IlL L Ibllkl) \\ EEKLL RR I1ABDSON \ POlfl LR, Terms, $1.50 in Advance, SI.75 in six nionllis $2.00 al’Ieiv-Adveiliseineiils inserted al llie ciislnnian prices, VOL 1. ______^AST-TIIOUAXTOV, TH1IKSD1V llOK.M.VO, SEl’TI.Hltllt », is 10. a o . aa. From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. P 0 E T It V. the country. Throw that net upon the C h erry ------, where arc you from, what 'Ilalloo! here they come,’ shouted H ints on M atrimony.— No woman THE RE-CAPTURE. cannon in tnv boat, and I will make a dash arc you, and where are you creeping to?’ Hunt; ‘two barges, Livelies, by the Ho- will he likely to dispute with us, when we Laborers’ Noon-Day Ilvnm. through the hay. Re wary, and meet tne ‘Eroni Sqiinntuin—fisherman—bound to kies! boat ahoy! Drive on my hearties, assert that innrringe is her destiny. A A TALE OF Till'. REVOLUTION. at Chelsea when you get through ’ Pullingut.’ the yankee was a regular lake in, and he man may possibly till up some sort of an Hjp to the throne of God is borne Impelled by the strong rowers, the boat ‘And who gave you a right Mr. Fisher- is ripping it up with ten oars as though existence without loving; hut a woman The voice of praise at early morn, T his tale is a part of nil unpublished I s0,,n leac,le'1 Hinton’s point of the penin- mail, to proul about away„ without leav er’ , the old ’uu had him in tow. —Never...... mind with nothing to love, cherish, care fop, Ami he accepts the punctual hymn hook, founded on the events preeeeding s",a’ " licrc n single sentinel was posted. ‘Xvaal, now, I guess that’s about queer, me—pick me up when you come hack, I and minister to, is an nnomaly in the uni- 35it ng as the light of day grows dim. the revolution. It is well known that prior A strong shove forced her over to the Air. Gunncntimi. You linin’t taken a and I'll tell you all about it.’ i verse, an existence without an object. It Nor will he turn his ear aside to the battle ol Concord, Gen. G age had Charleston side, when the rowers laying lease of the hull bay and sarved the pen-j Again the boat dashed on, and the fate j is as natural for a woman to have some, dow,n she was permitted to drift past Hud- pie notice to quit ? Boston liarhor I guess i of our helmsman and his friends scented i onu to look for protection, some onu to fl'rom holy off’rings at nooivtidc ; lilted out several expeditions to seize son s point, and it was only a moment af-| is every body’s right that follows an lion- hanging in the balance. look to lor advice hikI assistance, as to Then. here reposing, let us raise I powder and warlike stores from the pro- ter the departure of the midshipmens’ est cnllin,’ ‘Give way men, cheered the olliccr of] breathe. Without it, no woman was or A song of gratitude and praise. ' vineials, which led to reprisals. On one occasion he Imd succeeded in capturing boats, that she glided into the very place • ‘I leave to, you chattering vankee and the Livclie's boat. Give way my hearties' ever cun he happy. It is the want of her WhM though our burden be not light, two lield-pieees that were favorites with they had occupied. The oars had just come oh board, and I’ll know more of —a pull all together and a fresh nip after- nature, and nothing can satisfy her heart AVe need nm toil from morn to night ; the Bostonians, and which they had christ­ been resumed, and it was here the dilli- ' you.’ wards. I say Taunton, he is steel ing lor with such a void unfilled. Now, with the ’flic res]rt>tc <<' the mid-day hour ened the Hancock mid Adams. A plan eultics of the hay commenced. Iunnedi-! ‘Waal, now, thankee for the nskin, but Pull -in-gut, and is hound lor Chelsea.— exception id’ some occasional iircgulat'i- -Is in the thankfvj creature’s power. was set on foot to rc-tako these pieces, ately beyond, and right in their track, lay it don’t suit to come ahonril just now—- Tliere we have him in a it// tie sue. J ties in the relative proportions of the sex- and at the same time get possession of all an armed galley. The pause was made, linin't time; my old woman, Patience Blest are the inoinents, doubly blest, know of no place this side of ('ape Ann ! i s, produced by circumstances, such as other munitions of war that should come to give the ship’s boats a start, and for one ' Smosli, is riled up like a burnt hide ’fore where he can hide himself before we euteli the settlement ol' new countries, there is That, drawn from this one hour of rest, within reach. This chapter relates the moment’s reflection. Prompt and decis-1 now, 1 dare say andam supper’s been waiting him .’ ; no reason why every inuti should nut have Are with a ready heart bestowed adventures of that expedition : and short­ ivc in action, ami putting on a hold face, these two hours.’ ‘Hurrah, boys, there I sight him;’ and i a wife, and every woman a husband; and Upon the service of our God. ly after the battle of Concord took place, barge ploughed the water with the. During this coloquy the boat was a wild hurrah rose on the waters, from this would easily he brought about by the Why should we crave a hallowed spot ( brought about by another attempt oft Inge, '" ‘'ted strength of ten of the best oarsmen pushed earnestly and vigorously liv two the throats of twenty-four ol' Britain's sea1 exercise of more common sense, and less An altar is in each man's cot, on n more extended plan. i **’ tl,c province. rowers had drawn under the larboard how dogs, as the stout fisherman came into; ambition. Each sex is looking up for A church in every grove that spreads Upon the western side of what is colled ‘Boat, ahoy!’ shouted the guard from ol the frigate, and was gradually increas­ view. i something above its own sphere. The Its living roof above our heads. the Neck, near Boston, a large warehouse | ’•*u galley, ing her distance. No response came from the fisherman, j son of an industrious nnd successful nte- was situated over a sluice, through which ‘Aye, aye, sir,’ was the reply. ‘Heave to, you infernal yankee, or I'll A new occupation employed the helms- nicehanic must be a professional man or Look up to heaven ’ — the industrious sun ] the river, in force accumulated by the ‘W hat boat’s that?’ lire into you1’ man. To the oars taken from the gig he i a merchant, instead of following in his Already half his race hath run ; 'melting snow which yet remained upon ‘Lively.’ ‘Naw doant,------but I guess you'll have attached the net that covered the camion, ; father’s footsteps, and this is folly the first, He cannot halt or go astray— the hill tops, disembogued itself into the Pass on Livelies, and d—-n the junket­ to lire, capting, if that’s your mind; my and cast all into the sea, he so steered as W hen he looks for a wile, the neat, in­ font our immortal spirits may. hay beyond. In this warehouse were de­ ing that keeps us on the stretch, muttered ’casious won’t wait for ceremonies.’ to make it form a line directly across the dtislrioiis daughter of a mechanic like his the olliccr. That Lively has more boats I path ol’ his pursuers. Lord, sivpcc his rising in the east, posited a quantity of powder and warlike T say, Hunt,’ said the olliccr of the father is not good enough for him; Ito If we have faltered or tiansgressed, stores, that in a successful foray the troops ••'.al! **•• *'IC Hcct. I have pass deck, it won’t do to let this fellow oil' so, On—on—on—again dashed the boats, must make love to some line lady who is ed four of them already. By the great ] and I don’t want to lire into him. Your Guide, from thy love’s abundant source, had seized front the provincials, and ap­ pursuers and pursued, and hopes were one age in advance; that is, her grand­ salt shad, I believe the whole crew is on orders were, that I was lo lire a single high and blood was up. father was it mechanic instead of her fath­ What yet remains of this day’s course. propriated to the use of the crown. There were also .some cannon of smull calibre, leave. gun, hut it wont do.’ On—on—sped the cherry-t ipe, her yet er, a very aristocratic distinction. On thu Help with thy grace, through life’s short day two of them brass Held pieces, much priz­ Tne frigates Glasgow, Falcon, Somcr-j ‘No, no. The orders were not to fire distant haven just in view amid the gloom other hand, the girl who works for her Our upward and our downward way ; ed by the Bostonians, and named alter set and Lively, lay in the course of our! a single gun, not even u musket, unless —hut hopes were high, and blood was up. living, earning it by her honest labours. Ami glorify for us the west, their favorite leaders, Hancock and Ad­ adventurers, together with two other gal- there is some good cause. By no means though the rattle of their enemies row- would disdain to encourage the addresses When we shall sink to final rest. ams. A guard of six soldiers were quar­ leys, and numerous boats which were yet fire. Old Idow-liard will raise a typhoon locks told of their fearful proximity. of a labouring man: she would set her tered in a vacant room immediately above in the hay. To avoid these required if we alarm the fleet, and finds we have ‘Ha! Hardy’ again shouted Taunton, cap for a gentleman, forsooth. The me­ the sluice, the large door of which opened the caution, skill and daring of a brave only been shooting fishermen.’ this is glorious by Jove! The hussies chanic’s daughter educated on her lather,s Siibbiilli Evening. out upon the basin. heart, devoted to a noble cause. The same ‘XX ell, hut what are we to do, this y.nn- work like eels, as if they loved it. Talk earnings to ho a line lady, encourages List! there is music in the air ; The quiet which had prevailed during ruse. passed of with the Glasgow and Fal­ kee rascal is taking it a little too cool. I of Arab steeds—your grandmother. A the attentions of a set of fops nnd dang­ It is the Sabbath evening licit nearly all the year 177-1, had abated the con, as the party passed rapidly under sec no help for it hut for you to take half a hut chase, iu a twelve oared barge, stirs lers, who drive honest men away from her Chiming the vesper hour of prayer, vigilaucu of the soldiery; and although the bow of each, as they lay at anchor, dozen men in the gig and overhaul them. the blood more than------in disgust, and she becomes the victim of O'er mountain lop ami lowland dell. on most occasions the country people and looking north. No arms, stretchers will do, there is only Crash—crash—and the boats came some sorry sharper or shallow look—- And infancy and age are seen the soldiers could not meet without mutual ‘Boat, almy,’says the Glasgow. AVhat three of them. Bring them in, and it' I foul, and splintered oars put a stub to his Now, this is all wrong—deplorably, Slowly winding o'er llie church-yard green. insult mid aggravation, yet sometimes the boat’s th a t?’ dont give them a swinging my name is not exultation. wretchedly wrong. Gills should know spirit of vindictiveness slept. The knowl­ ‘Lively.’ Torn Guntly,’ XX'hat’s that?’ that men, superior to themselves in ed­ JI is llie eve of rest: the light edge that nt this moment the officers were ‘A cussed lively pack you are—but The night yet continued dark with Halloo! by the great sea devil himself, ucation and position, do not always as­ St ill lingers on the moss-grown lower, enjoying a revel with the townsmen, in the j "'•‘at the d—1 brings you athwart hawse, heavy and broken clouds overhead, w e’ve caught a polypus!’ sociate witli them for good. Men should While lo the drowsy carol' night, spirit of amity, had its effect in eneourag- ’•»« 110 man’s fashion? pull astern.’ through which the moon seemed struggling, ‘No—a net, a net!’ us one of the hands know that by marrying girls educated in Slow ly it minks ihc evening hour. mg the growth of civility. ‘The hay is as dark as the cock-pit of without gleaming a single ray through dragged a portion of it over the gunw ale. habits ol’ life above their fortune, they 'Tis hushed ! ami all is silent then’, A brawny countryman had been seen ' •'“cr> »“d 1 dont " “nt to run over, nor be the vapors, although site occasionally ‘Knives all, cut, and cut cheerily!’roar- are not likely to have good wives, A Save llie low, fervent voice of prayer. lingering about the premises by the guard, i >'U11 ever. lighted up the spaces to a grey hue, and ed out the officers. ‘Curse that yankee, little sound sense will enable any man lo Ami now, far down llie quiet vale. and one amongst them, who prided himself ‘Boat, ahoy, screams the Falcon. gave distinctness and outline to the sur­ she has more tricks than a cuttle-fish.— see that it is better to have a wife grate­ ‘L ively,’ ful for more than she expected than grum­ Sweet hyiiiningsoii the air float by; upon his thews and sinews, very soon fell rounding masses. A narrow streak of Xvast cutting!’ as another expedient oc- ‘Hold up, Livelies, the deck hails you.’ cured to the ready-minded sailor. ‘Pass bling at less. It is delightful going up tho Hushing the whip-poor-w ill's sad wail, into a banter with him about a trial of bright light lay in the south, close to the strength in wrestling. Tim yankee was ‘Is that you, Mr. Hunt? Is the Fal­ horizon disclosing a strong outline of a lanyard through that keulle-wedge.— hill of fortune; hut horrible, jolting, ag­ W illi its own plaintive melody. con’s barge at the slnlrc?’ clouds above. Now, take a turn round one of these oars. gravating work to come down. They breathe of peace, like the sweet strains not unwilling, and was just sufficiently boastful to make the Englishman want to ‘Aye, aye, sir! sh e’s just on the wing The boat bail materially widened the Heave now, and heave steadily.’ That universal discontent und disqui­ That swept at night o'er liethlctii's plains. take the pride out of him, and yet seemed j I''001 *l|c Long XX liarf. She is now in space between herself and the frigate, nnd Over went the mass of iron, carrying etude, which runs through every rank to suck in a good deal of knowledge about | °u’’wake, and will be with you in the two more hands rose to the oars, the with it to the depth of the ocean the trap and degree of life, hath been deservedly The Temperance Ship in a Gale. cornish hugs, cross buttocks, and other 'quivering of a feather. Give way, my helm’s man thought that, keeping a stern set by the subtle yankee, and along with by the philosophers of all ages, as one of it, a splinter of gunwale from row-lock to the Interest reproaches of human nature, Blow on ! blow on I we shout defiance terms of the ring with which the Briton I hearties.’ view, the additional men might screen was disposed to enlighten hint. From ‘Hold on, Livelies,’ said another voice those forward. An anxious glance in his row-lock of Taunton’s boat. Grummets as well as the highest afi’ront to the Di­ To opposition's howling blast f words they soon went to deeds,deeds nnd the llo"‘ >•“-’ hvad of the Falcon, as the othei wuke told him of the starting of the gig, supplied the place of row-locks, nnd again vine A uthor of it, indeed; if we look On God's right arm is our reliance, Hoot' of the barrack room was cleared for retired; ‘can you put me on shore, Mr. and a long scrutiny by bringing her with­ the pursuers, made tierce by the obstacles through the whole creation, nnd remark lie. will defend us lo the Inst, the arena. XX'ith one hand and arm of H unt ?’ in the line of light that gleamed in the to their path, hounded after their prey. tho progressive scale of beings as they The routed legions fly before us ; each encircling their waists, and the other ‘Can't wait, orders for Mr. Guntly.' south, enabled him to estimate her force. A hurrah, warm, hearty, and simul­ rise into perfection, we shall perccivo We've raised the teinp'ranee banner high, hand delicately placed beneath the elbow, ‘Is Mr. Guntlcy going ashore?’ Six men and an officer. ‘Pull away taneous, camo from the fisherman, show­ to our own shame and confusion, that ev­ It there shall float triumphant o'er us,— they commenced the trial. X'arious were ‘No; he has the deck.’ bravely boys, I ant alfraid to show more ing what they had gained by the disaster. ery one seems satisfied with tliut share of Then, Freemen, rouse! the vie'try’s nigh the contortions and evasions, the struggles ‘Do you go back yourself to-night?’ men, as yet, as they will send u bigger On—on— dashed pursuers and pur- life and happiness which its M aker hath Roll on! roll no! who fears the motion and the writhirigs, to etl’ect, or to avoid, a ‘Dlt, yes; I suppose a dozen times.’ boat.’ pursued, and the moon again looked out appointed for it tnnn alone accepted, who Of waves that In-ar us on our way ? trip, until, wanning up to their work, they ‘Hold on, then, and I will drop into you The race was a long one. Willing upon the scene—Shirley’s Point was at is pleased with nothing that his bounty imparts, unless blessed with everything Our temp'rauee hark could rifle an ur>ua bent themselves until shuulder touched from the bod-stay. I want tu go on shore hearts and strong limbs, with the fisher­ hand. Two hundred yards separated the this power can bestow, perpetually re­ Of piinny ripples such as they. shoulder, and their strained eyes and in­ in the next boat.’ mans broad-bladed oars, nearly ballanccd boats. The fisherman turns the point. pining at the decrees of Providence, nnd What though around, the lightning's flashing flamed faces showed their hearts were in The order was half uttered by the the disparity in men, and would have done XX’e have him! XXre have him, by St refusing to enjoy what ho has not. The And thunder's distant grow l we hear ; the result. helmsman of thu fisher’s barge, to push so entirely, but that the boat buried in the Barbara, iu a c jke-uook, ns the Scotch­ on, when, pausing, and holding a short men say! shouted the officer. object, which is at a distance from us, is Right onward, see, our hark is dashing, The contest had brought them nearly sea by her heavy and inert cargo. The conference with liis men, the boat was The moon again hid her lace. The always the most inviting, mid that posses­ And uc no waves nor lightnings fear. to the verge of the door looking into the gig was evidently gaining, hut it was a basin. The couutrvmmi’s hack waste- drawn immediately under the bowsprit of still'struggle, and the lively began to grow boats dashed on—round the point. The sing the most valuable which we cannot Flash on ! flash on I your harmless gleaming wards the entrance, and his feet touched •I*0 Falcon, and Mr. Richardson dropped more dint and indistinct its the distance fisherman had vanished. In vain thu j acquire. XX’ith the ideas of allliieucs and But shows the night you fain would hide; the sill, when slipping his hold, he caught *“(o •*'-'*'• ••“ had *>° sooner touched, from her increased. cove was searched in vain each nook, ! granduer we are apt to ussoeiatc those ot The temp'rauee flag slill proudly streaming, Ibis opponent by the waist-hand, and half than ho was thrown down, gagged and Our helnt’s-liian was contemplating and gully, and indention, was explored joy and pleasure; mid because riches und Behold our bark, unblasted, ride. turning at the same time, he fairly lilted hound, and crammed under the stern new move lo shake oil’ his new opponent, the fisherman had gone oil* into the air. power may conduce to our happiness, wo 'The waves, with thunder's roar combining, him front his feet, and plunged him into sheets, us, obedient to the command— when a more than usual hoarse brawlin In truth our friend Gridley luid made a hastily conclude that they must do so; .May rage ami grumble at their will; the stream below. A shout, a cry of 'Give way Livelies!’ the boat sprung hailing of boats, quick question nnd reply, short turn round Shirley’s Point—drove that pomp, splendour, mid magnificence, T’ Omnipotence, oar cause resigning,' mingled alarm mid vengeance, hurst from B om the I'rigate. '1 he second galley was was borne to his ears along the waters his boat iu among some bushes, pulled out which iittend the great, is visible to ev­ We wait a sjieeily “ l’eace—be still1. ’ llie hitherto interested and excited guard, i passed, and fortune seemed to smile, when from the frigates in the buy. The cause the plugs iu her bottom, and dowu she ery eye, while tho sorrows which they and they simultaneously rushed to the ; ils they approached the Somerset, a new of this was as follows: went iu lour feet of water, whilst he, with feel, mid the dangers they are obnoxious S elf l.ovr., judging of the feelings of j door, and were somewhat relieved to find danger stared them in the luce. The The guard adrift had been picked up his companions, shouldering whatever to, escape our observation. Hence it others by its own, is aware that nothin that the man had obtained a precarious bout iu which the discomfited guard had by the Somerset, and telling their tale, was tloutiug, sprang to the shore, and arises, that almost every condition and excites so much odium as its own cliarai looting iu the rough masonry of the arch, been set adrift, had passed through the with the addition that the bout that passed found security amongst the hushes and circiiiiistnnco of life is considered as let* would (Jo, if nackedly exhibited. XX'e ' and commenced bawling for aid. Four of sluice, and, by the force ol the current, was a strongly maimed shore boat nnd bye-paths, that led up into the country. preferuple to our own: tlmt we so often feel by our own disgust at its exhibition them imide lor a boat, tiiat was secured by < " as driven out into the hay, iu close prox- not a man-of-war, induced suspicion XX'e willl not accompany llm bullied tail iu love willi ruin, and beg to lie un- iu others, how much disgust we ourselves the stern to a hank close by, and easting hiiity to the trigate. Nearer the northern enough, in the breast id' the officer Britons iu their slow and toilsome track to lmppi ; we weep, in short, when we ought should excite, did we not invest it with j oil’, permitted the current lo swing her shore, and halt wav between the heads command, to send a strong crew in his their ship, Imt we must tiulicc an incident to rejoice, mid cotnplnin when we ought the soft garb of gentle manners and pul-, round until she entered the mouth of the j °l die •’somerset and Lively, lay the third barge to the Lively, to ascertain the truth that occurred iu the gig as oarless she I to he thauklul. islied address. The counterfeit brilliant ' arch. The stream was running like a galley. '1 o pass the bow id the Somerset, The fact was, (bat no boat belonging to lay uhoii the waters. is willingly worn by those who will not he ■ mill tail, and the boat was forced deep made their course too near the galley, and the hitter had arrived, and the incident of Richardson was siltihg, at times moody, G llllll MANNI'.llS f u n Al.t. CLASSES.—- nt the expense of the jewel. There is a , into thu sluice, drawing the painter, which tu g“ astern, threw them iu the track ol the fisherman swelling up the doubts to ;i and occasionally indulging in hitler exe­ Good mmiiiers, ami eourtsey of speech, certain elegance of mind w hich w ill often , w as fastened within the warehouse, to its other boats, which, so tar, they had , certainty that mischief was alloat, and the crations, against all mankind, and ymikeus are indispensable lor the practice of all restruin a well hred-man from sordid utmost tension. To cut the painter, and i avoided. I twelve-oared barge of the Lively, togetli- iu particular, w hen dipping his hand into men, of whatever rank or station, to in- pleasures and gross voluptuousness. He to seize upon and gag the remaining ] There was no lime for parley, mid the er w ith tlmt id thu Somerset •t out mi the sea, he gave a short erv of pain llte respect and good-will of others. / M—-j...... I mi. ^;|g ...... •<"“ appmenlly pulled lor- j, i;. .l!tl,gt.,itcl. u luislake to suppose that not only to abhor the excesses of vice, when giving the signal, uhout thirty men Their diagonal, south-east course brought The two last had neared each other ward, ho plunged overboard. A lh'‘|‘|' ! p.ditenesspoliteness midand the ' rules of ' etiquette nru fu ll to admire the theory of virtue. But j sprung from another large boat, which them nearer the stern of the frigate than and the helm’s man decided upon his plan and a Hash ot something white, a bub­ suited to the ntllufiit and highly born it is only eruiiidtif. of vice which ho w ill ' had previously seemed to contain no crew was intended, when the next stroke of tin again reduced his roweis to two, when his bling cry—ami as he rose to the surface, alone. There is no reason on euitb why jihlior. Exiptisise gratifications, sober | and the work ot stripping ''the warehouse ours brought them almost iu contact with acute ear and eye told him that his gteal- a shtick, that startled the Britons iu their the working mini, the small shopkeeper, luxury, incessant, hut not unmeasured j commenced, and was carried on iudustii- the soldiers’ boat, as she lay walloping est danger was Irom behind, caves, and w as echoed le the I ’.mpi ri au, or tinv of the humbler classes should not enjoyment, from thu principle of his plan 1 ously, until there was nut an article of about w ithout oars, and under the iucfii u must break up this little fellow and lie sank mniil the deep waters, )i. Id- ' UI1j l.1'.sla|„| .lHl, uc|ico u„ „ ,u «if life, nnd if lie observes a temperance I value, of w arlike use, remaining. A eieut and misdirected means of the oc— i •’*’>*« an(' ••;ilt quickly, as, if I can judge mg up Ins spirit to the In v er, unai.nointed | wlli(.|, „„„d breeding enjoins as correctly, in his pleasure, it is only because excess ' number of small craft appeared, were cupiints. ol the sounds of the night, there are more uud uiimiueuled. mid with equal benefit, us the most uc- in our wake. Ease your stroke mid let xvuukl take oft' the edge, destroy the zest, [ laden, and disappeared, witli that kind of ‘Boat ahoy! Boat — I say boat!' bawled Somi I'mr.s we meet with eliaraelers cotnplished gentleman. Let not the arti­ him come along side. nhridoe the grntilieation. By resisting order which results from a well digested out three or four voices, mingled with the which the world cannot nuderslaud; minds san, the mechanic, or the small maiiufac- ‘Heave lo, Mr. Fisherman, or Mr. oross" vice, lie flatters himself that he is plan in perfect silence. The cannon was hoarse, Imt truly pitched, ‘Boat, ahoy!’ which me not influenced by the narrow turer, smite at this assertion. Tito mis­ Squosh,’ called out limit from the gig.— a tenqicrate man, and that he has made received into the first boat, which was a from the trigale, rules of thu policy of life ; nalures tlmt taken notion above alluded to urrise from ‘you see we must shake hands, and we rill the sacrifices which self-denial impo-I large lisherimin’s barge, and preparations' ‘Boat almy!’ again culled the soldiers live, as it were, iu a world of their own; the habit of confounding etiquette with XX’hat was the ses. Inwardly satisfied, he compares for departure were made, when a new we’re all alloat here; lead us a hand here; may ns well do it civilly, whose virtues, aye, and whose vices loo, ceremony mid parade, good mminers with liimsejf with those w ho have sunk' into ' comer arrived at the warehouse from the help.’ , use of giving us such a race ? .Xlrs. Sipmsh are difiereut, and spring trout other caus­ still'forinulity, mid politeness with deceit coarser indulgences; enjoyes his own su­ land side, mid savin' ‘all right, Mr. Briil- ‘Boat almy!’ again sounded from the didn’t expect me to tea did she es than siiclt ns the world would rel'et mid falsehood. Having formed these periority in health, credit, and unimpaired Icy’—was responded to by tbe the apparent frigate, us our adventurers, not heeding The bow of the gig touched the gun­ them to; who act up to no law either ot ideas, tho man iu liumblo station, aud faculties, mid tiiumplics in the dignity ol leader, with the question— the soldiers, dashed by. wale of llie lishcrmiui, mid when the men prudence or of virtue, yet rarely violate conscientious wilhu.ll, is frequently heard his own character. ‘How many?’ ‘Boat alloy! or I'll lire into you.’ awoke from their surprise at the irruption cither; who exist, as it were, as specula­ to exclaim, “ XX hat have 1 to do with et­ of ten enemies where they had seen but ‘Seven boats with fair cargoes, and 1 ( ‘Lively,’ was again the reply, tors in life, ruling mid scorning the hedrts iquette? XX hat is politeness to me? 1 two, they found themselves afloat upon B eai'tifi i. Tiioi'iitit. Passion, when do not believe there are fifty kegs of pow -: ‘XX by the d—I Livelies don’t you tin­ which worship them; feeling happiness like to lie tree and easy: no ceremouions the sea without oar or rudder, mid help­ we contemplate it through the medium of der belonging to the people in lire w hole swer a hail? XX’hat craft is that, that hail- where others would grieve, und sorrowing fuss for me; 1 don’t like to say one thing less spectators of the increased speed iniagiiiation, is like a ray ot light trans­ town.’ ed you f ’ where others would rejoice; beings us in­ nod mean another. 1 leave that to thu ‘Think you they will escape tho ships?’I ‘Soldiers drunk and afloat, was the with which eight additional oars bore mitted through a prism; we can calmly, scrutable to themselves as lo others. gentry—to the aristocracy !” And thus, mid with undazzlcd eye, study its com­ ‘XX'ith proper caution, yes. There are i taint answer lost in the distance, as the aw ay the prize which they supposed w ith­ lor the tear of being thought polite ^und plicate nature, and analyze its variety ol' so many boats now upon the bay bearing boat from the deck of the Somerset sunk in their grasp. Aim.i . There are comparatively few by their fal. e reasoning, insincere) they lints; hut |>assioii broiiglit home to us iu otlicers to the hall, that ii zlc the into the darkness. ‘A wreck, and afloat, with nothing to who think when tliev use this word, how rii.-li into tho opposite extreme, aud be­ its reality, through our ow n feelings ami ,k-outs to distinguish lln niT^fJ'h*' l.ive- ‘Come, lads, we liuve run the gauntlet rig a jury-mast! A pretty kettle of fish, much ol' pious beauty it possesses—con­ come rough, coarse, anil olfcneive. Rut experience, is like the same ray trans­ Iv is the outside frigate. pretty well, Imt we c an ’t bamboozle the Mr. Smosli. But what have we here: us vey ing us it does tho seiilimeiit:—“To let us undo stand the memiing of terms; mitted through a leas—blinding, burning, ‘X erv good XX e have secured all (he L indy in that way. Down all of you but a bundle .it bis feet begun to show some God I commit vou: mav God guard vou." let us consider that good manners are, in consuming w berever it falls. stows they stole from us, and the Han­ two, lie close, and I will try to creep into signs of motion, a bog o a yaukee? reality, good feeling manifested by action; cock mid .Adams cannon', besides two ol the fellow s ’ affections.* cither, by jovo, you shall be aided. ’ A learned doctor, referring to tight that politeness is llie art of doing every It is better to read for inteligencc than n on. I >o vou lake all my men but ten 'Bout almy!’ thundered from thu deck And, uudoiug the bindings, Richardson lacing, avers that it is a public benefit, thing ' that may give ' 'pleasure nnd com­ for mere umuseineiit. Instruction is as whom I ha\c selected, and laud what you of the Livclv, 'what boat's tliut? ufi> and told to astonished ears bis inasmuch as it kill all the foolish gil ls,and fort to others, aud of avoiding all that lasting as hie, while pleasure is as tleeling have in the gtillv, on llie oilier shore, ‘The <'berry-ripe,’ sang out the itussul t’tory, wlteti lie was broken in upon by loaves the wise ones to glow up to be may wound or annoy; and that etiquette us the memeuts. ■ where carls are ready to take them into toues of a genuine yankee. another sound ot oars. women. is merely the laws or rules laid down to tench ns in this great art—the mt of I ncidents. See., of the W in . Cap!, titled Io a share of the profits even though Figliling Among tlie Volunteers. N ew Y ork, August 27, lSKi,—The O regon.—There nre so many differ­ gaining the good-will of all mankind— .Vir// mid Ais I'irst (’ompiissioii. Some he may not ho a stockholder. The indications of a brisk and thriving tall ent t umors about Oregon that it is hard tlio art of securing our own happiness l>) one in anounciug the nomination of Capt. amount ot' stock which any one individual 1 The following letters, friini two independent 1 business nre more encouraging than was fiirm iiig an opinion relative to that conn prompting the happiness of others, in May as Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, states is permitted to take is limited to a single ; sources, give n ili-ia iplion of a ilisgraecful alii ay predicted by the opposets of the new tar- try. Some pronounce it a cold, barren, no situation of life is tlm cultivation of a singular fact in connexion wiih his orig­ share, and as tlm capital stock of (lie which look place at tile American camp, m ar ill'. M erchants nre Inst Docking into the desolate country, with hardly a redeem­ good feeling and the practice of good man­ inal appointment as Lieu,, of Dragoons. Company may lie extended to 52‘JO,OIH)— i Barita. It appears that the volunteers, if not eommereial mart, and Pearl, Water, ing (piality, while others, equally well ners unimportant. And they should go I,tiring General Jackson’s administration, tlie. slime holders, it will bo seen, are allowed to light the Mexicans, a re deli nnincil to I'ront, Smith, Pine, and other business qualified to judge, say that it possesses a together; for though, from good feeling, young May, then lint a hoy and expert in destined to lie very numerous, while the fight among themselves ; Inn we Irusl that the streets present a lively aspect. New delightful Climate, fertile soil, noble riv­ n man may lie disposed to perform a kind hoi setnanship, was hoping for a milita­ risk involved in any one case, is coires- discipline of the many will lie found sufficient to Shirk -till maintains its pristine reputation e ts . abounding in game of all kinds, mid action towards another, a great deal de­ ry appointment. A Lieutenant's vaenney pondingly small. pul an end to such disorders. as the great trading metropolis of the in line, possessing every requisile to con­ pends on the manner in which it is per- Ioecured inn Regiment ot Dragoons.