ukrainian independence was so large that in contact with the prisoners of the two cy is in the hands of a president who is an Nations,” in which he devoted much of his units estimated to number between neighboring lagpunkts, No. 1 – a zona for ex-convict with no foreign policy creden- attention subjectively to UPA “atrocities” in 15,000 and 20,000 men had engaged women – and No. 2. Perhaps these tough tials and a foreign affairs minister who is a Volhynia against the “peaceful Polish pop- Polish and Soviet troops in pitched bat- politicals impressed the thieves with their product of the Moscow school of diploma- ulation,” he did offer a summary conclu- tles.” handiwork, or perhaps they terrified them. cy. Those responsible for education, sion about the OUN-UPA in an analytical The article went on to describe the par- In any case, all agree that at a midnight national memory and historical archives historical context rather than to disparage: tisans as armed with mortars, light artil- meeting, representatives of both groups, are Dmytro Tabachnyk, Valerii Soldatenko “Thus the OUN-Bandera, heretofore lery and machine guns, as well as rifles criminal and political shook hands and and Olha Ginzburg. Moscow could not more significant in Galicia than Volhynia, and hand grenades. agreed to unite.” have chosen more anti-Ukrainian candi- began its major armed operations in Some two years later on May 14, 1949, Ms. Applebaum then went on to narrate dates if these people had been hired by Volhynia. Although the precipitant causes The New York Times wrote that two divi- the events of the actual uprising which fur- Vladimir Putin himself. It is a credit to the of the creation of the UPA were local and sions of Soviet troops in Ukraine were ther marked the distinction of the Ukrainian spirit that despite this environ- tactical, its purposes were global and stra- “aiding local police forces in intermittent Ukrainian prisoners: ment Ukrainian society is generally patri- tegic.” but bloody warfare against anti-commu- “On May 16, [1954] this cooperation otic. The problem is exacerbated by the Enemies of the OUN-UPA, aside from nist guerrillas.” The New York Times went bore its first fruit. That afternoon, a large ruling oligarchs who perpetuate their rule propagandists, have furnished a significant on, offering an assessment of the struggle group of prisoners in lagpunkt No. 3 began through corruption and fraud. assessment and perspective on the OUN- in Ukraine: to destroy the stone wall which separated What saves Ukrainians and their UPA as well. In his memoirs Nikita “The [sic] Ukraine always has been a their camp from the other two neighbor- national identity is their history, in partic- Khrushchev, the general secretary of the hot-bed of dissidence in Soviet Russia [sic], ing camps, and from the service yard, ular their heroic struggle for indepen- Communist Party of the USSR wrote: and the nationalist and separatist tenden- which contained both the camp work- dence before, during and long after the “Ukrainian nationalists gave us more cy of this region has never been complete- shops and the warehouses. In an earlier second world war. In this regard, the OUN- trouble than anyone else between the ly crushed by the Moscow regime… During era, their aim would have been rape. Now, UPA was the leading player and remains signing of the treaty in 1939 and the out- and after the German wartime invasion, with Ukrainian nationalist partisans, male legendary today. Case in point: the 70th break of the war in 1941… When we the region was torn by civil strife, and the and female, on both sides of the wall, the anniversary of the formation of the UPA moved into Lvov [sic] we made the mis- Ukrainian insurgent army, or the so-called men believed themselves to be coming to was widely observed on October 14 of this take of releasing the Ukrainian nationalist UPA, became a very sizable force. In 1947, the aid of their women – their relatives, year and at other times throughout leader Stepan Bandera from prison... He the Kremlin sent Lazar Kaganovitch, friends, or even spouses.” Ukraine, of course in