— The amount of the nolt earnings of the ' C ame Br.t.KXAr, July 30, lSIti. I nion, although it has to encounter n I’or- stitute it a paradise on earth. It is May heard of it, and mounted his horse, Company is to ho ascertained annually: i nidahle rivnlship in the nourishing and amusing to tend the diD'erent opinions ex­ lormed. A fav our may he confercd in a Dene Heather— ’ “ ‘ Be not ill tin nay to make it tell as though it were a dr •ssed with fustian ..jacket, and .panta and, thereupon, . six per - cent . interest is I expansive city of Boston. pressed of its value by grave Senators least surprised if you should see me in The new pavement in hrondivny, now- liming the debate on the Oregon question positive insult. Thus the best intentions loons of fustian, in huntsman s style, and to he paid on the amount paid n the ( 'hieimiati in the course of six weeks. dashed from Brown’s Hotel, on the ave- capital stock, while tlio balance is to he in process of completion, appears well in the I nited Slates Senate. Some, Mr, mnv he negative, if not curried out in W In n I volunteered it w as to tight, and nue, up to the President's house, and on applied—one half of it on the stock notes, adapted for the perilous “ wear and tear” McDtiDic, for instance, declaring that kind, considerate manner. not to he idle lor a year. But I now Dud to , icorgtown, through mild, rain, and ( and the remaining one half to he divided to which such a metropolitan throughlitro Hie whole territory was not worth n. that the regulars arc to he able to defend every thing else. Upon arriving there, between the stockholders and those in- must necessarily he subjected. Its con­ straw, while others, (Messrs, Allen and Romantic Incident- any post of danger. (ieneral Taylor lie turned iiis horse's head “ hock ngen,” sored by the Company. It is confidently struction appeals to engross more time llanuegati,) could hardly find lauguagO says that one regular is worlh live volun­ At the late tire in Q uebec, the follow­ and dismounted at the portals of the Pres- anticipated that the dividends thus paid than is absolutely requisite, mid much in­ in which to express their admiration of it. teers, and that he only wants the v ohllt- ing romantic incident occulted: ident's house, covered with mud. Says Io the insured Iron, the earnings ol the convenience is experienced by vehicles Verily, when doctors disagree who shall teeis for a stand-by. It would seem that “ While the devouring (lames were he, “Jemmv,” to O’ Neil, then the door- Company will go far toward making up in consequence of the blockade of tlm decide. The W ashington Union publish­ rapidly enveloping every portion of this we are kept merely to do the drudgery; ' coper, “ I want to see the President.” the sum necessary for the yearly renewal street.—(Correspondent of the Boston es n private letter from an Oregon emi­ noble structure, (theatre'i the door being and such is the ease. “ lie is in cabinet council to-day,” says of his policy. Transcript. J grant iu which the following pmagriiphs entirely blockaded by the mass ot’ human Among tlie Directors and Officers arc Wc had quite and alfair a short time appear:— beings, who, in their eonslei nation, had Jemmy, “But I must see him,’ since. Col. Mitchell, as commandant of, May. O'neil, looking nt the rider and to he found some of our most wealthy, It is generally known that I iiraiiam ‘Instead of finding the country a harreit precipitated themselves upon them, in the this post, ordered a volunteer from Haiti- ■ horse, imagined the visitor to lie a bear- prudent and sagacious business men,—a I’ai iii spent a few months in the South of waste or desert, 1 find it as rich atitl ter-' vain hope of escaping to the open air, u more to bring him something. The vol­ er of an important government despftch, i’act w hich, in ennneetion with the circ,inl­ I’rtiiiee lor the henelil of Iiis licultli, and tile as any of Illinois. The wliolte ol unteer paid no attention to his order. Our 1 young lady, the beautiful and accomplish­ and immediately made the anouneemi nt stance that the Institution is, by the enn- that an eminent physician, Dr. Lu lie maul, this division of the territory, so far as I ed Miss SI. Pierre, as she turned out in Colonel then commanded him a second} (iencral Jackson. The old (ieneral, dilions of its charter, under the specie left his practice for a considetable time Io have made personal oliservation, and eveit the sent,cl, was seen by the multitude, . , , . . , , t , lime to perform the service. The voltiu-| , i 1 • , wi ll his characteristic promtitudc, direct- supervision ol the Legislature, and re attend on the son of Meheinel Ali. Noth­ the higlu -t hills (not iiioiintiiius) is un­ standing at an open window in the third , . . 1 , , , , .... leer turned upon his heel, and replied that = . . . ed his cabinet to withdraw, and the stran- qmred to make an annual return of its ing was arranged as to tlm lees of the M. surpassed iu fertility. The land here story of the building, w hither she had run, “ he would see him d—d first.” 1 was get- to he ushered in. Young May, an el- condition to that body— will lie amply D., until two or three days bel’oie lh rii- produces more per acre than it does in no doubt, with the idea ot' precipitating close by doing duty, when Col. M. ord­ count lad. six feet, and beautifully pro- sufficient to command lbr it the entire Itiiti Pacha was to leave Paris, and then iiiiv pml of Illinois. Eor the growth of herself on the pavement beneath. There ered me and live oilier cadets to arrest portioned, cap in hand, made his how to confidence of the public. lie sent 511,0001', (510,000) to Dr. Lalle- wheat, there is eet laiuly imparl ot'the she stood; the bright glare from the ap­ the Baltimorean. 1 le immediately placed In conclusion we will say d ia l, in our liinnt, wlm bail been building castles with mo Id equal Io Oregon, All kinds of proaching llames displayed in bold relief, the President. “What is your business himself in a defensive position, ami drew young man?” asked the old hero. ‘J opinion, the New England Health Tn- the mimilieent sum lie expected from the small grain grew belter here than in the the lovely contour of her noble, y d si Ipll- a knife, swearing at the same time that Paella; and he therefore respectfully sub­ Stales, mid lor garden vegattthles, it is like form. An expression ol agonizing learn, sir,” said he, “that there is a va- surnuce Company is entitled to take rank he would cut the first man that dared to i aney in the Lit utenantcy of Dragoons, among tlio really benevolent institutions mitted that his fees should ho estimated at decidedly the finest I have ever seen. despair was stamped upon the fair lace come near him. Lieut. Col. W eller then 200.0001', (510,000.) It was a source of There is certainly no country wliero which, lint a lew moments before, had I have rode, sir, a long distance, through of the day. It is, emphatically, and in approached and ordered us to “ stand mud and sleet, to ask of you the appoint- the truest sense, //, poor ninns fehnd.— great vexation to lhraliim, to have under­ stock of all kinds do so finely ns here.— been decked in radient smiles. The palor hack,” when al, parties got to lighting. ment.” Jackson, astonished, scanned There are few, very few aideed, who valued the services of Dr. Lallemant, hut Cattle are good beef at all seasons of of death had usurped the place of the So you see we have had one light, at him from head to foot, and from the seru- cannot avail themselves of its henelits. yet lie did not make up the donation named the year. Grazing is line all w inter.— rose. The excited multitude beneath, at least. tiny, judged that he had about him the And we think the time is not distant when hut sent 20,000 more to the learned phy­ Stork is never grninfed in this country, least that part ol' it beneath tlio window Our whole regiment and the Baltimore Said he, “are neglect, oil the part of the day laborer or sician, who then declared himself sat islieil Thu oxen we drove iu the teams from the where she stood, remained silent and mo­ material of a soilder. regiment were then ordered out. But as ■My horse is the man of small means to ellect with the total received riililiil 530,000. States are now fat. tionless. To all human appearance, no you a good horseman?’ we had Imt six men on the ground, mid 1 at the gate,” said voting May, “see me surance upon his health, and thereby This w inter is said to he colder than aid could reach her. At this moment, ns the ('id's tent was about two miles' mount mid dismount.” The idd (ieneral, waul nil’ distress which comes in (he train W hile we were in M ontreal lately, the usual, yet there had been Imt few m orn­ clasping her hands she exclaimed in heart­ from our eneampment, our Col. was dis­ struck w ith the appearance of the young id’ sickness, w ill bo regarded in much the Gazette of that city contained a lengthy ings that the mercury has been below rending accents, “My Mother!” and im­ armed and carried to the ground by a man, followed him to the grounds in front same light as neglect on the pint of the article in ridicule of Amcrean soldiery, freezing, and we can plough anytime in mediately after, the word “ William!” es­ superior number of stout fellows where of the Presidential mansion. May mount- merchant, mechanic or householder, to ami of the Boston ( 'ity G revs pm licit la 1 ly ; too winter. Speaking of the winter, re­ caped from her lips in softer tones. Now they laid him down. Two of them were !e and dismounted as man never guard against calamities front lire, by not a word was said relative, to the disi i- minds me of what I have heard in the a rush was heard at the extremity of the (1, about to stall him, when I, hacked by our This oecured during the insurance upon his properly. If the pline of that corps, Imt the w riter amused Slates, that in Oregon it rains constantly crowd, and a young man, dressed in fa­ did before. boys, jumped into the melee and released The old (ieneral asked him trilling sum ol' live dollars a year, paid himself much with the appearance of their for four mouths, (in the fall and winter tigue of a U. S. “ M iddy,” hounded for­ Florida war. our commander from the ruDians. By whether he could kill an Indian? ‘Yes,’ into tlie Health Insurance C i liipany will nnijiirm. ‘Comparisons are odious,’ Imt seasons.) This however, 1 heard dispu­ ward and gazed for a moment with wild this time the field was full of soldiers, and said May, “ kill him, and eat him after- ensure the poor man a certain income of sometimes very useful, and we looked at ted, mid being anxious to settle the mat­ and haggard looks on the lovely vision be­ the Baltimoreans left. I presume the wards!” The next day May was Lieu- four dollars a week, for every week of the barbarously hare legs ol' the Scotch ter tor myself, and to he able to answer fore him. Il was hut for a moment.— ease will undergo an investigation. sickness he may experience, during the troops there, mill thought,— W hatever the enquiries of others having an inter­ W ith one hound, into which he seemed to tenant of dragoons! ADeetiouatcly, your brother, year, what excuse or apology can he ! may lie said of the dress of our volunteer est iu this direction, I have kept a dav throw the concentrated energy ol' despair A. MOSES, have for neglecting to make such an in- military, it is no huidcn upon the govern­ hook, (being employed on a farm,) and and hope, if such a union can lake place, Cincinnati Washington Cadets. N, E, Health Insurance Company. vestm ent: ment, nor are they drones and hirelings the limo I have lost is as follows: Novem­ he reached a window in the building, some Mr. S. 1*. M oses, Cincinnati, (). live feet from (lie street; from which even At the lust session of the Connecticut Legisla-I They not only dress themselves, hut they ber, two days, December two and Janua­ are capable of giving their enemies a ry four. I ban: never seen any country then, the smoke and Dailies were belching lure, a Charter was granted incorporating the P otatoes. At a meeting of the Klinn­ The following letter from the Baltimore dressing any day in the week.-— Boston forth. Attempts were made to slop him “• New England Health Insurance Company” of, ers ( lull held in New York on Tuesday, Sun, gives tiie other sido of tlio story: w here a man can do as much work in Duilij H O' aid. the w inter as in Oregon. — hut lie was gone. Norwich. As the Company is founded on a prin- the Secretary read a paper, drawn up by C ame Bei.kxae, Aug. 2, 1810. The anxiety and interest below was in­ ciple cnlirelv new in this country, ami for an ob­ Mr. C'ozzens, in which the Evening Post As regards the health of this country, Dnv Goons.—The opening sab s of the there is hut one opinion; il is tem arkahiy tense. In a moment he made his appear­ ject different from that of any oilier Insurance says he gives a sketch of some visits to “ Our battalion is joined to one from season exhibit prices greatly reduced healthy. ance beside the lady, and grasping her Company which exists on this side ol'ilie Adamic, the potatoo Delds oil Long Island,, and Ohio, which forms a regiment, and this, we copy die following article, explaining its prin in New Jersey, lie found the potatoe in connection with two regiments from from those of last year. Printing cloths, round the waist, again disappeared. In from the Nuru ich Courier. Ihr the hcaclil cvc|t " l,cr,°, su,1'cl'i.nS lll,J1'° or T ui nder Storm. A brief Imt sm art another moment he appeared at a w indow pi Ohio, comprises a brigade. There arc which last year brought 7 1-2 cents have recently been sold at ! cents, mid storm of thunder, lightning mid rain visit­ in the second story, the lower one being of our lers less Irom the rot. ’1 he opinion seems to also regiment.'-: from Alabama, Georgia ed the city about four o’clock yesterday let we are told that the new mills can entirely enveloped by the devouring ele-. ho general that the disease is inherent, and Tennessee, quartered at this same afternoon. W e heard of 110 damages “ Life Insurance Companies are coining a natural decay for which there is no camp, which is situated on a high hluli'uf aD'oi'd to make them. Calicoes have fal­ ment. Wiiat was to he done? no ladder, to he pretty generally understood among lu re. At' Beverly, the elmrch of Bov. and the distance entirely too great to risk remedy; and that we must obtain new land, from which we can see thousands of len iu something like the same proportion us, and the number of those availing Tlio prices are now quite as low hero as Mr. Thayer was struck by the lightning, jumping With the rapidity ol' lightning varieties of potatoes it'we would ho well tents, and hear the drums heating the re­ themselves ol’ the advantages they offer iu England for common goods—Woolens mid so m e sixty of the congregation pros­ ho laid down the lady, and took oil' his! provided with that important vegetable. veille. trated by the shock, though none were is constantly and rapidly increasing. But In 1773, the favorite and almost the | Yesterday, Lafayette Hands, Andrew too are very cheap, and ourmanutiieturers coal, which was a frock—tied the sleeves the principal object contemplated by seriously injured. The house was not its tight as he could round his right foot, 1 only potatoe in Bear (Washington) M: Malteer, and some of our hoys went over have acquired such skill that they make a policy ot life insurance is, net the benefit |u»(s in this city, was the peach, or round beautiful cassimero Dir Go to 75 cents, damaged to any extent. A house in then swung himself from the window, to Barita, and returned in rather high Bridge street, Salem, was also struck hv ol the insured, hut ot those dependent potatoe, brought from New Jersey; bidding on with his hands, said a few spirits. As they were returning home, and yet save something.—A’. Y. Journal upon him—those who may survive him, this wns then dry and mealy; it soon de- nJ Commerce. the lightning, hut not much injured, mid words to the lady, when she got upon his 1 some om? gave Andrew Melteer a catfish, its iomales were untouched. At Ports­ uud who, lint for some such provision generated, however, became wet seoggy shoulders, ami with a coolness and pres­ which Col. .Mitchell, of Ohio, who is Col. mouth, and Hampton mid places iu the might he exposed to pinching penury anil and unlit to eat. Its place was supplied A\'omax- ix S ickxess.— W hat sight is ence of mind, which would have done of the whole brigade, claimed as his own, ' vicinity, there weru showers iu the I'ore- credit to old Blucher, slipped down Io want. "ll,ch l,lac,;s 11 "ith the English white potatoe, which and ordered three of his men to take it more agreeable than woman around the his legs, then seized the coat, by which " lt,“ntho poucr ol the husband or lath- wl,s then brought Irom Connecticut couch of pain—w iping the sweat from the 110011, w ith thunder mid lightning.— [Bos­ Ju Irom him. One ol' (he men seizing him, ton ( 'ourier of 3 1 st n it. means she eauic within ten l'eet of the er, to promote, by the payment ot a small a fl;w years these became heavy, hitter, in compliance with the orders of their hrow and administering to the wauls of yearly sum which he will hardly feel, and poisonous. Next came the I’ox po­ commander, Mettcer drew a dagger and the sick? Like an angel of mercy, she An intelligent gentleman who had been ground, when she let go, and was caught home ami a competence for those in tatoe, which degenerated in (he same stabbed two of them. Col. Mitchell then watches unwearied ami never leaves the engaged in the production of su g ar in in the. arms of several of the spectators. whose behalf he cheerfully toiled while manner, and gave way to the blue noses, rushed on M ettcer w ith drawn sword ami suD'erer, w Idle her presence can bless and Cuba for the last thirty years, after a The hero of this little romance, was then he lived, is certainly entitled to wide and which in their turn, made room for the indicted several severe gashes on his her words can cheer. It may lie a lather careful examination, estimates the valuo in the most iuiinent danger, hanging at a general support. famous pink eyes. The latter were re­ head, from the effects of w hich he fell as or a son, o’er whom she bends, ora stran­ of property in that Island ow ned by Amer­ distance of some twenty feet from tin? But, important and desirable as Life ground, holding by his hands, and the markably good, hut partly from their if dead. Lafayette Hands then seized ger who has left a mother or a kind sister icans, at 535,(ltlt)JUKI. So sal's a cor­ Dames already scorching him. Heath 1,1SU1UI1CC utions are, ami beneficent degeneracy? and partly from their small the Colonel, wrested his sword Irom him, . beyond the seas. She walelies every respondent ol'the Washington Union. i , . •, i . -, i , . . as the are in their operations, there is scoined to he inevitable. He relaxed I n s '...... J...... lions,„ ...... there ,..:1 is a yield, they were nbandonded for the pro­ and chased him with it for some distance movement—hems every breath. Willi hold and fell to the pavement, lileless, want— an urgent want— which they fail to ij,‘lc M ercer polatoe, which has now been around the eamp, until another sword such erne the bed of sickness losses hall \ \ lien yon find a man doing more bu­ it is true, hut more from the stun of the meet: they make little or no provision for cuitivated about 11 years, and for the was handed him, when they had a regular its pains mid hope continually swells in siness than you are, mid you are puzzled fall than from real injury. Both were the necessities arising ft om sickness, dis- |.lHt three years has been rapidly deter- ' sword light, lasting some minutes, until tile bosom.— ’J'eiliiine. Io know the reason, just look at tlm ad­ carried to the house of .Miss St. P ie rre ’s ease or accident, during the life time ot iornting-. All these varieties have been tlm Colonel’s sword broke, and he again vertisements lie has in the newspapers, mother, and in a few hours were almost tlm insured. A lather may amply provide I through in East New Jersey since rail, finally escaping to his own quarters. D estri i riox or the W ont.n.— An as­ mid look out. recovered. for the comfort of a dependent family 1773. Other varieties have been'cultiva­ Ho then gave immediate orders for his tronomer of Bremen, calculates that in uj'ler he is dead, by a policy of iiisuiwici ‘L im n :.’ A had stone fell in the Ship­ What gives the real romance to the in­ ted in the interior of the Stale, hut not in men to turn nut, armed with hall cartridge, GSJIGtl years, a comet will come as near upon his lit’e. But suppose that family extensive quantities. Kat titers are anx- when our Captain gave similar orders, to the earth as the moon is; io 1,0311.1)0!) yard of Mr. Skollield, iu Brunswick, on cident is, that the “ William” had, some Thursday last, which weighed 1 1-1 months before, seen, loved, and been ac­ to depend during his life time, upon /h*, iously inquiring whoro they are to get mid marched the Chcsupeakes down to years, it will come w ithin 7,770 geograph­ luily earnings for a comfortable subsis­ pounds. So says the l’ejepseot Journal. cepted; secretly it is true, by the rich seed for the .new varieties. The halls, meet them. When we arrived, Captain ic miles; and if we get safe oil' Irom such tence. The hour of sickness comes, and once so plenty on the vines, and from the Stuart, as commanding olliccr, ordered danger, ill 220,000,000 veins, a comet and beautiful Kate St. Pierre. The at­ E aiithqak:e. They bail 11 ‘right smart with it, comes distressing want. The ■seeds in which new varieties were some- will come iu contact with the earth and taclinicnt,tachment, tl it was said, ((yes, ves, and is, 1 multi- multi , , , , , •’ ’ out the battalion. W e were all full of elianee’ of an earthquake, on Tuesday, al, hut owing‘to the disparity in fortune, I”'1'1'.'."1 Ijl<; InKUianec docs not avail, times raised, have almost entirely disnp- produce awful results. fight, and I verily believe that our GUO 35th iust. at 5 o’clock A. M. at Boston Mrs. St. Pierre would md 'listen to tlio b0,nell'>“g »>°re—something diflereiit, is peared. | The present destructive potatoe Baltimoreans could have whipped the needed. mid all itlong-sliore, as far east as Port­ proposals of young S------. ’ Pis saiil that disease has spread even to the Cape of wlmle 2501) Ohioans. Dan Wells had M a.xii.a C igar I-'ai toiiv.— A letter Irom And here the ‘ X c w I'.nglaud Health Good llopo.J The great difficulty now land. Jn Boston, house-hells were rung, they are nine to he man led in a very short taken dead aim at the Colonel, and would mi olliccr of the IJ, S. Ship Columbus, at beds rocked, Kc. time—making good the words of the poet: Insurance Company” steps in to supply jH to get new 11ml healthy varieties.—A'. have blown him sky high, had it not been .Manila, says that the great cigar factory that want. The very thing, and the only I7, Nr Post. None bat the brave deserve ihc fair.’’ Dir ('liarles Elirman, wlm struck his mus­ at .Manila, in point of size ami number of The N. Y. Journal of ('ommeree, snvs thing, w hich it proposes to do is, just Hint ket. 'I'lte Colonel then claimed cntnmtind L ime axii M arsh Mi n. A gentleman hands employed, would embrace all the that an ingenious N'mikee is building mi P.U'T. S mith’s Story. About which Life Insurance cannot do— provide of the whole brigade, and ordered us to eminent tor his great and good qualities, power of Lowell. Ten thousand girls are lion Steamer in Wilmington, Del., which tlm year 1830 I settle at the Jhr Iiis u-nids iclicn sickness overtakes him. asserts that 011 a sandy soil ho lias found our camp, w hich order we were compelled employed— all Indiums of the eountiy, or Im ‘culiTiliitcs’ will walk the w aters at thu Peach Tree, in Wilcox country Ma b a ­ Life Insurance interposes after lie is dead, to obey. I to save his I’niiiilij Irom want. I lealtli Idee a powerful fertilizer. I le says Malays, as they me called, with skins two rate of .35 miles per hour! ma, ami cultivated a lew aen il c o rn a m ' ' ' ..... n y poor lie! ' ...... ' ' ‘ ('ol. AN’atson was nt Bariia, where we or three shades darker than the North cotton, besides a small point Insiirauee comes to the relief of the bus-, w as [mt into corn— \ ield p a tc h immediately sent alter him, nod on his American Indian-. N U AL.—The U. S. sloop of war PI)- hit of garden, as was usual in those din hand and father, and through him to the bushels—followed by oats rop light reliel’ ot' his family, iu the dark day of — succeeded by wheat— yie not more arrival he stalled lor the eamp ol' Col. mouth was at .Montevideo, 3d lilt. Thu My nearest neighbor, John < hampion, Mitchell, to demand an explanation of his Ton 1 n-Ai nr..—Tlm following is recom­ being better oil' than tin' rest of us had a sickness. I low many families are there than seed—limed, and next crop gave III U. S. brig Bainbridge, sailed Ju n e 23, among us whose main, nr sole depend­ bushels to the acre. Experience has conduct. On his arrival there, however, mended as a cure for the tooth-aehe: lor Bitches Ayres, w ith Mr. Harris, thu iiie« gang of hogs, ami feeling a little lie was told that the Colonel had stalled ence is upon the daily earnings of the taught him the great value ol' marsh mud, ‘Pol a piece ol’ lime, about the size of a I . S. ( 'harge de AD'airs. above his neighbors on account ot' his for M atamoras to report to ( Jen. T ai lor, wealth, and being rather an 01 ei hearing lather! So long as that fatlier is blessed especially when used iu eomhiualiou with walnut, into a quart bottle of water; with with health, so long those dependent on a small quantity of lime—cannot two high­ hot ('ol. \\ atson is now alter him, and I this, tiuso the mouth two or three limes a Them cnsus ol' Paris has recently been man too, was not particular whether Ins completed. The city proper contains I,- h im , n re sure of suppoiI; hut not a dav ly recommend the use of marsh mud. lie. do not know how the spree will end.” dav, and clean the teeth, using this water stock broke into other people's or E.liahitmits, mid tlm department not. My crop was too small to feed mv longer. I low mung i.C bps several acres with hrtlsliwood. eveiv o ielit and llloruiil£t It it tastes many fathers, are then-, whose bitterest I he b rlihzmg ellects are vety omious, 1.a ii.a 1 i.o.u .tii.xieo. 1 >uii s iriuil the strong, dilute it, lor il should lie just strong of the Seine 1,3110,(Hill. own family and John Cuinpioii's hogs too, mil lie thinks poor laud may he reclaimed city of .Mexico to the Ith of August have so 1 complained to Inin severul times hut ingredient iu the cup ol' sickness is, tin enough to taste the lime, and no stronger. sight of tlm d.-tilutiou and want which by a covering of In usl.wood, very speedily been received; mi that day almost the 1 ro t 11.— A lot ol 1011 parrels of good got no relief'. when being at old Erasmus western Door was sold in Boston lust week enter their dw ellings simultaneously w ith " itli gi 1 at eeououi) as to the labor w lmle of the garrison of this capital, wlm The W asliington Union, alluding to C ulpepper’s house one day, 1 lieaid him ami tlm resulls— is very careful to have are under the order of Gen D. Juan at auction at S3 G3 1-2 per hurtel.. sav, that if a toot or an car or 1 it 11 a the disease which prostrates llieir strength the departure of Santa Anna for Vera and reudeis labor impossible? In how all hi usli not large enough tor lire wood, Morales, occupying the citadel, declared piece ol'hear skin thrown down in a place JL.itu er Oseiii I!. tSioxi:. This celelii-tfteill many eases are the skill ol' l‘h\sieians even tlm pruning of Iiis orchards, reserv­ against the Government, and w ill soon lie (,'ruz, says; where hogs use, the)'d never show their ami muiv.illi'il Gqiiestrian, of the linn of Jiucini/e and the power of medicine hallled by the ed to he spread upon the most exhausted in possession of the whole city as the ! snouts there again. I went home and got “ Some revolutionary events may 1m on ■h Sim ,.. ih .1 stahh'iily at Boston on Thursday oppressed anil anxious state of mind just portions of his land.” troops wlm remain under the orders of th(! w ing, having mi important hearing— the skin of a hear which I had killed some nioiToiig last. A iiziim ”iih, 111 1 o'clock, in 1 ho rel'i ria d to ? (■'em B rain and L an d es ai e insignificant, both internal and external— upon tlm gov­ time before, and having supplied my.- il l A L int lllli t E tas m.n ru it i.i.i.ixn.— Looking at the m atter in this light, it and are extremely disaffected. Ailth year ol his age. His coinplaint was a bil­ with some corn, 1 went out and saw about The Boehester American notices the ar­ ernment of Mexico, mid upon the w ar -elms to us that the .New Englaml Health Tlm telegraphic report of the Times ious liiver, the symptoms of which were n o t con­ twenty line year-olds, munching away in rival ot' the Imat Nejitune, with I Li pass- with the I uited Slates.” Insurance ( 'ompaiiy Dlls a place of great gives the following: By schooner Mer­ sidered dangerous even up to the hoar of his my field. I “ tolled them up,” am] catch­ engets, among w hom w as a lad) lOUyeats importance ill the rnuuuuility, and is de­ chant, arrived al New( Irleans on tlm 21 st, An Englishman, named Thomas Kieli- death. ’I !:■ dean e of a Ilian like this, sill'll an ing a good runner, sew id him up iu the S months and twenty days old, accompan­ signed Io confi r inestimable benefits upon Irom the (iull of Mexico, we learn that anl.-ou, w lm a rriii d a Dw days since in lioai'i io Ins piofi 10a, and sa eh a n idol with alt hear skin, and then turned him loose, ied by her son St) t ears ot age. 'J’he societ) ;—and we wonder not, therefore, two more depaitm euts had declared for tlio ship Henry ('lay, having absconded who km-iv tom, cannot Imt be known nilti s o r i o i v when lie run after the n -t, who Dew from stripling was on his way with Iiis mother to hear, as we do, ol' the atidilv with Santa Anna and Eederalism. Santa with some live or six hundred pounds he- Iw ihe thousands who have seen tom, ihrollrhou; tlio supposed hear. 1 lie la t that was from Michigan, where she lias resided w hieh its provisions are seized upon by Anna's whereabouts was unknown, The 1 Tllgilig to one of tlm Odd I ’t How s' lodg­ III" h ugih and breadth of Ihc Union. His per- seen of them was at Ha-sells C r e e k , for several years, to New \ 01k, tu spend those win I: win.Is it is so aduiiiai-ly eal- Mexican .-termers, Montezuma and Guailu- lei 11mma s as a hi-iseum ii, so ihrillinglv splendid near Dirty miles Irom my lion e, only tin eim uiniheij Ineilmjs with Ine Jehads. es. of which he w as treasurer, was ar­ Uil.ied to mei t and supply. laupe, have been purchased h) the Span­ and otiginal, Imve siampi'd him I'lerywhere as two being alive—one running I'n 111 his She was in possession of all her faculties, rested iu New \ ink. T h e cost of a policy of H ealth lusur- ish Government. Yucatan has declared ■ me of ihc ablest eipr so mas of the age. lie was fellow sewed up in the skin, and he d u n g ami walked as erect as a person at' Duly. heiii ill i'itlsloilTi, N. V . and has a wife, faiher. to catch the other—the rc found a,“ 1 'n England ('ouipanj is but eniphatieally in favor of Mexico against L att.r ik o n H avana. Advices per. dead iu tlio road, hm ng iileialy ran them­ //re ilullne, pel annum; and the possession The Savannuh Bepuhlienn says that on the I uited Slates, and will aid the former ■elioom r Mciehunt, arrived at ( 'liarleston s i s i e . , aid ho.ihci living, fat no ehildien, lo selves to death. It is needless to add that ol' such a policy entitles the holder 111 the 1‘Jtli iust. as a freight train ot' ears in the war. on Wodiicsduy, four du)s from Havana, mount die., .moms'll heieuvimini. John Champion s hogs staid at homo draw from the Treasurer ot' the ( 'ompain w as passing over \\ illamsoii's Bridge, I'oroboratu the statements published rela­ fnu.ii Tin: Seat of Wai: Gen. Taylor is alter that.—.Vitim/. JJailtj . Ideirlist r. the sum ol' /ear ilullne.-, n iia,/. for evi ry about sixl t inih s tin-, side of M icon, the In addition to the desertions from Col. tive to the departure of Santa Anna.— foam! fault with b y the 1 .hunters for g i v i n g week of sickness, or inability from acci­ h riilg e gate way ami precipitated several Steveu-ou S ( 'alitinma 1 egimeiil, quite a He left Pth iust. in the British \Y ll4 T IS 41EAX1' QI'ARI Lit dent or bodily injury, to prosecute his of the eats some ten or filteen felt into the number ol' those burning patriots have steamer fllwffoi \ era ( '1 uz. preference lu ihc regulars in case ;4'a.iivc senue. GiiAlxr \Yc see it quoted iu regard to business or profession, creek, or ravine below . procured their discharge by Inibms corpus Ibis is alo n g and oi.aldi*. though ipolo A li.u.'h nah die I'lieinv, hoaciei, the price of gram that it 1 mill'll per No pet son can become •kliolder . under the plea of m l'an ey , and have been L ook 01 t for counterfeit 5s ot' the ( 'a- quarter. Au imperial quarter of Indian iu the ( 'ompaiiy except by fust taking nut Ixt txtot A woman put as 1 prisoner restored Io the arms ol their anxious hot Bank at ( 'ahoti die, Mass. (j. W alker would pul all in good humor. corn is 180 pounds, which is equal to a policy ot Health I iisiiraiiee, which en- iu one of the cells ol Essex Maiket prison mothers. ( 'asliier, J. (.'base President. Signatures Parades is njioiTi'd lo have lost Ids a rm i, amt eight bushels of 00 ponuils each. Wheal titles him to the pritilege ol one s h a re ol New 'toil;, died on Sunday night. The good, hut engraving appeals to he on a the di si. • for 1 ea.'c is ihc prevailing scutimiail is sold by the bushel of 70 lbs each, so the capital stock, upon payment of Five cell was covered with water to the depth ‘Little boys should be seen and not wood plate. Centre piece, female, Imndle with S oila Alma and his adherciils. that eight husbeU or uu imperial quarter Dollar . in cash, and g iv in g his note of an meh, and in such a holt a human h eard ,’ as the boy stud when lie eould nt of wheat, k c ., and railroad eats in the • in. Com. r i preparing lo amn-k Alvurailn of wheat is 500 lbs "'Twenty ‘ Dollar.