Lviv, but also in the was in prison in Lvov because he had been dubbed the ‘Iron Commissar,’ to the Ms. Applebaum described the subse- center and capital, Kyiv, and even in convicted in connection with the assassi- Ukraine to repress the rebellion, and his quent strike, concluded that the strike Kharkiv, the initial capital of the Ukrainian nation of the Polish Minister of Internal purges and executions, together with committee had been chosen by the Center SSR and still heavily Russified, with no Affairs. We were hardly inclined to mourn strong combined military measures by and assessed that the Ukrainians behaved government support in general, and often the passing of a minister of the reactionary Russia, Czechoslovakia and Poland, cut as if they were united by some “organiza- despite government opposition and inter- Polish state. Nevertheless we still showed down severely the strength of the UPA. tion.” ference. Numerous groups in Ukraine, a certain lack of judgment by freeing peo- The pitched battles that sometimes The legacy of the OUN-UPA translated including a political party that garnered ple like Bandera from prison without first occurred two years ago between the UPA in Soviet society into a jargon and colloqui- more than 10 percent in the recent parlia- checking up on them. We were impressed and MVD [secret police] troops no longer alism that denoted hostility, especially mentary elections, boast of being the bear- by Bandera’s record as an opponent of the occur, it is understood, but the UPA, from the Russian segment of society. ers of the OUN-UPA mantle. This OUN-UPA Polish government, but we should have though weakened, still carries out periodic Ukrainian patriots in everyday life were legacy is very much alive within a nation taken into account the fact that men like raids and serves as the nucleus of a fairly referred to as “Bandiory” or “Banderivtsi.” which has few peers, if any, in terms of his- him were also enemies of the Soviet Union. extensive Ukrainian underground.” Ivan Dzyuba, one of the more noteworthy torical suffering and attempts to remove it They were Ukrainian nationalists and In its struggle with the OUN-UPA after dissidents in the Soviet Union, in his semi- from the face of the earth. therefore had a pathological hatred of the World War II, the Soviets employed police nal publication “Internationalism or And so, Ukrainians persevere and now Soviet regime… During the second half of and military forces. Their enemy was not Russification?” cited this in one of his illus- have a country that is becoming more the war he fought against both us and the only UPA soldiers or OUN members. Some trated events: their own. It seems inevitable that the Germans. Later, after the war, we lost thou- 500,000 Ukrainians were repressed for “When in 1963 the Young Writers’ and OUN-UPA will form the vanguard of a sands of men in a bitter struggle between OUN-UPA connections, some merely Artists’ Club decided to honor the memory future pantheon of Ukraine’s true heroes. the Ukrainian nationalists and the forces because they provided a bowl of soup to a of Soviet Power.” person under suspicion. The Soviet gulags Another mortal enemy of the OUN-UPA were filled beyond capacity with Ukrainian was Pavel Sudoplatov. He had been deputy political prisoners. director of Soviet Foreign Intelligence Just after the war, the general staff of Marko Lutzky, DDS from 1939 until 1942, then he was the UPA issued an appeal to all Ukrainians appointed the director of the who had been interned or exiled: General Dentistry Administration of Special Tasks, then the “Wherever you are, in the mines, the forest th director of the Fourth Directorate. His or the camps, always remain what you 30 East 40 St. #706 assessment of the Ukrainian nationalist have formerly been, remain true New York, NY 10016 struggle during and after World War II was Ukrainians and continue our fight.” given in his memoirs published in 1994: The role of the OUN-UPA in Soviet “The Ukrainian nationalist organiza- camps was significant and dramatic. (212) 697-8178 tions headed by followers of Bandera were Leading OUN