-‘ ‘ 11 He11 is, 1however, ctl- being was eouliui d 011 suspicion of crime. recite ids lessuu rear Letter A. Hl. elperplTe will be Ole! of tnuinph S anta A nna.—T h e N. O. Picayune Gr.xr.itAi. G aines, It seems that Gener­ f u .u a m * h i o n sc h o o l confirms the report that Santa Anna and al Gaines has not escaped unscathed 3OT laaass x® wx&ikasAas b m u i , his party had left Havana in the steamer from the Court of Enquire. The Court Till-. MISSES C. M. & L. E. BAKER is of opinion that he has been guilty of i.., B I '.MEM BP.K the TE.V -PA K TV , Intend opening a FEMALE HIGHSCHOOL G R E A T I S A Arab, which sailed fur Sisal, which ac­ repeated violations of law, in calling troops . ,, . i \ 11 ll,c "JW room of the Paywnrd school boa K O A I N S . counts for his non-arrival at Vein Cruz. into service without authority, and in a at 1 i.n m s I I ai.i., (Ins ( Y\ cdncsdny) Kvo- Last Thomaston, to commence on the 31st inst tling, and lie sure to attend if you would Ixsrni’CTuiN will tie given in the follow lag F our TTiiiiisnEKl Dollnrs W o rd, or Onoits Selling nl Com! The Picayune adds:— number of other acts. hranelte-. viz: Latin and French Grammar. Genme ‘W e announced as far hack as the first The Court however recommend to the enjoy a rich, evening’s entertainment, for Irv. Algebra, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Chemistry. President, in consideration of the good there you will ho sure of finding it. Pink. >|ihy. Anatomy, Grammar, Geography. inst., that Gen. Bassndrc, a former mem­ and patriotic motives with which the Reading, Composition and Penmanship; also. F O G G & P A L E S. ber of Santa Anna's Cabinet, sailed for General was actuated, ami his public Le-„Hs in nrnwing. ’"FI.D inform their friends nnd the public that they Will sell their entire Slock of GOODS', Lincoln Baptist Association- > i Ladies tvno desire it, will be tanght the V v lo (lie value of $4000, at cost nnri mativ articles a t / a t r/toA cwt Theii strttK is a verv dc- Sisal and thence to Tobnsco on the Kith zeal, “that no further proceedings he had vnii 'ii. x ol needle work, embracing Worsted J ^rnble one. cun^isling of Broadcloths, (’n-siueres. Satinets, Twee,Is. Flannels, Benn and Con’ed of .July. \Y entertain no doubt that his*"! case.” The President expresses '-•l anniversary of Has bmlv will he held Embroidery in ra ed work i Fashuir Mutts Detain. Print*. Gloves Line. Siieetin’-s SHAWLS of every variety. liis views of (lie case in the following ,n ‘ "anection with the I hud Baptist (.•lunch in Terms per Quarter. A LSO expedition was designed Io prepare the i \ and Glass Ware; AV. I. Goods and Groceries ; Flour ; Faints and Oils; Shoes, pi ( p.lic 1C |’U)«nin up;— Itiistlnn .fm ii’. 1 HOM astox, on W ednesday, the 16th ol Sept. Common brntteltes, $2,00 Boots, af . vVc. >\ 11 (1f these articles h been bought the present .Season, and arc therefore new way for Santa Anna, by providing the -Tim President views, with deep re- P hi, at 9 ‘vlock. M.,— Set tnon by Bro. D. Higher branches, 3 3 ,(III and fashionable goods. Languages, Drawing and Entbroiib t v. extra. ■V they are desirious of closing up (being unwilliivj t„ tax their customers a higher price for roods means of speedy communications along gret, the exercise of Ibis assumed author- in i so ol' failure, Bro. A. II. G ranger. East Thomaston, Aug. 20, IS 111; iw ai'2 to pay an c\h««ibi! int rent), they would say to all havers at wholesale ami retail PLE A SE CALL, tlm const from 'Pobasco to Alvarado mid '•)’ 011 Dio pml of the late commmider id Ili.-nny of Hie First Baptist Church in St. amt we will give you some of the richest bargains voti ever bought KE.MEMBKR-tho whole Vera C ruz and .nuking other neccssarv '?l ste, n ,Uvisio" : «’p- George, is due this year. must be sold in two or three weeks. FOGG & PALES. l-’OV Sale. East Thomaston, Sept. 2, 1816. posed Io give every consideration to the .!. W asiuickn, Clerk. NEW IIER.M. BRIG of 160 tons burthen, n33. preparations. circumstances, which may tend Io qunlily Tut: churches composing the Lincoln Assoeia- now on I he .stocks nnd ready to launch at I! a - Tlm latest accounts we have from To- or mitigate his conduct, lie can see noth- lion, w ill lind a, entnmodntiuns at the following Point. Belfast, of the following dimensions, - si fr *s *i lcnutli of deck. 89 feet ; breadth of beam. for places, viz: 1st Thomaston. Dea. Jlrxitv I lmsco represent tlm Department in that ing in them which would justify him nA- 21 leet. ‘J inches; debth of hold, 8 feet I 1-2 itiehs; Corner of Mnim: and Strecls. A T T O R N E Y and COUNSELLOR AT state of commotion which precedes a rev- ''holding tlm expression of his decided ,,i«t: , m st. George, Inoeaham; Friend- built half high deck, and will stow chock aft; i: A ST T II O 31 A S T <) N . L A W . ubition Tlm ihmhJ c wm n »»vr»n in n»1 ( lsnPPro'jn^10,1 irregular nnd tin- ship, E dmond G rover; W arren, Charles Crockett copper fastened; Haeirictae top-timbers, ami hanl nlut.on he people wete even ad- nlllhorized proceedings of that ollicer.- Vinalhuven. 1,, C „ x , , ; pine water-ways; and in every respect built of 7LLS7’ 77ZOJZJ.STO.V, ME. n7 d Camden, Paai’i. the best materials, by m aster carpenter Samuel Liiii.v ; vuncc ol tlm I ertt ( rusnnns, mid w ill no Hut in consideration ol tlm rcconnncnda- 2d Thomastiiiiaslon, .1. t W a k iiii.I. ii; Union, Lewis of Salem. Mass. For ft,fiber particulars doubt llock to Santa Anna's standard, now (ton of tlm Court, mid concurring with Samuel Rankin: 2d St. George, Waterman Fates enquire of (i. \V. IH’SS of Belfast, or KIDDER s. II. I l LIAii:, •flint so many departm ents lime declared Oieiu their opinion ol tlm “ good mu, and Anson Ihiller: 1st W. Thomaston. Pea. Isaac A: Ft).. 17 A |S. North .Market Street. Boston. ^ & ^ r ( ,l’LD respectfully inform bis fiieiuL nml August 31, 18Id. n.33tf V v tlm public, that be litis biased the above .) r t o n .v /•: v t l a ir , I • patriotic motives mid the public zeal by Gregory anil Isaac Ingraham; Hope, Win. Baltic: 1,1 ll!"' which he was actuated,” tlm President House, which having undergone thorough and EAST THOMASTON. W o shall expect to lienf from him next directs Hint further proceedings in tlm Cushing, Pea. GcO. Thomas; 3d Camden, Pea. extensive repairs, is now ready for the reception Thomas lli.X; 3d St, George, Stephen N. Ilateli: DAVID .1. TRUE, of company. J. is .Agent for the g . nt \'eru Cruz, though we leur we limy he case of Brevet Major General Gaines t boro', Wm. Pendleton; Malinicus, Josiah WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DI.\I.EIt IN Ihel lotmc lias been entirely renovated, nnd j Life lasuraneo ('aniianui. ( Iioslott) kept in a provoking stale of suspense till ',u dispensed with. new and desirable ltirntture added, thus making , . 1 • v Aehora; Union Centre, I.avian Snow. .Minister­ Forcim i hiiiI Dompstic Dry Goods. it, in point of comfort and convenience, compare and will lie rcnily to give nnv person in­ the next English Steamer's advices reach E ater ntloxi S anta E e.— The St. Lou­ ing brethren from abroad, and delegates from oth­ Corner of Exchange and Middle Sts. favorablv with an\ House in the Counts’. formation respecting this institution er Associations, are requested to call on the Pastor. J d I'his House will be conducted on sttiellv vis, some three weeks lienee.’ is Republican id' Aug. 21, contains later (O/ipiisili Cili/ r.jrlinif4i) TEM PERA N CE l»R I N< I P E E S, ami here ii Ini may desire it. intelligence from Santa Ee. Col. Kearn­ In behalf of die Committee id' arrangements, n«g 27»3ml PORTLAND. j the t>•-totalbr may be free from the nauseous K ai.i.iicii. Pastor. N ew O ui.I'.ans, -Aug. 23.— Tlm stemn- ey was nt Eort Bent, nnd was to leave A. < seeni of intoxie.ating drinks. The proprietor, by SETII WHITTIER, The Lincoln Baptist Foreign Missionary Society giving bis personal .mtetitioti, hopes to merit a sliip Mclxiin arrived this morning from on tlm 3d of August lor Santa Ec which HOBBS fit THAXTEB, < OMMISSIOX MERCHANT, place it was expected lm would cuter w ill hold il xt animal meeting in the house of [ share of the public patronage. —WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— A LARGE STABLE is attached to the House. Brazos Santiago, bringing advices to the id No. 21, L ong W ii.ik f, about the 2t)th or 23d ult. They will the 3d Baptist church Thom aston, on the sSriUtsh and B'micEi llpy I with attentive Ostlers. 17th of August. not encounter any opposition. ning of Wednesday, the Kith day of Sept. AND AMERICAN | August 12, 1816. n30tf. BOSTON. Gen. T aylor arrived ut Cmnurgo on tlm " 7 j D. Pmai.e, Sc vv a g iin s ro a tiie An.vtv.— Air. .Andrew PRINTS, COTTONS AND WOOLENS, l’artieuhir attention given to the sale or Eastern The Lincoln Bie.t.t: Soi i ly will htdd its next Produce, Wood, Bark. Brick. Lime, Ac. Liberal ■''III inst. On tlm Dili, lie reviewed the Emit oftliis city, has recently concluded Nos. 19, 5 1 53, Vnion Street, , -ii- • .• ...... nnntnil meeting with ...... the...... Id Baptist church in FKENCH CALF SIGN advances made on Consignments. n3 troops in tlm town, consisting of 3000 a contract lor building a quantity ol wag- , . , , , ...... 1 J ,, 5 I honiastun, ttt coniieidioti with the l.meoltt Bahttst PORTLAND. A N D regulars, under tlm immediate command ons for Hit; I titled States army. Mr. J. , , , . , , ... ‘ J , . A>.(««•<*, The above will be made up to order, in tin* entered the place nt daylight on the 5th, Air. Fertmdis C. Stone and Alt s Alargaret J. ment of GOODS in the aliove line they left on Tuesday morning and arrived latest, and most approved I'R ENF11 cut am! shape of the most modern styles; among the Mexicans under Col. Seguin having at Washington in the l’ou iiattnn on the I ''""‘D • GEO. W, GO. j—sewed or pegged. BOOTS AND SHOES re- them m ay he found a large and abandoned it during the niirht, ttlthotmli same evening.—| Nat. Intelligencer, i paired. n a > o I) U A T 11 S. No, 192, AVnsIiington Street, Boston, Nearlyjopposite Jameson A Perry’s, North End. — fplcndid assortment of— their lurccs were superior to McCulloch's. ,, .. ; ( Mn/lboro' llnhl.) East Thomaston, July 15,1816. n2G6m. . 1 I Jiir.Anrt i. Stkaaiiioat D isastkii.— I lie In this town, duly 18th, Samuel Alden, aged B 0 N N E T S', lhoetly ol Guerrero, yet higher up Orleans, from " S n -< il'I.P invite the attention of “ the trade.'' I- reeport, ' ; ami August *_’Slh, Lucy Fidelia, aged 6 C;ts:u!c:i W oolen 8'at'(oi,> . consisting of Florence, Rutland htldren of James and Susan ll. Grover. V ¥ and purchasers at retail, to tneir tall int- on the Ivio G rande, has declared in favor hound to Pittsburg, while in the act of puttatiua uf.SILKS. SHAWLS, CLOAK AND Lace Neapolitin. Adelade. Birds Eye. French Laca of tho U. S. Government. [Com. Atlv. leaving the wharf at the former place, - II ARB AC II &. K IR K . Brilliant, Arc. ALSO--Bonnet Silks, Crapes. 09 IS SC S S G « O 19 S , L u cs, Edgings, Ribbons, Flowers, Tabs, Gloves,. hurst her boiler on the 22d inst., thereby ii rjJTHE subscribers would inform the public that ■*KynjB3K»Jwraarcatc'-t s jrar-wstsr .rtrgrxjjBC’CT m G n z 1 1 p M a T in (>, h i s t . with their stock of Foreign mid Domestic Staples Mitts. Hosiery, German Zephyr Wurslcd, Worsted H. they are prepared to exchange cloth fur killing 211 persons, and badly scalding a I DTZ' Having by our system of low prices and Patterns, Canvass, wool. Having a good assortment of the various L1M E HOCK GAZETTE. number of others.—[I’ltila. Sentinel PORT o r EAST THOMASTON. I GOOD GOODS, increased our sales to an im­ i kinds of ready to exchange on as mense amount—we are enabled to oiler a. larger C LOTUS DR.ES3 GINGHAMS, East Thom aston, Thursday, Sept, 3, 18 1(5 A R R I V E D. | reasonable terms as can lie all’ordcd by any, mid i >tock of Goods, ami at lower prices, than has Gingham Muslins, Lawns, White Dress Goods,' ATTi..iir i r.n P h i.k v and M i iti)i:i:.—On I constantly making more, with our machinery in Aug. 29. Brig Gulnare, Robbins. Boston 'ever before been known. Prints, Flannels. SHAWLS, Scarfs, Splendid AG EXTS,---T iium,is'rux. .1. P. Barnard. S. S. the best order. We shall be in constant atteud- the 2(lth of June the Governor of Porto | Sell Alary Snow. Stover, do Our goods are freely shown without talk. Please Parasols. Porasolets and SUN SHADES, Curtain Singer: Hiu.ia st. Washburn ,k. .Iordan; L’xtux. i mice al our mill, an I will use our best endeavors Rico despatched to St. Thomas a man of “ Sell Cyreim, Elwell, ° S t- •,u a l .1 !l I’" 1'1?' '" s " le n d s to a commencement with us, arc sporialty iiioitcd— as Sept. t. Bri 8p()lloid.Npotlord.I“«H-ton .they will tind the new system greatly to their ad- 1 and wool taken in payment. Carding wool and and well purchased, will he sold as line as at any Al. Fuller. spend the holidays o f the feast of Si. j dressing cloths done as usual. SJi John Kendall. I’illsburv. N Lund, vanta"' n32is.5w other establishment in Thomaston. John, and for the belter safely of the I ' 3 ; Please give us a call, if you want good and .Miss H . is constantly receiving from N. York lo OLR PA I RONS. We are in want ol vessel, twelve soldiers were embarked on S A I L E B . durable ciulhs. and Boston, additions to the aliove slock. LINCOLN SSI \ugust 20, IK 10. Parlieular atlention will be paid to dying over M oxkv to meet our Faper, and other Bills. We boniil of her. Under the impression that A\'y Seh Flurio, Thomas, New York 7c r./ih ,y Jiust, oti' of tin nir:!' rs of tfn Milt Dam opt Bonnets mid Caps of all descriptions made to' ■■ W ai e, Pendleton, do irments, dresses. Are. order. Also, Floreneennd Strati' Bonnets cleansed are therelore under the necessity ut calling on there was u quantity of specie on hoard, . „ foniH riy rafted Stai n It's Jlitls, situat' d in U 'ash- \ THOMAS HARBACH, r Antilles, Crockett, do ini'ton, ta the said County of Lincoln. tnd repaired in the most modern style, and at the oar subscribers fur assistance. \\ ill yon sume of the soldiers planned to murder the “ “ Alary Suuiv. Stuver, Boston THOMAS S. HARBACH. shortest notice. the P R IN T E R t lollieers and crew, and to run the vessel Sept. Bari; Cha's William. Keating. N. O ABToF arc hereby required to notify and warn! THOMAS KII5K. East Thomaston, May 28, 1S1G. nl'Jtf .H. the owners of said; Dam, to meet at the house . Camden, .Tune, IS-iO. , into St. I Jinningo anti .sell her; about half Seh Tangent, Lovejoy, N York 3inu21 A11 lift 1011. ivtiy between Porto Rico and St. Thom-. “ Bride, Pressy, do of William Al. Rust, in said Washington, on j “ Metallic, Simonton, do .Monday the day of September next,, FniiTLNK does not deal alike, to nil mor- ils ""W .n,il,l,! " 'e attem pt; and secured the at two o’clock, P. AL, to act on the following! SUMMER GOODS. G O V E R N O R , tthiu doors upon the oflieers, nnd the sent- L.ti xenr.i), from the yard of .S'anlbrd Stnrrctt, articles, viz. tills, some she clothes in sable iitthiliments, 'iritis (Ini) rccAd per tie forward on the watch below, they very , a line eopper lastem-d schooner ut 10(1 tons litirih- A rt. I. To choose a Aloderator, S T E A M E l l ' P E .\O ll S C 0 7’, and causes them to grieve fur the beloved ncarly succeeded in overpowering the ll,c."Sa\'i" ”/’ "< '"' eommanded by 9 2. To choose a Seeretaiy, / i I. ,i i <• r .• ,( 'I’1-8:imuel Ingraham, nml owned by AIcsms. 3. 