members such as Kateryna active, influential and very strong, and Zarytska and Mykhailo Soroka, or Yuriy By appointment only enjoyed significant support from the local Shukhevych, the son of the commander-in- 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47 No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 17 Wladimir Klitschko retains heavyweight belts against Mariusz Wach by Ihor N. Stelmach Wladimir Klitschko retained his WBA, IBF, IBO and WBO heavyweight titles by unanimous decision against Poland’s Mariusz Wach on November 10 at O2 World Arena in , Germany. The 6-foot-7-1/2 Wach, the tallest opponent Klitschko has faced in his 16-year profes- sional career, offered little threat against the more agile Ukrainian champion. The fight – Klitschko’s 13th straight successful title defense – was broadcast for 12.4 million viewers in Germany on RTL television. The judges scored the fight, refereed by Eddie Cotton, 120-107, 120-107 and 119-109 for Klitschko, who was troubled only at the end of the fifth round, when the chal- lenger surprised him with a right hook before a flurry of punches. “He caught me in the fifth, but then I slipped,” said Klitschko in a post-fight interview. The champ was left with a small cut under his left eye. Klitschko left the 32-year-old Wach wobbling in the seventh round with a devastating right hand followed by a series of left-right combinations. The Pole displayed amazing stamina to withstand the onslaught and contin- ue. “That was the hardest fight of my career,” Wach said Lorenz Baadar after his first loss. “I want to apologize to everyone for not Wladimir Klitschko lands a right against Mariusz Wach of Poland at O2 World Arena in Hamburg, Germany, on November 10. living up to expectations. I really wanted to win.” Klitschko, 36, improved his record to 59-3 (51 KO), Klitschko landed punches at will for most of the first Not beaten in eight years, Klitschko did not seem affect- while Wach fell to 27-1 (15 KO). five rounds before Wach’s huge right hook sent the cham- ed at the start of the sixth round and landed a straight Klitschko, who said Wach “boxed brilliantly,” was fight- pion reeling into the ropes. The Ukrainian survived and right, which temporarily stunned Wach. The punishment ing for the first time since the death of his longtime train- showed no lasting effects in the sixth round, when he continued in the seventh, with Klitschko going for the er and friend Emanuel Steward, who passed away on stepped up his punishment of the Polish challenger. knock out with only the bell preventing the champion October 25 at the age of 68. “I want to remember one Klitschko showed his determination to honor Steward from doing so, Wach was sent into the ropes by another man, who can’t be here today unfortunately. Emanuel by landing several one-two combinations in the first powerful right. Steward, we miss you, we’re thinking of you,” Klitschko round, the pattern continuing into the second. Wach tried Wach’s lack of defense did not help his cause and he said after the bout. to break Klitschko’s strategy by tying him up in an attempt suffered more punishing blows in the eighth round before “It was hard for [Wladimir], very hard,” said Vitali to slow the big Ukrainian down. Klitschko seemed com- Klitschko settled into a rhythm in the ninth. By round 10 Klitschko, referring to his younger brother’s preparations fortable and continued to land his right hand at will in the Wach had marks over his eyes and nose and his lack of for the fight following his trainer’s death. fourth. The fifth round saw the challenger bring the crowd head movement gave Klitschko all the encouragement he The older Klitschko brother, who holds the WBC belt, to its feet with the big right, but Wladimir showed his needed to carry on. Wach landed another rare right in the said the fight was “unbelievably brutal. [Wach] just didn’t resilience and experience by covering up and avoiding 11th, opening up a cut above Klitschko’s left eye, but then want to fall. He somehow kept standing.” further damage as Wach sloppily went in for the kill. the champion closed strongly.