'ft• see if the owners of said Dam! A RIF IJ and desirable assortment of New friends who no tuoro etitt puss their watch on dock, when the first mate having A. fl. A: B. Kimball. will re-build the Saw Alill on the same. J5L Style URFSS A: FANCY GOODS such as ( APT. SAMVEl. II. HOWES, Cashmeres; De Laines; Alnslin Gimrhains; Lawns; threshhold, or gather around the family accomplished the breaking lip ol' the cabin Disaster. Sch Pensacola, from Bangor for Givim under my hand, at W'ashington. this: and a beautiful assortment of White. Check’d, SfTI LL leave B.txout: for. Pohtlaxo, (in eon lastciiifigs, a most desperate struggle took Norwich, at New London 21tli, was run into by a twentieth day of August, one thousand, eight y ncctioa with the Railroad) for Boston evc- hearth. Others behold their beloved ones sell, 20th inst. oil' Cape Cod. which struck her on hundred ami tbrtv-six. Strip’d, ami plain AIUSLINS Al CAAIBRICS. place, in which lour of the soldiers were Cashmere Shawls; Silk, all wool and Nett .Monday, Wednesday and F riday, al hulleting against the opposing currents * ROBERT E. RIDER, j (5 o’clock, A, .11. slaughtered, ami pitched overboard with . JT,1’ ,:o^">:lI'd how, causing her to leak con- |3wn321 Justice of the Peace, j SIIA LLS, of t/ii .Wir Styles for Spring and Sum­ which beset us here, and eventually com- the pikes last in their bodies. Tho ves- *‘e‘ mer. Brims; Cottons; Cremlins; Drillings, Are. Rr.rer.xixu:—Will leave Pnii'rt.ixn fur Baxcok, N ew Y hric. Ar 26th lilt, ship John Holland Feathers! Carpetings, Rags, and many other every Monday, Wednesday and Friday muudiii the most honorable positions in scl, in consequence of the occurrence, re­ Havre; brigs Commodore Hull, Fattirell. Lnbcc JAMES G. HOVEY, evenings, immediately alter the arrival of the Ex turned lo St. Juan, the chief ollicer and Goods, which will be sold at verv low prices at society. Few \ilio have passed the noon Amcyihist. Anderson, do; Planet, Clark. Eastport. ( or SNOW Ar DENNIS’. press Train from Boston—touching nt all the inter­ mediate bindings. two or three of the crew being severely E. Thomaston, May 5, 16tf of manhood, but experience the sail reality wounded .— | Aeadiiin4R ecorder. To Francis I’, fKTFR and Wholesale dealer in FANCY Boston. 8 2 ,0 0 . A (I mi it is t ra tor’* N otice, S. II. FU L L E R , Aituxr. W 'lU are hereby required, in the name of die “ GOODS, suitable for Druggists, Milliners, mid slumbering under the sod Ilian remain liv- ‘H^- Lowers, ol brig Eliza Burgess, OTICE is liureliy given, that the subscriber East Thomaston, May, 28th 1846. 1‘Jtf • , , , which ttrrived at Boston on Saturday from State of .Maine, to notify and warn the in- Traders in general. 1^8 Inis been dulv appnialed Ailminislriitor of tbe mg above it. Stern adversity lias reduced , ,. ... , n J , C ulm, states that lie lound the wuter in tho habitants of said town of Thomaston tptalilied as 1 Sirttflfiisls , goods .I..J estate bf WILLARD G. .SMITH hue some to the begging for tho crumbs that Gu|f stream, during the passage, war I the constitution reqnires, to assemble at the Con- ' Will liml a large assortment uf Tooth ami H ail''!1' ''''“-'"‘'''Kuh in the County uf Lineuln- . .. v, . i i i i ~ i i p .1 gregational Yestrv at East Thomaston on the liiusltes PeiTunieiv ike 'deceased; and lias taken upon hiniselt that trust S T E A M BOAT niuy' z lull Irom some more - ...... toitunatc- . fellow...... cr- ...... than lie- ...... mid ever...... known it before,...... tin.’ ,j ii.iiiu-iaiii!foi:rteemh day uai uiof September ,si iieuiiier m*xt ne.xi, atill nine o’clocku elueii , by giving bonds as the law directs. And all per­ -ACCOMMODATION being's table, while auuther is transferred thermometer standing at &?b, as fur north in the tureaoon, tu give in iheir votes t'ur Guvcr- ilBillhtcri'i sons having demands upon the estate of the said feni.1 o l,S e m ite m ol u o v e .lv lo the nnlnees as lut ( A'lvcitiser. j "°G Senators and lor two town Representatives ' Will lind drc> s bones, stay rings, eyelets, and ma- Willard G. Smith, are retjuired to exhibit tin* same, Hom ohbcuiitj nml po\< tty , lo the pufaccs i ______tu repre.seut them in the Legislature uf this Slate; fhmus. busks faney boxes, cushions and emeries, ami all persons indebted to the said estate arc of wealth, nnd sideboards hurthcucd with ! Limn., Juhn juhn W. Hawkins, the distinguisheddislingni.-ht'd also, furlor a ReprPiepresenlalivolalivc to represent them in purse trimmings,triinmil Alc., in great variety—and will called upon to make payment. WORSTER SMBI II, Administrator. \m l here J""'i"ad'.uzaiu ■ ■to . lie...... tried...... nil a libel suit 1,1 ( n l •'< United States, also for Reg- do well to call the luxuries of every elime. istcr ot Deeds fur the Eastern District of the Thomaston, Aug. 18, 1S16. 3w'x31 lie may cut, drink, and he merry; yet, in 'it tiie next term uf the Court uf Common Pleas Futility of Lincoln, County Treasurer, Clerk of Traders its general STAGE. m Wurce ler county. Capt. A. Pulridge, the the Court?!, County Attorney, and County Coin- Will find an excellent assortment of knives, scis­ B, G O Bi EB c: l i ! FR Tll E MiliM-iilieix will run u C ondi between the revolving cyclo of worldly fortune, his1, ...... , nnssmners J ’ keeper ot a militat v school m Norwich, \ t., is the sors. accordions, watch guards, studs, bags, purs- S E;i't nml AYest Tliumu.-ton, lor the purpose own posterity must drink tho dregs in the ; complainant. I he Setei tmen will be in session at the Oflicc A»s, fans. (10 styles.) Cologne water, Fancy soap, Horse Shoeing and farrierry of conveying |i;ixxeng<:rs in the several StenuihiuaU of JOSEPH FAR W ELL. Esq., in East Thomas- shaving boxes, razor strops, carpet bags—and going AYest ; on the folltiw ing tlavs and hours. ctip of adversity and latrnmt how few «««. the eleventh day uf September, ill 2 o'clock natty article too numerous io mention. rytH E xubsctBirrs lirirby notify the public that Will leave F.. B oyles’ Hotel, lor East Thom- they havi! eiitnri'd into a Uo-partni’tship, for friends the poor make. When death on-| o are indebted to S. S evmolh, P. ,'d., end al the 0 dire uf Edm und Wilson, E sq., \\ linlcsnlc only. J3. aMuti on Munday's and Thursday's al 9 o'eloek. in West Thomaston, on luellih day of September 8w3I I 19 W ashington St .. Bo earrym g on tin: Blacksmith business in all its ters, let his visit he softened In thosym pa- tllu gentlcmuiily and accommodating Clerk : various branches; such as Carriage and Ship A. AL. in ioimeeiiiiii with the Steamer Governor; at 2 o'eloek p. AL, and on Mon lay the fourteenth nml on Tuesday's and Friday'sa, o’eloek B. M., Work, ami all sorts of Jobbing. 3 lilies of man, and when riches abound let u'" *',u “ l(,am er (Jovi'.ltxon, for Boston pa- day of Se|,i,:inher mxi from eight Till nine u’tlock in connection with the Steamer Penobseot; and ■ ■ ■ , n n r . W o n t o -il ...... l o I n u l it,,r rn HI ill,' lill’eiloOII, for llie piirpo-.e Ilf Correcting tllO TLM I’ERANCE. .MR. Bit.LINGS, having bail long experience also on every Thursday tit 9 o’clock A. M., in the enjoyment ol them he sweetened by l,Lrs'pets. ' ,c !UC d1*1’ >"‘d et la s tm o o b lt„ .i- lis(list (j|.of voters.V(, j . The | le meeting w|j|will b op,.,,,.,; il( ...... 'o r . | ill Horse Shoeing, ami worked in must of the I I. A It I.-S 1 III', r. I H O USE, eilies of the llepuhlie, Hatters himself that he is connection with the Steamer Huntress. tho consolation that the suli’ering have lions to J eiio.mi; &. Cobs. E xpukss for like precisely nine o’eloek' in the m orning, and tin I’r.itsoxs wishing eonvevaiiee on any of tlm Polls will be loscd at preeisely live of the rlui k UHL?,'ER GF PEARL AN D MILK STI!I.L l S, prepared to give perfect satisfaction in this brunch favors. ol' business ; and having worked for two years al above days, will be called lor at their residence shared of their ahumlaucc, ami the poor in the alieinoon, by correct lime proeuri l mid KI’.l’T nv jivjsut.-zt-.3a the Yittenary Forge in Boston, under the dire, lion “Anil Xu Mislal.e !” bless them. This world is pleasant ami hung up in the Ycstry, for that purpose. llciiltli liisiiranco Dated at Thomaston the thiny-tirst day • of Dr. JOHNSON from London, he is prepared to by leaving their names at E. Bovt.Es’ Hotel. Jos nlllictions are for good; bill if intiii was in August, A I). 18 16. G.Y ,S'Z7,’//"Z' 77;.V /'/.'/,’.I.Y /'/;/■ /,,/.V (7 /’/.A'.S', '•> all diseases of the animal, such Bettuv's House. Mrs. Fuller's, or T imothy Foot? i This Company was incorporated by the Legisla­ irns; Quarter and Sami Cracks ■ Cuts, either eveiy instance/mm,/n r, then till would he Charles Uarringt< n, ) Selectmen Boston. Aug IS, Is pi Store. ture of Connecticut in .May last, and is entirely Rowland J acous, Jr. ! of speedy interfering, .V, I’xssexueiis ill this seetiou of the Town, or JIGSEA CtltiMBS, Itappij. i a new thing in this country; although companies F reeman H arding, Jr. ) Thomaston. llie Meadows, w ill be called for at llieir residence, E. F. BILLINGS. In leaving llieir name- at the 4'niumerdnl of a sim ilar kind have long and sticccs.Mully been I' I !5ST .11 E IPI’I N (5 of iho E ast and Sou I Ii East Thomaston, Aug . l 'l l i . n2'J H o u s e . J. T. Cv AY. BEBllY. iLj-'Si icide.— Wednesday evening of established in England. Their introduction in Thomaston Firo tintl Marino Insurance IIY .1. T. A M. East Thomaston, April 13, 1846. n!3 last week, a stranger called ot Messrs. this eoiimry was through the exertions ol' JOEL < 'n u ip iiii v . E H th lo ii Dh‘p o< Ibk* B S n h S x o 's! KHIHI. undersigned, being more than thre/' of Berry’s hotel ami asked for lodging. \t W. WHITE, Esq. of Norwich. Conn., late Consul r l|G would le-peeifully iiil'orm tlioir friends K the pin - ons named in tho Act of Inourpora- v » ami the public in general, that ilioy arc ttll curly hour bo w us shown to his room, " '•lv, rpool, Lie.'., and durm z Ins re-mem o there non. and in putsuam o ol' the provisions ol llie ahoiil making uiTungcmcnts superior to nnv ill THOMAS C. WALES, he' heealuo’ ...... satisfied■’ with i- -i their :...... Utilityi ... third Seclion of the smile, hel'ebv give public ihe Stale lor the aeeommudalion of ''all weary nml tho following morning, ho w tts found Ye 19, Eroad S tn • t, rorihr of ('mtrat St.. Toston. The capital stock of tho Company is •206.11(111. I111*!' dial the lirst meeting I Company will travellers'’ who may chance lo pass iheir thresh- T I I E F A Y O K I K S T K A SI E It hung to one of tho posts of the bedsteud, he held al ill Banking House of the Lime Rock hold; and irliih //.. hariaa ihara and tini/diai' tip 0 W AS just received bis lame Fall Stock of In- or Stllkl sharos at 82.', por share. m least I homaston on l'l’ulav, the 18th dav f> en'iti/ mi, tliev w ill lie on hand lo accommodate B 3 di Bubber Shoes, ineludmt* all (In* -ile ible P E N 0 B S C O T , by his nockcrchiof, dotnl. .A coroner's Any male person in good health, between the ol Seplemhor, A l>. IS Pi, at one ol'the clock in the those who w ish, at their old stand, or at then km Is imported oi m anufactur’d m this country,and jury wus held on the body on the sumo duy ages of l.'i and Jo. by paying ■? a, is secured the alieruuon : at w hich meeting tho otlivers required lather's dwelling house. Tliev liareample moans comprising in all more than O ne H i nurd 'i'uoc- wnh 'to I am! SAN1’ Fairs, making a larger stock of Rubbers payment of I per week for one year for all the by law will he chosen. ol providing all who may come, and their verdict wtts— "th at he cume to A lull attemlanee of the Imorporatofs and lodging. than can be found at any store, it not larger ihan his death by hanging in a deranged time he is unable,—whether by sickness, or an i- Stockholders is desired a this Company is tu go East Thomaston, July 29, lS|u all the others pul together in this city. All of dental bodily injury, (not caused by unlawful or mt,, immediate operation which will be sold for C ash or C redi i . at the blu­ Hl ll.T l.XI'ltr.SSt.y t o i l AX O l'T-SIDE ItOt'TF., sltite of mind.” immoral induct) - to attend to his ordinary o< - WILLIAM Mel.GON, est importer’s or miiiitifactitrer’s prices. Those who buy to Wholesale or Retail are re­ ( APT. THOMAS G. JEWETT, lie was seen in the tillage one or two eitpattoii. 'flu- fact ot' such sicklier > or disability JOSKFH HEWETT, W E B B L O W , SA 'I l 'E L I.IBIIW spectfully requested to Call and See, ami then r ’ hl. leave T homaston tor Boston, on .YIuu davs previous, and told a number of itidi- is to bo utte-ted by a phy : . m. CHARLES CROCKETT 1'onnnissitm «tlereliaiils, they will know where they can buy Rubbers the, V f day’s and T huisduy’s at 5 o'eloek 1’. J1 ! Any persm who lakes out a poliey.eatihce WILLIAM THOMAS. best and the cheapest. until further not tee. xidllills that his uauiu was Samuel II. r oa Ttir: sale of stoekholde . if he wishes, by paying -25. I K. KIMB IL L Also on hand ami daily receiving, all the varie­ lit.TFUNINI.: Will leave Boston for Banuob ( unde, the firm of QUINTARD X against individuals in Newcastle, Ibr ma­ will eel laitilv be read with itilcii -t by inuiuul consent, tins day dissolved. t; r W't iiit, ) BOSTON. ■| IlGMl'SGN. is this dav dissolved by mutual son work. I I is connections are supposed Ol I'm I I s m J v i c i n i t y , as it is a i .mie w limh The tnisini’ss will hereal'lvr be conducted b\ consent. A K TI1GA1 l’S on Ft Iilitv 7lh lost., between Jam es to reside in Kennebec county, lie was Saisap.mllas in the market, and is an authority in ut of the whole of the lute linn. n iS'/u. / pill up nt sliurl wdici. late font in liquidation nnd settlement of their Aug. 19, Tolu an': and Win. Smioiitaii'.' in Camden, a uiaii apparently nbuut ID years old. nml sam lion w liieh not one ot' tho N usrrc.n m a­ All persons, iticretoic, indebted io ihe linn of Bill. ull'airs. GEO W. IJUINTAI! D. B llets would date to solicit. I’.aiteCv Rohinson will please make immediate Y BAl.l-ET eoiilnining motley; the owner A.AUON K TUOM FSGN. an have ihF same on proving property and pay­ 'I j -Ji'in.l. Ki.xxmo, one of the Asso­ '■ Bowiloin College |S |6 . payment without further notice. New Ymk, Alax 1. 1'liY -T /o : Z'G.YCZ'.V Z7Z.I 77:ZJ ZjWZ,’.|, 7' ,i August 31, 1816. 3wn33 ing charges, l y calling upon JAMES EISliElfS SONS. JAMES TO1.MAN. ciate Justices of tho Supreme Court of SA RSA l’A R ILl.A . ptepared by .Messrs J- I. The suti.-eribers have this day formed a co­ OS’l’5 by J. T. M ime, some time about the K iH f ittlOH tiif*, West Camdeu, Aug. 3, Lalo. •Swiidt) l’eunsyIvtuiiu, died at his residence in k r i s i N Co. ol I'oil land, Ale. is in tho opinion ol J first ol A lien a, two note* a- un>i Eduard partnership for the Iraiisaelnat ot a to maul Com­ llie sul v liber, an article ol GREAT YAl.l'E. ,V y — AND— mission Basim’ss. tindif the linn ol 'I IlG'AII SON Bhiladelpltiu, a lew days since, aged 72. K• Tl:omp.-'J00 and one of 8l'L .•sl'l'ERtOK EXCELLENCE. both m favor ol' John T. \\ bite, nml payable in < oiiiiiiis^i«,ii HcrclinulM; ,Y lll'N I'Ll!, at 21 South Street The) will pay I s i KECEIYEI) 30 kbls prime 1-TOl K In the' belief he is eonl’o iued l y ■ ":., .n.ii" n lour months with interest. It' the m»tes shorn! be particular attention to ,qleet:ug Insurance on cheap for cash, by At tho Congressional Convention held at Belfast. J U. II. TEKltY- with so vi ral ot In r pre para not is of Sar - q artlla. mil found and banded to the owner, they shall b< UKIOIOM), Virginia. Yes.-. Is ami Cargoes, and Flout an Aug. I9th. 26n ,.n Saturday last, E. K Sii.utT E : of C.ttml. a. more particularly by know ing the pioee.-.s by w hi-Ii • atislied ti r ail tb' ir trouble. 'I bis w ill also wain W ILL ive -tri. I attention to the .-ale of 1.1 M F. fo ra on Commission was aominatiated for Itoprv nt.aivo lo C - c i ' KELLY A CUT is tmof- I'. CI.E \\ El.AND ' any one a^aiie-t translerruitf said notes. II \ \ . >Ye . and use every etforl to give saltslav AARON 1( IHOMBSON 'I. For further • Advertisement JOHN T WHITE lion who may patronize them. Al ARCUS 111 N I El!. ( ROCK E I! Y, G ias-an d Chmu W are, for sale lor Waldo District. it another eulumu. 19 3m I'i t Tl.ooi i't«m, Sepi. 2, 1816 3w u‘>3 Re Imion I. Apt il 17, | ..j- i New York May I. d o n |7 - by W A FARNSWGKIH Hoc(. Tf.'tl'ti)n'«t Coiii|ioiin TOST OFFICE IlOOKSTOItF.,------AND WHOLESALE DF.AT.tRS IN SPRING GOODS NVisInv’s Bnlsnm of W ild Clm rry, . neons diseases generally. There is no reme­ EAST THOMASTOX, FORE/GW J.VD DOMESTIC DRY Idy known more efi'eetnal in the above diseases Ruclinn’s ITtingtiritin Balsam of Life, i AN be fnnti.l tbe above named T russes.— than the Compound Bnekthorn Syrup. It is be­ Z Most iifthe distinguished Surgeons in New GOODS. HENRY PETTES & CO.’S Schenck’s l’uhnonic Syrup, coming a standard medieine with m any I’liysi- CEngland, have given them their decided approba­ No. 21, (formerly No. 9,) rr.ARt. street EXTENSIVE WAREHOUSE, Mc.Allistcr’s or W orld’s Salve, eians of the highest respectability, who have the orcntesl confidence in its virtties. It is an entirely tion. and consider it one of the most beneficial in­ BOSTON. n3 So. 211 Wellington Street, Down’s Elixir, Sand’s Sarsaparilla, vegetable preparation, and may lie used in fami­ ventions of modern Surgery. To nil persons l)r. Hardy’s Jaundice Biltcrs, lies with perfect safely. afflicted with Hernia, or rupture, particularly la­ F. BROWN’S | boring men, this Truss is earnestly recommended. SAHSAPAMM.A l’oor M an’s B laster, Only Agent in East Thomaston, CHA HUES A. ECEIVED hv the H avre P ackets and C u­ Many hard working men, whose labors have Iteen RK very highly recommended by most of the ' ------D EA LER S IN------Dr. Spear’s Valuable Medicines, .WACOM BEIL suspended or lessened one half, in consequents! of n' Ann P ie am eiis, a complete Slack of European •Sold wholesale and retail hy the Proprietors, first P hysicians in Boston, Portland N. Red- ; MEDICIXES, PERFUMERY, tfC. R Dr. Smith’s Sugar Coated Bills, rupture, have been restored by relinquishing the A Goods adapted to the Spring Trade. Messrs. Colcord, Pltilbrick it Co., Ko. UX1 Wash­ lord, Salem, Lowell, and in many other places W right’s Indian Vegetable Bills, ington street Boston. n 13 common Truss, and adopting I). Pletcher's. It where they have become in general use by them 3 . Extra rich Bros d’Alger and Arniurc Barr’s Bills, Brnndrctli’s Bills, will not readily get out of order, and the simplici­ for all complaints where a general alterative Io the l,r. Kitteridge’s Bone and nerve Lini­ ty of its adjustment is very perleet. They can lie system is required. TREMONT ROW, Hen Hues* can he Cured. had at wholesale of the proprietor, Luther Angier, ment, Indian Vegetable and Sarsaparilla iir o w n ’s sarsaparilla & tomato hitters IIO S T O X . of most select and splendid colors. Esq.. Medford Mass., and at retail of CHAS. A. trill he fow ul a certain run in all caret of Indigeitieue. Bitters. MACOMBE1L N. R. The improvement over the Dispepsia, Jaundice, Loss e.f Appilelt. General lie- Black. Bliic bhick, Shaded and Fancy z\ll of which are w arranted G enuine.— common Truss, does not eithnnce tlie price. n2 tnlity, Taieilncss unit Sinking of l/a Stomach. Loir- t i n t tt tc 4 11’I THFRFF, Bamphlcts containing certificates of the rzz.t.r of Spirits, Ceistivcne es. Determination of Bleinel to JSitS&S&SL above named Medicines, furnished gratis. tllataal Fire Insaranec the Ibael, Pain in the Limbs anel Side, Viarltaa, ------DEALERS IN------of nil widths, nail of the most elegant and fashion­ East Thomaston, March 19, 181(1. n9 Weakness, Dizziness, Ceilauceeus Eruptions on the W. I. GOODS AND GROCERIES, able styles. HE New England Mutual Life Insurance Fare and Neck, Hectic Fever, N ight Siccalt, Xirtnus Company. (Oilier, Merchants' Bank Build­ anti Sick Headache, Aridity o f the. Stomach. Billions .SH /P STORES AXI) CHAXVLERY, Oar choice Silks arc ntl manufactured to our own zllore Uriel. For Sale. T ing, State street, Boston.) since commencing, Affections. Piles, anil Ceisticcniss, ami all diseases ortlrr, expressly fo r oar llct,eel Sales, amt ire ore, o f Peh. 1, Ibll, issued 517 policies, the number caused by impurities o f the blood, the debility of the course, able Io offer very superior Dress Sillts, at 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 A C rO LM A M . at’, W. monthly having varied from 30 to 72; the amounts system, or the volet allhy state of the stomach and Coiimirrvinl Sired. loir rates. Camden. -Aug 12, n30 18l6.3w. ptOOPER'S ETHP.R1AL OIL—a prompt and from 6200 to 810,000 each; net fund accumula­ Itorrels. Vz lasting remedy for deafness, also for pains ted towing to the favorable turn of the risks thus C. HALL, / 3 m ( LO.VG AAI> SQUAIIE l'ii's jl'ar. being mostly New England lives.) 830,600; They are also exceedingly efficacious in restor- 1 C V SIlllIlti; SHAW LS. |X 11 E NAl’LE HAIR DYE.—For some tin- and discharge id' matter from the ears lug constitutions broken down by sedentary em­ IV. II. W IT IIE R I.E , •) II 9 ( ® ! S f valuable acoustic medicine, is a compound of four I'' !'11 ioveste.1 for the proportional benefit of those ployments, and have been extensively used by Purchasers will have a great advantage in the selec­ many young people, both male and femaleale. 'have 1 dilferent OILS, one of which, the active and priu- i' ' ns "T11 ",o:'c nll™ ’>’ Clergymen. Editors. PitixTrtts, Clerks, Seamstress­ tion of shawls at our warehouse. j had the misfortune to have their hair turn•it prema-leiple ingredient, is obtained from the bark (>f „ bers; surplus to be rehmded to members at the es, and numerous others whose health bail been in­ oiLisiLiisriE) & ly applied certain spespecies of Walnut, a new and ell'eelital ""d ol every live years rout December, IS : no The room in which they arc shown is the largest in | turely gray. We have been frequently appli1 insttrnttee on credit, and no loss by tiny tnember jured by confinement and close application, with ----- WHOLESALE DEALERS IN------ttoston, and the stock o f Shawls not only much, more to for something Io turn the hair hack to its n atu ­ agent in the e l i t e of deafness Persons who have the happiest results. They restore the action of by bad premium notes of others, extensive than that o f other dealers, but the styles arc ral color; which has induced us to go to lilllelt been deaf for 10. 15. and even 20 years, have been the stomach, increase the quantity of blood, and ;r. i. goods axh g ro c eries, permanently cured by using this Oil. It is an Willard Phillips, Itoberl Hooper, William Par­ chosen Jrom the best manufactories o f France, trouble and expellee in order to furnish our custom impart to the wan nttd emaciated system of the in­ INFALLIBLE REMEDY, in allcnses, when the sons, Charles P. Car,is, Francis C. Lowell, Geo. 03 St (H COMMERCIAL STREET, ers and the public generally, with a new and im­ II. Kohn, Will. W. Stone, It. B. Forties. Peter valid the vigor and glow of true health. Wc shall show our floods with pleasure to all wlio proved Hair Dye; one that is nearly ellcclttnl, and ear is perfect in its forniaiion. Sami.. Ct.t:i.ANt>. Wninright, Titos. A. Dexter, James Read, and Piles! Piles!! Giro. W m. Ccttiui. BOSTON. will call upon us, and endeavor, hy olleriiig not the least injurious to the head or hair, for the Persons buying Io sell again, can be supplied oil favorable term s. C. A. MACOMIIER. Otis Tulls, Directors. Brown's Sarsaparilla will be found a certain A SUPERIOR SHAWL, moderate stun of fifty cents per bottle. We have WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. remedy for that dreadful and most troublesome dis­ succeeded beyond our expectations. This nrlielc side Agent for Thomaston. nt a low price, to make it for the interest of customers May 28, 18l(i. nl'Jlv. J ox.atiiax A.Atotiv, Secretary. ease. Cases have been cured after all other remedies we oiler to the public with great confidence. We Giioitiit; IlwwAitn, Consulting Physician. to purchase at our store. have had it thoroughly tested, time after time. he. have been tried without having the least elleet. Applications tuny be made Io the subscriber, Coughs! Coughs! WB HAVE PARISIAN I.OSO SHAWLS OF NEW DESIGNS fore wc could oiler it lor sale. The price is such (Avbo is Agent of said Com pany,) til his office, in that all can atliird Io use it, and its quality we he Save /four Hair ! ! Wc eatt recommend this article as being one of •llr Hi II 4* F e a r in g , AND VERY EXCELLENT QUALITY; East Thomaston, or by letter, post paid. CANTON CRAPE SHAWLS, OF VARIOUS SIXES, COLORS, lievc superior Io any ever before made. COME This can be tluiiv. bij using- Brill's H air the most efficacious medicines for Coughs, Pain in nCllf JAMES FOGG. the Side, W eakness, Arc. now ill use. It lias been COStlHESS SQUARE AXU HKVONStllllf. STREET. SCARLET, DRAB, PURPLE ANU WHITE, STOCK d- Zi’O.N.N'. Bus Ion. llrslnralirc ! .' used with great elleet ill removing coughs of long ill", hair eatt he restored in eases of baldness, BOSTON. INDIA SHAWLS AND MANTLES; For enlc cil East Thoinnslon hij C. A. standing. . A. MAOMBER, at the • Old Post Olli i e’ To I tic Afflicted. CASHMF.nF. AND IIROCILA SHAWLS, AT LOW PRICES, M A COM BE II. T Book Store, East Thomaston, oxt.v Agent lor MR. EDWARD MASON, DESIRABLE STYLES OF SHAWLS CALCULATED FOU Such of your nuinhcr ns are culled upon Druggist in Portland, says Brown's Sarsaparilla A'. s f i a w m m SPRING WEAR, NOT TO BE FOUND AT Messrs. Beals iV. Co., in this vicinity, is now pre­ Tomato Hitlers is now doing wonders in that place OTHER STORES; PURIFY THE Hl/OOD! pared to apply it, on the very favorable term s id' to put'chnsc Medicines, should re­ Nearly all the Physicians are recommending it. P A R A X s t e v e x s , BLACK AND COLORED SILK SHAWLS, LARGE SIZE M> cii.tiniK until the hair is restored. member (hut T R HA VS, AND FINE QUALITY} OODWIN'S Indian Vegetable and Sarsnparil To show the entire confidence the proprietors CORNER OF CLINTON & llLACKSTONE STS. 1IONTERA AND STRIPED ALLAINE SHAWLS, VERY C. A. MACOMBER, at tiif. oi.d post o f the firm of T II. B ays A: Co, Portland, says he la Bitters lor pttrtl'ying the Idood, for.inuu have in their article, they will enterintoa contract HANDSOME ; never sold a medicine that gave such general satis­ dice. Dispepsia. Costiveness, Billions and Liver ; with any parly to restore their hair under a pen- O FFICE HOOK STOKE, tto x lo n . PRINTED CASHMERE, MOHAIR, MEDALLION, SILK NET, faction lor all Billions complaints; there is nothing COMMON CRAPE, EMBROIDERED THIBET, PLAIN eomplaittts, Headache, drowsiness, lowness of ally ol'ii forfeit of from two Io live hundred dollars is the oidt/ Authorised zlgriil in iti his opinion that equals them. DO., fig’d AND STRIPED 1)0., TWILLED spirits and all diseases that arise ft om derangement' sai’d parly being hound in a like sum. to he paid EAS T Til DMAS TOX, HALLAM AND VENETIAN SHAWLS. of tint Stomach nml lluircls. in this Medicine the I when the hair shall have been restored, M R. A. G. PAGE, BOYNTON&, MILLER, well known virtties of the Sarsaparilla in all its J Those who have good hair and wish to preserve ------tor the sale of------Bulb, Me. say lie never sold any medicine that To all these floods I he LOWEST MARKET Dr. Wisliir’s Balsam nJ' Wild Chcrrn, WHOLESALE AND RETA IL DEALERS IN PRICE is uliixed, from which there is no abatement. strength and purity, is combined with the most | it, will do well to use Beal's Restorative, as in its gives such general satisfaction, he has known many useful roots and herbs of the Vegitahle Kingdom1 , composition there is no deleterious ingredients. It “ Buchan's IIinig;arian Balsam nJ"LiJ’r, to he cured by it of had humors. Are. after they had W est India floods, Ship Also, our usual (each in themselves a medieine) in such ntnnnncr is a highlv perfumed pomalttm, pleasant in its ap- Hull's Liniment, Jiir cure oj' Piles, been given up as incurable bv all their friends. upon the slot,inch and bowels, they accomplish j plication, and keeps the hair in a most beautiful CAPT. JOSEPH' HOLLY, FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Hr. Upham’s Ele.cluani, for do. Chandlery, Ship Stores and uith wonderful efficiency, a thorough eleansing of condition. Traders n the neighboring towns, can of the whale ship Erie, which sails from Pair Ila RXOH DRESS GOODS; the system and consequent purification of the Blood | |,e supplied on the most liberal terms. He ■ire's Liniment &• Elixirfor Rheumatism, yen, recommends Brown’s Sarsapnrilla A: Tomato ------E L O U R ,------in all the new and various styles. — thereby operating like a charm in the above!;it,— It can be had at .Wacomiiuii' s East Spohu's Head Aelie Remedy, Bitters to all sea-failing men. lie says he should 22 & 2 4 $ ^ q r named nttd all kindred diseases. i Thomaston. nl3 Mother's Relief. rather lie without Ins medicine chest than not have French Prinls, Muslins, (iiiiglimns, Lawns, They are extensively used and liighlv a p p r o v e d ______a supply of these hitter. Scurvy is completely cur­ Fastcrn Hail Hoad Wharf, anil Staple (ioutls of all kinds. Veifilahlc Palmonttry Balsam. ed by its use. by nll.-Ohserve that the inside'wrapperJtus.the _ _-AU- PRICE.-Compnnnd Fluid Extract o- N E11E MI A11 HOY N TO N, signalureot the Proprietor GEO.C. (.O()D\\ IN, Sarsaparilla, for the cure of all diseases Olelrise's Balm of Columbia, [Prom the Boston Post.] LEANDEIl MILLER. di Union St. Boston. arising from an impure state of the Mood, expos- Beal's Hair Restorative. The. editor sa ys‘it altrays affords him pleasure Io CARPETINGS, Porsale by C. A. Mneomher, Foggfc Pales, I. Iv. are and imprudence of life, excessive use of mer- French Depilatory. recommend a gaud article, particularly not Ileal es rec­ Kiuthall, and E. S. Jllaisdell, East Thomaston; I etiry, Ate. The great popularity of the sarsaparil- ommended hy most o f our Pliysieiaiis. the re litre lie AT LOW PRICES. Comstock's Sarsaparilla. WILLIAM MACOMBER, & CO. HE subscribers are now prepared to show to Timothy Fogg and J. A. Fuller, W. Thomaston. la, and its established efficacy, render it superfitl- Me. Vairs Areonslir Oil. highly recommends Brown’s Sarsaparilla. A: Tomato June 3d 20 l y 1*2 West India Goods and their customers their large and splendid stock oils to enter into an encoiiiitim of us virtues, or Kolmsloclc's Vermifusfe. H itters,’ adduce any evidence in its favor. We will m ere­ [From the Portland American.] COM MISSION M ERCII A NTS. T of CARPETS, selected lor the retail /rude,consisting Thompson's Eye Water. “From a fair trial of Brown's Sarsaparilla and THIS! ly state to the public, that the article preppred by tiitoAD street, (a few doors north of Milk si.,) in part of Smith's Xipple Salve. Tom ato Bitters, »« ran rccamnitial it to the public os 30 Comstock & Co., New York, is sold at the reason R. KITTREDGE’S Green Nerve & able price of 50 cents per bottle, bv Ii3 a most vataahlc medicine.” BOSTON. 31)0 P’S OF SUPERFINE CARPETING, Ciri-assiaa Lyneph. Bone Ointment, discovered and used by the CHAS. J . MACOMDEH, E. Thomaston. [Prom the Boston Evening Gazette.] PPE R for s a l e - At 75 cents per yard ; D late Dr Kittredge of Walpole, N. II. with the most Mo[l’al's Phoenix Billers, The editor says “the extensive sale of Brown's Sas- o ail bills. Crashed and Powdered Sugar, 100 P'S OF DOUBLE SUPERS, unparalled success, is now’ prepared by George C. ‘‘ Life Pills. aparilla and Tomato Bitters zs t/ze best proof of its 200 boxes and quarter boxes Raisons, Goodwin, Druggist, 75 Guion street, Boston, from i c r - <’ o o it c r a g c <-r~)5 Parr's Life Pills, excellence; iei aur opinion tbe sr. bitte rs are erne of the 50 casks Raisons, At 95 cents per yard. the Original Receipt, and is confidently recom­ best ciimponnds erer offered fur the rare o f the. Dyspep­ 1(10 chests Tea, Souchong, Ncwyong, Young r. EO XA I! D I '.1.1/ / ’ />' /•: /. /. takes Kelley's Health Pills. » 60 P’S OF THREE PLY CARPETING ; mended to the public for the cure of the following this method to inform his friends sia, Jaundice, Costiveness, ij-r- 117. adcisc all to try Hyson and Gunpower, diseases incident to the human frame. Shunt’s “ “ them.’’ And 350 Pieces of New, Novel, and and the public generally, that lie 500 bids. Pure Cider Vinegar, lilie 1 inifilisiii, Lameness, Sprains, Gout, lias opened a Cooper's Shop at the Rre. B. Hubbard's Family Pills, [prom the Portland Bulletin.] 100 boxes Oranges. Brilliant Xttples lla ir Dye. The tm diriaat ipinlilies of Brown's Sarsaparilla A: Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Piles, Humors, Con­ head of flay and Rankin's Wharf, 200 painted Pails, near the store of E. & W. Gay, Jiast Thomaston Tomato Bitters is spoken a f in tin highest terms by 100 boxes ground Spices. LONDON BRUSSELS CARPETING. tractions, and all external complaints.— Pain Extractor. for the purpose of manufacturing Iron bound all that hare used them. Ill adrisc tin invalid louse IU0 boxes Glass 7K 9, 8 !*S10, and 9 !*tl3. The whole Stock has been selected with great .Duel. Kelley's Perenro. It is also equally celebrated in the. cure of the Casks, Buckets, and Harness Casks, for ships and them, as they are rcrummended by minty o f our first Which with a general assortment of West India care. The collection of Patterns is rare and beauti­ following external diseases of Horses and Cattle: W ith others to numerous to mention. A other use. pliysicisan." Goods, will he sold at low prices. ful. The Brussels Carpets are particularly worthy Sprains, Galls, Cuts, Scratches, Rruiscs, LIBERAL DISCOUNT made to those Cash advanced on eunsignments of Eastern L. C. has spared no pains or expense to fur­ [From the Boston Daily Mail., of attention. In addition to the ahuve, we have a JYhirlhonc, Parlen, Cough, S tiff Joint, nish himself with the very best of materials, as who purchase puckuges of (i hotties or “It is with a great deal of pleasure we can say Produce. 3mnl3 fine assortment of PAINTED FLOOR CLOTHS, Film in the Fife, iSv. well as the best of workmen, and be Hallers him­ boxes. it 1 0 we are daily hearing new eases where Brown's CANTON MATTINGS, RUGS, of all kinds, and self that he can compete with any one in the Sarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters are elTeeting as­ It is no humbug—in proof of which the propri­ every article in this line. etor will himself, and hereby authorizes his A gents nianul'aetiire of the same. Ilis work will be fur­ tonishing cures in purifying the blood and assist­ SHERBURNE & SEAVEY nished to his customers at Boston prices, free from Fast Tliomnston ing digestion, alter all other remedies have failed H V have hut Ouc Price, in all eases to refund the money, where it docs not ------wholesale dealers in------give the most unbounded satisfaction. charge, at Waldoboro', 'Warren, West Thomaston, ------B O O K S T O R E .------to give relief. .Many of the pliysieiaiis of Boston and STRANGERS can purchase with the same con­ Camden and /.'ellast, have taken quite an interest in this compound. We HATS, CAPS, CARPET BAGS, fidence as though they were perfectly acquainted with L. Campbell also manufactures Cisterns from Genuine Patent Hedieines, can recommend it with the greatest confidence.