Ukrainian soccer stars join USC Karpaty’s 10th anniversary celebrations Some information on the former stars

and 2007 as a midfielder for teams like Dynamo• Serhii Kyiv, Mizin Karpaty - played Lviv,between Metalist 1996 Kharkiv, Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, among others in the Ukrainian Premier League. He scored 90 goals in his career and made seven appearances for the Ukrainian national team.

Chernivtsi • Vasyl Pavliuk - played for Kolos Lviv, Kryvbas Kryvyi Rih and Zirka Kirovohrad.• Volodymyr Stupar - played for Karpaty

defender and midfielder with Karpaty Lviv, Dnipro• Volodymyr Dnipropetrovsk, Kovalyuk Dynamo - played Kyiv asand a Shaktar Donetsk. He is head coach of Enerhetyk Burshtyn in the Ukrainian First Markian Radomsky League. The Ukrainian soccer stars (back row) and the USC Karpaty youth team. Kyiv. by Steve Mazur The traditional awards ceremonies Karpaty 10th anniversary banquet at the were combined with two soccer games at Taras Shevchenko Community Center in • Oleksandr Boiko - played for Dynamo TORONTO – The Ukrainian Sports Club Centennial Park Stadium in Etobicoke, Etobicoke. There was a wine tasting of Odesa and Zirka Kirovohrad. He coached Karpaty, a member of USCAK (Ukrainian Ontario. The first game was between the Ukrainian-owned Rosewood Estate’s Ukraine’s• Oleksandr under-21 Ishchenko team, Karpaty - played Lviv and for Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and USC Karpaty under-12 and an under-12 newly LCBO listed Royale Mead Wine, Illichivets Mariupol, and is head coach for Canada) and its Canadian executive all-star team trained by Ihor Prokipchuk prizes sponsored by AV Canada, singing Dynamo Kyiv Reserves and its youth team. (USCAK Canada), celebrated its 10th anni- with Islington Rangers. The All-stars took performances by the renowned singer/ versary on Sunday, October 28. the hard fought game 2-0 with two goals artist from Ukraine Mykola Sikora, who Enerhetyk Burshtyn in the Ukrainian First This year special guests from Ukraine, in the second half. also served as master of ceremonies, a League.• Vasyl Meserenko - played for invited on behalf of the USC Karpaty by The second game between the Toronto dinner, an auction of jerseys (Dynamo - USCAK Canada, arrived to be part of the Ukrainian Soccer All-stars (comprising Kyiv and Ukraine’s national team) and fielder with Dynamo Kyiv in the 1990s, festivities. The guests included eight for- players from clubs Diaspora SC, soccer balls signed by the Ukrainian soc- winning• Volodymyr three UkrainianSharan - played championships as a mid mer soccer stars of Ukraine: Serhii Mizin, Halychyna SC, Slavutich FC, USC Karpaty, cer stars, and a dance to round out the and a Ukrainian Cup. He played for the Vasyl Pavliuk, Volodymyr Stupar, Ukraina SA and Ukraina United) and the night. Soviet Union in 1991 in the FIFA World Volodymyr Kovaliuc, Oleksandr Boiko, Ukrainian former stars team ended in a The Ukrainian soccer stars also held Youth Championship. He managed Oleksandr Ishchenko, Vasyl Meserenko and 3-3 tie, clinics for all USC Karpaty team practices Oleksandria in the Ukrainian First League Volodymyr Sharran. The games were followed by the USC during the week. and was a sports director for Karpaty Lviv. 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 No. 47 Lewytzkyj Foundation grants scholarships to seminarians SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. –During the Extraordinary Sobor of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. eight seminarian scholarships were awarded on October 6 to students from Ukraine, Romania and the U.S. The focus on transition, leadership and the future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. during the Sobor provided a perfect venue to further the mission of the Rev. Wolodymyr Lewytzkyj Scholarship Foundation, which is to help devel- op future leadership of the Church. This year’s awards brings the total number of seminari- an scholarships granted to 440. Scholarships in the amount of $8,400 were dedicated in honor of the living and in memory of the deceased, includ- ing the late Ija Lisowych Wasylenko, Olga Pawluk, Olha Breslawec, George Wdowychyn; in honor of the families of Andrij and Anastasia (Sowsun) Craig, Dr. Gregory and Lili Sitka, Bob Morris, and the Very Rev. Petro Siwko family (all of Minnesota). Since 1990, the Rev. Lewytzkyj