— UMBELLAS, VALISES, TRUXKS, goods and markets. 1 to 10 llltds., at short notice. Persons wishing AT THE Don't take our word for it, hut try one hottie and f'licnp mid Splendid!!! NO. 221 WASHINGTON STREET, the convenience of .Soft Water, ran have one set EAS T THOMAS TOX BOOK satisfy yourselves. Cap Trimmings of all kinds, Litdich and ficnllctncn, ill theirCellar at a very low expense. Repairs of The above are lint a few of the many hundreds Ala nil I a Brushes, Suspenders See. Syc. Corner of Summer Street. all kinds done at short notice. STORE. of recommendations we could give. The above I HENRY PETTES &. CO Tin; lot of Paper IlnngiugK yon have been May 2b, lb 10, n!9 fiw* »*#They are sole Agents for that justy celebra­ T^OLGER'S Olasoninn, or nil-healing Balsam think is sufficient to satisfy any one. ted article, Ameriran Metallic Lustre; and agents w aiting Ibf has arrived ! N. B.—Always be sure to ask for p. BROWN'S . Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry ; Brown's for a celebrated Corel ami Tasstl Manufactory. (BAULKS A. MACOMBER, at the “ Out Shci'HI’s Sale. ISarsaparilla and Tomato Bitters; Sherman's as there are counterfeits and imitations which arc #*#Any of the above goods will he sold as LOW / Post Ot i n t;'’ BooIistohi;, ICast T iio.mastox, intended to deceive. C LINCOLN, SS: July 18, is 10. Worm Lozenges; llead-acehe Lozenges; and as can he bought in the city. lias this day opened a licit collection uf I. (> M Cough Lozenges. Dailey's l’aiu Extractor, it sure They are sold in Boston by the Proprietor F R E D ­ priced, medium and extra ERICK BROWN, (IS Washington street. W o FM1AKEN on execution, the same having been elite lor the piles. McAllister'; all-kealing oiul- JL attached on the original Writ, and will be melit, amlworld's salve. AG EN TS—E ast Thomaston, C. A. M acomiier sold nt Public Auction on Saturday the twenty- Brandrelh's Pills, Indian Ve<'etahle Pills, mid I. K. Ki.miiai.i.; West Thomaston. C. Prince; 3in FornhHl BOSTON. ill selected in Boston last AVeelf, by a Genlluimin of second day of August. A. D. is It), nt I o'clock Rush's Health Pills, Parr’s Pills, Poor Warren, Seth li. Welhcrbee, and Orris S. Andrews experience and acknowledged good taste. P. M.. at the store of llenrv Fnsselt. Jr., in Cnion. Waldolmro, W. 11. Barnard; Goose River, Henry I’i tti'iiAsiats will lie supplied at the lowest pos­ all the right in equity that JOHN II. GOWEN, of .Mein's Plnsler, II'iutI’s Vegeledde Cotzg/t Piper; Camden. Joseph Jones; anil by agents gen­ sible prices. Cnion, has to a certain lot or parrel of laud, with Candy, Sear's Bleiettl Reml Pills, Siijiar erally.— Price 61 a hottie; li bottles for s?5. IMPORTERS OF R em em ber, TH IS is not a si:eoxn-tiAxm;n all the appurtenances thereto belonging, situated E ast Thomaston, May 1-lth 181(1. 17 eoply. Coaled Pills, Oldriilf'e's Balm i f Columbia, CIIIXA, GLASS, EAllTHEX WARE CONSUMPTION, Sloek; every BOLL in MACOMBKK'S collection j,. Union (near Fassetl's .Mills, so enlleil), being iy;„. Tlirlin^lon's Balsam of Life, And the best medieine known to man for being fresh and direct from the Manufacturer.' the same that the said Gnwuti now lives mi. r»r • » /• r . u , i • • At same place can be had C'it.taiv, also I GE URGE JONES, Deputy bherilf. Hungaratu Balsam oj Ltje; Hay s Letaa- U E E E Y & CO.’S Asthma of every stage, Liver Complaints, Bron Concentrated Clicmicnl Extract of Paper Hangingn. C.Atter.T Pit'Kit, an excellent article lor saving your ■ Julv 22 IS HL ii27 3w. \ment, Jur the P ilo t; Johnson 8 Opodeldoc; chilis, Inllueiiza, Coughs. Colds, Bleeding of arjtets. nl3 No. 13, M f.iu iiants’ R ow, the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, painsand ------• ' Cephalic Suu [I'; Fjtraul o f Lemon*, Ren- I saiah Atkixs, weakness in the side, breast, &e., Foilllltissioiici’s’ A’oticc. 'son’s Jaundice Billers. All kinds of Hair Daxl. 11. Stedman, BOSTON. E have die pleasure of introducing to the and all other diseases of the East Thomaston Family Grocery r |q ll E undersigned having been appointed by f) supply af Thompsonian Citizens of Thomaston and vicinity, dial PI I..MDNARY ORGANS. • Mtdg«;ANDi85SJri- .1 the Hon. Joel .Miller, judge of Probate, for .Meilie incs. W most excellent of all Metlicines, which is so popu­ Cordage and Duck. A very important disease over whi?h this GBal- the Comity of Lincoln, uoiniHissioner.s to receive J. WAKEFIELD. larly known to die P uoit.ssohs or Medicine, Phy­ ' sain” exerts a very powerful intluenee, is that of a and examine the claims of the creditors of the HOLESALE and Retail, constantly oil PROVISION STORE estate of JONATHAN CROCKETT, Jr., late of E . Thom aston, May;>. Kill’ sicians and the public generally in oilier places, as DISEASED LIVER. hand and Ibf sale at Nos. 22 iV 21, ilittif South of Show 4* Dtniiis') i Thomaston, in said County, deceased, whose es j K E L L Y 4- CG’.S 5 J A'.SJ P A K IJ.L A ! W Enstern Rail Rand Wharf, Boston, j byIn this complaint it has undoubtedly proved more Hate is represented insolvent, hereby Kive notice ctlicacious than any remedy hitherto employed. 1 11. W . COCIIKA1W, And for the iruih of this siatemeni we would rail BOYNTON &. MILLER. > thiil six months from this chile have been allowed _OYER- attention to the Certificate of PROFESSOR - and in numerous instances w hen patients had en­ Boston, Feb. 9, 18l(>. n5 HERE may be found a great vnriety of, to said creditors to bring in sind prove their debts • AL M. 1/AEDING'S STGKE, CLEAVELAND, which may be found in another dured long and severe sullering from the disease, Sugars, Teas. Coffees, Molasses, Spices^ | and that wo will attend to that service nt the ' without receiving the least benefit from various MAIN STREET, column. Asa W Oils, Candles, Soap, BETTER, CllEEKE, EGGS, j oftice of James Fogg, Esq., in said Thomaston, remedies, mid when Mercury has been resorted to IIAMS, Indian and Rye .MEAL, FLOGR by the on the fust Mondays in July, August, September, EAST’ THOMASTON, PURIFIER OF rJ’IIE BLOOD in vain, the use of this Balsam has restored the bid. or dollars’ worth; Dried Currants, Citron, , October and November, and the first Saturd: MARLBORO’HOTEL, ^Livertoa healthy action, and in many instances Have constantly on hand it is infinitely superior to all other preparation Cloves, Nest Boxes, Cask and Box December, from two to four o’clock in the after­ ' etleeted permanent cuni’s, after every known rem­ at their shop, a eonqilcte as­ ever ottered, for it is only made from those vege- 1 TEMP Ell. 1XCE IIO USE. noon. OLIYElt FALES, edy had failed to produce this desired effect. sortment of tables wnieh are known by long and careful ex- , It.llSIXS FJftS, FREEMAN’ HARDEN, Jr. perience, to produce the most decided and saluta- ' JOII.Y VOli. , Besides its astonishing eiiicney in the diseases Dried Apples, Beans, Pork. Msiekerel, Yincgnr. Thomaston, J tine (j, 1MIL netvHf.KH w o rk . ry effects upon the Vital F luids. Thousands of 229, W ashington Str eet, above mentioned, we also find it a very elleetual SODA for bread. Cream of Tartar. Castile Soap; Those about purchasing living resj»celah|e witnesses there are of its vast t i remedy in Asthma, a complaint in which it has Brooms, Pails, Hoes. A:e., together with every m e invited to call and ('xam- superiority over all other articles for die cure o f- BOSTON. been extensively used with decided success, even article usually found in a store of this kind. S’W l'iS fll7!'W Sillil iue their stock, which eon- SCHOFL’I.A----DYSPEPSIA DP 1 S D K iESTlDX---- in cases of years standing. ' 'piulal Silver, Brass, J A I’X l>ICE— 1.1 V EIt COMP1. A 1 \ T — COST 1 V EX ESS (LT^AII who «ish. can here attend I'amilv wor- It not only emanates from a regular Physician Fruit mid Coiili’ctioncrj, Jtip,night and morning. , hut has also been well tested in all the complaints ----- lllTMOItS------KlIEt MAT1S.M------PIMPI.ES------constantly on band. K z3 All the above goods wil. Ueeeeeeel, Japitnued. anil Tin Mounted for which it is recommended. It is not my inten­ be sold UAY FOR CASH, mid Cash only. and for every complaint which originates in a tion therefore, to cloak it in mystery, or in any way I lei m esses, Double H a rn esses, Teeien Ced- morbid slate af the lluids of the body. As a i deceive the public by overrating its virtues; on the C A /. L A Ar I) S E E 4 lurs, 'Trunks, Valievs, Whips, anil Bells.— SEKENGTI/ENE/l (IE THE SYSTEM. ’ EXPRESSLY contrary. I shall simply endeavor to give a Uriel N. B. 311’l A’l’S o f nil kinds. Kept canstunl- ’I'lvzctlti'i' with ttlnuisl FVitv tutlilu iimiuIIv linuul ly on hand, as above. \Y. BRA D Bl’RY, A g’t. zil nu cMublisliinent ul'tliis kind. n every ease of general Drini.rrv; N ekvoi s Ar- FOR BOSTON AND BANGOR statement of its usef ulness, and flatter myself that Articles culled I'tir wlih li me nut on liund, will rEC UO NSj W l. AKNI.SS of the DIGESTIVE OllGANS and 1 i its surprising efficacy will enable me to furnish be I'tirnislicd nt sliort notin'. Bowels, this invaluable Medicine lias in very ma­ i such proofs of' its virtues as will satisfy the most Tru a lYrrk ! incredulous, that Consumption may and “can in; COMMERCIAL COFFEE HOUSE , * , ’l'lte nlinvc articles me made id' lliu best nut. ny instances been the only thing capable of per­ re forming a cure. cured,” if this medicine lie resorted to in time. A C A R I’):-— The subscriber, ever desirous to lentil:—-the woikiunusliip not t.xi i;;ii tit tiny These are some of the plain, and incotUestible , .Six f ii i. Portland, anel four Hired I Ojiiiiion nJ'a ru^ulai' Physician. accommodate bis numerous patrons, has changed estiililisliuienl. mid luiiiiot t'.tiL lo give i.srint; facts we have to show-, and as tfiis Medicine which ! the Dining Hour of his House, from two to one .Y. .1. A' eS. H. Hurpec, feilesf iie teem he Purchase es. Exeter, Me., Sept. 3D, lb 15. East 'l liotnaston, January, J'-10. nt performs such wonders is only 75ets. a Bottle, w ho , 1 This certifies that I have recommended the use o’clock.—and as it will add much to the conven­ would he willing to pay a much higher price for i of Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry for diseases ol ience of those travelling East, he hopes his en­ If.W 'IN G opened a V u r u i I a r v other Sarsapardlas which are • oni essedly infekiou ; the Lungs, tor two years past, and many bottles to deavors to merit then sitppoit, as heretofore, will W a r e li a u s e on Main Street, ' f . a s t f h . \ • /; i «/I. a.y 'u f lo this, and are only one third or half as big'—N-- I my know ledge have been used by my patients, all he tlulv appreciated. Board, one dollar per day. near the. lteud ofSleutn Boat Street, East II O T E L . one or covkse. Call upon our agents and receive : LEY I W ill I NEY Jei'Ollie cV with bendb ial results. In two cases Where it was Thomaston, would invite those Willing to r «qHIK Estal.lisluiienl. situated on Eastern Av- one of the CuieuLAits which accompanies the med- J I thought confirmed (inisiimption had taken place, * #«Corner of Milk and Battery inarch St’s..* trine, which are replete w ith sound truth! ILL leave Bangor every Monday, Wed- the Wild Cherry elici ted a cure. 3m BOSTON. n'j purelnnic, lo call and examine llti ir stock, J . entie, opposite the Easiera Rail Rail Road Manufactured and for sale Wholesale Retail, nesdayand Friday at li o’clock, A. M.. E. BOYDEN. Phvsh ian nt Exeter Corner, consisting ot’iilinost every article usually Depot in llo.-ton, which has la-vn built and litrn- and for Exportation by JOS. L. K ELLY A Co. andW Boston same days at I 1-2 P. M., touching at 1 50 tfCACKERY ! NO DECEPTION !! JOSia*ll IHM k lA , kept in a Eurnitari! W arehouse, which tslie.i « ill; a special mew to the iie. oniz.daliun e f Chemists \ Drkd.ists. all the landings and Railroad stations, per Cover- All published statements of cures performed by 81111* AM) MERCHANDIZE BROKER AM) t|u.y will si ,LOW’*/ as can ize EASILRN IRAN EL, No. 108, Middle Street, Portland, Me. nor and Express train. ihis medicine, are in every respect true. . i . i i and wall evert' nioderu improvement conducive Sota: Agi sts in E ast T homaston, are I K Leaves Bangor every Monday and Thursday at • IS inn t u f ('imnti.rfi its and hditutioiis. The un­ Com m i ssiim , llvvchuiU, bought elsewhere. lhe and convenience of Ladies and K IM BA LL A- E. S. BLAISDELL Be careful ’ I I A M . and lb ion, I uestlay and Friday at .» parallelled and astonishing efficacy of Dr. Wislars JH»R tbe purchase and sale of Lumber. Wood, Having good mid ellieient workmen, (iemlenien who may la-come its yuesis, nnd.-r the that you buy no Sarsaparilla but K E IJ.V A'Co’s. P M . pci Penob ot, with luiihful conductors as Balsam of Wild Cherry in all the diseases for which Bark, Oats. Ship Timber, Spars, Potash, we tire prepared lo niaiitiliieilire iiny arti- direction ol tin-subscriber. (Ian- ol'ilie Ris kin'!, and you will avoid imposition! Sold by S. B. usual. it is rei ommended, curing many eases after the Flour.t Corn. Potatoes, and Hav. ele in the CABINET business. Collins, li;"" House, I'ortsmomh. N. H..) who will uso Weatherlwe. Warren; Wm. IJ. Barnard,Waldobo-' '1 he undersigned thankful for value A’G. 20 LEWIS WHAEEe /iGSTdX- ellort to deserve public patronage. •ived. skill <>l the best physicians was una\ailing, lias \ essels W heels, Kt'., ninth' to order. rough; ftMiud also in all the lai ge towns in the New rely with confidence upon then friends to sustain elici ted a large and increasing demand for it. This J. II., will give his attention to procuring T. J. COBl'RN. England States. 1‘J 3m them in the increased expense of an almost daily fact has caused several uuprim ipalled counterfeit- • rld. ii i for Eastern Vessels. Merchants ot Thankful lor past favors we beg a con­ Express between the two « Un s. and trust that their ers and imitators to palm oil spurious mixtures, of' Farm er at the East having property that they tinuance, hoping hy dilligenee and atten­ efforts to facilitate communication as above, and borraiur’s Pilis, similar mime and appearance, lbr the genuine wish to convert to the purchase of Goods in Bos­ tion to our business, to gel a share of acconiinodale by their new (Mice. No I. old Post Balsam. ton, will do well lo correspond wiili him, as lie public patronage. NET TWINES. lr Ye?, tabic Universal Medu inc Curative, ot Hllice, Bangor, will meet with a lair share of Be careful and get the genuine Dr. W istar's lias facilities for tla* transaction ol' such business. LBS. Cotton Net Twines, from 0 ‘ Packages. Bundles. Specie, Orders, Bills, Notes, Consignments solicited mid advances made. N. A. oL^LD. Burpee, continue to car­ No. III. It, 18; 1. the French College of Health, established in Balsam of’ Wild Cherry. None genuine unless ry on th^^P.MN I INt. BI S1XESS as •XHHF ind d thread. France. The theory of disease on which Loraine’s Drafts, Commissions, A c , from the public in signed by 1. B u l l s . Address all orders to Seth W. lti.i i.i: lo .M essis. Vroelur ,V. Butler. Calef ,V Co. loilii II,s. sop. llax herring twine, 2 thread. 2not) Celebrated Yegelable Pills is founded, is this, viz : Boston, Bangor, inti rmediate and other places. Fowle. Boston. Mass. Joseph Soiilhwak. Bo .ton Joseph 8. Clark, ttstial. House, Ship, Sign and Drnauieu- lo , do , I thread, lor Salmon Semes, for sale by that tdere is only one piiinary call c of all the JERO M E A CO. AGENTS. East Thomaston. C. A Alacomber; Kendall's Mills, Fairfield. .Me. lion A. Johnson, tul puiutiug, and (zilazitig. WM. STO W E. ’ J ohn R. H ali., Agent, No. 8 Court Street West Thouiuston, f. Fogg; Warren, O. S An­ lion. D. W l.othiop. Belfast. Hills ,v. Clark. disorders that atllu t the human family, and that ----ALSO---- No. 3, Mercantile W harf Buildings, Boston. drews and S. B. W'elheibee; Woldohoro, \Y. II. Georye Thais Iter, Bangor Hon. P. Tuck. Sedg- is corrupt huinois ; or, in other woids, impuiity ol for (belwei ti City Wharf, and Baltimore P;nk« i Pier.) blood. J. Adams J ekomf., Ageut, No. 1 Old post Office Barnard; Camden, J. Jones. Sold also by agents wick. I m l Paints, Oil, and W ittdow Glass, American Depot for Lorraine’s Pills, 82 and 80 Bangor. generally. eoplynll sale. u5 BOSTON. C. A. MACOM/JEK. Agent, East Thomaston Washington Street, Boston. G A It L A A l> A 4 I A AIA <- IIA 11 1 The Culloii Tw me. here.a adterlised. is made AGENTS- East Thomaston. C. A . Macotuber, lust reei CST received at the EA TS THOMASTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, r.llC IIE S . ived a fresh supply ot fo.iu the best of Cotton, twisted very even amt Goose River, W. 11 Piper; Warren. O. S. An- II.O I K at CL.MLR S V arivty Store. Cheap I i imported l.c ekes, by E. S. Bl.AISDEl.L. aaiform. intended a- a u.b mute for eouunou drews. J BUOKTOEE Second Edition. uug.5. u2‘J ly. / lbr cash. June 21 [« w u23 J. WAKEFIELD atalti mure. Mat .‘0. IS Id, «17 uw rp yarn tw ine a'.ffiat