Scholarship Foundation has awarded scholarships to deserving seminarians study- ing at seminaries in western Ukraine. The program’s success is demonstrated by the large number ordained clergy (pre- vious scholarship recipients) now ministering in parishes across Ukraine, while others continue studies in the U.S. Due to concern over the economic and political climate in Ukraine, the program was moved to the U.S., where stu- dents from Ukraine now study at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, N.J. Recipients of the 2012 scholarships of the Rev. Wolodymyr Lewytzkyj Scholarship Foundation. “We thank past and future supporters for remaining mindful and helping to ensure the future of our Church by tinued success in their studies,” stated Luba Lewytzkyj, Donations may be made to Rev. Lewytzkyj Fund/St. building a strong cadre of spiritual Church leadership director of the foundation. “Your tax free donation can help Andrew’s Society, c/o Vitali Vizir, 1023 Yorkshire Drive, Los through scholarship programs such as these. Our founda- support an even greater number of seminarians in the Altos, CA 94024. For more information, readers may con- tion and supporters join in wishing our seminarians con- coming years,”she added. tact Ms. Lewytzkyj at 952-440-5822 or [email protected]. Ukrainian American Veterans award scholarships an award for $500. transcript, write an essay on this year’s military topic, and Patrick J. Schofer from Philadelphia, a business adminis- e-mail a passport-size photograph. Applications are avail- tration/accounting major at Manor College, received an able on the UAV website, To be eligible for award for $500 donated by Stan and Helyna Jakubowycz a UAV scholarship, applicants must be descendants of or from New Jersey. related to Ukrainian American Veterans. Students should Daniel John Bonner from Greenville, Pa., who is major- be full-time undergraduate college students in a degree ing in sport management at Ohio University, received $400 program. Moreover, students attending accredited trade from the UAV National Ladies Auxiliary. schools or institutions that have a degree program are eli- Markian R. Borkowsky from Westfield, N.J., a student gible as well. majoring in environmental science at Boston University, Students can apply while in their senior year in high received a $300 award. school, college attendance will be verified before the Ryan Scott Lewis Patrick J. Schofer awards are given in the fall semester. Applications are accepted all year around with the deadline being August BOSTON – At their 65th annual national convention in 31 of each year. Additionally, students may reapply for a Boston, on September 21-23, the The Ukrainian American scholarship award. Veterans (UAV) announced the recipients of the UAV Applications for the scholarship should be sent to: UAV Scholarship Awards for the 2012-2013 academic year. National Scholarship Officer Nicholas Skirka, 109 Windsor The UAV Scholarship Committee selects and awards Terrace, Yonkers, NY, 10701. For additional information, scholarship money to undergraduate college students. The readers may e-mail [email protected] or call 914- purpose of the scholarship award is to help students pay 965-3707. for books or school supplies. Students are required to write an essay (400-500 words) about a current military topic. The topic this year was “What role or strategy should the United States take in Daniel John Bonner Markian R. Borkowsky its continued efforts in the war on terrorism?” (This mili- tary topic is ongoing and will be the same next year Roman Peter Krywulych, also from Westfield, is major- because the strategy to fight terrorism changes every year.) ing in engineering at Lehigh University and received an Other criteria considered for a scholarship are academic award for $200. achievement and extracurricular activities. Nicholas Steven Amatangelo of St. Charles, Ill., who For the 2012 year, six scholarships were awarded. Ryan attends Loyola University and is majoring in communica- Scott Lewis of Willington, Fla., who attends Florida Atlantic tions/history, received $200. University and is majoring in engineering received, in Students interested in applying for the UAV Scholarship memory of the Ukrainian American Club of Palm Beaches, Award should fill out an application, send their college Roman Peter Krywulych Nicholas Steven Amatangelo

are much more ominous. Corruption... In the questions and comments that followed, there (Continued from page 4) were many beginning with “Why?” and “But why don’t The lively discussion that followed suggested the search they?” One member of the audience even suggested that if, for a silver lining to the doom and gloom described by the as Mr. Polyakov claimed in his presentation, 80 percent of speaker. the Ukrainian population admits to participating in illegal Prof. Timothy Colton, former director of the Davis activities and sees corruption as a legitimate way to get Center and present chair of the Department of things done, then it might be logical to treat this phenome- LIKE Government at Harvard University, in his capacity as dis- non as a norm rather than a deviation. After all, an honest cussant, tried his best to convince the audience that, in the admission is always better than hypocrisy. Who knows? The Ukrainian Weekly context of the former Soviet Union, Ukraine has fared pret- Perhaps confronting the issue of corruption head-on ty well. When it comes to human rights and political free- would be the first step to finding a cure for this insidious on Facebook! doms, the situations in Russia, Belarus and even Moldova and life-threatening disease. No. 47 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012 19

November 21 Turkey and beer social, Ukrainian American Citizens’ November 25 Film screening, “Okradena Zemlia” by Yurij Luhovy, Philadelphia Association, or 215-627-8970 Montreal Assumption of the Mother of God Ukrainian Orthodox Church, or 614-259-7162 November 22 Ecumenical Holodomor requiem service, Assumption Ottawa Ukrainian Orthodox Church hall, 613-728-0856 or November 25 Ukrainian Christmas bazaar, Ladies’ Association Ottawa Ottawa Local, Assumption Ukrainian Orthodox Church hall, November 22 Presentation, “New Research on the Holodomor,” 613-830-1472 Winnipeg Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Center, 204-942-0218 November 26 Lecture by Mariya Mayerchuk, “Premarital Intimacy Cambridge, MA Among Young People in Villages of Central and Eastern November 23 Dance, with music by Svitanok, Chornomortsi fraternity Ukraine in the Early 20th Century,” Harvard University, Whippany, NJ of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization, Ukrainian 617-495-4053 American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 973-386-5622 November 27 Book presentation by Mark Andryczyk, “The Intellectual November 23 Pub night, 10th anniversary show of Ephyra, Ukrainian New York As Hero in 1990s Ukrainian Fiction,” Columbia University, American Youth Association hall, 212-854-4697 or [email protected]

November 23 Film screening, “Genocide Revealed” by Yurij Luhovy, November 29 Holodomor presentation, Ukrainian Canadian Art Toronto Ukrainian National Federation Community Center, Toronto Foundation, or 416-766-6802 416-245-3703 or November 30- Conference, “Leadership in a Global World,” U.S.-Ukraine November 24 Holodomor memorial service, Ukrainian Canadian December 1 Foundation, [email protected] Mississauga, ON Congress – Toronto Branch, Dormition of the Mother of Washington God Ukrainian Catholic Church, 416-323-4772 or [email protected] December 1 “Den Plastuna,” and film screening, “100 Years of Plast” Montreal by Yurij Luhovy, Plast building, 514-481-5871 November 24 Holodomor memorial ceremony, Winnipeg City Hall, Winnipeg 204-942-4627 or December 1 Town hall community meeting, Ukrainian Canadian November 24 Holodomor commemoration, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Montreal Congress National Board, Delta Montreal, 514-259-7162 Calgary, AB Cultural Center, or [email protected] December 2 Christmas bazaar, St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Ottawa Shrine, 613-723-1673 or November 25 Film screening, “Genocide Revealed” by Yurij Luhovy, Oshawa, ON Oshawa Dnipro Hall, 905-576-5261 or Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events November 25 Holodomor memorial service, Ukrainian Canadian advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions St. Catharines, ON Congress, Ukrainian Black Sea Hall, 905-682-6351 from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors or and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

HELP WANTED The 13th Annual Meeting of the NETWORK COORDINATOR Orphans’ Aid Society Ukrainian-American credit union has an immediate opening. Responsibilities include: will be held on u Providing & facilitating technical support to computer users; Saturday, December 1, 2012 u Installing personal computers, laptops, printers, LAN/WAN equipment & at 3:00 p.m. associated software & peripherals; Orphans’ Aid Society u Maintaining LAN hardware, software, & telecommunications services such as personal computers, system software, software applications, 136 2nd Ave., 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003 printers, servers, routers, switches, modems, cabling, telephony devices & internet services; Attendees will have a chance to familiarize themselves with the work and future plans of the organization. Presented at the meeting will be the reports of the u Administering the Credit Union’s Electronic Document Management & President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the President of the Board of Directors. Electronic Check Imaging environments; Question and answer session to follow. u Implementing computer policies & procedures related to network hard- ware & software support, security, & backup; u Performing daily, weekly & monthly system backup, upgrades, & pro- cessing functions; u Managing and maintaining physical assets.

Position based in New York City. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or relat- ed degree from a 4-year college or university with 1-3 years related experience &/ or training required. Broad knowledge of computer systems, processing & tech- nologies required. Proficiency in Microsoft Office. Working knowledge of Active Directory & Exchange support, Windows OS & Apple OSx. Familiarity of SQL & enterprise software solutions architecture. Travel to branch locations required. Fluency in English required. Fluency in Ukrainian desirable. Competitive salary with an industry leading benefits package. If you qualify please send a resume (no phone calls, please) with salary requirements to:

Self Reliance (NY) Federal Credit Union Attention: Human Resources 108 Second Avenue New York, NY 10003 [email protected]


Christmas Greetings 2012/13 PREVIEW OF EVENTS Tuesday, November 27 and open to the public. For additional infor- mation call 212-854-4697. Continue your tradition... NEW YORK: The Ukrainian Studies Program at the Harriman Institute, Sunday December 9 Columbia University, invites you to attend a Use the UNA’s publications to send holiday HILLSIDE, N.J.: You, your family and friends presentation by Dr. Mark Andryczyk of his are invited to visit with St. Nicholas at 12:30 greetings and wishes of goodwill, prosperity and monograph “The Intellectual as Hero in p.m. in the church hall of Immaculate the season’s blessings. Please note, to accommo- 1990s Ukrainian Fiction” (University of Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church locat- date all of our advertisers and the many holiday Toronto Press, 2012). In his book, Dr. ed at the intersection of Liberty Avenue and Andryczyk examines the prose of today’s Bloy Street in Hillside, which is located in obligations and deadlines, we must strictly leading writers in Ukraine and focuses on Union County. The parish children will pres- observe the following deadlines... the role of the intellectual in forging a post- ent an informal bilingual entertainment pro- Soviet Ukrainian identity. The monograph gram. Complimentary refreshments will be explores the artistic tendencies that deter- served. For those attending the Sunday ublication ates eadlines P D & D mined the course of the Ukrainian cultural divine liturgy at 10:45 a.m., a light lunch will be provided after the service. If you would scene in the 1990s and continue to shape it like to attend the luncheon call Teresa today. Dr. Andryczyk (Ph.D. in Ukrainian lit- Szpyhulsky, 908-289-0127, or Patricia Christmas Issue Advertising erature, University of Toronto, 2005) teach- Shatynski, 908-322-7350, or e-mail the par- Publication Date Deadline es Ukrainian literature and administers the ish at [email protected] by Ukrainian Studies Program at Columbia November 30. Additional information and University. The presentation will be held at directions to the parish may be found on the The Weekly December 16 December 6 noon in Room 1219, International Affairs parish website: Building, 420 W. 118th St. The event is free ImmaculateConception.

The Weekly December 23 December 13 PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are 1/16 page – $30; 1/8 page – $50; 1/4 page – $100; subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required 1/2 page – $200; full page – $400 information will not be published. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is All advertising correspondence, reservations and payments should be directed to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, to Mr. Walter Honcharyk, advertising manager, tel. 973-292-9800, ext. 3040, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by e-mail: [email protected] The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address.

Kindly make checks payable to The Ukrainian Weekly or Svoboda, as appropriate. Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The Please send payment to The Ukrainian Weekly, or Svoboda, Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644- P.O. Box 280, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054 9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.